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Presented here is a theoretical analysis of the recently developed thermal pulse decay (TPD) method for a simultaneous measurement of local tissue conductivity and blood perfusion rate. The paper describes the theoretical model upon which the TPD method is based and details its capabilities and limitations. The theoretical aspects that affected the development of the measurement protocol are also discussed. The performance of the method is demonstrated with an experimental example which compares the measurements of local kidney blood perfusion rates made using the TPD method with the total renal blood flow obtained coincidentally using a blood flowmeter, in an anesthetized dog.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of thermal blood perfusion measurement techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The object of this study was to devise a unified method for comparing different thermal techniques for the estimation of blood perfusion rates and to perform a comparison for several common techniques. The approach used was to develop analytical models for the temperature response for all combinations of five power deposition geometries (spherical, one- and two-dimensional cylindrical, and one- and two-dimensional Gaussian) and three transient heating techniques (temperature pulse-decay, temperature step function, and constant-power heat-up) plus one steady-state heating technique. The transient models were used to determine the range of times (the time window) when a significant portion of the transient temperature response was due to blood perfusion. This time window was defined to begin when the difference between the conduction-only and the conduction-plus-blood flow transient temperature (or power) responses exceeded a specified value, and to end when the conduction-plus-blood flow transient temperature (or power) reached a specified fraction of its steady-state value. The results are summarized in dimensionless plots showing the size of the time windows for each of the transient perfusion estimation techniques. Several conclusions were drawn, in particular: (a) low perfusions are difficult to estimate because of the dominance of conduction, (b) large heated regions are better suited for estimation of low perfusions, (c) noninvasive heating techniques are superior because they have the potential to minimize conduction effects, and (d) none of the transient techniques appears to be clearly superior to the others.  相似文献   

This study objective is to validate a method for the measurement of two compound phantoms as a proof of concept for oxygen saturation level measurement via a thermal imaging bundle. The method consists of a thermal imaging system and an algorithm which estimates the compound concentration according to temperature rise. A temperature rise is obtained by illuminating the tissue with a laser with different wavelengths in the NIR range and measured using a thermal camera. A coherent thermal imaging bundle was used for image transmittance for minimal invasive transendoscopic use. The algorithm's estimation ability was evaluated using agar phantoms of varying Methylene Blue and ICG ratios as well as blood samples The Methylene Blue ratio in each phantom was estimated and the calculated average RMS of the error was 9.38%, a satisfying value for this stage, verifying the algorithm's and bundle's suitability for the use in a minimal invasive system. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Adaptive resemblance (AR) is a broad and inclusive concept which requires that only one condition be met: that members of a species of organism gain fitness due to a selective advantage imparted by a resemblance to some cue or signal in the organism's environment. Essential to the evolution and maintenance of AR is the dynamic and ongoing relationship among model, mimic and selective agent (SA) that provides a complex selective milieu within which evolves resemblance. Because specifics of a resemblance, including phenotypic traits being imitated, the nature of the model, and the function of the resemblance, are not relevant to the concept of AR, the diversity and abundance of such resemblances are limited only by the diversity and abundance of exploitable model-SA relationships. Defined as it is by a single mimic-related criterion, AR thus provides the basis for uniting under one conceptual umbrella diverse resemblances that range from cryptic to sematic, interspecific to intraspecific, organismal to molecular, and material to attributive or implied. The defining criterion excludes incidental resemblances which are contrastingly defined as those which are the result of coincidental phenotypic responses to functional requirements or to other selective influences. Some adaptive resemblances are attributable to more than one selective factor and thus may be categorized in more than one way (having aposematic and procryptic functions, for instance), while some others apparently are due to incidental resemblance as well as adaptive (such as thermoadaptive and procryptic functions).  相似文献   

Local tissue temperature and blood perfusion rate were measured simultaneously to study thermoregulation in the canine prostate during transurethral radio-frequency (RF) thermal therapy. Thermistor bead microprobes measured interstitial temperatures and a thermal clearance method measured the prostatic blood perfusion rate under both normal and hyperthermic conditions. Increase in local tissue temperature induced by the RF heating increased blood perfusion throughout the entirety of most prostates. The onset of the initial increase in blood perfusion was sometimes triggered by a temporal temperature gradient at low tissue temperatures. When tissue temperature was higher than 41°C, however, the magnitude and the spatial gradient of temperature may play significant roles. It was found that the temperature elevation in response to the RF heating was closely coupled with local blood flow. The resulting decrease in or stabilization of tissue temperature suggested that blood flow might act as a negative feedback of tissue temperature in a closed control system. Results from this experiment provide insights into the regulation of local perfusion under hyperthermia. The information is important for accurate predictions of temperature during transurethral RF thermal therapy.  相似文献   

The inert-gas clearance method for measuring blood perfusion in the heart may be useful in detecting and assessing coronary disease and myocardial infarctions. Estimating perfusion from clearance data requires a model of tracer transport. The tracer transport models in use are the compartmental model, the kinetic model, and more complex models which yield estimates by optimal estimation techniques. The implementation of one such complex model in which tissue need not be assumed homogeneous, and the resulting myocardial perfusion and diffusibility estimates, are discussed. Methods are reviewed which may be used to detect and assess coronary disease by average and regional myocardial-perfusion measurements. Possible explanations for the observed multicompartment myocardial clearance curve are discussed.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(21):4663-4671
Because of their compromised deformability, heat denatured erythrocytes have been used as labeled probes to visualize spleen tissue or to assess the ability of the spleen to retain stiff red blood cells (RBCs) for over three decades, e.g., see Looareesuwan et al. N. Engl. J. Med. (1987). Despite their good accessibility, it is still an open question how heated RBCs compare to certain diseased RBCs in terms of their biomechanical and biorheological responses, which may undermine their effective usage and even lead to misleading experimental observations. To help answering this question, we perform a systematic computational study of the hemorheological properties of heated RBCs with several physiologically relevant static and hemodynamic settings, including optical-tweezers test, relaxation of prestretched RBCs, RBC traversal through a capillary-like channel and a spleen-like slit, and a viscometric rheology test. We show that our in silico RBC models agree well with existing experiments. Moreover, under static tests, heated RBCs exhibit deformability deterioration comparable to certain disease-impaired RBCs such as those in malaria. For RBC traversal under confinement (through microchannel or slit), heated RBCs show prolonged transit time or retention depending on the level of confinement and heating procedure, suggesting that carefully heat-treated RBCs may be useful for studying splenic- or vaso-occlusion in vascular pathologies. For the rheology test, we expand the existing bulk viscosity data of heated RBCs to a wider range of shear rates (1–1000 s−1) to represent most pathophysiological conditions in macro- or microcirculation. Although heated RBC suspension shows elevated viscosity comparable to certain diseased RBC suspensions under relatively high shear rates (100–1000 s−1), they underestimate the elevated viscosity (e.g., in sickle cell anemia) at low shear rates (<10 s−1). Our work provides mechanistic rationale for selective usage of heated RBC as a potentially useful model for studying the abnormal traversal dynamics and hemorheology in certain blood disorders.  相似文献   

Most techniques currently available to measure blood flow in bone are time consuming and require destruction of the tissue, but laser-Doppler technology offers a less invasive method. This study assessed the utility of laser-Doppler perfusion imaging (LDI) to measure perfusion in cortical bone. Twelve mature New Zealand White rabbits were assigned to one of three groups: normal control, constriction (norepinephrine), or dilatation (nitroprusside). The left and right medial tibiae were consecutively scanned at red (634-nm) and near-infrared (810-nm) wavelengths to examine the repeatability of LDI output. The pharmacological intervention groups were injected with the respective drug, and LDI measurements at 810 nm were obtained concurrently with colored microsphere-determined flow in all of the groups. LDI effectively quantified blood flow in cortical bone and detected physiologically induced changes in perfusion. A significant positive correlation was found between microsphere-determined flow and LDI output (r = 0.6, P < 0.05). Repeatability of consecutive LDI measurements was within 5%. The effectiveness of LDI to measure perfusion in bone suggests this method has potential for investigating the role of blood flow in bone metabolism and remodeling.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a debate over various methods that could objectively prioritize conservation value below the species level. Most prominent among these has been the evolutionarily significant unit (ESU). We reviewed ESU concepts with the aim of proposing a more unified concept that would reconcile opposing views. Like species concepts, conflicting ESU concepts are all essentially aiming to define the same thing: segments of species whose divergence can be measured or evaluated by putting differential emphasis on the role of evolutionary forces at varied temporal scales. Thus, differences between ESU concepts lie more in the criteria used to define the ESUs themselves rather than in their fundamental essence. We provide a context-based framework for delineating ESUs which circumvents much of this situation. Rather than embroil in a befuddled debate over an optimal criterion, the key to a solution is accepting that differing criteria will work more dynamically than others and can be used alone or in combination depending on the situation. These assertions constitute the impetus behind adaptive evolutionary conservation.  相似文献   

The coupling of intravascular and interstitial flow is a distinct feature of tumor microcirculation, due to the high vessel permeability, the low osmotic pressure gradient as well as the absence of functional lymphatic system inside tumors. In this paper, a coupled mathematical model of tumor microcirculation is developed, which provides the link between microvasculature and interstitial space perfusion through the matrices determining a neighbor point belonging to either connected vessel (matrix B) or interstitial space (matrix A), and combines the intravascular and interstitial flow by vascular leaky terms. In addition, the compliance of tumor vessels, blood rheology with hematocritic distribution at branches is also considered. The microvascular network, on which the microcirculation calculation is carried out, is generated from our two-dimensional 9-point (2D9P) model of tumor angiogenesis, improved from the previous 2D5P one. A specific coupling procedure is developed in the study to couple the intravascular and interstitial flow. It is based on the iteratively numerical simulation techniques, including local iterations at individual parameter level and one global loop to provide coupling and simulation convergence. The simulation results not only present the basic features and characteristics of tumor microcirculation, which agree with the corresponding experimental observations reported, but also predict an intimate relationship between the tumor intravascular and interstitial flow quantitatively. Among the parameters, the vascular leakiness is a key to govern the systemic flowing pattern, influence the tumor internal environment and contribute to the metastasis of tumor cells, which could not be presented by the previous uncoupled models.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of passive blood vessels are generally thought to depend on the parallel arrangement of elastin and collagen with linear elasticity and collagen recruitment depending on vessel strain [hook-on (HO) model]. We evaluated an alternative model [serial element (SE) model] consisting of the series arrangement of an infinite number of elements, each containing elastin with a constant elastic modulus and collagen that switches stepwise from slack (zero stress) to fully rigid (infinite stiffness) on ongoing element strain. Both models were implemented with Weibull distributions for collagen recruitment strain (HO model) and collagen tightening strain (SE model). The models were tested in experiments on rat mesenteric small arteries. Strain-tension relations were obtained before and after two rounds of digestion by collagenase. Both models fitted the data prior to digestion. However, for the HO model, this required unrealistically low estimates for collagen recruitment or elastic modulus and unrealistically high estimates for distension of collagen fibers. Furthermore, the data after digestion were far better predicted by the SE model compared with the HO model. Finally, the SE model required one parameter less (collagen elastic modulus). Therefore, the SE model provides a valuable starting point for the understanding of vascular mechanics and remodeling of vessels.  相似文献   


1. 1. Two-dimensional numerical analysis is carried out on the thermal structure in an empty heated room of actual size under a steady state.

2. 2. Three types of heater, floor heating, side-wall heating and hot-air heating were used.

3. 3. The thermal structure in a room formed by each heating type is investigated in consideration of the energy transfer through the window of the room.

4. 4. The results indicate that floor heating is most suitable in a room without window from a viewpoint of the thermal comfort.

5. 5. In a windowed room, it is desirable that a heater should be located by the side of the window to prevent the cold draft.

Author Keywords: Heating; numerical analysis; room thermal environment; window  相似文献   

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