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Short-term cardiac memory refers to the effects of pacing history on action potential duration (APD). Although the ionic mechanisms for short-term memory occurring over many heartbeats (also called APD accommodation) are poorly understood, they may have important effects on reentry and fibrillation. To explore this issue, we incorporated a generic memory current into the Phase I Luo and Rudy action potential model, which lacks short-term memory. The properties of this current were matched to simulate quantitatively human ventricular monophasic action potential accommodation. We show that, theoretically, short-term memory can resolve the paradox of how mother rotor fibrillation is initiated in heterogeneous tissue by physiological pacing. In simulated heterogeneous two-dimensional tissue and three-dimensional ventricles containing an inward rectifier K(+) current gradient, short-term memory could spontaneously convert multiple wavelet fibrillation to mother rotor fibrillation or to a mixture of both fibrillation types. This was due to progressive acceleration and stabilization of rotors as accumulation of memory shortened APD and flattened APD restitution slope nonuniformly throughout the tissue.  相似文献   

Maintenance of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) by fast rotors in the left atrium (LA) or at the pulmonary veins (PVs) is not fully understood. To gain insight into this dynamic and complex process, we studied the role of the heterogeneous distribution of transmembrane currents in the PVs and LA junction (PV-LAJ) in the localization of rotors in the PVs. We also investigated whether simple pacing protocols could be used to predict rotor drift in the PV-LAJ. Experimentally observed heterogeneities in IK1, IKs, IKr, Ito, and ICaL in the PV-LAJ were incorporated into two- and pseudo three-dimensional models of Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel-Kneller human atrial kinetics to simulate various conditions and investigate rotor drifting mechanisms. Spatial gradients in the currents resulted in shorter action potential duration, minimum diastolic potential that was less negative, and slower upstroke and conduction velocity for rotors in the PV region than in the LA. Rotors under such conditions drifted toward the PV and stabilized at the shortest action potential duration and less-excitable region, consistent with drift direction under intercellular coupling heterogeneities and regardless of the geometrical constraint in the PVs. Simulations with various IK1 gradient conditions and current-voltage relationships substantiated its major role in the rotor drift. In our 1:1 pacing protocol, we found that among various action potential properties, only the minimum diastolic potential gradient was a rate-independent predictor of rotor drift direction. Consistent with experimental and clinical AF studies, simulations in an electrophysiologically heterogeneous model of the PV-LAJ showed rotor attraction toward the PV. Our simulations suggest that IK1 heterogeneity is dominant compared to other currents in determining the drift direction through its impact on the excitability gradient. These results provide a believed novel framework for understanding the complex dynamics of rotors in AF.  相似文献   

Tissue size has been considered an important determinant of atrial fibrillation (AF), but recent work has questioned the critical size hypothesis. Here, we use a previously developed mathematical model of the two-dimensional canine atrium with realistic action potential, ionic, and conduction properties to address substrate size effects on the maintenance of fibrillatory activity. Cholinergic AF was simulated at different acetylcholine (ACh) concentrations ([ACh]) and distributions, with substrate area varied 11.1-fold. Automated phase singularity detection was used to facilitate the analysis of arrhythmic activity. The duration of activity induced by a single extrastimulus increased with increasing substrate dimensions. Two general mechanisms underlying activity were observed and were differentially affected by substrate size. For large mean [ACh], single primary rotors anchored in low-[ACh] zones maintained activity and substrate dimensions were not critical. At lower mean [ACh], extensive spiral wave meander prevented the emergence of single stable rotors. Prolonged activity was favored when substrate size permitted a sufficiently large number of simultaneous longer-lasting rotors that extinction of all was unlikely. Thus either single dominant rotor or multiple reentrant spiral generator mechanisms could maintain fibrillatory activity in this model and were differentially dependent on substrate size. These results speak to recent debates about the role in AF of single driver rotors versus multiple reentrant circuit mechanisms by suggesting that either may maintain fibrillatory atrial activity depending on atrial size and electrophysiological properties.  相似文献   

During ventricular fibrillation (VF), electrical activation waves are fragmented, and the heart cannot contract in synchrony. It has been proposed that VF waves emanate from stable periodic sources (often called "mother rotors"). The objective of the present study was to determine if stable rotors are consistently present on the epicardial surface of hearts comparable in size to human hearts. Using new optical mapping technology, we imaged VF from nearly the entire ventricular surface of six isolated swine hearts. Using newly developed pattern analysis algorithms, we identified and tracked VF wave fronts and phase singularities (PS; the pivot point of a reentrant wave front). We introduce the notion of a compound rotor in which the rotor's central PS can change and describe an algorithm for automatically identifying such patterns. This prevents rotor lifetimes from being inappropriately abbreviated by wave front fragmentation and collision events near the PS. We found that stable epicardial rotors were not consistently present during VF: only 1 of 17 VF episodes contained a compound rotor that lasted for the entire mapped interval of 4 s. However, shorter-lived rotors were common; 12.2 (SD 3.3) compound rotors with lifetime >200 ms were visible on the epicardium at any given instant. We conclude that epicardial mother rotors do not drive VF in this experimental model; if mother rotors do exist, they are intramural or septal. This paucity of persistent rotors suggests that individual rotors will eventually terminate by themselves and therefore that the continual formation of new rotors is critical for VF maintenance.  相似文献   

Na(+) and K(+) channel-blocking drugs have anti- and proarrhythmic effects. Their effects during fibrillation, however, remain poorly understood. We used computer simulation of a two-dimensional (2-D) structurally normal tissue model with phase I of the Luo-Rudy action potential model to study the effects of Na(+) and K(+) channel blockade on vulnerability to and termination of reentry in simulated multiple-wavelet and mother rotor fibrillation. Our main findings are as follows: 1) Na(+) channel blockade decreased, whereas K(+) channel blockade increased, the vulnerable window of reentry in heterogeneous 2-D tissue because of opposing effects on dynamical wave instability. 2) Na(+) channel blockade increased the cycle length of reentry more than it increased refractoriness. In multiple-wavelet fibrillation, Na(+) channel blockade first increased and then decreased the average duration or transient time () of fibrillation. In mother rotor fibrillation, Na(+) channel blockade caused peripheral fibrillatory conduction block to resolve and the mother rotor to drift, leading to self-termination or sustained tachycardia. 3) K(+) channel blockade increased dynamical instability by steepening action potential duration restitution. In multiple-wavelet fibrillation, this effect shortened because of enhanced wave instability. In mother rotor fibrillation, this effect converted mother rotor fibrillation to multiple-wavelet fibrillation, which then could self-terminate. Our findings help illuminate, from a theoretical perspective, the possible underlying mechanisms of termination of different types of fibrillation by antiarrhythmic drugs.  相似文献   

A phase-plane bifurcation analysis is a useful way to theoretically understand how various types of arrhythmias may arise from excitable tissues. In this paper, we have performed phase-plane bifurcation analysis to characterize arrhythmogenic states in excitable tissues. To achieve this, we have first formulated a model which is simple enough to be mathematically tractable, yet captures the non-linear features of cardiac excitation and conduction. In this model, single cells are connected in a circular fashion by gap conductances. Each cell carries the following two types of currents: a passive outward current and an inward "excitable" current which contains an activation and an inactivation gate. The activation gate is responsible for the upstroke of action potential and inactivation gate is responsible for the termination of the plateau potential. With this model, we have constructed bifurcation diagrams as a function of a bifurcation parameter. The parameter chosen as the bifurcation parameter has the property of raising maximum diastolic potential while shorting the refractory period. Our analysis revealed the existence of three distinct multi-stable phases in certain ranges of the bifurcation parameter: (1) bistability between a rotor and a quiescent state, (2) bistability between rotor and ectopic beats, and (3) three stable states co-existing among quiescent state, rotor, and ectopic beats. In these three regions, external impulses exert very distinct effects: In region 1, a brief current pulse can annihilate a re-entrant arrhythmia to quiescence. To initiate re-entry from a quiescent tissue, however, it takes two pulses (a primary pulse followed by a premature pulse at a site different from the "primary" site). In region 2, a brief pulse can convert a re-entrant arrhythmia to ectopic beats. To convert the ectopic beats back to circus movement, these beats have to be suppressed by a few brief current pulses to initiate one-way propagation. Depending on the frequency and strength of impulses in region 3, the tissue can switch back and forth among quiescence, circus movement, and ectopic beats. For comparison, we have also included a more complete Beeler-Reuter cardiac cell model in our analysis and obtained essentially the same results. From the behavioral similarities of these models, we conclude that re-entrant and ectopic arrhythmias must be intrinsic properties of excitable tissues and external stimuli can convert one mode of arrhythmia to another in the multistability regions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Despite a vast amount of experimental and clinical data on the underlying ionic, cellular and tissue substrates, the mechanisms of common atrial arrhythmias (such as atrial fibrillation, AF) arising from the functional interactions at the whole atria level remain unclear. Computational modelling provides a quantitative framework for integrating such multi-scale data and understanding the arrhythmogenic behaviour that emerges from the collective spatio-temporal dynamics in all parts of the heart. In this study, we have developed a multi-scale hierarchy of biophysically detailed computational models for the human atria - the 3D virtual human atria. Primarily, diffusion tensor MRI reconstruction of the tissue geometry and fibre orientation in the human sinoatrial node (SAN) and surrounding atrial muscle was integrated into the 3D model of the whole atria dissected from the Visible Human dataset. The anatomical models were combined with the heterogeneous atrial action potential (AP) models, and used to simulate the AP conduction in the human atria under various conditions: SAN pacemaking and atrial activation in the normal rhythm, break-down of regular AP wave-fronts during rapid atrial pacing, and the genesis of multiple re-entrant wavelets characteristic of AF. Contributions of different properties of the tissue to mechanisms of the normal rhythm and arrhythmogenesis were investigated. Primarily, the simulations showed that tissue heterogeneity caused the break-down of the normal AP wave-fronts at rapid pacing rates, which initiated a pair of re-entrant spiral waves; and tissue anisotropy resulted in a further break-down of the spiral waves into multiple meandering wavelets characteristic of AF. The 3D virtual atria model itself was incorporated into the torso model to simulate the body surface ECG patterns in the normal and arrhythmic conditions. Therefore, a state-of-the-art computational platform has been developed, which can be used for studying multi-scale electrical phenomena during atrial conduction and AF arrhythmogenesis. Results of such simulations can be directly compared with electrophysiological and endocardial mapping data, as well as clinical ECG recordings. The virtual human atria can provide in-depth insights into 3D excitation propagation processes within atrial walls of a whole heart in vivo, which is beyond the current technical capabilities of experimental or clinical set-ups.  相似文献   

There is evidence that rotors could be drivers that maintain atrial fibrillation. Complex fractionated atrial electrograms have been located in rotor tip areas. However, the concept of electrogram fractionation, defined using time intervals, is still controversial as a tool for locating target sites for ablation. We hypothesize that the fractionation phenomenon is better described using non-linear dynamic measures, such as approximate entropy, and that this tool could be used for locating the rotor tip. The aim of this work has been to determine the relationship between approximate entropy and fractionated electrograms, and to develop a new tool for rotor mapping based on fractionation levels. Two episodes of chronic atrial fibrillation were simulated in a 3D human atrial model, in which rotors were observed. Dynamic approximate entropy maps were calculated using unipolar electrogram signals generated over the whole surface of the 3D atrial model. In addition, we optimized the approximate entropy calculation using two real multi-center databases of fractionated electrogram signals, labeled in 4 levels of fractionation. We found that the values of approximate entropy and the levels of fractionation are positively correlated. This allows the dynamic approximate entropy maps to localize the tips from stable and meandering rotors. Furthermore, we assessed the optimized approximate entropy using bipolar electrograms generated over a vicinity enclosing a rotor, achieving rotor detection. Our results suggest that high approximate entropy values are able to detect a high level of fractionation and to locate rotor tips in simulated atrial fibrillation episodes. We suggest that dynamic approximate entropy maps could become a tool for atrial fibrillation rotor mapping.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that atrial fibrillation (AF) is maintained by fibrillatory conduction emanating from a small number of high-frequency reentrant sources (rotors). Our goal was to study the ionic correlates of a rotor during simulated chronic AF conditions. We utilized a two-dimensional (2-D), homogeneous, isotropic sheet (5 x 5 cm(2)) of human atrial cells to create a chronic AF substrate, which was able to sustain a stable rotor (dominant frequency approximately 5.7 Hz, rosette-like tip meander approximately 2.6 cm). Doubling the magnitude of the inward rectifier K(+) current (I(K1)) increased rotor frequency ( approximately 8.4 Hz), and reduced tip meander (approximately 1.7 cm). This rotor stabilization was due to a shortening of the action potential duration and an enhanced cardiac excitability. The latter was caused by a hyperpolarization of the diastolic membrane potential, which increased the availability of the Na(+) current (I(Na)). The rotor was terminated by reducing the maximum conductance (by 90%) of the atrial-specific ultrarapid delayed rectifier K(+) current (I(Kur)), or the transient outward K(+) current (I(to)), but not the fast or slow delayed rectifier K(+) currents (I(Kr)/I(Ks)). Importantly, blockade of I(Kur)/I(to) prolonged the atrial action potential at the plateau, but not at the terminal phase of repolarization, which led to random tip meander and wavebreak, resulting in rotor termination. Altering the rectification profile of I(K1) also slowed down or abolished reentrant activity. In combination, these simulation results provide novel insights into the ionic bases of a sustained rotor in a 2-D chronic AF substrate.  相似文献   

Abstract Prediction of countershock success from ventricular fibrillation (VF) ECG is a major challenge in critical care medicine. Recent findings indicate that stable, high frequency mother rotors are one possible mechanism maintaining VF. A computer model study was performed to investigate how epicardiac sources are reflected in the ECG. In the cardiac tissues of two computer models - a model with cubic geometry and a simplified torso model with a left ventricle - a mother rotor was induced by increasing the potassium rectifier current. On the epicardium, the dominant frequency (DF) map revealed a constant DF of 23 Hz (cubic model) and 24.4 Hz (torso model) in the region of the mother rotor, respectively. A sharp drop of frequency (3-18 Hz in the cubic model and 12.4-18 Hz in the torso model) occurred in the surrounding epicardial tissue of chaotic fibrillatory conduction. While no organized pattern was observable on the body surface of the cubic model, the mother rotor frequency can be identified in the anterior surface of the torso model because of the chosen position of the mother rotor in the ventricle (shortest distance to the body surface). Nevertheless, the DFs were damped on the body surfaces of both models (4.6-8.5 Hz in the cubic model and 14.4-16.4 Hz in the torso model). Thus, it was shown in this computer model study that wave propagation transforms the spatial low pass filtering of the thorax into a temporal low pass. In contrast to the resistive-capacitive low pass filter formed by the tissue, this spatial-temporal low pass filter becomes effective at low frequencies (tens of Hertz). This effect damps the high frequency components arising from the heart and it hampers a direct observation of rapid, organized sources of VF in the ECGs, when in an emergency case an artifact-free recording is not possible.  相似文献   



Rotors are postulated to maintain cardiac fibrillation. Despite the importance of bipolar electrograms in clinical electrophysiology, few data exist on the properties of bipolar electrograms at rotor sites. The pivot of a spiral wave is characterized by relative uncertainty of wavefront propagation direction compared to the periphery. The bipolar electrograms used in electrophysiology recording encode information on both direction and timing of approaching wavefronts.


To test the hypothesis that bipolar electrograms from the pivot of rotors have higher Shannon entropy (ShEn) than electrograms recorded at the periphery due to the spatial dynamics of spiral waves.

Methods and Results

We studied spiral wave propagation in 2-dimensional sheets constructed using a simple cell automaton (FitzHugh-Nagumo), atrial (Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel) and ventricular (Luo-Rudy) myocyte cell models and in a geometric model spiral wave. In each system, bipolar electrogram recordings were simulated, and Shannon entropy maps constructed as a measure of electrogram information content. ShEn was consistently highest in the pivoting region associated with the phase singularity of the spiral wave. This property was consistently preserved across; (i) variation of model system (ii) alterations in bipolar electrode spacing, (iii) alternative bipolar electrode orientation (iv) bipolar electrogram filtering and (v) in the presence of rotor meander. Directional activation plots demonstrated that the origin of high ShEn at the pivot was the directional diversity of wavefront propagation observed in this location.


The pivot of the rotor is consistently associated with high Shannon entropy of bipolar electrograms despite differences in action potential model, bipolar electrode spacing, signal filtering and rotor meander. Maximum ShEn is co-located with the pivot for rotors observed in the bipolar electrogram recording mode, and may be an intrinsic property of spiral wave dynamic behaviour.  相似文献   

During ventricular fibrillation (VF), activation waves are fragmented and the heart cannot contract synchronously. It has been proposed that VF waves emanate from stable sources ("mother rotors"). Previously, we used new optical mapping technology to image VF wavefronts from nearly the entire epicardial surface of six isolated swine hearts. We found that VF was not driven by epicardial rotors, but could not exclude the presence of stable rotors hidden within the ventricular walls. Here, we use graph theoretic analysis to show that, in all 17 VF episodes we analyzed, it was always possible to trace sequences of wavefronts through series of fragmentation and collision events from the beginning to the end of the episode. The set of wavefronts that were so related (the dominant component) consisted of 92%+/-1% of epicardial wavefronts. Because each such wavefront sequence constitutes a continuous activation front, this finding shows that complete reentrant pathways were always present on the epicardial surface and therefore, that wavefront infusion from nonepicardial sources was not strictly necessary for VF maintenance. These data suggest that VF in this model is not driven by localized sources; thus, new anti-VF treatments designed to target such sources may be less effective than global interventions.  相似文献   

Atrial arrhythmias, and specifically atrial fibrillation (AF), induce rapid and irregular activation patterns that appear on the torso surface as abnormal P-waves in electrocardiograms and body surface potential maps (BSPM). In recent years both P-waves and the BSPM have been used to identify the mechanisms underlying AF, such as localizing ectopic foci or high-frequency rotors. However, the relationship between the activation of the different areas of the atria and the characteristics of the BSPM and P-wave signals are still far from being completely understood. In this work we developed a multi-scale framework, which combines a highly-detailed 3D atrial model and a torso model to study the relationship between atrial activation and surface signals in sinus rhythm. Using this multi scale model, it was revealed that the best places for recording P-waves are the frontal upper right and the frontal and rear left quadrants of the torso. Our results also suggest that only nine regions (of the twenty-one structures in which the atrial surface was divided) make a significant contribution to the BSPM and determine the main P-wave characteristics.  相似文献   

The short QT syndrome (SQTS) is a genetically heterogeneous condition characterized by abbreviated QT intervals and an increased susceptibility to arrhythmia and sudden death. This simulation study identifies arrhythmogenic mechanisms in the rapid-delayed rectifier K(+) current (I(Kr))-linked SQT1 variant of the SQTS. Markov chain (MC) models were found to be superior to Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) models in reproducing experimental data regarding effects of the N588K mutation on KCNH2-encoded hERG. These ionic channel models were then incorporated into human ventricular action potential (AP) models and into 1D and 2D idealised and realistic transmural ventricular tissue simulations and into a 3D anatomical model. In single cell models, the N588K mutation abbreviated ventricular cell AP duration at 90% repolarization (APD(90)) and decreased the maximal transmural voltage heterogeneity (δV) during APs. This resulted in decreased transmural heterogeneity of APD(90) and of the effective refractory period (ERP): effects that are anticipated to be anti-arrhythmic rather than pro-arrhythmic. However, with consideration of transmural heterogeneity of I(Kr) density in the intact tissue model based on the ten Tusscher-Noble-Noble-Panfilov ventricular model, not only did the N588K mutation lead to QT-shortening and increases in T-wave amplitude, but δV was found to be augmented in some local regions of ventricle tissue, resulting in increased tissue vulnerability for uni-directional conduction block and predisposing to formation of re-entrant excitation waves. In 2D and 3D tissue models, the N588K mutation facilitated and maintained re-entrant excitation waves due to the reduced substrate size necessary for sustaining re-entry. Thus, in SQT1 the N588K-hERG mutation facilitates initiation and maintenance of ventricular re-entry, increasing the lifespan of re-entrant spiral waves and the stability of scroll waves in 3D tissue.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation (AF) has been linked to increased inward rectifier potassium current, IK1, either due to AF-induced electrical remodelling, or from functional changes due to the Kir2.1 V93I mutation. The aim of this simulation study was to identify at cell and tissue levels' mechanisms by which increased IK1 facilitates and perpetuates AF. The Courtemanche et al. human atrial cell action potential (AP) model was modified to incorporate reported changes in IK1 induced by the Kir2.1 V93I mutation in both heterozygous (Het) and homozygous (Hom) mutant forms. The modified models for wild type (WT), Het and Hom conditions were incorporated into homogeneous 1D, 2D and 3D tissue models. Restitution curves of AP duration (APD), effective refractory period (ERP) and conduction velocity (CV) were computed and both the temporal and the spatial vulnerability of atrial tissue to re-entry were measured. The lifespan and tip meandering pattern of re-entry were also characterised. For comparison, parallel simulations were performed by incorporating into the Courtmanche et al. model a linear increase in maximal IK1 conductance. It was found that the gain-in-function of V93I ‘mutant’ IK1 led to abbreviated atrial APs and flattened APD, ERP and CV restitution curves. It also hyperpolarised atrial resting membrane potential and slowed down intra-atrial conduction. V93I ‘mutant’ IK1 reduced the tissue's temporal vulnerability but increased spatial vulnerability to initiate and sustain re-entry, resulting in an increased overall susceptibility of atrial tissue to arrhythmogenesis. In the 2D model, spiral waves self-terminated for WT (lifespan < 3.3 s) tissue, but persisted in Het and Hom tissues for the whole simulation period (lifespan > 10 s). The tip of the spiral wave meandered more in WT tissue than in Het and Hom tissues. Increased IK1 due to augmented maximal conductance produced similar results to those of Het and Hom Kir2.1 V93I mutant conditions. In the 3D model the dynamic behaviour of scroll waves was stabilized by increased IK1. In conclusion, increased IK1 current, either by the Kir2.1 V93I mutation or by augmented maximal conductance, increases atrial susceptibility to arrhythmia by increasing the lifespan of re-entrant spiral waves and the stability of scroll waves in 3D tissue, thereby facilitating initiation and maintenance of re-entrant circuits.  相似文献   



The initiation of re-entrant cardiac arrhythmias is associated with increased dispersion of repolarisation, but the details are difficult to investigate either experimentally or clinically. We used a computational model of cardiac tissue to study systematically the association between action potential duration (APD) dispersion and susceptibility to re-entry.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine quantitative relationships between electrophysiologic parameters and the propensity of cardiac tissue to undergo atrial fibrillation. We used a computational model to simulate episodes of fibrillation, which we then characterized in terms of both their duration and the population dynamics of the electrical waves which drove them. Monte Carlo sampling revealed that episode durations followed an exponential decay distribution and wave population sizes followed a normal distribution. Half-lives of reentrant episodes increased exponentially with either increasing tissue area to boundary length ratio (A/BL) or decreasing action potential duration (APD), resistance (R) or capacitance (C). We found that the qualitative form of fibrillatory activity (e.g., multi-wavelet reentry (MWR) vs. rotors) was dependent on the ratio of resistance and capacitance to APD; MWR was reliably produced below a ratio of 0.18. We found that a composite of these electrophysiologic parameters, which we term the fibrillogenicity index (Fb = A/(BL*APD*R*C)), reliably predicted the duration of MWR episodes (r2 = 0.93). Given that some of the quantities comprising Fb are amenable to manipulation (via either pharmacologic treatment or catheter ablation), these findings provide a theoretical basis for the development of titrated therapies of atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

Using sharp electrode impalement, action potentials recorded from atrial and ventricular tissue of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha generally decreased in duration with increasing test temperature (6, 10, 16 and 20° C). Stimulation of the tissue using 500 nM adrenaline had no significant effect on the duration of the atrial action potential at any test temperature but lengthened the ventricular action potential by ~17%.  相似文献   



We examined the acute effects of neutral endopeptidase inhibitor on the hemodynamics and electrical properties of dogs subjected to rapid atrial pacing.


Ten beagle dogs were used and divided into two groups with and without candoxatril, a neutral endopeptidase inhibitor preadministration. Before and after the 6 hours rapid atrial pacing from the right atrial appendage, the hemodynamics, atrial effective refractory period, and monophasic action potential duration of the right atrial appendage were measured and blood samples were collected. Atrial tissue was also excised after the experiment.


Candoxatril significantly increased plasma ANP levels (Control: 88.4 ± 50.25 vs. Candoxatril: 197.1 ± 32.09 pg/ml, p = 0.004) and prevented reductions in atrial effective refractory period and monophasic action potential duration. We further demonstrated that the treated animals exhibited significantly higher levels of atrial tissue cyclic GMP (Control: 28.1 ± 1.60 fmol/mg vs. Candoxatril: 44.5 ± 12.28 fmol/mg, p = 0.034) as well as that of plasma cyclic GMP (Control: 32 ± 5.5 vs. Candoxatril: 42 ± 7.1 pg/ml, p = 0.028).


Candoxatril suppressed the shortening of atrial effective refractory period and monophasic action potential duration in the rapid atrial pacing model. As plasma ANP and the atrial tissue levels of cyclic GMP were higher in the Candoxatril group than the control, this effect was considered to appear through the reduction of calcium overload caused by ANP and cyclic GMP.  相似文献   

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