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During mitosis, ensembles of dynamic MTs and motors exert forces that coordinate chromosome segregation. Typically, chromosomes align at the metaphase spindle equator where they oscillate along the pole-pole axis before disjoining and moving poleward during anaphase A, but spindles in different cell types display differences in MT dynamicity, in the amplitude of chromosome oscillations and in rates of chromatid-to-pole motion. Drosophila embryonic mitotic spindles, for example, display remarkably dynamic MTs, barely detectable metaphase chromosome oscillations, and a rapid rate of "flux-pacman-dependent" anaphase chromatid-to-pole motility. Here we develop a force-balance model that describes Drosophila embryo chromosome motility in terms of a balance of forces acting on kinetochores and kMTs that is generated by multiple polymer ratchets and mitotic motors coupled to tension-dependent kMT dynamics. The model shows that i), multiple MTs displaying high dynamic instability can drive steady and rapid chromosome motion; ii), chromosome motility during metaphase and anaphase A can be described by a single mechanism; iii), high kinetochore dynein activity is deployed to dampen metaphase oscillations, to augment the basic flux-pacman mechanism, and to drive rapid anaphase A; iv), modulation of the MT rescue frequency by the kinetochore-associated kinesin-13 depolymerase promotes metaphase chromosome oscillations; and v), this basic mechanism can be adapted to a broad range of spindles.  相似文献   

To analyze the effects of the HIV-Tat-tubulin interaction, we microinjected HIV-Tat purified protein into Drosophila syncytial embryos. Following the Tat injection, altered timing of the cortical nuclear cycles was observed; specifically, the period between the nuclear envelope breakdown and anaphase initiation was lengthened as was the period between anaphase initiation and the formation of the next nuclear envelope. These two periods correspond to kinetochore alignment at metaphase and to mitosis exit, respectively. We also demonstrated that these two delays are the consequence of damage specifically induced by Tat on kinetochore alignment and on the timing of sister chromatid segregation at anaphase. Furthermore, we show that the expression of Tat in Drosophila larvae brain cells produces a significant percentage of polyploid and aneuploid cells. The results reported here indicate that Tat impairs the mitotic process and that Tat-tubulin interaction appears to be responsible for the observed defects. The presence of polyploid and aneuploid cells is consistent with a delay or arrest in the M phase of a substantial fraction of the cells expressing Tat, suggesting that mitotic spindle checkpoints are overridden following Tat expression.  相似文献   

The phenotypic analysis of a new spontaneous recessive lethal mutation of Drosophila melanogaster is described. The lethal(2)thin mutation maps at 85.6 on chromosome 2 and produces a characteristic long, thin puparium due to an inability to shorten the larval form prior to pupariation. Histological examination of larval muscles and behavioural studies support the hypothesis that the mutation affects the striated structure of the larval muscles in late larval stages. Lethality largely occurs due to an inability to perform the movements necessary for pupation, although there is evidence for larval and possibly embryonic lethal phases.  相似文献   

Summary The three yolk proteins (YP1, YP2 and YP3) of Drosophila melanogaster are synthesised in the fat body and ovarian follicle cells and selectively accumulated in the developing oocytes to provide a nutrient source for embryogenesis. We have described the phenotype of a temperaturesensitive female-sterile mutant, fs(1) K313, and characterised its yolk proteins. This mutation affects the secretion of YP2 and is the first mutation affecting YP2 to be described. Using genetic and molecular tests we argue that the female-sterile phenotype results, at least in part, from the abnormal secretion of YP2 perturbing the follicle cell secretory pathway in general and thus causing defects in chorion protein secretion. The gene coding for YP2 in fs (1) K313 has been cloned and sequenced. Two amino acid substitutions have been found which probably cause the abnormal secretion of YP2 and the resulting female-sterile phenotype.  相似文献   

The movement of chromosomes during mitosis occurs on a bipolar, microtubule-based protein machine, the mitotic spindle. It has long been proposed that poleward chromosome movements that occur during prometaphase and anaphase A are driven by the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein, which binds to kinetochores and transports them toward the minus ends of spindle microtubules. Here we evaluate this hypothesis using time-lapse confocal microscopy to visualize, in real time, kinetochore and chromatid movements in living Drosophila embryos in the presence and absence of specific inhibitors of cytoplasmic dynein. Our results show that dynein inhibitors disrupt the alignment of kinetochores on the metaphase spindle equator and also interfere with kinetochore- and chromatid-to-pole movements during anaphase A. Thus, dynein is essential for poleward chromosome motility throughout mitosis in Drosophila embryos.  相似文献   

Correct chromosome structure is essential to ensure faithful segregation during mitosis. Chromosome condensation occurs at the same time as cohesion is released from the arms of the sister chromatids. It is not until metaphase-anaphase transition that chromosomes lose cohesion completely, by proteolysis of the component of the cohesin complex Scc1 (Sister chromatid cohesion 1). It has been shown in vertebrates that the Polo-like kinase, Plk1, is important for this process by inducing the destabilization of Scc1 from the chromosome arms. It is still unclear if this process is conserved in other high eukaryotes, namely in Drosophila. Here we analysed the consequences over chromosome resolution of the downregulation of Drosophila Polo, both by mutant analysis and by RNAi-depletion in S2 cells. We show that the depletion of Polo results in a strong a prometa/metaphase arrest with the spindle checkpoint activated in response to lack of tension. In addition, the checkpoint protein ROD fails to stream over the kinetochore microtubules in the lack of Polo activity. We also show that loss of Polo causes strong defects in chromosome resolution, a phenotype we partially rescued by depleting Scc1. Importantly, we show Scc1 fails to accumulate on the kinetochores during mitosis and remains on the chromosome arms in the absence of Polo. We therefore propose an alternative role for Drosophila Polo in Scc1 redistribution during mitosis.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications of core histones contribute to driving changes in chromatin conformation and compaction. Herein, we investigated the role of histone deacetylation on the mitotic process by inhibiting histone deacetylases shortly before mitosis in human primary fibroblasts. Cells entering mitosis with hyperacetylated histones displayed altered chromatin conformation associated with decreased reactivity to the anti-Ser 10 phospho H3 antibody, increased recruitment of protein phosphatase 1-delta on mitotic chromosomes, and depletion of heterochromatin protein 1 from the centromeric heterochromatin. Inhibition of histone deacetylation before mitosis produced defective chromosome condensation and impaired mitotic progression in living cells, suggesting that improper chromosome condensation may induce mitotic checkpoint activation. In situ hybridization analysis on anaphase cells demonstrated the presence of chromatin bridges, which were caused by persisting cohesion along sister chromatid arms after centromere separation. Thus, the presence of hyperacetylated chromatin during mitosis impairs proper chromosome condensation during the pre-anaphase stages, resulting in poor sister chromatid resolution. Lagging chromosomes consisting of single or paired sisters were also induced by the presence of hyperacetylated histones, indicating that the less constrained centromeric organization associated with heterochromatin protein 1 depletion may promote the attachment of kinetochores to microtubules coming from both poles.  相似文献   

A Drosophila gene encoding a protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) has been sequenced, and lethal mutations in this locus (87B) analysed. Two mutants (ck19e211 and ck19hs46), which disrupt mitosis, lack the 87B isoenzyme and express only approximately 20% of wild type PP1 activity. The promoter region of the gene is deleted in the ck19e211 mutant. A third mutant (ck19e078), which shows suppression of position effect variegation, but has little effect on mitosis, possesses approximately 35% of wild type PP1 activity. The results indicate that the PP1 87B isoenzyme is involved in regulation of chromosome condensation at interphase as well as mitosis.  相似文献   

Mackay TF  Lyman RF  Lawrence F 《Genetics》2005,170(4):1723-1735
Our ability to predict long-term responses to artificial and natural selection, and understand the mechanisms by which naturally occurring variation for quantitative traits is maintained, depends on detailed knowledge of the properties of spontaneous polygenic mutations, including the quantitative trait loci (QTL) at which mutations occur, mutation rates, and mutational effects. These parameters can be estimated by mapping QTL that cause divergence between mutation-accumulation lines that have been established from an inbred base population and selected for high and low trait values. Here, we have utilized quantitative complementation to deficiencies to map QTL at which spontaneous mutations affecting Drosophila abdominal and sternopleural bristle number have occurred in 11 replicate lines during 206 generations of divergent selection. Estimates of the numbers of mutations were consistent with diploid per-character mutation rates for bristle traits of 0.03. The ratio of the per-character mutation rate to total mutation rate (0.023) implies that >2% of the genome could affect just one bristle trait and that there must be extensive pleiotropy for quantitative phenotypes. The estimated mutational effects were not, however, additive and exhibited dependency on genetic background consistent with diminishing epistasis. However, these inferences must be tempered by the potential for epistatic interactions between spontaneous mutations and QTL affecting bristle number on the deficiency-bearing chromosomes, which could lead to overestimates in numbers of QTL and inaccurate inference of gene action.  相似文献   

napts is a recessive mutation that affects the level of sodium channel activity and, at high temperature, causes paralysis associated with a loss of action potentials. We show, by genetic complementation tests, germline transformation, and analysis of mutations, that napts is a gain-of-function mutation of mle, a gene required for X chromosome dosage compensation and male viability. Molecular analyses of nap and mle mutations indicate that mle+, nap+, and napts activities are encoded by the same open reading frame and suggest that napts is due to a single amino acid substitution. Although napts is known to act via para+, an X-linked sodium channel structural gene, its effect is not due to a simple defect in para+ dosage compensation.  相似文献   

The dominant mutation Su-var(2)1 01 which suppresses position-effect variegation and displays recessive butyrate sensitivity was found to result in significant hyperacetylation of histone H4. This biochemical finding, as well as the genetic properties of this mutation, strongly suggest that the wild-type product of the corresponding locus is involved in histone H4 deacetylation. In larvae containing the suppressor mutation the accessibility of chromatin to endogenous nucleases is significantly increased which might be causally connected with histone H4 hyperacetylation. The suppressor mutation Su-var(2)1 01 has, therefore, to be classified as a chromatin condensation mutation.  相似文献   

We have discovered and characterized strains of Drosophila melanogaster showing a genetically controlled modification of the developmental program for accumulation of aldehyde oxidase. Most strains show a sharp increase in specific activity just before pupation. The variant class, represented by several strains, does not show the increase at this stage even though changes in specific activity at other stages are comparable in the two classes. This developmental difference is controlled by a single gene or a small chromosome segment closely linked to the structural gene and apparently exercising cis-dominant control over its expression. It is hoped that this and other similar mutations currently under study will provide some insight into the organization of regulatory loci in the eukaryotic genome.  相似文献   

To ensure that the genetic information, replicated in the S-phase of the cell cycle, is correctly distributed between daughter cells at mitosis, chromatin duplication and chromosome segregation are highly regulated events. Since the early 1980's, our knowledge of the mechanisms governing these two events has greatly increased due to the use of genetic and biochemical approaches. We present here, first, an overview of the replication process, highlighting molecular aspects involved in coupling replication with chromatin dynamics in mitosis. The second part will present the current understanding of chromosome condensation and segregation during mitosis in higher eukaryotes. Finally, we will underline the links that exist between replication and mitosis.  相似文献   

Gene amplification is known to be critical for upregulating gene expression in a few cases, but the extent to which amplification is utilized in the development of diverse organisms remains unknown. By quantifying genomic DNA hybridization to microarrays to assay gene copy number, we identified two additional developmental amplicons in the follicle cells of the Drosophila ovary. Both amplicons contain genes which, following their amplification, are expressed in the follicle cells, and the expression of three of these genes becomes restricted to specialized follicle cells late in differentiation. Genetic analysis establishes that at least one of these genes, yellow-g, is critical for follicle cell function, because mutations in yellow-g disrupt eggshell integrity. Thus, during follicle cell differentiation the entire genome is overreplicated as the cells become polyploid, and subsequently specific genomic intervals are overreplicated to facilitate gene expression.  相似文献   

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