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Most HIV-infected patients when treated with combination antiretroviral therapy achieve viral loads that are below the current limit of detection of standard assays after a few months. Despite this, virus eradication from the host has not been achieved. Latent, replication-competent HIV-1 can generally be identified in resting memory CD4+ T cells in patients with “undetectable” viral loads. Turnover of these cells is extremely slow but virus can be released from the latent reservoir quickly upon cessation of therapy. In addition, a number of patients experience transient episodes of viremia, or HIV-1 blips, even with suppression of the viral load to below the limit of detection for many years. The mechanisms underlying the slow decay of the latent reservoir and the occurrence of intermittent viral blips have not been fully elucidated. In this study, we address these two issues by developing a mathematical model that explores a hypothesis about latently infected cell activation. We propose that asymmetric division of latently infected cells upon sporadic antigen encounter may both replenish the latent reservoir and generate intermittent viral blips. Interestingly, we show that occasional replenishment of the latent reservoir induced by reactivation of latently infected cells may reconcile the differences between the divergent estimates of the half-life of the latent reservoir in the literature.  相似文献   

There are many biological steps between viral infection of CD4(+) T cells and the production of HIV-1 virions. Here we incorporate an eclipse phase, representing the stage in which infected T cells have not started to produce new virus, into a simple HIV-1 model. Model calculations suggest that the quicker infected T cells progress from the eclipse stage to the productively infected stage, the more likely that a viral strain will persist. Long-term treatment effectiveness of antiretroviral drugs is often hindered by the frequent emergence of drug resistant virus during therapy. We link drug resistance to both the rate of progression of the eclipse phase and the rate of viral production of the resistant strain, and explore how the resistant strain could evolve to maximize its within-host viral fitness. We obtained the optimal progression rate and the optimal viral production rate, which maximize the fitness of a drug resistant strain in the presence of drugs. We show that the window of opportunity for invasion of drug resistant strains is widened for a higher level of drug efficacy provided that the treatment is not potent enough to eradicate both the sensitive and resistant virus.  相似文献   

长期以来,病毒潜伏库(latent viral reservoir,LVR)的存在严重阻碍了AIDS的有效治疗,LVR无法被人体免疫系统识别,高效抗逆转录病毒疗法(highly active antiretroviral therapy, HAART)对其无效,一旦中断抗病毒治疗,患者会出现快速耐药和病毒血症反弹.截至...  相似文献   

We exploit a model that considers three compartments: blood plasma (BP), lymphoid tissue-interstitial spaces (LT-IS), and follicular dendritic cells (FDC), for the HIV-1 dynamics under the application of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) which allowed us to unravel distinct viral dynamics occurring in short- (2 days), middle- (21 days), and long-term (183 days) time scales. The different time scales are determined by the viral clearance rate, the ratio of productively infected CD4+ T cells to chronically infected cells, and the dissociation rate of HIV-1 complexes from FDC. This generates a scenario in which, after an initial transient stage, the viral BP dynamics decouples and becomes governed by the lymphoid tissue (LT) dynamics; in a later stage, a new decoupling occurs in which the LT-IS dynamics is slaved to that of the FDC dynamics. We observed an initial increase in the viremia after HAART in a patient who did not receive protease inhibitors (PI). By means of the above-mentioned model we were able to highlight the relevant parameters which need to be estimated at three different time scales after HAART.  相似文献   

The mitochondrion is an organelle that regulates various cellular functions including the production of energy and programmed cell death. Aberrant mitochondrial function is often concomitant with various cytopathies and medical disorders. The mitochondrial membrane plays a key role in the induction of cellular apoptosis, and its destabilization, as triggered by both intracellular and extracellular stimuli, results in the release of proapoptotic factors into the cytosol. Not surprisingly, proteins from the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) have been implicated in exploiting this organelle to promote the targeted depletion of key immune cells, which assists in viral evasion of the immune system and contributes to the characteristic global immunodeficiency observed during progression of disease. Here we review the mechanisms by which HIV affects the mitochondrion, and suggest that various viral-associated genes may directly regulate apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   

Our previous studies show that the depletion of cholesterol or sphingolipids (raft-associated lipids) from receptor-bearing adherent cell lines blocks HIV-1 entry and HIV-1 Env-mediated membrane fusion. Here we have evaluated the mechanism(s) by which these lipids contribute to the HIV-1 Env-mediated membrane fusion. We report the following: (1) GSL depletion from a suspension T lymphocyte cell line (Sup-T1) reduced subsequent fusion with HIV-1IIIB-expressing cells by 70%. (2) Cholesterol depletion from NIH3T3 cells bearing HIV-1 receptors (NIH3T3CD4R5/NIH3T3CD4X4) did not impair subsequent fusion with HeLa cells expressing the corresponding HIV-1 Envs. In contrast GSL depletion from these targets reduced fusion by 50% suggesting that GSL facilitate fusion in different ways. (3) GSL-deficient GM95 cells bearing high receptors fused with HIV-1 Env-expressing cells at 37°C with kinetics similar to that of GSL + NIH3T3 targets. Based on these observations, we propose that the plasma membrane cholesterol is required to maintain the integrity of receptor pools whereas GSLs are involved in stabilizing the coupling of inter-receptor pools.  相似文献   

Viruses are obligate parasites that rely heavily on host cellular processes for replication. The small number of proteins typically encoded by a virus is faced with selection pressures that lead to the evolution of distinctive structural properties, allowing each protein to maintain its function under constraints such as small genome size, high mutation rate, and rapidly changing fitness conditions. One common strategy for this evolution is to utilize small building blocks to generate protein oligomers that assemble in multiple ways, thereby diversifying protein function and regulation. In this review, we discuss specific cases that illustrate how oligomerization is used to generate a single defined functional state, to modulate activity via different oligomeric states, or to generate multiple functional forms via different oligomeric states.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infection is efficiently controlled by combination anti-retroviral therapy (cART). However, despite preventing disease progression, cART does not eradicate virus infection which persists in a latent form for an individual’s lifetime. The latent reservoir comprises memory CD4+ T lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells; however, for the most part, the reservoir is generated by virus entry into activated CD4+ T lymphocytes committed to return to a resting state, even though resting CD4+ T lymphocytes can be latently infected as well. The HIV-1 reservoir is not recognized by the immune system, is quite stable, and has the potential to re-seed systemic viremia upon cART interruption. Viral rebound can occur even after a long period of cART interruption. This event is most likely a consequence of the extended half-life of the HIV-1 reservoir, the maintenance of which is not clearly understood. Several recent studies have identified extracellular vesicles (EVs) as a driving force contributing to HIV-1 reservoir preservation. In this review, we discuss recent findings in the field of EV/HIV-1 interplay, and then propose a mechanism through which EVs may contribute to HIV-1 persistence despite cART. Understanding the basis of the HIV-1 reservoir maintenance continues to be a matter of great relevance in view of the limitations of current strategies aimed at HIV-1 eradication.  相似文献   

Many viruses have evolved novel means of exploiting host defense mechanisms for their own survival. This exploitation may be best exemplified by the interrelationships between certain viruses and the host cytokine networks. Many viruses, including the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1), rely on the liberation and cellular action of host immune cytokines to expand their host cell range, to regulate their cellular expression, and to maintain their dormant state until the proper extracellular conditions arise. As again exemplified by HIV-1, viruses may also take an active role regulating cytokine expression and cell surface cytokine receptors. Because the viral life cycle, and in particular the HIV-1 life cycle, is so intertwined with cytokine regulatory networks, these networks represent potential points for therapeutic intervention. As our understanding of cellular cytokine pathways involved in viral infection and replication continues to expand, so too will our ability to design rational anti-viral therapies to alter multiple steps along the viral life cycle.  相似文献   

Processing of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag and Gag-Pro-Pol polyproteins by the HIV-1 protease (PR) is essential for the production of infectious particles. However, the determinants governing the rates of processing of these substrates are not clearly understood. We studied the effect of substrate context on processing by utilizing a novel protease assay in which a substrate containing HIV-1 matrix (MA) and the N-terminal domain of capsid (CA) is labeled with a FlAsH (fluorescein arsenical hairpin) reagent. When the seven cleavage sites within the Gag and Gag-Pro-Pol polyproteins were placed at the MA/CA site, the rates of cleavage changed dramatically compared with that of the cognate sites in the natural context reported previously. The rate of processing was affected the most for three sites: CA/spacer peptide 1 (SP1) (≈10-fold increase), SP1/nucleocapsid (NC) (≈10-30-fold decrease), and SP2/p6 (≈30-fold decrease). One of two multidrug-resistant (MDR) PR variants altered the pattern of processing rates significantly. Cleavage sites within the Pro-Pol region were cleaved in a context-independent manner, suggesting for these sites that the sequence itself was the determinant of rate. In addition, a chimera consisting of SP1/NC P4-P1 and MA/CA P1'-P4' residues (ATIM↓PIVQ) abolished processing by wild type and MDR proteases, and the reciprocal chimera consisting of MA/CA P4-P1 and SP1/NC P1'-4' (SQNY↓IQKG) was cleaved only by one of the MDR proteases. These results suggest that complex substrate interactions both beyond the active site of the enzyme and across the scissile bond contribute to defining the rate of processing by the HIV-1 PR.  相似文献   

Viral kinetics have been extensively studied in the past through the use of spatially well-mixed ordinary differential equations describing the time evolution of the diseased state. However, emerging spatial structures such as localized populations of dead cells might adversely affect the spread of infection, similar to the manner in which a counter-fire can stop a forest fire from spreading. In a previous publication [Beauchemin, C., Samuel, J., Tuszynski, J., 2005. A simple cellular automaton model for influenza A viral infections. J. Theor. Biol. 232(2), 223-234], a simple two-dimensional cellular automaton model was introduced and shown to be accurate enough to model an uncomplicated infection with influenza A. Here, this model is used to investigate the effects of relaxing the well-mixed assumption. Particularly, the effects of the initial distribution of infected cells, the regeneration rule for dead epithelial cells, and the proliferation rule for immune cells are explored and shown to have an important impact on the development and outcome of the viral infection in our model.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV 1) has evolved to encode multifunctional accessory proteins to promote the viral life cycle. Nef, a HIV 1 encoded accessory protein that originally thought to be a negative factor that inhibited viral replications, has been reported increasing HIV1 viral particle infectivity through a still unknown mechanism. Recently, lots of experimental evidences showed that Nef could extensively interact with multiple key factors of protein intracellular trafficking pathways, such as adaptor protein families (APs), to promote the HIV pathogenesis through down-regulation of the membrane localization of MHC1 and CD4 molecules.Taking together with the current progresses of the biological nature of Nef in recent years, here, we proposed that the Nef also could increase the infectivity of viral particle possibly through affecting the protein transport pathways of HIV1 factors or other host cellular factors that promote viral assembly or budding. If true, this will let us better understand how Nef manipulate the host cell environment to promote the HIV pathogenicity and will also provide more choices for developing novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The current paradigm for modeling viral kinetics and resistance evolution after treatment initiation considers only the level of circulating virus and cellular infection (CI model), while the intra-cellular level is disregarded. This model was successfully used to explain HIV dynamics and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) dynamics during interferon-based therapy. However, in the new era of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) against HCV, viral kinetics is characterized by a more rapid decline of the wild-type virus as well as an early emergence of resistant strains that jeopardize the treatment outcome. Although the CI model can be extended to describe these new kinetic patterns, this approach has qualitative and quantitative limitations. Instead, we suggest that a more appropriate approach would consider viral dynamics at the cell infection level, as done currently, as well as at the intracellular level. Indeed, whereas in HIV integrated DNA serves as a static replication unit and mutations occur only once per infected cell, HCV replication is deeply affected by DAAs and furthermore processes of resistance evolution can occur at the intra-cellular level with a faster time-scale.We propose a comprehensive model of HCV dynamics that considers both extracellular and intracellular levels of infection (ICCI model). Intracellular viral genomic units are used to form replication units, which in turn synthesize genomic units that are packaged and secreted as virions infecting more target cells. Resistance evolution is modeled intra-cellularly, by different genomic- and replication-unit strains with particular relative-fitness and drug sensitivity properties, allowing for a rapid resistance takeover.Using the ICCI model, we show that the rapid decline of wild-type virus results from the ability of DAAs to destabilize the intracellular replication. On the other hand, this ability also favors the rapid emergence, intracellularly, of resistant virus. By considering the interaction between intracellular and extracellular infection we show that resistant virus, able to maintain a high level of intracellular replication, may nevertheless be unable to maintain rapid enough de novo infection rate at the extracellular level. Hence this model predicts that in HCV, and contrary to our experience with HIV, the emergence of productively resistant virus may not systematically prevent from a viral decline in the long-term. Thus, the ICCI model can explain the transient viral rebounds observed with DAA treatment as well as the viral resistance found in most patients with viral relapse at the end of DAA combination therapy.  相似文献   

Only recently, the role of large ionic channels such as Pannexin-1 channels and Connexin hemichannels has been implicated in several physiological and pathological conditions, including HIV infection and associated comorbidities. These channels are in a closed stage in healthy conditions, but in pathological conditions including HIV, Pannexin-1 channels and Connexin hemichannels become open. Our data demonstrate that acute and chronic HIV infection induces channel opening (Pannexin and Connexin channels), ATP release into the extracellular space, and subsequent activation of purinergic receptors in immune and non-immune cells. We demonstrated that Pannexin and Connexin channels contribute to HIV infection and replication, the long-term survival of viral reservoirs, and comorbidities such as NeuroHIV. Here, we discuss the available data to support the participation of these channels in the HIV life cycle and the potential therapeutic approach to prevent HIV-associated comorbidities.  相似文献   

HIV persists in cellular and anatomical reservoirs during Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). In vitro studies as well as in vivo observations have identified cytokines as important factors regulating the immunological and virological mechanisms involved in HIV persistence. Immunosuppressive cytokines might contribute to the establishment of viral latency by dampening T cell activation and HIV production, thereby creating the necessary immuno-virological condition for the establishment of a pool of latently infected cells. Other cytokines that are involved in the maintenance of memory CD4(+) T cells promote the persistence of these cells during HAART. Conversely, proinflammatory cytokines may favor HIV persistence by exacerbating low levels of ongoing viral replication in lymphoid tissues even after prolonged therapy. The ability of several cytokines to interfere with the molecular mechanisms responsible for HIV latency makes them attractive candidates for therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing the pool of latently infected cells. In this article, we review the role of cytokines in HIV persistence during HAART and discuss their role as potential eradicating agents.  相似文献   

趋化因子受体如CCR5和CXCR4是HIV侵入细胞的辅助受体,趋化因子与其受体的结合可以抑制HIV感染细胞。近年来在疱疹病毒8(Human herpesvirus8,HHV8)基因组中发现与人趋化因子有较高同源性的开放阅读框,分别命名为vMIP1、vMIP2和vMIP3。研究发现vMIP2与多种人趋化因子受体有高亲和力。本研究在大肠杆菌中表达出融合蛋白TrxA—vMIP2,用亲和层析的方法对其纯化。纯化产物用肠激酶酶切后,经离子交换层析纯化出目的蛋白vMIP2。体外活性研究表明纯化的vMIP2可以有效地抑制R5和X4 HIV—1在人外周血单核细胞上的复制。  相似文献   

Cervicovaginal microbiota not dominated by lactobacilli may facilitate transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as miscarriages, preterm births and sepsis in pregnant women. However, little is known about the exact nature of the microbiological changes that cause these adverse outcomes. In this study, cervical samples of 174 Rwandan female sex workers were analyzed cross-sectionally using a phylogenetic microarray. Furthermore, HIV-1 RNA concentrations were measured in cervicovaginal lavages of 58 HIV-positive women among them. We identified six microbiome clusters, representing a gradient from low semi-quantitative abundance and diversity dominated by Lactobacillus crispatus (cluster R-I, with R denoting ‘Rwanda'') and L. iners (R-II) to intermediate (R-V) and high abundance and diversity (R-III, R-IV and R-VI) dominated by a mixture of anaerobes, including Gardnerella, Atopobium and Prevotella species. Women in cluster R-I were less likely to have HIV (P=0.03), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2; P<0.01), and high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV; P<0.01) and had no bacterial STIs (P=0.15). Statistically significant trends in prevalence of viral STIs were found from low prevalence in cluster R-I, to higher prevalence in clusters R-II and R-V, and highest prevalence in clusters R-III/R-IV/R-VI. Furthermore, only 10% of HIV-positive women in clusters R-I/R-II, compared with 40% in cluster R-V, and 42% in clusters R-III/R-IV/R-VI had detectable cervicovaginal HIV-1 RNA (Ptrend=0.03). We conclude that L. crispatus-dominated, and to a lesser extent L. iners-dominated, cervicovaginal microbiota are associated with a lower prevalence of HIV/STIs and a lower likelihood of genital HIV-1 RNA shedding.  相似文献   

The Src-homology 3 (SH3) domain is one of the most frequent protein recognition modules (PRMs), being represented in signal transduction pathways and in several pathologies such as cancer and AIDS. Grb2 (growth factor receptor-bound protein 2) is an adaptor protein that contains two SH3 domains and is involved in receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signal transduction pathways. The HIV-1 transactivator factor Tat is required for viral replication and it has been shown to bind directly or indirectly to several host proteins, deregulating their functions. In this study, we show interaction between the cellular factor Grb2 and the HIV-1 trans-activating protein Tat. The binding is mediated by the proline-rich sequence of Tat and the SH3 domain of Grb2. As the adaptor protein Grb2 participates in a wide variety of signaling pathways, we characterized at least one of the possible downstream effects of the Tat/Grb2 interaction on the well-known IGF-1R/Raf/MAPK cascade. We show that the binding of Tat to Grb2 impairs activation of the Raf/MAPK pathway, while potentiating the PKA/Raf inhibitory pathway. The Tat/Grb2 interaction affects also viral function by inhibiting the Tat-mediated transactivation of HIV-1 LTR and viral replication in infected primary microglia.  相似文献   

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