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EBERHARD GWINNER 《Ibis》1996,138(4):47-63
Many behavioural and physiological functions of organisms are adjusted to the periodic changes in their environment, particularly to those related to the natural day and year. This adjustment is often achieved through the action of endogenous daily (circadian) and annual (circannual) clocks. Studies of the control of avian moult, migration and reproduction have played a major role in understanding how biological clocks function and interact with rhythms in the environment. Investigations on tropical birds such as the East African subspecies of the Stonechat ( Saxicola torquata axillaris ). and long-distance migrants like the Garden Warbler ( Sylvia borin ). have provided the longest records of circannual rhythms, some of them running for more than 12 years, with periods ranging from about 9 to 13 months. Avian circannual rhythms are organized in a characteristic way for a particular species or population, and cross-breeding experiments have shown that some of the differences found among them are genetically determined. In African Stonechats circannual rhythms guarantee that seasonal events occur at the appropriate times of the year and in the characteristic sequence. They also control a "reproductive window" that provides the temporal framework for breeding. The width of this window is rather inflexible but the performance of a bird within this framework (e.g. whether it breeds once or twice per season) is subject to modification by environmental conditions. In migratory birds circannual programs are involved in determining the time course, distance and direction of migration. Circannual rhythms are synchronized with and modified by environmental factors in a complex way, but the endogenous mechanisms usually respond to environmental cues such that an optimal adjustment to season and latitude is guaranteed.  相似文献   

Endogenous circannual clocks are found in many long-lived organisms, but are best studied in mammal and bird species. Circannual clocks are synchronized with the environment by changes in photoperiod, light intensity and possibly temperature and seasonal rainfall patterns. Annual timing mechanisms are presumed to have important ultimate functions in seasonally regulating reproduction, moult, hibernation, migration, body weight and fat deposition/stores. Birds that live in habitats where environmental cues such as photoperiod are poor predictors of seasons (e.g. equatorial residents, migrants to equatorial/tropical latitudes) rely more on their endogenous clocks than birds living in environments that show a tight correlation between photoperiod and seasonal events. Such population-specific/interspecific variation in reliance on endogenous clocks may indicate that annual timing mechanisms are adaptive. However, despite the apparent adaptive importance of circannual clocks, (i) what specific adaptive value they have in the wild and (ii) how they function are still largely untested. Whereas circadian clocks are hypothesized to be generated by molecular feedback loops, it has been suggested that circannual clocks are either based upon (i) a de-multiplication ('counting') of circadian days, (ii) a sequence of interdependent physiological states, or (iii) one or more endogenous oscillators, similar to circadian rhythms. We tested the de-multiplication of days (i) versus endogenous regulation hypotheses (ii) and (iii) in captive male and female house sparrows (Passer domesticus). We assessed the period of reproductive (testicular and follicular) cycles in four groups of birds kept either under photoperiods of LD 12L:12D (period length: 24h), 13.5L:13.5D (27 h), 10.5L:10.5D (23 h) or 12D:8L:3D:1L (24-h skeleton photoperiod), respectively, for 15 months. Contrary to predictions from the de-multiplication hypothesis, individuals experiencing 27-h days did not differ (i.e. did not have longer) annual reproductive rhythms than individuals from the 21- or 24-h day groups. However, in line with predictions from endogenous regulation, birds in the skeleton group had significantly longer circannual period lengths than all other groups. Birds exposed to skeleton photoperiods experienced fewer light hours per year than all other groups (3285 versus 4380) and had a lower daily energy expenditure, as tested during one point of the annual cycle using respirometry. Although our results are tantalizing, they are still preliminary as birds were only studied over a period of 15 months. Nevertheless, the present data fail to support a 'counting of circadian days' and instead support hypotheses proposing whole-organism processes as the mechanistic basis for circannual rhythms. We propose a novel energy turnover hypothesis which predicts a dependence of the speed of the circannual clock on the overall energy expenditure of an organism.  相似文献   

In three species of birds that migrate long distances, the annual rhythms of gonadal activity, molt, and migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) persist for more than 1 year under certain constant conditions. The most important zeitgeber for these circannual rhythms is the annual cycle of photoperiod, which adjusts the overall period of circannual rhythms to exactly 1 year and also provides for the appropriate adjustment of seasonal activities to the temporal structure of the environment. This is illustrated by results on garden warblers (Sylvia borin) indicating that the longer photoperiods experienced by individuals wintering far south in the African wintering area phase-advance spring migration and the accompanying gonadal development, relative to those of individuals wintering further north. The rate of acceleration is, however, slow enough to prevent a reproductive cycle during the Southern Hemisphere summer. Hence, endogenous circannual components and zeitgeber stimuli constitute a functional entity that provides as a whole for adaptive temporal programming. This idea is further supported by findings in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), in which a circannual rhythmicity persists only if photoperiod in winter is at least as short as that normally encountered by the species in its wintering grounds slightly north of the equator. In collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis), in contrast, rhythmicity continues under much longer photoperiods, consistent with the fact that the wintering area of this species extends to latitudes far south of the equator. It is proposed that the adaptive function of circannual rhythms can be properly understood only if their interactions with environmental factors, particularly those that play a role as zeitgebers, are analyzed in sufficient detail. The biological significance of circannual rhythms may be more apparent in the context of the environmental constraints limiting their expression than in the often rather restricted set of conditions sustaining spontaneous annual cyclicity.  相似文献   

In many birds, reproduction, molt, migration and other seasonal activities are controlled by endogenous circannual rhythmicity. Under constant conditions, this rhythm persists for many cycles with a period deviating from 12 months. Whether or not the rhythm is expressed depends on day length (photoperiod), which thus represents an important permissive factor in the process of rhythm generation. In nature, circannual rhythms are usually synchronized by the seasonal changes in photoperiod. However, equatorial birds may use daytime light intensity, which changes with the annual cycle of dry and rainy seasons, as a synchronizing zeitgeber. Photoperiod also modulates the rate of progress of the successive phases of the rhythmicity, such that an optimal adjustment to the annual environmental cycle is guaranteed. Populations of a given species may differ in their responsiveness to photoperiod in a manner that can be described as 'adaptive population-specific reaction norms'. In young migratory songbirds a circannual program determines changes in migratory direction and, at least partly, the time course and distance of migration. This circannual mechanism is replaced or supplemented in older birds by mechanisms formed on the basis of learning and memory. In general, circannual rhythms are intimately involved in the seasonal organization of a bird's behavior, providing the substrate onto which seasonal environmental factors act.  相似文献   

East African Stonechats (Saxicola torquata axillaris) exhibit endogenous circannual rhythms in gonadal size and moult that persist for at least 7 1/2 years under constant conditions of temperature and photoperiod. However, as in other studies on avian circannual rhythms, the experimental birds were transferred to controlled conditions not before they were several days or weeks old. Therefore, the effect of exposure to seasonal environmental changes during early embryonic or postembryonic development could have contributed to the development of a normal circannual system. The present study shows, however, that even Stonechats that were bred and raised by parents that had been living for more than a year in a constant equatorial photoperiod and in constant temperature conditions exhibited circannual cycles, indistinguishable from conspecifics that had developed under less rigidly controlled conditions. The results, therefore, indicate that circannual rhythms of stonechats are not only endogenous in the sense that they actually run under constant conditions but that they also develop spontaneously and normally in the absence of seasonal environmental changes.  相似文献   

Avian migration and associated changes in behavior patterns occur on a seasonal basis and are regulated by both circadian and circannual clocks. It is well known that seasonally migrating birds must alter the temporal partitioning of behaviors in order to successfully complete nocturnal migration, although the precise changes in allocation have not previously been examined. Because of the difficulties related to the study of bird migration in the wild, many studies regarding the physiology of migration have been performed in captivity, where nocturnal migratory restlessness is readily observable at the appropriate times of the year. Even so, quantifying the amount and timing of daily behavioral rhythms in migrating and non-migrating individuals has not previously been performed. We used video recordings of a common nocturnal migrant, the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), to generate a basic ethogram and to chart the timing and frequency of occurrence of each behavior in order to compare migrant individuals with non-migrating birds. Our study suggests that the specific allocation of behaviors are altered during migration and that these changes might contribute to the development of the “migratory syndrome”.  相似文献   


Migration is a biologically distinct and unique phenomenon that enables the birds to migrate twice-a-year between the breeding and wintering grounds. These movements are known as spring and autumn migration, respectively. Depending on their inherent programming, the migratory birds may fly during day or night or both. Different environmental factors such as, temperature, food, predator pressure and physiological demands of energy storage and expenditure, contribute to the pattern of migrations, day or nighttime. Since, most of them are nighttime migrants they have to make dramatic changes in their physiology and behavior to transform them from being diurnal to predominantly nocturnal. These changes result in different life history stages (LHSs) such as migration, reproduction and molt, in their annual cycle, which are regulated by endogenous circadian and circannual clocks. As a result, the birds start preparing well in advance for the approaching LHS. The present review focuses on behavioral strategies of a nocturnal migrant and understanding of the possible physiological responses to ensure successful migration.  相似文献   

In some long-lived organisms, particularly in tropical birds and migrants that spend part of the year close to the equator, endogenous circannual rhythms have been demonstrated in seasonal events like reproduction, molt, and migration. These, like the circadian rhythms, are expressed only in constant conditions of illumination with a periodicity deviating from 1 yr. If birds followed this periodicity, they would soon be out of phase with the annual calendar and perish and, therefore, they would need to be synchronized. However, almost nothing is known as to how synchronization is achieved in birds. Herein, with the help of a suitable model, viz., the tropical spotted munia and long-term experiments conducted in series over a 5-yr period, we provide direct evidence for the first time indicating that the segment of annual photocycle with maximal rate of increase prior to vernal equinox (approximately between mid-February and mid-March) synchronizes the circannual reproductive cycle with the monsoon period of ample food supply through a phase delay. Data also indicate, contrary to the prevalent view, that birds in the tropics can perceive minor changes in day-length, that birds respond to progressive changes in day-length as distinct from responding to fixed photoperiods of particular durations, and that birds can actually distinguish the quality of the environmental signal, viz., vernal equinox from early spring, or increasing days of spring from decreasing days of autumn. The underlying mechanisms, although yet to be identified, appear to involve a gonado-inhibitory rather than the conventional gonado-stimulatory response to increasing day-length. The photoperiodic responses of spotted munia are distinctly different from that of any "long-day" birds described thus far and do not conform to the prevalent "circadian coincidence" hypothesis of photoperiodism.  相似文献   

In some long-lived organisms, particularly in tropical birds and migrants that spend part of the year close to the equator, endogenous circannual rhythms have been demonstrated in seasonal events like reproduction, molt, and migration. These, like the circadian rhythms, are expressed only in constant conditions of illumination with a periodicity deviating from 1 yr. If birds followed this periodicity, they would soon be out of phase with the annual calendar and perish and, therefore, they would need to be synchronized. However, almost nothing is known as to how synchronization is achieved in birds. Herein, with the help of a suitable model, viz., the tropical spotted munia and long-term experiments conducted in series over a 5-yr period, we provide direct evidence for the first time indicating that the segment of annual photocycle with maximal rate of increase prior to vernal equinox (approximately between mid-February and mid-March) synchronizes the circannual reproductive cycle with the monsoon period of ample food supply through a phase delay. Data also indicate, contrary to the prevalent view, that birds in the tropics can perceive minor changes in day-length, that birds respond to progressive changes in day-length as distinct from responding to fixed photoperiods of particular durations, and that birds can actually distinguish the quality of the environmental signal, viz., vernal equinox from early spring, or increasing days of spring from decreasing days of autumn. The underlying mechanisms, although yet to be identified, appear to involve a gonado-inhibitory rather than the conventional gonado-stimulatory response to increasing day-length. The photoperiodic responses of spotted munia are distinctly different from that of any “long-day” birds described thus far and do not conform to the prevalent “circadian coincidence” hypothesis of photoperiodism.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(4-5):553-569
In some long-lived organisms, particularly in tropical birds and migrants that spend part of the year close to the equator, endogenous circannual rhythms have been demonstrated in seasonal events like reproduction, molt, and migration. These, like the circadian rhythms, are expressed only in constant conditions of illumination with a periodicity deviating from 1 yr. If birds followed this periodicity, they would soon be out of phase with the annual calendar and perish and, therefore, they would need to be synchronized. However, almost nothing is known as to how synchronization is achieved in birds. Herein, with the help of a suitable model, viz., the tropical spotted munia and long-term experiments conducted in series over a 5-yr period, we provide direct evidence for the first time indicating that the segment of annual photocycle with maximal rate of increase prior to vernal equinox (approximately between mid-February and mid-March) synchronizes the circannual reproductive cycle with the monsoon period of ample food supply through a phase delay. Data also indicate, contrary to the prevalent view, that birds in the tropics can perceive minor changes in day-length, that birds respond to progressive changes in day-length as distinct from responding to fixed photoperiods of particular durations, and that birds can actually distinguish the quality of the environmental signal, viz., vernal equinox from early spring, or increasing days of spring from decreasing days of autumn. The underlying mechanisms, although yet to be identified, appear to involve a gonado-inhibitory rather than the conventional gonado-stimulatory response to increasing day-length. The photoperiodic responses of spotted munia are distinctly different from that of any “long-day” birds described thus far and do not conform to the prevalent “circadian coincidence” hypothesis of photoperiodism.  相似文献   

Equatorial stonechats (Saxicola torquata axillaris) in Africa are seasonal breeders like their temperate-zone conspecifics (S.t. rubicola). Their annual cycle in gonadal size and function is controlled by an endogenous circannual rhythmicity that has been shown to run for up to 10 years in a constant equatorial photoperiod under laboratory conditions, with a period deviating from 12 months. In nature, however, this rhythm is synchronized with the actual year. Because photoperiod is essentially constant at the equator, it is likely that other environmental factors act as zeitgebers. The authors test whether food availability affects reproductive cycles of free-living East African stonechats. The authors offered supplemental food to the birds 2 months before the regular onset of the breeding season. Supplementally fed males started to sing and display earlier than males of control pairs that did not receive extra food. Although the supplemented food advanced the onset of the breeding season in the pairs that were fed, the onset of the postnuptial molt following the breeding season was not correspondingly shifted. Furthermore, in the year following the experiment, all pairs initiated breeding at the same time. The authors conclude that food availability does not act as a zeitgeber, but rather as a factor that modifies the timing of reproduction without affecting the underlying rhythmicity. The authors propose that this is adaptive under environmental conditions that are relatively constant within a given year but may vary considerably between years. The zeitgeber synchronizing the endogenous rhythmicity remains to be identified.  相似文献   

At higher latitudes, most organisms use the periodic changes in day length to time their annual life cycle. At the equator, changes in day length are minimal, and it is unknown which cues organisms use to synchronize their underlying circannual rhythms to environmental conditions. Here, we demonstrate that the African stonechat (Saxicola torquatus axillaris)-an equatorial songbird-can use subtle solar cues for the annual timing of postnuptial moult, a reliable marker of the circannual cycle. We compared four groups that were kept over more than 3 years: (i) a control group maintained under constant equatorial day length, (ii) a 12-month solar time group maintained under equatorial day length, but including a simulation of the annual periodic change in sunrise and sunset times (solar time), (iii) a 14-month solar time group similar to the previous group but with an extended solar time cycle and (iv) a group maintained under a European temperate photoperiod. Within all 3 years, 12-month solar time birds were significantly more synchronized than controls and 14-month solar time birds. Furthermore, the moult of 12-month solar time birds occurred during the same time of the year as that of free-living Kenyan conspecifics. Thus, our data indicate that stonechats may use the subtle periodic pattern of sunrise and sunset at the equator to synchronize their circannual clock.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of reproduction and associated stimuli on the circannual cycles of African stonechats Saxicola torquata axillaris birds were held for 29 months in aviaries under a constant equatorial (12.25 h) photoperiod, either singly (10 females and 10 males) or in 10 male/female pairs. The birds of all 3 groups went through circannual cycles in gonadal size, plasma LH and molt, but groups differed with regard to actual reproductive performance. During the second cycle, only one of the singly-held females laid eggs and incubated. In constrast, in the paired females egg-laying and incubation occurred in all but one bird. About 50% of the clutches from paired females contained fertilized eggs confirming the expectation of behavioral differences between the paired and unpaired birds. However, despite differences in reproductive performance there were no differences in either circannual period or duration of reproductive phases. Moreover, there was no correlation between number of broods produced per season and circannual parameters of the paired females. Therefore, the temporal course and, particularly, the period during which reproduction is possible is rigidly determined by an endogenous program that is not influenced by reproductive performance. A rigid program of this kind may be advantageous in the tropics because it prevents prolongation of the breeding season in years with favourable conditions which in turn could jeopardize optimal timing of breeding in the following year and thus reduce lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

In the subtropical finch, spotted munia (Lonchura punctulata) circannual rhythms (of gonads, fattening, feeding) have been demonstrated in an information-free environment of continuous illumination (LL), rendering it an ideal model for research on the physiology of the circannual clock. In an attempt to understand the involvement, if any, of the circadian system in the genesis of circannual rhythms, we studied the effect of pinealectomy (LL 15 lux) and strong continuous illumination (LL 300 lux), both known to abolish circadian rhythms, on the circadian perch-hopping rhythm and on the circannual rhythm of reproduction and fattening in the same birds. While both pinealectomy and LL 300 lux treatments abolished the circadian rhythm of motor activity, they had no effect on the circannual rhythms of gonadal size and fattening. If the endogenous circadian rhythm in perch-hopping can be taken to reflect the circadian clock mechanism associated with gonadal functioning, present results suggest that circannual rhythm of reproduction in spotted munia is independent of circadian events.  相似文献   

In the subtropical finch, spotted munia (Lonchura punctulata) circannual rhythms (of gonads, fattening, feeding) have been demonstrated in an information-free environment of continuous illumination (LL), rendering it an ideal model for research on the physiology of the circannual clock. In an attempt to understand the involvement, if any, of the circadian system in the genesis of circannual rhythms, we studied the effect of pinealectomy (LL 15 lux) and strong continuous illumination (LL 300 lux), both known to abolish circadian rhythms, on the circadian perch-hopping rhythm and on the circannual rhythm of reproduction and fattening in the same birds. While both pinealectomy and LL 300 lux treatments abolished the circadian rhythm of motor activity, they had no effect on the circannual rhythms of gonadal size and fattening. If the endogenous circadian rhythm in perch-hopping can be taken to reflect the circadian clock mechanism associated with gonadal functioning, present results suggest that circannual rhythm of reproduction in spotted munia is independent of circadian events.  相似文献   

本文在2014—2016年三个冬季(12月—翌年2月)收集了北京南海子麋鹿苑半散放麋鹿自然脱落的角,并观察和记录了2015—2017年发情期(5—9月)群主更替和2016—2018年产仔期(3—7月)麋鹿幼仔出生情况,结合2014—2018年年平均气温、季平均气温、月平均气温、年降雨量、雨季开始时间、种群密度等环境因子,对鹿角脱落、群主更替、产仔等繁殖特征的年节律及其环境影响因子进行了研究。结果表明:1)麋鹿鹿角脱落、群主更替、产仔的年节律均存在年际差异。2)鹿角脱落时间为12月开始,1月下旬或2月上旬结束。3)发情期为5月下旬或6月上旬开始,9月上旬结束;2015—2017年发情期时间有延长的趋势。4)产仔期为3月中旬或4月中旬开始,5月下旬或7月下旬结束。5)麋鹿鹿角脱落、群主更替、产仔的年节律存在明显的同步关系,其中鹿角脱落开始时间、鹿角脱落高峰期、鹿角脱落结束时间、第一次发情期开始时间、群主更替高峰期、产仔期开始时间、产仔高峰期、产仔期结束时间与前一年度比较均出现同步提前的现象。6)鹿角脱落年节律存在随着12月平均气温升高而提前的现象;产仔期开始时间和产仔高峰期存在随着前一年9月平均气温的升高而提前的现象。7)鹿角脱落年节律表现出随着年降雨量的增多而提前的现象;第一次发情期开始时间、群主更替高峰期的年节律表现出随着前一年度年降雨量的增多而提前的现象。8)麋鹿鹿角脱落、群主更替、产仔的年节律均不存在随着种群密度升高或降低而提前或延迟的现象。麋鹿繁殖特征的年节律是一个复杂的过程,受气候、营养、种群密度、纬度等环境因子的影响。  相似文献   


The two dominant environmental oscillations shape biology and survival of species: the day–night cycle and the succession of the seasons in the year. Organisms have adapted to anticipate these variations by evolving internal circadian (ca.- about, diem- day) and circannual clocks. The former enables the organisms to regulate physiological functions on a daily basis, and the latter on the annual basis. In mammals, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus contain master pacemaker and orchestrate peripheral clocks in synchrony with the daily 24 h light-dark cycle, while in birds circadian pacemake is an interacting system principally located in the retina, pineal and the hypothalamus. In this mini review, we discuss the role of circadian clocks in regulation of seasonal timing in higher vertebrates, with reference to birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The question “Which factors govern the timing of migration in birds?” has fascinated researchers for a long time. It was initially assumed that avian migration is triggered by environmental factors, such as ambient temperature and food availability. Later laboratory experiments in various avian species convincingly showed that timing of spring migration is mainly governed by daylength (photoperiod) and is controlled by circannual rhythms. As a result, the concept that environmental factors (air temperature, precipitation, food availability) have no significant impact on timing of spring migration generally took hold. However, in recent decades more and more data has become available showing that the timing of spring migration in many bird species has significantly changed. These data allow the formulation of a novel concept of regulation mechanisms of timing of spring migration which accounts not only for photoperiodic and endogenous control, but also for the already mentioned extrinsic factors. Studies of endocrine control of spring migratory disposition showed that features of endocrine mechanisms governing the onset of spring migration depend on speciesspecific migratory strategies and the stability of environmental conditions in winter quarters and on migratory routes. It is becoming clear precisely which endocrine mechanisms are involved in adjusting migratory behaviour to variation of the local environment. In recent years, progress has also been made in finding genetic mechanisms controlling the timing of spring migration.  相似文献   

Recent findings in non-migratory birds have reopened questions about the interpretation and seasonal organization of Zugunruhe . I address the relationship between Zugunruhe and migration by comparing underlying circannual patterns in captive populations of migratory and non-migratory stonechats. Zugunruhe was highly variable and lacked clear periodicity, indicating its sensitivity to external cues. Patterns of Zugunruhe were similar in African residents, European short-distance migrants, and Siberian long-distance migrants, revealing no major difference in circannual organization. Moult was regulated independently of Zugunruhe and timed more rigidly, particularly in stonechats from equatorial Africa. The persistent and variable circannual patterns of Zugunruhe suggest that non-migratory and migratory stonechats have similar underlying programs but have modified the expression of actual migration. The findings, together with published observations from other species, emphasize the importance of considering programs for migration in a wide range of species, without losing sight of its environmental context.  相似文献   

Endocrine biorhythms are classified according to the period time, as one of the most characteristic properties of biorhythms. Each endocrine organ has parallel more than one biorhythms with different period time (e. g. circadian and circannual rhythms). The time of acrophase of the biorhythms at the different endocrine organs is fairly variant. This review summarizes the rhythmic function of the THS-thyroid, gonadotrophic-gonadal and ACTH-adrenocortical systems. Pineal gland plays an integrative role in the regulation of rhythmic function of the endocrine system. The melatonin secretion of this gland also reveals conspicuous circadian and circannual rhythms both in mammals and in birds. Mammalian pineal is functional only if its peripheral sympathetic innervation from the superior cervical ganglion is intact. In contrast, melatonin secretion and its circadian rhythm is also maintained in birds under isolated conditions (explanted into an in vitro superfusion system). The 24 hours period time of melatonin circadian rhythm can not be changed by light impulses. The phases of the circadian rhythm, however, can be turned by changing the time of environmental light-dark phases. The wavelength of the artificial light used for reversal of circadian rhythm is an important factor. The development of the entrainment and synchronization of the circadian melatonin rhythm in birds is independent of the rhythmic day-night changes in environmental lighting condition. The differences in the main elements of the biological clock between mammals and birds are discussed.  相似文献   

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