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理解植物群落组成结构的演化对于阐明荒漠化的过程与驱动机制、制定有效的干旱区生态系统恢复措施具有重要价值。研究干旱区植物群落的空间格局的演化过程有助于深入理解荒漠化和生态恢复的过程与机理。目前大量研究关注于植被退化过程中的群落组成结构变化,而对于生态恢复过程中的植物群落空间格局演化的研究尚不多见。干旱区生态系统中植物通常较为稀疏且个体较小,准确提取植物的分布往往需要分辨率极高的遥感数据。近年来,低空无人机遥感技术的快速发展为精细尺度上植被空间格局的研究提供重要技术支持。利用2 cm空间分辨率的低空无人机遥感数据结合地面群落调查,在精细尺度上研究了宁夏沙坡头草方格生态恢复区内植物群落的空间格局变化。研究结果表明,沙坡头地区草方格生态恢复工程实验区域,相对于未实施生态恢复工程的裸露沙丘区域,植物物种多样性和植被盖度显著提高。恢复工程实施4年后,平均植被盖度增加3倍,物种丰富度增加1倍。在植被恢复过程中,随着植被盖度的增加,植被斑块表现出规模上升、破碎化程度下降、形状复杂化、空间自相关减弱等格局特征变化。这些空间格局特征的变化表明大型植被斑块趋于恢复,整体微环境的改善有利于单独生长的植物个体存活,整体上生态系统退化为裸地的风险降低。利用低空无人机遥感手段,对草方格生态恢复工程的植被恢复过程进行了详细、高分辨率的空间格局调查及分析,结合地面群落调查,从多个方面证明了草方格生态恢复措施的有效性。基于无人机的系统格局连续长期监测有助于深入理解干旱区生态恢复机理,对于科学开展荒漠化生态恢复措施也具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Non-native species introductions are widespread and can affect ecosystem functioning by altering the structure of food webs. Invading plants often modify habitat structure, which may affect the suitability of vegetation as refuge and could thus impact predator-prey dynamics. Yet little is known about how the replacement of native by non-native vegetation affects predator-prey dynamics. We hypothesize that plant refuge provisioning depends on (1) the plant’s native status, (2) plant structural complexity and morphology, (3) predator identity, and (4) prey identity, as well as that (5) structurally similar living and artificial plants provide similar refuge. We used aquatic communities as a model system and compared the refuge provided by plants to macroinvertebrates (Daphnia pulex, Gammarus pulex and damselfly larvae) in three short-term laboratory predation experiments. Plant refuge provisioning differed between plant species, but was generally similar for native (Myriophyllum spicatum, Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton perfoliatus) and non-native plants (Vallisneria spiralis, Myriophyllum heterophyllum, Cabomba caroliniana). However, plant refuge provisioning to macroinvertebrate prey depended primarily on predator (mirror carp: Cyprinus carpio carpio and dragonfly larvae: Anax imperator) and prey identity, while the effects of plant structural complexity were only minor. Contrary to living plants, artificial plant analogues did improve prey survival, particularly with increasing structural complexity and shoot density. As such, plant rigidity, which was high for artificial plants and one of the living plant species evaluated in this study (Ceratophyllum demersum), may interact with structural complexity to play a key role in refuge provisioning to specific prey (Gammarus pulex). Our results demonstrate that replacement of native by structurally similar non-native vegetation is unlikely to greatly affect predator-prey dynamics. We propose that modification of predator-prey interactions through plant invasions only occurs when invading plants radically differ in growth form, density and rigidity compared to native plants.  相似文献   

Shoot N concentration in plants decreases as they get bigger, due to the fact that N accumulates less rapidly than dry matter in plants during the plant growth process, leading to an allometric relationship between shoot N content (N(sh)) and shoot mass (W(sh)): N(sh)=a(W(sh))b. The results obtained on lucerne plants growing either under controlled low density conditions or in dense stands under field conditions show that the value of the allometric coefficient b that represents the ratio between the relative N accumulation rate in shoots [dN(sh)/(N(sh)dt)] and the relative growth rate [dW(sh)/(W(sh)dt)], decreases from 0.88 for a low plant density to 0.72 for a dense stand. Therefore, the fractional increase of shoot N per unit of shoot dry matter is lower when plants are in competition for light in dense canopies. This decrease can be entirely explained by the parallel decline in the leaf area per unit of shoot mass. Thus, a remarkably constant linear relationship can be established between N(sh) and leaf area (LA): N(sh)=1.7 g m(-2) LA, regardless of the conditions (low versus high density, controlled versus field conditions). Moreover, in a field dense stand, the comparison of plants with contrasting positions between the top and the bottom of the canopy (dominant, intermediate or suppressed plants), also shows that the difference in N(sh) at similar shoot mass is explained by the proportion of leaf mass to shoot mass. These data support the idea that leaf growth drives the dynamics of shoot N accumulation. These results also indicate that competition for light among individual plants within a dense canopy induces developmental changes in plant morphology (leaf:stem ratio) that explain the differences observed in shoot N concentration. This last observation could be extrapolated to multi-specific plant stands. Therefore, the sharing of N resources among plant species could partially be the result of the sharing of light within the canopy.  相似文献   

This paper reviews studies on growth and size-structure dynamics of shoots and clones in clonal plants in comparison with those in non-clonal plants, and discusses the characteristics of clonal plants. The mode of competition between individuals (symmetric versus asymmetric, degree of competitive asymmetry), growth dynamics of individuals, allocation pattern between organs and spatial pattern of individuals are closely correlated with each other in non-clonal plant populations. Theoretical and field studies based on the diffusion model revealed that plants of “height-growth” type (mostly early-successional tree species) and plants of “diameter-growth” type (mostly late-successional tree species) tend to exhibit asymmetric competition and symmetric competition respectively. Moreover, asymmetrically competing plants show smaller effects of variation in individual growth rate and spatial pattern on the size-structure dynamics of the population than symmetrically competing plants. Thefefore, the spatial pattern of inviduals should be considered especially for plants undergoing symmetric competition. These results for non-clonal plants should have a significant implication also for the growth dynamics and competition in clonal plants. The mean growth rate of shoots [G(t,x) function] and hence the mode of competition between shoots differs among clonal plant species as in non-clonal plants. However, a large magnitude and size-independence (or slightly negative size-dependence) of the variation in growth rate of shoots [D(t,x) function], especially at the early stage in a growing season is a common characteristic of many clonal plant species, in contrast to the positively size-dependent variation in individual growth rate in non-clonal plants. This type of variation in shoot growth rate leads to the persistence of stable shoot populations even when the mean growth rate function is changed, and also in cases where the shoot population structure would be unstable in the absence of variation in growth rate. It is suggested that competition between clones is symmetric in most clonal plant species, which brings about small-scale spatio-temporal changes in species abundance and hence species diversity.  相似文献   

The surface area‐to‐volume ratio of cells is one of the key factors affecting fundamental biological processes and, thus, fitness of unicellular organisms. One of the general models for allometric increase in surface‐to‐volume scaling involves fractal‐like elaboration of cellular surfaces. However, specific data illustrating this pattern in natural populations of the unicellular organisms have not previously been available. This study shows that unicellular green algae of the genus Micrasterias (Desmidiales) have positive allometric surface‐to‐volume scaling caused by changes in morphology of individual species, especially in the degree of cell lobulation. This allometric pattern was also detected within most of the cultured and natural populations analysed. Values of the allometric S:V scaling within individual populations were closely correlated to the phylogenetic structure of the clade. In addition, they were related to species‐specific cellular morphology. Individual populations differed in their allometric patterns, and their position in the allometric space was strongly correlated with the degree of allometric S:V scaling. This result illustrates that allometric shape patterns are an important correlate of the capacity of individual populations to compensate for increases in their cell volumes by increasing the surface area. However, variation in allometric patterns was not associated with phylogenetic structure. This indicates that the position of the populations in the allometric space was not evolutionarily conserved and might be influenced by environmental factors.  相似文献   

Herbivory tolerance can offset the negative effects of herbivory on plants and plays an important role in both immigration and population establishment. Biomass reallocation is an important potential mechanism of herbivory tolerance. To understand how biomass allocation affects plant herbivory tolerance, it is necessary to distinguish the biomass allocations resulting from environmental gradients or plant growth. There is generally a tight balance between the amounts of biomass invested in different organs, which must be analyzed by means of an allometric model. The allometric exponent is not affected by individual growth and can reflect the changes in biomass allocation patterns of different parts. Therefore, the allometric exponent was chosen to study the relationship between biomass allocation pattern and herbivory tolerance. We selected four species (Wedelia chinensis, Wedelia trilobata, Merremia hederacea, and Mikania micrantha), two of which are invasive species and two of which are accompanying native species, and established three herbivory levels (0%, 25% and 50%) to compare differences in allometry. The biomass allocation in stems was negatively correlated with herbivory tolerance, while that in leaves was positively correlated with herbivory tolerance. Furthermore, the stability of the allometric exponent was related to tolerance, indicating that plants with the ability to maintain their biomass allocation patterns are more tolerant than those without this ability, and the tendency to allocate biomass to leaves rather than to stems or roots helps increase this tolerance. The allometric exponent was used to remove the effects of individual development on allocation pattern, allowing the relationship between biomass allocation and herbivory tolerance to be more accurately explored. This research used an allometric model to fit the nonlinear process of biomass partitioning during the growth and development of plants and provides a new understanding of the relationship between biomass allocation and herbivory tolerance.  相似文献   

In most populations of Solidago altissima, a small proportion of plants have a growth pattern in which the stem bends early in the season so that the apex is pointing downward (i.e., a “candy-cane” stem) then straightens up again later in the season. The majority of plants, however, do not show this pattern. Instead their stems remain erect from emergence through flowering and senescence. It has recently been shown that the candy-cane stems are a result of a ducking strategy that reduces the risk of attack by apex-attacking herbivores. With such a resistance advantage, it is unclear why the candy-cane morphology is always in the minority, and why the erect morphology persists at all in S. altissima populations. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the advantage of ducking is inversely frequency dependent and thus will not be an effective resistance strategy when ducking plants are in the majority. In a series of trials, we introduced gall flies (Eurosta solidaginis) into enclosures with relatively low (15%) and relatively high (85%) frequencies of candy-cane versus erect stems. Candy-cane stems were more resistant than erect stems regardless of relative frequency; thus, the hypothesis was rejected. Overall, attack rates were lower for both stem types in the high candy-cane frequency groups than in the low candy-cane frequency groups. This frequency-dependent attack rate suggests that erect-stemmed plants gain “associational resistance” by having a majority of candy-cane neighbors, while candy-cane plants suffer from “associational susceptibility” when surrounded by erect-stemmed neighbors.  相似文献   

Summary Seedling recruitment in salt marsh plant communities is generally precluded in dense vegetation by competition from adults, but is also relatively rare in disturbance-generated bare space. We examined the constraints on seedling recruitment in New England salt marsh bare patches. Under typical bare patch conditions seed germination is severely limited by high substrate salinities. We examined the germination requirements of common high marsh plants and found that except for one notably patch-dependent fugitive species, the germination of high marsh plants is strongly inhibited by the high soil salinities routinely encountered in natural bare patches. Watering high marsh soil in the greenhouse to alleviate salt stress resulted in the emergence of up to 600 seedlings/225 cm2. The vast majority of this seed bank consisted of Juncus gerardi, the only common high marsh plant with high seed set. We tested the hypothesis that salt stress limits seedling contributions to marsh patch secondary succession in the field. Watering bare patches with fresh water partially alleviated patch soil salinities and dramatically increased both the emergence and survival of seedlings. Our results show that seedling recruitment by high marsh perennial turfs is limited by high soil salinities and that consequently their population dynamics are determined primarily by clonal growth processes. In contrast, populations of patch-dependent fugitive marsh plants which cannot colonize vegetatively are likely governed by spatially and temporally unpredictable windows of low salinities in bare patches.  相似文献   

A substantial part of current research efforts on desertification are devoted to establish monitoring systems to evaluate the status of natural resources and the onset of desertification processes. Methodologies based on ground-collected soil and plant indicators are being increasingly used for this aim because they are affordable yet do not compromise accuracy. Despite their inherent value, these methods have limitations regarding the extent of the area that can be monitored using them. Such limitations can be overcome combining field-based approaches with remote sensing data, which allow the establishment of monitoring programs over large areas. In this article we tested the relationship between a field methodology based on indicators of ecosystem functioning, the landscape function analysis (LFA), and a vegetation index (NDVI) obtained from satellite images of the ASTER sensor using data gathered in Stipa tenacissima steppes from central Spain. LFA uses soil surface indicators to assess the condition of a given ecosystem by producing three numerical indices (stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling) reflecting the status of basic soil functions. We found a significant positive linear relationship between the NDVI, the three LFA indices and some key structural attributes of vegetation related to the cover of perennial plants. Our results indicate that NDVI can be used as a surrogate of ecosystem functioning in semi-arid Mediterranean steppes, and thus can be a helpful index to monitor the functional status of large areas in these ecosystems, and the possible onset of desertification processes.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地南缘沙漠化临界区域土壤水分和植被空间格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用地统计学和经典统计学方法,对毛乌素沙地南缘沙漠化临界区域土壤水分和植被特征的空间分布格局及其相互关系进行研究,结果表明: 0-5 cm和5-10 cm土壤水分符合指数模型,10-15 cm土壤水分和植物群落物种数、植被盖度、植被密度都符合球状模型;0-5 cm土壤水分、植物群落物种数和植被盖度都具有强空间自相关性,5-10 cm、10-15 cm土壤水分和植被密度都具有中等程度的空间自相关性;从牛枝子群落到黑沙蒿群落,各层土壤水分与植物群落物种数之间具有相似的空间格局,都呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,而植被盖度和植被密度呈逐渐减小的变化趋势;0-5 cm土壤水分与植物群落物种数之间具有显著的正相关,是制约植被物种空间分布的关键因素。  相似文献   

乌拉山自然保护区白桦种群的年龄结构和点格局分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
白桦群落是乌拉山森林植被的主要类型之一,在高海拔阴坡、半阴坡以纯林形式分布.根据乌拉山自然保护区白桦林不同林龄结构设置3个典型样地,采用种群径级结构代替年龄结构、点格局分析(Ripley's K-Function)方法探讨了乌拉山白桦种群年龄结构、空间分布规律和种群动态.结果表明:(1)乌拉山自然保护区白桦种群径级结构呈典型的“金字塔”型,种群自然更新良好,属增长型种群;(2)由于种内不同个体间为争夺空间和资源,种群在第Ⅲ、Ⅳ径级死亡率较高,自疏作用明显;(3)白桦种群的存活曲线接近于Deevey Ⅰ型曲线;(4)在研究尺度内白桦种群以幼树、中龄树为主时呈聚集分布,而成龄树或老龄树占多数时呈随机分布,即随着种群年龄的增加,其分布格局逐渐由集群分布向随机分布转变.乌拉山白桦种群在小于1.5m的尺度呈聚集分布,即具有2株以上个体“丛生”现象.在环境条件相似的情况下,白桦种群自身的生物、生态学特性是影响其分布格局的最主要因素.  相似文献   

The ability of plant species to colonize new habitats and persist in changing environments depends on their ability to respond plastically to environmental variation and on the presence of genetic variation, thus allowing adaptation to new conditions. For invasive species in particular, the relationship between phenotypic trait expression, demography, and the quantitative genetic variation that is available to respond to selection are likely to be important determinants of the successful establishment and persistence of populations. However, the magnitude and sources of individual demographic variation in exotic plant populations remain poorly understood. How important is plasticity versus adaptability in populations of invasive species? Among environmental factors, is temperature, soil nutrients, or competition most influential, and at what scales and life stages do they affect the plants? To investigate these questions we planted seeds of the exotic annual plant Erodium brachycarpum into typical pasture habitat in a spatially nested design. Seeds were drawn from 30 inbred lines to enable quantification of genetic effects. Despite a positive population growth rate, a few plants (0.1?%) produced >50?% of the seeds, suggesting a low effective population size. Emergence and early growth varied by genotype, but as in previous studies on native plants, environmental effects greatly exceeded genetic effects, and survival was unrelated to genotype. Environmental influences shifted from microscale soil compaction and litter depth at emergence through to larger-scale soil nutrient gradients during growth and to competition during later survival and seed production. Temperature had no effect. Most demographic rates were positively correlated, but emergence was negatively correlated with other rates.  相似文献   

As crowded populations of plants develop, the growth of some plants is accompanied by the death of others, a process called density-dependent mortality or 'self-thinning'. During the course of density-dependent mortality, the relationship between total population biomass (B) and surviving plant density (N) is allometric: B = aN(b). Essentially, increasing population biomass can be achieved only through decreasing population density. Variation in the allometric coefficient a among species has been recognized for many years and is important for management, assessment of productivity and carbon budgets, but the causes of this variation have not been elucidated. Individual-based models predict that size-dependent competition causes variation in the allometric coefficient. Using transgenic Arabidopsis with decreased plasticity, we provide experimental evidence that morphological plasticity of wild-type populations decreases the size asymmetry of competition for light and thereby decreases density-dependent mortality. This decrease in density-dependent mortality results in more biomass at a given density under size-symmetric compared with size-asymmetric competition.  相似文献   

胡启武  聂兰琴  郑艳明  吴琴  尧波  郑林 《生态学报》2014,34(9):2246-2255
为阐明沙化程度和林龄对湿地松(Pinus elliottii)叶片及林下土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征影响,探讨C、N、P化学计量比对沙山植被恢复的指示意义,在鄱阳湖多宝沙山沿沙化梯度测定了不同林龄湿地松叶片及林下土壤C、N、P含量。结果表明:1)在叶片C、N、P及其化学计量比中叶N与C∶N对沙化程度和林龄变化反应最为敏感。对于轻度与中度沙化区的5年生与10年生湿地松林,林龄、林龄与沙化程度的交互作用均对叶N及C∶N产生显著影响;对于中度与重度沙化区的2年生和10年生湿地松林,林龄和沙化程度均显著影响叶N与C∶N。2)叶片与土壤二者C、N、P及化学计量比对沙化程度与林龄变化的响应不完全一致。林龄、林龄与沙化程度的交互作用对轻度与中度沙化区5年生和10年生湿地松林土壤全N有显著影响;对于中度与重度沙化区2年生和10年生湿地松林,仅沙化程度对土壤全磷以及林龄对土壤有机碳影响显著。3)10年生湿地松叶片N∶P平均值为20.63,10年生以下湿地松叶片N∶P平均值为15.61,随着林龄的增加,湿地松生长由N、P共同限制逐渐转向更受P的限制。  相似文献   

张亚盟 《人类学学报》2020,39(4):648-658
与面颅、脑颅和颅底不同,枕骨与人群间遗传信息的关系不明确且研究较少。传统形态测量方法对枕骨的研究难以全面反映枕骨的形态信息。为更加精细地探究枕骨形态与人群的关系,本文以亚洲、非洲和欧洲地区的103例现生男性头骨为研究对象,通过三维几何形态测量和多元统计分析的方法对枕骨三维形态和异速生长模式在人群间的差异进行了研究。研究结果表明,枕骨的大小和形状在现生人群中具有显著差异,然而这种差异并不足以区分不同人群。现代人枕骨的三维形态具有较大的变异,主要表现在枕外隆凸点的突出程度、上下相对位置以及枕平面与项平面的比例,其次表现在星点位置在前后、内外以及上下方向上的变化,斜坡的倾角变化等方面。异速生长的分析表明,不同人群中存在不同的异速生长模式,但是非洲和欧洲人群也存在相似的趋势。本研究认为枕骨三维形态在反映人群间遗传关系上作用较小,支持枕骨形态可能更多受到功能和环境等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Competition and Allometry in Kochia scoparia   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Comparisons between crowded and uncrowded Kochia scoparia individualsdemonstrate pronounced effects of competition on plant allometryas well as on the distributions of different aspects of size.Non-destructive measurements of height and stem diameter and,for a subset of the populations, the number and length of leavesand branches, were taken at three times, and the plants wereharvested after the third measurement. The sequential measurementsafforded the opportunity to obtain information of the effectsof competition on allometric growth trajectories of individuals,as well as on static inter-individual allometric relationships. The distributions of most size measures appeared to be normalfor the uncrowded population. Crowded populations developeda negatively-skewed height distribution and a high-inequalitymass distribution, whereas the diameter distributions remainednormal. Plants grown without neighbours showed simple allometricrelationships between height, diameter and weight. For isolatedplants, the 'static' allometric relationship between plantsof different sizes and the allometric growth trajectory of individualswere similar. Crowded populations showed complex allometry;the static inter-individual relationships between height, diameterand weight were curvilinear (on log-log scale). There were largedifferences in the allometric growth slopes of uncrowded vs.crowded plants. Allometric relationships between stem diameterand plant mass, and between total length of leaves and totallength of branches, did not seem to be altered by competition. The data suggest that height was the most important aspect ofsize influencing future growth of individuals in the crowdedpopulation. Only plants above a certain height were able tocontinue to grow from the second to third measurement in thecrowded population. This supports the hypothesis that asymmetriccompetition for light is the cause of the allometric changesand of the increase in size variability due to competition.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Allometric growth, allometry, competition, growth, Kochia  相似文献   

The prediction of pest-control functioning by multi-predator communities is hindered by the non-additive nature of species functioning. Such non-additivity, commonly termed an emergent multi-predator effect, is known to be affected by elements of the ecological context, such as the structure and composition of vegetation, in addition to the traits of the predators themselves. Here we report mesocosm experiments designed to test the influence of plant density and species composition (wheat monoculture or wheat and faba bean polyculture) on the emergence of multi-predator effects between Adalia bipunctata and Chrysoperla carnea, in their suppression of populations of the aphid Metopolophium dirhodum. The mesocosm experiments were followed by a series of behavioural observations designed to identify how interactions among predators are modified by plant species composition and whether these effects are consistent with the observed influence of plant species composition on aphid population suppression. Although plant density was shown to have no influence on the multi-predator effect on aphid population growth, plant composition had a marked effect. In wheat monoculture, Adalia and Chrysoperla mixed treatments caused greater suppression of M. dirhodum populations than expected. However this positive emergent effect was reversed to a negative multi-predator effect in wheat and faba bean polyculture. The behavioural observations revealed that although dominant individuals did not respond to the presence of faba bean plants, the behaviour of sub-dominants was affected markedly, consistent with their foraging for extra-floral nectar produced by the faba bean. This interaction between plant composition and predator community composition on the foraging behaviour of sub-dominants is thought to underlie the observed effect of plant composition on the multi-predator effect. Thus, the emergence of multi-predator effects is shown to be strongly influenced by plant species composition, mediated, in this case, by the provision of extra-floral nectar by one of the plant species.  相似文献   

Exploring the regional pattern of variation in traits driven by symbiotic interactions may provide insights to understand the evolutionary processes that operate over plant populations. Polyploidy, which is associated with fitness improvement, is expected to increase with latitude and altitude. However, it has never been explored in relation with the occurrence of epichloid fungal endophytes in plants. Both, variation in ploidy level and in the incidence of fungal endophytes, are known to occur in species of fine fescues. Here, we surveyed the occurrence of systemic fungal endophytes in natural Festuca vivipara populations in North European islands. In addition, we identified the fungal species associated with this grass and determined the predominant ploidy level for each population. Endophytes were found in four of six, two of three, and one of three populations for Faroe Islands, Iceland and Great Britain, respectively. With an average low incidence level of 15 % in infected populations, there was no relationship between infection level and either latitude or altitude. The phylogenetic analysis based on sequences ITS and the tub2 genes, supports that the endophytic species is Epichloë festucae, the same as in other fine fescues. We found no variation in ploidy level as all the plants were tetraploid (4X) with 28 chromosomes, a pattern which contrasts with the variation reported in previous antecedents. Our results suggest that apart from low and variable benefits of the endophyte to the plants, there would be a complex dynamics between epichloid endophytes and species of the fine fescue complex which merits further studies.  相似文献   

Chen  Kai  Liu  Qing  Chen  Zi-Hong  Li  Zu-Lei 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(10):979-988

Understanding the geographic patterns of reproductive allocation helps in clarifying the selective forces that shape the reproductive strategies of plants. However, studies on the elevational patterns of reproductive allocation remain limited. Moreover, although soil attributes have long been suspected to drive elevational patterns of reproductive allocation, few studies have explored this relationship. Delaying reproduction and allocating a high proportion of biomass to vegetative organs may be risky for plants living under high-elevation habitats, as these two processes can potentially lead to plant reproductive failure due to the low temperatures and short growing seasons at high elevations. Thus, we hypothesize that reproductive effort will increase with elevation and the elevational pattern of reproductive allocation will be largely driven by soil attributes, given their covariation with elevation. To test these hypotheses, we determined the vegetative and reproductive biomass of individual Impatiens arguta (Balsaminaceae) plants across 12 populations in the Gaoligong Mountains (China), and collected data on soil temperature, nutrients, moisture, and pH for each population. Based on standard major axis regression and linear regression models, we found that (1) both vegetative and reproductive biomass decreased with elevation; (2) all populations demonstrated significant allometric slopes (i.e., linear coefficients of log[reproductive biomass]???log[vegetative biomass] regressions)?>?1; (3) allometric slopes decreased with elevation; and (4) soil temperature was a better predictor of the allometric slope than elevation, i.e., the allometric slope decreased with soil temperature. These results suggest that plant species growing at high elevation invest proportionately more resources to reproduction as an adaptation to low-temperature environments, and reproductive output is heavily dependent on vegetative growth. This study provides the first evidence of soil temperature driving reproductive allocation patterns, which suggests that plant species will favor allocation to growth under increasing soil temperatures with climate warming.


细根分解和周转是土壤有机质和养分的重要来源。为探明不同石漠化程度天然草地细根对土壤养分的贡献,于2017年3月至次年1月,采用土柱法和分解袋法,研究不同石漠化程度下天然草地的细根生物量、分解和养分释放动态及对石漠化的响应。结果表明:3种不同石漠化程度下草地的细根生物量随季节均呈现先增加后降低的趋势,随石漠化程度的加剧均呈现逐渐降低的趋势,潜在、中度和强度石漠化草地的细根生物量分别为3355.65、2944.02 g/m~2和1806.80 g/m~2。细根分解速率呈现先快后慢的趋势,分解300天后的残留率均低于50%。细根有机碳、全氮、全磷和全钾的释放过程具有显著不同,释放模式最终均表现为"释放",潜在、中度和强度石漠化草地细根的有机碳、全氮、全磷、全钾的年归还量分别为32.46—161.08、0.24—3.88、0.08—0.32、0.15—2.78 g/m~2。随石漠化程度的加剧,细根生物量和分解率呈现逐渐降低趋势,土壤有机碳、全氮归还量呈现逐渐增加趋势。  相似文献   

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