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Perception of the body's outline and three-dimensional shape arises from visual cues such as shading, contour, perspective and texture. When a uniformly coloured prey animal is illuminated from above by sunlight, a shadow may be cast on the body, generating a brightness contrast between the dorsal and ventral surfaces. For animals such as caterpillars, which live among flat leaves, a difference in reflectance over the body surface may degrade the degree of background matching and provide cues to shape from shading. This may make otherwise cryptic prey more conspicuous to visually hunting predators. Cryptically coloured prey are expected to match their substrate in colour, pattern and texture (though disruptive patterning is an exception), but they may also abolish self-shadowing and therefore either reduce shape cues or maintain their degree of background matching through countershading: a gradation of pigment on the body of an animal so that the surface closest to illumination is darker. In this study, we report the results from a series of field experiments where artificial prey resembling lepidopteran larvae were presented on the upper surfaces of beech tree branches so that they could be viewed by free-living birds. We demonstrate that countershading is superior to uniform coloration in terms of reducing attack by free-living predators. This result persisted even when we fixed prey to the underside of branches, simulating the resting position of many tree-living caterpillars. Our experiments provide the first demonstration, in an ecologically valid visual context, that shadowing on bodies (such as lepidopteran larvae) provides cues that visually hunting predators use to detect potential prey species, and that countershading counterbalances shadowing to enhance cryptic protection.  相似文献   

Food availability can strongly affect predator-prey dynamics. When change in habitat condition reduces the availability of one prey type, predators often search for other prey, perhaps in a different habitat. Interactions between behavioural and morphological traits of different prey may influence foraging success of visual predators through trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMIIs), such as prey activity and body coloration. We tested the hypothesis that foraging success of stream-dwelling cutthroat trout (Onchorhyncus clarki) on cryptically coloured, less-active benthic prey (larval mayfly; Paraleptophebia sp.) can be enhanced by the presence of distinctly coloured, active prey (larval stonefly shredder; Despaxia augusta). Cutthroat trout preyed on benthic insects when drifting invertebrates were unavailable. When stonefly larvae were present, the trout ate most of the stoneflies and also consumed a higher proportion of mayflies than under mayfly only treatment. The putative mechanism is that active stonefly larvae supplied visual cues to the predator that alerted trout to the mayfly larvae. Foraging success of visual predators on cryptic prey can be enhanced by distinctly coloured, active benthic taxa through unidirectional facilitation to the predators, which is a functional change of interspecific interaction caused by a third species. This study suggests that prey-predator facilitation through TMIIs can modify species interactions, affecting community dynamics.  相似文献   

Unpalatable species are often brightly coloured. Such aposematic coloration may have evolved because predators can learn to avoid conspicuous prey more readily than cryptic prey. Experiments on young male chicks are described and the results are consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In many species of birds, different body parts often display very different colours. This spatial distribution of coloured plumage patches may be determined, among other factors, by the balance between being cryptic to predators, and conspicuous to intended receivers. If this is the case, ventral and anterior body parts in birds – which are less visible to predators but more prominent to conspecifics – should present more conspicuous and sexually dichromatic plumage colours. Here, I test these predictions using reflectance spectrometric measurements of standardised plumage patches across males and females for nearly an entire avifauna (Australian landbirds, n = 538 species). My data show that, as predicted, conspicuous and sexually dichromatic colours are mainly located near the head, while the plumage of the back is the most cryptic. One clear exception to this pattern is the conspicuous rump coloration. In many species, this patch can be concealed by wings, and therefore exposed only when necessary. In addition, conspicuous rump coloration could deflect or confuse predators in case of attack. However, there is considerable variation across species, and this makes position on the body a very poor predictor of plumage elaboration (R2 < 0.02). Future studies should try to determine whether differences between species in the distribution of colours across the plumage are due to variation in ecological factors (predation risk, habitat, etc.).  相似文献   

1. Body size is positively correlated with fecundity in various animals, but the factors that counterbalance the resulting selection pressure towards large size are difficult to establish. Positively size-dependent predation risk has been proposed as a selective factor potentially capable of balancing the fecundity advantage of large size.
2. To construct optimality models of insect body size, realistic estimates of size-dependent predation rates are necessary. Moreover, prey traits such as colouration should be considered, as they may substantially alter the relationship between body size and mortality risk.
3. To quantify mortality patterns, we conducted field experiments in which we exposed cryptic and conspicuous artificial larvae of different sizes to bird predators, and recorded the incidence of bird attacks.
4. The average daily mortality rate was estimated to vary between 4% and 10%. In both cryptic and conspicuous larvae, predation risk increased with prey size, but the increase tended to be steeper in the conspicuous group. No main effect of colour type was found. All the quantitative relationships were reasonably consistent across replicates.
5. Our results suggest that the size dependence of mortality risk in insect prey is primarily determined by the probability of being detected by a predator rather than by a size-dependent warning effect associated with conspicuous colouration. Our results therefore imply that warningly coloured insects do not necessarily benefit more than the cryptic species from large body size, as has been previously suggested.  相似文献   

Cryptic coloration is an adaptative defensive mechanism against predators. Color patterns can become cryptic through background coloration‐matching and disruptive coloration. Disruptive coloration may evolve in visually heterogeneous microhabitats, whereas background matching could be favored in chromatically homogeneous microhabitats. In this work, we used digital photography to explore the potential use of disruptive coloration and background matching in males and females of two grasshopper species of the Sphenarium genus in different habitats. We found chromatic differences in the two grasshopper species that may be explained by local adaptation. We also found that the females and males of both species are dichromatic and seem to follow different color cryptic strategies, males are more disruptive than females, whereas females have a high background matching with less disruptive elements. The selective pressures of the predators in different microhabitats and the differences in mobility between sexes may explain the color pattern divergence between females and males. Nevertheless, more field experiments are needed in order to understand the relative importance of disruptive and background matching coloration in the evolution of sexual dichromatism in these grasshoppers.  相似文献   

Natural selection shapes the evolution of anti-predator defences, such as camouflage. It is currently contentious whether crypsis and disruptive coloration are alternative mechanisms of camouflage or whether they are interrelated anti-predator defences. Disruptively coloured prey is characterized by highly contrasting patterns to conceal the body shape, whereas cryptic prey minimizes the contrasts to background. Determining bird predation of artificial moths, we found that moths which were dissimilar from the background but sported disruptive patterns on the edge of their wings survived better in heterogeneous habitats than did moths with the same patterns inside of the wings and better than cryptic moths. Despite lower contrasts to background, crypsis did not provide fitness benefits over disruptive coloration on the body outline. We conclude that disruptive coloration on the edge camouflages its bearer independent of background matching. We suggest that this result is explainable because disruptive coloration is effective by exploiting predators' cognitive mechanisms of prey recognition and not their sensory mechanisms of signal detection. Relative to disruptive patterns on the body outline, disruptive markings on the body interior are less effective. Camouflage owing to disruptive coloration on the body interior is background-specific and is as effective as crypsis in heterogeneous habitats. Hence, we hypothesize that two proximate mechanisms explain the diversity of visual anti-predator defences. First, disruptive coloration on the body outline provides camouflage independent of the background. Second, background matching and disruptive coloration on the body interior provide camouflage, but their protection is background-specific.  相似文献   

Defensive coloration that reduces the risk of predation is considered to be widespread in animals. Many closely related species adopt differing coloration strategies during the life cycle, including crypsis, conspicuousness, and ontogenic change between the two coloration types. Here, we use a dynamic state-dependent approach to use ecological and intrinsic factors to predict the proportion of the developmental period of immature animals that should be spent as cryptic or conspicuous, and when conspicuous coloration should be reliably associated with investment in defenses. The model predicts that animals should change color more than once during development only in specific circumstances. In contrast, change from crypsis to conspicuous can occur over a range of conditions related to the frequency of detection by predators, but may also depend on the opportunity costs of crypsis and the effect of size on the deterrent effect of conspicuous coloration. We also report the results of a survey of coloration strategies in lepidopteron larvae, and note a qualitative agreement with the predictions of our model in the relationship between body size and coloration strategy. Our results provide explanations for several widespread antipredator coloration phenomena in prey animals, and provide a comprehensive predictive framework for the types of coloration strategies that are employed in nature.  相似文献   

Color and color patterns in animals are important characteristics that bring protection, by dampening the ability of predators that depend on their sight to detect their preys. In lizards, the dorsal coloration plays a key role in communication of intraspecific signals such as social cues. In this study, we evaluated the seasonal changes in the dorsal coloration of the wide foraging lizard A. costata costata, in Tonatico, State of Mexico, Mexico. The seasonal evaluation included: the rainy season from mid June to mid September (can also include the end of May to early October); and the dry season for the rest of the year. The dorsal coloration of A. costata costata and their microhabitats were evaluated by contrasting the color pattern with an identification guide and the control colors of Pantone, during 11 samplings carried out from February-October 2007. Individual lizard analysis recorded snout-vent length, sex and stage (juveniles and adults). Besides, all animals were marked by toe-clipping, allowing to distinguish dorsal coloration between seasons, sex and stage. A total of 95 lizards were analyzed (53 and 42 for the dry and rainy seasons respectively). We found that the dorsal coloration in A. costata costata varies seasonally and with microhabitats: during the dry season individuals show a brown coloration whereas during the rainy season becomes greener, as the background dominant vegetation color. The results of the present study suggest that: 1) the variation in dorsal coloration in A. costata costata plays an important role in the survival (by cryptic camouflage) of this widely foraging species; 2) the changes in the dorsal coloration of A. costata costata are individually expressed traits, since the coloration of the same lizard is either brown or green depending on the season; and 3) the cryptic functions of the dorsal coloration in widely foraging species have been largely underestimated. We discuss the possible influence of the changes in coloration in an habitat that changes drastically between both dry and rainy seasons.  相似文献   

Lentic odonates have larger and more northern ranges than lotic species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim We analysed latitudinal range, centres of distribution and northern range boundaries of dragonflies and damselflies occurring in Europe and North America with respect to larval habitat (standing water = lentic and running water = lotic). As lentic water bodies are thought to be less predictable in space and time than lotic habitats, species adapted to standing waters depend on effective dispersal ability for long‐term survival. If species occurring in lentic habitats have a higher propensity for dispersal, then larger range sizes in lentic than in lotic species, as well as an increase in the proportion of lentic species with latitude, would be expected. Location Europe, North America. Methods Distributional and habitat data were collected from published sources for all odonates of Europe and North America. Species were assigned to lentic and lotic habitats according to the habitat of the larvae. From distribution maps we estimated the latitudinal range, centre of distribution and northern range boundary of each species. Differences in these distribution variables between lentic and lotic species were evaluated using anova . We related the proportion of lentic species by latitudinal interval in Europe, and by political unit (state, province) in North America, to area, altitudinal range, longitude (only for North America) and latitude by means of generalized linear models. Results Lentic damselflies and dragonflies had larger latitudinal spans, and more northern distribution centres and range boundaries, than lotic species. The proportion of lentic species increased with latitude. These findings were consistent between continents. Main conclusions Our results support previous findings that distribution patterns of freshwater species depend on habitat preference. Evolution of dispersal propensity according to habitat characteristics is the most likely explanation. However, at present, alternative explanations, such as an increase in lentic habitats with latitude, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Protective coloration is a well-known predator avoidance strategy in prey species. Aposematic species often display a contrasting color pattern consisting of dark spots of different shapes and sizes on a bright background coloration. Both elements, background color and spots are expected to serve different purposes. While the ecological function of the bright coloration has been addressed in many studies, the question of whether the interaction with differently sized spots influences predator behavior has received less attention by researchers. In a lowland rain forest in Costa Rica we used 2700 clay models that imitated the polytypic strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) as a proxy for an aposematic prey species. We manipulated the dorsal color pattern by using a local and a non-local aposematic and a non-local cryptic background color and combined them with black spots increasing in size (none, small, medium, large). The major objective was to test if spot size alters the survival rate of differently colored models. Background coloration and spot size were significant predictors of being attacked. However, the interaction between both effects was not. During five trials predators avoided the non-local aposematic color morph and did not discriminate between local aposematic and non-local cryptic models. Spot size and attack rate were negatively linear correlated which suggests that predator selection promotes the evolution of dark spots. We further conclude that spot size matters in a contrasting color pattern and plays an important role in predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Spodoptera exempta exhibits a density-dependent phase polyphenism in which caterpillars reared in isolation (phase solitaria) tend to be green/brown and cryptic while those reared in groups (phase gregaria) are black and highly visible. Differences in coloration between solitaria and gregaria phase larvae become apparent in the third instar and are pronounced by the final instar. Larval rearing densities as low as two larvae per 250 ml container are sufficient to induce gregaria coloration in 61% of the insects and at higher densities this is the only coloration expressed. Larvae transferred from isolated to crowded conditions or vice versa tend to retain or adopt gregaria phase coloration which suggests that this is highly advantageous. Black coloration is also induced in single larvae reared with other species of caterpillar (S. littoralis). Isolated larvae reared at low temperature tend to become melanic while crowded larvae reared at high temperature tend to be less melanised although they do not adopt the solitaria phase coloration. These results suggest that phase coloration is determined by non species-specific inter-larval contact, although it can be modulated by temperature. Under laboratory conditions, gregaria phase larvae heat up faster than solitaria; this is partially a consequence of their black coloration but their smaller size is a more important factor. The cuticles of the gregaria larvae absorb significantly more ultraviolet radiation than those of solitaria but this does not confer any protection when larvae are irradiated at 254 nm.  相似文献   

Molecular markers often offer the only means to discriminate between species and to elucidate the specificity of many community interactions, both of which are key to the understanding of ecological patterns. Western Atlantic populations of the bryozoan Bugula neritina vary in the palatability of their larvae to predators: individuals south of Cape Hatteras produce chemical deterrents to fish predators that are absent in more northern individuals. We use mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) sequences to show that the differences in palatability between populations correlate with the geographical distributions of two cryptic species within B. neritina. Furthermore, these cryptic species differ in their associations with bacteria that may confer chemical resistance to predation. Small subunit rRNA primers specific to a subset of gamma-proteobacteria amplified only the bacterium Endobugula sertula from the southern cryptic species. Endobugula sertula produces a family of chemical compounds (bryostatins) that may deter predators of its animal host. In contrast, the same primers amplified an array of gamma-proteobacteria from the unprotected northern cryptic bryozoan species, but never E. sertula. In combination, these findings suggest that the geographical variation in palatability observed in the larvae of B. neritina is not the result of local adaptation of a single species to regions of differing predation pressure, but rather results from the comparison of cryptic species that differ in the presence or absence of a bacterium that may provide protection against predators. The ability to identify the cryptic Bugula species and their differing relationships with bacterial associates provides an example of the important role molecular techniques may play in addressing ecological questions.  相似文献   

Predation is an important selective force that influences animal color patterns. Some larval populations of the streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, inhabit streams with fish predators. Other larval salamanders are found in shallow, ephemeral streams that are predator-free. Quantitative melanophore cell counts and estimates of percent body area pigmented indicated that larval coloration is strongly correlated with stream type. Larvae that coexist with fish tend to be lighter than larvae from streams that are Ashless and ephemeral. Two approaches demonstrated that lightly pigmented salamander larvae better match the common background in relatively permanent streams and are less conspicuous to fish than dark larvae. First, using a model based on the spectral sensitivity of the fish and reflectance properties of salamanders and natural stream backgrounds, we showed that light larvae are three times more cryptic than dark larvae on rocks. Second, lighter larvae had higher survival than darker salamanders on rocks in a predator- choice experiment. It is not clear why larvae in ephemeral streams are darker. Larvae in ephemeral streams should be active to feed and develop rapidly and reach sufficient size to metamorphose before seasonal drying. Several hypotheses may explain why larvae tend to be darker in ephemeral streams, such as increased thermoregulatory ability, better screening of ultraviolet radiation (in these shallower streams), or better background matching to terrestrial predators. Among populations where salamander larvae coexist with fish, there are differences in relative crypsis. Larvae from populations with fish and relatively high gene flow from ephemeral populations (where larvae are dark) tend to be darker (with more melanophores) and more conspicuous to predators than those from more genetically isolated populations, where larvae are lighter and more cryptic. These differences illustrate the role of gene flow as a constraint to adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The vertical distribution within the substrate of three lotic mayflies (Rhithrogena sp., Paraleptophlebia sp. and Baetis tricaudalus Dodds) was examined in laboratory streams to determine if diel patterns of vertical movement across substrate surfaces existed and whether light intensity, temperature, substrate composition or food availability influenced the observed movement patterns.
2. Rhithrogena sp. and B. tricaudatus exhibited significant diel movement from lower substrate surfaces during the day to upper surfaces at night, although >64% of B. tricaudalus occupied the upper surfaces throughout the 24 h period. In contrast, Parakplophlebia sp. larvae did not change their vertical distribution over the 24 h period.
3. The proportion of mayflies occupying substrate surfaces was influenced by the amount of upper and lower surface area available in the substrate and, possibly, crevice sizes associated with lower surfaces.
4. The movement of Rhiihrogena sp. from lower surfaces during the day to the upper surfaces during the night was influenced by changes in light intensity, but not by changes in food availability or water temperature.
5. The diel patterns of vertical movement exhibited by lotic mayflies in this investigation raise the possibility that at least some biotic interactions may vary over a diel cycle. These could include competitive interactions or temporal cycling of prey availability to predators.  相似文献   

Many aposematic species have evolved an aggregated lifestyle, and one possible advantage of grouping in warningly coloured prey is that it makes the aposematic signal more effective by generating a greater aversion in predators. Here we investigate the effect of prey group size on predator behaviour, both when prey are aposematic and when they are not aposematic, to separate the effects of warning coloration and prey novelty. Naive domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus) were presented with either solitary or groups of 3, 9 or 27 live larvae of the aposematic bug Tropidothorax leucopterus. Other naive chicks were presented with larvae of the non-aposematic bug Graptostethus servus either solitary or in groups of 27. Attack probability decreased with increasing group size of aposematic prey, both when birds were naive and when they had prior experience, whereas prey gregariousness did not affect the initial attack probability on the G. servus larvae. In a separate experiment, groups of mealworms were shown to be even more attractive than solitary mealworms to naive chicks. We conclude that the aversiveness of prey grouping in this study can be explained as increased signal repellence of specific prey coloration, in this case a classical warning coloration. These experiments thus support the idea of gregariousness increasing the signalling effect of warning coloration.  相似文献   

Abstract Aposematic colours may warn predators that an individual or species is chemically defended and unpalatable. This study examines a diurnal Australian whistling moth, Hecatesia exultans (Noctuidae, Agaristinae) where adults, although cryptic at rest, display their bright orange, yellow and black colouration in flight. Aposematically coloured larvae feed mainly on Cassytha, a parasitic vine that contains aporphine alkaloids. Alkaloids isolated from the plants and moths were analysed for the presence of these compounds. While alkaloids were found in the stomach and frass of 18 moth larvae, no alkaloids were present in the body and similarly no alkaloids were detected from 65 adult male moths collected from three widely separated populations. We conclude that the larvae and adults do not sequester alkaloids. Lycosid spiders and singing honeyeaters ( Lichenostomtus virescens ) were used to assess the palatability of H. exultans adults. The spiders and the birds consumed all adult moths. Adult moths appear to avoid predation by employing quick flights with rapid changes of direction and, while the adults are brightly coloured, they are not chemical defended.  相似文献   

The occurrence of coral snake coloration among unrelated venomous and non‐venomous snake species has often been explained in terms of warning coloration and mimicry. In Argentina, no field tests have been conducted to confirm this mimetic association between one venomous coral species (Micrurus phyrrocryptus, Elapidae) and two non‐venomous snake species with a similar color pattern (Lystrophis pulcher and Oxyrhopus rhombifer, Colubridae). The aims of this work were to test for the possible aposematic or cryptic function of the ring pattern and coloration of coral snakes and false coral snakes from central Argentina, and to analyse whether the pattern is effective throughout the year. Predation on snakes was estimated by using non‐toxic plasticine replicas of ringed venomous and non‐venomous snakes and unbanded green snakes placed along transects in their natural habitat during the dry and rainy season. Ringed color pattern was attacked by predators despite the background color. One of the replica types was attacked more than expected during the dry season, suggesting that both shape and width of rings may influence the choice by predators. The reaction of predators towards replicas that mimic snake species with ringed patterns is independent of the geographical region, and we can conclude that mimicry characteristics are quite general when the true models are present in the area.  相似文献   

Animals often announce their unprofitability to predators through conspicuous coloured signals. Here we tested whether the apparently conspicuous colour designs of the four European Coraciiformes and Upupiformes species may have evolved as aposematic signals, or whether instead they imply a cost in terms of predation risk. Because previous studies suggested that these species are unpalatable, we hypothesized that predators could avoid targeting them based on their colours. An experiment was performed where two artificial models of each bird species were exposed simultaneously to raptor predators, one painted so as to resemble the real colour design of these birds, and the other one painted using cryptic colours. Additionally, we used field data on the black kite’s diet to compare the selection of these four species to that of other avian prey. Conspicuous models were attacked in equal or higher proportions than their cryptic counterparts, and the attack rate on the four species increased with their respective degree of contrast against natural backgrounds. The analysis of the predator’s diet revealed that the two least attacked species were negatively selected in nature despite their abundance. Both conspicuous and cryptic models of one of the studied species (the hoopoe) received fewer attacks than cryptic models of the other three species, suggesting that predators may avoid this species for characteristics other than colour. Globally, our results suggest that the colour of coraciiforms and upupiforms does not function as an aposematic signal that advises predators of their unprofitability, but also that conspicuous colours may increase predation risk in some species, supporting thus the handicap hypothesis.  相似文献   

Aola M.  Richards 《Journal of Zoology》1985,205(2):287-295
The biology of the Australian coccinellid Rodatus major (Blackburn) and its prey, the hemipteran margarodid Monophlebulus pilosior (Maskell), are described. New predators and a new parasite of M. pilosior are recorded. Rodatus major makes use of elaborate and distinctive defensive adaptations and behaviour to protect itself from predators. They include cryptic coloration, aposematic behaviour, production of wax by larvae, production of a large, thick protective covering concealing the pupa and resembling an M. pilosior ovisac, and reflex bleeding. It is the only known coccinellid species in which both prepupa and pupa are hidden by a protective shroud of wax threads. Rodatus major has a specialized feeding behaviour. Its potential as a biological control agent is assessed. It is only the second Australian margarodid-feeding coccinellid to be studied, Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant) being the first.  相似文献   

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