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Yang C  Miao S  Zong S  Koide SS  Wang L 《FEBS letters》2005,579(25):5734-5740
Applying the method of segmentation of seminiferous tubules combined with DDRT-PCR and cDNA library screening, a novel DnaJ homologue, rDJL was identified in rat testis. The reading frame encodes a protein of 223 amino acid residues containing J domain in the NH2 terminal region. rDJL gene is expressed mainly in testis and rDJL protein was immunolocalized notably in the acrosome region of spermatozoa. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that rDJL interacted with Hsc70 and clathrin protein. When CHO cells were treated with EGF, rDJL and clathrin protein were found to be colocalized and be concentrated as endosome vesicles. The present findings suggest that rDJL functions as co-chaperone to Hsc70, participates in vesicular trafficking and may play an important role in acrosomogenesis.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Liu WL  Tang DC  Chen L  Wang M  Pack SD  Zhuang Z  Rodgers GP 《Gene》2002,283(1-2):83-93
We have cloned a novel hematopoietic granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-induced olfactomedin-related glycoprotein, termed hGC-1 (human G-CSF-stimulated clone-1). mRNA differential display was used in conjunction with a modified two-phase liquid culture system. Cultures were enriched for early precursors of erythroid, myeloid, and megakaryocytic lineages, which were isolated after induction with erythropoietin, G-CSF, and thrombopoietin, respectively. RNA from the enriched cells was subjected to differential display analysis to identify lineage-specific expressed genes. One clone specifically induced by G-CSF, hGC-1, was characterized. The 2861 bp cDNA clone of hGC-1 contained an open reading frame of 1530 nucleotides, translating into a protein of 510 amino acids with a signal peptide and six N-linked glycosylation motifs. The protein sequence of hGC-1 showed it to be a glycoprotein of the olfactomedin family, which includes olfactomedin, TIGR, Noelin-2 and latrophilin-1. Olfactomedin-like genes show characteristic tissue-restricted patterns of expression; the specific tissues expressing these genes differ among the family members. hGC-1 was strongly expressed in the prostate, small intestine, and colon, moderately expressed in the bone marrow and stomach, and not detectable in other tissues. In vitro translation and ex vivo expression showed hGC-1 to be an N-linked glycoprotein. The hGC-1 gene locus mapped to chromosome 13q14.3. Together, our findings indicate that hGC-1 is primarily expressed as an extracellular olfactomedin-related glycoprotein during normal myeloid-specific lineage differentiation, suggesting the possibility of a matrix-related function for hGC-1 in differentiation.  相似文献   

A novel microtubule-associated protein (MAP) of M(r) 115,000 has been identified by screening of a HeLa cell cDNA expression library with an anti-serum raised against microtubule-binding proteins from HeLa cells. Monoclonal and affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies were generated for the further characterization of this MAP. It is different from the microtubule-binding proteins of similar molecular weights, characterized so far, by its nucleotide-insensitive binding to microtubules and different sedimentation behavior. Since it is predominantly expressed in cells of epithelial origin (Caco-2, HeLa, MDCK), and rare (human skin, A72) or not detectable (Vero) in fibroblastic cells, we name it E-MAP-115 (epithelial MAP of 115 kD). In HeLa cells, E-MAP-115 is preferentially associated with subdomains or subsets of perinuclear microtubules. In Caco-2 cells, labeling for E- MAP-115 increases when they polarize and form blisters. The molecular characterization of E-MAP-115 reveals that it is a novel protein with no significant homologies to other known proteins. The secondary structure predicted from its sequence indicates two domains connected by a putative hinge region rich in proline and alanine (PAPA region). E- MAP-115 has two highly charged regions with predicted alpha-helical structure, one basic with a pI of 10.9 in the NH2-terminal domain and one neutral with a pI of 7.6 immediately following the PAPA region in the acidic COOH-terminal half of the molecule. A novel microtubule- binding site has been localized to the basic alpha-helical region in the NH2-terminal domain using in vitro microtubule-binding assays and expression of mutant polypeptides in vivo. Overexpression of this domain of E-MAP-115 by transfection of fibroblasts lacking significant levels of this protein with its cDNA renders microtubules stable to nocodazole. We conclude that E-MAP-115 is a microtubule-stabilizing protein that may play an important role during reorganization of microtubules during polarization and differentiation of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Here, we describe a novel member in the group of membrane-anchored chymotrypsin (S1)-like serine proteases, namely testis serine protease 1 (T-SP1), as it is principally expressed in testis tissue. The human T-SP1 gene encompasses 28.7 kb on the short arm of chromosome 8 and consists of seven exons. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) experiments revealed that due to alternative splicing three different variants (T-SP1/1, -2, -3) are detectable in testis tissue displaying pronounced heterogeneity at their 3'-end. T-SP1/1 consists of an 18 amino acid signal peptide and of a 49 amino acid propeptide. The following domain with the catalytic triad of His(108), Asp(156), and Ser(250) shares sequence identities of 42% and 40% with the blood coagulation factor XI and plasma kallikrein, respectively. Only T-SP1/1 contains a hydrophobic part at the C-terminus, which provides the basis for cell membrane anchoring. Using a newly generated polyclonal anti-T-SP1 antibody, expression of the T-SP1 protein was found in the Leydig and Sertoli cells of the testis and in the epithelial cells of the ductuli efferentes. Notably, T-SP1 protein was also detectable in prostate cancer and in some ovarian cancer tissues, indicating tumor-related synthesis of T-SP1 beyond testis tissue.  相似文献   

We have identified Ngef as a novel member of the family of Dbl genes. Many members of this family have been shown to function as guanine nucleotide exchange factors for the Rho-type GTPases. Ngef is predominantly expressed in brain, with the strongest signal in the caudate nucleus, a region associated with the control of movement. Ngef contains a translated trinucleotide repeat, a polyglutamic acid stretch interrupted by a glycine. We have localized the Ngef gene to mouse chromosome 1 and the human homologue of Ngef to human chromosome 2q37. We have shown in preliminary experiments that Ngef has transforming potential in cell culture and is able to induce tumors in nude mice.  相似文献   

A new protein kinase C (PKC)-related cDNA with unique tissue distribution has been isolated and characterized. This cDNA encodes a protein, nPKC theta, which consists of 707 amino acid residues and showed the highest sequence similarity to nPKC delta (67.0% in total). nPKC theta has a zinc-finger-like cysteine-rich sequence (C1 region) and a protein kinase domain sequence (C3 region), both of which are common in all PKC family members. However, nPKC theta lacks a putative Ca2+ binding region (C2 region) that is seen only in the conventional PKC subfamily (cPKC alpha, -beta I, -beta II, and -gamma) but not in the novel PKC subfamily (nPKC delta, -epsilon, -zeta, and -eta). Northern (RNA) blot analyses revealed that the mRNA for nPKC theta is expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, nPKC theta mRNA is the most abundantly expressed PKC isoform in skeletal muscle among the nine PKC family members. nPKC theta expressed in COS1 cells serves as a phorbol ester receptor. By the use of an antipeptide antibody specific to the D2-D3 region of the nPKC theta sequence, nPKC theta was recognized as a 79-kDa protein upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in mouse skeletal muscle extract and also in an extract from COS1 cells transfected with an nPKC theta cDNA expression plasmid. Autophosphorylation of immunoprecipitated nPKC theta was observed; it was enhanced by phosphatidylserine and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate but attenuated by the addition of Ca2+. These results clearly demonstrate that nPKC theta should be considered a member of the PKC family of proteins that play crucial roles in the signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

We identified a novel member of the Ikaros gene family, which has critical roles in the development of lymphoid lineages. This gene, which we named Eos, was expressed predominantly in the developing central and peripheral nervous system. Eos protein could interact with itself and Ikaros protein through its C-terminal portion in the yeast two hybrid assay. These findings suggested that Eos may have important roles in neural development similarly to the Ikaros family in the development of hemolymphoid tissue.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylethanolamine binding proteins (pebps) are an evolutionarily conserved family of proteins recently implicated in mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway regulation, where they are called raf kinase inhibitory proteins. Here, we describe the cloning, cellular localization, and partial characterization of a new member, pebp-2, with potential roles in male fertility. Expression data show that pebp-2 is a testis-specific 21-kDa protein found within late meiotic and haploid germ cells in a stage-specific pattern that is temporally distinct from that of pebp-1. Sequence analyses suggest that pebp-2 forms a distinct subset of the pebp family within mammals. Database analyses revealed the existence of a third subset. Analysis suggests that the specificity/regulation of the distinct pebps subsets is likely to be determined by the amino terminal 40 amino acids or the 3' untranslated region, where the majority of sequence differences occur. Protein homology modeling suggests that pebp-2 protein is, however, topologically similar to other pebps and composed of Greek key fold motifs, a dominant beta-sheet formed from five anti-parallel beta strands forming a shallow groove associated with a putative phosphatidylethanolamine binding site. The pebp-2 gene is intronless and data suggest that it is a retrogene derived from pebp-1. Further, pebp-2 colocalizes with members of the MAP kinase pathway in late spermatocytes and spermatids and on the midpiece of epididymal sperm. These data raise the possibility that pebp-2 is a novel participant in the MAP kinase signaling pathway, with a role in spermatogenesis or posttesticular sperm maturation.  相似文献   

The metalloprotease disintegrin cysteine-rich (MDC) proteins are a recently identified family of transmembrane proteins that function in proteolytic processing of cell surface molecules and in cell adhesion. Since lymphocytes must interact with a constantly changing environment, we hypothesized that lymphocytes would express unique MDC proteins. To identify MDC proteins expressed in human lymph node, a polymerase chain reaction-based strategy combined with degenerate oligonucleotide primers was employed. We report here the identification of MDC-L (ADAM 23), a novel member of the MDC protein family. The results obtained from cDNA cloning and Northern blot analysis of mRNA isolated from various lymphoid tissues indicate that a 2.8-kilobase mRNA encoding a transmembrane form, MDC-Lm, and a 2.2-kilobase mRNA encoding a secreted form, MDC-Ls, are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. MDC-L mRNA was shown to be predominantly expressed in secondary lymphoid tissues, such as lymph node, spleen, small intestine, stomach, colon, appendix, and trachea. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining with an anti-MDC-L antibody demonstrated that cells with typical lymphocyte morphology are responsible for expression of the MDC-L antigen in these lymphoid tissues. MDC-Lm was found to be expressed on the surface of human peripheral blood lymphocytes and transformed B- and T-lymphocyte cell lines as an 87-kDa protein. Thus, we have identified a novel lymphocyte-expressed MDC protein family member.  相似文献   

Through in silico screens, we have identified many previously uncharacterized genes that display similar expression patterns as the mouse Dazl gene, a germ line-specific marker. Here, we report the identification and characterization of one of these novel genes. TSAP gene encodes a protein with 350 amino acids and contains five ankyrin repeats and a PEST sequence motif. Furthermore, we have generated an anti-TSAP antibody and have used three different approaches (RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemistry) to investigate the expression profiles of TSAP mRNAs and proteins. TSAP is specifically expressed in testis, but not in other tissues such as ovary. Within the testis, TSAP is detected 10 days after birth and is mainly expressed in spermatocytes (ST) and later stage of germ cells, but not in spermatogonia (SG) or sertoli cells. Therefore, TSAP protein likely plays a role in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC)-related cDNA clones isolated from mouse epidermis cDNA library encoded a 78-kDa protein, nPKC eta. nPKC eta contains a characteristic cysteine-rich repeat sequence (C1 region) and a protein kinase domain sequence (C3 region), both of which are conserved among PKC family members. However, nPKC eta lacks a putative Ca2+ binding region (C2 region) that is seen in conventional PKCs (alpha, beta I, beta II, gamma), but not in novel PKCs (nPKC delta, -epsilon, -zeta). nPKC eta shows the highest sequence similarity to nPKC epsilon (59.4% identity). The similarity extends to the NH2-terminal sequence (E region) which corresponds to one of the divergent regions (D1 region). Northern blot analysis showed that the mRNA for nPKC eta is highly expressed in the lung and skin but, in contrast to other members of the PKC family, only slightly expressed in the brain. nPKC eta expressed in COS cells shows phorbol ester binding activity with a similar affinity to nPKC epsilon. Antiserum raised against a COOH-terminal peptide of nPKC eta identified an 82-kDa protein in mouse lung extract as well as in an extract from COS cells transfected with the nPKC eta-cDNA expression plasmid. Autophosphorylation of nPKC eta immunoprecipitated with the specific antiserum was observed, indicating that nPKC eta is a protein kinase. These results clearly demonstrate the existence and the possible importance of nPKC eta as a member of the phorbol ester receptor/protein kinase, PKC, family.  相似文献   

We have isolated the full-length cDNA of a novel human serine threonine protein kinase gene. The deduced protein sequence contains two cysteine-rich motifs at the N terminus, a pleckstrin homology domain, and a catalytic domain containing all the characteristic sequence motifs of serine protein kinases. It exhibits the strongest homology to the serine threonine protein kinases PKD/PKCmicro and PKCnu, particularly in the duplex zinc finger-like cysteine-rich motif, in the pleckstrin homology domain and in the protein kinase domain. In contrast, it shows only a low degree of sequence similarity to other members of the PKC family. Therefore, the new protein has been termed protein kinase D2 (PKD2). The mRNA of PKD2 is widely expressed in human and murine tissues. It encodes a protein with a molecular mass of 105 kDa in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which is expressed in various human cell lines, including HL60 cells, which do not express PKCmicro. In vivo phorbol ester binding studies demonstrated a concentration-dependent binding of [(3)H]phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate to PKD2. The addition of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate in the presence of dioleoylphosphatidylserine stimulated the autophosphorylation of PKD2 in a synergistic fashion. Phorbol esters also stimulated autophosphorylation of PKD2 in intact cells. PKD2 activated by phorbol esters efficiently phosphorylated the exogenous substrate histone H1. In addition, we could identify the C-terminal Ser(876) residue as an in vivo phosphorylation site within PKD2. Phosphorylation of Ser(876) of PKD2 correlated with the activation status of the kinase. Finally, gastrin was found to be a physiological activator of PKD2 in human AGS-B cells stably transfected with the CCK(B)/gastrin receptor. Thus, PKD2 is a novel phorbol ester- and growth factor-stimulated protein kinase.  相似文献   

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