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Cardiac hypertrophy and failure were induced in male Wistar rats by daily administration of 5 mg/kg isoproterenol for three weeks. Age-matched animals were used as normal control. To estimate the degree of hypertrophy, the wet heart weight (HW) to body weight (BW) ratio (HW/BW) was used as an index of the myocardial enlargement. By the 7th day of the treatment, the HW/BW ratio was increased to 4.24, as compared with the control value of 3.11. In this early stage of cardiomyopathy, the structure was characterized with small necrotic foci, enlarged myofilaments and swollen mitochondria. The electrical activity showed broadened action potentials with an elevated plateau phase, and increased membrane resistance and time constant. The amplitude of the twitch contractions was elevated. Continuing the treatment of the animals with catecholamine caused a decompensated heart failure by the 21st day. In this late stage, many and large necrotic foci could be observed in the myocardium. The mitochondria were fragmented, and the resistance of the sarcolemma decreased, and the electrical and contractile activity suppressed. The results indicate that an electrically and structurally compensated cardiac hypertrophy model can be produced by a short-term treatment of the animals with isoproterenol, while a long-term treatment causes a decompensated heart failure.  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) in the rat mesenteric artery show specific immunofluorescent staining with antisera against purified human uterine myosin (ASMM) but not human platelet myosin (APM). However, in primary cultures produced by enzymatic dissociation of this vessel, VSMC stain specifically with both ASMM and APM within 5 h after plating and throughout growth to confluence (4-10 d). In confluent cultures, APM staining remains bright while ASMM staining is reduced in intensity in most cells. In contrast, cellular myosin content, determined by quantitative SDS PAGE, is comparable in confluent and growing cultures. Immunoprecipitation of high salt extracts of cultured VSMC with ASMM and APM yields myosins with the same mobilities on SDS PAGE. When serial, exhaustive precipitations are performed with one antiserum, followed by reprecipitation with the other, myosin in subconfluent and confluent VSMC cultures is exhaustively precipitated by either antiserum, thus indicating complete immunological cross- reactivity. These results might be explained by synthesis of a new myosin isoform reactive with both ASMM and APM. However, the development of APM staining in cultured VSMC did not require protein synthesis. Therefore, it is more likely that the changes in immunofluorescent staining observed in vitro reflect conformational alterations, perhaps related to cytoskeletal rearrangements. These changes in myosin antigenic expression may be relevant to the problem of VSMC phenotypic modulation both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Toxocara canis eggs is described before and after exposure to microwaves. The morphology of normal eggs is compared to that of eggs from other helminths. Following treatment, the complete disorganization of the surface structure of the shell and the loss of much turgidity of the egg are observed. The destruction of the internal structure is most marked in the center of the egg and is associated with the disappearance of some layers of the shell. In addition, there is substantial damage to the synthesis apparatus (ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, lipid cisternae). An explanation based on the specific action of microwaves and micro-overheating is proposed, and the prophylactic use of this technique is considered.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) immunolocalization and ultrastructural observations of epidermal-dermal cell interactions during skin regeneration of the cichlid fish Hemichromis bimaculatus after scale removal were carried out for a healing period of 48 h. On control samples after scale removal, FN was localized on the surface of a thin cellular sheet, the scale-pocket lining (SPL), separating the dermis from the scale-associated cells. A layer of extracellular matrix, constituting a basement membrane, was observed on the SPL surface. Study of wound healing showed that in less than 1 h epithelial cells spread rapidly over the undamaged SPL surface on which FN was still present after the scale was removed. It appeared that this FN can be damaged or lost if the area is exposed to the exterior water for more than one hour. When epithelial continuity was re-established, an epithelial-SPL space was formed and was progressively filled by an electron-dense extracellular matrix. No basement membrane was defined until both tissues were separated by dermal cells about 30 h after the wound was inflicted. FN is detected in the epithelial-SPL interface from 12 h to 30 h after scale removal. Therefore, in normal skin, specific localization of FN in the interface between the scale-associated cells and the outer surface of the SPL cells can be implicated in the attachment between the scale and the SPL surface favoring a flexibility of scale movement during swimming. In addition, FN could play an important role as a major extracellular matrix protein during wound-healing after scale removal.  相似文献   

The notion that statocysts originated from an infolding of ectoderm lined by ciliated sensory cells has been challenged with evidence of capsule-limited, non-ciliary statocysts in several independent phyla. Statocysts in turbellarians primitively lack cilia and are embedded within or closely adjoined to the cerebral ganglion; they are likely to be derived from nervous tissue. We investigated the development of the simple statocyst in an acoel turbellarian, a statocyst consisting of three cells. Observations of serial TEM sections of embryos at different stages of development support the hypothesis of an inner (non-epithelial) origin of the statocyst. First, a three-cell complex is delimited by a basal lamina; it then undergoes cavitation by swelling, autophagy, and fluid secretion. The statocyst becomes discernible within the precursor ganglion cells while they still contain yolk inclusions. The two outer (parietal) cells, enclosed together by a 10-nm-thick basal lamina, arrange themselves in an ovoid of about 10 µm diameter and surround the inner statolith-forming cell. The statolith is formed later within vacuoles of the statolith-forming cell.  相似文献   

Morphologic changes in Doxorubicin (DXR)-induced cardiomyopathy are characterized by marked dilatation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). DXR was administered to New Zealand White rabbits for 5 or 8 weeks and the three-dimensional structure of the sarcotubular system in cardiac muscle cells from each rabbit was examined under a field-emission type scanning electron microscope (SEM) after removal of cytoplasmic matrices by the osmium-DMSO-osmium procedure. Five weeks after the initial injection of DXR, partial dilatation of the SR and damaged mitochondria with lysis of cristae were observed three-dimensionally. After 8 weeks, the three-dimensional structure of the SR showed extensive spherical ballooning which could be seen clearly in bold relief. Thus, we could directly visualize structural alterations of the sarcotubular system in DXR-induced cardiomyopathy using the SEM.  相似文献   

Chlorcyclizine (CHLR) enhances the degradation of hyaluronate (HA) into smaller molecular weight pieces with no effect on its synthesis. Administration of CHLR to pregnant CD-1 mice on gestational days 10.5, 11.5 and 12.5 results in 100% cleft palate in the fetuses. The caudal two thirds of the palatal shelves are reduced in size and unable to reorient in vitro, while anterior shelf regions are relatively unaffected. Alcian blue staining combined with specific enzymic digestion was used to identify HA in sections of CHLR-treated shelves. With the aid of computer-assisted image subtraction the patterns of HA distribution across the tissue section were objectively identified. Anterior, posterior and presumptive soft palatal shelf regions were examined at gestational days 13.25, 13.5, 13.75 and 14.5. Acquisition of a normal pattern of HA distribution was delayed by about 24 h, as compared to untreated specimens in all three shelf regions. The posterior and soft regions, comprising the caudal two thirds of the shelf, also showed pronounced shape change. These regions only displayed normal curvature of the nasal surface when a normal pattern of HA distribution was attained. These results suggest that, for the caudal two thirds of the palatal shelf, normal shape and the ability to remodel are linked to the molecular configuration of HA and to a specific pattern of HA distribution.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised in rabbits against 2Fe–2S ferredoxin from N. tabacum L. The antibodies showed partial cross-reactivity in the double diffusion test with ferredoxins from Spinacia oleracea L., Petunia inflata Fries., P. axillaris Lam., Phaseolus vulgaris L., Chlamydomonas remhardii Dang. A complete cross-reaction was observed with ferredoxins from five other Nicotiana species, thus with this test it was impossible to discriminate between these ferredoxins. Therefore the following test was performed. Heterologous ferredoxin (i.e., ferredoxin other than from N. tabacum) was coupled covalently to Sepharose beads. Rabbit anti-N. tabacum-serum was then pre-incubated with this ferredoxin which resulted in complete abolition of cross-reactivity with free heterologous ferredoxin. However, the serum retained antibody activity against specific antigenic determinants of N. tabacum ferredoxin. When this serum was tested against ferredoxin purified from the hybrid: N. tabacum ()xN. glutinosa () it gave a positive reaction. The relative content of maternal N. tabacum ferredoxin in the hybrid was estimated by using a fluorescent derivative of this specific antibody and estimating the cross-reactivity compared with that of artificial mixtures of pure N. tabacum and N. glutinosa ferredoxins. The hybrid contained 50% of maternal ferredoxin. This technique was also applied to ferredoxins of other species of Nicotiana and to the ferredoxin from the hybrid N. clevelandii ()xN. glutinosa (). We conclude that it provides a good test system for the study of the expression of chloroplast ferredoxin in Nicotiana hybrids in general.Abbreviations PBS phosphate buffered saline - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - S.E.M. standard error of means  相似文献   

The effects of cadmium on the central nervous system are still relatively poorly understood and its role in neurodegenerative diseases has been debated. In our research, cultured explants from 25 human foetal spinal cords (10–11 weeks gestational age) were incubated with 10 and 100 μM cadmium chloride (CdCl2) for 24 h. After treatment, an immunohistochemical study [for Sglial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)], a Western blot analysis (for GFAP, β-Tubulin III, nerve growth factor receptor, Caspase 8 and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase), and a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase biotin-dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) assay (for detection of apoptotic bodies) were performed. The treatment with CdCl2 induced a significant and dose-dependent change in the ratio motor neurons/glial cells in the ventral horns of human foetal spinal cord. The decrease of the choline acetyltransferase-positive cells (motor neurons) and the reduction of β Tubulin III indicate that CdCl2 specifically affects motor neurons of the ventral horns. While the number of motor neurons decreased for the activation of apoptotic pathways (as shown by the increased expression of Caspase 8, nerve growth factor receptor, and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase), glial cells, both in the subependymal zone and in the gray matter of the ventral horns, increased (as shown by the increase of GFAP expression). These results provide the evidence that during human spinal cord development, CdCl2 may affect the fate of neural and glial cells thus, being potentially involved in the etiopathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural examination of spermatogenesis in Phaeoceros has shown nucleoli to be present in spermatogenous cells and to persist until the centrioles become associated with nuclei of young spermatids. At the onset of multilayered structure (MLS) formation, well-defined aggregations of osmiophilic strands begin to form in the nuclei of young spermatids and disappear shortly after chromatin condensation starts in the midstage spermatids. When the centrioles in the young spermatids are orientated perpendicular to the nuclear envelope, the nucleoplasm immediately in front of them is densely stained. Where the spline tubules of the MLS extend over the nucleus, the nuclear envelope is devoid of pores, and the inner nuclear membrane is contacted internally by the local deposition of dense staining nucleoplasm. Chromatin condensation begins with strands extending perpendicularly from the dense staining nucleoplasm beneath the spline and continues with the nuclear beak becoming filled with condensed chromatin. As the MLS lamellae disappear acropetally, the rear portion of the anterior mitochondrion (AM) extends back under the nuclear beak which now narrows to a size that approximates the anterior end of the nucleus of a spermatozoid. By the end of the mid-spermatid stage, the nucleus has coiled approximately one gyre of a helix and the five or six central slpine tubules extend over the plastid which is now located beneath the front end of the AM. Several profiles of endoplasmic reticulum confluent with the nuclear envelope are present. Possible factors which might play a role in determining the morphology of the mid-spermatids are discussed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural, morphometric and physiological techniques were used to determine the consistent chloroplast differences between triazine-resistant (R) and triazine-susceptible (S) biotypes of Amaranthus hybridus L., Chenopodium album L., and Brassica campestris L. All R biotypes had a larger proportion of the chloroplast volume as grana lamellae and a lower proportion of starch and stroma lamellae than S biotypes. In the R biotypes, a greater percentage of grana contain larger numbers of thylakoids per granum. A greater proportion of chlorophyll associated with the light-harvesting chlorophyll alb protein and a lower chlorophyll alb ratio, traits associated with an increase in grana lamellae, were noted in R biotypes. Chloroplasts of S biotypes could be modified to ultrastructural phenocopies of those in R biotypes by treatment with sublethal levels of the PSII inhibiting herbicides, bentazon, diuron, atrazine and prometon. Despite the structural similarities to R biotypes, the modified S biotypes were not resistant to atrazine as determined by fluorescence measurements. Thus, the structural alterations observed are apparently secondary effects of impaired photosynthetic electron transport in R biotypes, and are not the cause of triazine resistance.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies of Pneumocystis carinii   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

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