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The regional antigenic heterogeneity of human spermatozoa is confirmed with 6 monoclonal antibodies raised against ejaculated human spermatozoa. The topographical localization of the antigenic determinants suggests the existence of at least 6 domains on the human spermatozoon. Different fixatives had severe detrimental effects on the antigen-antibody binding. On live human spermatozoa, each antibody bound to a distinct region: acrosome, equatorial segment, entire tail, neck, midpiece and terminal piece. The antigens detected on the acrosome, equatorial segment and entire tail were surface components, whereas the other three were intracellular structures. The determinant present along the entire tail was a sperm-coating antigen. The molecular weights of the recognized antigens were estimated with the Western blot technique. Immunostaining of individual ejaculates established that the percentages of positive cells were 12-56% for the acrosome, 8-35% for the equatorial segment, 90-100% for the entire tail, 20-52% for the neck, 9-35% for the midpiece and 36-90% for the terminal piece. In addition, labelling of motile and immotile spermatozoa showed differences in the percentages of positive cells, with 5 out of 6 monoclonal antibodies, or in the fluorescence intensity, with the last one labelling the entire tail.  相似文献   

In vitro incubation of rat epididymal sperm with antiserum to human seminal plasma inhibin (As hSPI) caused agglutination of the sperm. In vivo administration of As hSPI to adult male rats resulted in a significant decrease in testicular as well as epididymal sperm counts. Furthermore, the majority (almost 90%) of the epididymal sperm were agglutinated. When these animals were mated with normal cycling females, significant reduction in fertility was observed.  相似文献   

Washed ejaculated human spermatozoa were surface labelled with 125I, using solid phase (iodogen) or enzymic (lactoperoxidase) methods, while membrane components possessing terminal galactose or galactosamine residues were labelled with the galactose oxidase-sodium [3H]borohydride technique. All three procedures revealed the presence of 2 major labelled surface components. The first comprised a broad band of radioactivity migrating just behind the ion front on SDS-PAGE, which could be extracted with chloroform and methanol, suggesting a lipid-like composition. The second fraction exhibited properties consistent with a major glycoprotein component of the human sperm plasma membrane, giving a peak of radioactivity with Mr = 20,000, within which a discrete doublet of bands (Mr = 17,000 and 19,000) could be resolved by autoradiography. A more detailed analysis of the labelled protein fraction after TCA precipitation revealed a number of other surface components, the major ones of which exhibited Mr values of 30,000, 45,000, 66,000, 115,000 and 160,000. Western blot analysis was then used to determine whether any of the surface components described above interacted with the gamma-globulin fraction of antisera obtained from patients exhibiting idiopathic autoimmunity against sperm antigens. Using a purified membrane preparation as the target, antibodies were detected against numerous high molecular weight bands with Mr values similar to the major components of the human sperm surface (35,000, 45,000, 66,000, 90,000 and 150,000). The nature of the antigens targeted by these antisera did not correlate with the ability of the latter to stimulate or suppress sperm-oocyte fusion.  相似文献   

Peptide fragments of lactate dehydrogenase-C4 (LDH-C4) that contain antigenic sequences of the native protein have been identified. The present study describes the binding to murine and human spermatozoa of antibodies that were produced against synthetic peptides containing two of these sequences. Rabbits were immunized with peptides designated MC5-15 and MC211-220, conjugated to diphtheria toxoid (DT). Antisera from these rabbits were tested for binding to washed mouse epididymal sperm or human ejaculated spermatozoa using a solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Antisera bind to mouse sperm in this system at dilutions of 1:64,000. When these antisera are first absorbed with the native LDH-C4 molecule, significant inhibition of binding to sperm results. Antisera to both DT-MC5-15 and DT-MC211-220 bind to human sperm with similar but weaker patterns than seen with mouse sperm. These data indicate that the immune response to synthetic peptides containing antigenic sequences of LDH-C4 includes antibodies that specifically bind to this enzyme on the surface of sperm. In addition, there are shared antigenic sequences between mouse and human LDH-C4, including the MC5-15 and MC211-220 peptides.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are agents of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in females and males. Precise data about the presence, mechanism of infection and clinical significance of HPV in the male reproductive tract and especially in sperm are not available. Here we show that HPV can infect human sperm, it localizes at the equatorial region of sperm head through interaction between the HPV capsid protein L1 and syndecan-1. Sperm transfected with HPV E6/E7 genes and sperm exposed to HPV L1 capsid protein are capable to penetrate the oocyte and transfer the virus into oocytes, in which viral genes are then activated and transcribed. These data show that sperm might function as vectors for HPV transfer into the oocytes, and open new perspectives on the role of HPV infection in males and are particularly intriguing in relation to assisted reproduction techniques.  相似文献   

Agglutinating antibodies to self spermatozoa were induced in mature male rainbow trout, whether immunised with autologous spermatozoa or allogeneic testis. Both sperm heads and flagellae appeared to be autoantigenic. These are the first results which show that fish can produce autoantibodies against spermatozoa. This is an important step towards the control of reproduction in fish using vaccines.  相似文献   

A microcinematographic (50 f/s) study was performed on motile human spermatozoa. Eighty percent were found to have a linear trajectory and a pseudo-sinusoidal head displacement pattern. Throughout their progression, the spermatozoa periodically rotated on their longitudinal axis at a frequency equal to that of flagellar wave formation. These waves were found always to begin on the same side of the cell and to propagate in the flattened plane of the head until the moment of rotation. At this time the wave had reached a point near the middle of the flagellum. Beyond this point, the flagellum moves out of the plane of the head. Different variables used to characterize the movement of spermatozoa included the velocity of progression, amplitude and velocity of head displacement, frequency of rotation, wave amplitude, and propagation velocity of the flagellar wave. Among these variables, it was the propagation velocity of the wave that was found to be best correlated with the velocity of spermatozoan progression. This flagellar wave exhibited two stages, one of initiation and one of propagation.  相似文献   

Association of eppin with semenogelin on human spermatozoa   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Eppin (SPINLW1; GeneID, 57119) is a single-copy gene encoding a cysteine-rich protein found only in the testis and epididymis, which contains both Kunitz-type and WAP-type four disulfide core protease inhibitor consensus sequences. This study demonstrates that, in seminal plasma and on human spermatozoa following ejaculation, Eppin is bound to semenogelin I (Sg). Six different experimental approaches: 1) immunoprecipitation from spermatozoa and seminal plasma with anti-Eppin, 2) colocalization in semen and spermatozoa, 3) incubation of recombinant Eppin (rEppin) and rSg and immunoprecipitation with either anti-Eppin or anti-Sg, 4) far-Western blotting of Eppin and Sg, 5) Saturation binding of 125I-Sg to Eppin, which is competed by unlabeled Sg, and 6) direct binding of 125I-Sg to Eppin on a blot, all demonstrate that Eppin and Sg bind to each other. To study the specificity of binding, recombinant fragments of Eppin and Sg were made and demonstrate that the Eppin(75-133) C-terminal fragment binds the Sg(164-283) fragment containing the only cysteine in human Sg I (Cys-239). Reduction and carboxymethylation of Cys239 blocks binding of 125I-rEppin, indicating that a disulfide bond may be necessary for Eppin binding. The physiological significance of the Eppin-semenogelin complex bound on the surface of ejaculate spermatozoa lies in its ability to provide antimicrobial activity for spermatozoa, which has been reported for both Eppin and semenogelin-derived peptides, and in its ability to provide for the survival and preparation of spermatozoa for fertility in the female reproductive tract.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing each 20K and 13K subunit of bovine follicular fluid (bFF) 32K inhibin have been prepared. By immunoblotting procedures using these antibodies, we have demonstrated in bFF at least six inhibin forms, the apparent molecular weights of which are estimated to be 120K, 108K, 88K, 65K, 55K and 32K daltons, respectively. Amongst them 65K, 55K and 32K inhibin forms comprise two polypeptide subunits linked by disulfide bridge(s). In these inhibin forms a polypeptide of 13K daltons, a shorter subunit of bFF 32K inhibin, is attached by disulfide linkage(s) to polypeptides of 57K, 44K and 20K daltons, which are immunologically related to a larger subunit of the 32K inhibin, to yield 65K, 55K and 32K inhibins, respectively. On the other hand the higher molecular weight forms, 120K, 108K and 88K inhibins, are composed of three polypeptide subunits. In these forms a polypeptide of 62K daltons, immunologically related to the shorter subunit of bFF 32K inhibin, is attached by disulfide bridge(s) as the third component to the respective smaller inhibin forms which are composed of two subunits. These findings suggest that the complex formation of the subunit precursors may be extremely important and that restricted proteolytic cleavages following the complex formation may yield such divergent forms of inhibin in bFF.  相似文献   

This study aimed to demonstrate nitric oxide production by human spermatozoa and to characterize the interaction between nitric oxide and cAMP-related pathway in the control of human sperm capacitation and protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Spermatozoa were incubated in Tyrode's medium with or without bovine serum albumin (BSA), and nitric oxide was measured with the spin trap sodium N-methyl-D-glucamine dithiocarbamate. Under noncapacitating conditions, spermatozoa produced low levels of nitric oxide. However, under capacitating conditions, prominent nitric oxide adduct signals were obtained and a time-dependent increase of nitric oxide production was observed. When spermatozoa were incubated in Tyrode+BSA medium with nitric oxide-releasing compounds, intracellular cAMP concentrations increased to levels higher than those of spermatozoa incubated in Tyrode+BSA alone. In contrast, incubation with nitric oxide synthase inhibitors (N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester or N(G)-monomethyl L-arginine) decreased intracellular sperm cAMP concentrations. The inhibitory effect observed with N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester on capacitation and tyrosine phosphorylation of two sperm proteins (105, 81 kDa) was overcome by the presence of cAMP analogs or of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. These results indicate that nitric oxide is produced by capacitating human spermatozoa and that it may act as a cellular messenger by modulating the cAMP pathway involved in capacitation and protein tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Two new monoclonal antibodies, one a mouse IgM and the other a human IgM that reacted with guanosine, were compared to human serum antibodies from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The human monoclonal antibody was polyspecific in its binding to the nucleoside bases, whereas the mouse monoclonal antibody was relatively specific for guanosine when compared by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Neither antibody bound polyguanylic acid or denatured single-stranded (ss) DNA, however. Serum IgG antibodies from seven patients with SLE cross-reacted with the mouse monoclonal antibody and showed considerable specificity for guanosine. In contrast, the human serum IgG antiguanosine antibodies also bound ssDNA but not dsDNA or polyguanylic acid. Serum IgG antibodies to guanosine measured by ELISA from the seven SLE patients had a decreased response when compared to the total serum IgG response to ssDNA, and most of the antibodies that bound guanosine also bound ssDNA. These studies provide new evidence that there are specific IgG antibodies to guanosine in SLE sera that are a small fraction of the antibodies to ssDNA. Further efforts to define the role of these guanosine antibodies in SLE may provide a better understanding of the basic mechanisms responsible for the development of SLE in man.  相似文献   

Summary Four monoclonal antibodies that discriminate between structural domains of alpha-(TU-01, TU-04) or beta-(TU-06, TU-12) tubulin and a polyclonal anti-tubulin antibody were used for immunostaining of human spermatozoa using immunofluorescence microscopy. Specificity of antibodies was confirmed by immunoblotting experiments. Antibodies TU-01 and TU-06 uniformly stained the whole tail and the neck, whereas antibodies TU-04, TU-12 showed differential distribution of corresponding epitopes in the stable arrays of flagellar microtubules. Of the monoclonal antibodies used, only TU-12 against the antigenic determinant on C-terminal domain of -tubulin showed strong reactivity with the equatorial segment of the head. The results document a differential exposure of tubulin epitopes at the single-cell level and suggest the existence of distinct tubulin populations in various structural compartments of the human spermatozoon.  相似文献   

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