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Fluorescence microscopy and molecular tagging technologies have ushered in a new era in our understanding of protein localization and function in cells. This review summarizes recent efforts to extend some of these methods (and to create new ones) to imaging of RNA in live cells. Both fluorescent proteins and hybridization probes allow noncovalent labeling of specific RNA molecules with fluorescent dyes that allow detection and tracking in real time.  相似文献   

Bidirectional entry of poliovirus into polarized epithelial cells.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The interactions of viruses with polarized epithelial cells are of some significance to the pathogenesis of disease because these cell types comprise the primary barrier to many virus infections and also serve as the sites for virus release from the host. Poliovirus-epithelial cell interactions are of particular interest since this virus is an important enteric pathogen and the host cell receptor has been identified. In this study, poliovirus was observed to adsorb to both the apical and basolateral surfaces of polarized monkey kidney (Vero C1008) and human intestinal (Caco-2) epithelial cells but exhibited preferential binding to the basolateral surfaces of both cell types. Localization of the poliovirus receptor by a receptor-specific monoclonal antibody (D171) revealed a similar distribution predominantly on basolateral membranes, and treatment of cells with antibody D171 inhibited virus adsorption to both membrane surfaces. Poliovirus was able to initiate infection with similar efficiency following adsorption to either surface, and infection was blocked at both surfaces by D171, indicating that functional receptor molecules are expressed on both surfaces at sufficient density to mediate efficient infection at the apical and basolateral plasma membranes. Poliovirus infection resulted in a decrease in transepithelial resistance which was inhibited by prior treatment with monoclonal antibody D171 and occurred prior to other visible cytopathic effects. These results have interesting implications for viral pathogenesis in the human gut.  相似文献   

Progress in optical microscopy, combined to the emergence of new fluorescent probes and advanced instrumentation, now permits the imaging of single molecules in fixed and live cells. This extreme detection sensitivity has opened new modalities in cellular imaging. On the one hand, optical images with an unprecedented resolution in the 10-50 nm range, well below the diffraction limit of light, can be recorded. These super-resolution images give new insights into the properties of cellular structures. On the other hand, proteins, either in the membrane or intracellular, can be tracked in live cells and in physiological conditions. Their individual trajectories provide invaluable information on the molecular interactions that control their dynamics and their spatial organization. Single molecule imaging is rapidly becoming a unique tool to understand the biochemical and biophysical processes that determine the properties of molecular assemblies in a cellular context.  相似文献   

Humans and some Old World monkeys, chimpanzees, and cynomolgus macaques, are susceptible to oral poliovirus (PV) infection. Interestingly, rhesus macaques, although sensitive to injected PV, are not susceptible to gut infection. Not much is known about the initial event of gut infection by PV in rhesus macaques so far. Here, we show that PV can efficiently enter the lamina propria (LP) by penetrating across intestinal villous M-like cells in rhesus macaques. We found by immunofluorescence analysis that PV effectively invades LP rather than germinal centers (GCs) in rhesus macaques despite expressing PV receptor CD155 on cells within GCs and LP. Furthermore, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy demonstrated that gold-labeled PV is spatiotemporally internalized into villous M-like cells and engulfed by macrophage-like cells in LP. These results suggest that rhesus macaques may be resistant to productive gut PV infection owing to a defective translocation of PV to GCs.  相似文献   

Requirements for entry of poliovirus RNA into cells at low pH.   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
I H Madshus  S Olsnes    K Sandvig 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(9):1945-1950
HeLa S3 cells were protected against infection by poliovirus type I by the presence of monensin and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), compounds elevating the pH of acidic intracellular compartments. The protection was fully overcome by exposing the cells to pH 5.5 and lower, and at approximately pH 6.1 it was reduced by half. Measurements of the ability of the virus to enter the detergent phase under conditions where Triton X-114 was separated from water indicated that the virus is hydrophilic at neutral pH, and that it exposes hydrophobic regions at low pH. When the cells were pretreated with acetic acid, which reduces the intracellular pH, virus entry was inhibited, indicating that a pH gradient across the membrane is necessary for infection. Under all conditions which induced infection, the virus particles were altered to more slowly sedimenting material. Also, virus bound to aldehyde-fixed cells was altered when exposed to low pH at 37 degrees C. The data indicate that poliovirus bound to receptors on cells exposes hydrophobic regions at low pH, and that at physiological temperature it undergoes alteration. This alteration may be a necessary, but not sufficient requirement for infection.  相似文献   

Endocytosis, the internalization and transport of extracellular cargo, is an essential cellular process. The ultimate step in endocytosis is the intracellular degradation of extracellular cargo for use by the cell. While live cell imaging and single particle tracking have been well-utilized to study the internalization and transport of cargo, the final degradation step has required separate biochemical assays. We describe the use of self-quenched endocytic cargo to image the intracellular transport and degradation of endocytic cargo directly in live cells. We first outline the fluorescent labeling and quantification of two common endocytic cargos: a protein, bovine serum albumin, and a lipid nanoparticle, low-density lipoprotein. In vitro measurements confirm that self-quenching is a function of the number of fluorophores bound to the protein or particle and that recovery of the fluorescent signal occurs in response to enzymatic degradation. We then use confocal fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry to demonstrate the use of self-quenched bovine serum albumin with standard fluorescence techniques. Using live cell imaging and single particle tracking, we find that the degradation of bovine serum albumin occurs in an endo-lysosomal vesicle that is positive for LAMP1.  相似文献   

Upon binding to the poliovirus receptor (PVR), the poliovirus 160S particles undergo a conformational transition to generate 135S particles, which are believed to be intermediates in the virus entry process. The 135S particles interact with host cell membranes through exposure of the N termini of VP1 and the myristylated VP4 protein, and successful cytoplasmic delivery of the genomic RNA requires the interaction of these domains with cellular membranes whose identity is unknown. Because detergent-insoluble microdomains (DIMs) in the plasma membrane have been shown to be important in the entry of other picornaviruses, it was of interest to determine if poliovirus similarly required DIMs during virus entry. We show here that methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD), which disrupts DIMs by depleting cells of cholesterol, inhibits virus infection and that this inhibition was partially reversed by partially restoring cholesterol levels in cells, suggesting that MbetaCD inhibition of virus infection was mediated by removal of cellular cholesterol. However, fractionation of cellular membranes into DIMs and detergent-soluble membrane fractions showed that both PVR and poliovirus capsid proteins localize not to DIMs but to detergent-soluble membrane fractions during entry into the cells, and their localization was unaffected by treatment with MbetaCD. We further demonstrate that treatment with MbetaCD inhibits RNA delivery after formation of the 135S particles. These data indicate that the cholesterol status of the cell is important during the process of genome delivery and that these entry pathways are distinct from those requiring DIM integrity.  相似文献   

Determining the organisation of key molecules on the surface of live cells in two dimensions and how this changes during biological processes, such as signaling, is a major challenge in cell biology and requires methods with nanoscale resolution. Recent advances in fluorescence imaging both at the diffraction limit tracking single molecules and exploiting super resolution imaging have now reached a stage where they can provide fundamentally new insights. Complementary developments in scanning ion conductance microscopy also allow the cell surface to be imaged with nanoscale resolution. The challenge now is to combine the information obtained using these different methods and on different cells to obtain a coherent view of the cell surface. In the future this needs to be driven by interdisciplinary research between physical scientists and biologists.  相似文献   

To initiate infection, poliovirus must release its RNA genome into the cytoplasm of a target cell, a process called 'uncoating'. How this occurs has remained uncertain, despite studies over several decades. Two new studies re-address the question of poliovirus entry. The results suggest that poliovirus enters different cells by different mechanisms, and point to a role for virus-induced intracellular signals in the process.  相似文献   

This protocol describes a simple and efficient way to label specific cell surface proteins with biophysical probes on mammalian cells. Cell surface proteins tagged with a 15-amino acid peptide are biotinylated by Escherichia coli biotin ligase (BirA), whereas endogenous proteins are not modified. The biotin group then allows sensitive and stable binding by streptavidin conjugates. This protocol describes the optimal use of BirA and streptavidin for site-specific labeling and also how to produce BirA and monovalent streptavidin. Streptavidin is tetravalent and the cross-linking of biotinylated targets disrupts many of streptavidin's applications. Monovalent streptavidin has only a single functional biotin-binding site, but retains the femtomolar affinity, low off-rate and high thermostability of wild-type streptavidin. Site-specific biotinylation and streptavidin staining take only a few minutes, while expression of BirA takes 4 d and expression of monovalent streptavidin takes 8 d.  相似文献   

Understanding how organelles interact, exchange materials, assemble, disassemble, and evolve as a function of space, time, and environment is an exciting area at the very forefront of chemical and cell biology. Here, we bring attention to recent progress in the design and application of lipid-based tools to visualize and interrogate organelles in live cells, especially at super resolution. We highlight strategies that rely on modification of natural lipids or lipid-like small molecules ex cellula, where organelle specificity is provided by the structure of the chemically modified lipid, or in cellula using cellular machinery, where an enzyme labels the lipid in situ. We also describe recent improvements to the chemistry upon which lipid probes rely, many of which have already begun to broaden the scope of biological questions that can be addressed by imaging organelle membranes at the nanoscale.  相似文献   

Observing a biological event as it unfolds in the living cell provides unique insight into the nature of the phenomenon under study. Capturing live cell data differs from imaging fixed preparations because living plants respond to the intense light used in the imaging process. In addition, live plant cells are inherently thick specimens containing colored and fluorescent molecules often removed when the plant is fixed and sectioned. For fixed cells, the straightforward goal is to maximize contrast and resolution. For live cell imaging, maximizing contrast and resolution will probably damage the specimen or rapidly bleach the probe. Therefore, the goals are different. Live cell imaging seeks a balance between image quality and the information content that comes with increasing contrast and resolution. That "lousy" live cell image may contain all the information needed to answer the question being posed--provided the investigator properly framed the question and imaged the cells appropriately. Successful data collection from live cells requires developing a specimen-mounting protocol, careful selection and alignment of microscope components, and a clear understanding of how the microscope system generates contrast and resolution. This paper discusses general aspects of modern live cell imaging and the special considerations for imaging live plant specimens.  相似文献   

The excretion of attenuated polioviruses was studied in a group of nursery children vaccinated with 105TCD50 of each type of virus. The primovaccinated children were found to excrete type 1 poliovirus for 8 weeks, type 2 for 11 weeks after the vaccination with the type 1 + 2 bivaccine. Poliovirus type 1 as eliminated by 78% and type 2 by 98% of the vaccinees. The separately administered type 3 was detectable for 6 weeks and was isolated from 100% of the vaccinees. The highest per cent of children with type 1 excretion positivity was recorded at week 5, with type 2 positivity at week 1 and with type 3 positivity at week 2. The poliovirus excretion peaked early after the vaccination, the titres of the poliovirus type 2 were the highest. The children revaccinated next year with the type 1 + 2 bivaccine eliminated the respective types of virus 1 - 2 weeks; type 3 poliovirus was detectable for 6 weeks after revaccination and was excreted by the highest per cent of vaccines. The contact infections caused by the attenuated polioviruses developed in 9 from 22 children vaccinated previously. The excretion of polioviruses did not last longer than 1 week. The contact infections were most frequently caused by the poliovirus type 2. The examined children, particularly those vaccinated previously, turned out to excrete also other enteroviruses identified as Coxsakieviruses B 4 and B 5 and Echovirus 21. In the primovaccinated these viruses were isolated only from those with the negative excretion of polioviruses.  相似文献   

Translation initiation by internal ribosome binding is a recently discovered mechanism of eukaryotic viral and cellular protein synthesis in which ribosome subunits interact with the mRNAs at internal sites in the 5' untranslated RNA sequences and not with the 5' methylguanosine cap structure present at the extreme 5' ends of mRNA molecules. Uncapped poliovirus mRNAs harbor internal ribosome entry sites (IRES) in their long and highly structured 5' noncoding regions. Such IRES sequences are required for viral protein synthesis. In this study, a novel poliovirus was isolated whose genomic RNA contains two gross deletions removing approximately 100 nucleotides from the predicted IRES sequences within the 5' noncoding region. The deletions originated from previously in vivo-selected viral revertants displaying non-temperature-sensitive phenotypes. Each revertant had a different predicted stem-loop structure within the 5' noncoding region of their genomic RNAs deleted. The mutant poliovirus (Se1-5NC-delta DG) described in this study contains both stem-loop deletions in a single RNA genome, thereby creating a minimum IRES. Se1-5NC-delta DG exhibited slow growth and a pinpoint plaque phenotype following infection of HeLa cells, delayed onset of protein synthesis in vivo, and defective initiation during in vitro translation of the mutated poliovirus mRNAs. Interestingly, the peak levels of viral RNA synthesis in cells infected with Se1-5NC-delta DG occurred at slightly later times in infection than those achieved by wild-type poliovirus, but these mutant virus RNAs accumulated in the host cells during the late phases of virus infection. UV cross-linking assays with the 5' noncoding regions of wild-type and mutated RNAs were carried out in cytoplasmic extracts from HeLa cells and neuronal cells and in reticulocyte lysates to identify the cellular factors that interact with the putative IRES elements. The cellular proteins that were cross-linked to the minimum IRES may represent factors playing an essential role in internal translation initiation of poliovirus mRNAs.  相似文献   

Widespread use of the Sabin live attenuated poliovirus vaccine has had tremendous impact on the disease worldwide, virtually eliminating it from a number of countries, including the United States. Early proof of its safety and effectiveness was presented in 1959 by Russian investigators, who had staged massive trials in the USSR, involving millions of children. Their positive results were at first viewed in the United States and elsewhere with some skepticism, but the World Health Organization favored proceeding with large-scale trials, and responded to the claims made by Russian scientists by sending a representative to the USSR to review in detail the design and execution of the vaccine programs and the reliability of their results. The report that followed was a positive endorsement of the findings and contributed to the acceptance of the Sabin vaccine in the United States, where it has been the polio vaccine of choice since the mid-1960s.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylations in poliovirus infected cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In vivo phosphorylation of proteins that are associated with polysomes of poliovirus-infected VERO (African green monkey kidney) and HeLa (Henrietta Lacks) cells differed from phosphorylations observed with uninfected cells that were fed fresh medium. With both types of cells infection stimulated phosphorylation of proteins with molecular weights of 40 000-41 000, 39 000, 34 000, 32 000, and 24 000. Similarities of phosphorylations in VERO and HeLa cells suggest that they are a specific consequence of infection and might serve a regulatory function during protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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