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During Xenopus early development, gene expression is regulated mainly at the translational level by the length of the poly(A) tail of mRNAs. The Eg family and c-mos maternal mRNAs are deadenylated rapidly and translationally repressed after fertilization. Here, we characterize a short sequence element (EDEN) responsible for the rapid deadenylation of Eg5 mRNA. Determining the core EDEN sequence permitted us to localize the c-mos EDEN sequence. The c-mos EDEN confered a rapid deadenylation to a reporter gene. The EDEN-specific RNA-binding protein (EDEN-BP) was purified and a cDNA obtained. EDEN-BP is highly homologous to a human protein possibly involved in myotonic dystrophy. Immunodepleting EDEN-BP from an egg extract totally abolished the EDEN-mediated deadenylation activity, but did not affect the default deadenylation activity. Therefore, EDEN-BP constitutes the first trans-acting factor for which an essential role in the specificity of mRNA deadenylation has been directly demonstrated.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, two features of small interfering RNA (siRNA) structure--5' phosphates and 3' hydroxyls--are reported to be essential for RNA interference (RNAi). Here, we show that as in Drosophila, a 5' phosphate is required for siRNA function in human HeLa cells. In contrast, we find no evidence in flies or humans for a role in RNAi for the siRNA 3' hydroxyl group. Our in vitro data suggest that in both flies and mammals, each siRNA guides endonucleolytic cleavage of the target RNA at a single site. We conclude that the underlying mechanism of RNAi is conserved between flies and mammals and that RNA-dependent RNA polymerases are not required for RNAi in these organisms.  相似文献   

Many animals communicate by rapidly (within minutes or seconds) changing their body coloration; however, we know little about the physiology of this behaviour. Here we study how catecholaminergic hormones regulate rapid colour change in explosive breeding toads (Duttaphrynus melanostictus), where large groups of males gather and quickly change their colour from brown to bright yellow during reproduction. We find that both epinephrine (EP) and/or norepinephrine (NE) cause the toads'' skin to become yellow in minutes, even in the absence of social and environmental cues associated with explosive breeding. We hypothesize that natural selection drives the evolution of rapid colour change by co-opting the functional effects of catecholaminergic action. If so, then hormones involved in ‘fight or flight’ responses may mechanistically facilitate the emergence of dynamic visual signals that mediate communication in a sexual context.  相似文献   

Blumenstiel JP  Fu R  Theurkauf WE  Hawley RS 《Genetics》2008,180(3):1355-1365
Homolog pairing is indispensable for the proper segregation of chromosomes in meiosis but the mechanism by which homologs uniquely pair with each other is poorly understood. In Drosophila, somatic chromosomes also undergo full homolog pairing by an unknown mechanism. It has been recently demonstrated that both insulator function and somatic long-distance interactions between Polycomb response elements (PREs) are stabilized by the RNAi machinery in Drosophila. This suggests the possibility that long-distance pairing interactions between homologs, either during meiosis or in the soma, may be stabilized by a similar mechanism. To test this hypothesis, we have characterized meiotic and early somatic chromosome pairing of homologous chromosomes in flies that are mutant for various components of the RNAi machinery. Despite the identification of a novel role for the piRNA machinery in meiotic progression and synaptonemal complex (SC) assembly, we have found that the components of the RNAi machinery that mediate long-distance chromosomal interactions are dispensable for homologous chromosome pairing. Thus, there appears to be at least two mechanisms that bring homologous sequences together within the nucleus: those that act between dispersed homologous sequences and those that act to align and pair homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Liu J  Ma J 《Nature cell biology》2011,13(1):22-29
Bicoid (Bcd) is a morphogenetic protein that instructs patterning along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis in Drosophila melanogaster embryos. Despite extensive studies, what controls the formation of a normal concentration gradient of Bcd remains an unresolved and controversial question. Here, we show that Bcd protein degradation is mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. We have identified an F-box protein, encoded by fates-shifted (fsd), that has an important role in Bcd protein degradation by targeting it for ubiquitylation. Embryos from females lacking fsd have an altered Bcd gradient profile, resulting in a shift of the fatemap along the A-P axis. Our study is an experimental demonstration that, contrary to an alternative hypothesis, Bcd protein degradation is required for normal gradient formation and developmental fate determination.  相似文献   

Changing rates of histone mRNA synthesis and turnover in Drosophila embryos   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
K V Anderson  J A Lengyel 《Cell》1980,21(3):717-727
The rates of synthesis and turnover of histone mRNA in Drosophila embryos were determined by hybridization of in vivo and in vitro labeled embryonic RNA to Drosophila histone DNA of the recombinant plasmid cDm500. There is a large store of maternal histone mRNA, equivalent to at least 7 X 10(7) copies of each of the five classes of histone mRNA per embryo. Embryonic synthesis of histone mRNA begins at 90 min after oviposition, making the histone genes among the first to be transcribed by embryonic nuclei. Embryonic histone mRNA accumulates rapidly during the blastoderm and gastrula stages. The peak in the rate of histone mRNA synthesis per embryo coincides with the peak in the rate of DNA synthesis per embryo, which occurs at 6 hr after oviposition. After 6 hr, as the rate of DNA synthesis per embryo decreases, the rate of histone mRNA synthesis and the total mass of histone mRNA per embryo both drop sharply. The rate of histone mRNA synthesis per gene falls more than 60 fold in the first 13 hr after oviposition, from 1.3 -2.5 copies per gene-min at 2 hr to 0.02-0.03 copies per gene-min at 13 hr. From measurements of the mass of histone mRNA per embryo and of the rate of accumulation of newly synthesized histone mRNA at a number of stages of early embryogenesis we determined that the cytoplasmic half-life of histone mRNA decreases approximately 7 fold during early Drosophila development, from 2.3 hr at blastoderm to 20 min by the end of gastrulation. Thus the level of expression of histone genes in Drosophila development is controlled not only by the size of the maternal mRNA pool and changes in the rate of histone mRNA synthesis, but also by changes in the rate of histone mRNA turnover.  相似文献   

A Sm-like protein complex that participates in mRNA degradation   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
In eukaryotes, seven Sm proteins bind to the U1, U2, U4 and U5 spliceosomal snRNAs while seven Smlike proteins (Lsm2p-Lsm8p) are associated with U6 snRNA. Another yeast Sm-like protein, Lsm1p, does not interact with U6 snRNA. Surprisingly, using the tandem affinity purification (TAP) method, we identified Lsm1p among the subunits associated with Lsm3p. Coprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Lsm1p, together with Lsm2p-Lsm7p, forms a new seven-subunit complex. We purified the two related Sm-like protein complexes and identified the proteins recovered in the purified preparations by mass spectrometry. This confirmed the association of the Lsm2p-Lsm8p complex with U6 snRNA. In contrast, the Lsm1p-Lsm7p complex is associated with Pat1p and Xrn1p exoribonuclease, suggesting a role in mRNA degradation. Deletions of LSM1, 6, 7 and PAT1 genes increased the half-life of reporter mRNAs. Interestingly, accumulating mRNAs were capped, suggesting a block in mRNA decay at the decapping step. These results indicate the involvement of a new conserved Sm-like protein complex and a new factor, Pat1p, in mRNA degradation and suggest a physical connection between decapping and exonuclease trimming.  相似文献   

The process of mRNA localization, often used for regulation of gene expression in polarized cells, requires recognition of cis-acting signals by components of the localization machinery. Many known RNA signals are active in the contexts of both the Drosophila ovary and the blastoderm embryo, suggesting a conserved recognition mechanism. We used variants of the bicoid mRNA localization signal to explore recognition requirements in the embryo. We found that bicoid stem-loop IV/V, which is sufficient for ovarian localization, was necessary but not sufficient for full embryonic localization. RNAs containing bicoid stem-loops III/IV/V did localize within the embryo, demonstrating a requirement for dimerization and other activities supplied by stem-loop III. Protein complexes that bound specifically to III/IV/V and fushi tarazu localization signals copurified through multiple fractionation steps, suggesting that they are related. Binding to these two signals was competitive but not equivalent. Thus, the binding complexes are not identical but appear to have some components in common. We have proposed a model for a conserved mechanism of localization signal recognition in multiple contexts.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):3053-3062
The organization of the rod photoreceptor cytoskeleton suggests that microtubules (MTs) and F actin are important in outer segment (OS) membrane renewal. We studied the role of the cytoskeleton in this process by first quantifying OS membrane assembly in rods from explanted Xenopus eyecups with a video assay for disc morphogenesis and then determining if the rate of assembly was reduced after drug disassembly of either MTs or F actin. Membrane assembly was quantified by continuously labeling newly forming rod OS membranes with Lucifer Yellow VS (LY) and following the tagged membranes' distal displacement along the OS. LY band displacement displayed a linear increase over 16 h in culture. These cells possessed a longitudinally oriented network of ellipsoid MTs between the sites of OS protein synthesis and OS membrane assembly. Incubation of eyecups in nocodazole, colchicine, vinblastine, or podophyllotoxin disassembled the ellipsoid MTs. Despite their absence, photoreceptors maintained a normal rate of OS assembly. In contrast, photoreceptors displayed a reduced distal displacement of LY-labeled membranes in eyecups treated with cytochalasin D, showing that our technique can detect drug-induced changes in basal rod outer segment assembly. The reduction noted in the cytochalasin-treated cells was due to the abnormal lateral displacement of newly added OS disc membranes that occurs with this drug (Williams, D. S., K. A. Linberg, D. K. Vaughan, R. N. Fariss, and S. K. Fisher. 1988. J. Comp. Neurol. 272:161-176). Together, our results indicate that the vectorial transport of OS membrane constituents through the ellipsoid and their assembly into OS disc membranes are not dependent on elliposid MT integrity.  相似文献   

Carnosine, anserine and copper(II) ion all bind to specific sites on bovine serum albumin, and, in addition, both dipeptides chelate copper(II) ion in the absence of serum albumin. Thus a solution of dipeptide, copper(II) ion and serum albumin exhibits several complexes that arise from the competing binding reactions. Since a change in this complex equilibrium might occur in Wilson's disease, we have investigated the reactions between the various complexes with NMR and ESR spectroscopy. Serum albumin simultaneously binds the copper(II) ion and carnosine to separate sites rather than forming a mixed chelate, but carnosine still is capable of competing with serum albumin for subsaturating amounts of copper.  相似文献   

Shortening of the poly(A) tail (deadenylation) is the first and often rate-limiting step in the degradation pathway of most eukaryotic mRNAs and is also used as a means of translational repression, in particular in early embryonic development. The nanos mRNA is translationally repressed by the protein Smaug in Drosophila embryos. The RNA has a short poly(A) tail at steady state and decays gradually during the first 2-3 h of development. Smaug has recently also been implicated in mRNA deadenylation. To study the mechanism of sequence-dependent deadenylation, we have developed a cell-free system from Drosophila embryos that displays rapid deadenylation of nanos mRNA. The Smaug response elements contained in the nanos 3'-untranslated region are necessary and sufficient to induce deadenylation; thus, Smaug is likely to be involved. Unexpectedly, deadenylation requires the presence of an ATP regenerating system. The activity can be pelleted by ultracentrifugation, and both the Smaug protein and the CCR4.NOT complex, a known deadenylase, are enriched in the active fraction. The same extracts show pronounced translational repression mediated by the Smaug response elements. RNAs lacking a poly(A) tail are poorly translated in the extract; therefore, SRE-dependent deadenylation contributes to translational repression. However, repression is strong even with RNAs either bearing a poly(A) tract that cannot be removed or lacking poly(A) altogether; thus, an additional aspect of translational repression functions independently of deadenylation.  相似文献   

Phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated and non-stimulated incorporation of [3H]thymidine into human peripheral blood lymphocytes is inhibited by the calcium antagonist PY 108–068 and by the calmodulin antagonists trifluo-perazine andN-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-l-naphthalene sulphonamide (W7). It is argued that calmodulin may be involved in both non-stimulated [3H]thymidine uptake in lymphocytes and also in the lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin.  相似文献   

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