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The decision to initiate DNA replication is a critical step in the cell cycle of all organisms. In nearly all bacteria, replication initiation requires the activity of the conserved replication initiation protein DnaA. Due to its central role in cell cycle progression, DnaA activity must be precisely regulated. This review summarizes the current state of DnaA regulation in the asymmetrically dividing α-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus, an important model for bacterial cell cycle studies. Mechanisms will be discussed that regulate DnaA activity and abundance under optimal conditions and in coordination with the asymmetric Caulobacter cell cycle. Furthermore, we highlight recent findings of how regulated DnaA synthesis and degradation collaborate to adjust DnaA abundance under stress conditions. The mechanisms described provide important examples of how DNA replication is regulated in an α-proteobacterium and thus represent an important starting point for the study of DNA replication in many other bacteria. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Dynamic gene expression, edited by Prof. Patrick Viollier.  相似文献   

The Caulobacter crescentus replication initiator DnaA and essential response regulator CtrA compete to control chromosome replication. The C. crescentus replication origin (Cori) contains five strong CtrA binding sites but only two apparent DnaA boxes, termed G-boxes (with a conserved second position G, TGATCCACA). Since clusters of DnaA boxes typify bacterial replication origins, this discrepancy suggested that C. crescentus DnaA recognizes different DNA sequences or compensates with novel DNA-binding proteins. We searched for novel DNA sites by scanning mutagenesis of the most conserved Cori DNA. Autonomous replication assays showed that G-boxes and novel W-boxes (TCCCCA) are essential for replication. Further analyses showed that C. crescentus DnaA binds G-boxes with moderate and W-boxes with very weak affinities significantly below DnaA's capacity for high-affinity Escherichia coli-boxes (TTATCCACA). Cori has five conserved W-boxes. Increasing W-box affinities increases or decreases autonomous replication depending on their strategic positions between the G-boxes. In vitro, CtrA binding displaces DnaA from proximal G-boxes and from distal W-boxes implying CtrA-DnaA competition and DnaA-DnaA cooperation between G-boxes and W-boxes. Similarly, during cell cycle progression, CtrA proteolysis coincides with DnaA binding to Cori. We also observe highly conserved W-boxes in other replication origins lacking E. coli-boxes. Therefore, strategically weak DnaA binding can be a general means of replication control.  相似文献   

The Clp family of proteases is responsible for controlling both stress responses and normal growth. In Caulobacter crescentus, the ClpXP protease is essential and drives cell cycle progression through adaptor‐mediated degradation. By contrast, the physiological role for the ClpAP protease is less well understood with only minor growth defects previously reported for ΔclpA cells. Here, we show that ClpAP plays an important role in controlling chromosome content and cell fitness during extended growth. Cells lacking ClpA accumulate aberrant numbers of chromosomes upon prolonged growth suggesting a defect in replication control. Levels of the replication initiator DnaA are elevated in ΔclpA cells and degradation of DnaA is more rapid in cells lacking the ClpA inhibitor ClpS. Consistent with this observation, ClpAP degrades DnaA in vitro while ClpS inhibits this degradation. In cells lacking Lon, the protease previously shown to degrade DnaA in Caulobacter, ClpA overexpression rescues defects in fitness and restores degradation of DnaA. Finally, we show that cells lacking ClpA are particularly sensitive to inappropriate increases in DnaA activity. Our work demonstrates an unexpected effect of ClpAP in directly regulating replication through degradation of DnaA and expands the functional role of ClpAP in Caulobacter.  相似文献   

Cell cycle progression and polar differentiation are temporally coordinated in Caulobacter crescentus. This oligotrophic bacterium divides asymmetrically to produce a motile swarmer cell that represses DNA replication and a sessile stalked cell that replicates its DNA. The initiation of DNA replication coincides with the proteolysis of the CtrA replication inhibitor and the accumulation of DnaA, the replication initiator, upon differentiation of the swarmer cell into a stalked cell. We analyzed the adaptive response of C. crescentus swarmer cells to carbon starvation and found that there was a block in both the swarmer-to-stalked cell polar differentiation program and the initiation of DNA replication. SpoT is a bifunctional synthase/hydrolase that controls the steady-state level of the stress-signaling nucleotide (p)ppGpp, and carbon starvation caused a SpoT-dependent increase in (p)ppGpp concentration. Carbon starvation activates DnaA proteolysis (B. Gorbatyuk and G. T. Marczynski, Mol. Microbiol. 55:1233-1245, 2005). We observed that SpoT is required for this phenomenon in swarmer cells, and in the absence of SpoT, carbon-starved swarmer cells inappropriately initiated DNA replication. Since SpoT controls (p)ppGpp abundance, we propose that this nucleotide relays carbon starvation signals to the cellular factors responsible for activating DnaA proteolysis, thereby inhibiting the initiation of DNA replication. SpoT, however, was not required for the carbon starvation block of the swarmer-to-stalked cell polar differentiation program. Thus, swarmer cells utilize at least two independent signaling pathways to relay carbon starvation signals: a SpoT-dependent pathway mediating the inhibition of DNA replication initiation, and a SpoT-independent pathway(s) that blocks morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

Progression through the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle is coupled to a cellular differentiation program. The swarmer cell is replicationally quiescent, and DNA replication initiates at the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition. There is a very short delay between initiation of DNA replication and movement of one of the newly replicated origins to the opposite pole of the cell, indicating the absence of cohesion between the newly replicated origin-proximal parts of the Caulobacter chromosome. The terminus region of the chromosome becomes located at the invaginating septum in predivisional cells, and the completely replicated terminus regions stay associated with each other after chromosome replication is completed, disassociating very late in the cell cycle shortly before the final cell division event. Invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane occurs earlier than separation of the replicated terminus regions and formation of separate nucleoids, which results in trapping of a chromosome on either side of the cell division septum, indicating that there is not a nucleoid exclusion phenotype.  相似文献   

CzcR is the Rickettsia prowazekii homolog of the Caulobacter crescentus global response regulator CtrA. CzcR expression partially compensates for developmental defects in ctrA mutant C. crescentus cells, and CzcR binds to all five CtrA binding sites in the C. crescentus replication origin. Conversely, CtrA binds to five similar sites in the putative R. prowazekii replication origin (oriRp). Also, Escherichia coli IHF protein binds over a central CtrA binding site in oriRp. Therefore, CtrA and IHF regulatory proteins have similar binding patterns in both replication origins, and we propose that CzcR is a global cell cycle regulator in R. prowazekii.  相似文献   

Fatty acid degradation in Caulobacter crescentus.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Fatty acid degradation was investigated in Caulobacter crescentus, a bacterium that exhibits membrane-mediated differentiation events. Two strains of C. crescentus were shown to utilize oleic acid as sole carbon source. Five enzymes of the fatty acid beta-oxidation pathway, acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthase, crotonase, thiolase, beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, were identified. The activities of these enzymes were significantly higher in C. crescentus than the fully induced levels observed in Escherichia coli. Growth in glucose or glucose plus oleic acid decreased fatty acid uptake and lowered the specific activity of the enzymes involved in beta-oxidation by 2- to 3-fold, in contrast to the 50-fold glucose repression found in E. coli. The mild glucose repression of the acyl-CoA synthase was reversed by exogenous dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Acyl-CoA synthase activity was shown to be the same in oleic acid-grown cells and in cells grown in the presence of succinate, a carbon source not affected by catabolite repression. Thus, fatty acid degradation by the beta-oxidation pathway is constitutive in C. crescentus and is only mildly affected by growth in the presence of glucose. Tn5 insertion mutants unable to form colonies when oleic acid was the sole carbon source were isolated. However, these mutants efficiently transported fatty acids and had beta-oxidation enzyme levels comparable with that of the wild type. Our inability to obtain fatty acid degradation mutants after a wide search, coupled with the high constitutive levels of the beta-oxidation enzymes, suggest that fatty acid turnover, as has proven to be the case fatty acid biosynthesis, might play an essential role in membrane biogenesis and cell cycle events in C. crescentus.  相似文献   

Jensen RB  Wang SC  Shapiro L 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(17):4952-4963
The in vivo intracellular location of components of the Caulobacter replication apparatus was visualized during the cell cycle. Replisome assembly occurs at the chromosomal origin located at the stalked cell pole, coincident with the initiation of DNA replication. The replisome gradually moves to midcell as DNA replication proceeds and disassembles upon completion of DNA replication. Although the newly replicated origin regions of the chromosome are rapidly moved to opposite cell poles by an active process, the replisome appears to be an untethered replication factory that is passively displaced towards the center of the cell by the newly replicated DNA. These results are consistent with a model in which unreplicated DNA is pulled into the replication factory and newly replicated DNA is bidirectionally extruded from the complex, perhaps contributing to chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus involves the polar morphogenesis and an asymmetric cell division driven by precise interactions and regulations of proteins, which makes Caulobacter an ideal model organism for investigating bacterial cell development and differentiation. The abundance of molecular data accumulated on Caulobacter motivates system biologists to analyze the complex regulatory network of cell cycle via quantitative modeling. In this paper, We propose a comprehensive model to accurately characterize the underlying mechanisms of cell cycle regulation based on the study of: a) chromosome replication and methylation; b) interactive pathways of five master regulatory proteins including DnaA, GcrA, CcrM, CtrA, and SciP, as well as novel consideration of their corresponding mRNAs; c) cell cycle-dependent proteolysis of CtrA through hierarchical protease complexes. The temporal dynamics of our simulation results are able to closely replicate an extensive set of experimental observations and capture the main phenotype of seven mutant strains of Caulobacter crescentus. Collectively, the proposed model can be used to predict phenotypes of other mutant cases, especially for nonviable strains which are hard to cultivate and observe. Moreover, the module of cyclic proteolysis is an efficient tool to study the metabolism of proteins with similar mechanisms.  相似文献   

Russell JH  Keiler KC 《PloS one》2008,3(3):e1756
Precise localization of individual proteins is required for processes such as motility, chemotaxis, cell-cycle progression, and cell division in bacteria, but the number of proteins that are localized in bacterial species is not known. A screen based on transposon mutagenesis and fluorescence activated cell sorting was devised to identify large numbers of localized proteins, and employed in Caulobacter crescentus. From a sample of the clones isolated in the screen, eleven proteins with no previously characterized localization in C. crescentus were identified, including six hypothetical proteins. The localized hypothetical proteins included one protein that was localized in a helix-like structure, and two proteins for which the localization changed as a function of the cell cycle, suggesting that complex three-dimensional patterns and cell cycle-dependent localization are likely to be common in bacteria. Other mutants produced localized fusion proteins even though the transposon has inserted near the 5' end of a gene, demonstrating that short peptides can contain sufficient information to localize bacterial proteins. The screen described here could be used in most bacterial species.  相似文献   

Bacteria are powerful models for understanding how cells divide and accomplish global regulatory programs. In Caulobacter crescentus, a cascade of essential master regulators supervises the correct and sequential activation of DNA replication, cell division, and development of different cell types. Among them, the response regulator CtrA plays a crucial role coordinating all those functions. Here, for the first time, we describe the role of a novel factor named CcnA (cell cycle noncoding RNA A), a cell cycle–regulated noncoding RNA (ncRNA) located at the origin of replication, presumably activated by CtrA, and responsible for the accumulation of CtrA itself. In addition, CcnA may be also involved in the inhibition of translation of the S-phase regulator, GcrA, by interacting with its 5′ untranslated region (5′ UTR). Performing in vitro experiments and mutagenesis, we propose a mechanism of action of CcnA based on liberation (ctrA) or sequestration (gcrA) of their ribosome-binding site (RBS). Finally, its role may be conserved in other alphaproteobacterial species, such as Sinorhizobium meliloti, representing indeed a potentially conserved process modulating cell cycle in Caulobacterales and Rhizobiales.

During cell cycle progression in the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus, the master cell cycle regulator CtrA is controlled by CcnA, a cell cycle-regulated non-coding RNA transcribed from a gene located at the origin of replication.  相似文献   

The DNA mismatch repair (MMR) process detects and corrects replication errors in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. In most bacteria, it is initiated by MutS detecting mismatches and MutL nicking the mismatch-containing DNA strand. Here, we show that MMR reduces the appearance of rifampicin resistances more than a 100-fold in the Caulobacter crescentus Alphaproteobacterium. Using fluorescently-tagged and functional MutS and MutL proteins, live cell microscopy experiments showed that MutS is usually associated with the replisome during the whole S-phase of the C. crescentus cell cycle, while MutL molecules may display a more dynamic association with the replisome. Thus, MMR components appear to use a 1D-scanning mode to search for rare mismatches, although the spatial association between MutS and the replisome is dispensible under standard growth conditions. Conversely, the spatial association of MutL with the replisome appears as critical for MMR in C. crescentus, suggesting a model where the β-sliding clamp licences the endonuclease activity of MutL right behind the replication fork where mismatches are generated. The spatial association between MMR and replisome components may also play a role in speeding up MMR and/or in recognizing which strand needs to be repaired in a variety of Alphaproteobacteria.  相似文献   

Analysis of the effects on membrane function and protein composition of altering phospholipid synthesis in Caulobacter crescentus showed that, like other bacteria, C. crescentus continues to induce a lactose transport system and to synthesize most membrane proteins. However, we show that the incorporation of a set of outer membrane proteins primarily synthesized in stalked cells is dependent on DNA replication which, in turn, is dependent on membrane phospholipid synthesis. Furthermore, the incorporation of another set of membrane proteins, two of which are synthesized primarily in the swarmer cell, appears to be independent of the replication of the chromosome but to be directly dependent on phospholipid synthesis. We have also found that when phospholipid synthesis is blocked, the synthesis of the flagellar proteins is inhibited and that this effect may be mediated by the primary inhibition of DNA replication. Newton has presented evidence that the synthesis of flagellar proteins is dependent on specific execution points in DNA replication and that this connection serves as a temporal regulator of differential protein synthesis (Osley et al., 1977; Sheffery & Newton, 1981). We suggest here that a direct link between the replicating chromosome and the growing membrane might serve, in turn, to dictate the site of membrane assembly of newly synthesized gene products.  相似文献   

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