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Oystercatchers have recently increased as inland breeders in Northern Britain. Concurrently, they have been observed feeding in coastal fields in winter. It is suggested that the bill of this species possesses dual characteristics enabling them to feed on shellfish adn also to probe in the soil for terrestrial invertebrates.
The gross internal morphology of the bills of adults and young is described. A bony core contains large nerves running the length of the bill. These break up towards the tip where numerous sensory corpuscles are seen. It is concluded that the possession of a strong bone core together with numerous sense organs at the tip has been of considerable importance in enabling the Oystercatcher to exploit inland situations.  相似文献   

M. P. Harris 《Ibis》1965,107(1):43-53
The food of L. argentatus on Skomer and Skokholm Islands (Wales) was studied by the analysis of stomach contents, pellets and direct observation. L. argentatus is mainly a scavenger and exists for the most part on fish-waste and garbage discarded by man. At Ncwborough Warren argentatus feeds more on arable land and on the shore than do the Skokholm and Skomer birds.
Although argentatus frequently eats limpets Patella spp., there is little competition for food between them and Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus because the two species eat different sized limpets.
A summary of previous studies into the food of argentatus is given.
L. marinus is mainly a predator feeding on the young of other gulls, sea-birds and Rabbits but it also eats carrion, offal and fish-waste when available and during the winter. The numbers of Manx Shearwaters Procellaria puffinus killed on Skokholm and Skomer are discussed.
L. fuscus obtains most of its food on the shore and on arable land. There appears to be little competition, at least in the areas studied, between .fuscus and argentatus for food.  相似文献   

M. P. Harris 《Ibis》1967,109(2):180-193
A population of about 50 pairs of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus nesting on Skokholm Island, S. Wales, was studied between 1963 and 1965. Other information on Skokholm Oyster-catchers over the last 25 years was also analysed.
The adults were trapped, colour-banded and sexed by bill measurements. With few exceptions, birds kept the same mates and territories from one season to the next. Apparently the male is responsible for retaining the territory. Some Oystercatchers breed at three years but most do not do so until four or five. It seems that there is a high population pressure, preventing young birds from establishing themselves. The annual adult survival in the two years was 88% and 90% respectively.
The average clutch-size on Skokholm is known for many years, and varied annually between 2.5 and 3.3. The number of c/4 varied greatly from year to year. There was a seasonal decline in mean clutch-size and also in egg and nest success. Predation, especially by Lesser Black-backed Gulls, was the main cause of egg loss.
In 1963, 36.7% of hatched chicks fledged and 59% in 1964. The larger clutches were more successful and produced more surviving young than did the more numerous smaller clutches. Early hatched young are more successful than later young.
The average yearly mortality of birds between fledging and breeding was 40%.  相似文献   

M. P. Harris 《Ibis》1970,112(4):488-498
Between 1962 and 1966 eggs of Larus argentatus and L. fuscus were interchanged andalmost 900 young were reared by the wrong species. Many of these cross-fostered young were later recovered or retrapped on and away from the colonies.
The British population of argentatus is sedentary and ringed birds are not recovered outside Britain, whereas fuscus normally migrates. Many cross-fostered argentatus migrated to France, Spain and Portugal, areas where fuscus is common, but they did not migrate as far as the control fuscus . It is possible that these cross-fostered argentatus had followed their foster parents when these migrated, but this is unlikely as the cross-fostered fuscus also migrated although their foster parents would have remained in Britain.
Despite wide ecological and behavioural overlaps, interbreeding between L. argentatus and L.fuscus is exceedingly rare. However, as a result of cross-fostering experiments, 31 and 40 mixed pairs were found on Skokholm in 1968 and 1969 respectively. Although some of the birds involved were unringed it is probable that all the adults in mixed pairs had been cross-fostered. Other cross-fostered birds were found mated with their own species and it appears that the sex of the imprinted birds was important. Female gulls will usually only mate with males of their own species, or in the case of the cross-fostered birds, with males of their foster species. Males will mate with either species.
Evidence is given that suggests that the colour of the mantle and wings is important in species recognition at long range, and the colour of eye-ring and join of the mandibles for recognition at short range. The role of voice is uncertain but general behaviour is probably unimportant.  相似文献   

1. Using 41 years of data, we examined annual variations in the reproductive performance of the red-billed gull at the Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand and related these to changes in climate, oceanography and the availability of the planktonic euphausiid Nyctiphanes australis, the bird's principal food. 2. In 1994 the population began to decline, and between 1983 and 2003 it was reduced by 51%. Adult non-breeders comprised an average of 32% of the population between 1983 and 1994, but following the decline they averaged only 18%. The age at recruitment changed markedly following the population decline: 27% of 2-year-old males bred for the first time prior to the decline, whereas the corresponding figure after the decline was 38%. The proportion of females commencing to breed as a 3-year-old was not significantly different before or after the decline. 3. An increase in the availability of euphausiids increased the likelihood of breeding and the recruitment of young individuals, caused earlier laying and resulted in an increase in the condition of adults, egg volume of gulls laying two egg clutches, clutch size and fledging success. 4. The relationship between food availability and the number of pairs that bred, laying date, clutch size and fledging success was significantly different prior to and after the population decline. The underlying cause appears to be a compensatory density-dependent mechanism that reduced interspecific competition for food. 5. The relative abundance of N. australis was correlated positively with the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the frequency of occurrence of NE winds. The proportion of non-breeders and mean laying date were correlated negatively with the SOI, and mean egg volume of two egg clutches correlated positively with the SOI. 6. These results emphasize that availability of adult euphausiids is critical for red-billed gulls. We hypothesize that high primary productivity of inshore water near Kaikoura in winter, linked to a stable water column of coastal water and upwelling of additional dissolved inorganic nutrients, increases the availability of adult euphausiids to the red-billed gull as long as the coastal water is not replaced by offshore subtropical water intrusions of warmer, low-nutrient water.  相似文献   

Many gull species (Laridae) are opportunistic feeders with diverse diets. Seeds and fruits are common in gull diets, often in small proportions but sometimes dominant in certain periods and areas. Moreover, the large body sizes and high population densities of gulls increase their ecological importance. Hence, they can be significant seed dispersers even with relatively few seeds in diets. Gulls are highly mobile and have long gut-retention times, thus may provide long-distance dispersal for plants. Most information of the potential role of gulls as seed dispersers is from dietary studies, not focused on plant–animal interactions, thus the role of gulls on plant population dynamics is little known. Nevertheless, gulls have been shown to be effective dispersers of some coastal plants, and vectors for plant movement to and between islands. Here, I review this topic and hope to stimulate more research into the role of gulls as seed dispersers, particularly in coastal and island habitats.  相似文献   

Lesser black-backed gulls Larus fuscus migrate regularly along coastlines or the Nile to their wintering grounds in sub-Saharan Africa. They usually avoid the interior of the Sahara, but occur occasionally far inland when moving upstream along rivers. We discovered several flocks of lesser black-backed gulls crossing the western Sahara about 500 km east of the Atlantic coast. Their concentrated flight directions along a northeast-southwest axis indicate that the gulls were on an intended migratory flight and not incidentally drifted inland. Ground speed of 8 flocks of gulls averaged 20 m/s and was considerably larger than the mean air speed (12 m/s) demonstrating that the gulls were strongly assisted by tailwinds. Highest ground speed was 26 m/s. Warmest temperature encountered when crossing the study site was 13° C due to relative high flight altitudes of 3,500 m above sea level. Thus, lesser black-backed gulls migrated under favourable conditions with respect to energy and water consumption. Our observations strongly suggest that the gulls performed long non-stop flights between the eastern Atlantic coast of sub-Saharan Africa and the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The Ross’s gull (Rhodostethia rosea) is a poorly known seabird of the circumpolar Arctic. The only place in the world where Ross’s gulls are known to congregate is in the near-shore waters around Point Barrow, Alaska, where they undertake an annual passage in late fall. Ross’s gulls seen at Point Barrow are presumed to originate from nesting colonies in Siberia, but neither their origin nor their destination has been confirmed. Current estimates of the global population of Ross’s gulls are based largely on expert opinion, and the only reliable population estimate is derived from extrapolations from previous counts conducted at Point Barrow, but these data are now over 25 years old. In order to update and clarify the status of this species in Alaska, our study quantified the timing, number, and flight direction of Ross’s gulls passing Point Barrow in 2011. We recorded up to two-thirds of the estimated global population of Ross’s gulls (≥27,000 individuals) over 39 days with numbers peaking on 16 October when we observed over 7,000 birds during a 3-h period.  相似文献   

Duncan McCollin 《Ecography》2015,38(10):986-991
Previous work has indicated that the landbirds of Skokholm island (Wales) are not in equilibrium as defined in MacArthur–Wilson's classic theory of island biogeography. This study takes a new dataset with over six decades of data and investigates equilibrium on Skokholm using cluster analysis to identify periods of turnover stability. The attributes of the identified periods were investigated in relation to the MacArthur–Wilson model using analyses of change in numbers of species, S, from one year to the next and measures of variability in S quantified for each of the periods identified together with a consideration of the dynamics in the numbers of species by habitat groupings. Cluster analysis identified four main periods of which two middle periods appeared to be in equilibrium but with a phase shift in‐between. The first and last periods showed non‐equilibrium dynamics but plots of species by habitat groupings suggested that this was due to habitat changes going on at those times. This decadal long dataset indicates that the landbirds of Skokholm exhibit periods of both equilibrium and non‐equilibrium with the latter attributable to habitat change. The apparent phase shift in the equilibrium number of species was unexpected within the framework of island biogeographic theory and not easily explained using the current MacArthur–Wilson framework. There is a need to integrate the theory of island biogeography with more recent work on alternative stable states, tipping points, and phase (or regime) shifts, together with equilibrium and non‐equilibrium dynamics, into a single framework.  相似文献   

Hilgerloh  G.  O' Halloran  J.  Kelly  T.C.  Burnell  G.M. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,465(1-3):175-180
This study investigated the species composition, numbers and behaviour of birds in an intertidal oyster culture area in Cork Harbour . These data were compared to a nearby area free of aquaculture within the same estuary in March 1999. Species which occurred in the aquaculture free area were also observed in the trestle-area. The most abundant species were oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, redshank Tringa totanus, dunlin Calidris alpina, curlew Numenius arquata, black-headed gull Larus ridibundus and common gull Larus canus. Oystercatcher, curlew, black-headed gull and common gull occurred in significantly lower numbers in the trestle area, while for redshank and dunlin the differences were not significant. The percentage of birds feeding did not differ between the two areas. Oystercatcher, redshank, dunlin and curlew mostly fed in both areas. In contrast, black-headed gull and common gull generally did not feed, but surveyed the area. Whether the trestles were covered by oyster bags or not did not have any effect on the number of birds except for the dunlin. Dunlin were significantly more frequent beneath the trestles with bags compared with those without bags. In general, the percentage of birds feeding did not differ between areas. Interspecies differences occurred with regard to the position occupied by birds at the trestles. Oystercatcher, redshank and curlew spent more time underneath the trestles. Dunlin, black-headed gulls and common gulls did not differ in numbers underneath or on top of the trestles. These preliminary observations at a single time period give some insight as to the potential interactions between shellfish aquaculture and intertidal birds.  相似文献   

Generating trend and population estimates from bird count data is challenging and a variety of factors have to be taken into account. We present an integrative statistical approach for estimating population numbers and trends for seabirds at sea. The method allows for the integration of bird-count data from different sources and sampling schemes: offshore observer-based line transect and digital strip transect surveys and land-based point counts; the estimation of log-linear and highly nonlinear trends; the prediction of population numbers for predefined sub-areas, years, or seasons; and investigations of the effects of various environmental and detection-related covariates on bird count numbers. We applied the approach to count data for great black-backed gulls (Larus marinus) in the German part of the North Sea and Baltic Sea from 1990–2016. Count data were collected by observer-based offshore ship and aerial surveys, offshore digital aerial surveys, and point counts from the shore. The detectability of great black-backed gulls was affected by the sea state (the condition of the sea surface, characterized by wave height, wave form, foam, and spray) and survey method. Digital and observer-based aerial surveys detected only 59–77% of the abundance recorded by ship-based surveys. Great black-backed gulls are mainly present in German waters in winter, when they account for 3–4% of the European population. Their core distributional areas are mainly in deeper offshore waters where they are relatively dispersed, with several concentrations probably connected to fishing activity. Great black-backed gulls have undergone substantial declines, with the most pronounced decreases of >90% in the offshore waters of the German part of the North Sea. Breeding numbers at important European breeding sites do not show similar declines, suggesting that the trends observed in the sea areas might indicate a shift in the distribution or habitat use and a decreasing importance of marine areas for European great black-backed gulls. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

An interesting feature of this study of Oystercatcher foods and feeding habits is the growth and spread of inland feeding, which the authors consider to be a recently acquired habit. They suggest that it is inversely correlated with the abundance and availability of food organisms on the shore.  相似文献   

The diets of two potential competitor species, Audouin's Larus audouinii and yellow-legged gulls Larus cachinnans, were examined while they bred at the Chafarinas Islands during 1993, 1994, and 1995. Data were collected during two commercial fishing regimes: (1) trawling and purse seine fisheries, and (2) diurnal trawlers only. Since the food supply for the gulls in this area was heavily reliant on the activity of purse seine fisheries, these contrasting situations allowed us to analyze short-term effects, induced by daily changes in food supply, on niche width, dietary shift, and niche overlap between the two species. Overall, both species relied mainly on fish for food, especially Clupeiforms, in the case of Audouin's gull irrespective of the fishing situation, and in the case of the yellow-legged gull, only when purse seine fishing was in operation. When purse seine boats did not operate (food shortage), yellow-legged gulls broadened their niche, consuming equal amounts of all the feeding resources, and they showed a dietary shift toward a greater consumption of prey from refuse tips. In contrast, Audouin's gulls did not change their niche width, but showed a slight dietary shift away from the consumption of epipelagic fish, compensated by an increase in reliance on benthic-mesopelagic resources. Niche overlap was clearly higher on days when both fishing fleets operated, probably because a superabundant food resource facilitates high overlap without affecting coexistence between the two species. Since our study was developed on the basis of daily variations in food supply, and competition effects are to be expected on a longer-term basis, these changes can be seen as the outcome of the coexistence of two species in stable competitive equilibrium. Received: 4 October 1996 / Accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   

A recent increase in sea temperature has established a new ecosystem dynamic regime in the North Sea. Climate-induced changes in decapods have played an important role. Here, we reveal a coincident increase in the abundance of swimming crabs and lesser black-backed gull colonies in the North Sea, both in time and in space. Swimming crabs are an important food source for lesser black-backed gulls during the breeding season. Inhabiting the land, but feeding mainly at sea, lesser black-backed gulls provide a link between marine and terrestrial ecosystems, since the bottom-up influence of allochthonous nutrient input from seabirds to coastal soils can structure the terrestrial food web. We, therefore, suggest that climate-driven changes in trophic interactions in the marine food web may also have ensuing ramifications for the coastal ecology of the North Sea.  相似文献   

Although the breeding ecology of Audouin’s gull has been widely studied, its spatial distribution patterns have received little attention. We assessed the foraging movements of 36 GPS-tracked adult Audouin’s gulls breeding at the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean), coinciding with the incubation period (May 2011). This also coincided with a trawling moratorium northwards from the colony. We modelled the distribution of the gulls by combining these tracking data with environmental variables (including fishing activities from Vessel Monitoring System, VMS), using Maxent. The modelling range included both marine and terrestrial areas. Models were produced separately for every 2h time interval across the day, and for 2 fishing activity scenarios (workdays vs. weekends), allowing to assess the spatio-temporal distribution patterns of the gulls and the degree of association with fisheries. During workdays, gull distribution at sea fully matched with fishing activities, both trawling (daylight) and purse-seining (nightime). Gulls tended to avoid the area under trawling moratorium, confirming the high influence of fisheries on the distribution patterns of this species. On weekends, gulls made lesser use of the sea and tended to increase the use of rice fields. Overall, Audouin’s gull activity was more intense during dailight hours, although birds also showed nocturnal activity, on both workdays and weekends. Nocturnal patterns at sea were more disperse during the latter, probably because these gulls are able to capture small pelagic fish at night in natural conditions, but tend to congregate around purse-seiners (which would enhance their foraging efficiency) in workdays. These results provide important insight for the management of this species. This is of particular relevance under the current scenario of European fisheries policies, since new regulations are aimed at eliminating discards, and this would likely influence Audouin’s gull populations.  相似文献   

Herring gulls (Larus argentatus) are opportunistic predators that prefer to forage in the intertidal zone, but an increasing degree of terrestrial foraging has recently been observed. We therefore aimed to analyze the factors influencing foraging behavior and diet composition in the German Wadden Sea. Gulls from three breeding colonies on islands at different distances from the mainland were equipped with GPS data loggers during the incubation seasons in 2012–2015. Logger data were analyzed for 37 individuals, including 1,115 foraging trips. Herring gulls breeding on the island furthest from the mainland had shorter trips (mean total distance = 12.3 km; mean maximum distance = 4.2 km) and preferred to feed on the tidal flats close to the colony, mainly feeding on common cockles (Cerastoderma edule) and shore crabs (Carcinus maenas). In contrast, herring gulls breeding close to the mainland carried out trips with a mean total distance of 26.7 km (mean maximum distance = 9.2 km). These gulls fed on the neobiotic razor clams (Ensis leei) in the intertidal zone, and a larger proportion of time was spent in distant terrestrial habitats on the mainland, feeding on earthworms. δ13C and δ15N values were higher at the colony furthest from the mainland and confirmed a geographical gradient in foraging strategy. Analyses of logger data, pellets, and stable isotopes revealed that herring gulls preferred to forage in intertidal habitats close to the breeding colony, but shifted to terrestrial habitats on the mainland as the tide rose and during the daytime. Reduced prey availability in the vicinity of the breeding colony might force herring gulls to switch to feed on razor clams in the intertidal zone or to use distant terrestrial habitats. Herring gulls may thus act as an indicator for the state of the intertidal system close to their breeding colony.  相似文献   

R. W. Summers  J. Cooper 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):28-40
Summers, R. W. & Cooper, J. 1977. The population, ecology and conservation of the Black Oystercatcher Haematopus moquini. Ostrich 48:28-40.

The population of Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini in the southwestern Cape, South Africa, was estimated to be 2 942 birds. Birds occurred most abundantly on coastal islands and were also abundant on mixed (sandy and rocky) shores of the mainland. Sandy shores and coastal wetlands supported few birds. Black Oystercatchers bred mainly from December to February with the number of clutches present reaching a peak in the first half of January. The most frequent clutch size was two eggs, the mean clutch size was 1,81. No significant differences were found in either linear dimensions or mass between the first and second eggs. The mean proportion of juveniles in groups of birds in July was 3,6 % suggesting a low recruitment to the adult population. The breeding population at Marcus Island is apparently sedentary throughout the year. The primary moult season for adults extends from March to October (eight months). Introduced mammalian predators should be controlled on islands and important mainland breeding sites should be protected by the creation of nature reserves and restricting human access during the breeding season.  相似文献   


Pellets of indigestible material regurgitated by Herring Gulls Larus argentatus breeding on Lady Isle, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, were collected in 2018 and 2019 and examined for earthworm chaetae. Nearly two-thirds (65.6%) of the 314 pellets came from gulls that had consumed one or more earthworms. Significantly fewer pellets (57.6%) contained chaetae in 2018, a relatively dry May to July, than in 2019 (72.0%) when rainfall was close to the long-term average for May to July. There were significant associations between the presence of large quantities of terrestrial vegetation in the pellet and the detection of large numbers of earthworm chaetae and/or fragments of terrestrial arthropods, suggesting that recent consumption of these food items is likely when pellets contain large quantities of vegetation.  相似文献   

Determinants of local recruitment in a growing colony of Audouin's gull   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1. Local recruitment of Audouin's gull ( Larus audouinii Payraudeau) was studied between 1988 and 1997 at the Ebro Delta colony (north-western Mediterranean). Since its establishment in 1981, the colony has dramatically grown to include, in 1997, 65% of the total world population. Several hypotheses were tested, involving the effects of a badger predatory event in 1994, and sex, age and cohort (year of birth) on recruitment.
2. Results supported the prediction that colony size influenced recruitment: the probability for any individual to have previously bred increased throughout the study, together with colony size. At the end of the study, 90% of breeders aged 4 years had already been recruited at age 3, the age of first reproduction by Audouin's gulls. As expected by the dramatic increase of breeding numbers, most local recruitment occurred at very young ages, especially when compared with other Laridae.
3. Neither food availability nor reproductive success affected recruitment. Recruitment was not affected by high nest predation by the badger, although after the event, the proportion of Ebro Delta birds nesting on the nearby Columbretes Islands tripled.
4. Probability of first reproduction depended on age: it was the highest at ages 3 and 4, and then decreased sharply with age to stabilize beyond age 6 to a value depending on the year and cohort but always very low (< 5%). Cohort and sex did not influence local recruitment.
5. Annual resighting rates ranged between 35% and 82%, and were higher for females. This may represent a sex-dependent suspension of breeding, probably as a trade-off between early recruitment and future survival.  相似文献   

Herring gulls Larus argentatus and lesser black-backed gulls Larus fuscus breeding at Walney Island, Cumbria, the largest breeding colony of the two species in the UK, have recently shown very different population trends. The former has declined sharply, whereas numbers of the latter have been maintained for several years. Here we compare aspects of the feeding and breeding ecology of the two species in order to examine whether or not this suggests explanations for their different population trends. Comparison of the ratio of the two species in flight lines leading to different feeding sites and their diet composition showed that the lesser black-backed gulls fed more at sea and the herring gulls fed more in the intertidal zone. Urban resources were used by both these species. These differences have been consistent over the last three decades. Susceptibility to death from botulism at the breeding colony was the same for the two species. The availability of the intertidal zone for foraging appears to have declined in recent years, and this may have had a more negative impact on the herring gull. However, the breeding success of the two species remains relatively high. This study suggests that differences in foraging behaviour and food availability during the breeding season are unlikely to be responsible for the marked differences in demographic trends in the two species. Changes in local food availability during the winter would be expected to have more effect on the resident herring gull. This work highlights the need for more detailed studies of the ecology of both species during the breeding season and in winter in regions showing differing patterns of population change.  相似文献   

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