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The influence of various proteinases on GTP hydrolysis was studied in membranes of human platelets. Of the proteinases examined, trypsin, acrosin and a recently described trypsin-like proteinase from bovine sperm, but not chymotrypsin, increased GTP hydrolysis. Similar to what was described previously for hormone-like agents, the stimulation of GTP hydrolysis by the proteinases was only observed at low GTP concentrations, with apparent Km values of 0.2-0.3 microM-GTP. Stimulation of the high-affinity GTPase by the proteinases occurred without apparent lag phase and was constant over a long period of incubation. The proteinase inhibitors leupeptin and soya-bean trypsin inhibitor blocked the stimulation of GTP hydrolysis, but did not reverse the effect of the proteinases. Treatment of platelet membranes with N-ethylmaleimide, which eliminates Gi-protein (inhibitory guanine-nucleotide-binding protein)-related GTPase stimulation by adrenaline, decreased stimulation of GTP hydrolysis by the proteinases only partially. Activation of GTP hydrolysis by the proteinases was partially additive with that caused by adrenaline, whereas thrombin stimulation was not increased further. The data indicate that, similarly to the proteinase thrombin, trypsin and trypsin-like proteinases can activate GTP-hydrolysing protein(s) that exhibit high affinity for GTP in platelet membranes. It is suggested that the proteinases interact in platelet membranes with a receptor site similar to that used by thrombin and that the observed GTPase stimulation is a reflection of a proteinase-receptor interaction with a guanine-nucleotide-binding regulatory protein.  相似文献   

In membranes of neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid (NG108-15) cells, bradykinin (EC50 approximately equal to 5 nM) stimulates GTP hydrolysis by a high-affinity GTPase (Km approximately equal to 0.2 microM). The octapeptide, des-Arg9-bradykinin, was inactive. Stimulation of GTP hydrolysis by bradykinin and an opioid agonist was partially additive. Treatment of NG108-15 cells with pertussis toxin, which inactivates Ni, eliminated GTPase stimulation by the opioid agonist but not by bradykinin. The data suggest that bradykinin activates in NG108-15 membranes a guanine nucleotide-binding protein which is not sensitive to pertussis toxin and which may be involved in bradykinin-induced stimulation of phosphoinositide metabolism in these cells.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases are ubiquitously expressed across the eukaryotes where they act as molecular switches participating in the regulation of many cellular processes. We present an inventory of proteins involved in Rho-regulated signaling pathways in Dictyostelium discoideum that have been identified in the completed genome sequence. In Dictyostelium the Rho family is encoded by 18 genes and one pseudogene. Some of the Rho GTPases (Rac1a/b/c, RacF1/F2 and RacB) are members of the Rac subfamily, and one, RacA, belongs to the RhoBTB subfamily. The Cdc42 and Rho subfamilies, characteristic of metazoa and fungi, are absent. The activities of these GTPases are regulated by two members of the RhoGDI family, by eight members of the Dock180/zizimin family and by a surprisingly large number of proteins carrying RhoGEF (42 genes) or RhoGAP (43 genes) domains or both (three genes). Most of these show domain compositions not found in other organisms, although some have clear homologs in metazoa and/or fungi. Among the (in many cases putative) effectors found in Dictyostelium are the CRIB domain proteins (WASP and two related proteins, eight PAK kinases and a novel gelsolin-related protein), components of the Scar/WAVE complex, 10 formins, four IQGAPs, two members of the PCH family, numerous lipid kinases and phospholipases, and components of the NADPH oxidase and the exocyst complexes. In general, the repertoire of Rho signaling components of Dictyostelium is similar to that of metazoa and fungi.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes from hamster liver were prepared by differential and continuous sucrose gradient centrifugation. The membranes contained a low Km cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (EC 3.5. lc) and calmodulin. The activity of the membrane phospho-diesterase was reduced with EGTA and LaCl3. The membrane low Km cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase was solubilized with Triton X-100 and then chromatographed on DEAE-cellulose to remove calmodulin. After elution, phosphodiesterase was stimulated with exogenous calmodulin; this activation was blocked with EGTA. Thus a low Km cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase has been shown to be dependent on calmodulin for “maximal” activity.  相似文献   

Catecholamine-stimulated GTPase activity in turkey erythrocyte membranes.   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Determination of specific GTPase (EC 3.6.1.--) activity in turkey erythrocyte membranes was achieved using low concentration of GTP (0.25 muM), inhibition of nonspecific nucleoside triphosphatases by adenosine 5'(beta,gamma-imino-triphosphate (App(NH)p) and suppression of the transfer of gamma-32P from GTP to ADP with an ATP regeneration system. Under these conditions catacholamines caused a 30--70% increase in GTP hydrolysis. The stimulation of GTPase activity by catecholamines required the presence of Mg2+ or Mn2+. DIfferent batches of membranes revealed the following specific activities (pmol 32Pi/mg protein min): basal GTPase (determined in the absence of catecholamine), 6-- 11; catecholamine-stimulated TTPase, 3--7; and residual non-specific NTPase 3--5. The stimulation of GTPase activity by catecholamines fulfilled the stereospecific requirements of the beta-adrenergic receptor, and was inhibited by propranolol. The concentrations of DL-isoproterenol which half-maximally activated the GTPase and adenylate cyclase were 1 and 1.2 muM, respectively. The following findings indicate that the catecholamine-stimulated GTPase is independent of the catalytic production of cyclic AMP by the adenylate cyclase. Addition of cyclic AMP to the GTPase assay did not change the rate of GTP hydrolysis. Furthermore, treatment of the membrane with N-ethylmaleimide (MalNEt) at 0 degrees C which caused 98% inhibition of the adenylate cyclase, had no effect on the catecholamine-stimulated GTPase. The affinity and specificity for GTP in the GTPase reactions are similar to those previously reported for the stimulation of the adenylate cyclase. The apparent Km for GTP in the basal and the catecholamine-stimulated GTPase reaction was 0.1 muM. These GTPase activities were inhibited by ITP but not by CTP and UTP. It is proposed that a catecholamine-stimulated GTPase is a component of the turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase system.  相似文献   

The effect of the inositol phospholipid-binding antibiotic neomycin was studied on high-affinity GTPase in human platelet membranes. At low concentrations (up to 1 mM), neomycin by itself stimulated a high-affinity GTPase. This GTPase stimulation was additive with that caused by the hormonal factors, prostaglandin E1 and epinephrine, but not with thrombin. At concentrations higher than 1 mM, neomycin reduced control GTPase activity and eliminated the stimulation caused by thrombin. The data suggest that neomycin by a presently unknown mechanism can regulate activity states of signal transducing GTP-binding proteins.  相似文献   

RacE is a small GTPase required for cytokinesis in Dictyostelium discoideum. To investigate RacE's potential binding and signaling interfaces that allow its function in cytokinesis, 10 different chimeras were created between RacE and the closely related small GTPase, RacC. RacE/RacC chimeras, containing various combinations of four RacE regions, E I-IV: E-I (aa 1-67), E-II (aa 68-124), E-III (aa 125-184), and E-IV (aa 185-223), were tested for their ability to rescue the multinucleated, cytokinesis-defective phenotype of RacE null cells grown in suspension. Regions E-II and E-IV were essential but not sufficient for the rescue of RacE null cells. These two regions, in combination with either region E-1 or E-III, resulted in rescue. Results presented here suggest that region E-II contains a crucial, yet incomplete, binding site. Regions E-I or E-III separately provide additional, necessary elements for RacE's function. The extended E tail of RacE (E-IV) may act as a 'sensor' of the bound nucleotide state of RacE and facilitate GDP to GTP exchange (possibly through interactions with a GEF molecule), thereby resulting in activation of RacE. This study provides new evidence for small GTPases engaging several distinct protein interfaces to mediate signaling in various cellular processes.  相似文献   

We report a 39 kDa substrate for cholera and pertussis toxins is present in D. discoideum membranes. This protein did not co-migrate with alpha subunits of either Gs (45 kDa and 52 kDa) or Gi (41 kDa) from control mammalian cells. The presence of GTP or its non-hydrolyzable analogs enhanced the ADP-ribosylation in response to cholera toxin, but did not significantly alter ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin. Divalent cations inhibited the ADP-ribosylation by both toxins. The possible association of this novel G-protein with D. discoideum adenylate cyclase may underlie some of the unique regulatory features of this enzyme. Alternatively, this G-protein may regulate one of several other cellular responses mediated by the cAMP receptor.  相似文献   

Ras-related GTPases of the Miro family have been implicated in mitochondrial homeostasis and microtubule-dependent transport. They consist of two GTP-binding domains separated by calcium-binding motifs and of a C-terminal transmembrane domain that targets the protein to the outer mitochondrial membrane. We disrupted the single Miro-encoding gene in Dictyostelium discoideum and observed a substantial growth defect that we attribute to a decreased mitochondrial mass and cellular ATP content. However, mutant cells even showed an increased rate of oxygen consumption, while glucose consumption, mitochondrial transmembrane potential and production of reactive oxygen species were unaltered. Processes characteristic of the multicellular stage of the D. discoideum life cycle were also unaltered. Although mitochondria occasionally use microtubules for transport in D. discoideum, their size and distribution were not visibly affected. We found Miro in all branches of the eukaryotic tree with the exception of a few protist lineages (mainly those lacking typical mitochondria). Trypanosomatids and ciliates possess structurally unique homologs lacking the N-terminal or the C-terminal GTPase domain, respectively. We propose that in D. discoideum, as in yeasts and plants, Miro plays roles in mitochondrial homeostasis, but the ability to build a complex that regulates its association to kinesin for microtubule-dependent transport probably arose in metazoans.  相似文献   

Summary Crude membranes from vegetative and aggregation competent cells of Dictyostelium discoideum Ax 2 were separated by a combination of differential and sucrose gradient centrifugation. A fraction mainly containing plasma membranes could be isolated. The high degree of purity was demonstrated by electron microscopy and by the presence of marker enzymes typical for the plasma membrane and the absence of enzymes characteristic for other subcellular compartments. Furthermore surface labelling with radioactive 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene-14C and cAMP binding capacity were introduced as plasma membrane markers. In the pure plasma membrane fraction endogenous activities of D-mannosyl-, D-glucosyl- and N-Acetyl-D-glucosaminyl-transferases were present. The activities in plasma membranes of aggregation competent cells were up to thirty times higher than in membranes isolated from vegetative cells.Short Term Fellowship of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).  相似文献   

We have characterized a magnesium-dependent guanylate cyclase in homogenates of Dictyostelium discoideum cells. 1) The enzyme shows an up to 4-fold higher cGMP synthesis in the presence of GTP analogues with half-maximal activation at about 1 microM guanosine 5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S) or 100 microM guanosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imido)triphosphate; little or no stimulation was observed with GTP, guanosine mono- and diphosphates or with adenine nucleotides, with the exception of the ATP analogue adenosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imido)triphosphate. 2) Both basal and GTP gamma S-stimulated guanylate cyclase activity were rapidly lost from homogenates as was the ability of GTP gamma S to stimulate the enzyme after cell lysis. 3) Inclusion of 25 microM GTP gamma S during cell lysis reduced the KM for GTP from 340 to 85 microM and increased the Vmax from 120 to 255 pmol/min.mg protein, as assayed in homogenates 90 s after cell lysis. 4) Besides acting as an activator, GTP gamma S was also a substrate for the enzyme with a KM = 120 microM and a Vmax = 115 pmol/min.mg protein. 5) GTP gamma S-stimulated, Mg2+-dependent guanylate cyclase was inhibited by submicromolar concentrations of Ca2+ ions, and by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in the absence of Ca2+ chelators. 6) Guanylate cyclase activity was detected in both supernatant and pellet fractions after 1 min centrifugation at 10,000 x g; however, only sedimentable enzyme was stimulated by GTP gamma S. We suggest that the Mg2+-dependent guanylate cyclase identified represents the enzyme that in intact cells is regulated via cell surface receptors, and we propose that guanine nucleotides are allosteric activators of this enzyme and that Ca2+ ions play a role in the maintenance of the enzyme in its basal state.  相似文献   

Antigen 117 is a glycolipid-anchored cell surface protein implicated in cell-cell cohesion of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. Previous studies have demonstrated that during cell aggregation some of the protein is released from the cell surface. Here we report the characterization of the enzymatic activity involved in the 117 antigen release. The data indicate that the releasing enzyme is a phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C. The data also indicate that structural features of glycolipid anchors are conserved in a variety of organisms.  相似文献   

In the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, changes in free cytosolic Ca2+ are thought to regulate certain processes during cell aggregation and differentiation. To understand the mechanisms controlling free Ca2+ levels in this organism, we previously isolated and characterized an ATP/Mg2+-dependent, high-affinity Ca2+ pump which appeared to be a component of "inside-out" plasma membrane vesicles [J. L. Milne and M. B. Coukell (1988) Biochem. J. 249. 223-230]. In this report, we demonstrate that a high-affinity Ca2+ pump, with properties virtually identical to the isolated pump, can be detected in filipin- or digitonin-permeabilized cells of Dictyostelium. Moreover, Ca2+-pumping vesicles, which migrate on Percoll/KCl gradients like the vesicles identified earlier, can be isolated from the permeabilized cells. Results of additional experiments suggest that this intracellular Ca2+ transporter is associated with a high-capacity non-IP3-releasable Ca2+ store which is generated by endocytosis. A possible role for this store in maintaining Ca2+ homeostasis in Dictyostelium is discussed.  相似文献   

Rab GTPases are molecular switches with essential roles in mediating vesicular trafficking and establishing organelle identity. The conversion from the inactive, cytosolic to the membrane-bound, active species and back is tightly controlled by regulatory proteins. Recently, the roles of membrane properties and lipid composition of different target organelles in determining the activity state of Rabs have come to light. The investigation of several Rab guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) has revealed principles of how the recruitment via lipid interactions and the spatial confinement on the membrane surface contribute to spatiotemporal specificity in the Rab GTPase network. This paints an intricate picture of the control mechanisms in Rab activation and highlights the importance of the membrane lipid code in the organization of the endomembrane system.  相似文献   

Cellular proliferation of rat glioma C6 BU1 cells in tissue culture is dependent on the presence of either calf or foetal-calf serum in the medium. Foetal-calf serum stimulated a high-affinity GTPase in membranes derived from C6 BU1 cells. Pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin decreased the high-affinity GTPase activity substantially, and attenuated the foetal-calf-serum-stimulated increase in this GTPase activity. Cholera toxin, in contrast, did not modulate the response to foetal-calf serum. Foetal-calf serum did not inhibit adenylate cyclase activity in membranes of these cells, indicating that the G-protein that was stimulated by foetal-calf serum was not Gi (the inhibitory one). Although the nature of the specific component of foetal-calf serum responsible for this pertussis-toxin-sensitive receptor-mediated stimulation of high-affinity GTPase activity has not been identified, it was mimicked neither by bombesin, which can stimulate inositol phospholipid turnover via a guanine nucleotide binding protein, nor by platelet-derived growth factor, which is present in substantial concentrations in foetal-calf serum. This report represents the first demonstration of a pertussis-toxin-substrate-mediated response in this cell line and provides further evidence that G-proteins other than Gi can be functionally inactivated by pertussis toxin.  相似文献   

The effect of regucalcin, a regulatory protein of Ca2+ signaling, on guanosine-5-triphosphatase (GTPase) activity in isolated rat liver plasma membranes was investigated. GTPase activity was significantly increased by the addition of Ca2+ (25–100 M) in the enzyme reaction mixture. Such an increase was not seen by other metals (Mg, Co, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Mn) with 50 M. The activatory effect of calcium (50 M) was significantly decreased by calmodulin (2.5 and 5 g/ml), indicating that it does not depend on calmodulin. The presence of regucalcin (0.1–0.5 M) in the enzyme reaction mixture caused a significant increase in GTPase activity. This increase was not significantly enhanced by calcium (50 M). GTPase activity was significantly increased by dithiothreitol (DTT; 5 mM), a protecting reagent of thiol (SH)-groups, while it was decreased by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM; 5 mM), a modifying reagent of SH-groups. The effect of calcium or regucalcin in increasing GTPase activity was not seen in the presence of NEM. Also, the activatory effect of calcium or regucalcin on GTPase was not seen in the presence of vanadate, an inhibitor of protein phosphorylation, which could inhibit GTPase activity. Moreover, the effect of regucalcin was not seen in the presence of digitonin (0.01%), a solubilizing reagent of membranous lipids, while the effect of calcium was not inhibited by digitonin. The present study demonstrates that regucalcin has an activatory effect on GTPase activity independently of Ca2+ in rat liver plasma membranes.  相似文献   

A new procedure for the purification of plasma membranes of Dictyostelium discoideum is described. Cells are broken by vigorously stirring in the presence of glass beads, and plasma membranes are isolated by equilibrium sucrose density centrifugation. The purified membranes are considerably enriched in alkaline phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase and contain very low levels of succinate dehydrogenase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase. The purified membranes contain relatively high levels of phospholipid, sterol and carbohydrate. They appear as a relatively homogeneous population of membrane vesicles in the electron microscope. This new method of purification is compared to previously published procedures which have been found to be unsuitable for our purposes.  相似文献   

We prepared a probe of radiolabeled, glutaraldehyde cross-linked filamentous actin (F-actin) to study binding of actin to membranes of Dictyostelium discoideum. The probe bound to membranes or detergent extracts of membranes with a high affinity and in a saturable manner. The binding could be reduced by boiling of either the actin probe or the membranes, or by addition of excess native F-actin, but not by addition of an equivalent amount of bovine serum albumin, to the assay. The probe labeled several proteins when used to overlay sodium dodecyl sulfate gels of Dictyostelium membranes. One of these labeled proteins was a 24,000-mol-wt protein (p24), which was soluble only in the presence of a high concentration of sodium deoxycholate (5%, wt/vol) at room temperature or above. The p24 was purified by selective detergent extraction and column chromatography. When tested in a novel two-phase binding assay, p24 bound both native monomeric actin (G-actin) and F-actin in a specific manner. In this assay, G-actin bound p24 with a submicromolar affinity.  相似文献   

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