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Saliva is a readily available body fluid with great diagnostic potential. The foundation for saliva-based diagnostics, however, is the development of a complete catalog of secreted and "leaked" proteins detectable in saliva. By employing a capillary isoelectric focusing-based multidimensional separation platform coupled with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (MS), a total of 5338 distinct peptides were sequenced, leading to the identification of 1381 distinct proteins. A search of bacterial protein sequences also identified many peptides unique to several organisms and unique to the NCBI nonredundant database. To the best of our knowledge, this proteome study represents the largest catalog of proteins measured from a single saliva sample to date. Data analysis was performed on individual MS/MS spectra using the highly specific peptide identification algorithm, OMSSA. Searches were conducted against a decoyed SwissProt human database to control the false-positive rate at 1%. Furthermore, the well-curated SwissProt sequences represent perhaps the least redundant human protein sequence database (12,484 records versus the 50,009 records found in the International Protein Index human database), therefore minimizing multiple protein inferences from single peptides. This combined bioanalytical and bioinformatic approach has established a solid foundation for building up the human salivary proteome for the realization of the diagnostic potential of saliva.  相似文献   

Wang W  Guo T  Song T  Lee CS  Balgley BM 《Proteomics》2007,7(8):1178-1187
As demonstrated in this study, a CIEF-based multidimensional separation platform not only is compatible with the detergent-based membrane protein preparation protocol, but also achieves both the largest yeast membrane proteome coverage and the most comprehensive analysis of the yeast proteome to date. By using a 1% false discovery rate for total peptide identifications, a total of 2513 distinct yeast proteins are identified from the SDS-solubilized fraction with an average of 5.4 peptides leading to each protein identification. Among proteins identified from the SDS-solubilized fraction, 407 proteins are predicted to contain at least two or more transmembrane domains using TMHMM (www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/TMHMM-2.0/), corresponding to 46% yeast membrane proteome coverage. Only four additional membrane proteins are identified in the soluble and urea-solubilized fractions, affirming the utility of SDS extraction for enriching the membrane proteome. By combining proteome results obtained from the soluble, urea-solubilized, and SDS-solubilized fractions, a single yeast proteome analysis yields the identification of 3632 distinct yeast proteins, corresponding to 55% theoretical yeast proteome coverage or 70% of proteins predicted to be expressed during log-phase growth in rich media.  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing (IEF) in thin capillaries is reviewed here. After an introduction on the genesis and chemistry of the carrier ampholyte buffers, different approaches to IEF are discussed and evaluated. The classical approach consists on IEF under conditions of suppressed electroosmotic (EOF) flow, usually obtained by covalently bonding hydrophilic polymers to the inner capillary wall. The other approach consists of IEF in dynamically (and partially) coated capillaries, so as to allow a reduced EOF flow to coexist with the IEF process, so that focusing and transport of the train of stacked bands occurs simultaneously. The various experimental parameters: focusing, elution and detection steps, pI measurements, as well as typical drawbacks, such as isoelectric precipitation are evaluated. The review ends with some examples of analytical separations, at the moment mostlyl limited to focusing of native hemoglobins (normal and point mutants). These separations are compared with those obtained by slab-gel IEF and in immobilized pH gradients.  相似文献   

Sample introduction of an imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF) instrument is fully automated by using commercially available high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) injection valves and autosamplers. Sample carryover can be controlled to under 1% when the valve and separation column are washed for 1 min between sample runs. The standard deviation of peak areas for 20 injections is 3.5%, which includes deviations created by the absorption imaging detector and the isoelectric focusing process inside the 75 μm I.D. column. Sample throughput is up to 10 samples per hour. The instrument has been applied to fast analysis of many proteins including monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Direct matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis of human serum yielded ion signals from only a fraction of the total number of peptides and proteins expected to be in the sample. We increased the number of peptide and protein ion signals observed in the MALDI-TOF mass spectra analysis of human serum by using a prefractionation protocol based on liquid phase isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. This pre-fractionation technique facilitated the MALDI-TOF MS detection of as many as 262 different peptide and protein ion signals from human serum. The results obtained from three replicate fractionation experiments on the same serum sample indicated that 148 different peptide and protein ion signals were reproducibly detected using our isoelectric focusing and MALDI-TOF MS protocol.  相似文献   

A simple device is developed for mini-scale electrofocusing of proteins. The main apparatus consists of only two glass tubes joined by a small tubing. No special cooling system, stopcocks, stands, etc., are needed. Even the need for a peristaltic pump for fractionation is eliminated. The apparatus does not require very high voltages and the amount of Ampholines is drastically reduced. The model can be used for analytical as well as semi-quantitative purposes.  相似文献   

Strategies reported for the separation of proteins in capillary zone electrophoresis and capillary isoelectric focusing are reviewed. The strategies are grouped into two categories: coated capillaries and buffer/sample additives. Success attained with each case and also, more importantly, the limitations of the methodology are discussed. Recent results from our own laboratory in the area of capillary isoelectric focusing in uncoated, fused silica capillaries using additives are summarized. The advantages and disadvantages of coated columns vs. additives are delineated.  相似文献   

Isoelectrofocusing of nonionic-detergent-disrupted flaviviruses separated the envelope glycoprotein of 53,000 to 58,000 daltons and the nucleocapsid protein of 14,000 daltons. The envelope protein and nucleocapsid protein were isolated at isoelectric points of pI 7.8 and 10.3, respectively. The antigenic determinants of St. Louis encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, and dengue virus envelope and nucleocapsid proteins were examined by solid-phase competition radioimmunoassay. By the appropriate selection of antiserum and competing proteins, it was possible to distinguish type-specific, complex-reactive and flavivirus group-reactive antigenic determinants. The envelope glycoproteins of St. Louis encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, and dengue viruses were found to contain each of these three classes of antigenic determinants. Most of the determinants on the envelope protein were type specific, some were complex reactive, and a small fraction were flavivirus group reactive. The nucleocapsid protein contained only flavivirus group-reactive antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

Here, we devised a novel approach for two-dimensional (2D) protein characterization using a single one-dimensional separation followed by a second characterization in the same instrument. The approach combines capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF), which separates proteins according to pI, with dynamic imaging detection, which permits monitoring of protein diffusion in real time and thereby allows estimation of molecular weight from diffusion coefficient. Compared with classical 2D gel electrophoresis, the approach provided several significant advantages including speed and ease in operation and automation, while yielding comparable accuracy. The approach was applicable for protein samples of low to moderate complexity.  相似文献   

Products of the copolymerization of acrylic acid with oligoethylene oligoamines were used to establish natural pH gradients for the isoelectric fractionation of protein mixtures by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The unfractionated synthesized ampholytes were compared with the commercially available ampholytes with respect to the number of ampholyte components, the pH gradient and the resolution of protein mixtures. The performance of the ampholytes prepared employing the more highly substituted ethylene amines was found to be comparable to that of the commercial ampholytes over the pH range 4 to 8.  相似文献   

Due to the complexity of proteomes, developing methods of sample fractionation, separation, concentration, and detection have become urgent to the identification of large numbers of proteins, as well as the acquisition of those proteins in low abundance. In this work, liquid isoelectric focusing (LIEF) combined with 2D-LC-MS/MS was applied to the proteome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This yielded a total of 1795 proteins that were detected and identified by 30 fractions of protein prefractionation. Categorization of these hits demonstrated the ability of this technology to detect and identify proteins rarely seen in proteome analysis without protein fractionation. LIEF-2D-LC-MS/MS also produced improved resolution of low-abundance proteins. Furthermore, we analyzed the characteristics of proteins obtained by LIEF-2D-LC-MS/MS. 1103 proteins with CAI under 0.2 were identified, allowing us to specifically obtain detailed biochemical information on these kind proteins. It was observed that LIEF-2D-LC-MS/MS is useful for large-scale proteome analysis and may be specifically applied to systems with wide dynamic ranges.  相似文献   

In biomarker discovery, the detection of proteins with low abundance in the serum proteome can be achieved by optimization of protein separation methods as well as selective depletion of the higher abundance proteins such as immunoglobins (e.g. IgG) and albumin. A relative newcomer to the proteomic separation arena is the commercial instrument PF2D from Beckman Coulter that separates proteins in the first dimension using chromatofocusing followed in line by reversed phase chromatography in the second dimension, thereby separating intact proteins based on pI and hydrophobicity. In this study, assessment and optimization of serum separation (undepleted serum and albumin-IgG-depleted serum) by the PF2D is presented. Protein databases were created for serum obtained from a healthy individual under traditional and optimized methods and under different sample preparation protocols. Separation of the doubly depleted serum using the PF2D with 20% isopropanol present in the first dimension running buffer allowed us to unambiguously identify 150 non-redundant serum proteins (excluding all immunoglobulin and albumin, a minimum of two peptide matches with acceptable Mascot score) in which 81 have not been identified previously in serum. Among them, numerous cellular proteins were identified to be specifically the skeletal muscle isoform, such as skeletal muscle fast twitch isoforms of troponin T, myosin alkali light chain 1, and sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase. The detection of specific skeletal muscle protein isoforms in the serum from healthy individuals reflects the physiological turnover that occurs in skeletal muscle, which will have an impact on the ability to use generic "cellular" proteins as biomarkers without further characterization of the precise isoforms or post-translational modifications present.  相似文献   

We present a top down separation platform for yeast ribosomal proteins using affinity chromatography and capillary electrophoresis which is designed to allow deposition of proteins onto a substrate. FLAG tagged ribosomes were affinity purified, and rRNA acid precipitation was performed on the ribosomes followed by capillary electrophoresis to separate the ribosomal proteins. Over 26 peaks were detected with excellent reproducibility (<0.5% RSD migration time). This is the first reported separation of eukaryotic ribosomal proteins using capillary electrophoresis. The two stages in this workflow, affinity chromatography and capillary electrophoresis, share the advantages that they are fast, flexible and have small sample requirements in comparison to more commonly used techniques. This method is a remarkably quick route from cell to separation that has the potential to be coupled to high throughput readout platforms for studies of the ribosomal proteome.  相似文献   

The integration of functional proteins in the phospholipid bilayer is one of the most crucial features of biological membrane architecture. Phospholipid-protein interactions play an important role in the functions of bounded proteins in the phospholipid membrane. When the phospholipid-protein interactions occur, the protein structure tends to alter, which can result in a change in the isoelectric points (pI) of protein. Capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF) with whole-column imaging detection (WCID) is an attractive technique that has the features of simple operation, high resolution, and fast separation without focused band mobility for detection of amphoteric biomolecules. In this study, a cIEF-WCID method was developed to characterize the phospholipids-protein interactions by monitoring the protein cIEF profiles. Seven proteins with different pI and molecular mass , and a zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine (PC) with zwitterionic properties, were used to evaluate the feasibility of the cIEF-WCID approach in the study of phospholipid-protein interactions. The cIEF profiles changed in response to the changes in protein conformation, clearly exhibiting interactions between the PC vesicles and the targeted proteins. The formation of PC-protein complex was observed in the cIEF electropherograms. It was demonstrated that seven proteins displayed distinct interactions with the PC vesicles due to their different chemical and physical properties. The influences of the PC concentration, incubation time, and incubation temperature on the phospholipids-protein interactions were investigated. This study validated a novel analytical approach for the characterization of phospholipid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

In this report, an on-line coupling of capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) to capillary electrochromatography (CEC) is developed via a nanoinjector valve for performing two-dimensional (2D) proteomics separation. CIEF constitutes the first separation dimension, while CEC operates as the second separation dimension. Besides the orthogonal migration mechanisms of the two capillary-based separation modes, which lead to a 2D system whose overall peak capacity is the product of the peak capacity of the individual modes, the solvent of the CIEF mode is a weak eluent for the reversed-phase CEC (RP-CEC) mode, thus, allowing the transferring of focused fractions from CIEF to CEC without inducing band broadening, and instead zone sharpening would result. In fact, the transferred focused protein fraction from the CIEF column to the CEC column will stay tightly adsorbed to the inlet top of the CEC column until it will be eluted and separated into its protein components with a hydro-organic mobile phase. The theoretical peak capacity of the CIEF-CEC 2D platform is estimated at n(CIEF) (= 560) x n(CEC) (= 97) = 54 320. This peak capacity is more than needed for proteomics profiling. Also, only a fraction of this peak capacity is needed when looking at heart cuts for performing subproteomics. The 2D platform described here offers the convenience to generate the needed peak capacity to solve a given proteomic separation problem. This is facilitated by the RP-CEC dimension, which ensures rapid isocratic separation of proteins and peptides and rapid solvent change and column equilibration and avoids lengthy gradient elution. The RP-CEC column is based on neutral C17 monolith, which offers high separation efficiency and relatively high column permeability. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed 2D platform combining CIEF and CEC is reported for the first time for proteins and proteomics.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic membranes were isolated from late-exponential phase Staphylococcus aureus 6538 P and the membrane proteins examined under non-denaturing conditions by thin-layer isoelectric focusing (TLIEF) in a pH 3.5–9.5 gradient. Isolated membrane preparations retained protein integrity as judged by the demostration of membrane bound adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity in addition to four solubilzed membrane enzyme markers. Membranes were effectively solubilized with 2.5% Triton X-100 (final concentration). Examination of Triton X-100 solubilized membrane preparations established the presence of 22 membrane proteins with isoelectric points between 3.7 and 6.0. The focused proteins displayed the following enzymatic activities and isoelectric points by zymogram methods: ATPase (EC, 4.20; malate dehydrogenase (EC, 3.90; lactate dehydrogenase (EC, 3.85; two membrane proteins exhibited multiple bands upon enzymatic staining: NADH dehydrogenase (EC, 4.25, 4.35; succinate dehydrogenase (EC, 4.85, 5.10, 5.35.  相似文献   

Microcolumn RPLC (μRPLC) is one of the optimum separation modes for shotgun proteomic analysis. To identify as many proteins as possible by MS/MS, the improvement on separation efficiency and peak capacity of μRPLC is indispensable. Although the increase in column length is one of the effective solutions, the preparation of a long microcolumn is rather difficult due to the high backpressure generated during the packing procedure. In our recent work, through connecting microcolumns of 5, 10, and 15 cm length via unions with minimal dead volume, long microcolumns with length up to 30 cm were obtained, with which 318 proteins were identified from proteins extracted from Escherichia coli by μRPLC‐ESI MS/MS, and similar distributions of Mw and pI were found with single and various coupled microcolumns. Furthermore, by using MS/MS with improved sensitivity, with such a serially coupled 30 cm long microcolumn, 1692 proteins were identified within 7 h from rat brain tissue, with false positive rate (FPR) <1%. All these results demonstrated that serially couple microcolumns might be of great promising to improve the separation capacity of μRPLC in shotgun proteomic analysis.  相似文献   

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