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A number of studies have shown that replication-defective mutant strains of herpes simplex virus (HSV) can induce protective immunity in animal systems against wild-type HSV challenge. However, all of those studies used viruses with single mutations. Because multiple, stable mutations provide optimal levels of safety for live vaccines, we felt that additional mutations needed to be engineered into a candidate vaccine strain for HSV-2 and genital herpes. We therefore isolated an HSV-2 strain with deletion mutations in two viral DNA replication protein genes, UL5 and UL29. The resulting double deletion mutant virus strain, dl5-29, fails to form plaques or to give any detectable single cycle yields in normal monkey or human cells. Nevertheless, dl5-29 expresses nearly the same pattern of gene products as the wild-type virus or the single mutant viruses and induces antibody titers in mice that are equivalent to those induced by single deletion mutant viruses. Therefore, it is feasible to isolate a mutant HSV strain with two mutations in essential genes and with an increased level of safety but which is still highly immunogenic.  相似文献   

The UL14 gene product of herpes simplex virus is a 32kDa protein expressed late in infection and is a minor component of the virion tegument. We recently showed that the wild-type UL14 protein has heat shock protein (HSP)-like and/or molecular chaperone-like functions. In this study, the intracellular localization of UL14 wild-type and deletion mutant proteins was examined in transfected cells by immunofluorescence. We found that N-terminus deleted but not wild-type/C-terminus deleted mutant proteins showed a significant number of cytoplasmic, multi-cellular stains in transfected Vero cells. The effect was greatly intensified by subjecting cells to heat shock at 43 degrees C, whereas it was obstructed by treatment with the microfilament-disrupting drug cytochalasin D. The staining patterns of UL14 antigen-positive cells after heat shock suggested a cell-to-cell spread of the protein. Although the mechanism is unclear, the phenomenon seems to be an unprecedented type of intercellular trafficking.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of the herpes simplex virus UL42 protein.   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
P Digard  C S Chow  L Pirrit    D M Coen 《Journal of virology》1993,67(3):1159-1168
The herpes simplex virus UL42 gene encodes a multifunctional polypeptide (UL42) that is essential for virus DNA replication. To further understand the relationship between the structure of UL42 and the role that it plays during virus replication, we analyzed an extensive set of mutant UL42 proteins for the ability to perform the three major biochemical functions ascribed to the protein:binding to DNA, stably associating with the virus DNA polymerase (Pol), and acting to increase the length of DNA chains synthesized by Pol. Selected mutants were also assayed for their ability to complement the replication of a UL42 null virus. The results indicated that the N-terminal 340 amino acids of UL42 were sufficient for all three biochemical activities and could also support virus replication. Progressive C-terminal truncation resulted in the loss of detectable DNA-binding activity before Pol binding, while several mutations near the N terminus of the polypeptide resulted in an altered interaction with DNA but had no apparent affect on Pol binding. More dramatically, an insertion mutation at residue 160 destroyed the ability to bind Pol but had no effect on DNA binding. This altered polypeptide also failed to increase the length of DNA product synthesized by Pol, and the mutant gene could not complement the growth of a UL42 null virus, indicating that the specific interaction between Pol and UL42 is necessary for full Pol function and for virus replication. This study confirms the validity of the Pol-UL42 interaction as a target for the design of novel therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Xing J  Wang S  Lin F  Pan W  Hu CD  Zheng C 《Journal of virology》2011,85(4):1881-1886
It has been reported that herpes simplex virus type 1 UL3, UL4, and UL20.5 proteins are localized to small, dense nuclear bodies together with ICP22 in infected cells. In the present study, we comprehensively characterized these interactions by subcellular colocalization, coimmunoprecipitation, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays. For the first time, it was demonstrated that both UL3 and UL20.5 are targeted to small, dense nuclear bodies by a direct interaction with ICP22, whereas UL4 colocalizes with ICP22 through its interaction with UL3 but not UL20.5 or ICP22. There was no detectable interaction between UL3 and UL20.5.  相似文献   

UL9, the origin-binding protein of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), has been overexpressed in an insect cell overexpression system and purified to homogeneity. In this report, we confirm and extend recent findings on the physical properties, enzymatic activities, and binding properties of UL9. We demonstrate that UL9 exists primarily as a homodimer in solution and that these dimers associate to form a complex nucleoprotein structure when bound to the HSV origin of replication. We also show that UL9 is an ATP-dependent helicase, capable of unwinding partially duplex DNA in a sequence-independent manner. Although the helicase activity of UL9 is demonstrable on short duplex substrates in the absence of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins, the HSV single-stranded DNA-binding protein ICP8 (but not heterologous binding proteins) stimulates UL9 to unwind long DNA sequences of over 500 bases. We were not able to demonstrate unwinding of fully duplex DNA sequences containing the HSV origin of replication. However, in experiments designed to detect origin-dependent unwinding, we did find that UL9 wraps supercoiled DNA independent of sequence or ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 virion host shutoff protein has four domains whose sequences are conserved only among neurotropic herpesviruses. Mutant viruses with 29- and 31-amino-acid deletions in domains III and IV but outside of the domain required for interaction with VP16 were generated. The mutants failed to induce cellular RNA degradation and showed impaired virulence in mice. Domains III and IV are therefore required for both shutoff and virulence.  相似文献   

Genome sequence of herpes simplex virus 1 strain KOS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) strain KOS has been extensively used in many studies to examine HSV-1 replication, gene expression, and pathogenesis. Notably, strain KOS is known to be less pathogenic than the first sequenced genome of HSV-1, strain 17. To understand the genotypic differences between KOS and other phenotypically distinct strains of HSV-1, we sequenced the viral genome of strain KOS. When comparing strain KOS to strain 17, there are at least 1,024 small nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 172 insertions/deletions (indels). The polymorphisms observed in the KOS genome will likely provide insights into the genes, their protein products, and the cis elements that regulate the biology of this HSV-1 strain.  相似文献   

D Chen  E C Stabell    P D Olivo 《Journal of virology》1995,69(7):4515-4518
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) gene 51 encodes a protein which is homologous to UL9, the origin of DNA replication-binding protein of herpes simplex virus type 1. No genetic information is available on VZV gene 51, but its product has been shown to bind to virtually the same recognition sequence as does UL9 (D. Chen and P. D. Olivo, J. Virol. 68:3841-3849, 1994; N. D. Stow, H. M. Weir, and E. C. Stow, Virology 177:570-577, 1990). We report here that gene 51 can complement a UL9 null mutant (hr94) (A. K. Malik, R. Martinez, L. Muncy, E. P. Carmichael, and S. K. Weller, Virology 190:702-715, 1992), but at a level which is only 20% of that of UL9. Quantitation of viral DNA synthesis suggests that this phenotype is due to a defect in viral DNA synthesis. Regardless, the ability of VZV gene 51 to complement UL9 suggests that alphaherpesviruses have a highly conserved mechanism of initiation of viral DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The product of the U(L)11 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a 96-amino-acid tegument protein that accumulates on the cytoplasmic face of internal membranes. Although it is thought to be important for nucleocapsid envelopment and egress, the actual function of this protein is unknown. Previous studies focused on the characterization of sequence elements within the UL11 protein that function in membrane binding and trafficking to the Golgi apparatus. Binding was found to be mediated by two fatty acyl groups (myristate and palmitate), while an acidic cluster and a dileucine motif were identified as being important for the recycling of UL11 from the plasma membrane to the Golgi apparatus. The goal of the experiments described here was to identify and characterize binding partners (viral or cellular) of UL11. Using both immunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assays, we identified a 40-kDa protein that specifically associates with UL11 from infected Vero cells. Mutational analyses revealed that the acidic cluster and the dileucine motif are required for this association, whereas the entire second half of UL11 is not. In addition, UL11 homologs from pseudorabies and Marek's disease herpesviruses were also found to be capable of binding to the 40-kDa protein from HSV-1-infected cells, suggesting that the interaction is conserved among alphaherpesviruses. Purification and analysis of the 40-kDa protein by mass spectrometry revealed that it is the product of the U(L)16 gene, a virion protein reported to be involved in nucleocapsid assembly. Cells transfected with a UL16-green fluorescent protein expression vector produced a protein that was of the expected size, could be pulled down with GST-UL11, and accumulated in a Golgi-like compartment only when coexpressed with UL11, indicating that the interaction does not require any other viral products. These data represent the first steps toward elucidating the network of tegument proteins that UL11 links to membranes.  相似文献   

Herpesviruses replicate their double stranded DNA genomes as high-molecular-weight concatemers which are subsequently cleaved into unit-length genomes by a complex mechanism that is tightly coupled to DNA insertion into a preformed capsid structure, the procapsid. The herpes simplex virus type 1 UL25 protein is incorporated into the capsid during DNA packaging, and previous studies of a null mutant have demonstrated that its function is essential at the late stages of the head-filling process, either to allow packaging to proceed to completion or for retention of the viral genome within the capsid. We have expressed and purified an N-terminally truncated form of the 580-residue UL25 protein and have determined the crystallographic structure of the region corresponding to amino acids 134 to 580 at 2.1-Angstroms resolution. This structure, the first for any herpesvirus protein involved in processing and packaging of viral DNA, reveals a novel fold, a distinctive electrostatic distribution, and a unique "flexible" architecture in which numerous flexible loops emanate from a stable core. Evolutionary trace analysis of UL25 and its homologues in other herpesviruses was used to locate potentially important amino acids on the surface of the protein, leading to the identification of four putative docking regions for protein partners.  相似文献   

By electron microscopy and image analysis, we find that baculovirus-expressed UL6 is polymorphic, consisting of rings of 11-, 12-, 13-, and 14-fold symmetry. The 12-mer is likely to be the oligomer incorporated into procapsids: at a resolution of 16 A, it has an axial channel, peripheral flanges, and fits snugly into a vacant vertex site. Its architecture resembles those of bacteriophage portal/connector proteins.  相似文献   

The UL11 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 encodes a 96-amino-acid tegument protein that is myristylated, palmitylated, and phosphorylated and is found on the cytoplasmic faces of nuclear, Golgi apparatus-derived, and plasma membranes of infected cells. Although this protein is thought to play a role in virus budding, its specific function is unknown. Purified virions were found to contain approximately 700 copies of the UL11 protein per particle, making it an abundant component of the tegument. Moreover, comparisons of cell-associated and virion-associated UL11 showed that packaging is selective for underphosphorylated forms, as has been reported for several other tegument proteins. Although the mechanism by which UL11 is packaged is unknown, previous studies have identified several sequence motifs in the protein that are important for membrane binding, intracellular trafficking, and interaction with UL16, another tegument protein. To ascertain whether any of these motifs are needed for packaging, a transfection/infection-based assay was used in which mutant forms of the protein must compete with the wild type. In this assay, the entire C-terminal half of UL11 was found to be dispensable. In the N-terminal half, the sites of myristylation and palmitylation, which enable membrane-binding and Golgi apparatus-specific targeting, were found to be essential for efficient packaging. The acidic cluster motif, which is not needed for Golgi apparatus-specific targeting but is involved in recycling the protein from the plasma membrane and for the interaction with UL16, was found to be essential, too. Thus, something other than mere localization of UL11 to Golgi apparatus-derived membranes is needed for packaging. The critical factor is unlikely to be the interaction with UL16 because other mutants that fail to bind this protein (due to removal of the dileucine-like motif or substitutions with foreign acidic clusters) were efficiently packaged. Collectively, these results suggest that UL11 packaging is not driven by a passive mechanism but instead requires trafficking through a specific pathway.  相似文献   

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