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在河北省赤城县大海坨国家自然保护区内,从2002年到2004年应用生命表方法研究了在同一网络斑块中共存的金堇蛱蝶Euphydryas aurinia和大网蛱蝶Melitaea phoebe两个世代的幼期各阶段的死亡情况,目的是了解影响种群动态的重要因子,为它们的长期保育提供信息。结果表明,金堇蛱蝶幼期总累积死亡率都较小,两个世代分别为59%和72%; 而大网蛱蝶总累积死亡率较高,两个世代分别为89%和80%。影响大网蛱蝶死亡的最重要因子是放牧,两个世代与放牧相关的k值分别为0.559和0.167;尤其是在越冬后大网蛱蝶幼虫组聚集取食阶段,导致两个世代分别有50%和25%的幼虫组死亡。寄生蜂在大网蛱蝶小种群下也分别使两个世代4%和9%的5~6龄期幼虫以及13%和24%的蛹死亡。金堇蛱蝶死亡主要发生在越冬期,与越冬死亡相关的k值两个世代分别为0.073和0.199, 而寄主植物的质量影响越冬期幼虫组死亡; 寄生蜂则对金堇蛱蝶种群的调控作用极小,只有在2003~2004世代有4.0% 的越冬后幼虫被寄生和7%的蛹被寄生。影响两种蛱蝶种群动态的关键因子不同,采取的保护措施应有所不同。在春季减少源斑块内的放牧,对于以源-汇集合种群形式存在的大网蛱蝶种群恢复和增长十分必要; 而对以经典集合种群形式存在的金堇蛱蝶, 通过适当植被管理提高繁殖区域内寄主植物质量,可以提高越冬期幼虫组存活率,有利于其长期持续生存。  相似文献   

研究对象是中国河北省赤城县闫家坪村的两种共存网蛱蝶—大网蛱蝶和金堇蛱蝶, 这两种网蛱蝶以不同的集合种群类型续存. 在此区域内, 适宜网蛱蝶生存的栖息地斑块是干草地. 在这里主要的人为干扰是放牧和耕作. 研究结果表明: 斑块内是否嵌有耕地和在斑块内放牧对金堇蛱蝶的斑块占据性以及种群密度有交互作用, 金堇蛱蝶在内部嵌有耕地并且适度放牧的斑块上的占据性和种群密度最高. 斑块内是否嵌有耕地对两种网蛱蝶的斑块占据性都有显著影响, 两种网蛱蝶都喜欢占据内部嵌有耕地的斑块. 斑块内是否嵌有耕地对金堇蛱蝶的种群密度有显著影响, 而对大网蛱蝶种群密度没有影响. 但是两种网蛱蝶在田垄间的幼虫组的比例有逐年增加的趋势. 两种网蛱蝶都是在适度放牧的斑块内有最高的占据性和种群密度. 结果说明在该类型山区的小规模的耕种和适度放牧对蝴蝶的保育是有利的. 斑块内是否嵌有耕地和在斑块内放牧对两种网蛱蝶有不同的影响. 因此, 在对有人为活动的山区进行保育规划时, 要综合考虑其利弊以及不同物种的异同.  相似文献   

徐汝梅 《昆虫学报》2000,43(-1):8-12
空间生态学 (Spatial Ecology) 近来引起了生态学界的广泛注目。集合种群 (又译作异质种群)生态学的理论和方法是它的重要组成内容。有关的文章在近二三年急剧增加。本文试图通过Hanski等人对网蛱蝶的研究,了解其所采用的研究途径,得到了什么样的数据,如何进行分析,最后得到了什么结果,并结合我们对网蛱蝶进行研究的一些体会,试图分析集合种群的理论和方法的实际内涵、特色及应用前景。  相似文献   

南陵县扬子鳄的种群数量及栖息地质量   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
1986-1998年,在安徽省南陵县对扬子鳄种群资源及分布区栖息地状况进行了4次调查。1999年对该县扬子鳄部分栖息地的质量做了研究。结果显示,南陵县扬子鳄野生种群目前只30头左右,每4年平均递减率约38%,分布于6个镇,7个行政村中,75%的栖息地已经消失,其中东河、三里、石铺三镇生活有全县80%的扬子鳄,而石铺镇扬子鳄密度最大,引起扬子鳄种群数量下降的主要原因是栖息地破坏,同时对鳄的捕杀,污染、天灾也是重要因素,其野外栖息地主要为两种类型,农耕区普通池塘和丘陵山地的山塘、水库,耕作区食物,栖息条件较好,人鳄矛盾较小的局部水域依然是扬子鳄最佳选择,但这类水域农药化肥污染已构成对扬子鳄的潜在威胁。  相似文献   

栖息地片段化与隔离对兽类种群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在地球历史上,栖息地的自然片段化在生物的进化过程中可能起着相当重要的作用。在人类历史上,尤其是最近几百年间人类大规模的经济活动对大多数动物生活环境的影响是空前的,其破坏性远胜于自然力。随着人类社会经济的飞速发展,许多动物正面临着自然栖息地片段化~丧失...  相似文献   

集合种群动态对栖息地毁坏时空异质性的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘会玉  林振山  温腾 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3711-3717
栖息地毁坏既有时间异质性,也有空间异质性,而以往的研究往往只关注其中的一种。将两种不同的异质性共同引入到元胞自动机中,模拟了集合种群动态对栖息地毁坏时空异质性的响应。发现,在随机离散的栖息地毁坏下,由于物种的迁移繁殖力受栖息地毁坏的影响很大,迁移繁殖力弱而竞争力强的物种先灭绝。在连续的栖息地毁坏下,物种的迁移繁殖力受栖息地毁坏的影响较小,物种的灭绝由竞争力和迁移繁殖力共同决定:在有绝对优势种的群落里,种间竞争显著,弱物种先灭绝,而在没有绝对优势种的群落里,种间竞争较小,则以强物种先灭绝。因此,随机毁坏不利于强物种续存,而连续毁坏则不利于具有绝对优势种群的群落里的弱物种续存。在实际开发某一栖息地时,根据集合种群结构和被保护的对象采取相应的开发模式。  相似文献   

生境破坏的模式对集合种群动态和续存的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋卫信  张锋  刘荣堂 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4815-4819
构建了空间关联的集合种群模型,该模型不但包含了种群的空间结构信息,而且引入了破坏生境的全局密度和局部密度两个指标,它们描述了破坏生境的模式.模型揭示了破坏生境的空间分布格局复杂地影响了集合种群的动态和续存,破坏和未破坏生境斑块的均匀混合不利于集合种群的增长和续存,而生境类型聚集分布可以促进集合种群的快速增长和长期续存;对于两种斑块类型相对均匀混合的生境来说,均匀场假设可能会高估集合种群的续存,对于相对斑块类型高度聚集的生境,均匀场假设可能会低估集合种群的续存;物种的迁移范围也会影响集合种群的续存,迁移范围越大的物种越容易抵御生境的破坏而免遭灭绝.这意味着在生物保护中不能仅仅考虑生境的恢复和斑块质量的改善,生境结构的构建也是很重要的,加强生境斑块之间的连通性也有利于物种的长期续存.  相似文献   

物种多样性对栖息地毁坏时间异质性的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栖息地毁坏是物种多样性丧失最重要的因素之一.通过多物种竞争共存的非自治动力模型,利用香农多样性指数,研究并比较了不同结构集合种群群落的物种多样性对不同程度和不同速度的栖息地毁坏时间异质性的响应.结果表明:在栖息地瞬间毁坏下,物种多样性先快速下降,之后得到一定程度的恢复,最终在下降中走向平衡;在栖息地持续完全毁坏下,栖息地毁坏速度对物种多样性随累积栖息地毁坏率变化的影响,只有在最强物种多度 (q)较小时比较明显,而在q较大时较小;对于栖息地持续部分毁坏,栖息地毁坏速度只影响物种多样性振荡的幅度,而不影响其变化的最终结果,并且速度越快,物种多样性振荡幅度越大,越不利于群落的稳定.  相似文献   

陈玲玲  林振山  梁仁君 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4506-4515
似Allee效应对物种续存是潜在的扰动因素,稀有物种更易受其影响,可能增加生存于破碎化栖息地中的珍稀物种的死亡风险;但似Allee效应对多物种集合种群续存的影响及其在珍稀物种保护中的应用未能引起足够重视。将似Allee效应引入集合种群动力模式,建立了生境丧失下具有似Allee效应的n-珍稀物种的集合种群模式,并以江苏盐城滩涂湿地中的29种珍稀物种为研究实例。研究结果表明:(1)似Allee效应导致n-物种集合种群多度作长期变周期振荡,原本竞争共存物种可能无法继续共存,甚至灭绝。(2)似Allee效应增强对次强种及劣势种的生存极为不利,导致次强物种由强至弱灭绝,劣势物种由弱至强依次灭绝。(3)盐城天然湿地丧失29%后,11种劣势物种的集合种群由弱到强将最终依次灭绝,灭绝迟豫时间为304~890a,这些物种即Hanski所指的"活死者"。(4)适度增加栖息地面积是保护珍稀物种多样性的有效方法之一,在盐城现存3200km2的天然湿地基础上适度增加1801~2064km2左右栖息地面积,可以有效保护29种濒危物种的多样性,同时应注意结合针对具体物种的保护措施来提高濒危物种多度。研究结果对物种多样性保护及自然保护区建设具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

生境变化对集合种群系统生态效应的影响   总被引:26,自引:15,他引:11  
林振山 《生态学报》2003,23(3):480-485
通过大量的数值模拟发现 :生境恢复或扩展将导致集合种群的强弱序由自然数的顺序规律演变为奇数种群强 -偶数种群弱 ,同时集合种群里的最优秀种群将迅速扩张、发展为更为强大的最优势种。而当生境遭受到破坏 (毁坏 ) ,集合种群里的最优秀种群将迅速地伦为最弱者。如果栖息地的毁坏率大于集合种群优势种对栖息地的占有率 ,不仅集合种群里的优势种群将不可避免地灭绝 ,伴随最优秀种群走向灭绝的种群依次还有第二、第三、第四强等的种群。同时 ,将导致集合种群的强弱序由自然数的顺序规律演变为偶数种群强 -奇数种群弱。  相似文献   

对同一网络斑块中金堇蛱蝶(Euphydryas aurinia)和大网蛱蝶(Meiltaea phoebe)雌性成虫的产卵地进行了调查,以确定影响它们斑块质量的因素.结果表明,2种网蛱蝶雌性成虫均选择体积大的寄主植物、周围植被高度低、开放的区域产卵,它们的卵块主要分布在温暖向阳的坡面.金堇蛱蝶的卵块距离农田边缘为3.55±0.33 m (n=246),且集中分布在<3 m区域内;大网蛱蝶卵块距离农田边缘为7.34±1.53 m (n=25),但在<3 m区域内的数量少.研究表明,由于这2种网蛱蝶雌性成虫对产卵地要求的特异性,评价它们斑块质量以及对其制定保护管理措施时均应有所不同.  相似文献   

In the study area (Yanjiaping Village, Hebei Province, China), grazing extensity varies at different loca-tions, small and discontinuous croplands are imbedded in some arid grassland, which are habitats for the melitaeine butterflies, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe. These two species of butterflies coexist in this area, in which grazing and cultivation are the main disturbances. Grazing and cultivation have a reciprocal effect on E. aurinia, rather than M. phoebe. We observed that E. aurinia preferred to occupy patches with moderate grazing and imbedded with small and discontinuous croplands, where E. aurinia also has high population density. The percentage of E. aurinia larval groups in the ribbings was significantly higher than that of M. phoebe, whereas larvae of both species tended to increase in recent years. Our data also showed that the population density and the patch occupancy rate of both E. aurinia and M. phoebe were the highest under moderate grazing. It indicates that cultivation of small and dis-continuous croplands within the patch has a significant effect on the population density of both spe-cies of melitaeine butterflies. Thus, to artificially create or maintain semi-natural habitats, comple-mented by moderate grazing, might be an ecological strategy to conserve melitaeine butterflies effec-tively. Considering the distinct impacts of cultivation and grazing on the population distribution and dynamics of the two different species, human disturbance in the mountainous area might be strategi-cally involved in proposing conservation plans for the target species in the future.  相似文献   

In the study area (Yanjiaping Village, Hebei Province, China), grazing extensity varies at different locations, small and discontinuous croplands are imbedded in some arid grassland, which are habitats for the melitaeine butterflies, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe. These two species of butterfilies coexist in this area, in which grazing and cultivation are the main disturbances. Grazing and cultivation have a reciprocal effect on E. aurinia, rather than M. phoebe. We observed that E. aurinia preferred to occupy patches with moderate grazing and imbedded with small and discontinuous croplands, where E. aurinia also has high population density. The percentage of E. aurinia larval groups in the ribbings was significantly higher than that of M. phoebe, whereas larvae of both species tended to increase in recent years. Our data also showed that the population density and the patch occupancy rate of both E. aurinia and M. phoebe were the highest under moderate grazing. It indicates that cultivation of small and discontinuous croplands within the patch has a significant effect on the population density of both species of melitaeine butterflies. Thus, to artificially create or maintain semi-natural habitats, complemented by moderate grazing, might be an ecological strategy to conserve melitaeine butterflies effectively. Considering the distinct impacts of cultivation and grazing on the population distribution and dynamics of the two different species, human disturbance in the mountainous area might be strategically involved in proposing conservation plans for the target species in the future.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Mark–release–recapture studies were conducted on two species of chequerspot butterfly, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe , in the same habitat patch network in Yanjiaping, a small basin in the Taihang Mountains, north-west of Beijing, China, in 2000.
2. Euphydryas aurinia tended to stay in the habitat patches and to move to neighbouring patches, whereas M. phoebe moved widely among patches in the entire network.
3. The parameters of the virtual migration model showed higher daily emigration propensity in M. phoebe and in E. aurinia males than in E. aurinia females, and significantly greater average daily movement distance in M. phoebe than in E. aurinia .
4. The results are consistent with the previous findings showing genetic structuring among local populations of E. aurinia but not among local populations of M. phoebe .
5. Based on the genetic and ecological results, it was concluded that E. aurinia has a classic metapopulation in the study area, whereas M. phoebe appears to have a source–sink metapopulation.
6. In 2000, when there was an overall increase in the abundance of the two species, the limited mobility of E. aurinia resulted in an increase in the average local population size, whereas the increase in the number of local populations in M. phoebe was due to its high mobility .  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Ovipositing Eurema brigitta (Wallace) and Eurema herla (W. S. Macleay) butterflies were followed in the field to determine the nature and extent of the pre-alighting discrimination shown by these insects towards their only host plant, Cassia mimosoides (L).
2. Both species tended to search in areas where plants with long, thin leaves (primarily grasses) were less common, on average, than in randomly placed quadrats. Both species were also more likely to alight on non-host plants with leaves of a similar size and shape to those of the host plant than on non-hosts with leaf shapes dissimilar to that of the host.
3. The search behaviour of these monophagous insects was not so specialized that the butterflies never alighted on non-hosts; in fact the majority of alightings were on non-host plants and the pre-alighting discrimination shown by these insects is clearly not the prime behavioural determinant of their monophagy.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The present study used the mountain specialist butterfly Parnassius apollo as a model system to investigate how climate change may alter habitat requirements for species at their warm range margins. 2. Larval habitat use was recorded in six P. apollo populations over a 700 m elevation gradient in the Sierra de Guadarrama (central Spain). Larvae used four potential host species (Sedum spp.) growing in open areas amongst shrubs. 3. Parnassius apollo host‐plant and habitat use changed as elevation increased: the primary host shifted from Sedum amplexicaule to Sedum brevifolium, and larvae selected more open microhabitats (increased bare ground and dead vegetation, reduced vegetation height and shrub cover), suggesting that hotter microhabitats are used in cooler environments. 4. Larval microhabitat selection was significantly related to ambient temperature. At temperatures lower than 27 °C, larvae occupied open microhabitats that were warmer than ambient temperature, versus more shaded microhabitats that were cooler than ambient conditions when temperature was higher than 27 °C. 5. Elevational changes in phenology influenced the temperatures experienced by larvae, and could affect local host‐plant favourability. 6. Habitat heterogeneity appears to play an important role in P. apollo larval thermoregulation, and may become increasingly important in buffering populations of this and other insect species against climatic variation.  相似文献   

The False Ringlet (Coenonympha oedippus) is a European butterfly species, endangered due to the severe loss and fragmentation of its habitat. In Hungary, two remaining populations of the butterfly occur in lowland Purple Moorgrass meadows. We studied a metapopulation occupying twelve habitat patches in Central Hungary. Our aim was to reveal what measures of habitat quality affect population size and density of this metapopulation, estimate dispersal parameters and describe phenology of subpopulations. Local population sizes and dispersal parameters were estimated from an extensive mark–release–recapture dataset, while habitat quality was characterized by groundwater level, cover of grass tussocks, bush cover, height of vegetation and grass litter at each habitat patch. The estimated size of the metapopulation was more than 3,000 individuals. We estimated a low dispersal capacity, especially for females, indicating a very low probability of (re)colonization. Butterfly abundance and density in local populations increased with higher grass litter, lower groundwater level and larger area covered by tussocks. We suppose that these environmental factors affect butterfly abundance by determining the microclimatic conditions for both larvae and adult butterflies. Our results suggest that the long-term preservation of the studied metapopulation needs the maintenance of high quality habitat patches by appropriate mowing regime and water regulation. Management also should facilitate dispersal to strengthen metapopulation structure with creating stepping-stones or gradually increase habitat quality in present matrix.  相似文献   

张潇  陆林  张晓瑶  李冬花 《生态学报》2021,41(4):1303-1313
灾难地景观格局及生境质量演化特征研究对于评估灾难破坏力及其滞后性,揭示人类活动对自然环境的影响机制具有重要意义。基于Landsat系列遥感影像提取切尔诺贝利隔离区景观类型结构,借助景观指数和InVEST模型刻画研究区近49年来的景观格局和生境质量演化轨迹,使用CA-Markov模型模拟核事故对区域生态景观的影响。研究表明:(1)切尔诺贝利核事故改变了隔离区原有的景观结构,导致耕地、建设用地等人为景观数量大幅缩减,土地利用程度显著下降,但核事故未对隔离区当前的景观结构造成实质性负面影响;(2)切尔诺贝利核事故致使隔离区人为干扰减少,植被连通性和集聚度提升,景观格局总体向好发展;(3)隔离区的设立扭转了区内生境质量恶化趋势,由耕地形成的低生境质量区域迅速转变为草地、林地等高生境质量区域,区内生境质量极大改善;(4)切尔诺贝利核事故使得区内高生境质量区域占比提升34%,改变了原有以耕地、建设用地不断扩张为主线的景观演化轨迹和生境质量不断退化的发展趋势。  相似文献   

段鹏  陈文波  杨欢  梁翔 《生态学报》2024,44(14):6053-6066
近几十年来,随着工业化、城市化的加速推进,人类活动对自然生境的干扰越来越频繁,导致生境破碎化与生境质量下降。在流域尺度上科学模拟生境破碎化过程及其对生境质量的影响,对于提升生物多样性和生态系统功能具有重要意义。以鄱阳湖流域为研究区域,基于InVEST模型分析区域生境质量的演变特征;从生境面积、生境边缘和生境隔离三个特征维度模拟生境破碎化过程;采用广义加性模型和地理探测器探究不同生境破碎化过程对生境质量变化的影响与交互作用。研究结果表明:(1)鄱阳湖流域生境质量呈下降趋势,从2000年的0.7862下降到2010年的0.7807,再下降到2020年的0.7715,但总体生境质量较好。生境质量较优的区域主要分布在流域南部、东北部以及西部地区,生境质量较差的区域主要分布在各个子流域的交界处。(2)2000-2010年,鄱阳湖流域生境面积占比下降、生境边缘增加和生境隔离增加三个生境破碎化过程分别占总研究区网格数的34.70%、30.15%和4.50%;2010-2020年分别占总研究区网格数的34.80%、30.69%和4.40%;2000-2020年分别占总研究区网格数的40.82%、37.50%和5.46%。生境面积减少的网格主要集中在鄱阳湖流域的中北部地区;生境边缘增加的网格分布和生境面积减少的网格分布相似;相比之下,生境隔离增加的网格较少,主要分布在各城市的中心城区范围。(3)生境破碎化过程对生境质量具有显著影响,两者呈非线性负相关关系;三个生境破碎化过程两两之间交互作用对生境质量的影响呈现双因子增强趋势。研究结果可为鄱阳湖流域生态格局优化与生境质量提升提供科学参考。  相似文献   

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