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Riginos C  Young TP 《Oecologia》2007,153(4):985-995
Plant–plant interactions can be a complex mixture of positive and negative interactions, with the net outcome depending on abiotic and community contexts. In savanna systems, the effects of large herbivores on tree–grass interactions have rarely been studied experimentally, though these herbivores are major players in these systems. In African savannas, trees often become more abundant under heavy cattle grazing but less abundant in wildlife preserves. Woody encroachment where cattle have replaced wild herbivores may be caused by a shift in the competitive balance between trees and grasses. Here we report the results of an experiment designed to quantify the positive, negative, and net effects of grasses, wild herbivores, and cattle on Acacia saplings in a Kenyan savanna. Acacia drepanolobium saplings under four long-term herbivore regimes (wild herbivores, cattle, cattle + wild herbivores, and no large herbivores) were cleared of surrounding grass or left with the surrounding grass intact. After two years, grass-removal saplings exhibited 86% more browse damage than control saplings, suggesting that grass benefited saplings by protecting them from herbivory. However, the negative effect of grass on saplings was far greater; grass-removal trees accrued more than twice the total stem length of control trees. Where wild herbivores were present, saplings were browsed more and produced more new stem growth. Thus, the net effect of wild herbivores was positive, possibly due to the indirect effects of lower competitor tree density in areas accessible to elephants. Additionally, colonization of saplings by symbiotic ants tracked growth patterns, and colonized saplings experienced lower rates of browse damage. These results suggest that savanna tree growth and woody encroachment cannot be predicted by grass cover or herbivore type alone. Rather, tree growth appears to depend on a variety of factors that may be acting together or antagonistically at different stages of the tree’s life cycle.  相似文献   

The effects of sex and age of a dioecious tree, Forchhammeria pallida, on the survival and development of a Mexican harlequin bug, Murgantia varicolor, were examined. In the laboratory, bugs reared on fruits or fruits and leaves developed rapidly and had a high rate of survivorship, whereas bugs reared on leaves alone developed slowly after the second instar and died by the fifth instar. Murgantia varicolor showed a preference for leaves from juvenile plants over leaves from mature plants, and bugs reared on leaves from juvenile plants survived significantly longer than those reared on leaves from mature plants. Murgantia varicolor showed no preference for feeding on leaves of mature male versus mature female plants. In the field, M.varicolor occurred on male, female and juvenile plants. Although nymphs were less common on male than female F.pallida, their presence in substantial numbers shows that M.varicolor oviposits on both male and female plants. However, adult M.varicolor were rare on male plants. This result is supported by the inability of nymphs to complete their development on vegetative parts of F.pallida in the laboratory. These observations suggest that dioecy in F.pallida may be disruptive to populations of M.varicolor.  相似文献   

Potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli, is a serious pest of potato and other solanaceous vegetables in the United States, Mexico, Central America, and New Zealand and is responsible for transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum which causes a disease known as “zebra chip” (ZC). Entomopathogenic fungi could provide a viable component for an integrated pest management strategy for control of B. cockerelli and other potato pest insects. Three field trials of commercial formulations of Metarhizium anisopliae (F 52®, Novozymes Biologicals) and Isaria fumosorosea (Pfr 97®, Certis USA) and abamectin (Agri-Mek®, Syngenta, USA) were conducted in Weslaco, Texas. Rates are expressed in quantity of product delivered in 375–470 l of water/ha. F 52 applied at 0.51, 1.1, and 2.2 l/ha and Agri-Mek applied at 584 ml/ha produced reductions of B. cockerelli eggs and nymphs of 45%, 59%, 67%, and 63%, respectively. Only Agri-Mek significantly reduced plant damage. Pfr 97 at 1.1 kg/ha with and without 1% Trilogy® (neem oil, Certis, USA), and Agri-Mek at 584 ml/ha resulted in psyllid reductions of 78%, 76%, and 84%, respectively. Significantly decreased plant damage and ZC symptoms were observed for all treatments. Tuber yields for Pfr plus Trilogy and Agri-Mek were significantly higher than the control. F 52 applied at 1.1 and 2.2 l/ha and Pfr 97 at 1.1 and 2.2 kg/ha produced 62%, 62%, 66%, and 65% reduction, respectively. Tuber yield for both rates of Pfr and the high rate of F 52 were significantly higher than the control. All fungal treatments significantly reduced plant damage and ZC symptoms.  相似文献   

报道了中国菊科一新归化植物——白花金钮扣[Acmella radicans var. debilis (Kunth) R. K. Jansen],并提供了该变种详细的特征描述和彩色照片。该变种原产南美洲和西印度群岛,最近在我国安徽黟县发现一归化居群。野外调查发现,该植物在黟县生长旺盛,成熟时种子结实量大,表现出一定的入侵性。  相似文献   

Russian wheat aphid,Diuraphis noxia(Mordvilko), as a pest of small grains, has prompted research into biological control and host plant resistance. In the presence of Russian wheat aphid, leaves of a susceptible barley (Morex) are curled and chlorotic and sustain large densities of this aphid, while leaves of a resistant barley (STARS-9301B) remain flat and green and sustain fewer aphids. Might parasitism of Russian wheat aphid byAphelinus albipodusHayat & Fatima andDiaeretiella rapaeMcIntosh be affected differently by these plant types? When presented the plants separately and based on parasitism rate relative to aphid density, the largerD. rapaewas more effective in parasitizing relatively high densities of aphids within curled leaves of Morex than relatively low densities of aphids on uncurled leaves of STARS-9301B. Parasitism byA. albipodusdid not significantly differ among the plants. When given a choice of plants, approximately equal rates of parasitism occurred on the two plant lines for both parasitoid species, and parasitism byD. rapaewas greater thanA. albipodus.These data indicate that using parasitoid size as an indicator of success in a physically restricted environment may be misleading, when considered in a plant environment responsive in several manners to aphids (chlorosis, curling, and ability to sustain Russian wheat aphid). We expect that use of resistant barley will result in decreased parasitoid abundance as aphid densities decrease. However, parasitism rates are expected to be approximately equal on resistant and susceptible barley. In this system, plant resistance and biocontrol are compatible management strategies.  相似文献   

We determined host plant effect on susceptibility of the silverleaf whitefly,Bemisia argentifolii, to the entomopathogenic fungusPaecilomyces fumosoroseus. Whiteflies were reared on three vegetable species (cucumber, cabbage, and tomato) and three cultivars of tomato (Heatwave, Better Boy, and Rutgers). Second instars were sprayed with 5 × 104conidia/cm2ofPfr97, aP. fumosoroseusstrain, used as a microbial control agent of whiteflies. Trials were conducted in an experimental greenhouse, where temperature and relative humidity were adjusted to favor infection (22–33°C, and 68–100% RH). Larval susceptibility to fungal infection was high and not significantly affected by the host plant. Mortality was > 70% 1 week after treatment and increased further during the second week. Percentages of cadavers with subsequent production of conidia observed in the greenhouse did not vary significantly either with the host vegetable species (85–93% 7 days after treatment and 99–100% 14 days after treatment), or with the cultivar of tomato (96–97% 7 days after treatment and 99–100% 14 days after treatment). After incubation under optimal laboratory conditions, the percentages based on the total number of sporulating cadavers (includingin situsporulating individuals and cadavers sporulating afterin vitroincubation) were not significantly influenced either by host vegetable or cultivar of tomato. According to the conditions prevailing in the series of experiments with the three vegetable species or in the series of experiments with the three cultivars of tomatoes, the production of newly formed conidia varied from approximately 10,000 to 18,000 conidia/cadaver. However, in both series, there was no significant influence of the host vegetable species or cultivar. The survival of the newly formed conidia harvested 7 days following treatment reached more than 50% but was not affected by host plant. These results indicate thatP. fumosoroseusshows potential as a microbial control agent for controllingB. argentifoliion greenhouse crops.  相似文献   

In 2008–2010, several freshwater dinoflagellate blooms caused by Peridiniopsis spp. were observed in China. P. penardii and P. niei sampled from various geographical localities were examined by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. After comparing morphological and molecular differences, the new freshwater variety Peridiniopsis penardii var. robusta var. nov. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) found in Manwan Reservoir, Yunnan Province was described. The new variety differed from P. penardii since it possessed numerous robust antapical spines and a conspicuous apical spine. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on SSU, LSU and ITS indicated P. niei, P. penardii and P. penardii var. robusta were closely related with P. kevei, and clustered into a monophyletic clade. The new variety possessed an endosymbiotic diatom which was similar to P. penardii and P. kevei, whereas the endosymbiont was not present in cells of P. niei. The endosymbiont SSU and ITS phylogenies showed that the endosymbionts of these three dinoflagellates were closely related to members of Thalassiosirales. Furthermore it was concluded that the endosymbionts might originate from Discostella-like species.  相似文献   

小陇山不同林龄锐齿栎林土壤有机碳和全氮积累特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯浩  张宋智  关晋宏  杜盛 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8025-8033
以甘肃小陇山林区3个林龄阶段(中龄林、近熟林和成熟林)的锐齿栎(Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata)天然次生林为对象,研究了土壤中有机碳和全氮的垂直分布及其积累特征。结果表明:林地土壤有机碳和全氮含量在各龄级土壤剖面中的垂直变化规律一致,表层土壤中含量最高,随着土层深度逐渐降低。1 m土层范围有机碳和全氮密度随着林龄的增加而增加,中龄林、近熟林和成熟林的碳密度分别为122.92、242.21t/hm~2和280.53 t/hm~2,龄组之间差异显著(P0.05);3个林龄阶段的土壤全氮密度分别为10.37、18.94t/hm~2和24.76 t/hm~2,差异显著(P0.05)。有机碳和全氮密度在0—20 cm土层中占有很高比重,达37%—56%。土壤有机碳与全氮含量呈极显著的线性正相关(P0.0001)。土壤有机碳和全氮积累速率随林龄阶段存在差异,在生长旺盛期(中龄林-近熟林)的土壤有机碳(10.84 t hm~(-2)a~(-1))和全氮(0.78 t hm~(-)2a~(-1))的积累速率要大于成熟期(近熟林-成熟林)的土壤有机碳(1.92 t hm~(-2)a~(-1))和全氮(0.29 t hm~(-2)a~(-1))积累速率。  相似文献   

In this paper, 20 kinds of different 2-(α-arylamino phosphonate)-chitosan (2-α-AAPCS) were prepared by different Schiff bases of chitosan (CS) reacted with di-alkyl phosphite in benzene solution. The structures of the derivatives (2-α-AAPCS) were characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. In addition, the antifungal activities of the derivatives against four kinds of fungi were evaluated in the experiment. The results indicated that all the prepared 2-α-AAPCS had a significant inhibiting effect on the investigated fungi when the derivatives concentration ranged from 50 to 500 μg mL−1. Furthermore, the antifungal activities of the derivatives increased with increasing the molecular weight and concentration. And the antifungal activities of the derivatives were affected by their dimensional effect and charge density. Besides, the rule and mechanism of the antifungal activities of them were discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

An exotic invasive pest of pines, the red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte (Scolytidae) (RTB), was first detected in Shanxi Province, northern China, in 1998 and started causing widespread tree mortality there in 1999. This outbreak continues and has spread to three adjacent provinces, causing unprecedented tree mortality. Although it is considered a minor pest of pines in North America, RTB has proven to be an aggressive and destructive pest of Pinus tabuliformis, China’s most widely planted pine species. The bionomics and occurrence, distribution, response to host volatiles, and host preference of this pine beetle in China are compared with what is known of the beetle in its native range in North America. Factors likely contributing to D. valens success in China and control of the beetle outbreak are discussed. (−)-β-pinene was shown to be the most attractive host volatile for D. valens from the Sierra Nevada of California, whereas 3-(+)-carene is the most attractive host volatile for beetles in China. Monocultures of Pinus tabuliformis, several consecutive years of drought conditions and warm winters have apparently factored D. valens invasion and establishment in China.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Cryptococcus neoformans in bird excreta in Klang valley, Malaysia was determined in this study. Of 544 samples of bird excreta collected from a local zoo, pet shops and public areas, 20 strains of C. neoformans were isolated. All C. neoformans strains were serotype A and thus identified as C. neoformans variety grubii. All did not produce color changes on canavanine–glycine–bromothymol blue agar. All were of α-mating types, as determined by a pheromone-specific PCR assay. The antifungal susceptibility testing using agar diffusion method Neo-sensitabs showed that all were susceptible to amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the nectary structure and nectar presentation of two species belonging to different sections of the genus Aloe: A. castanea (Anguialoe) and A. greatheadii var. davyana (Pictae). The development of the nectary was studied by means of bright field and fluorescence light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in three flower stages (young, intermediate, old). Both species have septal nectaries. In A. castanea, a subsidiary tissue, not present in A. greatheadii var. davyana, was found beneath the nectary epithelium. This tissue accumulated starch that was hydrolyzed during secretion. Starch was slightly accumulated around the nectary in A. greatheadii var. davyana. The distribution of chlorophyll in the ovary was also different in the two species. These anatomical differences are not, however, correlated with greater nectar production in A. castanea. In this species, the nectary seems to degenerate after secretion, while in A. greatheadii var. davyana no sign of degeneration was observed. Differences in nectar presentation among the two species may account for different pollinators visiting their flowers.  相似文献   

The freshwater isopod Paramphisopus palustris is ubiquitous and abundant in the groundwater-fed wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain around Perth, Western Australia. Taxonomically, an additional variety (P. palustris fairbridgei) and species (P. montanus) are recognized from geographically outlying localities. Here a 486 bp fragment of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mtDNA was sequenced in 68 individuals from 23 localities in order to evaluate the accepted taxonomy, to examine the evolutionary history of the species, and to identify lineages to prioritize conservation of wetlands already substantially modified. MtDNA showed individual populations to be largely distinct and differentiated. The 41 unique haplotypes formed seven independent, geographically defined networks. Phylogenetic analysis retrieved corresponding subclades, with three well-supported larger clades occurring (1) north of the Swan River, (2) south of the Swan River, and (3) in an area further south. A clear pattern of isolation by distance was detected suggesting an ancient serial founder event, with the pattern possibly persisting in the face of limited gene flow through priority effects. The possibility of incipient speciation, the monophyly of the recognized subspecies and the paraphyly of P. palustris with respect to P. montanus, suggest that the current taxonomy is invalid and requires re-examination. Divergences suggest a mid- to early Pliocene divergence of the major clades, with early Pliocene divergences among subclades probably driven by documented intense arid periods. Lineages are present in wetlands in geologically younger environments suggesting in situ survival and persistence. Seven Evolutionarily Significant Units were identified for the conservation of Paramphisopus, two of which are not currently represented in conservation reserves. With increased water demand and the negative impact of surrounding land-use, the current study provides a first phylogeographic assessment of conservation priorities for wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   

Fluorescence microscopy and physiological examination revealed the presence of an inner cylinder of active photosynthetic cells located below the endodermis-like layer in stems of four of the six taxa of the tribe Salicornieae (Chenopodiaceae).  相似文献   

The mutualism between fig plants and fig wasps has been recognized as one of the most specialized systems of symbiosis. Figs are pollinated by their highly specific pollinating fig wasps, and the pollinating fig wasps are raised within the syconia of figs. Recent studies indicated a difference between monoecious and dioecious figs in the dispersal range of pollinating wasps, which has potential consequences for gene flow. In this study, we detected the gene-flow pattern of the dioecious climbing fig, Ficus pumila L. var. pumila, at both local and regional scales. At the local scale, spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated strong genetic structure at short distances, a pattern of limited gene flow. This result was also supported by a high inbreeding coefficient (F IS = 0.287) and significant substructuring (F ST = 0.060; P < 0.001). Further analysis indicated that the effective gene dispersal range was 1,211 m, and the relative contribution of seed dispersal was smaller than that of pollen dispersal. The inferred effective range of pollen dispersal ranged from 989 to 1,712 m, while the effective seed dispersal range was less than 989 m. Lack of long-distance dispersal agents may explain the limited seed dispersal. The high density of receptive fig trees was the most likely explanation for limited pollen dispersal, and the position of syconia and relatively low wind speed beneath the canopy may contribute to this phenomenon. At the regional scale, significant negative correlations (kinship coefficient F ij ranging from −0.038 to −0.071) existed in all comparisons between the studied population and other populations, and the assignment test grouped almost all individuals of the studied population into a distinct cluster. Asynchronous flowering on the regional scale, which provides a barrier for the pollinating wasps to fly from the studied population to the other populations, is probably responsible for the limited gene flow on the regional scale.  相似文献   

Morphological defense traits of plants such as trichomes potentially compromise biological control in agroecosystems because they may hinder predation by natural enemies. To investigate whether plant trichomes hinder red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), as biological control agents in soybean, field and greenhouse experiments were conducted in which we manipulated fire ant density in plots of three soybean isolines varying in trichome density. Resulting treatment effects on the abundance of herbivores, other natural enemies, plant herbivory, and yield were assessed. Trichomes did not inhibit fire ants from foraging on plants in the field or in the greenhouse, and fire ant predation of herbivores in the field was actually greater on pubescent plants relative to glabrous plants. Consequently, fire ants more strongly reduced plant damage by herbivores on pubescent plants. This effect, however, did not translate into greater yield from pubescent plants at high fire ant densities. Intraguild predation by fire ants, in contrast, was weak, inconsistent, and did not vary with trichome density. Rather than hindering fire ant predation, therefore, soybean trichomes instead increased fire ant predation of herbivores resulting in enhanced tritrophic effects of fire ants on pubescent plants. This effect was likely the result of a functional response by fire ants to the greater abundance of caterpillar prey on pubescent plants. Given the ubiquity of lepidopteran herbivores and the functional response to prey shown by many generalist arthropod predators, a positive indirect effect of trichomes on predation by natural enemies might be more far more common than is currently appreciated.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the basic haematological parameters in feral and racing pigeons and to compare these parameters according to age, sex and season in healthy feral pigeons as well as between Chlamydophila-serologically positive and negative feral pigeons. Red blood cells (RBC), packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb), mean cell volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood count (WBC), thrombocyte count and differential WBC, were determined in 366 pigeons (Columba livia forma domestica) captured in the City of Zagreb between 1999 and 2002. Of these, 232 feral (179 adult and 53 juvenile, 104 male and 75 female) and 57 racing pigeons (25 male and 32 female) were clinically healthy and bacteriologically and serologically negative, but 77 birds had antibody titres against Chlamydophila sp. Significantly lower values of RBC, PCV, Hb, MCH, WBC and thrombocyte (P<0.05) were observed in young compared to adult pigeons, while the differences in MCV and MCH were not significant between age classes. In differential WBC of young pigeons, a significantly higher percentage of heterophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes and a significantly smaller percentage of lymphocytes (P<0.01) was found than in adult pigeons. Significant sex-related differences were seen only in MCV values and in the percentage of lymphocytes (higher in females) and neutrophils (higher in males). PCV, Hb, MCV and MCH increased, while WBC decreased during wintertime (P<0.05). In differential WBC, percentage of heterophils was low in summer and autumn. At the same time, a higher percentage of basophils was found. Low numbers of monocytes were found in summer and low values of eosinophils in winter. In racing pigeons, values of eosinophils and basophils were significantly lower than in feral pigeons. Pigeons which had antibodies against Chlamydophila sp. possessed a higher percentage of monocytes and less lymphocytes than sero-negative animals, while WBC was significant lower than in sero-negative feral pigeons.  相似文献   

为探讨江西武夷山南方铁杉针阔混交林内不同微地形中幼树更新特征的差异,明晰不同微地形生境对幼树天然更新的影响。以江西武夷山国家级自然保护区内海拔约1800m的南方铁杉针阔混交原始林为研究对象,基于在其中建立的中亚热带南方铁杉针阔混交林动态监测固定样地首次调查数据,将固定样地中160个20m×20m的样方根据其海拔、凹凸度和坡度3种地形参数通过C-均值模糊聚类划分成不同的微地形生境,比较这不同微地形下的更新幼树种类组成及幼树更新特征,包括幼树密度,幼树平均胸径、平均高、平均冠幅,空间分布格局,分析不同微地形下幼树更新特征与地形因子、林分因子之间的关系。结果显示:(1)通过聚类分析,最终将固定样地的微地形生境划分成4类,分别为陡坡、凹地、凸地、缓坡。(2)4类微地形更新幼树优势种组成类似,但优势程度存在差异。闽皖八角幼树在4类微地形中的重要值皆为第一,均大于43%。建群种南方铁杉的幼树在凸地的重要值为9.09%,具有一定优势;在陡坡的重要值为0.62%,优势程度较差。(3)陡坡的更新幼树密度最高,为399株/hm~2,高于凹地,凸地和缓坡;幼树平均胸径和平均高的大小表现为:缓坡>凸地&...  相似文献   

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