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泰国茜草科粗叶木属植物的分类学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
朱华 《植物分类学报》2001,39(2):116-150
在详细检查了K,BM,E,P,AAU,L,KEP,BKF,BK,SING,PSU等标本馆馆藏茜草科粗叶本属Lasianthus Jack.植物标本基础上,研究了泰国产粗叶木属植物的分类学,共归并7个种名,建立3个新种,3 个新变种,1个新等级,以及8个泰国分布新记录种及8个泰国分布新记录变种,确认泰国共有粗叶木属植物52种,1亚种,12变种;讨论了易于混淆的种的界线、它们可能的亲缘关系以及识别要点。  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of the genus Lasianthus Jack. from Thailand is made based on specimens in BKF, BK, L, AAU, K, BM, E, P, KEP, SING and PSU etc. Three species and three varieties are described as new; a new combination, L. trichophlebus subsp. barbellatus ( Ridley) H. Zhu, is made; eight species and five varieties are found to represent new records to Thailand; seven species, i.e. L. brevidens Craib, L. densifolius Miq., L. incomptus Craib, L. scalaris Craib, L. penicillatus Craib, L. virgatus Craib and L. zambalensis Elmer, axe reduced to synonyms; two species, L. brevipes Craib and L. lowianus King et Gamble are moved to the genus Saprosma; the delimitation of some species is clarified. As a result, fifty-two species, one sub-species and twelve varieties are recognized in the genus Lasianthus from Thailand.  相似文献   

拟单性木兰属(木兰科)植物的分类学修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据标本研究和野外调查,对木兰科(Magnoliaceae)的拟单性木兰属(Parakmeria Hu &; Cheng)进行了分类学修订。回顾了此属的分类学简史,阐述了保留拟单性木兰属的理由,将Magnolia Linn. subgenus Gynopodium Figlar &; Noot. section Gynopodium 作为拟单性木兰属的新异名,将Magnolia yunnanensis (Hu) Noot. 和M. nitida W. W. Smith var. robusta B. L. Chen &; Noot.作为云南拟单性木兰(Parakmeria yunnanensis Hu)的新异名,将Magnolia omeiensis (Cheng) Dandy、M. lotungensis Chun &; C. H. Tsoong、M. nitida W. W. Smith var. lotungensis (Chun &; C. H. Tsoong) B. L. Chen &; Noot. 和Parakmeria lotungensis (Chun &; C. H. Tsoong) Law作为峨眉拟单性木兰(Parakmeria omeiensis Cheng)的新异名,确认拟单性木兰属含4种植物,列出了分种检索表,描述了各种的地理分布和生长环境。  相似文献   

The Mediterranean gobiid genus Chromogobius (Teleostei-Perciformes) is redefined with additional information on lateral-line system and skeleton. The value of meristic features, colouration, squamation, and relative number of cephalic lateral-line papillae is shown for species and subspecies definition. Two species are recognized and described, the mediolittoral Ch. quadrivittatus (Steindachner, 1863) (type species) and the more offshore Ch. zebratus (Kolombatovic, 1891), with the latter being divided into the two subspecies Ch. z. zebratus (from Split, Adriatic Sea) and Ch. z. levanticus subsp. n . (Mediterranean coast of Israel; possibly Tyrrhenian Sea). Osteological confirmation for placing Chromogobius in the Gobiidae is provided, and Chromogobius shown to have affinity with certain South African species (Gobius nudiceps, G. caffer, G. natalensis, G. agulhensis, and Acentrogobius multi-fasciatus), as well as occupying an intermediate position between the Mediterranean Zebrus zebrus and Didogobius bentuvii.  相似文献   

Species of the goby genus Gnatholepis Bleeker, 1874, are common inhabitants of shallow tropical seas worldwide. In this study, mitochondrial DNA sequence (ND2 gene), from 349 Gnatholepis individuals sampled from across the South and Central Pacific and Caribbean, is used to infer phylogeny and determine species boundaries. Seven species of Gnatholepis are recognized: the Indo-Pacific G. anjerensis (Bleeker, 1851) [ G. cauerensis (Bleeker, 1853) is a synonym]; G. scapulostigma Herre, 1953; G. davaoensis Seale, 1910; G. knighti Jordan & Evermann, 1903; G. gymnocara Randall & Greenfield, 2001; G.  sp. Randall & Greenfield, 2001; and the Atlantic/Caribbean G. thompsoni Jordan, 1904. Results from the molecular phylogeny are compared with a previous morphology-based revision of the genus in order to establish which morphological characters diagnose species in correspondence with the molecular phylogeny.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 142 , 573–582.  相似文献   

A new marine goby Callogobius sheni collected from coral reefs off southern Taiwan is described. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the following combination of features: dorsal fin rays VI-I, 9; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 18; longitudinal scale rows 27–28; predorsal scale rows 9–10; no posterior oculoscapular and preopercular canals; body pale white with five blackish brown cross bands; caudal and pectoral fins each with a large blackish brown blotch.  相似文献   

薄唇蕨属的分类研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
薄唇蕨属是水龙骨科星蕨类植物中的一个小属,其范围时大时小,没有稳定的概念。我们在编 写《中国植物志》的过程中,分析了该属植物和星蕨类其它属植物的形态和地理分布,扫描了全部种类的孢子,认为薄唇蕨属不同于线蕨属,它包括了过去分出的似薄唇蕨属和树舌蕨等属。  相似文献   

中国樟科润楠属植物一些种类修订   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
韦发南  王玉国  何顺清 《广西植物》2001,21(3):191-194,T001
对中国樟科润楠属植物一些种进行了分类修订。随着研究工作的深入 ,发现过去发表的一些新种不能成立 ,应予合并 ,即嘉道理楠 =信宜润楠 ;长序润楠 =浙江润楠 ;密脉润楠 =刨花润楠 ;芳槁润楠 =黄心树 ;荔波润楠 =粉叶润楠。  相似文献   

The eel goby, genus Taenioides (Gobiidae: Amblyopinae), inhabits muddy bottoms of estuaries or shallow areas of seas in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Among congeners, T. cirratus ( Blyth, 1860 ) has been thought to be distributed in Japan, but taxonomic confusions remain as to which scientific names are applicable to Japanese Taenioides species, or more fundamentally, how many Taenioides species are distributed in Japan, due in part to the rarity of this group in museum collections and the morphological similarity among species. To clarify the species diversity of the genus Taenioides in Japan, we conducted phylogenetic analysis on the basis of partial mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphological observation of more than 100 specimens. As a result, four distinct species were distinguished from each other, on the basis of both genetic divergences (2.9-5.7%, 16S rRNA gene) and morphological differences (i.e., degree of development of dermal folds on the head, numbers of barbels and vertebrae). Although the identifications of four species need additional verifications, they were identified as T. anguillaris, T. snyderi, T. gracilis and T. cf. kentalleni, and the species name T. cirratus does not seem to be appropriate to any of four detected species. Museum collections indicate that the two species, which are distributed in the main islands of Japan, were collected frequently and treated as a single species. The other two were each collected only from a single locality of Okinawa Island in this study, of which one seems to be uncommon worldwide as well.  相似文献   

A new species of West Balkanian freshwater sand-goby Pomatoschistus montenegrensis sp. nov. (Teleostei: Gobiidae) is described from the Morača River, southern Montenegro, and shown to be related to the euryhaline Adriatic Pomatoschistus canestrinii . The generic status of these two species is discussed with reference to the limits of Pomatoschistus (type Gobius minutus ) and the status of a subgenus [ Ninnigobius (type-species Gobius canestrini )]. The habitat and the local distribution of the new species are described.  相似文献   


Atalophlebioides Phillips is redescribed as a monotypic genus endemic to New Zealand. All life stages of A. cromwelli (Phillips) are described, and a lectotype is designated. The relationships of the genus and the ecology of A. cromwelli are discussed.  相似文献   

SEALY, J. R, 1983. A revision of the genus Nomocharis Franchet. A taxonomic revision of the genus Nomocharis Franchet is presented, recognizing seven species. Notes are given on the species and hybrids in cultivation. A key for identification of the species and an index to specific epithets, including synonyms, are given, together with species excluded from the genus. Herbarium specimens are cited.  相似文献   

The Indo-West Pacific gobiid genus Taenioides Lacépède is further defined and one of the constituent species of the genus, T. purpurascens (De Vis 1884), is redescribed. Taenioides purpurascens is known only from the southeast coast of Australia and is compared to other species in the genus: T. anguillaris, distributed from India northeastward to China, and Japan, and southward to Australia; T. gracilis, distributed along the east coast of Africa and Madagascar to India, northeastward to Japan and southward to Australia; T. kentalleni, known only from Saudi Arabia and Japan; and T. snyderi, known only from southern Japan. Taenioides purpurascens is unique within the genus in having: the fewest dorsal-fin elements (41?44 vs. 48?72); the fewest anal-fin elements (34?38 vs. 41?65); the fewest vertebrae (27 vs. 28?45); and a 2-4-2 arrangement of the barbels on the ventral surface of the head (vs. 2-2-2, 2-3-2, or 2-4-2-2). In morphometric comparisons with these other species, T. purpurascens is shown to have the shortest and deepest body. A key to these species is provided.  相似文献   

 A new gobiid fish, Asterropteryx atripes, is described on the basis of eight specimens from Iriomote-jima Island, Ryukyu Islands, and El Nido, Philippines. It differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters: 3rd spine of first dorsal fin long, filamentous, distal tip usually over end of 2nd dorsal fin base when appressed in both sexes; pelvic fins almost separated, innermost (=5th) segmented rays connected by rudimentary low membrane between bases, and no frenum; 4–7 short spines on posterior margin of preopercle (the uppermost spine usually just behind the cephalic sensory canal pore N); eye large, 32.3–35.8% of head length; enlarged haemal arches on 1st two caudal vertebrae; a distinct black band from posterior margin of eye to caudal fin base (indistinct in dark-phase individuals); black pelvic fin (vivid in dark-phase individuals); numerous minute bright blue spots on head and body in life; no distinct dark spots on head and body; iris entirely reddish-brown or dusky (bright white ventrally in pale-phase individuals) when alive or fresh, and entirely black in preservation, without white transverse bar on middorsal surface; hovering habit. The new species appears to be most closely related with the other only known hovering species, A. striata; the latter is readily distinguished from the former in having no long, filamentous dorsal spine; semitranslucent pelvic fin; and a series of small black spots along dorsal fin base and dorsal edge of caudal peduncle. Asterropteryx contains two distinct groups, and the monophyly of the genus is open to question. Received: March 19, 2000 / Revised: February 25, 2002 / Accepted: April 25, 2002  相似文献   

中国实蕨属的分类修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对实蕨属Bolbitis的17种植物的孢子进行了扫描电镜观察。根据孢子周壁特征,中国产实蕨属的孢子明显可分为3种类型:A型孢子具网状周壁,B型孢子具鸡冠状-波状周壁,C型孢子具平滑的波状周壁。孢子周壁特征、叶脉式样和叶片顶部的形态是实蕨属中最有价值的分类学性状。根据标本检查,结合野外调查和孢子形态观察,对中国产实蕨属的分类进行了修订,确定中国有实蕨属植物20种和3杂交种,其中包括2个新组合B. fengiana (Ching) S. Y. Dong和B. medogensis (Ching &; S. K. Wu) S. Y. Dong,以及2个中国新分布B. costata Ching ex C. Chr.和B. hookeriana K. Iwats.。将B. latipinna Ching、B. media Ching &; Chu H. Wang、B. yunnanensis Ching、Egenolfia crassifolia Ching、E. crenata Ching &; P. S. Chiu、E. fengiana Ching、E. medogensis Ching &; S. K. Wu和E. ×yunnanensis Ching &; P. S. Chiu等8个名称处理为新异名。文中给出了分种检索表、每个种的生境和分布资料、大多数种的特征集要和孢子扫描电镜照片。  相似文献   

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