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Clarified cell-free extracts were prepared from rapidly dividing Bacillus subtilis cells and from rabbit liver cells. These extracts were treated with [3H]-phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and analyzed by electrophoresis in isoelectric focusing polyacrylamide gels or detergent gels. Not less than 14 proteins in the B. subtilis extracts and not less than 15 proteins in rabbit liver extracts reacted covalently with PMSF. These results suggest that PMSF is not as specific for serine proteases as sometimes supposed, and its effects in physiological experiments should be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Ecotin is a dimeric serine protease inhibitor from Escherichia coli which binds proteases to form a hetero-tetramer with three distinct interfaces: an ecotin-ecotin dimer interface, a larger primary ecotin-protease interface, and a smaller secondary ecotin-protease interface. The contributions of these interfaces to binding and inhibition are unequal. To investigate the contribution and adaptability of each interface, we have solved the structure of two mutant ecotin-trypsin complexes and compared them to the structure of the previously determined wild-type ecotin-trypsin complex. Wild-type ecotin has an affinity of 1 nM for trypsin, while the optimized mutant, ecotin Y69F, D70P, which was found using phage display technologies, inhibits rat trypsin with a K(i) value of 0.08 nM. Ecotin 67-70A, M84R which has four alanine substitutions in the ecotin-trypsin secondary binding site, along with the M84R mutation at the primary site, has a K(i) value against rat trypsin of 0.2 nM. The structure of the ecotin Y69F, D70P-trypsin complex shows minor structural changes in the ecotin-trypsin tetramer. The structure of the ecotin 67-70A, M84R mutant bound to trypsin shows large deviations in the tertiary and quaternary structure of the complex. The trypsin structure shows no significant changes, but the conformation of several loop regions of ecotin are altered, resulting in the secondary site releasing its hold on trypsin. The structure of several regions previously considered to be rigid is also significantly modified. The inherent flexibility of ecotin allows it to accommodate these mutations and still maintain tight binding through the compromises of the protein-protein interfaces in the ecotin-trypsin tetramer. A comparison with two recently described ecotin-like genes from other bacteria suggests that these structural and functional features are conserved in otherwise distant bacterial lineages.  相似文献   

A mathematical treatment for the general case of enzyme inactivation by an inhibitor that breaks down in solution in a first-order reaction is presented. Cathepsin D was inactivated by fluorescein isothiocyanate with a K(i) of 4.47mum. Kinetic constants were also determined for the inactivation of cathepsin D by 1,1-bis(diazoacetyl)-2-phenylethane, and the inactivation of pepsin C by diazoacetyl-dl-norleucine methyl ester.  相似文献   

Peptide analogues incorporating an electrophilic phosphorus moiety (2-6) have been synthesized and studied as inhibitors of a variety of serine proteases. Inhibition is irreversible and, for alpha-lytic protease (ALP), shown to result from covalent binding to the active site serine hydroxyl [Bone, R., Sampson, N. S., Bartlett, P.A., & Agard, D. A. (1991) Biochemistry (following paper in this issue)]. For reaction of human leukocyte elastase (HLE) with the thiophenyl esters 6s-V (Boc-AAPV psi [P = O(SPh)O]AA-OMe), 4s-V (BocAAPV psi [P = O(SPh)O]-Me), and 3s-V (Boc-V psi [P = O(SPh)O]AA-OMe), evidence is presented to suggest that the S4-S1 subsites, but not the S1' and S2' positions, are occupied by the inhibitors during the inactivation process. The selectivity that is observed between the proteases and the hexapeptide phosphonates 6o-V (Boc-AAPV psi [P = O(OPh)O]AA-OMe) and 6o-F (Boc-AAPF psi [P = O(OPh)O]AA-OMe) parallels that between these enzymes and their substrates: ALP and HLE are selectively inactivated by the ValP-containing analogue 6o-V, while subtilisin (SUB) shows a preference for the PheP derivative 6o-F. A detailed kinetic analysis of the enzyme-inhibitor interactions was complicated by the susceptibility of the inhibitors to enzymatic degradation. The configuration at phosphorus was found not to have a significant influence on the rate at which the inhibitors react with the peptidases. Moreover, in the case of inactivation of ALP by the hexapeptide 6o-V, the same covalent adduct is formed from both stereoisomers (Bone et al., 1991), indicating that one of these diastereomers undergoes substitution with retention of configuration.  相似文献   

Here we present a method to simultaneously characterize and/or optimize both the binding loop towards the protease and a cysteine-stabilized scaffold. The small peptidic sunflower trypsin inhibitor (SFTI-1) was chosen as a model system for these experiments. The inhibitor was investigated for positional specificity against trypsin, elastase and proteinase K using complete substitutional analyses based on cellulose-bound peptide spot synthesis. Inhibitor variants optimized for elastase or proteinase K inhibition by several rounds of substitutional analyses exhibit K(i) values in the micromolar range and high specificity for the corresponding protease. The results of this easy-to-perform assay can be used to design an improved peptide library using classical methods.  相似文献   

J W Harper  K Hemmi  J C Powers 《Biochemistry》1985,24(8):1831-1841
The mechanism-based inactivations of a number of serine proteases, including human leukocyte (HL) elastase, cathepsin G, rat mast cell proteases I and II, several human and bovine blood coagulation proteases, and human factor D by substituted isocoumarins and phthalides which contain masked acyl chloride or anhydride moieties, are reported. 3,4-Dichloroisocoumarin, the most potent inhibitor investigated here, inactivated all the serine proteases tested but did not inhibit papain, leucine aminopeptidase, or beta-lactamase. 3,4-Dichloroisocoumarin was fairly selective toward HL elastase (kobsd/[I] = 8920 M-1 s-1); the inhibited enzyme was quite stable to reactivation (kdeacyl = 2 X 10(-5) s-1), while enzymes inhibited by 3-acetoxyisocoumarin and 3,3-dichlorophthalide regained full activity upon standing. The rate of inactivation was decreased dramatically in the presence of reversible inhibitors or substrates, and ultraviolet spectral measurements indicate that the isocoumarin ring structure is lost upon inactivation. Chymotrypsin A gamma is totally inactivated by 1.2 equiv of 3-chloroisocoumarin or 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin, and approximately 1 equiv of protons is released upon inactivation. These results indicate that these compounds react with serine proteases to release a reactive acyl chloride moiety which can acylate another active site residue. These are the first mechanism-based inhibitors reported for many of the enzymes tested, and 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin should find wide applicability as a general serine protease inhibitor.  相似文献   

Analogous to caspases, serine (Ser) proteases are involved in protein degradation during apoptosis. It is unknown, however, whether Ser proteases are activated concurrently, sequentially, or as an alternative to the activation of caspases. Using fluorescent inhibitors of caspases (FLICA) and Ser proteases (FLISP), novel methods to detect activation of these enzymes in apoptotic cells, we demonstrate that two types of Ser protease sites become accessible to these inhibitors during apoptosis of HL-60 cells. The prior exposure to caspases inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK markedly diminished activation of both Ser protease sites. However, the unlabeled inhibitor of Ser-proteases TPCK had modest suppressive effect- while TICK had no effect- on the activation of caspases. Activation of caspases, thus, appears to be an upstream event and likely a prerequisite for activation of FLISP-reactive sites. Differential labeling with the red fluorescing sulforhodamine-tagged VAD-FMK and the green fluorescing FLISP allowed us to discriminate, within the same cell, between activation of caspases and Ser protease sites. Despite a certain degree of co-localization, the pattern of intracellular caspase- vs FLISP- reactive sites, was different. Also different were relative proportions of activated caspases vs Ser protease sites in individual cells. The observed induction of FLISP-binding sites we interpret as revealing activation of at least two different apoptotic Ser proteases; by analogy to caspases we denote them serpases. Their apparent molecular weight (62-65 kD) suggests that they are novel enzymes.  相似文献   

Neuroserpin, an axonally secreted serine protease inhibitor.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have identified and chromatographically purified an axonally secreted glycoprotein of CNS and PNS neurons. Several peptides derived from it were microsequenced. Based on these sequences, a fragment of the corresponding cDNA was amplified and used as a probe to isolate a full length cDNA from a chicken brain cDNA library. Because the deduced amino acid sequence qualified the protein as a novel member of the serpin family of serine protease inhibitors, we called it neuroserpin. Analysis of the primary structural features further characterized neuroserpin as a heparin-independent, functional inhibitor of a trypsin-like serine protease. In situ hybridization revealed a predominantly neuronal expression during the late stages of neurogenesis and in the adult brain in regions which exhibit synaptic plasticity. Thus, neuroserpin might function as an axonally secreted regulator of the local extracellular proteolysis involved in the reorganization of the synaptic connectivity during development and synapse plasticity in the adult.  相似文献   

Highly conserved amino acids that form crucial structural elements of the catalytic apparatus can be used to account for the evolutionary history of serine proteases and the cascades into which they are organized. One such evolutionary marker in chymotrypsin-like proteases is Ser(214), located adjacent to the active site and forming part of the primary specificity pocket. Here we report the mutation of Ser(214) in thrombin to Ala, Thr, Cys, Asp, Glu, and Lys. None of the mutants seriously compromises active site catalytic function as measured by the kinetic parameter k(cat). However, the least conservative mutations result in large increases in K(m) because of lower rates of substrate diffusion into the active site. Therefore, the role of Ser(214) is to promote the productive formation of the enzyme-substrate complex. The S214C mutant is catalytically inactive, which suggests that during evolution the TCN-->AGY codon transitions for Ser(214) occurred through Thr intermediates.  相似文献   

Serine proteases (SP) are peptidases with a uniquely activated serine residue in the substrate-binding pocket. They represent about 0.6% of all proteins in the human genome. SP are involved in many vital functions such as digestion, blood clotting, fibrinolysis, fertilization, and complement activation and are related to many diseases including cancer, arthritis, and emphysema. In this study, we performed a genomic analysis of human serine proteases utilizing different databases, primarily that of MEROPS. SP are distributed along all human chromosomes except 18 and Y with the highest density (23 genes) on chromosome 19. They are either randomly located within the genome or occur in clusters. We identified a number of SP clusters, the largest being the kallikrein cluster on chromosome 19q13.4 which is formed of 15 adjacent genes. Other clusters are located on chromosomes 19p13, 16p13, 14q11, 13q35, 11q22, and 7q35. Genes of each cluster tend to be of comparable sizes and to be transcribed in the same direction. The members of some clusters are sometimes functionally related, e.g., the involvement of many kallikreins in endocrine-related malignancies and the hematopoietic cluster on chromosome 14. It is hypothesized that members of some clusters are under common regulatory mechanisms and might be involved in cascade enzymatic pathways. Several functional domains are found in SP, which reflect their functional diversity. Membrane-type SP tend to cluster in 3 chromosomes and have some common structural domains. Several databases are available for screening, structural and functional analysis of serine proteases. With the near completion of the Human Genome Project, research will be more focused on the interactions between SP and their involvement in pathophysiological processes.  相似文献   

Context: Thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) is up-regulated in a number of human malignant cells and becomes a promising target for anticancer drug development.

Objective: To evaluate N-acetyl-S-(p-chlorophenylcarbamoyl)cysteine (NACC), a potent anticancer agent against melanoma, as an inhibitor of mammalian TrxR1.

Material and methods: The mechanism of inhibition against TrxR1 was investigated using substrate protection, dialysis and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry.

Results: NACC inhibits TrxR1 in a time and concentration dependent manner. The Ki and kinact of NACC against TrxR1 were determined to be 80?μM and 0.178?min?1, respectively. The inhibition occurred only in the presence of NADPH and persisted after extensive dialysis. The tandem mass spectrometric analysis demonstrated that the selenocysteine rather than cysteine residue at the active site was p-chlorophenyl carbamoylated by NACC. Inhibition of intracellular TrxR by NACC in cultured melanoma cells was observed.

Discussion and conclusion: NACC which irreversibly inhibits TrxR1 by forming a covalent bond with selenocysteine can be an effective tool in the study of TrxR1.  相似文献   

Anatoxin-a(s) is a guanidine methyl phosphate ester (unprotonated molecular ion equals 252 daltons) isolated from the freshwater cyanobac-terium (blue-green alga) Anabaena flos-aquae strain NRC 525–17. Previous work has shown anatoxin-a(s) to be a potent irreversible inhibitor of electric eel ace-tylcholinesterase (EC, AChE). In the present study the interaction of anatoxin-a(s) with AChE was investigated by protection studies and since similarities have been noted between anatoxin-a(s) and the synthetic organophosphate anticholinesterases, the ability of reactivators to reactivate the inhibited enzyme was investigated. Treatments directed toward eliminating poisoning symptoms and in vivo protection from anatoxin-a(s) poisonings were investigated using oxime reactivators and atropine or pretreatment with a carbamate and atropine. Anatoxin-a(s) was shown to be an active site-directed inhibitor of acetyl-cholinesterase which is resistant to oxime reactivation due to the structure of its enzyme adduct. In vivo pretreatment with physostigmine and high concentrations of 2-PAM were the only effective antagonists against a lethal dose of anatoxin-a(s).  相似文献   

Cerastes cerastes and Cerastes vipera snake venoms are rich of thrombin-like, serine-protease polypeptides. Many proteins have been isolated, purified and characterized from these vipers. These proteins act in various way on blood coagulation pathway and platelet function.  相似文献   

Blood-sucking arthropods are vectors responsible for the transmission of several pathogens and parasites to vertebrate animals. The horn fly Haematobia irritans irritans (Diptera: Muscidae) and the tick Boophilus microplus are important hematophagous ectoparasites that cause losses in cattle production. A serine protease inhibitor from a thorax extract of the fly H. irritans irritans (HiTI) was previously isolated, characterized and cloned. In the present study we described the expression, purification, and characterization of the recombinant HiTI (rHiTI) and its possible role in the control of different endogenous and bacterial proteases. rHiTI was successfully expressed using the pPIC9 expression vector with a yield of 4.2 mg/L of active rHiTI. The recombinant HiTI purified by affinity chromatography on trypsin-Sepharose had a molecular mass of 6.53 kDa as determined by LS-ESI mass spectrometry and inhibition constants (Kis) similar to those of native HiTI for bovine trypsin and human neutrophil elastase of 0.4 and 1.0 nM, respectively. Purified rHiTI also showed inhibitory activity against the trypsin-like enzyme of H. i. irritans using its possible natural substrates, fibrinogen and hemoglobin; and also inhibited the OmpT endoprotease of Escherichia coli using fluorogenic substrates. The present results confirm that HiTI may play a role in the control of fly endogenous proteases but also suggest a role in the inhibition of pathogen proteases.  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of polyesters by serine proteases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The substrate specificity of -chymotrypsin and other serine proteases, trypsin, elastase, proteinase K and subtilisin, towards hydrolysis of various polyesters was examined using poly(L-lactide) (PLA), poly(-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), poly(ethylene succinate) (PES), poly(ethylene adipate) (PEA), poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) (PBS/A), poly[oligo(tetramethylene succinate)-co-(tetramethylane carbonate)] (PBS/C), and poly(-caprolactone) (PCL). -Chymotrypsin could degrade PLA and PEA with a lower activity on PBS/A. Proteinase K and subtilisin degraded almost all substrates other than PHB. Trypsin and elastase had similar substrate specificities to -chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

The HtrA family of serine proteases   总被引:27,自引:7,他引:20  
HtrA, also known as DegP and probably identical to the Do protease, is a heat shock-induced serine protease that is active in the periplasm of Escherichia coli . Homologues of HtrA have been described in a wide range of bacteria and in eukaryotes. Its chief role is to degrade misfolded proteins in the periplasm. Substrate recognition probably involves the recently described PDZ domains in the C-terminal half of HtrA and, we suspect, has much in common with the substrate recognition system of the tail-specific protease, Prc (which also possesses a PDZ domain). The expression of htrA is regulated by a complex set of signal transduction pathways, which includes an alternative sigma factor, RpoE, an anti-sigma factor, RseA, a two-component regulatory system, CpxRA, and two phosphoprotein phosphatases, PrpA and PrpB. Mutations in the htrA genes of Salmonella , Brucella and Yersinia cause decreased survival in mice and/or macrophages, and htrA mutants can act as vaccines, as cloning hosts and as carriers of heterologous antigens.  相似文献   

Thirty optically active nonprotein α-amino acids and peptides based thereon have been screened for their ability to interact with bovine trypsin and proteinase K from Tritirachium album Limber, which belong to the group of serine proteases. Both structure-based drug design approach and determination of enzyme activity have been used to identify low molecular weight inhibitors of trypsin and proteinase K. Compounds have been selected that according to the docking analysis were able to interact with trypsin and proteinase K. Following the docking analysis measurement of enzymes activity (2R,3S)-β-hydroxyleucine and (2S,3R)-β-hydroxyleucine inhibited both enzymes activity, whereas (S)-α-methyl-β-phenylalanine, (R)-α-methyl-β-phenylalanine, (S)-allylglycine, (R)-allylglycine, (S)-α-allylalanine, (R)-α-allylalanine and allo-O-ethylthreonine inhibited only proteinase K; and N-formyl-(S)-methionyl-(2S,3R)-hydroxyleucine, N-formyl-(S)-methionyl-(2R,3S)-hydroxyleucine, N-formyl-(S)-methionyl-(S)-allylglycine and N-formyl-(S)-methionyl-(R)-allylglycine inhibited trypsin. It has been shown that inhibition of trypsin by (2R,3S)-β-hydroxyleucine and N-formyl-(S)-methionyl-(2R,3S)-hydroxyleucine is of a competitive mode.  相似文献   

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