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ES细胞嵌合能力的强弱是人们利用ES细胞获得转基因小鼠时十分关心的问题。本文通过囊胚显微注射法将15个左右ES细胞注入C57 BL/6 J品系小鼠3.5天囊胚的囊胚腔中观察嵌合鼠毛色嵌合情况,统计嵌合鼠的出生率;以及用葡萄糖磷酸异构酶(GPI)电泳法检测ES细胞在嵌含鼠体内各种组织和器官的嵌合情况,对于HPRT缺陷(HDC)细胞和MES-PU-13细胞的嵌合能力我们作了较详细的研究,结果表明MESPU-13细胞嵌合能力较强,而HDC细胞嵌合能力较弱,并讨论分析了这种结果的原因。  相似文献   

ES细胞(MESPU13)嵌合体小鼠的GPI分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴白燕  冼美薇 《遗传学报》1995,22(5):336-342
为了评判小鼠ES细胞系MESPU13的分化潜能,我们对19只嵌合小鼠的心、肝、脾、肺、肾、胰腺、生殖腺、肌肉和血液的GPI(磷酸葡萄糖异构酶)进行了分析。在这些样品中,来源于ES细胞的A型条带的检出情况和小鼠的毛色嵌合率成正比关系。当毛色嵌合率低于40%时,除了少数小鼠的肾脏外,没有看到A型的条带。当毛色嵌合率大于85%时,几乎所有的器官组织都检测到A型条带,显示了ES细胞在发育形成内、中、外胚层的细胞方面具有很高的分化潜能。另外,在毛色嵌合率大于85%的其中的6只嵌合鼠的肌肉中,只观察到A型的条带,表明这些肌肉只单独来源于ES细胞。  相似文献   

通过显微注射法构建ES细胞(MESPU 13)嵌合小鼠   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了研究一个新建的小鼠胚胎干细胞系(ES细胞系)MESPU 13,我们将ES细胞显微注射到C57BL/6J小鼠的囊胚中构建嵌合鼠。在注射了2-9个ES细胞的136个囊胚中,127个囊胚(93%)经过3个小时的培养后重新出现囊胚腔。当把119个恢复的囊胚移植到假孕雌鼠的子宫内时,获得63只(52.9%)出生鼠。在59只存活到可以判断毛色阶段的小鼠中,有21只(35.6%)被判定为嵌合鼠。显示了该ES细胞系具有较高的嵌合能力。  相似文献   

远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系的建立及嵌合鼠的获得   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ES细胞(Embryonic Stcm Cells)是来源小鼠早期胚胎的多潜能干细胞,它可以在体外大量培养,并以单细胞的形式注射到早期胚胎里,发育为嵌合体,到目前为止,通常使用的129小鼠品系是来源于近交系(inbrcd)小鼠的胚胎。与之相比,远交系小鼠应当具有较强的生命力和抗病能力。曾有人报道过建成了远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系,但是尚没有见到获得嵌合鼠的报道。有人甚至认为:由于不同品系小鼠所具有的遗传背景不同,有的小鼠不能建成ES细胞系。最近,本实验室在这方面做了有益的探索,成功地建成了远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系,并在这里报导首例用远交小鼠胚胎干细胞系培育成功嵌合体小鼠。采用源于Swiss小鼠远交群的昆明(KM)品系小鼠囊胚建成了三个小鼠胚胎干细胞系(KE1,KE2,KE5)。核型正常率均达到70%以上。自第八代起分批存。复苏后,培养至第12代,消化成单细胞,通过囊胚显微注射,将其注射到615品系小鼠胚胎。在幸存的幼鼠中获得了一只来源于KE1细胞的嵌合鼠(Table1)。其毛色表现为受体鼠(615)的白色中嵌合有供体鼠(KM)黑褐色(Platc I-A)。嵌合鼠与受体鼠的杂交后代鼠中仍然出现了受体鼠的毛色类型(PlateI-B)。证明:ES细胞能嵌合到生殖腺并形成具有正常功能的配子,从而产生种系嵌合鼠。  相似文献   

近年来,随着干细胞分化与再生医学研究的不断深入,异种嵌合已成为当前干细胞和再生医学领域的热点问题,并有望为未来解决器官移植供体来源严重短缺等再生医学难题开辟新的方向。异种嵌合以及异种器官再造过程中面临众多科学问题和技术难题,而异种嵌合过程中嵌合胚胎时期的选择,后续培养液的选择以及这些环节所造成的供体细胞与受体胚胎之间的发育平衡成为建立异种器官再造的第一个科学问题。猪由于具有与人类器官大小相似、繁殖快等特点,成为异种嵌合最适合的潜在研究对象。为了提高鼠-猪异种嵌合胚胎中小鼠供体细胞——诱导多潜能干细胞(Induced pluripotent stem cells,i PSCs)的存活率和增殖率,我们尝试以i PSCs培养液(N2B27)以及N2B27→PZM-3梯度更换的培养液(N2B27(3.5 h))作为研究异种嵌合胚胎体外发育培养的对象,并与猪胚胎培养液(PZM-3,Porcine zygotic medium)体系下发育进行比较,从而评价了这3种培养液在8-细胞和囊胚期注射后,对嵌合胚胎后续发育的影响及嵌合情况。结果显示,8-细胞期注射后,PZM-3不仅对嵌合胚胎的后续发育较为有利,更有利于小鼠i PS嵌合到猪胚胎中;囊胚期注射后3种培养体系下GFP阳性嵌合率差异不显著,但其嵌合率显著低于8-细胞期嵌合率。结果表明,PZM-3培养体系更有利于鼠-猪异种嵌合胚胎的体外发育,对8-细胞期胚胎进行嵌合操作有益于提高鼠-猪异种嵌合后胚胎的嵌合率。  相似文献   

过去记述的嵌合体,都是将卵裂期的胚细胞聚合在一起,或者将细胞注入胚泡的胚泡腔以后,返回到假妊养母的子宫里。因为着床前的胚胎,是悬浮在输卵管或子官腔内,能够取出在试管内进行各种操作。而着床以后,胚胎在  相似文献   

埃博拉病毒感染致死率最高可达90%,属烈性传染病,检测诊断对于疫情控制就显得异常重要。目前我国实验室通过实时定量荧光PCR检测埃博拉病毒核酸进行确诊,但耗时相对较长,对检测的人员和仪器要求较高。ELISA法检测血清是病原学诊断的主要指标,该种检测方法简单易操作,能够有效判断患者是否感染埃博拉以及感染程度,可用于流行病学调查,血清学指标的检测可以作为核酸检测的有力补充。由于埃博拉出血热在我国境内尚无病例出现,尤其需要储备血清学检测阳性质控物。通过基因工程抗体技术构建并表达抗埃博拉病毒核蛋白NP人-鼠嵌合抗体,为埃博拉出血热血清学检测做人源阳性对照储备。采用RT-PCR技术,从分泌抗埃博拉核蛋白单克隆抗体的鼠杂交瘤细胞株中分离克隆抗体轻重链可变区基因,对其进行序列分析。根据序列分析的结果,设计特异性引物将鼠源抗体可变区基因VH、VL分别克隆至携带有人抗体轻重链恒定区基因的真核表达载体HL51-14,瞬时转染293T细胞,表达并纯化获得人鼠嵌合IgG抗体,随后对其进行了免疫学检测和功能鉴定。结果表明正确构建抗埃博拉病毒核蛋白人鼠嵌合抗体真核表达载体,成功表达并纯化获得两株人鼠嵌合单抗。  相似文献   

从早期胚胎多能干细胞生成的嵌合鼠   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
宋震涛  李秋棠 《遗传学报》1993,20(6):499-503
本文利用囊胚注射法将小鼠胚胎多能干细胞-CCE细胞注射到发育3天半的昆明和C37BL/6J小鼠受体囊胚腔内,经假孕鼠借腹怀胎,获3只CCE细胞毛色嵌合鼠。实验共注射胚胎654个,经培养其恢复成活率73.8%,胚胎移植后,假母受孕率及产仔率分别为32.9%和53%。在所获3只嵌合鼠中,2只为CCE-昆明毛色嵌合鼠,1只为CCE-C37BL/6J毛色嵌合鼠,这是国内首次利用胚胎多能干细胞获得嵌合鼠。为  相似文献   

Melichar H  Li O  Ross J  Haber H  Cado D  Nolla H  Robey EA  Winoto A 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19854
Directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) into any desired cell type has been hailed as a therapeutic promise to cure many human diseases. However, substantial roadblocks still exist for in vitro differentiation of hESCs into distinct cell types, including T lymphocytes. Here we examined the hematopoietic differentiation potential of six different hESC lines. We compare their ability to develop into CD34(+) or CD34(+)CD45(+) hematopoietic precursor populations under several differentiation conditions. Comparison of lymphoid potential of hESC derived- and fetal tissue derived-hematopoietic precursors was also made. We found diverse hematopoietic potential between hESC lines depending on the culture or passage conditions. In contrast to fetal-derived hematopoietic precursors, none of the CD34(+) precursors differentiated from hESCs were able to develop further into T cells. These data underscore the difficulties in the current strategy of hESC forward differentiation and highlight distinct differences between CD34(+) hematopoietic precursors generated in vitro versus in vivo.  相似文献   

Comparative characteristics of three human embryonic stem cell lines   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human embryonic stem (hES) cells have unique features including unlimited growth capacity, expression of specific markers, normal karyotypes and an ability to differentiate. Many investigators have tried to use hES cells for cell-based therapy, but there is little information about the properties of available hES cell lines. We compared the characteristics of three hES cell lines. The expression of SSEA-1, -3, -4, and APase, was examined by immunocytochemistry, and Oct-4 expression was analyzed by RT-PCR. Differentiation of the hES cells in vitro and in vivo led to the formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) or teratomas. We examined the expression of tissue-specific markers in the differentiated cells by semiquantitative RT-PCR, and the ability of each hES cell line to proliferate was measured by flow cytometry of DNA content and ELISA. The three hES cell lines were similar in morphology, marker expression, and teratoma formation. However there were significant differences (P < 0.05) between the differentiated cells formed by the different cell lines in levels of expression of tissue-specific markers such as renin, kallikrein, Glut-2, beta- and delta-globin, albumin, and alpha1-antitrypsin (alpha1-AT). The hES cell lines also differed in proliferative activity. Our observations should be useful in basic and clinical hES cell research.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cell and embryonic germ cell lines   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Undifferentiated human embryonic stem (ES) cells and embryonic germ (EG) cells can be cultured indefinitely and yet maintain the potential to form many or all of the differentiated cells in the body. Human ES and EG cells provide an exciting new model for understanding the differentiation and function of human tissue, offer new strategies for drug discovery and testing, and promise new therapies based on the transplantation of ES and EG cell-derived tissues.  相似文献   

The post-thaw recovery of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) is often assumed to be adequate with current methods. However as this publication will show, this recovery of viable cells actually varies significantly by genetic background. Therefore there is a need to improve the efficiency and reduce the variability of current mESC cryopreservation methods. To address this need, we employed the principles of fundamental cryobiology to improve the cryopreservation protocol of four mESC lines from different genetic backgrounds (BALB/c, CBA, FVB, and 129R1 mESCs) through a comparative study characterizing the membrane permeability characteristics and membrane integrity osmotic tolerance limits of each cell line. In the companion paper, these values were used to predict optimal cryoprotectants, cooling rates, warming rates, and plunge temperatures, and then these predicted optimal protocols were validated against standard freezing protocols.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are undifferentiated cells derived from an early embryo that can grow in vitro indefinitely, while retaining their capability to differentiate into specialized somatic cell types. Over the last decade there has been great interest in derivation and culture of these cells, as they can potentially provide a supply of readily available differentiated cells and tissues of all types to be used for therapeutic purposes in cell transplantation in humans, as well as for other medical uses such as drug discovery. The source of hESC lines is usually excess human embryos from in vitro fertilization treatments, although novel ways of producing hESCs have been suggested recently. The actual methods of hESC derivation have not changed greatly since the first report by Thomson et al. in 1998 . However, the main emphasis over the last several years has been in finding defined conditions for derivation and culture of hESCs, because to enable the clinical use of hESC for cell transplantation, the use of animal derived biological components is no longer acceptable. For basic research, the aim is to replace even human derived materials with completely defined systems. In this paper we describe methods utilized in our laboratory for hESC derivation and describe two studies conducted in an attempt to improve derivation efficiency and to enable research outcomes to be achieved using fewer embryos.  相似文献   

One of the goals of stem cell technology is to control the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), thereby generating large numbers of specific cell types for many applications including cell replacement therapy. Although individual hESC lines resemble each other in expressing pluripotency markers and telomerase activity, it is not clear whether they are equivalent in their developmental potential in vitro. We compared the developmental competence of three hESC lines (HSF6, Miz-hES4, and Miz-hES6). All three generated the three embryonic germ layers, extraembryonic tissues, and primordial germ cells during embryoid body (EB) formation. However, HSF6 and Miz-hES6 readily formed neuroectoderm, whereas Miz-hES4 differentiated preferentially into mesoderm and endoderm. Upon terminal differentiation, HSF6 and Miz-hES6 produced mainly neuronal cells whereas Miz-hES4 mainly formed mesendodermal derivatives, including endothelial cells, leukocyte progenitors, hepatocytes, and pancreatic cells. Our observations suggest that independently-derived hESCs may differ in their developmental potential.  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞建系和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙博文 《生命科学》2003,15(4):207-210
人胚胎干细胞是一种取自人囊胚内细胞团且具有形成所有三个胚层细胞能力的全能细胞。建立一个理想的人胚胎干细胞培养系统是研究和利用这种具有巨大潜力细胞的首要条件。本文讨论了目前建立的人胚胎干细胞培养系统,阐述了其有利的和不利的一面,并着重讨论其体外培养方法和鉴定策略。  相似文献   

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