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We present evidence that plant growth at elevated atmospheric CO2 increases the high‐temperature tolerance of photosynthesis in a wide variety of plant species under both greenhouse and field conditions. We grew plants at ambient CO2 (~ 360 μ mol mol ? 1) and elevated CO2 (550–1000 μ mol mol ? 1) in three separate growth facilities, including the Nevada Desert Free‐Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) facility. Excised leaves from both the ambient and elevated CO2 treatments were exposed to temperatures ranging from 28 to 48 °C. In more than half the species examined (4 of 7, 3 of 5, and 3 of 5 species in the three facilities), leaves from elevated CO2‐grown plants maintained PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm) to significantly higher temperatures than ambient‐grown leaves. This enhanced PSII thermotolerance was found in both woody and herbaceous species and in both monocots and dicots. Detailed experiments conducted with Cucumis sativus showed that the greater Fv/Fm in elevated versus ambient CO2‐grown leaves following heat stress was due to both a higher Fm and a lower Fo, and that Fv/Fm differences between elevated and ambient CO2‐grown leaves persisted for at least 20 h following heat shock. Cucumis sativus leaves from elevated CO2‐grown plants had a critical temperature for the rapid rise in Fo that averaged 2·9 °C higher than leaves from ambient CO2‐grown plants, and maintained a higher maximal rate of net CO2 assimilation following heat shock. Given that photosynthesis is considered to be the physiological process most sensitive to high‐temperature damage and that rising atmospheric CO2 content will drive temperature increases in many already stressful environments, this CO2‐induced increase in plant high‐temperature tolerance may have a substantial impact on both the productivity and distribution of many plant species in the 21st century. 相似文献
The effects of high salinity (0-400 mmol/L NaCl) on photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry and photosynthetic pigment composition were investigated in the halophyte Artimisia anethifolia grown under outdoor conditions and exposed to full sunlight. High salinity resulted in an inhibition in plant growth and a significant accumulation of sodium and chloride in leaves. However, high salinity induced no effects on the actual PSII efficiency, the efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PSII reaction centres, photochemical quenching, and non-photochemical quenching at midday. High salinity also induced neither changes in the maximum efficiency of PSII photochemistry, the efficiency with which a trapped exciton can move an electron into the electron transport chain further than QA and the quantum yield of electron transport beyond QA, nor changes in absorption, trapping and electron transport fluxes per PSII reaction centre. No significant changes were observed in the levels of neoxanthin, lutein, beta-carotene, violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin expressed on a total chlorophyll basis in salt-adapted plants. Our results suggest that Artimisia anethifolia showed high resistance not only to high salinity, but also to photoinhibition even if it was treated with high salinity as high as 400 mmol/L NaCl and exposed to full sunlight. The results indicate that tolerance of PSII to high salinity and photoinhibition can be viewed as an important strategy for Artimisia anethifolia, a halophyte plant, to grow in very high saline soil. 相似文献
硬软蒺藜rDNA-ITS基因序列的测定和比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用CTAB法提取总DNA,合成位于18 S rDNA和26S rDNA上的两条各20bp的引物,通过PCR扩增ITS的全序列,对PCR产物直接测序,分别获得了硬蒺藜(Tribulus terrestris L.)和软蒺藜(Atriples centralasiatica Iljin)的核糖体RNA基因-rDNA内转录间隔区(ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer,rDNA-ITS)的序列643 bp和607bp,其碱基总差异率为36.16%,其中,ITS1的碱基差异率为55.81%;5.8 S的碱基差异率为6.59%;ITS2的碱基差异率为56.77%.这种差异,以及基因序列本身,为硬软蒺藜的区别和种质资源鉴定提供了分子依据. 相似文献
L. Guidi G. Lorefice A. Pardossi F. Malorgio F. Tognoni G.F. Soldatini 《Biologia Plantarum》1997,40(2):235-244
Fully expanded leaves of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) growing with either complete or nitrogen-deficient nutrient solution
were analysed for leaf water status, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence during the vegetative and reproductive phases.
N-deficiency did not affect leaf water relations but did decrease light saturated photosynthetic rate as well as stomatal
conductance in the vegetative stage. A lower variable to maximum fluorescence ratio (Fv/Fm) was found in N-limited plants
which also showed an increase in leaf starch content and in starch to sucrose ratio. The inhibition of photosynthesis and
the alteration of photosynthates partitioning were responsible for the growth reduction in N-stressed plants. During the reproductive
phase the limitation of photosynthesis may be due to a large accumulation of starch which determines both a decrease in the
carbon demand from the sinks and a decrease in CO2 conductance in the mesophyll.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Recovery from 60 min of photoinhibitory treatment at photosynthetic photon flux densities of 500, 1400 and 2200 μMmol m?2 s? was followed in cells of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown at 125 μMmol m?2 s?1. These light treatments represent photoregulation, moderate photoinhibition and strong photoinhibition, respectively. Treatment in photoregulatory light resulted in an increased maximal rate of oxygen evolution (Pmax) and an increased quantum yield (Φ), but a 15% decrease in Fv/FM. Treatment at moderately photoinhibitory light resulted in a 30% decrease in Fv/FM and an approximately equal decrease in Φ. Recovery in dim light restored Fv/FM within 15 and 45 min after high light treatment at 500 and 1400 μMmol m?2 s?1, respectively. Convexity (Θ), a measure of the extent of co-limitation between PS II turnover and whole-chain electron transport, and Φ approached, but did not reach the control level during recovery after exposure to 1400 μMmol m?2 s?1, whereas Pmax increased above the control. Treatment at 2200 μMmol m?2 s?1 resulted in a strong reduction of the modeled parameters Φ, Θ and Pmax. Subsequent recovery was initially rapid but the rate decreased, and a complete recovery was not reached within 120 min. Based on the results, it is hypothesized that exposure to high light results in two phenomena. The first, expressed at all three light intensities, involves redistribution within the different aspects of PS II heterogeneity rather than a photoinhibitory destruction of PS II reaction centers. The second, most strongly expressed at 2200 μmol m?2 s?1, is a physical damage to PS II shown as an almost total loss of PS IIα and PS II QB-reducing centers. Thus recovery displayed two phase, the first was rapid and the only visible phase in algae exposed to 500 and 1400 μmol m?2 s?1. The second phase was slow and visible only in the later part of recovery in cells exposed to 2200 μmol m?2 s?1. 相似文献
The introduction of a more efficient means of measuring leaf photosynthetic rates under field conditions may help to clarify the relationship between single leaf photosynthesis and crop growth rates of commercial maize hybrids. A large body of evidence suggests that gross photosynthesis (AG) of maize leaves can be accurately estimated from measurements of thylakoid electron transport rates (ETR) using chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. However, before this technique can be adopted, it will first be necessary to determine how the relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 assimilation is affected by the non-steady state PPFD conditions which predominate in the field. Also, it must be determined if the relationship is stable across different maize genotypes, and across phenological stages. In the present work, the relationship between ETR and AG was examined in leaves of three maize hybrids by making simultaneous measurements of leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence, both under controlled environment conditions and in the field. Under steady-state conditions, a linear relationship between ETR and AG was observed, although a slight deviation from linearity was apparent at low AG. This deviation may arise from an error in the assumption that respiration in illuminated leaves is equivalent to respiration in darkened leaves. The relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic CO2 assimilation was not stable during fluctuations in incident PPFD. Since even minor (e.g. 20%) fluctuations in incident PPFD can produce sustained ( > 20 s) departures from the mean relationship between ETR and AG, chlorophyll fluorometry can only provide an accurate estimate of actual CO2 assimilation rates under relatively stable PPFD conditions. In the field, the mean value of ETR / AG during the early part of the season (4.70 ± 0.07) was very similar to that observed in indoor-grown plants in the vegetative stage (4.60 ± 0.09); however, ETR / AG increased significantly over the growing season, reaching 5.00 ± 0.09 by the late grain-filling stage. Differences in ETR / AG among the three genotypes examined were small (less than 1% of the mean) and not statistically significant, suggesting that chlorophyll fluorometry can be used as the basis of a fair comparison of leaf photosynthetic rates among different maize cultivars. 相似文献
The photosynthetic apparatus rapidly responds to the environmental influences. In vivo chlorophyll fluorescence was applied for the evaluation of photosystem II (PSII) and electron-transport chain functioning and for determination of photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching in chlorotic spruce needles exposed to urban pollution. More injured needles had lower content of chloroplast pigments and changed chloroplast ultrastructure, in comparison with less injured needles. The maximum PSII efficiency was measured in dark-adapted samples, whereas other parameters were measured under low and high light conditions (125 and 1400 µmol photons/(m2s), respectively). The PSII efficiency and relative electron transport rate (rel. ETR) were lowered at both irradiance levels while the photochemical quenching was significantly lower only in high light. Nonphotochemical quenching coefficients (qN) values were higher at both light levels in more injured needles, however, the difference was insignificant. High nonphotochemical quenching in both needle groups probably made possible the photosynthetic apparatus to function at the high light level. Our results suggested that the lowering of the chlorophyll content could be considered as a protecting event rather than just the consequence of the stress.From Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2005, pp. 191–197.Original English Text Copyright © 2005 by Lepedu, Viljevac, Cesar, Ljubei.This article was submitted by the authors in English.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with a corrected cover date. 相似文献
为探讨番茄叶片气孔特征、气体交换参数和生物量对盐胁迫的响应机理,以赛棚和阿拉姆番茄为试材,通过向水培营养液中添加NaCl(0.1 mol·L-1),在人工气候箱条件下进行为期90 d的NaCl盐胁迫处理.结果表明: NaCl胁迫导致赛棚番茄叶片的气孔密度、气孔宽度、气孔面积和气孔面积指数显著降低,降幅分别为32%、45%、25%、49%,但没有改变阿拉姆番茄叶片的气孔特征参数.同时,NaCl胁迫还导致赛棚和阿拉姆叶片气孔规则分布的空间尺度分别减少30%和43%,且赛棚品种的单个气孔最小邻域距离在盐胁迫下增加20%.另外,赛棚和阿拉姆叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)在盐胁迫下均显著下降,通过气孔限制值分析发现,盐胁迫导致赛棚番茄叶片光合速率下降主要是由气孔限制因素引起的,而阿拉姆叶片则以非气孔限制因素为主导作用.盐胁迫还导致赛棚和阿拉姆番茄生物量显著降低,且地下生物量的下降幅度大于地上生物量.综合分析表明,阿拉姆的抗盐能力高于赛棚. 相似文献
Plant growth, chlorophyll (Chl) content, photosynthetic gas exchange, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCO) enzyme
activity, and Chl fluorescence in radish (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) plants were examined after turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) infection. Plant fresh mass, dry mass, Chl content, net photosynthetic
rate (P
N), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (g
s), and RuBPCO activity were significantly lower in infected plants after 5 weeks of virus infection as compared to healthy
plants. The 5-week virus infection did not induce significant differences in intercellular CO2 concentration (C
i, photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2, PS2 (Fv/Fm), excitation capture efficiency of open PS2 reaction centres (Fv'/Fm'), effective quantum efficiency of photosystem 2 (ΔF/Fm'), and photochemical quenching (qP), but non-photochemical quenching (qN) and alternative electron sink (AES) were significantly enhanced. Thus the decreased plant biomass of TuMV-infected plants
might be associated with the decreased photosynthetic activity mainly due to reduced RuBPCO activity. 相似文献
水分胁迫和温度对夏蜡梅叶片气体交换和叶绿素荧光特性的影响 总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23
夏蜡梅是浙江省特有的濒危单种属物种.本文研究了不同程度土壤水分胁迫和不同温度处理对2年生盆栽夏蜡梅光合作用的影响.结果表明:轻度和中度水分胁迫下夏蜡梅净光合速率分别下降至对照的92.3%和74.3%,净光合速率的降低主要由气孔限制引起;重度水分胁迫下,净光合速率仅为对照的44.4%,主要由非气孔限制引起.夏季夏蜡梅的光合适宜温度范围在20 ℃~28 ℃,39 ℃下其净光合速率、水分利用效率和最大光化学效率显著降低,暗呼吸速率和蒸腾速率显著升高.随着水分胁迫的加重及处理温度的升高,夏蜡梅光补偿点上升,光饱和点、表观量子效率和最大净光合速率下降.重度水分胁迫及高温是制约夏蜡梅生存的重要环境因子. 相似文献
Overexpression of SBPase enhances photosynthesis against high temperature stress in transgenic rice plants 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Activity of the Calvin cycle enzyme sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) was increased by overexpression of a rice plants 9,311 (Oryza sativa L.) cDNA in rice plants zhonghua11 (Oryza sativa L.). The genetic engineering enabled the plants to accumulate SBPase in chloroplasts and resulted in enhanced tolerance to high temperature stress during growth of young seedlings. Moreover, CO2 assimilation of transgenic plants was significantly more tolerant to high temperature than that of wild-type plants. The analyses of chlorophyll fluorescence and the content and activation of SBPase indicated that the enhancement of photosynthesis to high temperature was not related to the function of photosystem II but to the content and activation of SBPase. Western blotting analyses showed that high temperature stress led to the association of SBPase with the thylakoid membranes from the stroma fractions. However, such an association was much more pronounced in wild-type plants than that in transgenic plants. The results in this study suggested that under high temperature stress, SBPase maintained the activation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) by preventing the sequestration of Rubisco activase to the thylakoid membranes from the soluble stroma fraction and thus enhanced the tolerance of CO2 assimilation to high temperature stress. The results suggested that overexpression of SBPase might be an effective method for enhancing high temperature tolerance of plants. 相似文献
LIN Zhifang PENG Changlian Xu Xinlan LIN Guizhu & ZHANG Jingliu .South China Institute of Botany Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangdong Key Laboratory of Digital Botanical Garden Guangzhou China .National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sci- ences Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai China 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2005,48(2)
Temperature is one of the main environmental factors affecting the formation and function of the photosynthetic apparatus[1]. It also affects the distribu-tion of plant species, genotypes and yield due to thedifferences of their thermostability. Moderately ele-vated temperature in the range of 32—38℃ fre-quently occurs in the field in summer[2]. In recent years, global change of the climate has led to a re-markable elevation of temperature, which reached up to 42℃ in some area last year. In… 相似文献
The photosynthetic responses to moderately high temperatures (38 degrees C, imposed at 21% or 2% O(2) in air and 1500 mumol m(-2) s(-1)) were compared in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars grown in northern regions of Ukraine and expected to be relatively sensitive to high temperatures ('North' cultivars) and in cultivars grown in southern regions and expected to be relatively heat-tolerant ('South' cultivars). Heating intact leaves in 21% O(2) for 1 h decreased CO(2) assimilation by c. 63% in 'North' cultivars and only c. 32% in 'South' cultivars, with a decrease in PSII activity being observed in only one of the 'North' cultivars. Carboxylation efficiency was decreased by about 2.7-fold in 'North' cultivars with no significant effect in 'South' cultivars. The maximum rates of carboxylation by Rubisco in vivo, V(cmax), estimated from Farquhar's model, increased more than 2-fold in 'South' cultivars and remained unchanged in 'North' cultivars while the maximum rate of RuBP regeneration, J(max), decreased by 53% and 21% in 'North' and 'South' cultivars, respectively. Where the heat treatment was imposed in 2% O(2) this increased (as compared with treatment at 21% O(2)) the inhibitory effect on CO(2) assimilation in tolerant cultivars, but decreased it in sensitive ones. The results suggested that differences in tolerance of moderately high temperatures in wheat relate to the stability of the Rubisco function and to RuBP regeneration activity rather than to the effects on PSII activity or stomatal control. 相似文献
Limitations to photosynthesis under light and heat stress in three high-yielding wheat genotypes 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Three high-yielding wheat genotypes (T. aestivum L., c.v. Siete Cerros, Seri and Bacanora, released in 1966, 1982 and 1988, respectively) were grown under irrigation in two high radiation, low relative humidity environments (Tlaltizapan and Ciudad Obregon CIMMYT experimental stations, Mexico). Gas exchange and fluorescence parameters were assessed on the flag leaf during the day. Carbon isotope discrimination (delta) was analysed in flag leaf at anthesis and in grain at maturity. In both environments, gas exchange and fluorescence parameters varied markedly with irradiance and temperature. Analysis of their respective variation indicated the occurrence of photo-respiration and photo-inhibition, particularly in Tlaltizapan, the warmest environment, and in Siete Cerros. In Ciudad Obregon (high-yielding environment) lower Ci (internal CO2 concentration) and delta La (carbon isotope discrimination of the leaf) suggested a higher intrinsic photosynthetic capacity in the variety Bacanora. Higher yield of this genotype was also associated with higher Fv'/Fo' (ratio of photochemical and non photochemical rate constants in the light) and Fm'/Fm (ratio of the non photochemical rate constants in the dark and light adapted state). 相似文献
The mechanisms of photosynthetic adaptation to different combinations of temperature and irradiance during growth, and especially the consequences of exposure to high light (2000 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) PPFD) for 5 min, simulating natural sunflecks, was studied in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). A protocol using only short (3 min) dark pre-treatment was introduced to maximize the amount of replication possible in studies of chlorophyll fluorescence. High light at low temperature (10 degrees C) significantly down-regulated photosynthetic electron transport capacity [as measured by the efficiency of photosystem II (PSII)], with the protective acclimation allowing the simulated sunflecks to be used more effectively for photosynthesis by plants grown in low light. The greater energy dissipation by thermal processes (lower F(v)'/F(m)' ratio) at low temperature was related to increased xanthophyll de-epoxidation and to the fact that photosynthetic carbon fixation was more limiting at low than at high temperatures. A key objective was to investigate the role of photorespiration in acclimation to irradiance and temperature by comparing the effect of normal (21 kPa) and low (1.5 kPa) O(2) concentrations. Low [O(2)] decreased F(v)/F(m) and the efficiency of PSII (Phi(PSII)), related to greater PSII down-regulation in cold pre-treated plants, but minimized further inhibition by the mild 'sunfleck' treatment used. Results support the hypothesis that photorespiration provides a 'safety-valve' for excess energy. 相似文献
Specific regulation of SOD isoforms by NaCl and osmotic stress in leaves of the C3 halophyte Suaeda salsa L 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The halophyte Suaeda salsa L., exposed to different NaCl concentrations (100 and 400 mmol/L) and polyethylene glycol (isoosomotic to 100 mmol/L NaCl) containing nutrient solutions under normal or K+-deficient conditions for 7 days, was used to study effects of NaCl salinity and osmotic stress on chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, malonedialdehyde (MDA) content, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoform activities. Photosynthetic capacity was not decreased by NaCl treatment, indicating that S. salsa possesses an effective antioxidative response system for avoiding oxidative damage. Seven SOD activity bands were detected in S. salsa leaf extracts, including an Mn-SOD and several isoforms of Fe-SOD and CuZn-SOD. It turned out that NaCl salinity and osmotic stress lead to a differential regulation of distinct SOD isoenzymes. This differential regulation is suggested to play a major role in stress tolerance of S. salsa. 相似文献
The effects of 20 and 50 μM concentrations of Cu and Cd on photosynthesis in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cotyledons were studied by the measurements of gas exchange characteristics, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence parameters,
photosynthetic pigment contents, and two Calvin cycle enzymes activities: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
and 3-phosphoglyceric acid kinase (PGK). To minimize indirect metal action, seedlings were treated with metals in the stage
of green, fully developed cotyledons. The metals reached the cotyledon tissue after 48 h of treatments, though symptoms of
metal action were not visible at that time. The effect of metals on the light phase of the photosynthesis parameters such
as potential efficiency of photosystem 2 (PS2; Fv/Fm), and photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching of Chl fluorescence (qP and qNP) was negligible. In contrast, a decrease of PS2 quantum efficiency (ΦPS2) was much more noticeable. Changes in the pigment contents were slight, as only 50 μM Cd decreased Chl a and b contents in small extent. On the contrary, metals in both concentrations drastically decreased (50 and more % of control)
the net photosynthetic rate and the stomatal conductance, but not the internal CO2 concentration. The activities of both GAPDH and PGK were also decreased by metals, although the effect on PGK was more prominent,
particularly on its potential activity (dithiothreitol in extraction and incubation media). Hence Cu and Cd affected the synthesis
of enzyme proteins rather than they influenced their modifications. The effects of both metals on most of the measured photosynthesis
parameters were similar, but the accumulation of Cd in the cotyledons was significantly higher than Cu accumulation. Thus
Cu was more toxic for the photosynthesis of cucumber cotyledons than Cd. 相似文献