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The process by which two people share attention towards the same object or event is called joint attention. Joint attention and the underlying triadic representations between self, other person and object are thought to be unique to humans, supporting teaching, cooperation and language learning. Despite the progress that has been made in understanding the behavioural importance of joint attention during early social development, almost nothing is known about the brain substrate that supports joint attention in the developing infant. We examined responses in five-month-old infants'' prefrontal cortex during triadic social interactions using near-infrared spectroscopy. The results demonstrate that, even by the age of five months, infants are sensitive to triadic interactions and, like adults, they recruit a specific brain region localized in left dorsal prefrontal cortex when engaged in joint attention with another person. This suggests that the human infant is neurobiologically prepared for sharing attention with other humans, which may provide the basis for a wide variety of uniquely human social and cultural learning processes.  相似文献   

Identification and quantification of disease-related gene clusters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: DNA microarray technology and the completion of human and mouse genome sequencing programs are now offering new avenues for the investigation of complex genetic diseases. In particular, this makes possible the study of the spatial distribution of disease-related genes within the genome. We report on the first systematic search for clustering of genes associated with a polygenic autoimmune disease. RESULTS: Using a set of cDNA microarray chip experiments in two mouse models of rheumatoid arthritis, we have identified approximately 200 genes based on their expression in inflamed joints and mapped them into the genome. We compute the spatial autocorrelation function of the selected genes and find that they tend to cluster over scales of a few megabase pairs. We then identify significant gene clusters using a friends-of-friends algorithm. This approach should aid in discovering functionally related gene clusters in the mammalian genome.  相似文献   

Advances in biological mass spectrometry have resulted in the development of numerous strategies for the large-scale quantification of protein expression levels within cells. These measurements of protein expression are most commonly accomplished through differential incorporation of stable isotopes into cellular proteins. Several variations of the stable isotope quantification method have been demonstrated, differing in isotope composition and incorporation strategy. In general, the majority of these methods establish only relative quantification of expressed proteins. To address this, the absolute quantification (AQUA) strategy was developed for the precise determination of protein expression and post-translational modification levels. The AQUA method relies on the use of a synthetic internal standard peptide that is introduced at a known concentration to cell lysates during digestion. This AQUA peptide precisely mimics a peptide produced during proteolysis of the target protein, except that it is enriched in certain stable isotopes. Analysis of the proteolyzed sample by a selected reaction monitoring (SRM) experiment in a tandem mass spectrometer results in the direct detection and quantification of both the native peptide and isotope labeled AQUA internal standard peptide. As an example, the development and application of a method to measure a tryptic peptide representing the amount of polyubiquitin chain formation through lysine 48 (K48) is presented. The simplicity and sensitivity of the method, coupled with the widespread availability of tandem mass spectrometers, make the AQUA strategy a highly useful procedure for measuring the levels of proteins and post-translational modifications directly from cell lysates.  相似文献   

We present a method for the quantification of the fast plasma membrane movements that are involved in ruffling, blebbing, fast shape change, and fast translocation. The method is based on the Kontron Vidas image analysis computer program. Video images from cells viewed through an inverted microscope were transmitted to the computer. The procedure was as follows: 4 consecutive video images were averaged (image 1); 28 s later a second set of 4 video images was averaged (image 2); image 2 was subtracted from image 1 and the grey level of each pixel of the resulting image was increased with 128 grey level units, resulting in the subtraction image, showing a uniform grey background speckled with brighter and darker spots corresponding to areas of movement. These spots were discriminated and turned into white objects against a black background. Interactive editing was used to delete artefacts that resulted from floating debris. The total area of the discriminated objects was measured, and the parameter motile area in micron2 per cell was calculated. We have applied our method to the study of motility induced in epithelial cell lines by the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate and by epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   

A HPLC method using an anion exchange column was developed for the quantification of baculovirus particles. To properly detect the virus eluting from the column, a nucleic acid dye was used to amplify the signal projected by the virus. The viral genome was labeled by incubating the virus with SYBR Green I at 37°C for a minimum of 1h. The virus was specifically eluted from the contaminants in 8.9 min at a NaCl concentration of 480 mM NaCl (in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5). The total run time of the method was 25 min. The method resulted in a linear response from 1×10(8) to 5.0×10(10)viral particles (VP/ml). The detection limit was 3.0×10(7) and the quantification limit was 1×10(8)VP/ml. The intra-assay precision was <10% for both purified and crude virus preparations whereas the inter-assay precisions were <5% and <10% for purified and crude virus preparations, respectively. The recovery/accuracy of the method ranged from 78 to 101%. This method is a robust monitoring tool to facilitate research activities with baculovirus vector and accelerate development of baculovirus-based processes for manufacturing of biologics.  相似文献   

Summary The movements of blastomere surfaces marked with carbon particles during cytokinesis of the Ist–IVth cleavage divisions in the eggs of the gastropodsLymnaea stagnalis, L. palustris, Physa acuta and Ph. fontinalis have been studied by time-lapse cinematographic methods. The vitelline membrane was removed with trypsin. At 2- and 4-cell stages shifts of nuclei have also been studied.Symmetrical as well as asymmetrical surface movements (in respect to the furrow plane) have been revealed. Symmetrical surface movements at the beginning of cytokinesis consist mainly in contraction of the furrow zone and in expansion of the more peripheral regions; between these there is a stationary zone. After the end of cytokinesis the furrow region expands.Considerableasymmetrical surface movements have also been observed in all four divisions. From anaphase until the end of cytokinesis each of the two sister blastomeres rotates with respect to the other in such a way, that if viewed along the spindle axis, the blastomere nearest to the observer rotates dexiotropically in a dextral species and laeotropically in a sinistral species (primary rotations). After the completion of cytokinesis the blastomeres may rotate in a reverse direction. The latter rotations are less pronounced in the IInd and IIIrd divisions and most pronounced in the IVth division. Blastomeres with the vitelline membrane intact retain a slight capacity for primary rotations. In normal conditions nuclei of the first two blastomeres shift mainly laeotropically in dextral species, but dexiotropically in sinistral species, being carried along by the reverse surface rotations.The invariable primary asymmetrical rotations of blastomeres seem to be the basis of enantiomorphism in molluscan cleavage. They are assumed to be determined by an asymmetrical structure of the contractile ring carrying out the cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Sugita Y 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(14):1267-1271
Early visual experience is indispensable to shape the maturation of cortical circuits during development. Monocular deprivation in infancy, for instance, leads to an irreversible reduction of visually driven activity in the visual cortex through the deprived eye and a loss of binocular depth perception. It was tested whether or not early experience is also necessary for color perception. Infant monkeys were reared for nearly a year in a separate room where the illumination came from only monochromatic lights. After extensive training, they were able to perform color matching. But, their judgment of color similarity was quite different from that of normal animals. Furthermore, they had severe deficits in color constancy; their color vision was very much wavelength dominated, so they could not compensate for the changes in wavelength composition. These results indicate that early visual experience is also indispensable for normal color perception.  相似文献   

Sprains at the knee are the most frequent of the severe injuries occurring during alpine snow skiing. This paper discusses the development of analytical models describing rotations across the knee joint caused by varus-valgus and internal-external moments applied at the foot during skiing. Identification of an ARMAX model requires simultaneous measurements of the rotations across the knee and the moments at the foot during skiing. As the models only relate the measured input (moment) and output (rotation) data, they also identify components of apparent rotation resulting from imperfect fixation of the rotation measuring instrument on the test subject and resulting from other inputs. The models identified for all subjects are of order four or five for both varus-valgus and internal-external rotation, and they describe modes with oscillatory and exponentially decaying components. Application of the models to prediction of rotation across the knee from the measured moment at the foot is illustrated by example. A new, and virtually mechanically uncoupled, six degrees-of-freedom, strain gauge dynamometer is developed to record the moments at the foot during skiing. The concept of the dynamometer design has general application.  相似文献   

Iodixanol is a widely used iso-osmolar contrast medium agent. Similar to iohexol, it can also be a good exogenous marker for the measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This article describes the development and validation of an HPLC-UV method for quantification of iodixanol in human plasma. Internal standard, iohexol (20 microl, 1 mg/ml), and perchloric acid (30 microl, 20%, v/v) were added to plasma samples (300 microl), followed by neutralization with 10 microl potassium carbonate (5M). Samples were centrifuged and 10 microl of the supernatant was injected onto a C(18) EPS analytical column (3 microm particle size, 150 mm x 4.6 mm). The extraction method yielded >95% recovery for both iodixanol and iohexol. The mobile phase consisted of 0.1% (w/v) sodium formate buffer and acetonitrile. Iohexol and iodixanol peaks were eluted at approximately 5 and 9 min, respectively using a fast gradient method. The assay lower limit of detection was 2.0 microg/ml and lower limit of quantification was 10 microg/ml. The calibration curves, assessed in six replicates, were linear over an iodixanol concentration range of 10-750 microg/ml. Intra- and inter-day accuracy was >95% and precision expressed as % coefficient of variation was <10%. This method is simple, accurate, precise and robust and can potentially be used for iodixanol quantification in large-scale clinical studies.  相似文献   

We describe the development and validation of a new, simple, sensitive and cost‐effective method for the determination of ceftriaxone in commercial formulations and spiked human plasma. The method proposes the conversion of ceftriaxone into a fluorescent product by reacting with ortho‐phthalaldehyde (OPA) in the presence of sulfite at room temperature. The reaction medium is buffered to pH 10 using borate buffer. The derivatized reaction product is highly fluorescent and exhibits maximum fluorescence intensity at λem = 386 nm after excitation at λex = 324 nm. The experimental parameters affecting progress of the derivatization reaction were carefully studied and optimized. Under optimum experimental conditions, the method has an excellent correlation coefficient of 0.9984 with a broad linear range of 0.4?20 µg/mL. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were found to be 1.30 × 10?3 and 3.90 × 10?3 µg/mL, respectively. The interference effects of common excipients on the quantification of drug were investigated and no interference effect was observed. The proposed method has been successfully applied to the determination of ceftriaxone in pharmaceutical formulations and spiked human plasma samples. The method has been validated statistically through percent recovery studies using standard addition and by comparison with a reference HPLC method. The developed method exhibits excellent inter‐ and intraday precision. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An unconstrained loading system was developed to measure the passive envelope of joint motion in an animal model commonly used to study ligament healing and joint arthritis. The design of the five-degree-of-freedom system allowed for unconstrained knee joint loading throughout flexion with repeated removal and reapplication of the device to a specimen. Seven New Zealand White rabbit knees were subjected to varus, valgus, internal and external loads, and the resulting envelopes of motion were recorded using an electromagnetic tracking device. Intra-specimen reproducibility was excellent when measured in one specimen, with maximal rotational differences of 0.6 and 0.3 deg between the fourth and fifth testing cycles for the varus (VR) and valgus (VL) envelopes, respectively. Similarly, the maximal internal (INT) and external (EXT) envelope differences were 0.5 and 0.4 deg, respectively, between the fourth and fifth cycles. Good inter-animal envelope reproducibility was also observed with consistent motion pathways for each loading condition. A maximal VR-VL laxity of 17.9 +/- 2.3 deg was recorded at 95 deg flexion for the seven knees tested. The maximal INT-EXT laxity of 75.2 +/- 4.8 deg occurred at 50 deg flexion. Studies on measurement reproducibility of re-applying individual testing components demonstrated a maximal error of 1.2 +/- 0.7 deg. Serial removal and re-application (test-retest) of the complete measuring system to one cadaveric knee demonstrated maximal envelope differences of less than 0.7 deg for VR-VL rotation and 2.1 deg for INT-EXT rotation. Our results demonstrate that the measuring system is reproducible and capable of accurate evaluation of knee joint motion. Baseline in vitro data were generated on normal joint kinematics for future in-vivo studies with this system, evaluating ligament healing and disease progression in arthritis models.  相似文献   

The present work explains the development and validation of a simple and reliable isomer specific liquid chromatographic method for the quantitative determination of cefpodoxime proxetil (CP) in rat in situ intestinal perfusate samples. Chromatography was carried out by reversed-phase technique on a C-18 column with a mobile phase composed of 20 mM ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5.0) and acetonitrile in the ratio of 62:38 pumped at a flow-rate of 1 ml/min. The detection was carried out at 235 nm and a column temperature of 30 degrees C. The method was evaluated for the various validation parameters, such as linearity, accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ, specificity, selectivity, and sample stability. The results of intra- and inter-day validation (n = 3) showed the method to be efficient and the same was applied in an in situ permeability study conducted for CP in rats.  相似文献   

One of the earliest applications of clinical echocardiography is evaluation of left ventricular (LV) function and size. Accurate, reproducible and quantitative evaluation of LV function and size is vital for diagnosis, treatment and prediction of prognosis of heart disease. Early three-dimensional (3D) echocardiographic techniques showed better reproducibility than two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography and narrower limits of agreement for assessment of LV function and size in comparison to reference methods, mostly cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging, but acquisition methods were cumbersome and a lack of user-friendly analysis software initially precluded widespread use. Through the advent of matrix transducers enabling real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) and improvements in analysis software featuring semi-automated volumetric analysis, 3D echocardiography evolved into a simple and fast imaging modality for everyday clinical use. 3DE provides the possibility to evaluate the entire LV in three spatial dimensions during the complete cardiac cycle, offering a more accurate and complete quantitative evaluation the LV. Improved efficiency in acquisition and analysis may provide clinicians with important diagnostic information within minutes. The current article reviews the methodology and application of 3DE for quantitative evaluation of the LV, provides the scientific evidence for its current clinical use, and discusses its current limitations and potential future directions.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to develop a framework for the accurate identification of joint centers to be used for the calculation of human body kinematics and kinetics. The present work introduces a method for the functional identification of joint centers using markerless motion capture (MMC). The MMC system used 8 color VGA cameras. An automatic segmentation-registration algorithm was developed to identify the optimal joint center in a least-square sense. The method was applied to the hip joint center with a validation study conducted in a virtual environment. The results had an accuracy (6mm mean absolute error) below the current MMC system resolution (1cm voxel resolution). Direct experimental comparison with marker-based methods was carried out showing mean absolute deviations over the three anatomical directions of 11.9 and 15.3mm if compared with either a full leg or only thigh markers protocol, respectively. Those experimental results were presented only in terms of deviations between the two systems (marker-based and markerless) as no real gold standard was available. The methods presented in this paper provide an important enabling step towards the biomechanical and clinical applications of markerless motion capture.  相似文献   

Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody, is used for the treatment of breast cancer patients who overexpress the HER2 receptor. To optimize therapy, pharmacokinetic studies are necessary. The aim of this study was to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for trastuzumab to support these pharmacokinetic studies. For this immunoassay, we raised anti-idiotype antibodies in rabbits. After purification of the rabbit material, the anti-idiotype antibodies are used as capturing antibodies on the ELISA plate. After trastuzumab has bound to the catcher antibody, a sandwich ELISA procedure is followed whereby biotinylated anti-idiotype antibodies can bind to trastuzumab. Detection is performed by streptavidin-polyHRP (poly-horseradish peroxidase) conjugate and (3,5,3′,5′)-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) substrate. The reaction is stopped using sulfuric acid, and the absorbance is measured at 450 nm. The calibration range of the assay is 0.039 to 5 ng/ml in well. Because samples are analyzed in multiple dilutions, the validated range corresponds to 1.6 to 1600 ng/ml in undiluted serum. Samples above the upper limit of quantification (ULOQ) can be diluted before transfer to the assay plates. Validation results demonstrate that trastuzumab can be accurately and precisely quantified in human serum and plasma. The assay is now used to support pharmacokinetic studies with trastuzumab in human serum and plasma.  相似文献   

Many external and internal validity measures have been proposed in order to estimate the number of clusters in gene expression data but as a rule they do not consider the analysis of the stability of the groupings produced by a clustering algorithm. Based on the approach assessing the predictive power or stability of a partitioning, we propose the new measure of cluster validation and the selection procedure to determine the suitable number of clusters. The validity measure is based on the estimation of the "clearness" of the consensus matrix, which is the result of a resampling clustering scheme or consensus clustering. According to the proposed selection procedure the stable clustering result is determined with the reference to the validity measure for the null hypothesis encoding for the absence of clusters. The final number of clusters is selected by analyzing the distance between the validity plots for initial and permutated data sets. We applied the selection procedure to estimate the clustering results on several datasets. As a result the proposed procedure produced an accurate and robust estimate of the number of clusters, which are in agreement with the biological knowledge and gold standards of cluster quality.  相似文献   

A decoction of the leaves and stems of Desmodium adscendens (Fabaceae), a herb occurring in Africa and South America, is used in traditional medicine. Previous phytochemical research revealed that flavonoids, soyasaponins, β-phenylethylamines, and an indol-3-alkylamine were present. Our investigations have led to the identification of D-pinitol, a carbohydrate with antihyperglycemic, hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects, as a potentially active compound. In order to prepare a quantified extract to be used in in vivo experiments, an analytical method was developed and validated.A gas chromatographic method was developed. Two different derivatization methods, i.e. acetylation and trimethylsilylation, were evaluated. Trimethylsilylation yielded repeatable results and was selected. Five different sugar alcohols were evaluated in order to find a suitable internal standard. Xylitol was chosen since it did not co-elute and its structure closely resembled D-pinitol. Sonication and reflux extraction were investigated in order to obtain a quantitative extraction. This was achieved through reflux extraction during 0.5 h.The method was validated according to the ICH guidelines. The calibration model appeared to be linear, ranging from 5.13 μL/mL to 25.65 μL/mL. The method was precise with an inter-day precision lower than 1.3%. The accuracy ranged from 103.38% to 105.84%. The validated method was used for quantification of D-pinitol in lyophilized decoctions from D. adscendens administered in in vivo experiments. Typically, a D-pinitol level about 5% was measured. Additionally, different food supplements available on the market were screened. The amount D-pinitol found in these supplements ranged from 1.8 mg/capsule to 30 mg/capsule and was 2.0 mg/mL solution.  相似文献   

Since the publication of our first analytical method in 2000 to detect and quantify phthalate metabolites in human urine, we have modified the method several times to improve performance, reduce the volume of matrix and solvents used, and to increase the number of analytes in one analytical run. We performed cross method validation and ruggedness testing after each modification to ensure that the analytical method adopted is robust and produces accurate and reproducible data when compared to the previously used method. Here, we present the results from the evaluation of the ruggedness of our analytical approach under variable experimental conditions, using the current analytical method. Minor deviations of the standard experimental conditions, i.e., pH, incubation time, amount of deconjugation enzyme, and incubation temperature, had no effect on final analyte concentrations. Furthermore, we validated the method to ensure accuracy at concentrations beyond the highest calibration standard. The concentrations obtained by using a lower volume of urine agreed well with original levels, suggesting broad linear calibration range as well as complete hydrolysis of the glucuronide conjugates with the standard amount of beta-glucuronidase used for deglucuronidation; also, the time of incubation (90 min) was adequate regardless of the amount of glucuronide present. We also summarize the precision of concentration data acquired by the five different analytical approaches we have used since 2000. The correlation plots of concentration data for each analyte obtained from split sample analysis, using three of these approaches, produced linear curves (R(2)>0.98) with slopes and intercepts that were not statistically different (p>0.05) from 1 and 0, respectively. These results suggest that the data are reproducible and accurate, regardless of the analytical method used. Furthermore, analysis of quality control urine samples made over the years confirmed the stability of the phthalate metabolites in urine at -70 degrees C for several years and the consistency of the analytical measurements obtained by using various methodological approaches over time.  相似文献   

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