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We conducted laboratory experiments with kaluga, Huso dauricus, and Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii, to develop a conceptual model of early behavior. We daily observed embryos (first life phase after hatching) and larvae (period initiating exogenous feeding) to day-30 (late larvae) for preference of bright habitat and cover, swimming distance above the bottom, up- and downstream movement, and diel activity. Day-0 embryos of both species strongly preferred bright, open habitat and initiated a strong, downstream migration that lasted 4 days (3 day peak) for kaluga and 3 days (2 day peak) for Amur sturgeon. Kaluga migrants swam far above the bottom (150cm) on only 1 day and moved day and night; Amur sturgeon migrants swam far above the bottom (median 130cm) during 3 days and were more nocturnal than kaluga. Post-migrant embryos of both species moved day and night, but Amur sturgeon used dark, cover habitat and swam closer to the bottom than kaluga. The larva period of both species began on day 7 (cumulative temperature degree-days, 192.0 for kaluga and 171.5 for Amur sturgeon). Larvae of both species preferred open habitat. Kaluga larvae strongly preferred bright habitat, initially swam far above the bottom (median 50–105cm), and migrated downstream at night during days 10–16 (7-day migration). Amur sturgeon larvae strongly avoided illumination, had a mixed response to white substrate, swam 20–30cm above the bottom during most days, and during days 12–34 (most of the larva period) moved downstream mostly at night (23-day migration). The embryo–larva migration style of the two species likely shows convergence of non-related species for a common style in response to environmental selection in the Amur River. The embryo–larva migration style of Amur sturgeon is unique among Acipenser yet studied.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence and gonadal maturity of wild sturgeons, which are rarely caught off Hokkaido island in Japan. Based on their morphological features, combined with the data on their cell DNA content, 48 sturgeons were classified into three species and one hybrid. These were the kaluga, Huso dauricus; the Japanese (Sakhalin) sturgeon, Acipenser mikadoi (historically, this species has been considered conspecific with the American green sturgeon, A. medirostris); the Amur sturgeon, A. schrenckii; and the kaluga–Amur sturgeon hybrid; with a ratio of 36:10:1:1. All of them were caught in saline waters, rather than in the fresh-water of the river, although some of them were in saline waters in the mouth of the river. Most of them were smaller than adult size; however, early juvenile fish were not detected. Histological analysis of gonadal development revealed early stages of gametogenesis in the majority of the fish of both genders. These results indicate that several sturgeon species are still occurring in the coastal waters of northern Japan, at different stages of gonadal maturity. In contrast, the lack of reports of both mature and early juvenile sturgeon capture in the Hokkaido rivers may suggest that native spawning populations of Japanese sturgeon have become extinct in Japan.  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is an anadromous protected species that presently only spawns in the Yangtze River. Using laboratory experiments, we examined the behavioral preference of young Chinese sturgeon to physical habitat (water depth, illumination intensity, substrate color, and cover) and monitored their downstream migration. Hatchling free embryos were photopositive, preferred open habitat, and immediately upon hatching, swam far above the bottom using swim-up and drift. Downstream migration peaked on days 0–1, decreased about 50% or more during days 2–7, and ceased by day 8. Days 0–1 migrants were active both day and night, but days 2–7 migrants were most active during the day. After ceasing migration, days 8–11 embryos were photonegative, preferred dark substrate and sought cover. Free embryos developed into larvae and began feeding on day 12, when another shift in behavior occurred–larvae returned to photopositive behavior and preferred white substrate. The selective factor favoring migration of free embryos upon hatching and swimming far above the bottom may be avoidance of benthic predatory fishes. Free embryos, which must rely on yolk energy for activity and growth, only used 19 cumulative temperature degree-days for peak migration compared to 234 degree-days for growth to first feeding larvae, a 1:12 ratio of cumulative temperature units. This ratio suggests that sturgeon species with large migratory embryos, like Chinese sturgeon, which require a high level of energy to swim during migration, may migrate only a short time to conserve most yolk energy for growth.  相似文献   

An analysis of restoration projects carried out both in Austria and abroad shows that most projects are limited to design measures within the river bed with the general intention to increase habitat diversity. The various measures are not based on the type-specific characteristics of the river and thus there is a danger of creating uniform restoration stretches, independent of the specific landscape area, river morphology, discharge regime or site specific biocoenoses. Such proceeding lacks in considering a comprehensive improvement of ecological functioning of the whole river-system. To meet those demands a type-specific guiding view (Leitbild) has to be developed based on the pristine river conditions.The comparison of the river pattern including the characteristic features of its unmodified state with the actual situation leads to a comprehensive set of measures. The essential goals of such management-concepts are the integrity of the river habitat, self-regulation and self-regeneration, the preservation of intact resources, as well as the possibility to experience the uniqueness, diversity and beauty of natural river landscapes.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Daphnia commonly includes parthenogenesis, sexual reproduction, and diapause. Although there are no genotypic transformations during diapause, it separates the clonal and pseudopanmictic states of the population. During parthenogenetic reproduction primarily polymorphic natural populations gradually degenerate into a mixture of a few clones. As resting eggs are usually produced sexually (= by means of sexual reproduction), after the diapause the vast diversity of individual genotypes normal for panmictic populations is observed. It is the competitive interactions between parthenogenetic clones which again eventually decrease the genotypic polymorphism. Forms in which the sexual process and diapause are rare (or species which are represented by parthenogenetic populations in one part of their area and by bisexual ones in another) demonstrate the most significant differences between clonal and panmictic populations.Parthenogenesis, apomixis and other kinds of reproduction without genetic recombination are widely spread in branchiopod crustaceans (Notostraca, Anostraca, Conchostraca, Cladocera) and in many other animals and plants. Moreover, reproduction without recombination plays an important role in evolution of faunas and floras. It is emphasized that non-recombinating races and species having high heterozygosity but a low level of genetic variation, enjoy short term advantages, but die out after change in the environment.  相似文献   

We carried out comparative studies of the heterogeneity and polymorphism of the most important functionally specialized blood proteins, hemoglobins. The fractional composition of hemoglobin proved to be identical during the sea and river periods of life for all main parameters (number of components, relative mobility, and protein content of each component). This puts the Russian sturgeon in a special position with reference to migratory teleostean fish, specifically salmonids, in which the specific weight of the protein of slow and fast hemoglobins undergoes changes upon change of the habitat.  相似文献   

The mangrove system of Sine Saloum in Senegal is characterized by the lack of permanent river flow, in the context of the Sahelian drought which began in the 70s. The main environmental consequence is that Sine Saloum has become a so called reversed estuary with salinity increasing upstream and reaching 100 and more, with a mean salinity between 45–50. A threeyear survey of the juvenile fish community was undertaken with the aim of verifying whether or not this environment is still suitable as a nursery area for exploited fish populations. The main sampling gear used were small fykenets in addition to gill nets and a limited rotenone sampling. One of the six mangrove stations included in the survey exhibited a relatively high species diversity. This station is the only one where salinity may reach levels as low as 25 at the end of the rainy season, although salinity is much higher in the upstream region near this station. Such a low salinity is likely due to an underground freshwater connection or underwater springs. These observations highlight the relative importance of estuaries and mangroves in the nursery function.  相似文献   

We examined population traits of yellow American eels from nine sites with similar habitat characteristics in each of four rivers in Maine, U.S.A. Migrating silver eels were also collected to compare sex ratio, age and size at migration among the four rivers. Population density and biomass were not significantly different among rivers with mean ranges of 8.4–21.8 eels 100m–2and 380–1485gm–2. Pairwise comparisons of the slopes of weight–length relationships of log transformed data (pooled data: intercept = –6.007, slope = 3.094, r2= 0.99, and n = 3116) revealed no significant differences among rivers. Length–age relationships (pooled data: intercept = 87.826, slope = 23.444, r2= 0.76, and n = 2325) also showed no statistically significant pairwise differences in slopes among rivers. In all rivers, sexual differentiation was complete by 270mm total length and age eleven. The sex ratios of migrating silver eels were not correlated with yellow eel sex ratios among the four rivers. Mean age at migration among the four rivers was significantly different for males only, with a range of 1.3years. Both sexes had some significant differences in size at migration among rivers, but the biological importance of the differences is tenuous (male range: 15mm, female range: 36mm). The yellow and silver eel population traits from these four rivers showed little variation when riverine habitat was isolated. Variations in traits appeared to be greater when eels from non-riverine habitats may have been present.  相似文献   

Local numbers of ground beetle species of heathland appeared to be significantly associated with size of total area, whereas such relationships were not found for the total number of ground beetle species and eurytopic ground beetle species. Presence of species with low chances of immigration was highly associated with area. This is accordance with the area per se hypothesis for islands as far as extinction rates are concerned. The habitat diversity hypothesis and the random sampling hypothesis are of less importance for explaining this phenomenon. The importance of dispersal for presence and survival in fragmented habitats could be demonstrated. This result supports the founding hypothesis, under which founding of new populations is considered the main effect of dispersal. The frequency of heathland species with low powers of dispersal in habitats smaller than 10 ha was 76% lower on average than in areas larger than 100 ha. For heathland species with high powers of dispersal this frequency was only 22% lower on average. The period of isolation of the habitats studied, 26–113 years, appeared to be too long to persist for many populations of heathland species with low powers of dispersal.  相似文献   

Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) are of conservation concern throughout their range. Many populations are dependent on fluvial habitats which have been increasingly impacted and fragmented by dams and human development. Although lake sturgeon were once abundant in the Ottawa River and its tributaries, historical commercial harvests and other anthropogenic factors caused severe declines and low contemporary numbers in lake sturgeon populations. Contemporary habitat fragmentation by dams may be increasing isolation among habitat patches and local rates of decline, raising concerns for persistence of local populations. We used microsatellite DNA markers to assess population structure and diversity of lake sturgeon in the Ottawa River, and analyzed samples from 10 sites that represent more than 500 km of riverine habitat. To test for evidence of anthropogenic fragmentation, patterns of genetic diversity and connectivity within and among river segments were tested for concordance with geographic location, separation by distance and obstacles to migration, considering both natural and artificial barriers as well as barrier age. Despite extensive habitat fragmentation throughout the Ottawa River, statistical analyses failed to refute panmixia of lake sturgeon in this system. Although the long generation time of lake sturgeon appears to have effectively guarded against the negative genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation and loss so far, evidence from demographic studies indicates that restoring connectivity among habitats is needed for the long-term conservation and management of this species throughout this river system.  相似文献   

To study the genome diversity of bacteriophages from geographically distant natural populations, new giant KZ-like Pseudomonas aeruginosa phages isolated in two different regions were compared with earlier known phages of three species (KZ, Lin68, EL). A broad spectrum of lytic activity was demonstrated for all KZ-like phages. Phages of the KZ species proved to be common in natural populations of various regions, while EL- and Lin68-related phages were extremely rare. Most KZ-related phages had unique DNA restriction patterns, but the differences between these were only minor, and the genomes did not contain nonhomologous fragments. The spectrum of capsid polypeptides proved to be conserved in each species, and was proposed as a character necessary and sufficient for express classification of phages with an accuracy of species. Phages isolated in different geographical regions showed no substantial difference. Some phages only slightly differing in DNA restriction pattern from KZ may be used to study the origin of KZ genes coding for orthologs of proteins of unrelated species (other phages, pathogenic bacteria, eukaryotes).  相似文献   

To evaluate alpha diversities, various variables such as density, cover, volume, and weight have been used. However, density is often a distinct variable from the remaining three. To clarify differences in diversity measured by those two kinds of variables, the data collected in fourteen 2×5 m permanently-marked plots on Mount Usu, Japan, which erupted during 1977 and 1978 in growing seasons from 1983 to 1989 was analyzed, using Shannon's species diversity (H) that is represented as a result of combination of species richness and evenness (J). H and J were evaluated by density (density H and J) and cover (cover H and J). Cover H and J were significantly lower than density H and J, indicating that cover H has different characteristics from density H. Those differences are due to differences in evenness, because species richness is the same. The rank orders of species density are different from those of cover. The predominance of a few perennial herbs greatly decreases cover evenness, while seedling establishment success influences density evenness. Therefore, I propose that, during the early stages of succession on harsh environments such as volcanoes, density diversity represents seedling establishment success rate while cover diversity expresses vegetative reproduction success rate.  相似文献   

Primary structure analysis of the four river buffalo -globin chains showed that haplotypes A and B differ from each other by a substitution at codon 64 that may encode Ala or Asn. The A haplotype encodes two -globin chains, I1 and II3, which differ at positions 129 and 131: I1 has 64 Ala, 129 Phe, 131 Asn; II3 has 64 Ala, 129 Leu, 131 Ser. The B haplotype encodes two -globin chains, I2 and II4, which differ at positions 10 and 11: I2 has 10 Ile, 11 Gln, 64 Asn; II4 has 10 Val, 11 Lys, 64 Asn. Apart from the Ala/Asn polymorphism at position 64, amino acid substitutions in allelic and nonallelic -globin chains seem to have arisen by single point mutations. Detection of electrophoretically silent mutations due to neutral amino acid substitutions and their influence on the isoelectric point are discussed. Furthermore, primary structures of river buffalo -globin chains are compared to other species of the Bovidae family to suggest evolutionary events that have characterized the amino acid substitutions of river buffalo hemoglobin.  相似文献   

We summarise the contributions of empiricists, modellers, and practitioners in this issue of Biodiversity and Conservation, and highlight the most important areas for future research on species survival in fragmented landscapes. Under the theme uncertainty in research and management, we highlight five areas for future research. First, we know little about the effects of density dependence on the viability of metapopulations, a requirement for fragmented landscapes. Second, successful early attempts suggest that it is worth developing more rigorous calibration methods for population viability analysis with spatially explicit, individual-based models. In particular, the balance between model complexity, ease of calibration, and precision, needs to be addressed. Third, we need to improve methods to discriminate between models, including alternatives to time-series approaches. Fourth, when our ability to reduce model uncertainty is weak, we need to incorporate this uncertainty in population viability analysis. Fifth, population viability analysis and decision analysis can be integrated to make uncertainty an explicit part of the decision process. An important future direction is extending the decision framework to adaptive management. Under the theme tools for quantifying risk and predicting species sensitivity to fragmentation, we highlight three areas for future research. First, we need to develop tools to support comparative approaches to population viability analysis. Second, population modelling can be used to find rules of thumb to support conservation decisions when very little is known about a species. Rules of thumb need to be extended to the problem of managing for multiple species. Third, species traits might be useful for predicting sensitivity but predictions could be further refined by considering the relative importance of population processes at different scales. Under the theme tools for reassembling fragmented landscapes, we consider the focal species approach, and highlight aspects of the approach that require more rigorous testing. Finally, we highlight two important areas for future research not presented in the previous themes or papers in this volume. First, we need to incorporate the deterministic effects of habitat modification into the modelling framework of population viability analysis. Second, an avenue of research that remains largely unexplored is the combination of landscape-scale experiments and population modelling, especially using data from existing fragmentation experiments and from experiments designed to test the effects of defragmenting landscapes.  相似文献   

We test a strategy for analyzing species richness in a landscape. This strategy is based on the joint analysis of (local), (turnover) and (landscape) diversities. We assessed the spatial and temporal relations among , and diversity of bats (Phyllostomidae and Mormoopidae) in a tropical landscape. In a spatial dimension, diversity depends on the diversity of the most species-rich community. The value of spatial diversity between habitats was very low. A high diversity was found in a cornfield, which may be attributed to the reduced extent of the field (compared with a more extensive field) that allows the arrival of individuals from nearby rich communities. In a temporal dimension, within habitat cumulative richness over sampling period may be considerably different from the average richness. These differences are attributed to temporal turnover during short time intervals. Therefore, cumulative richness may be viewed as the temporal equivalent of within-habitat diversity, which results of both average and temporal turnover. We discuss, which value must be taken as an estimate of habitat species richness, the average or the cumulative , and the implications that this decision can have in the evaluation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Carmona  María José  Gómez  Africa  Serra  Manuel 《Hydrobiologia》1995,313(1):365-371
Populations of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis were monitored in three small ponds in a marsh on the Mediterranean coast. Samples were taken approximately every three weeks from July 1992 to November 1993. Salinity, temperature, conductivity, pH and oxygen concentration were measured in the field. Population density was determined from preserved quantitative samples. Individuals were classified as mictic females, amictic females, non-ovigerous females, and males, differentiating between two morphotypes (S and L). From these counts, a level of mixis was calculated. We also determined the proportion of mictic females in natural populations by culturing females isolated from fresh samples. From these data, mictic patterns over time and correlation between levels of mixis and environmental and population parameters were analyzed. From a previous study S and L morphotypes were known to correspond to genetically different clonal groups. Our data showed that reproduction was predominantly parthenogenetic in these clonal groups, but mictic females were found in most samples, the proportion of mictic females ranging from 0 to 29%. The clonal groups showed different patterns of mixis. L clonal group presented a continuous sexual reproductive pattern. In contrast, S clones showed a rather punctuated mictic pattern. A positive correlation between levels of sexual reproduction and population density was found for S and L groups. However, they differed in their density threshold for mictic reproduction. The adaptive meaning of these patterns and their implications in maintaining genetic diversity within and between populations are discussed.  相似文献   

We report on the habitat dependent invasion and control pattern of the English cordgrass, Spartina anglica C. E. Hubbard, in Puget Sound, Washington. In 36 years, the plant has successfully invaded 73 sites, affecting 3311 ha of marine intertidal habitat, which if allowed to solidly fill, would equal 400ha. Invasion and control both depend on habitat type. Mudflats and low salinity marshes have significantly more solid area of S. anglica than do high salinity marshes and cobble beaches. Control efforts since 1997 have resulted in a 13% decline of the grass. We find that high salinity marshes have the greatest decline ( 70%), low salinity marshes have the lowest decline ( 10%), and mudflat ( 29%) and cobble beaches ( 21%) have intermediate losses. We hypothesize that invasion success and control are dependent on a relatively complex interplay between habitat physical conditions and species interactions.  相似文献   

Residual toxicities of registered and selected experimental pesticides used on citrus against Agistemus industani Gonzalez (Acari: Stigmaeidae) were compared. Pesticides considered highly toxic to A. industani were: abamectin 0.15 EC at 731ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, pyridaben 75WP at 469g/ha, ethion 4EC at 7.01l/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, propargite 6.55 EC at 3.51l/ha, chlorfenapyr 2SC at 1.46l/ha applied alone or in combination with FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, sulphur 80DF at 16.81kg/ha, dicofol 4EC at 7.01l/ha, fenbutatin oxide 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 1.68kg/ha+ferbam 76 GF at 5.60kg/ha, ferbam 76GF at 11.21kg/ha, neem oil 90EC at 46.8l/ha, and copper hydroxide DF (40% metallic copper) at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha. Pesticides that were moderately to slightly toxic included: copper sulphate 98% at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, fenbuconazole 2F at 280ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil applied alone at 46.8l/ha or 23.4l/ha, and diflubenzuron 25WP at 1.40kg/ha. Pesticides that were non-toxic included: fenbuconazole 2F at 585ml/ha, malathion 57EC at 5.85l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, carbaryl 80S at 3.36kg/ha, chlorpyrifos 4EC at 4.68l/ha, and formetanate 92SP at 1.12kg/ha. Understanding the toxic effects of field weathered pesticides against key predacious mite species is important for effective IPM. The results of this study provide a comparison of direct and indirect toxic effects of various pesticides to A. industani under field conditions.  相似文献   

Variable (V) and constant (C) region genes of the mouse kappa light chain have been compared in inbred strains and in geographically isolated or genetically separated populations of mice by Southern blot analysis of endonuclease-restricted germline DNA. In most cases, the C gene is found on a single restriction fragment while the V genes of the V19 and V21 groups are each found on several (6–18) fragments. The restriction fragment (RF) patterns of V19 and V21 groups are both polymorphic when compared among inbred mouse strains. Southern blot patterns of V21 and V19 of inbred strains are also found among some geographically isolated populations of mice, suggesting that inbred strains acquired kappa loci from different subspecies. Some populations of geographical isolates show V21, V19, and C contexts similar to inbred mice while more distantly related species within the genus Mus and laboratory rats show no apparent similarity in context to inbred strains. Variable region genes determining the RF patterns of V19 and V21 appear to be linked to each other and to the C and Lyt-3 loci.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate-binding specificity ofPseudomonas aeruginosa lectin I (PA-I) in iodinated or biotinylated form was studied. A large number of glycosphingolipids, as well as some glycoproteins and neoglycoproteins were used as ligands. Also, inhibition by free saccharides of PA-I binding to glycosphingolipids was tested. It was found that the lectin binds most strongly to terminal and nonsubstituted Gal3Gal- or Gal4Gal-structures.Abbreviations PA-I Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin I - Cer ceramide - lactosylceramide Gal4GlcCer - iso globotriaosylcerami Gal3Gal4GlcCer - globotriaosylceramide Gal4Gal4GlcCer - globoside or globotetraosylceramide GalNAc3Gal4Gal4GlcCer - Forssman glycolipid GalNAc3GalNAc3Gal4Gal4GlcCer - P1 glycolipid Gal4Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4GlcCer - lactoneotetraosylceramide Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4GlcCer - B5 glycolipid Gal3Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4GlcCer - gangliotetraosylceramide Gal3GalNAc4Gal4GlcCer - GM1 Gal3GalNAc4(NeuAc3)Gal4GlcCer - RBC red blood cells - BSA bovine serum albumin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - TLC thin-layer chromatography - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - MS mass spectrometry - FAB fast-atom bombardment - EI electron impact  相似文献   

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