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Density functional calculations show that in the absence of Compound I, the primary oxidant species of P450, the precursor species, Compound 0 (FeOOH), can effect double bond activation of 5-methylenylcamphor (1). The mechanism is initiated by homolytic cleavage of the O–O bond and formation of an OH radical bound to the Compound II species by hydrogen bonding interactions. Subsequently, the so-formed OH radical can either activate the double bond of 1 or attack the meso position of the heme en route to heme degradation. The calculations show that double bond activation is preferred over attack on the heme. Past the double bond activation, the intermediate can either lead to epoxidation or to a glycol formation. The glycol formation is predicted to be preferred, although in the P450cam pocket the competition may be closer. Therefore, in the absence of Compound I, Compound 0 will be capable of epoxidizing double bonds. Previous studies [E. Derat, D. Kumar, H. Hirao, S. Shaik, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 (2006) 473–484] showed that in the case of a substrate that can undergo only C–H activation, the bound OH prefers heme degradation over hydrogen abstraction. Since the epoxidation barrier for Compound I is much smaller than that of Compound 0 (12.8 vs. 18.9 kcal/mol), when Compound I is present in the cycle, Compound 0 will be silent. As such, our mechanism explains lucidly why T252A P450cam can epoxidize olefins like 5-methylenylcamphor but is ineffective in camphor hydroxylation [S. Jin, T.M. Makris, T. A. Bryson, S.G. Sligar, J.H. Dawson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125 (2003) 3406–3407]. Our calculations show that the glycol formation is a marker reaction of Compound 0 with 5-methylenylcamphor. If this product can be found in T252A P450cam or in similar mutants of other P450 isozymes, this will constitute a more definitive proof for the action of Cpd 0 in P450 enzymes.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence supporting the catalytic activity of the peroxoferric and hydroperoxoferric cytochrome P450 intermediates as alternative oxidants to the compound I (ferryl) state in the oxygenation of organic substrates is reviewed. The peroxoferric P450 state is proposed to function as a nucleophile in the lyase step of the P450-aromatase reaction. Several systems are reviewed in which the hydroperoxoferric P450 intermediate likely functions as a second electrophilic oxidant, the two-oxidants model. These include alkene epoxidation, sulfoxidation, and hydroxylation of methyl groups on cyclopropane rings. The key use of the P450 mutants from different sources in which the conserved threonine in the distal substrate binding pocket is replaced with alanine, in order to minimize the formation of the compound I intermediate and unmask the reactivity of the hydroperoxoferric state, is emphasized. These data are discussed in the context of the two-states model, which proposes that the compound I P450 intermediate has both high- and low-spin states with different reactivities. A complicated reaction profile emerges for the wide range of P450 reactions involving up to three reactive intermediates, of which the most reactive, the compound I P450 state, has two spin states with different reactivities.  相似文献   

Density functional theoretical studies of monooxygenation reactivity of the high-valent oxoiron(IV) porphyrin cation-radical compound of cytochrome P450, the so-called Compound I, and of its precursor, the ferric(III)-hydroperoxide species, are described. The degeneracy of the spin states of Compound I, its electron deficiency, and dense orbital manifold lead to two-state and multi-state reactivity scenarios and may thereby create reactivity patterns as though belonging to two or more different oxidants. Most of the controversies in the experimental data are reconciled using Compound I as the sole competent oxidant. Theory finds ferric(III)-hydroperoxide to be a very sluggish oxidant, noncompetitive with Compound I. If and when Compound I is absent, P450 oxidation will logically proceed by another form, but this has to be more reactive than ferric(III)-hydroperoxide. Theoretical studies are conducted to pinpoint such an oxidant for P450.
Sason ShaikEmail: Phone: +972-2-6585909Fax: +972-2-6584680

The mechanism of aldehyde to carboxylic acid conversion catalyzed by P450 enzymes via a series of reactions was studied systematically for the first time with density functional theory calculations. A two-state reactivity mechanism has been proposed, which can be adopted for many aldehyde oxidation reactions catalyzed by P450 enzymes. The mechanism involves initial hydrogen abstraction as the rate-limiting step and this is followed by steps of oxygen rebound without barriers owing to the quick recombination of the resultant radical species. Meanwhile, in an attempt to explore whether there exist some rules for the hydroxylation of aldehyde substrates by P450, the transition state barriers of the rate-limiting step for a series of aldehyde hydroxylation reactions have been compared. A predictive pattern of extended barrier/bond energy correlation for different hydroxylations of aldehyde substrates by P450 has been established, which was further confirmed to be a reliable reactivity scale by experimental results. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The structure-function relationship in cytochrome P450cam monooxygenase was studied by employing its active site mutant Thr252Ile. X-ray crystallographic analyses of the ferric d-camphor-bound form of the mutant revealed that the mutation caused a structural change in the active site giving an enlarged oxygen-binding pocket that did not contain any hydrophilic group such as the OH group of Thr and H(2)O. The enzyme showed a low monooxygenase activity of ca. 1/10 of the activity of the wild-type enzyme. Kinetic analyses of each catalytic step revealed that the rate of proton-coupled reduction of the oxygenated intermediate of the enzyme, a ternary complex of dioxygen and d-camphor with the ferrous enzyme, decreased to about 1/30 of that of the wild-type enzyme, while the rates of other catalytic steps including the reduction of the ferric d-camphor-bound form by reduced putidaredoxin did not change significantly. These results indicated that a hydrophilic group(s) such as water and/or hydroxyl group in the active site is prerequisite to a proton supply for the reduction of the oxygenated intermediate, thereby giving support for the operation of a proton transfer network composed of Thr252, Asp251, and two other amino acids and water proposed by previous investigators.  相似文献   

The active oxygenating intermediate, a ferryl-oxo-(II) porphyrin cation radical (compound I), in substrate-bound cytochrome P450(cam) (P450(cam)) has eluded detection and kinetic analysis for several decades. Upon rapid mixing of peroxides-H(2)O(2) and m-CPBA with substrate-bound forms of P450(cam), we observed an intermediate with spectral features characteristic of compound I. Unlike in H(2)O(2), kinetic investigation on the reaction of m-CPBA with various substrate (camphor, adamantone, and norcamphor)-bound P450(cam) and its Y96A mutant shows a preferential binding of the aromatic end group of m-CPBA to the active-site of the enzyme and modulation of compound I formation by the local environment of heme active-site. The results presented in this paper describe the importance of heme environment in modulating formation of compound I, and form the first kinetic analysis of this intermediate in the peroxide shunt pathway of substrate-bound P450(cam).  相似文献   

Previously, we reported spectroscopic properties of cytochrome P450cam compound I, (ferryl iron plus a porphyrin π-cation radical (FeIV = O/Por+)), as well as compound ES (FeIV = O/Tyr) in reactions of substrate-free ferric enzyme with m-chloroperbenzoic acid [T. Spolitak, J.H. Dawson, D.P. Ballou, J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 20300-9]. Compound ES arises by intramolecular electron transfer from nearby tyrosines to the porphyrin π-cation radical of Compound I, and has been characterized by rapid-freeze-quench-Mössbauer/EPR spectroscopy; the tyrosyl radical was assigned to Tyr96 for wild type or to Tyr75 for the Tyr96Phe variant [V. Schünemann, F. Lendzian, C. Jung, J. Contzen, A.L. Barra, S.G. Sligar, A.X. Trautwein, J. Biol. Chem. 279 (2004) 10919–10930]. Here we report rapid-scanning stopped-flow studies of the reactions of peracids with substrate-free ferric Y75F, Y96F, and Y96F/Y75F P450cam variants, showing how these active site changes influence electron transfer from nearby tyrosines and affect formation of intermediates. Curiously, rates of generation of Compounds I and ES for both single mutants were not very different from wild type. Contrasting with the earlier EPR results, the Y96F/Y75F variant was also shown to form an ES-like species, but more slowly. When substrate is not present, or is improperly bound, compound I rapidly converts to compound ES, which can be reduced to form H2O and ferric P450, thus avoiding the modification of nearby protein groups or release of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450cam (P450CIA1) catalyzes the hydroxylation of camphor and several substrate analogues such as norcamphor and 1-methyl-norcamphor. Hydroxylation was found experimentally at the 3, 5, and 6 positions of norcamphor, but only at the 5 and 6 positions of 1-methyl-norcamphor. In the catalytic cycle, the hydroxylation of substrate is coupled to the consumption of NADH. For camphor, the degree of coupling is 100%, but for both norcamphor and 1-methyl-norcamphor, the efficiency is dramatically lowered to 12% and 50%, respectively. Based on an examination of the active site of P450cam, it appeared that mutating position 185 might dramatically alter the product specificity and coupling of hydroxylation of norcamphor by P450cam. Analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories of norcamphor bound to the T185F mutant of cytochrome P450cam predicted that hydroxylation at the 3 position should be abolished and that the coupling should be dramatically increased. This mutant was constructed and the product profile and coupling experimentally determined. The coupling was doubled, and hydroxylation at the 3 position was essentially abolished. Both of these results are in agreement with the prediction.  相似文献   

To probe whether the nature of the substrate can directly influence the spectral properties of oxyferrous cytochrome P450-CAM, the complex has been investigated in the absence and in the presence of the natural substrate (1R)-camphor (camphor) and of several camphor analogs. The oxyferrous complex of T252A P450-CAM, a mutant lacking the hydroxyl group that forms a hydrogen bond to the heme iron-coordinated dioxygen, has also been studied to gauge the influence of this hydrogen bond. UV-visible absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of these oxyferrous adducts prepared and stabilized at -40 degrees C in 60% (v/v) ethylene glycol are generally similar, exhibiting absorption bands at approximately 355, approximately 420, approximately 554, and approximately 585 nm (shoulder) and a characteristic MCD trough at approximately 585 nm. The MCD spectrum of camphor-bound oxyferrous P450-CAM is similar to that of the substrate-free oxyferrous enzyme, but the spectrum of the oxyferrous enzyme differs detectably in the presence of substrate analogs. The spectra of the oxyferrous T252A mutant and wild-type enzyme are overall similar except for Soret band position blue shifts by 2-6 nm for the mutant. 5-Methylenylcamphor (epoxidation substrate) appears to have an anomalous binding mode for the mutant compared with that for the wild-type enzyme. The present results indicate that the structures of the camphor analogs can sensitively influence the physical (spectroscopic) properties of the P450 dioxygen complex and could also affect its reactivity. The ability of substrate to modulate the reactivity of P450 intermediates could be a relevant factor in explaining the remarkable diversity of reactions catalyzed by the enzyme.  相似文献   

The Thr252 residue plays a vital role in the catalytic cycle of cytochrome P450cam during the formation of the active species (Compound I) from its precursor (Compound 0). We investigate the effect of replacing Thr252 by methoxythreonine (MeO-Thr) on this protonation reaction (coupling) and on the competing formation of the ferric resting state and H2O2 (uncoupling) by combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods. For each reaction, two possible mechanisms are studied, and for each of these the residues Asp251 and Glu366 are considered as proton sources. The computed QM/MM barriers indicate that uncoupling is unfavorable in the case of the Thr252MeO-Thr mutant, whereas there are two energetically feasible proton transfer pathways for coupling. The corresponding rate-limiting barriers for the formation of Compound I are higher in the mutant than in the wild-type enzyme. These findings are consistent with the experimental observations that the Thr252MeO-Thr mutant forms the alcohol product exclusively (via Compound I), but at lower reaction rates compared with the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Rapid mixing of substrate-free ferric cytochrome P450BM3–F87G with m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (mCPBA) resulted in the sequential formation of two high-valent intermediates. The first was spectrally similar to compound I species reported previously for P450CAM and CYP 119 using mCPBA as an oxidant, and it featured a low intensity Soret absorption band characterized by shoulder at 370 nm. This is the first direct observation of a P450 compound I intermediate in a type II P450 enzyme. The second intermediate, which was much more stable at pH values below 7.0, was characterized by an intense Soret absorption peak at 406 nm, similar to that seen with P450CAM [T. Spolitak, J.H. Dawson, D.P. Ballou, J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 20300–20309]. Double mixing experiments in which NADPH was added to the transient 406 nm-absorbing intermediate resulted in rapid regeneration of the resting ferric state, with the flavins of the flavoprotein domain in their reduced state. EPR results were consistent with this stable intermediate species being a cytochrome c peroxidase compound ES-like species containing a protein-based radical, likely localized on a nearby Trp or Tyr residue in the active site. Iodosobenzene, peracetic acid, and sodium m-periodate also generated the intermediate at 406 nm, but not the 370 nm intermediate, indicating a probable kinetic barrier to accumulating compound I in reactions with these oxidants. The P450 ES intermediate has not been previously reported using iodosobenzene or m-periodate as the oxygen donor.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectroscopy at 2.5cm(-1) resolution was used to probe differences in wild-type and Y96F mutant P450cam (CYP101), both with and without bound camphor or styrene substrates. In the substrate-free state, the spin state equilibrium is shifted from 6-coordinate low spin (6CLS) toward more 5-coordinate high spin (5CHS) when tyrosine-96 in the substrate pocket is replaced by phenylalanine. About 25% of substrate-free Y96F mutant is 5CHS as opposed to 8% for substrate-free wild-type P450cam. Spin equilibrium constants calculated from Raman intensities indicate that the driving force for electron transfer from putidaredoxin, the natural redox partner of P450cam, is significantly smaller on styrene binding than for camphor binding. Spectral differences suggest that there is a tilt in camphor toward the pyrrole III ring on Y96F mutation. This finding is consistent with the altered product distribution found for camphor hydroxylation by the Y96F mutant relative to the single enantiomer produced by the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Boar taint is the unfavourable odour and taste from pork fat, which results in part from the accumulation of skatole (3-methylindole, 3MI). The key enzymes in skatole metabolism are thought to be cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) and cytochrome 2A (CYP2A); however, the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) isoform responsible for the production of the metabolite 6-hydroxy-3-methylindole (6-OH-3MI, 6-hydroxyskatole), which is thought to be involved in the clearance of skatole, has not been established conclusively. The aim of this study was to characterize the role of porcine CYP450s in skatole metabolism by expressing them individually in the human embryonic kidney HEK293-FT cell line. This system eliminates the problems of the lack of specificity of antibodies, inhibitors and substrates for CYP450 isoforms in the pig, and contributions of any other CYP450s that would be present. The results show that pig CYP1A1, CYP2A19, CYP2C33v4, CYP2C49, CYP2E1 and CYP3A and human CYP2E1 (hCYP2E1) are all capable of producing the major skatole metabolite 3-methyloxyindole (3MOI), as well as indole-3-carbinol (I3C), 5-hydroxy-3-methylindole (5-OH-3MI), 6-OH-3MI, 2-aminoacetophenone (2AAP) and 3-hydroxy-3-methyloxindole. CYP2A19 produced the highest amount of the physiologically important metabolite 6-OH-3MI, followed by porcine CYP2E1 and CYP2C49; CYP2A19 also produced more 6-OH-3MI than hCYP2E1. Co-transfection with CYB5A increased the production of skatole metabolites by some of the CYP450s, suggesting that CYB5A plays an important role in the metabolism of skatole. We also show the utility of this expression system to check the specificity of selected substrates and antibodies for porcine CYP450s. Further information regarding the abundance of different CYP450 isoforms is required to fully understand their contribution to skatole metabolism in vivo in the pig.  相似文献   

MycG is a multifunctional P450 monooxygenase that catalyzes sequential hydroxylation and epoxidation or a single epoxidation in mycinamicin biosynthesis. In the mycinamicin-producing strain Micromonospora griseorubida A11725, very low-level accumulation of mycinamicin V generated by the initial C-14 allylic hydroxylation of MycG is observed due to its subsequent epoxidation to generate mycinamicin II, the terminal metabolite in this pathway. Herein, we investigated whether MycG can be engineered for production of the mycinamicin II intermediate as the predominant metabolite. Thus, mycG was subject to random mutagenesis and screening was conducted in Escherichia coli whole-cell assays. This enabled efficient identification of amino acid residues involved in reaction profile alterations, which included MycG R111Q/V358L, W44R, and V135G/E355K with enhanced monohydroxylation to accumulate mycinamicin V. The MycG V135G/E355K mutant generated 40-fold higher levels of mycinamicin V compared to wild-type M. griseorubida A11725. In addition, the E355K mutation showed improved ability to catalyze sequential hydroxylation and epoxidation with minimal mono-epoxidation product mycinamicin I compared to the wild-type enzyme. These approaches demonstrate the ability to selectively coordinate the catalytic activity of multifunctional P450s and efficiently produce the desired compounds.  相似文献   

Abstract Cytoplasmic proteins from the antarctic psychrotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae showed two phosphorylated proteins of molecular mass 66 kDa and 62 kDa. The phosphorylation of 66 kDa protein was enhanced in the presence of Triton X-100 solubilised membrane proteins at a higher temperature (30°C) only. Western blot analysis and phosphoamino acid analysis indicated that the 66 kDa protein is phosphorylated at a tyrosine residue. Surprisingly, sodium orthovanadate, which is a known phosphotyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) inhibitor, inhibited the phosphorylation of the protein. The possible importance of this tyrosine phosphorylated protein to growth at low temperature is suggested.  相似文献   

The kinetics of binding of the substrate camphor to the cytochrome P450(CAM) and the C334A mutant as well as the kinetics of binding of benzphetamine to the wild-type P450(2B4) have been studied by the temperature-jump relaxation technique in order to distinguish between the two models for substrate-induced spin-state transition. These models are the bimolecular model in which spin-state transition occurs in parallel with substrate binding, and the two-step spin-equilibrium model in which substrate binding is a separate step preceding the spin-state transition. With all three P450s, the relaxation rate versus concentration data were linear as predicted by the bimolecular model and inconsistent with the spin-equilibrium model, which predicts a curve reaching saturation. With all three P450s, the relaxation rate versus concentration data exhibited maxima. These results are considered to resolve the controversy in favor of the bimolecular model for substrate-induced spin-state transition. In addition, the results suggest that the bimolecular model may be applicable to other P450s as well.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) is one of the most important cytochromes P450 in humans. Resonance Raman data from the T309V mutant of CYP2D6 show that the substitution of the conserved I-helix threonine situated in the enzyme’s active site perturbs the heme spin equilibrium in favor of the six-coordinated low-spin species. A mechanistic hypothesis is introduced to explain the experimental observations, and its compatibility with the available structural and spectroscopic data is tested using quantum-mechanical density functional theory calculations on active-site models for both the CYP2D6 wild type and the T309V mutant. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Alois Bonifacio, André R. Groenhof and Peter H. J. Keizers contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

We report a multifrequency (9.6-, 94-, 190-, and 285-GHz) EPR study of a freeze-quenched intermediate obtained from reaction of substrate-free cytochrome P450cam (CYP101) and its Y96F and Y96F/Y75F mutants with peroxy acids. It is generally assumed that in such a shunt reaction an intermediate [Fe(IV)=O, porphyrin-pi-cation radical] is formed, which should be identical to the species in the natural reaction cycle. However, for the wild type as well as for the mutant proteins, a porphyrin-pi-cation radical is not detectable within 8 ms. Instead, EPR signals corresponding to tyrosine radicals are obtained for the wild type and the Y96F mutant. Replacement of both Tyr-96 and Tyr-75 by phenylalanine leads to the disappearance of the tyrosine EPR signals. EPR studies at 285 GHz on freeze-quenched wild type and Y96F samples reveal g tensor components for the radical (stretched g(x) values from 2.0078 to 2.0064, g(y) = 2.0043, and g(z) = 2.0022), which are fingerprints for tyrosine radicals in a heterogeneous polar environment. The measurements at 94 GHz using a fundamental mode microwave resonator setup confirm the 285-GHz study. From the simulation of the hyperfine structure in the 94-GHz EPR spectra the signals have been assigned to Tyr-96 in the wild type and to Tyr-75 in the Y96F mutant. We suggest that a transiently formed Fe(IV)=O porphyrin-pi-cation radical intermediate in P450cam is reduced by intramolecular electron transfer from these tyrosines within 8 ms.  相似文献   

Rapid mixing of substrate-free ferric cytochrome P450BM3–F87G with m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (mCPBA) resulted in the sequential formation of two high-valent intermediates. The first was spectrally similar to compound I species reported previously for P450CAM and CYP 119 using mCPBA as an oxidant, and it featured a low intensity Soret absorption band characterized by shoulder at 370 nm. This is the first direct observation of a P450 compound I intermediate in a type II P450 enzyme. The second intermediate, which was much more stable at pH values below 7.0, was characterized by an intense Soret absorption peak at 406 nm, similar to that seen with P450CAM [T. Spolitak, J.H. Dawson, D.P. Ballou, J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 20300–20309]. Double mixing experiments in which NADPH was added to the transient 406 nm-absorbing intermediate resulted in rapid regeneration of the resting ferric state, with the flavins of the flavoprotein domain in their reduced state. EPR results were consistent with this stable intermediate species being a cytochrome c peroxidase compound ES-like species containing a protein-based radical, likely localized on a nearby Trp or Tyr residue in the active site. Iodosobenzene, peracetic acid, and sodium m-periodate also generated the intermediate at 406 nm, but not the 370 nm intermediate, indicating a probable kinetic barrier to accumulating compound I in reactions with these oxidants. The P450 ES intermediate has not been previously reported using iodosobenzene or m-periodate as the oxygen donor.  相似文献   

The contribution of conformational heterogeneity to cooperativity in cytochrome P450 3A4 was investigated using the mutant L211F/D214E/F304W. Initial spectral studies revealed a loss of cooperativity of the 1-pyrenebutanol (1-PB) induced spin shift (S(50)=5.4 microM, n=1.0) but retained cooperativity of alpha-naphthoflavone binding. Continuous variation (Job's titration) experiments showed the existence of two pools of enzyme with different 1-PB binding characteristics. Monitoring of 1-PB binding by fluorescence resonance energy transfer from the substrate to the heme confirmed that the high-affinity site (K(D)=0.3 microM) is retained in at least some fraction of the enzyme, although cooperativity is masked. Removal of apoprotein on a second column increased the high-spin content and restored cooperativity of 1-PB binding and of progesterone and testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation. The loss of cooperativity in the mutant is, therefore, mediated by the interaction of holo- and apo-P450 in mixed oligomers.  相似文献   

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