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Two theophylline treatments were compared in a randomized, multiple-dose, crossover study on 20 patients present with nonallergic bronchial asthma. Both products (E = Euphyllin CR, A = Afonilum Retard) were capsules containing micropellets. They were administered according to the recommendations of the manufactures and differed in the total daily theophylline dose (642 mg versus 500 mg), the partition of this dose (1/3 in the morning and 2/3 in the evening versus equal amounts in the morning and evening) and the timing of the evening dose (2200 hr versus 2000 hr). The patients were off oral theophyllines at least 2 days prior to study onset and no other drugs were allowed to be administered during the testing periods. On the 4th day of each study period, serum theophylline concentrations (STC) and peak expiratory flow rate (PEF) were determined every 2 hr. Compared with the 24-hr PEF reference profile taken prior to study onset, both theophylline treatments produced a significantly higher 24-hr PEF average (mesor). Treatment E resulted in significantly higher mesor than A; in addition, the PEF amplitude relative to the mesor was reduced by treatment E when compared with placebo.  相似文献   

Sixteen asthmatic patients with normal diurnal activity between 05:00 and 23:00 h participated in this randomized, multiple-dose, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study of the pharmacokinetics and efficacy of evening supplementation of a 12-hourly sustained-release theophylline (SRT) regimen with a nonsustained-release theophylline (NSRT) formulation. The treatments were Nuelin SA (SRT) every 12 h plus, in the evening, either placebo or an additional dose of Nuelin liquid (NSRT), determined to raise the early morning (0300) plasma theophylline concentration (PTC) to 18 μ/ml by using the dose-concentration prediction equation established in a study conducted on healthy volunteers and reported in this journal. The 11-day trial included two 24-h inpa-tient periods during which PTCs and lung functions (PEF, FEV, FEF25-75, and FVC) were determined every 2 h. The value of the prediction equation was confirmed when the early morning PTC, after evening supplementation with Nuelin Liquid, was raised nearly to the targeted 18 μg/ml. The nocturnal peak-to-trough fluctuation in PTC was larger during additional treatment with Nuelin liquid, but the nocturnal peak-to-trough fluctuation in lung function parameters decreased. Overall, airflow during the early morning hours (0100-0500) significantly improved during this chronotherapeutically optimized treatment of adding an NSRT product to the evening dose of a 12-hourly SRT regimen. Key Words: Nocturnal asthma—Chronotherapy—Sustained-release theophylline—Nonsustained-release theophylline—Forced vital capacity—Forced expiratory volume— Forced expiratory flow—Peak expiratory flow—Area under the maximum expiratory flow-volume curve.  相似文献   

The effect of adding theophylline to treatment with a beta2-adrenoceptor stimulant was studied in 18 asthmatic children in a double-blind cross-over trial. Most patients were taking cromolyn sodium (cromoglycic acid) or beclomethasone aerosol, or both. A sustained-release preparation of theophylline was administered in individually titrated doses, producing a mean plasma theophylline concentration of about 8 micrograms/ml. Statistically significant improvements were found during the theophylline treatment in symptom score, consumption of beta2 stimulants in aerosol form, and morning peak expiratory flow rate and forced expiratory volume in one second. There was also a reduced need for emergency-room treatment during the theophylline period. Reported side effects were few and mild and were similar during the theophylline and placebo periods. Of the 17 patients who completed the trial, 14 preferred theophylline and three expressed no preference between theophylline and placebo. Adding submaximal doses of sustained-release theophylline to treatment with a beta2 stimulant gave further relief of asthmatic symptoms without appreciable side effects, suggesting that the drug combination has a favourable therapeutic index.  相似文献   

In two double-blind, multiple-dose cross-over studies the therapeutic effects of SR theophylline preparations given once each night (mean 11.2 mg/kg per day) versus twice daily in equal doses (mean 10.3 mg/kg per day) (study I) and SR-terbutaline in equal doses (mean 0.25 mg/kg per day) versus SR theophylline in unequally divided daily doses (mean 5.3 mg/kg morning dose, 10.6 mg/kg evening dose) study II) were compared in 19 patients with nocturnal asthma. At the end of each treatment period drug serum concentrations and PEFR were measured every 2 hr over a 24-hr period. With the twice-daily, equally divided regimen, serum theophylline concentrations were lower at night than during the day (mean 9.4 +/- 0.9 versus 11.3 +/- 1.0 mg/l). With the single evening administration, serum theophylline concentrations were considerably higher at night (Cmax 16.3 +/- 1.4 mg/l) and the circadian variation of PEFR was significantly reduced. PEFR was higher during night and early morning (283 +/- 14 versus 217 +/- 11 l/min, P less than 0.005). During daytime in study II, PEFR values were slightly higher with theophylline than terbutaline. There was no significant difference in peak flow between either treatment during the night and early morning. However, additional use of inhaled beta-2-mimetics because of asthmatic attacks occurred more often during terbutaline (79 times in 8/10 patients) than theophylline treatment (29 times in 5/10 patients). Symptom scores, number of attacks and side-effects clearly favor the theophylline regimen. We conclude that for patients with nocturnal asthma a once-nightly dose of SR theophylline can be sufficient for stabilization of the airways.  相似文献   

In two double-blind, multiple-dose cross-over studies the therapeutic effects of SR theophylline preparations given once each night (mean 11.2mg/kg per day) versus twice daily in equal doses (mean 10.3 mg/kg per day) (study I) and SR-terbutaline in equal doses (mean 0.25 mg/kg per day) versus SR theophylline in unequally divided daily doses (mean 5.3 mg/kg morning dose, 10.6 mg/kg evening dose) study II) were compared in 19 patients with nocturnal asthma. At the end of each treatment period drug serum concentrations and PEFR were measured every 2 hr over a 24-hr period. With the twice-daily, equally divided regimen, serum theophylline concentrations were lower at night than during the day (mean 9.4 ±0.9 versus 11.3± 1.0mg/l). With the single evening administration, serum theophylline concentrations were considerably higher at night (Cmax16.3 ±1.4 mg/1) and the circadian variation of PEFR was significantly reduced. PEFR was higher during night and early morning (283 ±14 versus 217 ± 11 l/min, P< 0.005). During daytime in study II, PEFR values were slightly higher with theophylline than terbutaline. There was no significant difference in peak flow between either treatment during the night and early morning. However, additional use of inhaled β-2-mimetics because of asthmatic attacks occurred more often during terbutaline (79 times in 8/10 patients) than theophylline treatment (29 times in 5/10 patients). Symptom scores, number of attacks and side-effects clearly favor the theophylline regimen. We conclude that for patients with nocturnal asthma a once-nightly dose of SR theophylline can be sufficient for stabilization of the airways.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether the nocturnal fall in plasma adrenaline is a cause of nocturnal asthma. DESIGN--Double blind placebo controlled cross-over study. In the first experiment the nocturnal fall in plasma adrenaline at 4 am was corrected in 10 asthmatic subjects with an infusion of adrenaline after parasympathetic blockade with 30 micrograms/kg intravenous atropine. In the second experiment 11 asthmatic subjects showing similar variations in peak expiratory flow rate had the nocturnal fall in plasma adrenaline corrected by infusion before atropine was given. PATIENTS--Asthmatic subjects with a diurnal variation in home peak expiratory flow rate of greater than 20% for at least 75% of the time in the two weeks before the study. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Peak expiratory flow rate and plasma adrenaline. RESULTS--Correction of the nocturnal fall in plasma adrenaline at 4 am to resting 4 pm levels did not alter peak expiratory flow rate either before or after parasympathetic blockade with atropine. CONCLUSION--A nighttime fall in plasma adrenaline is not a cause of nocturnal asthma.  相似文献   

The rhythms of locomotor activity of male and virgin or mated female flies were compared in the Drosophila melanogaster wild-type strains CantonS, Berlin, and OregonR. Under light-dark conditions, most flies showed a bimodal activity pattern with a morning peak around lights-on and an evening peak before lights-off. For all strains, a distinct sexual dimorphism was observed in the phase of the morning peak. Males had a significantly earlier morning peak than females and consequently a larger phase angle between morning and evening peak (psi(m, e)). Under constant dark conditions, the morning component merged with the evening component to a unimodal activity band in about half of the flies. In those flies who maintained bimodality, the sex-specific difference in psi(m, e) disappeared. Other sex-specific differences were now apparent: Males showed a shorter free-running period than females, and in two of the three strains, females were more active than males. Morning and evening components seem to contribute to the free-running period. Spontaneous or externally provoked change in psi(m, e) were correlated with period changes. In some flies, the morning and the evening components showed splitting, indicating that they are the output of two different oscillators. The sexual dimorphism in the phase of the morning peak under LD-conditions suggests that the function of activity during morning and evening peak might be different, for example, during the morning peak, males are active to find females. Overall, the results underline the multioscillatory nature of Drosophila's circadian system.  相似文献   

Effects of aging on the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in males of Drosophila nasuta were investigated. The adult life of males was divided in 1-3 stages according to spontaneous changes in free-running period x in constant darkness (DD): stage 1, days 1-19; stage 2, days 20-36; stage 3, days 37-43. Stage 1 was characterized by a bimodal activity pattern with a short light-induced morning peak and a prolonged evening peak when the flies were entrained to light-dark cycles of 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness (LD 12:12). The morning peak had a phase angle difference Ψm (Ψ, the time from lights on in LD 12:12 cycles to the onset of morning peak) of about 0.1h, while Ψe (Ψ of evening peak) was about 9h at stage 1. The transient morning peak was curtailed at the end of stage 1. At stage 2, the Ψe was about 10h, and the activity end was delayed by an addition of about 3h of activity in the scotophase. The changes in W during DD free runs were determined in two groups of flies: flies reared in LD 12:12 and flies reared in DD. In both groups, W increased from about 23h at stage 1 to about 25h at stage 2. Stage 3 was characterized by arrhythmicity associated with highest mean activity level (total number of passes/fly/day) in the entrained and both free-running groups. The mean activity level increased significantly from stage 1 to stage 3 in all three groups of flies.  相似文献   

Ten asthmatic children with a history of cough and wheeze after drinking a cola drink performed histamine inhalation tests before and 30 minutes after a drink of Pepsi-Cola, soda water, and water on three separate study days. There was no significant change in baseline peak expiratory flow after any of the three drinks. Sensitivity to histamine was increased after the cola drink (p less than 0.005) but was not significantly different after soda water or water. The detection of change in sensitivity to histamine appears to be a simple and effective method of testing for food sensitivity in asthma.  相似文献   

A causal relation between gastro-oesophageal reflux and nocturnal asthma has been postulated. Forty four adult asthmatics underwent ambulatory monitoring of their oesophageal pH over 24 hours to find out if there was such a relation. Of these 21 showed significant "morning dipping" in which the peak expiratory flow falls during the night. Asthmatics with morning dipping had a history of nocturnal wheeze and a higher incidence of reflux symptoms, but measurement of oesophageal pH showed no significant difference in the amount or pattern of reflux when compared with "non-dippers." Overall, 15 asthmatics had gastro-oesophageal reflux, and these participated in a randomised, double blind crossover trial of ranitidine versus placebo. No significant difference was found in the peak expiratory flow rates or subjective evaluation of well being of the patients.  相似文献   

Acetaldehyde is thought to be a main factor of alcohol-induced asthma. The thromboxane (TX) synthetase inhibitor, ozagrel hydrochloride, inhibits acetaldehyde-induced bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients. The present study evaluated the involvement of TXA(2) on alcoholic beverage-induced bronchoconstriction. Four patients with alcohol-induced asthma received ozagrel (400 mg for 4 days) or placebo using a single-blind, randomized, cross-over design. On two separate study days, each subject drank the same brand and volume of alcoholic beverage (beer or Japanese sake) and bronchoconstriction was assessed as the change in peak expiratory flow (PEF). The effect of ozagrel on the aerosolized challenge of acetaldehyde was investigated in the same subjects. Although aerosolized acetaldehyde-induced bronchoconstriction was significantly prevented by ozagrel, there were no differences in the time course of the decrease in PEF or the maximum fall in PEF after alcohol intake between placebo and ozagrel. We conclude that TXA(2) is not involved in alcoholic beverage-induced bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

Factors contributing to sleep timing and sleep restriction in daily life include chronotype and less flexibility in times available for sleep on scheduled days versus free days. There is some evidence that these two factors interact, with morning types and evening types reporting similar sleep need, but evening types being more likely to accumulate a sleep debt during the week and to have greater sleep extension on weekend nights. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the independent contributions of circadian phase and weekend-to-weekday variability to sleep timing in daily life. The study included 14 morning types and 14 evening types recruited from a community-based sample of New Zealand adults (mean age 41.1 ± 4.7 years). On days 1–15, the participants followed their usual routines in their own homes and daily sleep start, midpoint and end times were determined by actigraphy and sleep diaries. Days 16–17 involved a 17 h modified constant routine protocol in the laboratory (17:00 to 10:00, <20 lux) with half-hourly saliva samples assayed for melatonin. Mixed model ANCOVAs for repeated measures were used to investigate the independent relationships between sleep start and end times (separate models) and age (30–39 years versus 40–49 years), circadian phase [time of the dim light melatonin onset (DLMO)] and weekday/weekend schedules (Sunday–Thursday nights versus Friday–Saturday nights). As expected on weekdays, evening types had later sleep start times (mean = 23:47 versus 22:37, p < .0001) and end times (mean = 07:14 versus 05:56, p < .0001) than morning types. Similarly on weekend days, evening types had later sleep start times (mean = 00:14 versus 23:07, p = .0032) and end times (mean = 08:56 versus 07:04, p < .0001) than morning types. Evening types also had later DLMO (22:06 versus 20:46, p = .0002) than morning types (mean difference = 80.4 min, SE = 18.6 min). The ANCOVA models found that later sleep start times were associated with later DLMO (p = .0172) and weekend-to-weekday sleep timing variability (p < .0001), after controlling for age, while later sleep end times were associated with later DLMO (p = .0038), younger age (p = .0190) and weekend days (p < .0001). Sleep end times showed stronger association with DLMO (for every 30 min delay in DLMO, estimated mean sleep end time occurred 14.0 min later versus 10.19 min later for sleep start times). Sleep end times also showed greater delays on weekends versus weekdays (estimated mean delay for sleep end time = 84 min, for sleep start time = 28 min). Comparing morning types and evening types, the estimated contributions of the DLMO to the mean observed differences in sleep timing were on weekdays, 39% for sleep start times and 49% for sleep end times; and on weekends, 41% for sleep start times and 34% of sleep end times. We conclude that differences in sleep timing between morning types and evening types were much greater than would be predicted on the basis of the independent contribution of the difference in DLMO on both weekdays and weekend days. The timing of sleep in daily life involves complex interactions between physiological and psychosocial factors, which may be moderated by age in adults aged 30–49 years.  相似文献   

Twelve healthy male volunteers who were diurnally active between 05:00 and 23:00 took part in a randomized, multiple-dose, double-blind, four-way, crossover study to determine the relationship between the dose of a nonsus-tained-release theophylline (NSRT) formulation added to the evening administration of a 12-hourly sustained-release theophylline (SRT) regimen and the elevation of the early morning (between 02:00 and 05:00) steady-state plasma theophylline concentration. The four treatments were 250 mg Nuelin SA (sustained-release theophylline) every 12 h plus either placebo or Nuelin liquid (non-sustained-release theophylline) equivalent to 100 mg, 200 mg, or 300 mg of theophylline. Without evening supplementation (placebo), the early morning plasma theophylline concentrations were 13% lower than the average 24-h concentration. but with evening supplementation the early morning plasma theophylline concentration could be raised up to and above the average 24-h Concentration. A prediction equation for the early morning plasma theophylline concentration as a function of the additional evening dose of Nuelin liquid, and of the steady-state evening trough plasma theophylline concentration without evening supplementation, was established. This prediction equation can be used to determine the additional evening dose of Nuelin liquid (administered at 19:00) needed to reduce early morning bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients who are on a 12-hourly Nuelin SA (drug administered at 07:00 and 19:00) regimen.  相似文献   

Twelve healthy male volunteers who were diurnally active between 05:00 and 23:00 took part in a randomized, multiple-dose, double-blind, four-way, crossover study to determine the relationship between the dose of a nonsus-tained-release theophylline (NSRT) formulation added to the evening administration of a 12-hourly sustained-release theophylline (SRT) regimen and the elevation of the early morning (between 02:00 and 05:00) steady-state plasma theophylline concentration. The four treatments were 250 mg Nuelin SA (sustained-release theophylline) every 12 h plus either placebo or Nuelin liquid (non-sustained-release theophylline) equivalent to 100 mg, 200 mg, or 300 mg of theophylline. Without evening supplementation (placebo), the early morning plasma theophylline concentrations were 13% lower than the average 24-h concentration. but with evening supplementation the early morning plasma theophylline concentration could be raised up to and above the average 24-h Concentration. A prediction equation for the early morning plasma theophylline concentration as a function of the additional evening dose of Nuelin liquid, and of the steady-state evening trough plasma theophylline concentration without evening supplementation, was established. This prediction equation can be used to determine the additional evening dose of Nuelin liquid (administered at 19:00) needed to reduce early morning bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients who are on a 12-hourly Nuelin SA (drug administered at 07:00 and 19:00) regimen.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics and the hemodynamic effects (blood pressure, heart rate) of oral organic nitrates have been investigated in healthy subjects after oral single-dose application either in the morning or in the evening. Isosorbide-5-monitrate (IS-5-MN, 60 mg) was administered as an immediate-release tablet or as a slow-release formulation. Isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN, 20 mg) was ingested as an immediate-release tablet. After administration of IS-5-MN as an immediate-release tablet, the drug was more rapidly absorbed in the morning (tmax of 0.9 h) than in the evening (tmax of 2.1 h). The rapid absorption led to more pronounced effects in the morning, at which time maximum drug concentrations occurred at the same time as peak effects were observed. After evening administration, however, peak effects were in advance of the maximum drug concentrations. No chrono-kinetics were observed after application of the slow-release formulation of IS-5-MN. In accordance with the results of the immediate-release formulation, peak effects of the slow-release preparation occurred significantly earlier than peak drug concentrations after evening than after morning dosing. ISDN bioavailability was higher after morning than after evening administration and hemodynamic effects were more pronounced in the evening than in the morning. These results show that daily variations in pharmacokinetics and/or hemodynamic effects can be observed with oral nitrates. In addition, galenic formulation can influence the time-specified pharmacokinetics of IS-5-MN.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To study the association between upper and lower respiratory viral infections and acute exacerbations of asthma in schoolchildren in the community. DESIGN--Community based 13 month longitudinal study using diary card respiratory symptom and peak expiratory flow monitoring to allow early sampling for viruses. SUBJECTS--108 Children aged 9-11 years who had reported wheeze or cough, or both, in a questionnaire. SETTING--Southampton and surrounding community. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Upper and lower respiratory viral infections detected by polymerase chain reaction or conventional methods, reported exacerbations of asthma, computer identified episodes of respiratory tract symptoms or peak flow reductions. RESULTS--Viruses were detected in 80% of reported episodes of reduced peak expiratory flow, 80% of reported episodes of wheeze, and in 85% of reported episodes of upper respiratory symptoms, cough, wheeze, and a fall in peak expiratory flow. The median duration of reported falls in peak expiratory flow was 14 days, and the median maximum fall in peak expiratory flow was 81 l/min. The most commonly identified virus type was rhinovirus. CONCLUSIONS--This study supports the hypothesis that upper respiratory viral infections are associated with 80-85% of asthma exacerbations in school age children.  相似文献   

Nonreversible conductive airway ventilation heterogeneity in mild asthma.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A multiple-breath washout technique was used to assess residual ventilation heterogeneity in the conductive and acinar lung zones of asthmatic patients after maximal beta(2)-agonist reversibility. Reversibility was assessed in 13 patients on two separate visits corresponding to a different baseline condition in terms of forced expiratory volume in 1 s [FEV(1); average FEV(1) over 2 visits: 92 +/- 21% of predicted (SE)]. On the visit corresponding to each patient's best baseline, 400 micro g salbutamol led to normal acinar ventilation heterogeneity, normal FEV(1), and normal peak expiratory flow; i.e., none was significantly different from that obtained in 13 matched controls. By contrast, conductive ventilation heterogeneity and forced expiratory flow after exhalation of 75% forced vital capacity remained significantly different from controls (P < or = 0.005 on both indexes). In addition, the degree of postdilation conductive ventilation heterogeneity was similar to what was previously obtained in asthmatic individuals with a 19% lower baseline FEV(1) and twofold larger acinar ventilation heterogeneity (Verbanck S, Schuermans D, Noppen M, Van Muylem A, Paiva M, and Vincken W. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 159: 1545-1550, 1999). We conclude that, even in the mildest forms of asthma, the most consistent pattern of non-beta(2)-agonist-reversible ventilatory heterogeneity is in the conductive lung zone, most probably in the small conductive airways.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether inhaled salmeterol, a new long acting inhaled beta adrenergic agonist, reduces nocturnal bronchoconstriction and improves sleep quality in patients with nocturnal asthma. DESIGN--Randomised, double blind, placebo controlled crossover study. SETTING--Hospital outpatient clinics in Edinburgh. SUBJECTS--Twenty clinically stable patients (13 women, seven men) with nocturnal asthma, median age 39 (range 18-60) years. INTERVENTIONS--Salmeterol 50 micrograms and 100 micrograms and placebo taken each morning and evening by metered dose inhaler. Rescue salbutamol inhalers were provided throughout the run in and study periods. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Improvement in nocturnal asthma as measured by peak expiratory flow rates and change in sleep quality as measured by electroencephalography. RESULTS--Salmeterol improved the lowest overnight peak flow rate at both 50 micrograms (difference in median values (95% confidence interval for difference in medians) 69 (18 to 88) l/min) and 100 micrograms (72 (23 to 61) l/min) doses twice daily. While taking salmeterol 50 micrograms twice daily patients had an objective improvement in sleep quality, spending less time awake or in light sleep (-9 (-4 to -44) min) and more time in stage 4 sleep (26 (6-34) min). CONCLUSIONS--Salmeterol is an effective long acting inhaled bronchodilator for patients with nocturnal asthma and at a dose of 50 micrograms twice daily improves objective sleep quality.  相似文献   

We examined whether the clock time of cisplatin plus antiemetic and diuretic administration affects the amount of cisplatin-associated emesis and severity of renal toxicity. We treated 22 patients with urogenital cancer with two courses of chemotherapy containing 70 mg/m2 of cisplatin. Cisplatin together with furosemide was administered in the morning (05:00) or evening (17:00) during two courses 1 month apart in a crossover fashion. Ondansetron was given either before or after cisplatin to control nausea and vomiting. The number of vomiting episodes, serum creatinine, serum urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine clearance, and urinary β-N-acetyl glucosamidase (NAG) concentration were evaluated before and after each treatment course. Regardless of the timing of ondansetron, morning compared to evening cisplatin was always associated with greater vomiting in the first treatment course. However, prophylactic administration of ondansetron markedly diminished the impact of the clock time of cisplatin administration. Serum creatinine transiently decreased rather than increased 14 days after cisplatin and furosemide administration, while NAG excretion increased 3 days after cisplatin and furosemide administration. In the first course, serum creatinine levels were similar regardless of the clock time of cisplatin and furosemide administration. However, in the second course, serum creatinine rose in patients given evening cisplatin and furosemide, while it remained unchanged in those given morning cisplatin and furosemide. Moreover, the first course morning cisplatin and furosemide treatment was associated with less change in NAG excretion (less kidney toxicity) than the first course of evening cisplatin and furosemide treatment. The second course evening cisplatin and furosemide treatment was associated with an increase in NAG excretion compared to the first course of treatment, while morning cisplatin and furosemide treatment in the second course showed less change in NAG excretion compared to the first course. The clock time of cisplatin administration had an impact on the frequency of emesis. Prophylactic ondansetron, however, diminished the time-of-day dependency of cisplatin-induced vomiting. Administration of cisplatin and furosemide in the morning rather than evening appears to cause less renal damage, and this damage may be further reduced with aggressive hydration and routine administration of furosemide. (Chronobiology International, 18(5), 851-863, 2001)  相似文献   

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