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Summary The ultimobranchial glands of the chicken were examined by electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry using a calcitonin antiserum. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of C-cells, containing numerous secretory granules storing calcitonin, in the luminal lining of cyst-like structures found in these glands. These cells were furnished with prominent microvillar projections at their luminal surface, and the cytoplasm of the apical region was filled with fibril material. Furthermore, the cells contained prominent junctional complexes and desmosomes at their apico-lateral surfaces. In these C-cells, secretory granules were concentrated near the lumen and some were attached to the apical cell membrane. The luminal content of the cysts had a colloid-like and flocculent appearance, and was frequently seen attached to the cytoplasmic projections or apical cell membrane of the C-cells. Since the cysts progressively increase in volume and number with age, it is suggested that they may partly play a role in the storage of excess or unneeded hormonal products.  相似文献   

1. Oxygen consumption was measured before and after dehydration at different ambient temperatures (Ta) in the terrestrial toad Bufo viridis and the semi-aquatic frog Rana ridibunda. 2. The metabolic rates at Tas between 14 and 27 degrees C were almost the same for R. ridibunda and B. viridis. 3. The metabolic rate at higher Tas (between 27 and 36 degrees C) was higher in R. ridibunda than in B. viridis. This situation was found before and after dehydration. 4. A similar situation was found with CO2 production, which was higher at high Tas in R. ridibunda compared with B. viridis.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the ultimobranchial (UB) glands of two common laboratory urodeles, viz., larval axolotls, Ambystoma mexicanum Shaw and adult Pleurodeles waltlii Micahelles, is described and compared in what is believed to be the first ultrastructural report on urodele UB glands. The axolotl UB gland shows a wide variety of form, being represented by an elongated diffuse series of follicles and sometimes by one or two large discrete terminal follicular bodies. In these axolotl UB glands up to four cell categories are distinguishable including a tonofilamentous cell and a secretory cell that is possibly homologous with calcitonin-producing C cells of anurans or other vertebrates. These two cell categories are also found in the Pleurodeles gland. The possible significance of the various cells is considered.We are indebted to the Central Research Fund of London University and the Science Research Council for awards making this research possible. We would also like to thank Dr. Eyal of the Dept. of Zoology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem for the gift of the Pleurodeles and Mr. Raynor L. Jones for his excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

The serous (poison) cutaneous glands of the Pacific tree-frog Hyla regilla were induced to release their product by 10(-3)M nor-epinephrine stimulation. After discharge structural and ultrastructural features of the cutaneous glands involved in release were observed. Furthermore, the discharged product, consisting of discrete, secretory granules, was collected and processed for transmission electron microscope analysis. As indicated by patterns found in the myoepithelium encircling the syncytial secretory unit, gland discharge is caused by contraction of the peripheral myocytes. Muscle cell compression dramatically affects the syncytium and results in degenerative changes, including expulsion of the secretory unit nuclei. Therefore, the structural collapse in depleted glands has been ascribed to the mechanical activity performed by the myoepithelium during discharge, rather than cytoplasm involution described in conventional, holocrine glands. TEM investigation revealed that the secretory granules collected after discharge maintain their peculiar traits: they consist of recurrent patterns of thin subunits, acquired during serous maturation and provided with remarkable structural stability.  相似文献   

1. The circadian patterns of melatonin and of its synthesizing enzyme N-acetyltransferase (NAT) were investigated in the serum, retina, pineal gland and Harderian gland (HG) of two amphibian species, Bufo viridis and Rana esculenta.2. Serum melatonin levels showed no diurnal fluctuations in Bufo viridis, whereas, in Rana esculenta, they exhibited a circadian rhythm, with the highest values occurring during the night. Retina melatonin exhibited characteristic circadian patterns in both species, with the highest values occurring during the day, in Bufo, and the highest concentrations occurring at night in Rana.3. In the retina, NAT activity peaked at night in both amphibians, but in Bufo the levels were up to 30 times higher than in Rana. In the HG and in the pineal gland, NAT activity showed different patterns in the two species with no diurnal variations in Bufo, and characteristic circadian rhythms in Rana.4. In the HG and pineal gland of both species, melatonin was only occasionally detectable over the 24-hr period.5. This is the first report exploring melatonin production in Bufo viridis and Rana esculenta. In our experimental conditions, marked differences emerged between the two species.  相似文献   

用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察了扩张莫尼茨绦虫节间腺形成过程的精细结构及一些组化变化。结果表明:节间腺是扩张莫尼茨绦虫皮层的特化部分,由节片后缘的皮层及其邻近细胞体向绦虫实质组织中陷入开始其形成过程,随着虫体发育的进行,新的陷入不断形成,原陷入的部分不断脱离皮层形成簇状腺体结构。节间腺的数目随着体节的发育不断增加,幼节中仅有少数几个(6~9个),而远端的孕节中多于100个。电镜下可见腺细胞体由细胞质管与腺皮层相联,簇状腺体结构为一合胞体形态,腺细胞体围绕并开口于椭球体或不规则形状的皮层腔中。离腺皮层远的腺细胞体电子密度高并含有与腺皮层相应的典型分泌颗粒,而靠近腺皮层的腺细胞体电子密度低,所含分泌颗粒较少。扩张莫尼茨绦虫节间腺的组化性质尚不完全清楚。糖与蛋白质等组化结果不稳定,随染液pH值及染色时间的变化等多种因素而改变。基于我们的研究及其他研究者的观察表明,节间腺可能参与外源基质形成虫卵的转运,同时他们可能在虫体节片脱落及虫卵溢出时起作用。  相似文献   

A structural and ultrastructural study was carried out on the cutaneous glands in some species of Rana (R. dalmatina, R. iberica, R. italica, R. "esculenta," and R. perezi), giving particular attention to the mucous secretory units. Two different types of mucous glands occur in R. dalmatina, R. iberica, and R. italica. Besides the ordinary mucous units, which are randomly distributed over the body surface in both males and females, a further population of mucous glands was observed on the male dorsal skin. The latter is recognizable by the peculiar morphology of the epithelial cells and some characteristics of the secretory product. Specialized mucous glands are absent in both sexes of R. "esculenta" and R. perezi. The possible adaptive role of the specialized mucous glands is discussed in light of the absence of vocal sacs in males of R. dalmatina, R. iberica, and R. italica. Chemosignals released by sexually dimorphic mucous units may replace vocal communication during the breeding season and so play an important role in female attraction and/or territorial announcement. The morphology and possible function of the specialized mucous glands in the three species of Rana are compared with the breeding glands of other frogs and with the hedonic glands of some urodeles (Salamandridae and Plethodontidae), which are known to produce pheromonal substances during courtship.  相似文献   

Three types of structure of the ascospore wall were found among the haploid Saccharomyces species examined: a warty wall (S. rouxii), a smooth wall with a single electron-light inner layer (S. bailii) and a smooth wall with a double light inner layer (S. montanus, S. florentinus). The latter type also occurred in Kluyveromyces thermotolerans and K. waltii. In K. fragilis spores the wall had a single light inner layer. The taxonomic implications of these findings were discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The endolymphatic sac of the tree frog and its crystals were observed by light- and electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the crystals have a faceted body and two pointed ends. Light- and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the endolymphatic sac is composed of many small chambers. In their lumina, numerous ghosts of crystals that resulted from decalcification were observed. The ghosts were demarcated by a linear dense material or embedded in a flocculent substance. The epithelium of the endolymphatic sac is simple squamous or cuboidal and peculiar cytoplasmic granules are found in most cells. The granules are surrounded by a limiting membrane and have varying electron density. Some granules contain a core and/or tubular structures. Vacuoles containing large ghosts are also found in the epithelial cells. These ghosts were quite similar to those in the lumen and sometimes coexist with cell debris. The fine structure of the endolymphatic sac and its crystals is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Recent investigations have suggested specific differences in back and belly skin in anurans which appear to influence the quality of reflex responses obtained from various areas of the animals body. The present investigation represents a comparative morphological study of back and belly skin in control and skin-graftedRana pipiens, with special regard to the neuroepithelial relationships. A distinct difference in pigmentation of back and belly skin was observed. Intra-epithelial Merkel cells were present in all skin samples studied. The origins of the numerous unclassifiable cells in the Merkel cell region are discussed in relation to a presumed coordinating function of the Merkel cell during epithelial differentiation. Epitheliomesenchymal interactions were observed in the richly innvervated dermal regions. Two types of morphologically different intra-epithelial nerve endings were observed. These observations are discussed in relation to earlier observations on vertebrate skin and in relation to misdirected reflex responses obtained in skin-grafted anurans.  相似文献   

The functions of the sperm-duct glands of Padogobius martensi were investigated by histochemical, enzyme histochemical and fine structural methods during the prereproductive and reproductive periods, i.e. during their maximum activity. The epithelium lining the spermduct gland tubules produces strongly acidic sulphomucins, probably conjugated with proteins and the variety of sulphomucins increases during the reproductive period when the exocrine epithelium is also involved in the phagocytosis of degenerating sperm cells. A contractile network of myoid cells surround the tubules. The gland interstitium contains cells similar in enzyme histochemical and ultrastructural features to the testicular interstitial cells (Leydig cell homologues). Unlike the latter, however, the interstitial cells of the sperm-duct gland are able to produce steroid glucuronides, which act possibly as pheromones.  相似文献   

Histological and ultrastructural investigations revealed three different multicellular skin gland types in the salamandrid Pleurodeles waltl. The mucous glands are small, with one layer of secretory cells surrounding a central lumen; they produce the viscous and slippery mucus film that has various functions in amphibians. The serous glands can be divided based on their histological and ultrastructural characters into the granular gland Type I (GGI) and the granular gland Type II (GGII). The first type (GGI) is moderately sized and distributed throughout the body surface, with higher concentrations in the parotoid and back regions. In contrast, the second type (GGII) is very large (for Pleurodeles) and was found only in the tail, with highest concentration in the tail dorsum. Both granular gland types contain mainly proteinaceous materials but differ in their morphological features including size, shape, cellular organization and vesicle distribution, vesicle size and vesicle shape. Both GGI and GGII are especially concentrated in body parts that are presented to an attacking predator and are hypothesized to produce repellent to poisonous substances to thwart potential aggressors. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The preputial glands of male nude (nu/nu) mice were analyzed by a combination of electron microscopy and gas chromatography to determine whether or not they are affected, like developing hairs and nails, by the nu/nu genotype. Results of the analyses revealed no differences between the glands of nude and normal male mice in either their ultrastructural characteristics or lipid secretory products.  相似文献   

Summary The auditory thresholds of three frogs-two subspecies of the genusHyla (H. a. arborea, H. a. savignyi) and one of the genusRana (R. r. ridibunda)—were measured at 5°, 12°, 20° and 28°C, by recording multi-unit activity from the torus semicircularis. In the tree frogs, the upper limit of the audible range is 7,000 Hz. At 5°C the best frequency is 3,000 Hz; the threshold (expressed in dB SPL in all cases) at this frequency is 49 dB (males) and 43 dB (females) forH. a. arborea and 42 dB (males) and 48 dB (females) forH. a. savignyi. At 12°C the thresholds are lower, and they are lower still at 20°, reaching a minimum, at 3,000 Hz, of 42 dB (males) and 38 dB (females) forH. a. arborea and 41 dB (males) and 40 dB (females) forH. a. savignyi. At frequencies of 1,000 Hz and lower, thresholds are high at 5°C; in part of this range they are considerably lowered at 20°C, whereas at 28°C there is a reduction in sensitivity to most frequencies inH. a. arborea, amounting to more than 10 dB in the males.H. a. savignyi differs in this regard; at 28° sensitivity is no less than at lower temperatures, and in fact is greater in the range 1,000–1,400 Hz. The audible range ofR. r. ridibunda is more restricted than that of the tree frogs, but it is more sensitive within this range. The highest frequency is 4,500 Hz. At 5°C the thresholds of the males are lowest at 500–600 Hz (42 dB) and 1,400–1,900 Hz (ca. 39 dB). The best frequencies of the females are 700 Hz (38 dB) and 1,400 Hz (36 dB). At 12°C the thresholds at 300 Hz and 1,000 Hz are markedly lowered, by 10–18 dB. The thresholds of the females at 20°C are still lower over almost the entire audible range, whereas in the males only part of the range is affected. This difference persists at 28°C, the threshold curve of the males being slightly raised, while that of the females is unchanged. Latencies are dependent upon temperature and sound pressure. With a rise in temperature from 5° to 20°C the latency falls by ca. 8 ms. An increase in sound pressure from 5 dB to 30 dB SPL shortens the latency by ca. 10 ms. These changes were found in all the frogs studied.  相似文献   

Summary The mandibular glands of Kalotermes were examined in different castes. They showed sexual dimorphism in the soldiers and primary reproductives. Moreover, in female soldiers and queens, mandibular gland cells contained numerous crystalline structures of mitochondrial origin. The role of these glands (secretion of saliva or pheromone) is discussed.
Résumé Les glandes mandibulaires de Calotermes sont étudiées dans les différentes castes. Elles présentent un dimorphisme sexuel chez les soldats et les sexués. Après la mue imaginale, les cellules glandulaires ont toujours une activité sécrétrice. De plus, chez les soldats femelles et les reines, elles contiennent de nombreuses formations cristallines d'origine mitochondriale. Le rôle de ces glandes (sécrétion de salive ou de phéromone) est discuté.

Cephalic sensory organs (CSOs) are specialised structures in the head region of adult Opisthobranchia involved in perception of different stimuli. The gross morphology of these organs differs considerably among taxa. The current study aims at describing the cellular morphology of the CSOs in order to reveal cellular patterns, especially of sensory epithelia, common for opisthobranchs. Transmission electron microscopy was used to characterise the fine structure of the organs and to compare the CSOs of four different opisthobranch species. The cellular composition of the sensory system is conserved among taxa. The epidermal cells in sensory regions are always columnar and ciliated cells are frequently apparent. The sensory cells are primary receptors arranged in subepidermal cell clusters. They extend dendrites which penetrate the epithelium and reach the surface. Some of the dendrites bear cilia, whereas others only build a small protuberance. Processing of sensory information takes place in the peripheral glomeruli of all species. Moreover, few taxa possess additional peripheral ganglia at the base of their CSOs. The results of the present study might support other investigations indicating that the posterior CSOs are primarily involved in distance chemoreception, whereas the anterior CSOs might be used for contact chemoreception and mechanoreception.  相似文献   

Social insects have numerous exocrine glands, but these organs are understudied in termites compared to hymenopterans. The tarsomere and distal tibial glands of the termites Heterotermes tenuis, Coptotermes gestroi and Silvestritermes euamignathus were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pore plates are visible in scanning micrographs on the distal tibial surfaces and on the ventral surface of the first and second tarsomeres of workers of H. tenuis and C. gestroi. In contrast, workers of S. euamignathus have isolated pores spread throughout the ventral surfaces of the first, second, and third tarsomeres and the distal tibia. In all three species each pore corresponds to the opening of a class-3 secretory unit, composed of one secretory and one canal cell. Clusters of class-3 glandular cells are arranged side by side underneath the cuticle. The main characteristics of these exocrine glands include their presence on all the legs and the electron-lucent secretion in the secretory cells. Possible functions of these glands are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structural and enzyme histochemical observations on ultimobranchial body and parathyroid gland of the caecilian Chthonerpeton are presented. The cell clusters and follicles of the ultimobranchial body consist mainly of granulated cells which are termed C-cells and obviously belong to the APUD cell series. In the larger follicles additional possibly exhausted degranulated cells and replacement cells occur. A rich supply of nerve fibres has been found in this gland. Frequently nerve terminals were observed to come into synaptic contact with the C-cells. Two categories of nerve fibres occur: a) fibres containing large polymorphic electron dense granules (probably purinergic fibres), b) fibres containing small electron transparent vesicles and a few electron dense granules (probably cholinergic fibres). The parathyroid gland consists of elongated cells (one cell type) poor in organelles and often containing fields of glycogen and lipid droplets. The cells are further characterized by fair amounts of lysosomal enzymes; they are interconnected by maculae adhaerentes and occludentes. No nerves and blood vessels have been found in the parathyroid gland of Chthonerpeton. This study has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft We 380/5.  相似文献   

Summary The prosomal glands of Tetranychus urticae (Acari, Tetranychidae) were examined light and electron microscopically. Five paired and one unpaired gland are found both in females and males. The silk spinning apparatus consists of paired silk glands which extend laterally on both sides of the esophagus into the pedipalps. There, they enter the terminal silk gland bag which opens into a silk bristle at the apex of the pedipalps. The salivary secretions are formed in three paired glands which have an interconnecting duct, the podocephalic canal. The dorsal podocephalic glands may produce a serous secretion, the anterior podocephalic glands a mucous secretion, and the coxal organ may add a liquid, ion-rich secretion. These secretions pass the podocephalic canal and reach the mouth at the apex of the gnathosome. The function of the paired tracheal organs and the unpaired tracheal gland is still unclear. The tracheal gland may produce a secretion which facilitates the movement of the fused chelicerae and the stylets.This study was financed by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG Se 162/12)  相似文献   

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