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Summary A family is reported in which the propositus has an extra G-like chromosome with an unusual G-banding pattern. Cytogenetic family studies showed that the mother is a carrier of a balanced reciprocal translocation t(13;22), which does not affect the size and morphology of the chromosomes involved. The propositus has a 47,XY,+der(22),t(13;22)(q22;q11) karyotype and is therefore partially trisomic for the distal third of the long arm of chromosome 13 and for a very small part of chromosome 22. The clinical findings are presented and compared with those of other reported cases of partial trisomies 13 and 22.  相似文献   

A family with four male and three female heterozygotes for a three-way translocation (9;12;13) (q22; q22; q32) in three generations was ascertained through a chromosomally imbalanced newborn with an additional derivative chromosome 9 resulting from nondisjunction. Three heterozygous males from two generations with apparent differences in their fertility status were investigated using pachytene spreads and testicular histology. Pachytene analysis in all three individuals, the fertile (II-2) as well as the subfertile (III-7) and infertile (III-9), showed a hexavalent with central nonpairing around the translocation breakpoints in nearly all spermatocytes. Thus, the observed hexavalent configurations in pachytene do not seem to have caused impaired fertility. This rather may have been the result of sperm carrying unbalanced chromosome sets. However, the observed difference in fertility between the heterozygous fertile male in generation II and his two heterozygous sons remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Summary A family is described with a translocation t(10;21)(q22;q22) transmitted through three generations. This family was studied for the apparition of several miscarriages and two sisters with multiple malformations. Both children had a probably partial trisomy of chromosome 10 and a monosomy of chromosome 21 due to a maternal adjacent-2 meiotic segregation.  相似文献   

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal malignant disorder of a pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell characterized by the presence of a Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome. Less than 10% of patients present variant Ph chromosomes involving 1 or more additional chromosomes, other than chromosomes 9 and 22, with uncertain prognosis. There are mainly 1- or 2-step mechanisms proposed to explain the genesis of variant Ph chromosomes depending on whether the involved chromosomes are simultaneously broken and rejoined or if a standard t(9;22) occurs first. By combined standard cytogenetic and FISH analysis we detected a novel variant Ph translocation among chromosomes 9, 11 and 22 in a patient with CML without progression to an accelerated phase of the disease after 7 years, with the derivative chromosome 9 also having an acquired pericentric inversion. This novel case illustrates the use of FISH in metaphase to confirm a new rearrangement not previously described in variant Ph formation and that the present karyotype could have originated by a 1-step mechanism with 4 simultaneous breakages without deletion of ABL1.  相似文献   

Summary Report of a supernumerary extra chromosome der(11;22)(q23; q12) resulting from a balanced translocation in the mother. The propositus suffers from mental deficiency, deafness and extreme muscular weakness and exhibits cleft palate, a labial lymphangioma and an atrial septum defect. Since the features of partial trisomy 11q23 frequently associated with a translocation t(11q;22q) bear similarities with the cases of so called trisomy 22 one might conjecture that some of these observations are in fact products of translocations including partial 11q.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosomal studies of the bone marrow and cultured peripheral blood cells in a 42-year-old female with the clinical and laboratory features typical for CML revealed a previously undescribed variant translocation involving chromosomes 12 and 22.  相似文献   

An infant deceased at 2 months of age was found to have a 46,XY,-10, +der(10),t (6;10) (q23;q26) mat karyotype. Since the clinical findings were similar to those of the trisomy 6qter syndrome, the present observation agrees with the assignment of the 6q23----qter segment as the pathogenetic determiner of this entity.  相似文献   

Familial x/x translocation: t(x;x)(p22;q13)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Summary Leukocyte peroxidase activity was estimated in 5 patients with the juvenile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Spielmeyer-Vogt's disease) and in 15 healthy controls. In contradiction to recent reports normal activity of p-phenylene diamine mediated peroxidase was found in the patients. The possible role of contamination of the white cell preparation with hemoglobin is discussed.  相似文献   

Familial aniridia and translocation t(4;11)(q22;p13) without Wilms' tumor   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
A family with dominantly inherited aniridia in three generations is presented. All three patients had an apparently balanced chromosome translocation t(4;11)(q22;p13). The patients were otherwise clinically normal and without signs of Wilms' tumor; their erythrocyte catalase activities were within the normal range. We suggest that in this family aniridia is caused either by a submicroscopic deletion at the translocation breakpoint 11p13 or by a position effect on the same chromosome segment. Furthermore, the loci for aniridia and Wilms' tumor susceptibility are separate. It follows that the WAGR complex is caused by a mutation of more than one gene located at 11p13. The theoretical implications of a presumably defective allele causing a mendelian dominant phenotype are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel translocation t(9;21)(q13;q22) associated with trisomy 4 has been detected in a patient with acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AML,M4) in relapse. The chromosomal translocation results in rearrangement of the RUNX1 gene at 21q22. The DNA sequence rearranged on chromosome 9 remains unidentified. The diversity of the partners involved in translocations implicating RUNX1 suggests that the functional consequences of the abnormality are more due to the truncation of RUNX1 than to the identity of its partner in the rearrangement.  相似文献   

A female patient with moderate psychomotor retardation, minor anomalies and proximal trisomy 14q due to segregation of a maternal translocation is reported.  相似文献   

Summary Report is given of a boy with trisomy of the distal part of the long arm of chromosome 2 (q31ter) due to a balanced 2/12 translocation in the mother: 46,XX,t(2;12) (q31;q24). Other phenotypically normal carriers of this balanced translocation are the patients sister and grandfather. The patient shows a variety of dysplastic signs mainly of the face.  相似文献   

Clinic-cytogenetic analysis of the patient with distal 15q trisomy is presented. Proband's mother and grandmother are carriers of the balanced translocation t (15; 16) (q24; p13). Phenotypically normal proband's mother has a second cell clone with repaired marker chromosome 15 which participates in the balanced translocation of the main cell line. It is supposed possible to repair translocated human chromosomes as a result of mitotic recombination process.  相似文献   

Although chromosome translocations are well-documented recurrent events in hematological malignancies and soft tissue sarcomas, their significance in carcinomas is less clear. We report here the molecular characterization of the reciprocal translocation t(1;15)(p22;q22) in the prostate carcinoma cell line, LNCaP. The chromosome 1 breakpoint was localized to a single BAC clone, RP11-290M5, by sequential FISH analysis of clones selected from the NCBI chromosome 1 map. This was further refined to a 580-bp region by Southern blot analysis. A 2.85-kb fragment spanning the der(1) breakpoint was amplified by long-range inverse PCR. The breakpoint on chromosome 1 was shown to lie between the CYR61 and the DDAH1 genes with the der(1) junctional sequence linking the CYR61 gene to the TSPAN3 (TM4SF8) gene on chromosome 15. Confirmatory PCR and FISH mapping of the der(15) showed loss of chromosome material proximal to the breakpoint on chromosome 15, containing the PSTPIP1 and RCN2 genes. On the available evidence we conclude that this translocation does not result in an in-frame gene fusion. Comparative expressed sequence hybridization (CESH) and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis, showed relative down-regulation of gene expression surrounding the breakpoint, but no gross change in genomic copy number. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR for genes around the breakpoint supported the CESH data. Therefore, here we may have revealed a gene down-regulation mechanism associated with a chromosome translocation, either through small deletion at the breakpoint or through another means of chromosome domain related gene regulation.  相似文献   

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