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Mitochondrial respiration at low levels of oxygen and cytochrome c   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In the intracellular microenvironment of active muscle tissue, high rates of respiration are maintained at near-limiting oxygen concentrations. The respiration of isolated heart mitochondria is a hyperbolic function of oxygen concentration and half-maximal rates were obtained at 0.4 and 0.7 microM O(2) with substrates for the respiratory chain (succinate) and cytochrome c oxidase [N,N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride (TMPD)+ascorbate] respectively at 30 degrees C and with maximum ADP stimulation (State 3). The respiratory response of cytochrome c-depleted mitoplasts to external cytochrome c was biphasic with TMPD, but showed a monophasic hyperbolic function with succinate. Half-maximal stimulation of respiration was obtained at 0.4 microM cytochrome c, which was nearly identical to the high-affinity K(')(m) for cytochrome c of cytochrome c oxidase supplied with TMPD. The capacity of cytochrome c oxidase in the presence of TMPD was 2-fold higher than the capacity of the respiratory chain with succinate, measured at environmental normoxic levels. This apparent excess capacity, however, is significantly decreased under physiological intracellular oxygen conditions and declines steeply under hypoxic conditions. Similarly, the excess capacity of cytochrome c oxidase declines with progressive cytochrome c depletion. The flux control coefficient of cytochrome c oxidase, therefore, increases as a function of substrate limitation of oxygen and cytochrome c, which suggests a direct functional role for the apparent excess capacity of cytochrome c oxidase in hypoxia and under conditions of intracellular accumulation of cytochrome c after its release from mitochondria.  相似文献   

Methylococcus capsulatus contained extensive intracytoplasmic membranes when grown in fed-batch cultures over a wide range of oxygen tensions (0.1 to 10.6%, vol/vol) and at a constant methane level. Although the biomass decreased as oxygen levels were lowered, consistently high amounts of phospholipid and methyl sterol were synthesized. The greatest amounts of sterol and phospholipid were found in cells grown between 0.5 and 1.1% oxygen (7.2 and 203 mumol/g [dry weight], respectively). While sterol was still synthesized in significant amounts in cells grown at 0.1% oxygen, the major sterol product was the dimethyl form. Analysis by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry showed that the phospholipid esterified fatty acids were predominantly 16:0 and 16:1 and that the hexadecenoates consisted of cis delta 9, delta 10, and delta 11 isomers. At low oxygen tensions, the presence of large amounts (25%) of cyclopropane fatty acids (cy 17:0) with the methylene groups at the delta 9, delta 10, and delta 11 positions was detected. Although the delta 9 monoenoic isomer was predominant, growth at low oxygen levels enhanced the synthesis of the delta 10 isomers of 16:1 and cy 17:0. As the oxygen level was increased, the amount of cyclopropanes decreased, such that only a trace of cy 17:0 could be detected in cells grown at 10.6% oxygen. Although M. capsulatus grew at very low oxygen tensions, this growth was accompanied by changes in the membrane lipids.  相似文献   

The presence of low levels of oxygen may have profound effects on the cytotoxic activity of radiation, radiosensitizers, and bioreductive alkylating agents. As others have shown, low oxygen tensions may significantly alter rates of cellular and chemical oxygen consumption. When experiments are performed at very low oxygen concentrations, the opposing effects of oxygen leakage into and cellular/chemical oxygen consumption from the system can lead to unpredictable results. Use of a newly designed, highly sensitive Clark-type oxygen sensor has permitted accurate and reproducible measurement of low levels of oxygen. Cellular depletion of oxygen at various cell densities has been monitored for a series of oxygen tensions in solution and the corresponding respiration rates have been calculated. Although oxygen depletion was found to be quite significant at low oxygen tensions, not all oxygen present could be removed by cellular respiration. Respiration rate decreased as oxygen tension decreased and approached zero at low oxygen tensions. This result was independent of cell density. A model is presented to account for the observed effect of oxygen tension on cellular oxygen utilization.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO.) inhibits mitochondrial respiration by binding to the binuclear heme a3/CuB center in cytochrome c oxidase. However, the significance of this reaction at physiological O2 levels (5-10 microM) and the effects of respiratory state are unknown. In this study mitochondrial respiration, absorption spectra, [O2], and [NO.] were measured simultaneously at physiological O2 levels with constant O2 delivery, to model in vivo respiratory dynamics. Under these conditions NO. inhibited mitochondrial respiration with an IC50 of 0.14 +/- 0.01 microm in state 3 versus 0.31 +/- 0.04 microM in state 4. Spectral data indicate that the higher sensitivity of state 3 respiration to NO. is due to greater control over respiration by an NO.-dependent spectral species in the respiratory chain in this state. These results are discussed in the context of regulation of respiration by NO. in vivo and its implications for the control of vessel-parenchymal O2 gradients.  相似文献   

From long-term chemostat experiments, variants ofPseudomonas aeruginosa JB2 were obtained which exhibited altered properties with respect to the metabolism of 2,5-dichlorobenzoic acid (2,5-DBA). Thus, unlike the original strain JB2-WT, strain JB2-var1 is able to grow in continuous culture on 2,5-DBA as the sole limiting carbon and energy source. Yet, at a dilution rate of 0.07 h–1 and a dissolved oxygen concentration of 12 µM, even with this strain no steady states with 2,5-DBA alone could be established in continuous cultures. Yet another strain was obtained after prolonged continuous growth of JB2-var1 in the chemostat. It has improved 2,5-DBA degrading capabilities which become apparent only during growth in continuous culture: a lower apparent K m for 2,5-DBA and lowered steady-state residual concentrations of 2,5 DBA. Although with this strain steady states were obtained at oxygen concentrations as low as 11 µM, at further lowered concentrations this was no longer possible. In C-limited continuous cultures of JB2-var1 or JB2-var2, addition of benzoic acid (BA) to the feed reduced the amounts of 2,5-DBA degraded, which was most apparent at low oxygen concentrations (< 30 µM). At higher dissolved oxygen concentrations the addition of BA resulted in increasing cell-densities but did not affect the residual steady state concentration of 2,5-DBA. Indeed, whole cell suspensions from chemostat cultures grown on BA plus 2,5-DBA did show a lower apparent affinity for 2,5-DBA than those from cultures grown on 2,5-DBA alone. These results indicate that in environments with low oxygen concentrations and alternative, more easily degradable, substrates the degradation rates of chloroaromatic compounds by aerobic organisms may be negatively affected.Abbreviations BA benzoic acid - 2,5-DBA 2,5-dichlorobenzoic acid - QO 2 max maximum specific respiration rate  相似文献   

Endogenous and maximum respiration rates of nine purple sulfur bacterial strains were determined. Endogenous rates were below 10 nmol O2 · (mg protein · min)-1 for sulfur-free cells and 15–35 nmol O2 · (mg protein · min)-1 for cells containg intracellular sulfur globules. With sulfide as electron-donating substrate respiration rates were considerably higher than with thiosulfate. Maximum respiration rates of Thiocystis violacea 2711 and Thiorhodovibrio winogradskyi SSP1 (254.8 and 264.2 nmol O2 · (mg protein · min)-1, respectively) are similar to those of aerobic bacteria. Biphasic respiration curves were obtained for sulfur-free cells of Thiocystis violacea 2711 and Chromatium vinosum 2811. In Thiocystis violacea the rapid and incomplete oxidation of thiosulfate was five times faster than the oxidation of stored sulfur. A high affinity of the respiratoty system for oxygen (K m =0.3–0.9 M O2, V max=260 nmol O2 · (mg protein · min)-1 with sulfide as substrate, K m =0.6–2.4 M O2, V max=14–40 nmol O2 · (mg protein · min)-1 with thiosulfate as substrate), for sulfide (K m =0.47 M, V max=650 nmol H2S · (mg protein × min)-1, and for thiosulfate (K m =5–6 M, V max =24–72 nmol S2O 3 2- · (mg protein · min)-1 was obtained for different strains. Respiration of Thiocystis violacea was inhibited by very low concentrations of NaCN (K i =1.7 M) while CO concentrations of up to 300 M were not inhibitory. The capacity for chemotrophic growth of six species was studied in continuous culture at oxygen concentrations of 11 to 67 M. Thiocystis violacea 2711, Amoebobacter roseus 6611, Thiocapsa roseopersicina 6311 and Thiorhodovibrio winogradskyi SSP1 were able to grow chemotrophically with thiosulfate/acetate or sulfide/acetate. Chromatium vinosum 2811 and Amoebobacter purpureus ML1 failed to grow under these conditions. During shift from phototrophic to chemotrophic conditions intracellular sulfur and carbohydrate accumulated transiently inside the cells. During chemotrophic growth bacteriochlorophyll a was below the detection limit.  相似文献   

An oxygen electrode was developed which measures steady-state respiration rates in a volume of 0.25 ml and at oxygen concentrations as low as 0.1 μm. The steady state was achieved by pumping air-equilibrated buffer into the respirometer at various rates. The method is most suitable for tissue slices.  相似文献   

H. Löppert 《Planta》1983,159(4):329-335
Respiration rate, ATP content and membrane potential of Lemna have been measured as a function of the concentration of dissolved oxygen. Kinetic analysis showed that within the range from 1 μM to 20 μM O2, the respiration rate of isolated mitochondria and intact plants was a hyperbolic function of the oxygen concentration. The apparent Michaelis constant (K m ) for the oxygen of respiration of intact plants (1.15±0.08 μM) is close to that for isolated mitochondria (1.07±0.06 μM), so that diffusion of oxygen within the tissue was obviously not rate-limiting under the applied experimental conditions. The ATP level decreased in parallel with the respiration rate when the oxygen concentration was reduced. In contrast, the hyperpolarization of the membrane potential above the diffusion potential had already decreased at oxygen concentrations where the respiration rate and ATP level remained practically unchanged and was completely abolished at oxygen concentrations above the K m of respiration. This result is discussed according to the current models for electrogenic pumps. It is concluded that ATP cannot be the fuel for the electrogenic process under investigation.  相似文献   

The respiration of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , weighing between 15 and 50 g was measured at gradually declining oxygen levels and at temperatures ranging between 14 and 17°C. The maximum and minimum oxygen concentrations tested were 250 and 40 μmol L−1, respectively. Respiration rates were measured for 1 h periods before oxygen concentration was lowered by 12.5 or 25.0 μmol oxygen L−1. At the end of these endurance tests the oxygen level was returned to normoxic conditions and respiration rates were determined for the recovery period. Under normoxic conditions (> 200 μmol L−1) the respiration of coho levelled around 5.1 μmol g−1 wet weight h−1. At intermediate levels between 150 and 200 μmol oxygen L−1, the average rate increased to 5.8 μmol g−1 h−1, which could be attributed to higher spontaneous activity of the test animals. At low oxygen levels (< 150 μmol−1) average respiration rates dropped to values between 5.5 and 5.7 μmol g−1 h−1, reaching a minimum of 3.8 μmol g−1 h−1 at oxygen levels below 50 μmol Lμ. First mortality was observed in this range. After exposure to reduced oxygen levels the fish maintained a higher respiration rate when again exposed to normoxic oxygen levels above 200 μmol L−1. Increased respiration rates were observed for a recovery period of 6 h.  相似文献   

Light integrators with a linear response are not suitable for measuring the light climates of plants because plants are not linear integrators. It should be possible to make a quantitative allowance for this nonlinearity by using the CO2 uptake curve of the plant. To test this, we have subjected white clover plants to different levels of constant light, comparing the rate of increase of total dry matter with the net rate of uptake of CO2 per day. Temperature, humidity, daylength and nutrient supply were kept constant. The growth rate calculated from CO2 uptake agreed well with the observed rate over the light levels tested (3.7-88 w·m−2, 0.4-0.7 micron: 1 w·m−2 = 103 erg · sec−1 cm−2). All plants put on weight over the few days of the experiment, even those placed at light levels below their compensation point. The plants adapted their respiration rates to be a constant proportion of their growth rates. Most of the adaptation occurred within 24 hours of the light change. The adaptation of respiration has implications for models of light/growth relations in plant communities, almost all of which assume that respiration is proportional to leaf area and independent of growth rate or light level. The only model which does not is that of de Wit, and this gave good agreement with our results.  相似文献   

The effect of the oxygen concentration on the rate of oxygen consumption by 786 and TA3 ascites tumor cell lines has been determined under steady-flow conditions with a membraneless fast-responding O2 electrode and using ascorbate and N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine as electron donors. The reaction was initiated by rapid injection of O2 into anaerobically incubated test system. The time-dependence of the intact cell respiration showed three distinct phases; an early very fast but short duration phase, a subsequent slow phase that prevailed for most of the reaction period and a third phase which preceded the reestablishment of anaerobiosis. Kinetic analysis of the reaction indicated a linkage between the catalytic efficiency and the transmembrane electrochemical potential. The rates of O2 uptake, obtained in the presence of both protonophores and ionophores, were monotonic and pseudo-first order over 90% of the course of O2 consumption. Extrapolation of the observed rates to zero time, at which zero delta mu H+ and thus constant flow prevails, was used to calculate the oxygen concentration for the half-maximal respiratory rate, which was found to be in the range 1.55-2.10 microM O2. No noticeable variation in the value of this kinetic parameter was found between the two cell lines used. Possible reasons for discrepancies in published reports on the oxygen dependence of the cytochrome c oxidase activity in various mitochondrial and reconstituted systems are discussed.  相似文献   

A method is reported for the separation of S-adenosyl-3-methylthiopropylamine and other basic compounds in the eye of the sea catfish (Arius felis) by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex. One of the basic compounds was isolated in crystalline form and was shown to be S-adenosyl-3-thiopropylamine by chemical and spectroscopic characterizations and by comparison with a synthetic sample.  相似文献   

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