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E Lacroix  W Eechaute  I Leusen 《Steroids》1975,25(5):649-661
Testes from rats of different ages were indubated with or without tritiated testosterone. The exogenously-added or endogenously-produced testosterone is mainly metabolized to 7alpha-hydroxylated testosterone in adult animals, and to 5alpha-reduced metabolites (especially 5alpha-androstanediol) in immature animals.  相似文献   

Incubations of testes of adult rats with testosterone yield rather important amounts of a very polar metabolite which is identified as 7α-hydroxytestosterone. The identification of the metabolite is based on chromatography, spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, counter current distribution and NMR spectrometry.  相似文献   

The direct effect of ethanol on dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion to 5 alpha-androstan-3 beta,17 beta-diol (3 beta-diol) and 5 alpha-androstan-3 alpha,17 beta-diol (3 alpha-diol) by adult rat Leydig cells was examined. Concentrations of ethanol comparable to blood levels of alcoholic men (2.2 - 65 mM) increased DHT conversion to 3 beta - and 3 alpha-diol, in direct relation to the dose of ethanol added; a 2-fold or greater stimulation was observed. Because this effect was blocked by 4-methylpyrazole or a saturating NADH concentration, these results suggest that this action is mediated by Leydig cell alcohol dehydrogenase activity. These results may have significant impact in the testis and/or other DHT sensitive tissues because ethanol may decrease the availability of the proposed active androgen.  相似文献   

J C Coffey  T E Harvey  W L Carr 《Steroids》1979,33(2):223-232
Tritiated 4-androstene-3,17-dione and testosterone were incubated with submaxillary gland homogenates of male and female rats. The metabolism was predominately reductive. In 15 and 180 min incubations submaxillary tissue converted 4-androstene-3,17-dione chiefly to androsterone. Less testosterone, 17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one, 5 alpha-androstane-3,17-dione, 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol, and 4-androstene-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol were also identified. Testosterone was converted to the same products plus 4-androstene-3,17-dione. 5 alpha-Androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol was the major testosterone metabolite. Qualitatively the metabolism by male and female submaxillary gland was similar.  相似文献   

Incubation studies have been carried out using normal breast tissue and breast tissue from patients with gynecomastia, mammary dysplasia and breast carcinoma to determine the pattern of androstenedione metabolism. All tissues formed estrone (E1) and testosterone (T) in all incubations. Estradiol (E2) was isolated in incubations of tissue from 1 to 6 patients with mammary dysplasia, 5 of 6 patients with gynecomastia and in all incubations with normal and carcinoma tissue. Estrone formation was lowest in mammary dysplasia and gynecomastia, and higher in apparently normal breast tissue. The greatest E1 formation was found in incubations with breast carcinoma tissue, although there was considerable variation within this tissue group. Estradiol formation was low in all tissues, with the highest conversion rates in carcinoma tissue. Testosterone formation in carcinoma tissue was greater than in mammary dysplasia or gynecomastia, but similar to apparently normal tissue. These results indicate that breast tissue from different pathological states varies in its capacity to aromatize androstenedione (A) to estrogenic products and to convert it to other androgens. They have also shown that the pattern of metabolism is distinctive for the nature of the pathological abnormality.  相似文献   

D K Lee  C E Bird  A F Clark 《Steroids》1975,26(1):137-147
The metabolism of testosterone (T) was studied in normal adult male rats using a constant infusion of trace amounts of the 3H-steroid into a tail vein for 3 h in order to attain a state of equilibrium. Samples of plasma, liver, kidney, prostate, seminal vesicles and muscle were analysed for 3H-testosterone, 3H-5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5alphaDHT) and 3H-5alpha-androstanediol (Adiol). When compared to the 3H-T level in plasma there were high levels of 3H-T in kidney and of 3H-5alphaDHT in prostate and seminal vesicles. Intraperitoneal estradiol valerate administration (100 mug/day) for 4 days decreased and 3H-5alphaDHT levels in the prostate and seminal vesicles. The estrogen administration increased the T metabolic clearance rate from 17.5 1/24 h/100 g body wt to 22.6 1/24 h/100 g body wt.  相似文献   

A single thin layer chromatography and three antibodies were used for the specific radioimmunoassay of four androgens in pooled rat plasma (Sprague-Dawley adult males). The following values were found (pg/ml ± SD). Testosterone : 3, 138 ± 173; dihydrotestosterone : 374 ± 20; 5α-androstane-3α 17β-diol : 284 ± 24; 5α-androstane-3β, 17β-diol : 223 ± 11.  相似文献   

Normal and tumorous human mammary tissues were incubated in vitro with [7α-3H] dehydroepiandrosterone and [7α-3H] dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate. Tritium-labelled 7α-hydroxy dehydroepiandrosterone was identified as a principal metabolite from four of the five studies with normal tissue and all seven studies with tumorous tissue.  相似文献   

V V Reddy 《Steroids》1979,34(2):207-215
Incubation of adult rabbit neural tissue homogenates with (3H)-estrone and (3H)-estradiol revealed that the conversion of estrone to estradiol is higher in both male and female animals than estradiol to estrone. Both 17 oxidation and reduction are higher in male animals than in females. However, it is observed that the quotient of estrone leads to estradiol/estradiol leads to estrone for pituitary tissue and hypothalamus are higher in females than in males. There is no such dimorphism in cerebral cortex. The overall metabolism in pituitary is higher than in hypothalamus and cortex in both sexes. These results suggest that 17 beta hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase activity may play an important role in the regulation of estrogen function in neuroendocrine tissues.  相似文献   

Aromatization of androgens by human breast cancer.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The metabolism of dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone by human mammary tumor was investigated. Estrogen synthesis from dehydroepiandrosterone was observed in 9 of 10 estrogen-receptor-negative tumors and only in 2 of 8 receptor-positive tumors (p less than 0.025). Conversion of testosterone to estrogens was observed in 7 of 8 receptor-negative and 2 of 7 receptor-positive tumors. Tumors which are capable of transforming dehydroepiandrosterone to estrogens were also able to aromatize testosterone suggesting that the presence of the aromatase enzyme is inherent to certain tumor cells. No estrogen formation was detected by the mitochondrial-microsomal fraction of normal breast cells while fractions from both fat cell and tumor cell showed estrogen synthesis. Estrogen formation by tumor cell fraction ranged from 5 to 190 times that observed for fat cells. The physiological significance of these results in the neoplastic tissue and its relationship to hormone dependence are discussed.  相似文献   

Y J Abul-Hajj 《Steroids》1979,33(1):115-124
Steroid delta 4-5 alpha- and delta 4-5 beta-reductase activity was determined in 16 human mammary tumors and 8 DMBA-induced rat mammary tumors using a spectrophotometric assay. Steroid delta 4-5 alpha-reductase was present in all tumors investigated while delta 4-5 beta-reductase was detected in only 6 estrogen receptor negative human breast tumors and absent in all estrogen receptor positive human breast tumors as well as in all rat mammary tumors. Further support for the presence of delta 4-5 beta-reductase was established by using a dual-labelling technique consisting of incubating tumor slices with [14C] testosterone and adding [3H] etiocholanolone, [3H] testosterone and [3H]-5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone at the end of the reaction. Following extraction and chromic acid oxidation, 4-androstenedione, 5 beta-androstanedione and 5 alpha-androstanedione were isolated and purified, and the constancy of the 14C/3H ratio was used as proof of 5 alpha-reductase and 5 beta-reductase. These results were shown to be consistent with the data obtained using the spectrophotometric assay.  相似文献   

The in vitro actions of ovine or bovine prolactin on the accumulation and metabolism of testosterone-1,2-3H by various lobes of the rat prostate gland were examined. Ovine prolactin at a concentration of 2 IU/ml of incubation media significantly increased the accumulation of total radiosteroid by the anterior and dorsal lobes of the rat prostate gland. Although the levels of both testosterone-1,2-3H and its principle metabolite 5α-dihydrotestosterone-1,2-3H were increased by this concentration of ovine prolactin, the ratio of the two steroids was not altered. Ovine prolactin did not alter either the accumulation or metabolism of testosterone-1,2-3H by the ventral or lateral lobes of the rat prostate gland.In contrast to ovine prolactin, bovine prolactin in a wide range of concentrations (0.02–8 IU/ml) significantly reduced the accumulation of total labeled radiosteroid by the dorsal lobe of the rat prostate gland. The reduction in total radiosteroid was reflected in concomitent decreases in both testosterone-1,2-3H and 5α-dihydrotestosterone-1, 2-3H. The anterior lobe responded with similar reductions but only at relatively high concentrations of bovine prolactin (4 and 8 IU/ml). No significant alterations were observed in either the ventral or lateral lobes as a result of incubation with bovine prolactin.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of pregnenolone-7alpha-3H and of progesterone-7alpha-3H by porcine fetal and maternal adrenal homogenates at 56 and 112 days of pregnancy and of dehydroepiandrosterone-7alpha-3H by fetal adrenal homogenates has been investigated in vitro. Both pregnenolone-7alpha-3H and progesterone-7alpha-3H were metabolized extensively by maternal adrenal preparations, the principal radioactive metabolites isolated being cortisol, corticosterone, 11-deoxycortisol, deoxycorticosterone, 11beta-hydroxyprogesterone and androstenedione. In addition, 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, 20alpha-dihydroprogesterone and cortisone were formed from both substrates and 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone and progesterone were formed from pregnenolone. Although essentially the same radioactive metabolites were isolated after incubation of fetal adrenal glands with pregnenolone-7alpha-3H or progesterone-7alpha-3H, a greater proportion of the radioactivity was associated with corticosteroids at 112 days of pregnancy than at 56 days. 11beta-Hydroxyandrostenedione and androstenedione were isolated and identified together with an unknown polar metabolite, after incubation of fetal adrenal tissue with dehydroepiandrosterone-7alpha-3H. These results are discussed in relation to feto-placental steroid biosynthesis and metabolism and the role of the fetal adrenal in the initiation of parturition in the pig.  相似文献   

We studied the steroidogenic activity of isolated Leydig ceils derived from rats on fetal day 19 (F19) and postnatal (N) days 1, 12, 24, 34, 45 and adults. Leydig cells, isolated at all ages by the collagenase method, increased in number throughout development with a doubling time of 8 days. Testicular content and serum concentrations of testosterone showed parallel changes during development. Moderate values were found at the early stages (F19 and N1), with a nadir on day 12, followed by a progressive increment to reach maximal values in adulthood. A reduction in steroidogenic activity of the testis during neonatal life was confirmed by urlar|vitro studies with isolated Leydig cells. Maximal activity was found in group F9; testosterone production diminished after birth to reach a minimum in group N34 and rose thereafter to adulthood. Leydig cells were responsive to hCG stimulation at all ages in the following order: N1>N34>N12>F19>N24>N45>adult. The present study demonstrates the existence of an active and hCG-responsive population of Leydig cells in the rat testis from fetal life to adulthood.  相似文献   

Cultured human skin fibroblasts were shown to contain an androgen binding activity (receptor) which was heat-labile and destroyed by trypsin. Specific binding was seen after incubations of these cells with 1,2-3-H-testosterone, 1,2-3-H17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-3-one (dihydrotestosterone, DHT) and 1,2-3-H-5alpha-androstane-3alpha, 17beta-diol. This receptor had a high affinity (Kd=0,2-1.6 nM) and a high degree of specificity for DHT. It was measured as a 3-H-DHT-protein complex by gel filtration chromatography using a method which distinguishes specific from nonspecific binding. Receptor activity was distributed about equally between nuclear and extranuclear components at all times studied and was present in both compartments when cell incubations were carried out at 4 degrees and 37 degrees. Saturation analysis indicated that there were 1250-18,600 binding sites per whole cell. By sucrose gradient centrifugation the receptor had a sedimentation coefficient (S20,w) of about 4. Cells grown for 8 days without serum in the medium maintained the same levels of 3-H-DHT binding. Within 15 hours puromycin (20 mug/ml) in serum-free medium caused a 40-60 percent decrease in binding for the same cell lines. Although the highest levels of 3-H-DHT binding were observed in fibroblasts from newborn foreskin, appreciable cytosol and nuclear binding were seen in cells from forearm, neck and abdominal skin. Receptor activity was stable during prolonged culture. Fibroblasts from several skin sites from patients with the androgen insensitivity syndrome (testicular feminization) had no detectable specific DHT binding. In this study it was demonstrated that skin fibroblasts can rapidly convert testosterone to its active form, DHT, bind DHT to a specific receptor protein and transport this complex to their nuclei. Therefore this may prove to be a convenient system for studying androgen action in vitro.  相似文献   

A direct method for determination of Δ5 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) activity was employed in isolated Leydig cells (LC) derived from rats on fetal day 19 (F19) and postnatal (N) days 1,12,24, 34 and 45 and adults. The activity of 3β-HSD in the adult LC was 1.15 ± 0.02 (μmole/μg DNA/hr, mean ± SEM, n = 73). Activities in the other groups, expressed as a percentage of the respective adult control, were: F19-38%; N1-39%; N12-8%; N24-89%; N34-166%; and N45-118%. A good correlation was found between histochemical staining for 3β-HSD and the quantitive method employed. Using (3H)-DHA as a substrate, LC isolated from F19, n1 and N12 produced testosterone in appreciable amounts (41%, 55% and 20% of the toal products respectively) whereas at advanced stages of development (N24 to adulthood) the major product was androstenedione (93 ± 1%). These findings may be explained by the observed decrease in 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD) activity, due to an insufficient supply of NADPH, in the older vs. earlier stages of development. This study indicates the presence of steroidogenic enzymatic activity in LC throughout development in the rat. It also provides a relatively simple in vitro model for studies of testicular regulation during development.  相似文献   

J Lobotsky  C W Lloyd 《Steroids》1973,22(1):133-137
The target tissues (e.g., hypothalamus, pituitary, uterus and vagina) of mature female ovariectomized rats show selective uptake of radioactivity in one hour after the injection of 6,7, 3H-estradiol-17β in a dose of 0.1 μg per 100 g body weight. Injection of 100 μg norethindrone or norgestrel per 100 g body weight 15 min before or 15 min after the administration of tritiated estradiol reduced the radioactivity in most target tissues, and also in the non-target tissues to a lesser extent. The uptake of radioactivity in the pituitary and uterus is reduced more by norethindrone than by norgestrel treatment when these Steroids were injected 15 min after estradiol-17β injection. It appears that there exists a competitive inhibition of estradiol-17β by these contraceptive Steroids in the rat. It is speculated that such competition with estradiol-17β may be an inherent property of the 17-substituted 19-nortestosterone group of Steroids.  相似文献   

This study has identified the polar metabolites of 5α-androstane-3β, 17β-diol(3β-diol) produced by the canine prostate. The major metabolite is 5α-androstane-3β, 7α, 17β-triol (7α-triol) accounting for approximately 80% of the total polar metabolites of 3β-diol. The remaining 20% is accounted for exclusively by another triol, 5α-androstane-3β, 6α, 17β-triol(6α-triol). This study has also characterized two enzymatic hydroxylases responsible for respective triol formation: 5α-androstane-3β, 17β-diol 6α-hydroxylase (6α-hydroxylase) and 5α-androstane-3β, 17β-diol 7α-hydroxylase (7α-hydroxylase). Both of these irreversible hydroxylases are located in the particulate fraction of the prostate and can utilize either NADH or NADPH as cofactor. Several in vitro steroid inhibitors of these hydroxylases were identified including cholesterol, estradiol and diethylstilbestrol. Neither of the hydroxylases were found to be decreased by castration (3 months) when expressed as activity/DNA. Using a variety of C19 androstane substrates, 6α- and 7α-triol were found to be major components of the total 3β-hydroxy-5α-androstane metabolites produced by the canine prostate.  相似文献   

S.A. Sholl  R.C. Wolf 《Steroids》1980,36(2):209-218
For the purpose of describing the pathway by which estrogens are synthesized in the rhesus monkey (Macacamulatta) corpus luteum (CL), CL were obtained during the midluteal phase of the menstrual cycle and fragments incubated with equimolar amounts of [7-3H]pregnenolone plus [4-14C]progesterone. Metabolites including 3H-progesterone, 3H, 14C-20α-dihydroprogesterone, 3H, 14C-17-hydroxyprogesterone, 3H-estrone and 3H-estradiol-17β appeared in the medium during the first 20 minutes of incubation, 3H, 14C-Androstenedione was not consistently noted until after 60 minutes. Despite the fact that the 14C/3H-17-hydroxyprogesterone ratio quickly approached a constant value in the medium, 14C-estrogens were not detected in the medium or tissue fragments suggesting that progesterone was not a principal precursor for estrogen synthesis. As evidenced by the observation that the 14C/3H-progesterone ratio was significantly higher in luteal fragments than the 17-hydroxyprogesterone ratio, 17-hydroxyprogesterone appeared to be synthesized from pregnenolone both by way of progesterone and by another route which did not include progesterone. C21- and C18-Steroids were more concentrated in tissue fragments after 120 minutes of incubation than in the medium indicating that these steroids were sequestered by luteal tissue.  相似文献   

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