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Conventional models predict that low genetic relatedness among parasites that coinfect the same host leads to the evolution of high parasite virulence. Such models assume adaptive responses to hard selection only. We show that if soft selection is allowed to operate, low relatedness leads instead to the evolution of low virulence. With both hard and soft selection, low relatedness increases the conflict among coinfecting parasites. Although parasites can only respond to hard selection by evolving higher virulence and overexploiting their host, they can respond to soft selection by evolving other adaptations, such as interference, that prevent overexploitation. Because interference can entail a cost, the host may actually be underexploited, and virulence will decrease as a result of soft selection. Our analysis also shows that responses to soft selection can have a much stronger effect than responses to hard selection. After hard selection has raised virulence to a level that is an evolutionarily stable strategy, the population, as expected, cannot be invaded by more virulent phenotypes that respond only to hard selection. The population remains susceptible to invasion by a less virulent phenotype that responds to soft selection, however. Thus, hard and soft selection are not just alternatives. Rather, soft selection is expected to prevail and often thwart the evolution of virulence in parasites. We review evidence from several parasite systems and find support for soft selection. Most of the examples involve interference mechanisms that indirectly prevent the evolution of higher virulence. We recognize that hard selection for virulence is more difficult to document, but we take our results to suggest that a kin selection model with soft selection may have general applicability.  相似文献   

Marine biogeography and ecology: invasions and introductions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although biogeography and ecology had previously been considered distinct disciplines, this outlook began to change in the early 1990s. Several people expressed interest in creating a link that would help ecologists become more aware of external influences on communities and help biogeographers realize that distribution patterns had their genesis at the community level. They proposed an interdisciplinary approach called macroecology. This concept has been aided by the advent of phylogeography, for a better knowledge of genetic relationships has had great interdisciplinary value. Two areas of research that should obviously benefit from a macroecological approach are: (1) the question of local vs. regional diversity and (2) the question of whether invader species pose a threat to biodiversity. The two questions are related, because both deal with the vulnerability of ecosystems to penetration by invading species. Biogeographers, who have studied the broad oceanic patterns of dispersal and colonization, tend to regard isolated communities as being open to invasion from areas with greater biodiversity. It became evident that many wide‐ranging species were produced in centres of origin, and that the location of communities with respect to such centres had a direct effect on the level of species diversity. Ecologists, in earlier years, thought that a community could become saturated with species and would thereafter be self‐sustaining. But recent research has shown that saturation is probably never achieved and that the assembly of communities and their maintenance is more or less dependent on the invasion of species from elsewhere. The study of invasions that take place in coastal areas, usually the result of ship traffic and/or aquaculture imports, has special importance due to numerous opinions expressed by scientists and policy‐makers that such invasions are a major threat to biodiversity. However, none of the studies so far conducted has identified the extinction of a single, native marine species due to the influence of an exotic invader. Furthermore, fossil evidence of historical invasions does not indicate that invasive species have caused native extinctions or reductions in biodiversity.  相似文献   

Early case-control and intervention studies suggested that selenium (Se) species might reduce the risk of cancer and in a pre-diagnostic case-control study from 1986 [1] we found that the higher the serum Se concentration, the lower was the odds ratio of thyroid cancer. Our data showed, however, that this observation occurred late in the pre-diagnostic period indicating that low serum Se was simply a consequence of thyroid cancer. In 1986 we therefore concluded that the only way to get an indisputable and lasting answer to the question was to carry out properly designed intervention studies. Great was our frustration therefore when we in 2003 [2] discovered that thyroid cancer morbidity is a fractal variable powered by such complexity that we may never find a definite and enduring answer: Even the best, randomised, controlled trial comparing the incidence rate among exposed and controls can only produce temporary answers due to the complexity background. The only possible way to come up with a lasting solution seems to be by means of reductionist experiments, but they have to be tested on man and then one is back to square one.  相似文献   

Retinal ganglion cells represent the output neurons of the retina. They are responsible for integrating electrical signals that originate with the photoreceptors and, via their axons that comprise the optic nerve, transmit that information to higher visual centers of the brain. The retinal ganglion cells reside on the inner surface of the retina and their axons course across the inner surface to exit at the back of the eye through a region known as the optic nerve head. Within this region, initiation of the degenerative processes associated with glaucoma are thought to occur, leading to degeneration of not only the optic nerve but also the retinal ganglion cells themselves. Studies aimed at understanding the mechanisms behind glaucoma have identified diverse cellular components and molecular events that occur in response to nerve injury. The challenge to date has been to identify and promote pro-survival events while suppressing those that support further degradation and loss of vision. Complicating this process is the fact that the cells and molecules involved can play multiple roles. An understanding of the players and their complex relationships is central to the development of a successful treatment strategy.  相似文献   

Evolution and development are both lineage processes but are often conceptualized as occurring by different and mutually exclusive mechanisms. It is conventionally asserted that evolution occurs via the random generation of diversity and the subsequent survival of those that pass selection. On the other hand, development is too often presented as proceeding via the unfolding of a deterministic program encoded in the DNA sequence. In biology, universal generalizations are rare and dogmas are often wrong for particular cases. Deterministic mechanisms contribute some of the new DNA sequences that subsequently become substrates for natural selection. Conversely, stochastic and selective mechanisms are intrinsic to development, and also to maintenance of the immune, and possibly, nervous systems. Cancer appears to be another process that straddles distinctions between evolutionary and developmental modes of hereditary change and stabilization. DNA sequence changes are an essential feature of many cancers, but there are also aspects of the disease similar to developmental lineage gone awry. The literature suggests that the cellular changes that give rise to cancer occur by mechanisms commonly associated with both evolutionary and developmental lineage pathways.  相似文献   

In this study we sought to explore how experience with specific mental and somatic practices is associated with wisdom, using self-report measures of experience and wisdom. We administered standard surveys to measure wisdom and experience among four groups of practitioners of mental and somatic practices, namely, meditators, practitioners of the Alexander Technique, practitioners of the Feldenkrais Method, and classical ballet dancers. We additionally administered surveys of trait anxiety and empathy to all participants to explore possible mediating relationships of experience and wisdom by characteristics thought to be components of wisdom. Wisdom was higher on average among meditation practitioners, and lowest among ballet dancers, and this difference held when controlling for differences in age between practices, supporting the view that meditation is linked to wisdom and that ballet is not. However, we found that increased experience with meditation and ballet were both positively associated with wisdom, and that lowered trait anxiety mediated this positive association among meditation practitioners, and, non-significantly, among ballet dancers. These results suggest that not all practices that are purported to affect mental processing are related to wisdom to the same degree and different kinds of experience appear to relate to wisdom in different ways, suggesting different mechanisms that might underlie the development of wisdom with experience.  相似文献   

Fault bars are narrow malformations in feathers oriented almost perpendicular to the rachis where the feather vein and even the rachis may break. Breaks in the barbs and barbules result in small pieces of the feather vein being lost, while breaks in the rachis result in loss of the distal portion of the feather. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of 74 papers on fault bar formation in hopes of providing a clearer approach to their study. First, we review the evidence that the propensity to develop fault bars is modified by natural selection. Given that fault bars persist in the face of survival costs, we conclude that they must be an unfortunate consequence of some alternative adaptation that outweighs the fitness costs of fault bars. Second, we summarize evidence that the development of fault bars is triggered by psychological stress such as that of handling or predation attempts, and that they persist because the sudden contractions of the muscles in the feather follicle that control fright moults also causes the development of fault bars in growing feathers. Third, we review external and physiological (e.g. corticosterone) agents that may affect the likelihood that an acute stress will result in a growing feather exhibiting a fault bar. These modifying factors have often been treated as fundamental causes in the earlier literature on fault bars. Fourth, we then use this classification to propose a tentative model where fault bars of different severity (from light to severe) are the outcome of the interaction between the propensity to produce fault bars (which differs between species, individuals and feather follicles within individuals) and the intensity of the perturbation. This model helps to explain contradictory results in the literature, to identify gaps in our knowledge, and to suggest further studies. Lastly, we discuss ways in which better understanding of fault bars can inform us about other aspects of avian evolutionary ecology, such as the physiology of moult, the integration of moult into avian life cycles, and the strategies used to minimize stress during moult. Moreover, the study of fault bars may be relevant to understanding the aerodynamics of flight and the early evolution of flight.  相似文献   

Realization that forest decline (Waldsterben) has become an ecological crisis throughout the developed world has resulted in massive research efforts to determine the causes of declines. It is now recognized that no single causal factor is responsible, but that there are a variety of anthropogenic causal factor complexes interacting with natural events and processes that, together, induce stresses in forests that culminate in declines of individual plants and of ecosystems. It is the thesis of this article that forest declines involve all biotic and abiotic facets and parameters of forested ecosystems and that the declines are themselves new causal factor complexes that continue to affect the stability of forested ecosystems independently of the initial causal factor complexes. Lacking direct field or laboratory studies on these cascades of causes and effects, this article attempts to utilize the growing body of information on plant physiological ecology to provide a heuristic framework for evaluating long-term forest declines.  相似文献   

This paper explores the notion of reciprocity in the context of active pulmonary and laryngeal tuberculosis (TB) treatment and related control policies and practices. We seek to do three things: First, we sketch the background to contemporary global TB care and suggest that poverty is a key feature when considering the treatment of TB patients. We use two examples from TB care to explore the role of reciprocity: isolation and the use of novel TB drugs. Second, we explore alternative means of justifying the use of reciprocity through appeal to different moral and political theoretical traditions (i.e., virtue ethics, deontology, and consequentialism). We suggest that each theory can be used to provide reasons to take reciprocity seriously as an independent moral concept, despite any other differences. Third, we explore general meanings and uses of the concept of reciprocity, with the primary intention of demonstrating that it cannot be simply reduced to other more frequently invoked moral concepts such as beneficence or justice. We argue that reciprocity can function as a mid-level principle in public health, and generally, captures a core social obligation arising once an individual or group is burdened as a result of acting for the benefit of others (even if they derive a benefit themselves). We conclude that while more needs to be explored in relation to the theoretical justification and application of reciprocity, sufficient arguments can be made for it to be taken more seriously as a key principle within public health ethics and bioethics more generally.  相似文献   

Various explanations can be offered for the incongruence between phylogenetic hypotheses resulting from morphological and molecular data sets. Of these, the possibility that incongruence may result from the mutation of major morphogenetic genes leading to dramatic morphological divergence unaccompanied by equivalent change of the phylogenetic marker molecule(s) used is discussed in detail. As evidence for this hypothesis, several examples for such incongruence are surveyed. It seems possible that in many cases the genetic basis of the morphological characters responsible for the incongruence found may be simple, and that the genes involved may be homologous to genes known from mutant systems. It is suggested that: 1. the systematic documentation of incongruence between molecular and morphological phylogenies may help to assess the frequency of evolutionary change through the mutation of major morphogenetic genes, and that 2. the identification of major morphological characters distinguishing closely related taxa with mutant phenotypes known from mutant systems eventually may allow an experimental approach to the problem of evolutionary change resulting from major genes. Natural taxa suspected to be the result of such processes could be changed morphologically through transformation with the relevant genes.  相似文献   

This paper critiques the theorisation of culture as difference that dominates Australian cultural studies and cultural anthropology. It argues that a perspective on culture that gets beyond current preoccupations with difference has more to be said for it than practitioners in either discipline have hitherto recognised. Ethnography has long been recognised as crucial to the study of culture—which suggests that we might best appreciate what it is that is being ignored and neglected (not to say demeaned) in contemporary studies of culture if we turn our attention to the way we study it. This paper reconsiders what we mean by the assertion that ethnography constitutes an experiential mode of knowledge which constitutes the most sustained and rigorous application of the principle of verstehen available. In contesting the stress on difference that now dominates the study of culture, a case is made for cultures conceived of as ensembles of mystery and meaning. Whether born into a culture or researching it, as observers and participants we struggle to make sense of what the world is about. As ethnographers, we seek to do this empathically; this paper argues that to do it effectively we must fashion a sensibility adequate to it. An appreciation of the significance of sensibility, it is suggested, provides a much needed alternative to the reduction of culture to difference.  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that opioid systems are involved in the regulation of fundamental behavioral and physiological processes in invertebrates. Feeding is a basic physiological function that is essential for maintaining homeostasis. Results of studies examining the feeding responses of molluscs and arthropods treated with various opiate agonists and antagonists indicate that delta, kappa, mu, and possibly sigma opioid systems differentially and selectively mediate the components of their natural feeding behavior. Moreover, it appears that at an early evolutionary stage the mu and kappa systems have developed to selectively affect the components of feeding behavior associated with the acquisition and ingestion of food. In addition, evidence suggests that neuropeptides that have been proposed as possible endogenous antagonists of opioid-mediated feeding in mammals may also be involved in the control of feeding in invertebrates. This indicates that there may be an interplay of opioid agonists and antagonists in the regulation of feeding and satiation in invertebrates analogous to that proposed for vertebrates. Moreover, these findings indicate that opioid influences on feeding have been conserved through evolution.  相似文献   

Photoperiodism in humans and other primates: evidence and implications   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Most of the anatomical and molecular substrates of the system that encodes changes in photoperiod in the duration of melatonin secretion, and the receptor molecules that read this signal, have been shown to be conserved in monkeys and humans, and the functions of this system appear to be intact from the level of the retina to the level of the melatonin-duration signal of change of season. While photoperiodic seasonal breeding has been shown to occur in monkeys, it remains unclear whether photoperiod and mediation of photoperiod's effects by melatonin influence human reproduction. Epidemiological evidence suggests that inhibition of fertility by heat in men in summer contributes to seasonal variation in human reproduction at lower latitudes and that stimulation of fertility by lengthening of the photoperiod in spring contributes to the variation at higher latitudes. Parallels between the seasonality of human reproduction and seasonal affective disorder suggest that they may be governed by common biological processes. Historical and experimental evidence indicates that human responses to seasonal changes in the natural photoperiod may have been more robust prior to the Industrial Revolution and that subsequently they have been increasingly suppressed by alterations of the physical environment.  相似文献   

Virtually every type of organism may serve as a host for viruses. In some hosts, virus presence may be considered beneficial to humans; in other hosts, viruses are considered detrimental. Examples of viruses that are considered beneficial to humans include those that are used for biological control of organisms that themselves are considered detrimental to humans, such as plant pathogenic fungi. Viruses are extremely variable in terms of morphology, structure, and genome organization. However, viruses that attack hosts from different kingdoms may be related, deriving from the same phylogeny. This paper summarizes some of the properties of three related families of viruses that attack hosts in different kingdoms: the animal-infecting Picornaviridae, the plant-infecting Potyviridae, and the fungus-infecting Hypoviridae. Properties of these viruses that set them apart from each other and factors that may affect their evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Aly M  Yonelinas AP 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30231
Subjective experience indicates that mental states are discrete, in the sense that memories and perceptions readily come to mind in some cases, but are entirely unavailable to awareness in others. However, a long history of psychophysical research has indicated that the discrete nature of mental states is largely epiphenomenal and that mental processes vary continuously in strength. We used a novel combination of behavioral methodologies to examine the processes underlying perception of complex images: (1) analysis of receiver operating characteristics (ROCs), (2) a modification of the change-detection flicker paradigm, and (3) subjective reports of conscious experience. These methods yielded converging results showing that perceptual judgments reflect the combined, yet functionally independent, contributions of two processes available to conscious experience: a state process of conscious perception and a strength process of knowing; processes that correspond to recollection and familiarity in long-term memory. In addition, insights from the perception experiments led to the discovery of a new recollection phenomenon in a long-term memory change detection paradigm. The apparent incompatibility between subjective experience and theories of cognition can be understood within a unified state-strength framework that links consciousness to cognition across the domains of perception and memory.  相似文献   

Hemichannels are large pore ion channels that in the traditional view are formed when half a gap connexin junction opens to the extracellular space. It is now evident that other ion channel families, including the newly discovered pannexin family can form channels with all the nascent properties of hemichannels. This suggests that hemichannels should now be defined to include members of non-connexin families. Several connexin, and two pannexins are expressed in neurons and astrocytes where they may function in release of ATP and glutamate. Additionally, pannexin-1 appears to play a role in neuronal death. Hemichannels form a novel and unique class of ion channels that likely have diverse physiological and pathophysiological roles in the nervous system.  相似文献   

In the literature, it is often assumed, for example with respect to Hydra, that several Turing systems coexist and it is also assumed that maintaining the polar profile, even when the system increases in size, is important for the polarity of the final phenotype. It is shown here that in reality there is only one Turing system, Child's system. To obtain a complete polar individual or organ, whether in reconstitution or development, it is essential that the complete succession of metabolic patterns occurs. Child's concepts of physiological dominance, subordination and isolation are interpreted in the light of Turing theory and in particular the Turing wavelength. It is emphasised, particularly by pointing to Child's metabolic patterns in coelenterates, both in development and in reconstitution, that it is the elongation that drives the succession polar metabolic pattern-->bipolar metabolic pattern, and this corresponds to the prediction of Turing theory supporting the thesis that Child's metabolic pattern is a Turing pattern. It is shown that if we assume that ATP is the Turing inhibitor then the many results of Child about the reduction of the scale of organisation with the decrease in the intensity of the energy metabolism correspond to the reduction of the Turing wavelength. The interplay between the Turing wavelength and the length of the form explains the conditions of reconstitution under which partial forms, wholes and form regulation are obtained. It is suggested that higher metabolism is responsible for both larger size and larger Turing wavelength thus securing form regulation. The results could be of importance in modern 'regenerative biology'. Heteromorphosis, i.e. animals with two heads (or two tails), one at each end, is explained by a bipolar Turing-Child metabolic pattern replacing a polar metabolic pattern. This can be brought about by chemical or by genetic means and indeed the prediction for Drosophila that the transition, wild type-->Bicaudal D, occurs because a polar Turing pattern is replaced by bipolar Turing pattern is confirmed, again if we accept that Child's metabolic pattern is the underlying Turing pattern. Child's experiments on Drosophila, including the requirement of critical length for metabolic polarity, are explained by Turing theory. Phenocopies and phenotypes are explained by the Turing-Child theory. It is shown that both Child's results about metabolic patterns and modern results for Hydra about gap junctions, 'endogeneous inhibitor' and gene expression, are correlated and explained by (cAMP, ATP) Turing theory. It is argued that the double-gradient hypothesis is incorrect in its original formulation and that it is Child's conception of succeeding metabolic patterns that is the correct one and that it corresponds to the prediction of the Turing theory.  相似文献   

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