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Foliar δ13C values, an indicator of long-term intercellular carbon dioxide concentration and, thus,of long-term water use efficiency (WUE) in plants, were measured for Pinus massoniana Lamb., P. elliottii Engelm., Cunninghamia laceolata (Lamb.) Hook., and Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. in a restored forest ecosystem in the Jiazhu River Basin. Seasonal variation and the relationship between the foliar δ13Cvalues of the four species and environmental factors (monthly total precipitation, monthly average air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, and monthly total solar radiation and evaporation)were investigated. The monthly δ13C values and WUE of the four species increased with increasing precipitation, air temperature, solar radiation, and evaporation, whereas δ13C values of the four species decreased with increasing relative humidity and atmospheric pressure. Despite significant differences in δ13C seasonal means for the four species, our results demonstrate a significant convergence in the responses of δ13C values and WUE to seasonal variations in environmental factors among the species investigated and that the δ13C signature for each species gives a strong indication of environmental variables.  相似文献   

测定了中国东北森林-草原样带草原区15个常见植物种叶片的δ^13C值,并以此作为植物长期水分利用效率的指示值,研究了不同植物种的水分利用效率对年均降水量、年均在气温度和海拔高度等环境梯度变化的响应。结果表明:有相当一部分植物种的δ^13C植和水分利用效率均随年均降水量和年均温增加而呈不同程度的降低趋势(如羊草(Leymus chinensis(Trin.)Tzvel.)、家榆(Ulmus pumi  相似文献   

We measured the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of stem cellulose of Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior. Several sites along a transect of a small valley in Switzerland were selected which differ in soil moisture conditions. At every site, six trees per species were sampled, and a sample representing a mean value for the period from 1940 to 1990 was analysed. For all species, the mean site δ13C and δ18O of stem cellulose are related to the soil moisture availability, whereby higher isotope ratios are found at drier sites. This result is consistent with isotope fractionation models when assuming enhanced stomatal resistance (thus higher δ13C of incorporated carbon) and increased oxygen isotope enrichment in the leaf water (thus higher δ18O) at the dry sites. δ18 O-δ13C plots reveal a linear relationship between the carbon and oxygen isotopes in cellulose. To interpret this relationship we developed an equation which combines the above-mentioned fractionation models. An important new parameter is the degree to which the leaf water enrichment is reflected in the stem cellulose. In the combined model the slope of the δ18O-δ13C plot is related to the sensitivity of the pi/pa of a plant to changing relative humidity.  相似文献   

We investigated the extent to which plant water and nutrient status are affected by intraspecific competition intensity and microsite quality in a monodominant tussock grassland. Leaf gas exchange and stable isotope measurements were used to assess the water relations of Stipa tenacissima tussocks growing along a gradient of plant cover and soil depth in a semi-arid catchment of Southeast Spain. Stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate decreased with increasing intensity of competition during the wet growing season, leading to foliar δ 18O and δ 13C enrichment. A high potential for runoff interception by upslope neighbours exerted strong detrimental effects on the water and phosphorus status of downslope S. tenacissima tussocks. Foliar δ 15N values became more enriched with increasing soil depth. Multiple stepwise regression showed that competition potential and/or rhizosphere soil depth accounted for large proportions of variance in foliar δ 13C, δ 18O and δ 15N among target tussocks (57, 37 and 64%, respectively). The results presented here highlight the key role that spatial redistribution of resources (water and nutrients) by runoff plays in semi-arid ecosystems. It is concluded that combined measurement of δ 13C, δ 18O and nutrient concentrations in bulk leaf tissue can provide insight into the intensity of competitive interactions occurring in natural plant communities.  相似文献   

Classical quantitative genetics and quantitative trait dissection analysis (QTL) approaches were used in order to investigate the genetic determinism of wood cellulose carbon isotope composition (δ13C, a time integrated estimate of water use efficiency) and of diameter growth and their relationship on adult trees (15 years) of a forest tree species (maritime pine). A half diallel experimental set‐up was used to (1) estimate heritabilities for δ13C and ring width and (2) to decompose the phenotypic δ13C/growth correlation into its genetic and environmental components. Considerable variation was found for δ13C (range of over 3‰) and for ring width (range of over 5 mm) and significant heritabilities (narrow sense 0·17/0·19 for δ13C and ring width, respectively, 100% additivity). The significant phenotypic correlation between δ13C and ring width was not determined by the genetic component, but was attributable to environmental components. Using a genetic linkage map of a full‐sib family, four significant and four suggestive QTLs were detected for δ13C, the first for δ13C in a forest tree species, as far as known to the authors. Two significant and four suggestive QTLs were found for ring width. No co‐location of QTLs was found between δ13C and growth.  相似文献   

Glasshouse experiments with Ricinus communis showed that the presence/absence of a VA mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus clarum) changed the δ15N value of the host by as much as 2‰ when the plants were given urea (released as NH4+) as their only N-source. This small change in Δ15N would create a large error in calculating sources of plant N. In particular, these results throw into doubt any models of N-cycling which assume that soil N can be treated as a single source. The correct N-source value for VAM-infected NH4? -using plants may be the δ15N of soil NH4++ 2‰. Treatment effects were also found in the distribution of δ15N and % N among plant organs. Plants with VAM had a lower N:P atom ratio and were larger in total biomass. Carbon discrimination (δ13C) was greater in the VA-infected plants. The measured effects of VAM infection suggest that for some plants the fungus may be the primary site of N assimilation. A parallel experiment with Eucalyptus globulus and the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hydnangium carneum resulted in no significant differences in any of the variables measured for this host-fungus pair when the sole N-sources were inorganic (NO3? and NH4+ released from urea). Ectomycorrhizal fungi are diverse in their physiological behaviour, and these data should not be taken as being representative of the whole group. More work is required with other types of mycorrhiza and more complex sources of N. Future work will include a water balance to partition the effects of water use and nutrient supply in determining δ13C. An on-line combustion-ANCA-MS method is described for fully automated measurement of natural abundance levels of 15/14N and 13/12C for plant materials. This method achieves the required precision while dramatically increasing sample throughout.  相似文献   

The scales of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus were used in place of dorsal muscle, which necessitates killing the fish, to study food webs from the δ13C and δ15N isotopic ratios in the organic fraction. As scales are composed of both organic and calcified fractions, a protocol for scale decalcification was first devised. The δ13C and δ15N values of the decalcified scales were then shown to be closely correlated to those of the dorsal muscle, demonstrating that scales could be used in place of muscle to study food webs. Changes in the δ13C of whitefish were determined from a scale collection that extended over the period during which the trophic state of Lake Geneva was recovering.  相似文献   

We present carbon stable isotope, δ13C, results from air and organic matter samples collected during 98 individual field campaigns across a network of Carboeuroflux forest sites in 2001 (14 sites) and 2002 (16 sites). Using these data, we tested the hypothesis that δ13C values derived from large‐scale atmospheric measurements and models, which are routinely used to partition carbon fluxes between land and ocean, and potentially between respiration and photosynthesis on land, are consistent with directly measured ecosystem‐scale δ13C values. In this framework, we also tested the potential of δ13C in canopy air and plant organic matter to record regional‐scale ecophysiological patterns. Our network estimates for the mean δ13C of ecosystem respired CO2 and the related ‘discrimination’ of ecosystem respiration, δer and Δer, respectively, were ?25.6±1.9‰ and 17.8 ±2.0‰ in 2001 and ?26.6±1.5‰ and 19.0±1.6‰ in 2002. The results were in close agreement with δ13C values derived from regional‐scale atmospheric measurement programs for 2001, but less so in 2002, which had an unusual precipitation pattern. This suggests that regional‐scale atmospheric sampling programs generally capture ecosystem δ13C signals over Europe, but may be limited in capturing some of the interannual variations. In 2001, but less so in 2002, there were discernable longitudinal and seasonal trends in δer. From west to east, across the network, there was a general enrichment in 13C (~3‰ and ~1‰ for the 2 years, respectively) consistent with increasing Gorczynski continentality index for warmer and drier conditions. In 2001 only, seasonal 13C enrichment between July and September, followed by depletion in November (from about ?26.0‰ to ?24.5‰ to ?30.0‰), was also observed. In 2001, July and August δer values across the network were significantly related to average daytime vapor pressure deficit (VPD), relative humidity (RH), and, to a lesser degree, air temperature (Ta), but not significantly with monthly average precipitation (Pm). In contrast, in 2002 (a much wetter peak season), δer was significantly related with Ta, but not significantly with VPD and RH. The important role of plant physiological processes on δer in 2001 was emphasized by a relatively rapid turnover (between 1 and 6 days) of assimilated carbon inferred from time‐lag analyses of δer vs. meteorological parameters. However, this was not evident in 2002. These analyses also noted corresponding diurnal cycles of δer and meteorological parameters in 2001, indicating a rapid transmission of daytime meteorology, via physiological responses, to the δer signal during this season. Organic matter δ13C results showed progressive 13C enrichment from leaves, through stems and roots to soil organic matter, which may be explained by 13C fractionation during respiration. This enrichment was species dependent and was prominent in angiosperms but not in gymnosperms. δ13C values of organic matter of any of the plant components did not well represent short‐term δer values during the seasonal cycle, and could not be used to partition ecosystem respiration into autotrophic and heterotrophic components.  相似文献   

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