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The lectin of ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria L.) was investigated electron-microscopically after negative staining with uranyl salts. Affinity-purified preparations of this glycoprotein were highly heteromorphous as they contained small particles approximately 4.6 nm in diameter and very large particles of different shapes. Among the latter, circular and helicoidal structures were the most regular in appearance. The circles were 9.3 nm in diameter, whereas the helices were 9 nm or 20 nm in diameter and up to 60 nm in length. After photographic enhancement, pictures of the molecules indicated that both the larger structures and the small particles could be obtained in pure forms by gel filtration of the lectin on Sepharose 4B. Since the former were the only constituents of the excluded fraction (Mr>5000000), whereas they were totally absent in the fraction eluting with an apparent molecular weight of about 500000, these supra-molecular structures revealed by the electron microscope cannot be artefacts generated during preparation of the lectin for electron-microscopic observation.Abbreviations APA Aegopodium podagraria agglutinin - EM electron microscopy - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

M. N. Sivak  U. Heber  D. A. Walker 《Planta》1985,163(3):419-423
Light-scattering, which can be taken as an indicator of the transthylakoid proton-gradient, and chlorophyll a fluorescence, have been followed simultaneously during re-illumination of spinach leaves at different energy fluence rates and carbon dioxide concentrations. The slow fluorescence transient (M peak), which has been associated with photosynthetic induction, was observed in air only at the lower fluence rates used. Data are presented that indicate that M peaks in chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics can only be observed if there is also a simultaneous transient in light-scattering and that these transients are observed when the dark period is relatively long, fluence rate relatively low, and CO2 concentration relatively high.The results are discussed in relation to the varying demands on ATP by carbon assimilation during induction of photosynthesis at different carbon dioxide concentrations and the manner in which these variations influence the quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence.Abbreviation Chl chlorophyll  相似文献   

A lectin has been isolated from rhizomes of ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria) using a combination of affinity chromatography on erythrocyte membrane proteins immobilized on cross-linked agarose and hydroxyapatite, and ion-exchange chromatography. The molecular structure of the lectin was determined by gelfiltration, sucrose density-gradient centrifugation and gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. It has an unusually high Mr (about 480000) and is most probably an octamer composed of two distinct types of subunits with slightly different Mr (about 60000). Hapten inhibition assays indicated that the Aegopodium lectin is preferentially inhibited by N-acetylgalactosamine. Nevertheless, it does not agglutinate preferentially blood-group-A erythrocytes. The ground-elder lectin is a typical non-seed lectin, which occurs virtually exclusively in the underground rhizomes. In this organ it is an abundant protein as it represents up to 5% of the total protein content. The lectin content of the rhizome tissue varies strongly according to its particular location along the organ. In addition, the lectin content changes dramatically as a function of the seasons. The ground-elder lectin differs from all other plant lectins by its unusually high molecular weight. In addition, it is the first lectin to be isolated from a species of the family Apiaceae.Abbreviations APA Aegopodium podagraria agglutinin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The regulation of photosystem II (PSII) by light-, CO2-, and O2-dependent changes in the capacity for carbon metabolism was studied. Estimates of the rate of electron transport through PSII were made from gas-exchange data and from measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence. At subsaturating photon-flux density (PFD), the rate of electron transport was independent of O2 and CO2. Feedback on electron transport was observed under two conditions. At saturating PFD and low partial pressure of CO2, p(CO2), the rate of electron transport increased with p(CO2). However, at high p(CO2), switching from normal to low p(O2) did not affect the net rate of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation but the rate of electron-transport decreased by an amount related to the change in the rate of photorespiration. We interpret these effects as 1) regulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase (RuBPCase, EC activity to match the rate of electron transport at limiting PFD, 2) regulation of electron-transport rate to match the rate of RuBPCase at low p(CO2), and 3) regulation of the electron-transport rate to match the capacity for starch and sucrose synthesis at high p(CO2) and PFD. These studies provide evidence that PSII is regulated so that the capacity for electron transport is matched to the capacity for other processes required by photosynthesis, such as ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylation and starch and sucrose synthesis. We show that at least two mechanisms contribute to the regulation of PSII activity and that the relative engagement of these mechanisms varies with time following a step change in the capacity for ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylation and starch and sucrose synthesis. Finally, we take advantage of the relatively slow activation of deactivated RuBPCase in vivo to show that the activation level of this enzyme can limit the rate of electron transport as evidenced by increased feedback on PSII following a step change in p(CO2). As RuBPCase as activated, the feedback on PSII declined.Abbreviations and symbols JC electron-transport rate calculated from CO2-assimilation measurements - JF electron-transport rate calculated from fluorescence parameters - PFD photon-flux density - qE energy-dependent quenching - PSII photosystem II - qQ Q-dependent quenching - QY quantum yield - RuBPCase ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC C.I.W. publication No. 1015  相似文献   

The kinetics and temperature dependencies of development and relaxation of light-induced absorbance changes caused by deepoxidation of violaxanthin to antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin (Z; peak at 506 nm) and by light scattering (S; peak around 540 nm) as well as of nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (NPQ) were followed in cotton leaves. Measurements were made in the absence and the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT), an inhibitor of violaxanthin deepoxidase. The amount of NPQ was calculated from the Stern-Volmer equation. A procedure was developed to correct gross AS (Sg) for absorbance changes around 540 nm that are due to a spectral overlap with Z. This protocol isolated the component which is caused by light-scattering changes alone (Sn). In control leaves, the kinetics and temperature dependence of the initial rate of rise in Sn that takes place upon illumination, closely matched that of Z. Application of DTT to leaves, containing little zeaxanthin or antheraxanthin, strongly inhibited both Sn and NPQ, but DTT had no inhibitory effect in leaves in which these xanthophylls had already been preformed, showing that the effect of DTT on An and NPQ results solely from the inhibition of violaxanthin deepoxidation. The rates and maximum extents of Sn and NPQ therefore depend on the amount of zeaxanthin (and/or antheraxanthin) present in the leaf. In contrast to the situation during induction, relaxation of Z upon darkening was much slower than the relaxation of Sn and NPQ. The relaxation of Sn and NPQ showed quantitatively similar kinetics and temperature dependencies (Q10=2.4). These results are consistent with the following hypotheses: The increase in lumen-proton concentration resulting from thylakoid membrane energization causes deepoxidation of violaxanthin to antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin. The presence of these xanthophylls is not sufficient to cause Sn or NPQ but, together with an increased lumen-proton concentration, these xanthophylls cause a conformational change, reflected by Sn. The conformational change facilititates nonradiative energy dissipation, thereby causing NPQ. Membrane energization is prerequisite to conformational changes in the thylakoid membrane and resultant nonradiative energy dissipation but the capacity for such changes in intact leaves is quite limited unless zeaxanthin (and/or antheraxanthin) is present in the membrane. The sustained Sn and NPQ levels that remain after darkening may be attributable to a sustained high lumen-proton concentration.Abbreviations A antheraxanthin - DTT dithiothreitol - F, Fm chlorophyll fluorescence yield at actual, full closure of the PSII centers - NPQ nonphotochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching - PFD photon flux density - PSII photosystem II - V violaxanthin - Z zeaxanthin - Sn, Z spectral absorbance change caused by light-scattering, violaxanthin deepoxidation We thank Connie Shih for skillful assistance in growing the plants, and for conducting HPLC analyses. A Carnegie Institution Fellowship and a Feodor-Lynen-Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation to W. B. is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported in part by Grant No. 89-37-280-4902 of the Competitive Grants Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to O.B. This is C. I. W. — D. P. B. Publication No. 1094.  相似文献   

I. M. Møller  T. Lundborg 《Planta》1985,164(3):354-361
Right-side-out and sealed plasmalemma vesicles were isolated from roots of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Drabant) and oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Brighton) by two-phase partition in a medium containing sucrose (0.25 mol l-1). Oat root plasmalemma vesicles were discovered to contain a strongly fluorescent compound with an emission maximum at 418 nm. The surface potential of the membranes was monitored by 9-aminoacridine fluorescence and the effect of protein concentration, mannitol versus sucrose, absence of osmoticum, concentrations of salt, and titrations with chelators investigated. It is concluded that i) protein concentrations of less than 50 g ml-1 for oat and 100 g ml-1 for wheat plasmalemma vesicles should be used to avoid serious problems with non-linearity of response of 9-aminoacridine fluorescence, ii) mannitol can be used instead of sucrose as the osmoticum, iii) the vesicles were ruptured in the absence of osmoticum allowing us to monitor both sides of the membranes, iv) plasmalemma vesicles from oat roots are more negative than vesicles from wheat roots, and v) oat and wheat root plasmalemma vesicles are isolated with about the same amounts of bound Ca2+ and Mg2+. These bound divalent cations may not, however, reflect the in-vivo conditions since the tissues were homogenised in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - c1/2 value concentration at which half of the maximum effect is observed - Mops 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Henrik Laasch 《Planta》1987,171(2):220-226
Non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence after short-time light, heat and osmotic stress was investigated with intact chloroplasts from Spinacia oleracea L. The proportions of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching (q N ) which are related (q E ) and unrelated (q I ) to the transthylakoid proton gradient (pH) were determined. Light stress resulted in an increasing contribution of q Ito total q N.The linear dependence of q. Eand pH, as seen in controls, was maintained. The mechanisms underlying this type of quenching are obviously unaffected by photoin-hibition. In constrast, q Ewas severely affected by heat and osmotic stress. In low light, the response of q Eto changes in pH was enhanced, whereas it was reduced in high light. The data are discussed with reference to the hypothesis that q Eis related to thermal dissipation of excitation energy from photosystem II. It is shown that q Eis not only controlled by pH, but also by external factors.Abbreviations and symbols 9-AA 9-aminoacridine - F o basic chlorophyll fluorescence - F o variable chlorophyll fluorescence - L 2 saturating light pulse - PS photosystem - q E pH-dependent, non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence - q I pH-independent, non-photochemical quenching - q N entire non-photochemical quenching - q Q photochemical quenching  相似文献   

Y. Kobayashi  S. Köster  U. Heber 《BBA》1982,682(1):44-54
Scattering of green light and chlorophyll fluorescence by spinach leaves kept in a stream of air or nitrogen were compared with leaf adenylate levels during illumination with blue, red or far-red light. Energy charge and ATP-ADP ratios exhibited considerable variability in different leaves both in the dark and in the light. Variability is explained by different possible states of the reaction oxidizing triose phosphate or reducing 3-phosphoglycerate. Except when oxygen levels were low, there was an inverse relationship between light scattering and chlorophyll fluorescence during illumination with blue or red light. When CO2 was added to a stream of CO2-free air, chlorophyll fluorescence increased, sometimes after a transient decrease, and both light scattering and leaf ATPADP ratios decreased. Similar observations were made when air was replaced by nitrogen under blue or high-intensity red light. Under these conditions, over-reduction caused inhibition of electron transport and phosphorylation in chloroplasts. However, when air was replaced by nitrogen during illumination with low-intensity red light or far-red light, light scattering increased instead of decreasing. Under these light conditions, ATPADP ratios were maintained in the light. They decreased drastically only after darkening. Although ATPADP ratios responded faster than light scattering or the slow secondary decline of chlorophyll fluorescence due to illumination, it appeared that in the steady state, light scattering and chlorophyll fluorescence are useful indicators of the phosphorylation state of the leaf adenylate system at least under aerobic conditions, when chloroplast and extrachloroplast adenylate systems can effectively communicate.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study physiological strain caused by release cutting, suppressed Norway spruce on mesic and moist sites was completely released from overstory birch, or 500 birches per hectare were left as a shelter. The treatments were conducted in late June in 1988 and in 1989. The spruce's reaction to the environmental change was monitored by measurements of fast chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics and analysis of chlorophyll content. This was done before treatment, 1 week after treatment, 2 months after treatment, and twice during the following growth period. Complete release resulted in a more pronounced decrease in the ratio of variable fluorescence to maximal fluorescence (Fv/Fm) than partial release. There was also a tendency for the build-up of chlorophyll content in needles to be more affected when the spruce was completely released. Released spruces on moist sites tended to be more affected by the release than released spruces on mesic sites. The results suggest that in this kind of stand the risk of damage to the spruces is greatest when the spruces are completely released on moist sites. Furthermore, it is shown that the weather conditions prevailing shortly before and after the release have a large influence on the spruce's reaction to the release. The results also indicate some adjustment to the new environment in mature needles.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the rate of de-epoxidation of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin was determined in leaves of chilling-sensitive Gossypium hirsutum L. (cotton) and chilling-resistant Malva parviflora L. by measurements of the increase in absorbance at 505 nm (A 505) and in the contents of antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin that occur upon exposure of predarkened leaves to excessive light. A linear relationship between A 505 and the decrease in the epoxidation state of the xanthophyll-cycle pigment pool was obtained over the range 10–40° C. The maximal rate of de-epoxidation was strongly temperature dependent; Q10 measured around the temperature at which the leaf had developed was 2.1–2.3 in both species. In field-grown Malva the rate of de-epoxidation at any given measurement temperature was two to three times higher in leaves developed at a relatively low temperature in the early spring than in those developed in summer. Q10 measured around 15° C was in the range 2.2–2.6 in both kinds of Malva leaves, whereas it was as high as 4.6 in cotton leaves developed at a daytime temperature of 30° C. Whereas the maximum (initial) rate of de-epoxidation showed a strong decrease with decreased temperature the degree of de-epoxidation reached in cotton leaves after a 1–2 · h exposure to a constant photon flux density increased with decreased temperature as the rate of photosynthesis decrease. The zeaxanthin content rose from 2 mmol · (mol chlorophyll)–1 at 30° C to 61 mmol · (mol Chl)–1 at 10° C, corresponding to a de-epoxidation of 70% of the violaxanthin pool at 10° C. The degree of de-epoxidation at each temperature was clearly related to the amount of excessive light present at that temperature. The relationship between non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence and zeaxanthin formation at different temperatures was determined for both untreated control leaves and for leaves in which zeaxanthin formation was prevented by dithiothreitol treatment. The rate of development of that portion of non-photochemical quenching which was inhibited by dithiothreitol decreased with decreasing temperature and was linearly related to the rate of zeaxanthin formation over a wide temperature range. In contrast, the rate of development of the dithiothreitol-resistant portion of non-photochemical quenching was remarkably little affected by temperature. Evidently, the kinetics of the development of non-photochemical quenching upon exposure of leaves to excessive light is therefore in large part determined by the rate of zeaxanthin formation. For reasons that remain to be determined the relaxation of dithiothreitolsensitive quenching that is normally observed upon darkening of illuminated leaves was strongly inhibited at low temperatures.Abbreviations and Symbols Chl chlorophyll - DTT dithiothreitol - EPS epoxidation state - NPQ non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching - PFD photon flux density - PSII photosystem II - F, Fm fluorescence emission at the actual, full closure of the PSII centers C.I.W.-D.P.B. Publication No. 1092We thank Connie Shih for skillful assistance in growing the plants, for conducting the HPLC analyses, and for preparing the figures. A Carnegie Institution Fellowship and a Feodor-Lynen-Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation to W.B. is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by Grant No. 89-37-280-4902 of the Competitive Grants Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to O.B.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll fluorescence emission at 680 nm (F680) and the rate of CO2 fixation were measured simultaneously in sections along the length of wheat and maize leaves. These leaves possess a basal meristem and show a gradation in development towards the leaf tip. The redox state of the primary electron acceptor, Q, of photosystem II was estimated using a non-invasive method. Distal mature leaf sections displayed typical F680 induction curves which were generally anti-parallel with CO2 fixation and during which Q became gradually oxidised. In leaf-base sections net assimilation of CO2 was not detectable, F680 quenched slowly and monotonously without displaying any of the oscillations typical of mature tissue and Q remained relatively reduced. Sections cut from mid-regions of the leaf showed intermediate characteristics. There were no major differences between the wheat and maize leaf in the parameters measured. The results support the hypothesis that generation of the transthylakoid proton gradient and associated ATP production is not a major limitation to photosynthesis during leaf development in either C3 or C4 plants. Removal of CO2 from the mature leaf sections caused little change in steady-state F680 and produced about 50% reduction of Q. When O2 was then removed, F680 rose sharply and Q became almost totally reduced. In immature tissue unable to assimilate CO2, removal of O2 alone caused a similar large rise in F680 and reduction of Q whilst removal of CO2 had negligible effects on F680 and the redox state of Q. It is concluded that in leaf tissue unable to assimilate CO2, either because CO2 is absent or the tissue is immature, O2 acts as an electron acceptor and maintains Q in a partially oxidised state. The important implication that O2 may have a role in the prevention of photoinhibition of the photochemical apparatus in the developing leaf is discussed.Abbreviations F680 chlorophyll fluorescence emission at 680 nm - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II - Q PSII primary electron acceptor - pH transthylakoid proton gradient  相似文献   

W.S. Chow  J. Barber 《BBA》1980,593(1):149-157
Salt-induced changes in thylakoid stacking and chlorophyll fluorescence do not occur with granal membranes obtained by treatment of stacked thylakoids with digitonin. In contrast to normal untreated thylakoids, digitonin prepared granal membranes remain stacked under all ionic conditions and exhibit a constant high level of chlorophyll fluorescence. However, unstacking of these granal membranes is possible if they are pretreated with either acetic anhydride or linolenic acid.Trypsin treatment of the thylakoids inhibits the salt induced chlorophyll fluorescence and stacking changes but stacking of these treated membranes does occur when the pH is lowered, with the optimum being at about pH 4.5. This type of stacking is due to charge neutralization and does not require the presence of the 2000 dalton fragment of the polypeptide associated with the chlorophyll achlorophyll b light harvesting complex and known to be lost during treatment with trypsin (Mullet, J.E. and Arntzen, C.J. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 589, 100–117).Using the method of 9-aminoacridine fluorescence quenching it is argued that the surface charge density, on a chlorophyll basis, of unstacked thylakoid membranes is intermediate between digitonin derived granal and stromal membranes, with granal having the lowest value.The results are discussed in terms of the importance of surface negative charges in controlling salt induced chlorophyll fluorescence and thylakoid stacking changes. In particular, emphasis is placed on a model involving lateral diffusion of different types of chlorophyll protein complex within the thylakoid lipid matrix.  相似文献   

U. Heber  S. Neimanis  O. L. Lange 《Planta》1986,167(4):554-562
Carbon dioxide exchange, transpiration, chlorophyll fluorescence and light scattering of leaves of Lycopersicom esculentum, Helianthus annuus and Arbutus unedo were measured simultaneously before and after abscission of leaves. Scattering of a weak green measuring beam was used to monitor water fluxes across the thylakoid membranes of the mesophyll. When leaves were cut under water, stomata initially closed partially and then occasionally exhibited distinct regulatory oscillations. As stomata closed, light scattering decreased indicating water influx into the mesophyll. Stomatal oscillations were accompanied, with small but noticeable phase shifts, by oscillations of water fluxes at the thylakoid level. These fluxes could be distinguished from the water fluxes accompanying light-dependent ion pumping across the thylakoids by the concomitant chlorophyll fluorescence signals. The latter record energy-dependent ion fluxes in addition to redox changes of the electron-transport chain. As stomata closed partially after cutting a leaf under water, photosynthesis decreased. In Arbutus unedo and Helianthus annuus leaves, transient stomatal closure was insufficient to account for transient inhibition of photosynthesis which appeared to be brought about by transfer of an inhibitory solute through the petiole into the mesophyll. This solute also stimulated respiration in the dark. When leaves were cut in air, stomata opened transiently (Iwanoff effect) before wilting enforced closure. Photosynthesis followed the stomatal responses, increasing during opening and decreasing during closure.Dedicated to Professor H. Ullrich on the occasion of his 85th birthday  相似文献   

Localised changes in photosynthesis in oat leaves infected with the biotrophic rust fungus Puccinia coronata Corda were examined at different stages of disease development by quantitative imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence. Following inoculation of oat leaves with crown rust the rate of whole-leaf gas exchange declined. However, crown rust formed discrete areas of infection which expanded as the disease progressed and these localised regions of infection gave rise to heterogeneous changes in photosynthesis. To quantify these changes, images of chlorophyll fluorescence were taken 5, 8 and 11 d after inoculation and used to calculate images representing two parameters; ΦII, a measure of PSII photochemical efficiency and ΔFm/Fm′, a measure of non-photochemical energy dissipation (qN). Five days after inoculation, disease symptoms appeared as yellow flecks which were correlated with the extent of the fungal mycelium within the leaf. At this stage, ΔII was slightly reduced in the infected regions but, in uninfected regions of the leaf, values of ΦII were similar to those of healthy leaves. In contrast, qN (ΔFm/Fm′) was greatly reduced throughout the infected leaf in comparison to healthy leaves. We suggest that the low value of qN in an infected leaf reflects a high demand for ATP within these leaves. At sporulation, 8 d after inoculation, ΦII was reduced throughout the infected leaf although the reduction was most marked in areas invaded by fungal mycelium. In the infected leaf the pattern of non-photochemical quenching was complex; qN was low within invaded regions, perhaps reflecting high metabolic activity, but was now much higher in uninfected regions of the infected leaf, in comparison to healthy leaves. Eleven days after inoculation “green islands” formed in regions of the leaf associated with the fungal mycelium. At this stage, photosynthesis was severely inhibited over the entire leaf; however, heterogeneity was still apparent. In the region not invaded by the fungal mycelium, ΦII and qN were very low and these regions of the leaf were highly fluorescent, indicating that the photosynthetic apparatus was severely damaged. In the greenisland tissue, ΦII was low but detectable, indicating that some photosynthetic processes were still occurring. Moreover, qN was high and fluorescence low, indicating that the cells in this region were not dead and were capable of significant quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence.  相似文献   

The rate of CO2 fixation (Fc) and 680 nm chlorophyll fluorescence emission (F680) were measured simultaneously during induction of photosynthesis in Zea mays L. leaves under varying experimental conditions in order to assess the validity of fluorescence as an indicator of in vivo photosynthetic carbon assimilation. Z. mays leaves showed typical Kautsky fluorescence induction curves consisting of a fast rise in emission (O to P) followed by a slow quenching via a major transient (S-M) to a steady-state (T). After an initial lag, net CO2 assimilation commenced at a point corresponding to the onset of the S-M transient on the F680 induction curve. Subsequently, Fc and F680 always arrived at a steady-state simultaneously. Decreasing the dark-adaption period increased the rate of induction of both parameters. Alteration of leaf temperature produced anti-parallel changes in induction characteristics of Fc and F680. Reducing the CO2 level to below that required for saturation of photosynthesis also produced anti-parallel changes during induction, however, at CO2 concentrations tenfold greater than the atmospheric level the rate of F680 quenching from P to T was appreciably reduced without a similar change in the induction of Fc. Removal of CO2 at steady-state produced only a small increase in F680 and a correspondingly small decrease in F680 occurred when CO2 was re-introduced. The complex relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence and carbon assimilation in vivo is discussed and the applicability of fluorescence as an indicator of carbon assimilation is considered.Abbreviations Fc rate of CO2 fixation - F680 fluorescence emission at 680 nm  相似文献   

The effect of exposing intact leaves and isolated chloroplast membranes of Nerium oleander L. to excessive light levels under otherwise favorable conditions was followed by measuring photosynthetic CO2 uptake, electron transport and low-temperature (77K=-196°C) fluorescence kinetics. Photoinhibition, as manifested by a reduced rate and photon (quantum) yield of photosynthesis and a reduced electron transport rate, was accompanied by marked changes in fluorescence characteristics of the exposed upper leaf surface while there was little effect on the shaded lower surface. The most prominent effect of photoinhibitory treatment of leaves and chloroplasts was a strong quenching of the variable fluorescence emission at 692 nm (Fv,692) while the instantaneous fluorescence (Fo,692) was slightly increased. The maximum and the variable fluorescence at 734 nm were also reduced but not as much as FM,692 and Fv,692. The results support the view that photoinhibition involves an inactivation of the primary photochemistry of photosystem II by damaging the reaction-center complex. In intact leaves photoinhibition increased with increased light level, increased exposure time, and with decreased temperature. Increased CO2 pressure or decreased O2 pressure provided no protection against photoinhibition. With isolated chloroplasts, inhibition of photosystem II occurred even under essentially anaerobic conditions. Measurements of fluorescence characteristics at 77K provides a simple, rapid, sensitive and reproducible method for assessing photoinhibitory injury to leaves. The method should prove especially useful in studies of the occurrence of photoinhibition in nature and of interactive effects between high light levels and major environmental stress factors.Abbreviations and symbols PFD photon flux area density - PSI, PSII photosystem I, II - FM, FO, FV maximum, instantaneous, variable fluorescence emission C.I.W.-D.P.B. Publication No. 773  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated from cortical cells of the elongating zone of maize (Zea mays L. cv. LG 11) roots and submitted to microelectrophoresis. Significant and transient differences in zeta potential between protoplasts from upper and lower root sides were compared with the gravireaction and the differential elongation of these roots. The maximum difference in the zeta potential was obtained between protoplasts from the upper and lower cortical cells after 90 min, exactly the time of gravipresentation for which the maximum rate of gravireaction was observed. In addition, this almost corresponded to the time for which the difference between the elongation rates of upper and lower sides of the extending zone began to increase. Consequently, the changes in the charges of the plasmalemma of the cortical cells from the growing part of roots could be more or less directly related to the root graviresponse.  相似文献   

Antioxidant enzymes in chloroplasts and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of leaves of Puccinellia tenuiflora (Turcz.) scribn.et Merr. under isotonic Na2CO3 and NaCl stresses were studied. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities showed a similar increasing trend and then decreased with the decreasing osmotic potential of culture solution, peaking at −4.74 × 105 Pa under NaCl stress and at −3.40 × 105 Pa under Na2CO3 stress. APX, glutathione transferase and SOD activities were higher under NaCl stress than those under Na2CO3 stress, and higher activities of antioxidant enzymes in chloroplasts were accompanied by lower MDA content under NaCl stress. F v/F m, F v/F o and F v′/F m′ all initially increased and then decreased with the decreasing osmotic potential of culture solution, while Φ PSII, qNP and HDR showed a constant increase. F v/F m, F v/F o, Φ PSII and qNP under NaCl stress were also shown to be higher than those under Na2CO3 stress. The present study suggested that acidity played an important role in the hurt toPuccinellia tenuiflora seedlings, which was due to higher activities of antioxidant enzymes, qNP and Φ PSII, and the Na2CO3 resistance to Puccinellia tenuiflora was also supposed to be less than NaCl resistance in present work.  相似文献   

The electric potential on the surface of the Lepidium sativum L. root apex was recorded by means of six non-polarizable electrodes. Nonevoked fluctuations of the potential with amplitudes below 0.1 mV were observed. The fluctuations could be reversibly inhibited either by ether vapor or by anoxia caused by N2. They did not occur in killed roots. Cross-correlation analysis of the fluctuations from six electrodes located one above another along the 3-mm apical region showed a pattern of time delay which indicates that the fluctuations may be the consequence of signals propagated in the root with a velocity of 3–9 mm · s–1 in a basipetal direction from the root cap. We hypothesize that the fluctuations are due to signals of an unknown nature propagated along an intrasymplasmic continuous system, the symreticulum, composed of the cortical ER of individual cells and desmotubules passing through the plasmodesmata.Abbreviations AC alternating current - AP action potential - ACF autocorrelation function - CCF cross-correlation function - DC direct current - EEP extracellular electric potential This research was supported by Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie, Bonn, and Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Düsseldorf, (AGRAVIS). We are grateful to Mr. Dipl.-Ing. P. Blasczyk for constructing the amplifiers and for advice in instrumentation, and to Mr. H. Laubach for constructing the mechanical assembly.  相似文献   

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