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Nienhaus K  Deng P  Kriegl JM  Nienhaus GU 《Biochemistry》2003,42(32):9633-9646
We have studied CO binding to the heme and CO migration among protein internal cavities after photodissociation in sperm whale carbonmonoxy myoglobin (MbCO) mutant L29W using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy combined with temperature derivative spectroscopy (TDS) and kinetic experiments at cryogenic temperatures. Photoproduct intermediates, characterized by CO at particular locations in the protein, were selectively enhanced by applying special laser illumination protocols. These studies were performed on the L29W mutant protein and a series of double mutants constructed so that bulky amino acid side chains block passageways between cavities or fill these sites. Binding of xenon was also employed as an alternative means of occluding cavities. All mutants exhibit two conformations, A(I) and A(II), with distinctly different photoproduct states and ligand binding properties. These differences arise mainly from different positions of the W29 and H64 side chains in the distal heme pocket [Ostermann, A., et al. (2000) Nature 404, 205-208]. The detailed knowledge of the interplay between protein structure, protein dynamics, and ligand migration at cryogenic temperatures allowed us to develop a dynamic model that explains the slow CO and O(2) bimolecular association observed after flash photolysis at ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Examination was made of CO binding reactions to four kinds of modified sperm whale myoglobin (Mb), whose heme was reconstituted by iron complexes of synthetic porphyrins such as porphine (Por), meso-tetramethylporphyrin (TMeP), meso-tetraethylporphyrin (TEtP) and meso-tetra(n-propyl)porphyrin (TnPrP), using flash photolysis and stopped-flow methods. The CO association rate was found to be 5- to 20-times and dissociation rate 10- to 36-times accelerated by replacement with synthetic hemes. These features could be explained based on characteristic structures of modified Mbs indicated by X-ray crystallography. The side chain of Arg-45 protruded from the heme vicinity into the solvent region and heme was tilted by interactions of meso-alkyl side chains with surrounding peptides, resulting in the formation of widely opened channels and pockets for ligand passage. These structural features indicate the CO ligand to more easily enter or exit from heme pockets of reconstituted myoglobins, compared to native Mb.  相似文献   

The reaction of metmyoglobin with H2O2 was investigated in a pH range between 8.5 and 6.0 with the aid of stopped flow-rapid scan and rapid freezing-EPR techniques. Singular value decomposition analyses of the stopped flow data at pH 8.5 revealed that a spectral species previously unknown accumulated during the reaction and exhibited a Soret absorption maximum at >/=423 nm. In the EPR experiments, the new species exhibited a set of g values at 2.32, 2.19, and 1.94, indicating that the species was assignable to a ferric hydroperoxy (Fe(III)[O-O-H]-) compound. In contrast, the hydroperoxy compound scarcely accumulated in the reaction at pH 6.0, and the dominant intermediate species accumulated was compound I, which was derived from the oxygen-oxygen bond cleavage of the hydroperoxy compound. The accumulated amount of the hydroperoxy compound relative to compound I showed a pH dependence with an apparent pKa (pKaapp) from 6.95 to 7.27 depending on the metmyoglobins examined. This variation in pKaapp paralleled that in pKa of the acid-alkaline transition (pKaAB) of metmyoglobins, suggesting that the accumulation of hydroperoxy compound is controlled by the distal histidine. We propose that the H2O2 activation by metmyoglobin is promoted at the acidic condition due to the imidazolium form of the distal histidine, and we further propose that the controlled protonation state of the distal histidine is important for the facile O-O bond cleavage in heme peroxidases.  相似文献   

The association reaction of CO and O2 with heme is expected to reflect the differences in the electronic structures of the two ligands. CO binding should be controlled by a high spin/low spin transition while oxygen binding is spin-allowed. Dioxygen should thus bind substantially faster than CO. The experimental association rates of the two ligands are, however, almost identical. We propose that the reaction is triggered in both cases by a fast structural intermediate which allows the CO molecule to bind adiabatically. A suitable structural transition has been identified recently by inelastic neutron scattering.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of the reactive short-lived species that occur in chemical or binding reactions can be determined using X-ray crystallography via time-resolved or kinetic trapping approaches. Recently, various kinetic trapping methods have been used to determine the structure of intermediates in ligand binding to myoglobin.  相似文献   

Nienhaus K  Deng P  Kriegl JM  Nienhaus GU 《Biochemistry》2003,42(32):9647-9658
Using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy combined with temperature derivative spectroscopy (TDS) at cryogenic temperatures, we have studied CO binding to the heme and CO migration among cavities in the interior of sperm whale carbonmonoxy myoglobin (MbCO) after photodissociation. Photoproduct intermediates, characterized by CO in different locations, were selectively enhanced by laser illumination at specific temperatures. Measurements were performed on the wild-type protein and a series of mutants (L104W, I107W, I28F, and I28W) in which bulky amino acid side chains were introduced to block passageways between cavities or to fill these sites. Binding of xenon was also employed as an alternative means of filling cavities. In all samples, photolyzed CO ligands were observed to initially bind at primary docking site B in the vicinity of the heme iron, from where they migrate to the secondary docking sites, the Xe4 and/or Xe1 cavities. To examine the relevance of these internal docking sites for physiological ligand binding, we have performed room-temperature flash photolysis on the entire set of proteins in the CO- and O(2)-bound form. Together with the cryospectroscopic results, these data provide a clear picture of the role of the internal sites for ligand escape from and binding to myoglobin.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase (LPO) is a member of a large group of mammalian heme peroxidases that include myeloperoxidase (MPO), eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO). The LPO is found in exocrine secretions including milk. It is responsible for the inactivation of a wide range of micro-organisms and hence, is an important component of defense mechanism in the body. With the help of hydrogen peroxide, it catalyzes the oxidation of halides, pseudohalides and organic aromatic molecules. Historically, LPO was isolated in 1943, nearly seventy years ago but its three-dimensional crystal structure has been elucidated only recently. This review provides various details of this protein from its discovery to understanding its structure, function and applications. In order to highlight species dependent variations in the structure and function of LPO, a detailed comparison of sequence, structure and function of LPO from various species have been made. The structural basis of ligand binding and distinctions in the modes of binding of substrates and inhibitors have been analyzed extensively.  相似文献   

The heme molecular structure of the met-azido form of the myoglobin from the shark Galeorhinus japonicus has been investigated by 1H NMR. A nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) was clearly observed among the heme peripheral side-chain proton signals of this complex, which undergoes thermal spin equilibrium between high-spin (S = 5/2) and low-spin (S = 1/2) states, and the NOE connectivities provided the assignment of the resonances from the heme C13(1)H2 and C17(1)H2 protons. Chemical shift inequivalence of these proton resonances not only provided information about the orientation of these methylene protons with respect to the heme plane, but also allowed characterization of the time-dependent build-up of the NOE between them, which yields the correlation time for the internal motion of the inter-proton vector. The relatively large mobility found for the C17(1)H2 group suggests that the carboxyl oxygen of the heme C17 propionate is not anchored to the apo-protein by a salt bridge. It has been shown that the ferric high-spin form of G. japonicus Mb possesses a penta-coordinated heme [Suzuki, T. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 914, 170-176; Yamamoto, Y., Osawa, A., Inoue, Y., Ch?j?, R. & Suzuki, T. (1990) Eur. J. Biochem. 192, 225-229] and that the conformation of both heme propionate groups is fixed with respect to the heme, as well as the apo-protein, by a salt bridge [Yamamoto, Y., Inoue, Y., Ch?j?, R. & Suzuki, T. (1990) Eur. J. Biochem. 189, 567-573]. Therefore the weakening or interruption of the interaction between the C17 propionate and His FG3 upon the changes of the coordination and spin state of the heme iron, during azide ion binding to ferric high-spin G. japonicus Mb, is attributed to the displacement of the FG corner of the apoprotein away from the heme C17 propionate group. A similar structural alteration has been revealed by X-ray structural analyses of unliganded and liganded forms of ferrous hemoproteins [Baldwin, J. & Chothia, C. (1979) J. Mol. Biol. 129, 175-220; Phillips, S.E.V. (1980) J. Mol. Biol. 142, 531-554].  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis studies have confirmed that the distal histidine in myoglobin stabilizes bound O2 by hydrogen bonding and have suggested that it is the polar character of the imidazole side chain rather than its size that limits the rate of ligand entry into the protein. We constructed an isosteric Val68 to Thr replacement in pig myoglobin (i) to investigate whether the O2 affinity could be increased by the introduction of a second hydrogen-bonding group into the distal heme pocket and (ii) to examine the influence of polarity on the ligand binding rates more rigorously. The 1.9-A crystal structure of Thr68 aquometmyoglobin confirms that the mutant and wild-type proteins are essentially isostructural and reveals that the beta-OH group of Thr68 is in a position to form hydrogen-bonding interactions both with the coordinated water molecule and with the main chain greater than C=O of residue 64. The rate of azide binding to the ferric form of the Thr68 mutant was 60-fold lower than that for the wild-type protein, consistent with the proposed stabilization of the coordinated water molecule. However, bound O2 is destabilized in the ferrous form of the mutant protein. The observed 17-fold lowering of the O2 affinity may be a consequence of the hydrogen-bonding interaction made between the Thr68 beta-OH group and the carbonyl oxygen of residue 64. Overall association rate constants for O2, NO, and alkyl isocyanide binding to ferrous pig myoglobin were 3-10-fold lower for the mutant compared to the wild-type protein, whereas that for CO binding was little affected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A novel emissive tetra-naphthylmethylene pendant-armed macrocyclic ligand and a series of complexes with monovalent and divalent metal ions have been synthesized. Solid compounds have been isolated as mononuclear (Co(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II)) or dinuclear (Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Ag(I)), complexes, depending on the counterions used. The chemical and photophysical properties of the free ligand, the protonation behavior and its metal complexes have been investigated in solution. UV-Vis spectroscopy has revealed a 1:1 binding stoichiometry for Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Ni(II) and Co(II), and 2:1 molar ratio for Ag(I). In chloroform, the free ligand presents two emission bands related to the monomer naphthalene emission and a red-shifted band attibutable to an exciplex due to a charge transfer from the nitrogen lone electron pair to the excited chromophore. Upon protonation of the free amines or due to metal complexation, the exciplex band disappears. The crystal structure of [Ag2L(NO3)2] is also reported. The structure reveals that both metal ions are into the macrocyclic cavity in a distorted square plane {AgN3O} environment. Each Ag(I) atom interacts with two neighbouring amine nitrogen atoms, one pyridine nitrogen and one oxygen atom from a monodentate nitrate ion.  相似文献   

The absorption and resonance Raman spectra and the azide binding kinetics of ferric horse heart myoglobin (Mb) and mini myoglobin (a chemically truncated form of horse heart Mb containing residues 32-139) have been compared. The steady-state spectra show that an additional six-coordinated low-spin form (not present in entire horse heart Mb, which is purely six-coordinated high spin) predominates in mini Mb. The distal histidine is possibly the sixth ligand in this species. The presence of two species corresponds to a kinetic biphasicity for mini Mb that is not observed for horse heart Mb. Azide binds to horse heart Mb much more slowly than to sperm whale Mb. This difference may result from a sterically hindered distal pocket in horse heart Mb. In both cases, the rate constants level off at high azide concentrations, implying the existence of a rate-limiting step (likely referable to the dissociation of the axial sixth ligand). The faster rate constant of mini Mb is similar to that of sperm whale Mb, whereas the slower one is similar to that of entire horse heart Mb.  相似文献   

Structural genomics projects have revealed structures for a large number of proteins of unknown function. Understanding the interactions between these proteins and their ligands would provide an initial step in their functional characterization. Binding site identification methods are a fast and cost-effective way to facilitate the characterization of functionally important protein regions. In this review we describe our recently developed methods for binding site identification in the context of existing methods. The advantage of energy-based approaches is emphasized, since they provide flexibility in the identification and characterization of different types of binding sites.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y: identification of the binding site   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Based on the hypothetical 3D structure of neuropeptide Y (NPY), NPY 1-4-Aca-25-36, a 17 amino acid analogue, has been synthesized replacing the sequence NPY 5-24 by epsilon-aminocaproic acid (Aca). This low-molecular weight deletion analogue showed nearly comparable receptor affinity to NPY. In order to elucidate the structural requirements for receptor recognition each amino acid of 1-4-Aca-25-36 was exchanged by its D-enantiomer, glycine and L-alanine. In addition distinct amino acids were replaced by closely related residues. Multiple peptide synthesis was applied using Fmoc-strategy and BOP activation. Binding assay was performed on rabbit kidney membrane preparations. The results of structure affinity studies suggest that the C-terminal tetrapeptide NPY 33-36 is essential for receptor recognition.  相似文献   

We have combined Fourier transform infrared/temperature derivative (FTIR-TDS) spectroscopy at cryogenic temperatures and flash photolysis at ambient temperature to examine the effects of polar and bulky amino acid replacements of the highly conserved distal valine 68 in sperm whale myoglobin. In FTIR-TDS experiments, the CO ligand can serve as an internal voltmeter that monitors the local electrostatic field not only at the active site but also at intermediate ligand docking sites. Mutations of residue 68 alter size, shape, and electric field of the distal pocket, especially in the vicinity of the primary docking site (state B). As a consequence, the infrared bands associated with the ligand at site B are shifted. The effect is most pronounced in mutants with large aromatic side chains. Polar side chains (threonine or serine) have only little effect on the peak frequencies. Ligands that migrate toward more remote sites C and D give rise to IR bands with altered frequencies. TDS experiments separate the photoproducts according to their recombination temperatures. The rates and extent of ligand migration among internal cavities at cryogenic temperatures can be used to interpret geminate and bimolecular O2 and CO recombination at room temperature. The kinetics of geminate recombination can be explained by steric arguments alone, whereas both the polarity and size of the position 68 side chain play major roles in regulating bimolecular ligand binding from the solvent.  相似文献   

IL-17 is the hallmark cytokine of the newly described "Th17" lymphocyte population. The composition, subunit dynamics, and ligand contacts of the IL-17 receptor are poorly defined. We previously demonstrated that the IL-17RA subunit oligomerizes in the membrane without a ligand. In this study, computational modeling identified two fibronectin-III-like (FN) domains in IL-17RA connected by a nonstructured linker, which we predicted to mediate homotypic interactions. In yeast two-hybrid, the membrane-proximal FN domain (FN2), but not the membrane-distal domain (FN1), formed homomeric interactions. The ability of FN2 to drive ligand-independent multimerization was verified by coimmunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy. Thus, FN2 constitutes a "pre-ligand assembly domain" (PLAD). Further studies indicated that the FN2 linker domain contains the IL-17 binding site, which was never mapped. However, the FN1 domain is also required for high affinity interactions with IL-17. Therefore, although the PLAD is located entirely within FN2, effective ligand binding also involves contributions from the linker and FN1.  相似文献   

Agmon N 《Biophysical journal》2004,87(3):1537-1543
Protein relaxation, ligand binding, and ligand migration into a hydrophobic cavity in myoglobin are unified by a bounded diffusion model which produces an accurate fit to complex ligand rebinding data over eight decades in time and a 160 K temperature range, in qualitative agreement with time-resolved x-ray crystallography. Protein relaxation operates in a cyclic manner to move the ligand away from the binding site.  相似文献   

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