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Performing complex somersaulting skills during the flight phase of tumbling requires the generation of linear and angular momenta during the approach and takeoff phases. This paper investigates how approach characteristics and takeoff technique affect performance with a view to maximising somersault rotation in tumbling. A five-segment planar simulation model, customised to an elite gymnast, was used to produce a simulation which closely matched a recorded performance of a double layout somersault by the elite gymnast. Three optimisations were carried out to maximise somersault rotation with different sets of initial conditions. Using the same initial linear and angular momentum as the double layout somersault and varying the joint torque activation timings allowed a double straight somersault to be performed with 19% more rotation potential than the actual performance. Increasing the approach velocity to a realistic maximum of 7 ms(-1) resulted in a 42% reduction in rotation potential when the activation timings were unchanged but allowed a triple layout somersault to be performed with an increase of 31% in rotation potential when activation timings were re-optimised. Increasing also the initial angular momentum to a realistic maximum resulted in a 4% reduction in rotation potential when the activation timings were unchanged but allowed a triple straight somersault to be performed with a further increase of 9% in rotation potential when activation timings were re-optimised. It is concluded that the limiting factor to maximising somersault rotation is the ability to generate high linear and angular velocities during the approach phase coupled with the ability to adopt consonant activation timings during the takeoff phase.  相似文献   

Performance in the flight phase of springboard diving is limited by the amounts of linear and angular momentum generated during the takeoff phase. A planar 8-segment torque-driven simulation model combined with a springboard model was used to investigate optimum takeoff technique for maximising rotation in forward dives from the one metre springboard. Optimisations were run by varying the torque activation parameters to maximise forward rotation potential (angular momentum × flight time) while allowing for movement constraints, anatomical constraints, and execution variability. With a constraint to ensure realistic board clearance and anatomical constraints to prevent joint hyperextension, the optimised simulation produced 24% more rotation potential than a simulation matching a 2½ somersault piked dive. When 2 ms perturbations to the torque onset timings were included for the ankle, knee and hip torques within the optimisation process, the model was only able to produce 87% of the rotation potential achieved in the matching simulation. This implies that a pre-planned technique cannot produce a sufficiently good takeoff and that adjustments must be made during takeoff. When the initial onset timings of the torque generators were unperturbed and 10 ms perturbations were introduced into the torque onset timings in the board recoil phase, the optimisation produced 8% more rotation potential than the matching simulation. The optimised simulation had more hip flexion and less shoulder extension at takeoff than the matching simulation. This study illustrates the difficulty of including movement variability within performance optimisation when the movement duration is sufficiently long to allow feedback corrections.  相似文献   

Alts three-dimensional cell balance equation characterizing the chemotactic bacteria was analyzed under the presence of one-dimensional spatial chemoattractant gradients. Our work differs from that of others who have developed rather general models for chemotaxis in the use of a non-smooth anisotropic tumbling frequency function that responds biphasically to the combined temporal and spatial chemoattractant gradients. General three-dimensional expressions for the bacterial transport parameters were derived for chemotactic bacteria, followed by a perturbation analysis under the planar geometry. The bacterial random motility and chemotaxis were summarized by a motility tensor and a chemotactic velocity vector, respectively. The consequence of invoking the diffusion-approximation assumption and using intrinsic one-dimensional models with modified cellular swimming speeds was investigated by numerical simulations. Characterizing the bacterial random orientation after tumbles by a turn angle probability distribution function, we found that only the first-order angular moment of this turn angle probability distribution is important in influencing the bacterial long-term transport. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000):60G05, 60J60, 82A70  相似文献   

By considering kink modes in a plasma cylinder in a strong axial magnetic field as an example, it is demonstrated that, because of the finite plasma conductivity (the finite longitudinal plasma permittivity ?), large-scale perturbations can grow with time due to a small-scale instability that develops near a certain magnetic surface.  相似文献   

The dynamic range of metabolic models can be extended to deal with large perturbations by introducing the related concepts of "generalized" kinetic order and "canonical" sensitivities. Generalized kinetic orders are built as a well-defined non linear combination of the canonical sensitivities coefficients, which in turn are obtained by a least-squares regression on central composite factorial design data. In a such way, the whole domain of the operating variables is mapped without need to determine locally neither the first nor the second order model derivatives. The method was validated through numerical simulations, its predictions being compared with those coming from a Michaelis-Menten formalism taken as reference. In parallel, two variants of the Power-law formalism (S-system, least-squares GMA) also were tested. The canonical sensitivities method produced the widest range to predict metabolite concentrations and metabolic fluxes at the steady states. In addition, the variation pattern for the logarithmic gains and for the characteristic eigenvalues have been accurately determined from a unique overall model, being both required to make realistic analysis in metabolic engineering. The achieved information also can be expressed in terms of those typical coefficients derived from the Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA). Even if current first order Power-law or MCA formalisms were used, the canonical sensitivities approach provides a significant advantage, since complete sets of homologous, accurate, locally valid metabolic coefficients can be simultaneously recovered from the array proposed, being representative of the whole range of the operating variables instead of a unique nominal condition as is usual.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal simulations of human movement commonly use Hill muscle models to predict muscle forces, but their sensitivity to model parameter values is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to evaluate muscle model sensitivity to perturbations in 14 Hill muscle model parameters in forward dynamic simulations of running and walking by varying each by +/-50%. Three evaluations of the muscle model were performed based on: (1) calculating the sensitivity of the muscle model only, (2) determining the continuous partial derivatives of the muscle equations with respect to each parameter, and (3) evaluating the effects on the running and walking simulations. Model evaluations were found to be very sensitive (percent change in outputs greater than parameter perturbation) to parameters defining the series elastic component (tendon), force-length curve of the contractile element and maximum isometric force. For some parameters, the range of literature values was larger than the model sensitivity. Model evaluations were insensitive to parameters defining the parallel elastic element, force-velocity curve of the contractile element and muscle activation time constants. The derivative method provided similar results, but also provided a generic, continuous equation that can easily be applied to other motions. The sensitivities of the running and walking simulations were reduced compared to the sensitivity of the muscle model alone. Results demonstrate the importance of evaluating sensitivity of a musculoskeletal simulation in a controlled manner and provide an indication of which parameters must be selected most carefully based on the sensitivity of a given movement.  相似文献   

Host-race formation remains controversial as a source of herbivorous insect diversity, and examples of host races are still fairly scarce. In this study, analysis of five enzyme loci in the ostensibly generalist tumbling flower beetle Mordellistena convicta (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) revealed hidden host-plant and plant-organ related genetic differentiation. Mordellistena convicta turned out to be a complex of cryptomorphic species, each with fewer hosts than the nominal species. These cryptic species, in turn, were divided into taxa that showed host-race characteristics: samples from different host plants and organs exhibited (1) genetic indications of partial reproductive isolation, (2) differences in size and emergence timing that suggested divergent host-related selection, and (3) among-host selective differences in mortality from parasitoids. Host-race formation in M. convicta, which has a somewhat different life history from the well-studied host races, enlarges the group of insects considered likely to undergo this process. The widespread sympatry of the M. convicta species complex, along with its spectrum of host-correlated genetic differentiation, suggests that these host specialist taxa developed in sympatry.  相似文献   

Coping with abortion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study evaluated individual differences in coping style in response to an abortion procedure. The 55 subjects displayed a wide range of responses, although the average level of distress was fairly high. These women were quite similar to other stressed populations in their response to the Impact of Event Scale, providing evidence for a generalized stress response syndrome. When divided into groups based on coping style, "avoiders" were found to experience more distress that "nonavoiders," and "approachers" decreased in distress over time while "nonapproachers" did not. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of the interaction between coping styles and counseling strategies.  相似文献   

This study examined coping strategies in head and neck cancer patients. The relationships between the use of approach and avoidant coping strategies and the physical and emotional distress of 35 newly diagnosed head and neck cancer patients during the early stages of cancer treatment were evaluated. Patients were categorized on the basis of coping strategy at the time of diagnosis and then evaluated twice during the course of their treatment at four- to six-week intervals. Cancer patients who predominantly employed either approach or avoidant strategies had lower initial levels of emotional distress than patients who did not use either of these strategies. Although symptoms of distress decreased in patients using approach or avoidance, symptoms increased for those patients who did not use these strategies. The level of stress for this cancer population is highest at the point of confirmed diagnosis and recedes during the course of treatment. The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Extreme Environmental Change and Evolution by A.A. Hoffmann and P.A. Parsons Cambridge University Press, 1997. £55.00/$74.95 hbk, £19.95/$29.95 pbk (xii+259 pages) ISBN 0 521 44107 2/0 521 44659 7.  相似文献   

Journal of Molecular Modeling - Investigation of complexes of nanostructured materials and biomolecules has attracted much attention by various researchers as it can contribute to coherent growth...  相似文献   

Bacteria swim by rotating long thin helical filaments, each driven at its base by a reversible rotary motor. When the motors of peritrichous cells turn counterclockwise (CCW), their filaments form bundles that drive the cells forward. We imaged fluorescently labeled cells of Escherichia coli with a high-speed charge-coupled-device camera (500 frames/s) and measured swimming speeds, rotation rates of cell bodies, and rotation rates of flagellar bundles. Using cells stuck to glass, we studied individual filaments, stopping their rotation by exposing the cells to high-intensity light. From these measurements we calculated approximate values for bundle torque and thrust and body torque and drag, and we estimated the filament stiffness. For both immobilized and swimming cells, the motor torque, as estimated using resistive force theory, was significantly lower than the motor torque reported previously. Also, a bundle of several flagella produced little more torque than a single flagellum produced. Motors driving individual filaments frequently changed directions of rotation. Usually, but not always, this led to a change in the handedness of the filament, which went through a sequence of polymorphic transformations, from normal to semicoiled to curly 1 and then, when the motor again spun CCW, back to normal. Motor reversals were necessary, although not always sufficient, to cause changes in filament chirality. Polymorphic transformations among helices having the same handedness occurred without changes in the sign of the applied torque.  相似文献   

Liu H  Wang EQ  Metman LV  Larson CR 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33629


One of the most common symptoms of speech deficits in individuals with Parkinson''s disease (PD) is significantly reduced vocal loudness and pitch range. The present study investigated whether abnormal vocalizations in individuals with PD are related to sensory processing of voice auditory feedback. Perturbations in loudness or pitch of voice auditory feedback are known to elicit short latency, compensatory responses in voice amplitude or fundamental frequency.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Twelve individuals with Parkinson''s disease and 13 age- and sex- matched healthy control subjects sustained a vowel sound (/α/) and received unexpected, brief (200 ms) perturbations in voice loudness (±3 or 6 dB) or pitch (±100 cents) auditory feedback. Results showed that, while all subjects produced compensatory responses in their voice amplitude or fundamental frequency, individuals with PD exhibited larger response magnitudes than the control subjects. Furthermore, for loudness-shifted feedback, upward stimuli resulted in shorter response latencies than downward stimuli in the control subjects but not in individuals with PD.


The larger response magnitudes in individuals with PD compared with the control subjects suggest that processing of voice auditory feedback is abnormal in PD. Although the precise mechanisms of the voice feedback processing are unknown, results of this study suggest that abnormal voice control in individuals with PD may be related to dysfunctional mechanisms of error detection or correction in sensory feedback processing.  相似文献   

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