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The genetically tractable microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has many advantages as a model for renewable bioproducts and/or biofuels production. However, one limitation of C. reinhardtii is its relatively low‐lipid content compared with some other algal species. To overcome this limitation, we combined ethane methyl sulfonate mutagenesis with fluorescence‐activated cell sorting (FACS) of cells stained with the lipophilic stain Nile Red to isolate lipid hyperaccumulating mutants of C. reinhardtii. By manipulating the FACS gates, we sorted mutagenized cells with extremely high Nile Red fluorescence signals that were rarely detected in nonmutagenized populations. This strategy successfully isolated several putative lipid hyperaccumulating mutants exhibiting 23% to 58% (dry weight basis) higher fatty acid contents than their progenitor strains. Significantly, for most mutants, nitrogen starvation was not required to attain high‐lipid content nor was there a requirement for a deficiency in starch accumulation. Microscopy of Nile Red stained cells revealed that some mutants exhibit an increase in the number of lipid bodies, which correlated with TLC analysis of triacyglycerol content. Increased lipid content could also arise through increased biomass production. Collectively, our findings highlight the ability to enhance intracellular lipid accumulation in algae using random mutagenesis in conjunction with a robust FACS and lipid yield verification regime. Our lipid hyperaccumulating mutants could serve as a genetic resource for stacking additional desirable traits to further increase lipid production and for identifying genes contributing to lipid hyperaccumulation, without lengthy lipid‐induction periods.  相似文献   

Molecular hydrogen (H2) can be produced in green microalgae by [FeFe]‐hydrogenases as a direct product of photosynthesis. The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii hydrogenase HYDA1 contains a catalytic site comprising a classic [4Fe4S] cluster linked to a unique 2Fe sub‐cluster. From in vitro studies it appears that the [4Fe4S] cluster is incorporated first by the housekeeping FeS cluster assembly machinery, followed by the 2Fe sub‐cluster, whose biosynthesis requires the specific maturases HYDEF and HYDG. To investigate the maturation process in vivo, we expressed HYDA1 from the C. reinhardtii chloroplast and nuclear genomes (with and without a chloroplast transit peptide) in a hydrogenase‐deficient mutant strain, and examined the cellular enzymatic hydrogenase activity, as well as in vivo H2 production. The transformants expressing HYDA1 from the chloroplast genome displayed levels of H2 production comparable to the wild type, as did the transformants expressing full‐length HYDA1 from the nuclear genome. In contrast, cells equipped with cytoplasm‐targeted HYDA1 produced inactive enzyme, which could only be activated in vitro after reconstitution of the [4Fe4S] cluster. This indicates that the HYDA1 FeS cluster can only be built by the chloroplastic FeS cluster assembly machinery. Further, the expression of a bacterial hydrogenase gene, CPI, from the C. reinhardtii chloroplast genome resulted in H2‐producing strains, demonstrating that a hydrogenase with a very different structure can fulfil the role of HYDA1 in vivo and that overexpression of foreign hydrogenases in C. reinhardtii is possible. All chloroplast transformants were stable and no toxic effects were seen from HYDA1 or CPI expression.  相似文献   

There is a pressing need to develop novel antibacterial agents given the widespread antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria and the low specificity of the drugs available. Endolysins are antibacterial proteins that are produced by bacteriophage‐infected cells to digest the bacterial cell wall for phage progeny release at the end of the lytic cycle. These highly efficient enzymes show a considerable degree of specificity for the target bacterium of the phage. Furthermore, the emergence of resistance against endolysins appears to be rare as the enzymes have evolved to target molecules in the cell wall that are essential for bacterial viability. Taken together, these factors make recombinant endolysins promising novel antibacterial agents. The chloroplast of the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii represents an attractive platform for production of therapeutic proteins in general, not least due to the availability of established techniques for foreign gene expression, a lack of endotoxins or potentially infectious agents in the algal host, and low cost of cultivation. The chloroplast is particularly well suited to the production of endolysins as it mimics the native bacterial expression environment of these proteins while being devoid of their cell wall target. In this study, the endolysins Cpl‐1 and Pal, specific to the major human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, were produced in the C. reinhardtii chloroplast. The antibacterial activity of cell lysates and the isolated endolysins was demonstrated against different serotypes of S. pneumoniae, including clinical isolates and total recombinant protein yield was quantified at ~1.3 mg/g algal dry weight.  相似文献   

Sulphur limitation may restrain cell growth and viability. In the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, sulphur limitation may induce H2 production lasting for several days, which can be exploited as a renewable energy source. Sulphur limitation causes a large number of physiological changes, including the inactivation of photosystem II (PSII), leading to the establishment of hypoxia, essential for the increase in hydrogenase expression and activity. The inactivation of PSII has long been assumed to be caused by the sulphur‐limited turnover of its reaction center protein PsbA. Here we reinvestigated this issue in detail and show that: (i) upon transferring Chlamydomonas cells to sulphur‐free media, the cellular sulphur content decreases only by about 25%; (ii) as demonstrated by lincomycin treatments, PsbA has a significant turnover, and other photosynthetic subunits, namely RbcL and CP43, are degraded more rapidly than PsbA. On the other hand, sulphur limitation imposes oxidative stress early on, most probably involving the formation of singlet oxygen in PSII, which leads to an increase in the expression of GDP‐L‐galactose phosphorylase, playing an essential role in ascorbate biosynthesis. When accumulated to the millimolar concentration range, ascorbate may inactivate the oxygen‐evolving complex and provide electrons to PSII, albeit at a low rate. In the absence of a functional donor side and sufficient electron transport, PSII reaction centers are inactivated and degraded. We therefore demonstrate that the inactivation of PSII is a complex and multistep process, which may serve to mitigate the damaging effects of sulphur limitation.  相似文献   

GTPases of the Ras superfamily regulate a wide variety of cellular processes including vesicular transport and various secretory pathways of the cell. ADP – ribosylation factor (ARF) belongs to one of the five major families of the Ras superfamily and serves as an important component of vesicle formation and transport machinery of the cells. The binding of GTP to these Arfs and its subsequent hydrolysis, induces conformational changes in these proteins leading to their enzymatic activities. The dimeric form of Arf is associated with membrane pinch‐off during vesicle formation. In this report, we have identified an arf gene from the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, CrArf, and showed that the oligomeric state of the protein in C. renhardtii is modulated by the cellular membrane environment of the organism. Protein cross‐linking experiments showed that the purified recombinant CrArf has the ability to form a dimer. Both the 20‐kDa monomeric and 40‐kDa dimeric forms of CrArf were recognized from Chlamydomonas total cell lysate (CrTLC) and purified recombinant CrArf by the CrArf specific antibody. The membranous environment of the cell appeared to facilitate dimerization of the CrArf, as dimeric form was found exclusively associated with the membrane bound organelles. The subcellular localization studies in Chlamydomonas suggested that CrArf mainly localized in the cytosol and was mislocalized in vesicle transport machinery inhibitor treated cells. This research sheds light on the importance of the cellular membrane environment for regulating the oligomeric state of CrArf protein in this organism and associated functional role.  相似文献   

Phylloquinone (PhQ), or vitamin K1, is an essential electron carrier (A1) in photosystem I (PSI). In the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which is a model organism for the study of photosynthesis, a detailed characterization of the pathway is missing with only one mutant deficient for MEND having been analyzed. We took advantage of the fact that a double reduction of plastoquinone occurs in anoxia in the A1 site in the mend mutant, interrupting photosynthetic electron transfer, to isolate four new phylloquinone‐deficient mutants impaired in MENA, MENB, MENC (PHYLLO) and MENE. Compared with the wild type and complemented strains for MENB and MENE, the four men mutants grow slowly in low light and are sensitive to high light. When grown in low light they show a reduced photosynthetic electron transfer due to a specific decrease of PSI. Upon exposure to high light for a few hours, PSI becomes almost completely inactive, which leads in turn to lack of phototrophic growth. Loss of PhQ also fully prevents reactivation of photosynthesis after dark anoxia acclimation. In silico analyses allowed us to propose a PhQ biosynthesis pathway in Chlamydomonas that involves 11 enzymatic steps from chorismate located in the chloroplast and in the peroxisome.  相似文献   

Upon nutrient deprivation, microalgae partition photosynthate into starch and lipids at the expense of protein synthesis and growth. We investigated the role of starch biosynthesis with respect to photosynthetic growth and carbon partitioning in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii starchless mutant, sta6, which lacks ADP‐glucose pyrophosphorylase. This mutant is unable to convert glucose‐1–phosphate to ADP‐glucose, the precursor of starch biosynthesis. During nutrient‐replete culturing, sta6 does not re‐direct metabolism to make more proteins or lipids, and accumulates 20% less biomass. The underlying molecular basis for the decreased biomass phenotype was identified using LC–MS metabolomics studies and flux methods. Above a threshold light intensity, photosynthetic electron transport rates (water → CO2) decrease in sta6 due to attenuated rates of NADPH re‐oxidation, without affecting photosystems I or II (no change in isolated photosynthetic electron transport). We observed large accumulations of carbon metabolites that are precursors for the biosynthesis of lipids, amino acids and sugars/starch, indicating system‐wide consequences of slower NADPH re‐oxidation. Attenuated carbon fixation resulted in imbalances in both redox and adenylate energy. The pool sizes of both pyridine and adenylate nucleotides in sta6 increased substantially to compensate for the slower rate of turnover. Mitochondrial respiration partially relieved the reductant stress; however, prolonged high‐light exposure caused accelerated photoinhibition. Thus, starch biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas plays a critical role as a principal carbon sink influencing cellular energy balance however, disrupting starch biosynthesis does not redirect resources to other bioproducts (lipids or proteins) during nutrient‐replete culturing, resulting in cells that are susceptible to photochemical damage caused by redox stress.  相似文献   

In plants, lipids of the photosynthetic membrane are synthesized by parallel pathways associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the chloroplast envelope membranes. Lipids derived from the two pathways are distinguished by their acyl‐constituents. Following this plant paradigm, the prevalent acyl composition of chloroplast lipids suggests that Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlamydomonas) does not use the ER pathway; however, the Chlamydomonas genome encodes presumed plant orthologues of a chloroplast lipid transporter consisting of TGD (TRIGALACTOSYLDIACYLGLYCEROL) proteins that are required for ER‐to‐chloroplast lipid trafficking in plants. To resolve this conundrum, we identified a mutant of Chlamydomonas deleted in the TGD2 gene and characterized the respective protein, CrTGD2. Notably, the viability of the mutant was reduced, showing the importance of CrTGD2. Galactoglycerolipid metabolism was altered in the tgd2 mutant with monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) synthase activity being strongly stimulated. We hypothesize this to be a result of phosphatidic acid accumulation in the chloroplast outer envelope membrane, the location of MGDG synthase in Chlamydomonas. Concomitantly, increased conversion of MGDG into triacylglycerol (TAG) was observed. This TAG accumulated in lipid droplets in the tgd2 mutant under normal growth conditions. Labeling kinetics indicate that Chlamydomonas can import lipid precursors from the ER, a process that is impaired in the tgd2 mutant.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in the use of microalgae as low‐cost hosts for the synthesis of recombinant products such as therapeutic proteins and bioactive metabolites. In particular, the chloroplast, with its small, genetically tractable genome (plastome) and elaborate metabolism, represents an attractive platform for genetic engineering. In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, none of the 69 protein‐coding genes in the plastome uses the stop codon UGA, therefore this spare codon can be exploited as a useful synthetic biology tool. Here, we report the assignment of the codon to one for tryptophan and show that this can be used as an effective strategy for addressing a key problem in chloroplast engineering: namely, the assembly of expression cassettes in Escherichia coli when the gene product is toxic to the bacterium. This problem arises because the prokaryotic nature of chloroplast promoters and ribosome‐binding sites used in such cassettes often results in transgene expression in E. coli, and is a potential issue when cloning genes for metabolic enzymes, antibacterial proteins and integral membrane proteins. We show that replacement of tryptophan codons with the spare codon (UGG→UGA) within a transgene prevents functional expression in E. coli and in the chloroplast, and that co‐introduction of a plastidial trnW gene carrying a modified anticodon restores function only in the latter by allowing UGA readthrough. We demonstrate the utility of this system by expressing two genes known to be highly toxic to E. coli and discuss its value in providing an enhanced level of biocontainment for transplastomic microalgae.  相似文献   

When cultivated under stress conditions, many plants and algae accumulate oil. The unicellular green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii accumulates neutral lipids (triacylglycerols; TAGs) during nutrient stress conditions. Temporal changes in TAG levels in nitrogen (N)‐ and phosphorus (P)‐starved cells were examined to compare the effects of nutrient depletion on TAG accumulation in C. reinhardtii. TAG accumulation and fatty acid composition were substantially changed depending on the cultivation stage before nutrient starvation. Profiles of TAG accumulation also differed between N and P starvation. Logarithmic‐growth‐phase cells diluted into fresh medium showed substantial TAG accumulation with both N and P deprivation. N deprivation induced formation of oil droplets concomitant with the breakdown of thylakoid membranes. In contrast, P deprivation substantially induced accumulation of oil droplets in the cytosol and maintaining thylakoid membranes. As a consequence, P limitation accumulated more TAG both per cell and per culture medium under these conditions. To enhance oil accumulation under P deprivation, we constructed a P deprivation‐dependent overexpressor of a Chlamydomonas type‐2 diacylglycerol acyl‐CoA acyltransferase (DGTT4) using a sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol 2 (SQD2) promoter, which was up‐regulated during P starvation. The transformant strongly enhanced TAG accumulation with a slight increase in 18 : 1 content, which is a preferred substrate of DGTT4. These results demonstrated enhanced TAG accumulation using a P starvation–inducible promoter.  相似文献   

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