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Gelatinase activity and inhibitory activity against collagenase were measured in serum-free medium conditioned by murine colonic carcinoma cells with different spontaneous metastatic potentials to the lung. The medium conditioned with poorly metastatic NM11 cells gave higher inhibitory activity than that conditioned with highly metastatic LuM1 cells, while the level of secreted gelatinases in the same medium was lower in NM11 medium than in LuM1 case. Northern analysis showed the higher gene expression of both tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP)-1 and TIMP-2 in NM11 cells than in LuM1 cells, suggesting that both TIMPs are responsible for the increase of inhibitory activity in NM11 conditioned medium. Examination of the balance of gelatinases and inhibitor revealed that the amount of inhibitor exceeded that of gelatinases in the medium conditioned with NM11 cells. In contrast, the medium conditioned with LuM1 cells contained excess amounts of gelatinases. The results indicated a close correlation between the balance of gelatinases and inhibitors and the metastatic behavior of murine tumor cells.  相似文献   

Tumor metastasis is usually a serious problem in tumor patients because of the lack of therapeutic approaches. A new compound, N-all-trans-retinoyl-L-proline (ATRP), has been developed and its metastasis inhibition activity has been studied. Low concentrations of ATRP have already been found to inhibit hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HCC) in a dose- and time-dependent manner by inducing the expression of p27(kip). We found that ATRP inhibited metastasis-associated behaviors in Hep3B cells, such as cell migration, invasion, collagen adhesion and gelatinase expression, more significantly than retinoic acid. Further, such inhibitory activities were observed in the regulation of cellular surface fucosylated epitope functions, such as binding of ulex europaeus lectin, expression of Lewis x, y and b, and activity of alpha1,3 fucosyltransferase. Hep3B cells pretreated with ATRP showed a significantly reduced incidence of experimental intrahepatic metastasis in nude mice. We conclude that ATRP is an alternative inhibitor and potential therapeutic agent for HCC metastasis with a different mechanism of action from ATRP.  相似文献   

Actin is present in cells in monomeric and polymeric (filamentous) forms. Filamentous actin is distributed in Triton-soluble (cytosolic) and Triton-insoluble (cytoskeletal core) fractions. We have used the DNase 1 inhibition assay and immunofluorescence to investigate the distribution of actin in monomeric and polymeric forms in cloned B16 murine melanoma cell lines of low and high metastatic capacity. The protease trypsin caused rounding up and detachment of both cell lines within 5 min. This was associated with almost complete depolymerization of cytosolic actin filaments but the Triton-insoluble cytoskeleton was not quantitatively affected by trypsin treatment. There were quantitative differences between the clones in their response to incubation in the presence or absence of 10% serum. The highly metastatic cell line contained 35% more actin when incubated in the presence of 10% serum, almost completely distributed to the Triton-insoluble cytoskeleton, an effect not seen in the low metastatic cells.  相似文献   

We have investigated the modulation of prostatic acid phosphatase expression in the human prostatic cancer cell line LNCaP in response to the natural androgens testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, the female sex steroid estradiol and the synthetic androgen R1881 (methyltrienolone). Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone at 1 microgram/ml enhance the acid phosphatase synthesis by a factor of 3.5, while a hundred-fold lower concentration of the synthetic androgen R1881 induces an almost five-fold increase in the expression of this enzyme. The stimulation by all androgens tested and estradiol was dose-dependent. The synthetic glucocorticoid triamcinolone acetonide does not modulate the prostatic acid phosphatase expression in LNCaP cells, neither alone nor in combination with R1881.  相似文献   

Protein dynamics in living cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bryant JE  Lecomte JT  Lee AL  Young GB  Pielak GJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(26):9275-9279
A protein's structure is most often used to explain its function, but function also depends on dynamics. To date, protein dynamics have been studied only in vitro under dilute solution conditions where solute concentrations are typically less than 10 g/L, yet proteins function in a crowded environment where the solute concentration can exceed 400 g/L. Does the intracellular environment affect protein dynamics? The answer will help in assessing the biological significance of the NMR-derived dynamics data collected to date. We investigated fast protein dynamics inside living Escherichia coli by using in-cell NMR. The backbone dynamics of apocytochrome b5 were quantified using {1H}-15N nuclear Overhauser effect (nOe) measurements, which characterize motions on the pico- to nanosecond time scale. The overall trend of backbone dynamics remains the same in cells. Some of the nOe values differ, but most of the differences track the increased intracellular viscosity rather than a change in dynamics. Therefore, it appears that dilute solution steady-state {1H}-15N nOe measurements provide biologically relevant information about pico- to nanosecond backbone motion in proteins.  相似文献   

Microtubules are intrinsically dynamic polymers, and their dynamics play a crucial role in mitotic spindle assembly, the mitotic checkpoint, and chromosome movement. We hypothesized that, in living cells, suppression of microtubule dynamics is responsible for the ability of taxol to inhibit mitotic progression and cell proliferation. Using quantitative fluorescence video microscopy, we examined the effects of taxol (30-100 nM) on the dynamics of individual microtubules in two living human tumor cell lines: Caov-3 ovarian adenocarcinoma cells and A-498 kidney carcinoma cells. Taxol accumulated more in Caov-3 cells than in A-498 cells. At equivalent intracellular taxol concentrations, dynamic instability was inhibited similarly in the two cell lines. Microtubule shortening rates were inhibited in Caov-3 cells and in A-498 cells by 32 and 26%, growing rates were inhibited by 24 and 18%, and dynamicity was inhibited by 31 and 63%, respectively. All mitotic spindles were abnormal, and many interphase cells became multinucleate (Caov-3, 30%; A-498, 58%). Taxol blocked cell cycle progress at the metaphase/anaphase transition and inhibited cell proliferation. The results indicate that suppression of microtubule dynamics by taxol deleteriously affects the ability of cancer cells to properly assemble a mitotic spindle, pass the metaphase/anaphase checkpoint, and produce progeny.  相似文献   

Four human colon adenocarcinoma cell line variants with different metastatic potential were used to examine whether a correlation exists between actin level, state of actin polymerization and invasiveness of tumour cells. Monomeric (G), total (T) and filamentous (F) actin were determined in the cytosolic fraction of these cells. A statistically significant decrease in G actin level and increase in the state of actin polymerization (measured by F:G actin ratio) were found in the cytosol of three cell variants with higher metastatic potential and invasiveness (EB3, 3LNLN, 5W) compared with the parental cell line (LS180). Our experimental data lead to the conclusion that there is a correlation between the metastatic capacity of human colon adenocarcinoma cells and the state of actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Although cholesterol is an essential component of mammalian membranes, resolution of cholesterol organization in membranes and organelles (i.e. lysosomes) of living cells is hampered by the paucity of nondestructive, nonperturbing methods providing real time structural information. Advantage was taken of the fact that the emission maxima of a naturally occurring fluorescent sterol (dehydroergosterol) were resolvable into two structural forms, monomeric (356 and 375 nm) and crystalline (403 and 426 nm). Model membranes (sterol:phospholipid ratios in the physiological range, e.g. 0.5-1.0), subcellular membrane fractions (plasma membranes, lysosomal membranes, microsomes, and mitochondrial membranes), and lipid rafts/caveolae (plasma membrane cholesterol-rich microdomain purified by a nondetergent method) contained primarily monomeric sterol and only small quantities (i.e. 1-5%) of the crystalline form. In contrast, the majority of sterol in isolated lysosomes was crystalline. However, addition of sterol carrier protein-2 in vitro significantly reduced the proportion of crystalline dehydroergosterol in the isolated lysosomes. Multiphoton laser scanning microscopy (MPLSM) of living L-cell fibroblasts cultured with dehydroergosterol for the first time provided real time images showing the presence of monomeric sterol in plasma membranes, as well as other intracellular membrane structures of living cells. Furthermore, MPLSM confirmed that crystalline sterol colocalized in highest amounts with LysoTracker Green, a lysosomal marker dye. Although crystalline sterol was also detected in the cytoplasm, the extralysosomal crystalline sterol did not colocalize with BODIPY FL C(5)-ceramide, a Golgi marker, and crystals were not associated with the cell surface membrane. These noninvasive, nonperturbing methods demonstrated for the first time that multiple structural forms of sterol normally occurred within membranes, membrane microdomains (lipid rafts/caveolae), and intracellular organelles of living cells, both in vitro and visualized in real time by MPLSM.  相似文献   

Prostatic cancers are well-known to be sensitive to heat stress. However, the mechanism by which the cancer cells are killed by high temperature remains poorly understood. The present study was undertaken to determine the anti-proliferative effects of heat stress on the prostatic cancer cells in culture. Heat shock at 43 degrees C inhibited the cell growth of three different prostatic cell lines. Flow cytometrical analysis using BrdU and PI showed a decrease in the proportion of cells in an S phase, accompanied by cell accumulation in G1 and G2, in both JCA-1 and PC-3 but not in LNcap. Both JCA-1 and PC-3 presented a strong expression of hsp70 at 37 degrees C. The heat shock caused apparent enhancement of the expression of hsp70 through the cell cycle. A treatment at 43 degrees C for 8 hours resulted in not only an apparent increment of positive hsp70 cells, but cells with subdiploid DNA content in LNcap. Flow cytometrical analysis by FITC-labeled Annexin V showed increment of apoptotic cells at 43 degrees C for 8 hours in LNcap cells. The results suggest that apoptosis is an important pathway of heat-induced killing of these cells. In conclusion, the cell growth of prostatic cancers may be affected by the temperature through relationship of the cell cycle and hsp70.  相似文献   

Since the advent of the green fluorescent protein, the subcellular localization, mobility, transport routes and binding interactions of proteins can be studied in living cells. Live cell imaging, in combination with photobleaching, energy transfer or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy are providing unprecedented insights into the movement of proteins and their interactions with cellular components. Remarkably, these powerful techniques are accessible to non-specialists using commercially available microscope systems.  相似文献   

Microtubules and microfilaments have been imaged in living plant cells and their dynamic changes recorded during division, growth and development. Carboxyfluorescein labeled brain tubulin has been injected into cells that are maintained in an active state in a culture chamber on the microscope stage. Subsequent imaging with the confocal microscope reveals microtubules in the preprophase band, the mitotic apparatus, the phragmoplast, and the cortical array. The structural changes of these microtubules have been observed during transitional stages. In addition, their dynamic features are demonstrated by depolymerization in elevated calcium, low temperature, and in the drug oryzalin, and by repolymerization when returned to normal conditions. Examination of living Tradescantia stamen hair cells, which have been injected with fluorescent phalloidin to label the actin microfilaments, reveals hitherto undisclosed aspects of the preparation of the division site and dynamics of the phragmoplast cytoskeleton. During prophase microfilaments occur throughout the cell cortex, with those in the region of the preprophase band becoming transversely aligned. At nuclear envelope breakdown, these specifically disassemble, leaving a circumferential zone from which microfilaments remain absent throughout division. During cytokinesis microfilaments arise within the phragmoplast, oriented parallel to the microtubules, but excluded from the zone where the MTs overlap and where cell plate vesicles aggregate. The phragmoplast microfilaments, in a manner similar to microtubules, shorten in length, expand in girth, and eventually disassemble when the cell plate is complete.  相似文献   

Sulfhydryl groups were quantified in root-cell plasma membranes of two genotypes of wheat ( Triticum aestivum cv. Warigal and T. turgidum conv. durum cv. Durati) differing in Zn efficiency. Smaller amounts of 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)-reactive sulfhydryl groups were found in Zn-deficient than in Zn-sufficient roots; and also in Zn-inefficient genotype Durati compared to Zn-efficient Warigal, regardless of Zn supply. Upon transfer of 15-day-old Zn-deficient plants into solutions containing various Zn2+ activities, a Zn-dependent increase in the amount of reactive sulfhydryl groups was evident in roots of both genotypes, but occurred only in Warigal when 20-day-old plants were used, indicating irreversible physiological damage in Durati plants due to prolonged Zn deficiency. Upon transfer into solutions of increasing Zn2+ activities, the increase in total Zn concentration in roots was about an order of magnitude smaller than the increase in amounts of reactive sulfhydryl groups in the roots of both genotypes, suggesting that, in wheat roots, a relatively small amount of Zn is required for preventing oxidation of sulfhydryl groups into disulfides. The amount of reactive sulfhydryl groups in the roots is positively related to Zn efficiency of wheat genotypes and may be one of the mechanisms that, under conditions of Zn deficiency, allow better growth and productivity of Zn-efficient genotypes in comparison to Zninefficient ones.  相似文献   

Secretory protein trafficking relies on the COPI coat, which by assembling into a lattice on Golgi membranes concentrates cargo at specific sites and deforms the membranes at these sites into coated buds and carriers. The GTPase-activating protein (GAP) responsible for catalyzing Arf1 GTP hydrolysis is an important part of this system, but the mechanism whereby ArfGAP is recruited to the coat, its stability within the coat, and its role in maintenance of the coat are unclear. Here, we use FRAP to monitor the membrane turnover of GFP-tagged versions of ArfGAP1, Arf1, and coatomer in living cells. ArfGAP1 underwent fast cytosol/Golgi exchange with approximately 40% of the exchange dependent on engagement of ArfGAP1 with coatomer and Arf1, and affected by secretory cargo load. Permanent activation of Arf1 resulted in ArfGAP1 being trapped on the Golgi in a coatomer-dependent manner. These data suggest that ArfGAP1, coatomer and Arf1 play interdependent roles in the assembly-disassembly cycle of the COPI coat in vivo.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial aconitase (mACON) is the key enzyme for the citrate oxidation in the mitochondrial Krebs cycle. Cholesterol treatment (10 microg/ml of cholesterol and 1 microg/ml of 25-hydroxycholesterol) for 24 h stimulates mACON enzymatic activity in human prostatic carcinoma cells (PC-3) and hepatoma cells (HepG2). Mevastatin, a cholesterol synthesis antagonist, blocked the effect of cholesterol treatment on mACON. The cholesterol treatment stimulated mACON enzymatic activity, which enhanced the citrate utility but decreased intracellular ATP levels in PC-3 cells. The immunoblotting and transient gene expression assays demonstrated that cholesterol treatment enhances the gene expression of mACON. Mutation of the putative sterol response element (SRE) from GACGCCCCACT to GACGCCCATAT abolished the stimulating effects of cholesterol on the promoter activity of mACON gene. The results suggest that cholesterol treatment induces the mACON gene expression through the SRE signal transduction pathway. Our study demonstrated the deregulation of cholesterol on the citrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Clinical studies with prostate cancer tissue indicate that alterations in androgen receptor (AR) or c-Met overexpression are associated with androgen-independent progression. We investigated the interaction between AR and c-Met signaling in human prostate cancer cells. Androgen withdrawal or AR-specific small interfering RNA significantly reduced the growth rate while each maneuver induced the expression of c-Met. Knockdown of both AR and c-Met expression markedly inhibited the cell growth. Furthermore, microarray analysis indicated that the activation of c-Met down-regulated the expression of DNA repair-related genes including 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase. Exogenous hepatocyte growth factor also induced the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species and resulted in the accumulation of DNA damages. These results suggested that the activation of c-Met signaling may lead to induction of spontaneous mutations or genomic instability, which may lead to the progression of androgen-independent state. Thus, c-Met signaling is utilized for survival and growth under the androgen-depleted condition.  相似文献   

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