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Does androgen influence prolactin secretion?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In both intact and castrated male and female rats, administration of the A-ring reduced androgen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), consistently failed to stimulate prolactin (PRL) secretion although it inhibited LH release and, in males, stimulated ventral prostate growth. In intact females, but not in the other types of rat, DHT actually suppressed PRL release. These findings do not support generalizations, based entirely on findings with testosterone, that both "androgens" and estrogens exert stimulatory actions on PRL secretion. The distinct stimulatory effects of testosterone and its esters on PRL secretion seem attributable, not to their androgenic actions per se, but to the ability of testosterone to form estrogenic metabolites. This ability does not appear to be shared by the "pure" androgen, DHT.  相似文献   

The process by which a single follicle is selected to ovulate while others regress is unknown in ewes. If the dominant follicle secretes substances that directly inhibit the growth of other follicles, the superovulatory response to the administration of exogenous gonadotrophins may be blunted. Administration of 1250 iu pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) before or after the emergence of the dominant follicle in the follicular phase, or 1000 iu PMSG in the presence or absence of a large healthy or atretic follicle during the luteal phase did not affect the induced ovulatory response. Comparisons between the ovary with or without the dominant follicle did not reveal any differences in ovulatory response to PMSG. The in-vitro features (i.e. mitotic index, oestradiol and testosterone production) of follicles ipsilateral or contralateral to the dominant follicle during the early and late follicular phases were also similar. If the dominant follicle secretes substances detrimental to the other follicles, this could be mimicked in vitro. Co-culture of small follicles with the largest follicles in a closed system did not reduce their incorporation of 3H thymidine in granulosa cells, compared with small follicles cultured alone. These data suggest that dominance is probably not operative in sheep. The administration of 500 iu of PMSG during the midfollicular phase increased ovulation rate in Merino ewes, indicating that dominance is essentially passive in ewes and can easily be overcome by raising gonadotrophin concentration.  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine and butyrylthiocholine has been observed in aqueous extracts from petunia pollen and pistils. The reproductive organs of self-compatible clone showed a higher rate of choline ester hydrolysis than those of self-incompatible clone. The highest rate of acetylthiocholine hydrolysis blocked by the cholinesterase inhibitors (physostigmine and neostigmine) was characteristic for the pollen of self-compatible clone. The incomplete (25 - 40 %) inhibition of hydrolysis in pistil extracts of self-compatible clone suggests the presence of unspecific esterases. The eight-fold lower hydrolysis was observed in the pistils of self-incompatible clone as compared to the pistils of compatible clone; neostigmine completely blocked this low hydrolytic activity. The treatment of flower buds with physostigmine and neostigmine (10-5 - 10-3 M) decreased the seed production by 10 - 20 % in compatible clone. When the surfaces of pistil stigmae were treated with physostigmine and neostigmine (10-5 - 10-3 M) before pollination, the seed formation was inhibited by 95 % after both self- and cross-pollination. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Radon bath is a well-established modality of balneotherapy for the management of degenerative musculoskeletal disorders. The present study was conducted to ascertain whether baths of relatively low (80 Bq/l) radon concentration have any influence on the functioning of the endocrine system. In the study, a non-randomized pilot study, 27 patients with degenerative musculoskeletal disorders received 30-min radon baths (of 31–32°C temperature and 80 Bq/l average radon concentration) daily, for 15 days. Twenty-five patients with matching pathologies were subjected to balneotherapy according to the same protocol, using thermal water with negligible radon content (6 Bq/l). Serum thyroid stimulating hormone, prolactin, cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and dehydroepiandrosterone levels were measured before and after a balneotherapy course of 15 sessions. Comparison of the accumulated data using the Wilcoxon test did not reveal any significant difference between pre- and post-treatment values or between the two patient groups. It is noted that while the beneficial effects of balneotherapy with radon-containing water on degenerative disorders is widely known, only few data have been published in the literature on its effect on endocrine functions. The present study failed to demonstrate any substantial effect of thermal water with relatively low radon content on the functioning of the endocrine system.  相似文献   

Does the circadian system regulate lactation?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental variables such as photoperiod, heat, stress, nutrition and other external factors have profound effects on quality and quantity of a dairy cow's milk. The way in which the environment interacts with genotype to impact milk production is unknown; however, evidence from our laboratory suggests that circadian clocks play a role. Daily and seasonal endocrine rhythms are coordinated in mammals by the master circadian clock in the hypothalamus. Peripheral clocks are distributed in every organ and coordinated by signals from the master clock. We and others have shown that there is a circadian clock in the mammary gland. Approximately 7% of the genes expressed during lactation had circadian patterns including core clock and metabolic genes. Amplitude changes occurred in the core mammary clock genes during the transition from pregnancy to lactation and were coordinated with changes in molecular clocks among multiple tissues. In vitro studies using a bovine mammary cell line showed that external stimulation synchronized mammary clocks, and expression of the core clock gene, BMAL1, was induced by lactogens. Female clock/clock mutant mice, which have disrupted circadian rhythms, have impaired mammary development and their offspring failed to thrive suggesting that the dam's milk production was not adequate enough to nourish their young. We envision that, in mammals, during the transition from pregnancy to lactation the master clock is modified by environmental and physiological cues that it receives, including photoperiod length. In turn, the master clock coordinates changes in endocrine milieu that signals peripheral tissues. In dairy cows, it is clear that changes in photoperiod during the dry period and/or during lactation influences milk production. We believe that the photoperiod effect on milk production is mediated, in part by the 'setting' of the master clock with light, which modifies peripheral circadian clocks including the mammary core clock and subsequently impacts milk yield and may impact milk composition.  相似文献   

Three experiments were done to determine if endogenous opioid peptides (EOPs) mediate the effects of photoperiod on release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (Prl) in ovariectomized (OVX) ewes. Intravenous infusions of 0.5 naloxone X h-1 X kg body weight-1 for 3.5 h increased (P less than 0.01) mean plasma concentrations of LH and decreased (P less than 0.025) mean interpulse interval (period) of LH pulses in OVX ewes exposed to long day lengths (16L:8D). Infusions of either 1.0 or 2.5 mg morphine-SO4 X h-1 X kg-1 for 3 h increased (P less than 0.005) the period of LH pulses and increased (P less than 0.005) concentrations of Prl in OVX ewes during the breeding season. In OVX ewes exposed to long (16L:8D) or short (8L:16D) day lengths infusions of naloxone increased (P less than 0.05) mean concentrations of LH, whereas morphine decreased (P less than 0.01) mean concentrations of LH. These effects were attributed to changes in period of LH pulses (P less than 0.001). The drug X photoperiod interactions were not significant for LH parameters. Naloxone did not affect Prl release in either long- or short-day groups, but morphine increased (P less than 0.001) Prl release during long and short day lengths. The effect of morphine on Prl release was more pronounced in ewes exposed to long day lengths than in those exposed to short day lengths. In conclusion, EOPs inhibit the LH pulse generator in OVX ewes. However, it is doubtful that the EOPs mediate the steroid-independent effects of photoperiod on LH release. The results also suggest that photoperiod may influence Prl release via opiate neurons.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic anti-cancer agents induce apoptosis in tumor and normal tissues. Therefore, it is important to investigate which factors determine these apoptotic processes and hence their likely impact on therapeutic gain. Radiation-induced apoptosis in tumors may be inhibited due to mutations of apoptotic elements or to tumor microenvironmental conditions arising from vascular insufficiency. Tumors typically contain regions of hypoxia, low glucose and acidosis. Hypoxic cells compromise treatment partly because of reduced fixation of damage during radiotherapy and partly because they promote a more malignant phenotype. There is also evidence that hypoxia may inhibit apoptosis. For some cell types, concurrent hypoxia may modulate radiation-induced apoptosis while, for others, post-irradiation hypoxia may be required. This may reflect the activity of different apoptotic pathways. Pathways involving mitochondrial components as well as regulation of SAPK and Fas have been implicated. In addition, several key stages in apoptosis are sensitive to depletion of cellular energy reserves, which results from hypoxia and low glucose conditions. There is also evidence that low pH in tumors can interfere with radiation-induced apoptosis, partly through cell cycle arrest and other undefined mechanisms. Conclusions: Hypoxia, low glucose and acidosis influence radiation-induced apoptosis and thus may be detrimental to radiotherapy.  相似文献   


Electronic structure of the XeOF2 molecule and its two complexes with HX (X= F, Cl, Br, I) molecules have been studied in the gas phase using quantum chemical topology methods: topological analysis of electron localization function (ELF), electron density, ρ(r), reduced gradient of electron density |RDG(r)| in real space, and symmetry adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) in the Hilbert space. The wave function has been approximated by the MP2 and DFT methods, using APF-D, B3LYP, M062X, and B2PLYP functionals, with the dispersion correction as proposed by Grimme (GD3). For the Xe-F and Xe=O bonds in the isolated XeOF2 molecule, the bonding ELF-localization basins have not been observed. According to the ELF results, these interactions are not of covalent nature with shared electron density. There are two stable F2OXeHF complexes. The first one is stabilized by the F-HF and XeF interactions (type I) and the second by the F-HO hydrogen bond (type II). The SAPT analysis confirms the electrostatic term, Eelst (1) and the induction energy, Eind (2) to be the major contributors to stabilizing both types of complexes.


Season can profoundly influence activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and alter reproductive neuroendocrine responsiveness to stress and gonadal steroids. Here we tested the hypothesis that the inhibitory effect of a stress-like increment in plasma concentration of the adrenal steroid cortisol on pulsatile LH secretion varies with season. LH pulse patterns were monitored prior to and during the administration of cortisol in the same seven ovariectomized ewes during three stages of the yearly breeding cycle: breeding season, transition to anestrus, and midanestrus. The elevation in cortisol mimicked the rise in plasma level of cortisol in response to an immune/inflammatory stress. During all three seasons, cortisol acutely suppressed the pulsatile release of LH. This inhibition reflected a marked reduction of LH pulse amplitude and a minimal suppression of LH pulse frequency. Of interest, the suppressive effect of this physiologic increment in cortisol did not vary across seasons. This provides initial evidence that, in ovariectomized ewes, cortisol-induced suppression of pulsatile LH secretion differs from that of gonadal steroids in that it is not profoundly influenced by season.  相似文献   

Examining whole-body center of mass (COM) motion is one of method being used to quantify dynamic balance and energy during gait. One common method for estimating the COM position is to apply an anthropometric model to a marker set and calculate the weighted sum from known segmental COM positions. Several anthropometric models are available to perform such a calculation. However, to date there has been no study of how the anthropometric model affects whole-body COM calculations during gait. This information is pertinent to researchers because the choice of anthropometric model may influence gait research findings and currently the trend is to consistently use a single model. In this study we analyzed a single stride of gait data from 103 young adult participants. We compared the whole-body COM motion calculated from 4 different anthropometric models (Plagenhoef et al., 1983; Winter, 1990; de Leva, 1996; Pavol et al., 2002). We found that anterior-posterior motion calculations are relatively unaffected by the anthropometric model. However, medial-lateral and vertical motions are significantly affected by the use of different anthropometric models. Our findings suggest that the researcher carefully choose an anthropometric model to fit their study populations when interested in medial-lateral or vertical motions of the COM. Our data can provide researchers a priori information on the model determination depending on the particular variable and how conservative they may want to be with COM comparisons between groups.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering, dynamic light scattering, X-ray diffraction coupled with differential scanning calorimetry, and Raman spectroscopy were applied to investigate unilamellar (ULVs) and multilamellar (MLVs) dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles in aqueous sucrose solutions with sucrose concentrations from 0 to 60% w/w. In case of ULVs, the addition of sucrose decreases the polydispersity of vesicle population. A minimum value of polydispersity was found at 20% sucrose. For sucrose concentration from 0 to 35% oligolamellar vesicles in the ULV population have a minimum presence. Vesicles with 5-10% sucrose exhibit the best stability in time. For the case of MLVs, sucrose influences the temperature of the phase transitions, but the internal membrane structure remains unchanged.  相似文献   

We assessed the hemodynamic effects induced by the thoracic pump in the intra- and extracranial veins of the cerebral venous system on healthy volunteers. Activation of the thoracic pump was standardized among subjects by setting the deep inspiration at 70% of individual vital capacity. Peak velocity (PV), time average velocity (TAV), vein area (VA), and flow quantification (Q) were assessed by means of echo color Doppler in supine posture. Deep respiration significantly increases PV, TAV, and Q, but it is limited to the extracranial veins. To the contrary, no significant hemodynamic changes were recorded at the level of the intracranial venous network. Moreover, at rest TAV in the jugular veins was significantly correlated with Q of the intracranial veins. We conclude that the modulation of the atmospheric pressure operated by the thoracic pump significantly modifies the hemodynamics of the jugular veins and of the reservoir of the neck and facial veins, with no effect on the vein network of the intracranial compartment.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical works showed that chemical reactions in micro- and nano-droplets, bubbles and solid particles were strongly affected by their confinement. In particular, the smallness of the systems leads to high internal pressure compared to the external pressure, which then significantly modifies the values of chemical equilibrium and kinetic constants. In addition, surface tension or surface stress, reactional dilatation and surface charge play also a major role on the chemical reactivity. As living systems are also made of very complex dispersed subsystems, i.e. organelles, it seemed obvious to illustrate our theory by some biological actual examples encountered in pulmonary alveolae, in vacuolae and in medical applications, such as dissolution of gallstones.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen a shift in agricultural land use from pasture to arable combined with increased use of fertilisers and pesticides. In this quite hostile landscape matrix, pollinator movements between native vegetation remnants may be impeded. Linear landscape elements (LLEs) in farmland can function as biological corridors by facilitating pollinator movements and pollen flow between fragmented plant populations. The type of landscape matrix surrounding LLEs and plant populations, and LLE habitat quality may influence the effectiveness of LLEs as corridors for pollen dispersal through the availability of floral resources and nesting opportunities for pollinators. Using fluorescent dyes as pollen analogues, we investigated dye dispersal patterns between fragmented populations of the rare insect-pollinated Primula vulgaris connected by existing LLEs. We examined how dye deposition on P. vulgaris and within LLEs (on other co-flowering insect-pollinated species) could be influenced by the surrounding matrix type (pasture, arable field), the recipient population traits of P. vulgaris (flowering population size, flower display, flowering plant density and co-flowering floral resources) and by LLE traits (LLE length and co-flowering floral resources). Dye dispersal through corridors was significantly higher when the landscape matrix surrounding P. vulgaris recipient populations and LLEs consisted of pastures rather than arable fields (or a mix of both), even after accounting for differences in floral resources. A higher cover and diversity of insect-pollinated plants increased dye deposition when co-flowering within small P. vulgaris populations, but led to dye loss within LLEs. Large P. vulgaris populations appeared more attractive thereby increasing heterospecific dye deposition in the LLEs. Our study shows that farming practices shifting from pastures to maize arable fields have a negative impact on dye dispersal patterns, and so possibly affect pollen dispersal of P. vulgaris, likely through a reduced pollinator service. Corridor effectiveness depends on the type of surrounding matrix, and the abundance of floral resources directly influences dye dispersal patterns. Preserving the remaining pastureland is essential, but restoring rich flowering vegetation at field boundaries and along LLEs may also promote corridor effectiveness for pollen dispersal.  相似文献   

The platelet-activating factor (PAF) is an inflammatory mediator and it may exert some of its effects by reactive oxygen species (ROS). We investigated the effects of PAF and hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) levels in plasma and the intracellular antioxidant enzyme activities of rats. PAF administration caused a decrease in erythrocyte catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities and in the plasma zinc level. Following PAF administration, exposure to HBO also caused a decrease in erythrocyte GPx activity. These results support the hypothesis that PAF may produce free oxygen radicals and HBO enhances this effect. The enzyme activities of the antioxidant defense system were found to be affected by these oxidative processes. This is likely to be the result of excessive production of ROS or overutilization and/or inhibition of the antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the influence of vertical semicircular canals on the subjective visual vertical (SVV). SVV was measured on conditions with or without the rotatory stimulus in a head-tilted position, 60 deg back-ward and then rotated 45 deg either to the right or left in 7 healthy volunteers. By this procedure, it was possible to evaluate the SVV elicited by the excitability of vertical semicircular canals. SVV was normal on the condition without the rotatory stimulus. However, SVV was abnormal on the condition with the rotatory stimulus, especially, which was much deviated during the posterior canal excited. We conclude that the vertical semicircular canal influences the spatial orientation such as the SVV.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, changes in cranial modularity can evolve rapidly in response to selection. However, mammals have apparently maintained their pattern of cranial integration throughout their evolutionary history and across tremendous morphological and ecological diversity. Here, we use phylogenetic, geometric morphometric and comparative analyses to test the hypothesis that the modularity of the mammalian skull has been remodelled in rhinolophid bats due to the novel and critical function of the nasal cavity in echolocation. We predicted that nasal echolocation has resulted in the evolution of a third cranial module, the ‘nasal dome’, in addition to the braincase and rostrum modules, which are conserved across mammals. We also test for similarities in the evolution of skull shape in relation to habitat across rhinolophids. We find that, despite broad variation in the shape of the nasal dome, the integration of the rhinolophid skull is highly consistent with conserved patterns of modularity found in other mammals. Across their broad geographical distribution, cranial shape in rhinolophids follows two major divisions that could reflect adaptations to dietary and environmental differences in African versus South Asian distributions. Our results highlight the potential of a relatively simple modular template to generate broad morphological and functional variation in mammals.  相似文献   

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