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CMU inhibits oxygen evolution in greening etiolated bean leaves.In the presence of this compound chlorophyll content is reducedand fine structure development of the chloroplasts is markedlyaffected. The number of grana per chloroplast is reduced butthe grana are larger and contain more thylakoids than the granain chloroplasts of the greening control leaves. Sucrose reversesthe effect of CMU on pigment content and fine structure developmentof chloroplasts. (Received September 14, 1965; )  相似文献   

The B chromosomes of maize are condensed in appearance during interphase and are relatively inert genetically; therefore they fulfill the definition of heterochromatin. This heterochromatin was studied in root meristem cells by radioautography following administration of tritiated thymidine and cytidine, and was found to behave in a characteristic way, i.e. it showed asynchronous DNA synthesis and very low, if any, RNA synthesis. A cytochemical comparison of normal maize nuclei with nuclei from isogenic maize stock containing approximately 15–20 B-chromosomes in addition to the normal complement has revealed the following: (a) the DNA and histone contents are greater in nuclei with B chromosomes; (b) the proportion of DNA to histone is identical with that of nuclei containing only normal chromosomes; (c) the amount of nonhistone protein in proportion to DNA in interphase is less in nuclei with B chromosomes than in normal nuclei. In condensed B chromosomes the ratio of nonhistone protein to DNA is similar to that in other condensed chromatin, such as metaphase chromosomes and degenerating nuclei. The B chromosomes appear to have no effect on nucleolar RNA and protein. Replication of B chromosomes is precisely controlled and is comparable to that of the ordinary chromosomes not only in synthesis for mitosis but also in formation of polyploid nuclei of root cap and protoxylem cells.  相似文献   


Avers , Charlotte J. (Douglass Coll., Rutgers—The State U., New Brunswick, N.J.) Fine structure studies of Phleum root meristem cells. I. Mitochondria. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(9): 996–1003. Illus. 1962.—Mitochondrial numbers were computed from thick sections embedded in paraffin and stained with iron hematoxylin, from methacrylate embedded, 0.5 μ-thick sections stained with osmium, and from electron micrographs of ultrathin sections fixed in KMnO4. The mean mitochondrial counts per average cell (20 × 20 × 10μ) were: 121 ± 4 in paraffin sections, 600 ± 40 in methacrylate sections, and 991 ± 96 from electron micrographs. These numbers were higher than the Janus green B count of 91 ± 2 per cell found during an earlier study. In each case, arithmetical conversion factors were used to calculate total numbers of mitochondria per cell since section thicknesses were less than that of whole cell length or depth. Determinations of numbers of mitochondria probably varied depending on section thickness and specific staining procedures used, but the higher count from electron micrographs was assumed to be reasonable on a volumetric basis. The cytoplasmic volume of the average cell is about 2500 μ3 and the volume of a single average mitochondrion is about 0.1μ3. On this basis, the variety of structures and their relatively sparse distribution seems possible despite the apparently high numbers found. In addition to mitochondria, the numbers of various cellular components per unit cytoplasmic area were determined. These data showed that mitochondria were about 6 times more numerous than proplastids, about 4.5 times more numerous than Golgi bodies, and even more frequent when compared with vesicles, dense bodies, or microbodies. No correlation was found between cytoplasmic area and numbers of organelles per unit area. Photographic evidence was presented for the occurrence in plant cells of the hepatic cell, polymorphic “lysosome” described by Ashford and Porter. The controversial nature of the lysosome is discussed.  相似文献   

Archegonium development, beginning with the archegonial initial and culminating in the mature egg, was studied with the electron microscope. The ultrastructural features of the beginning stages in development of the archegonium are relatively similar to one another. Plasmodesmata occur between all adjacent cells at this time. After the secondary central cell is formed these protoplasmic connections are lost, and both axial and parietal cell lineages begin to show signs of ultrastructural differentiation. The mature egg is characterized by cytoplasm rich in ribosomes and larger organelles. Mitochondria and simplified plastids commonly display a juxtaposed association. As far as could be ascertained the numerous plastids and mitochondria in the egg of Marchantia arise through division of preexisting organelles and are not formed anew from evaginations of the nucleus. Blebbing of the nucleus produces polymorphic organelles which appear to be pinched off into the cytoplasm. The mature egg also contains vacuoles and lipid bodies toward its periphery, while dictyosomes and extensive endoplasmic reticulum occur throughout. The space between the wall cells and the mature egg appears to contain an amorphous substance. No extra membrane was observed around the mature egg.  相似文献   

1. The functional unity of cirri and membranelles can result structurally only from extensions of the ciliary membrane. 2. The pellicle is composed of an outer pellicular membrane and an inner cytoplasmic membrane. 3. The ciliary rootlets are composed of numerous filaments 120 A in diameter with central areas of low density. They have no periodic structure. 4. The ciliary membrane is a double-layered structure continuous with the pellicular membrane. The cilia show the typical arrangement of nine double, peripheral and two single, central fibrils. All fibrils pass into the basal region, the peripheral ones joining with the rootlet filaments, while the central fibrils from the extreme proximal position of the basal region turn back toward the pellicle and appear to unite just beneath the cytoplasmic membrane. 5. The cilia (300 mµ diameter) taper at their tips to a diameter at least as small as 50 mµ. At a diameter of about 150 mµ, the fibrils begin to show a reduction in number. 6. The central ciliary fibrils may determine the possible directions of ciliary beat. These fibrils show an intrafibrillar structure in their basal portion, which involves regularly spaced 40 A granules. 7. These observations on Euplotes, together with the other evidence cited, are consistent with the hypothesis that ciliary motion is produced by the contraction of the peripheral fibrils, while the central fibrils perhaps determine the plane in which the cilia can bend.  相似文献   

芦苇根尖体细胞的染色体数目和形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了芦苇(Phragmites communis)幼苗根尖分生组织细胞的染色体数目和形态。其染色体数为2n=96。在有丝分裂中期染色体组中,染色体的大小逐渐地改变,按照染色体的大小和形态,96个染色体能被分成8个同源单倍体染色体组。每一组由11个中部着丝点染色体和1个亚中部着丝点染色体组成。  相似文献   

水曲柳和落叶松不同根序之间细根直径的变异研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
细根直径大小和根序高低对细根寿命和周转估计具有重要的影响,研究不同根序之间的直径变异对认识细根直径与根序的关系具有重要意义。该文根据Pregitzer等(2002)提供的方法,研究了位于东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场尖砬沟森林培育实验站17年生水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)和落叶松(Larix gmelinii)人工林细根1~5级根序的平均直径的变化、直径的最小值和最大值范围、直径的变异系数。结果表明,水曲柳和落叶松细根直径<2 mm时,包含5个根序,随着根序由小到大的增加,细根直径也在增大。各根序平均直径之间,存在较大的差异。在同一根序内,细根直径范围很大,水曲柳和落叶松一级根最小直径均<0.20 mm,最大直径分别<0.50 mm(水曲柳)和<0.70 mm(落叶松)左右。2~3级根序直径最小值在0.20~0.30 mm之间,最大值≤1.0 mm。5级根直径最小值<1.0 mm,最大值超过2.0 mm。随着根序等级增加,直径变异系数增大。一级根序的直径平均变异系数<10%,2~3级根序直径平均变异系数在10%~15%左右,4~5级根序直径的平均变异系数在20%~30%之间。因此,在细根寿命与周转研究过程中,必须同时考虑直径和根序对细根的寿命估计的影响。  相似文献   

White PR 《Plant physiology》1934,9(3):585-600

FINE STRUCTURE OF CHROMOSOMES   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Electron micrographs of staminate hair cells of Tradescantia reflexa indicate that early prophase chromosomes are composed of a number of helically arranged chromonemata. Favorable preparations reveal as many as 64 identifiable subsidiary strands, assumedly arranged as intertwined pairs to form a hierarchy of pairs of pairs. The helices of the smallest discernible units have a diameter of about 125 A, with highly electron-scattering material disposed peripherally around a less dense "core." The wall of this peripheral ring has a thickness of about 40 A, and apparently represents another pair of coiled threads surrounding a 40 A central axis. The implications of the findings are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Tanada , T. (Mineral Nutrition Lab., ARS, Beltsville, Md.) Localization and mechanism of calcium stimulation of rubidium absorption in the mung bean root. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(10): 1068–1072. Illus. 1962.—Rates of Rb absorption were determined for various regions along the axis of the mung bean root (Phaseolus aureus). The rate was found to be highest in the apical 2.5–5.0-mm zone. This region also had the largest Ca activation of Rb uptake, while the mature sections showed less Ca stimulation of Rb absorption. The effect of Ca was relatively greater at low Rb concentrations than at higher. Kinetic analysis suggests that Ca increases Rb uptake by increasing the affinity of binding sites for Rb ions. Time studies indicated that Ca has to penetrate the cellular membrane before its activating effect becomes manifest. Roots grown under Ca deficiency generally absorbed Rb at a faster rate than normal roots. In the presence of Ca, Rb absorption in the younger region of these Ca-deficient roots showed relatively less or no increase, and in the mature sections it decreased markedly.  相似文献   

Study of the quiescent root meristem of Allium cepa L. bulbs has revealed that its histological organization does not differ significantly from the growing meristem, except for the fact that the cells are all arrested in interphase. Ultrastructure of the quiescent tissue is, however, different in the organization of the nucleolus and in the absence of prominent endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules and golgi complexes. A variety of lomasome-like structures, plasma membrane modifications and vacuoles have been recorded. Most of the cells except for the ones in the root cap and quiescent center are highly vacuolated; vacuolation is maximum in the cortical zone of the meristem. The pattern of 3H thymidine incorporation during early stages of sprouting indicates that asynchrony of the mitotic cycle, which is the characteristic of the growing meristem, is maintained during quiescence by the arrest of nuclei at different subphases of interphase.  相似文献   

The number of dividing and DNA-synthesizing cells in excised pea roots can be regulated by eliminating the carbohydrate normally supplied in the culture medium. When the excised roots were allowed to remain for 24 hr in a medium lacking carbohydrate, the number of mitotic figures and tritiated thymidine (H3-T) labeled cells was reduced almost to zero. After an additional 24 hr in the incomplete culture medium, 15% of the interphase cells were H3-T labeled, the percentage of the cells that were dividing never exceeded 1.4, and 30% of these were H3-T labeled. When the roots remained in the deficient medium for 72 hr, neither cell division nor cells synthesizing DNA were observed. Upon addition of 2% sucrose, cell division and DNA synthesis were resumed in the roots that were maintained for 24 or 72 hr without an exogenous carbohydrate supply. It has been hypothesized that some proliferative systems consist of two cellular subpopulations which selectively stop or remain in either the pre-DNA synthetic (G1) or post-DNA synthetic (G2) periods of the mitotic cycle. The addition of sucrose, H3-T, and 5-aminouracil to the medium, after the roots had been maintained for 24 hr without a carbohydrate, indicated that most of the proliferative cells in the roots had accumulated in either G1, a quasi-G1 condition, i.e., DNA synthesis stopped sometime before completion, or G2 periods of interphase; the majority, however, were in G1 or quasi-G1 conditions. The results suggested that DNA synthesis (S period) and mitosis or the onset of these processes have the highest metabolic requirements in the mitotic cycle and that G1 and G2 were the most probable states for proliferative cells in a meristem with a low metabolic level.  相似文献   

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