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Degradation of BTEX compounds in liquid media and in peat biofilters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A mixed culture, enriched from Sphagnum peat moss, contaminated with gasoline vapours, degraded individual and mixed components of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene). Complete degradation of radiolabelled toluene by the mixed culture was observed in mineralisation studies. Individual isolates from a mixed culture containingPseudomonas maltophilia, P. testosteroni andP. putida biotype A exhibited contrasting BTEX degradation patterns. WhileP. putida biotype A degraded all of the BTEX compounds,P. maltophilia andP. testosteroni, appeared unable to degrade benzene and xylenes, respectively. When the peat, inoculated with the mixed culture, was used as a biofilter (6.2 cm diameter ×93 cm length) for degradation of toluene and ethylbenzene vapours, percentage removal efficiencies were 99 and 85, respectively. When the capacity of the biofilter to degrade a combination of BTEX compounds was evaluated, percentage removal efficiencies for toluene, ethylbenzene,p-xylene,o-xylene and benzene were 99, 85, 82, 80 and 78, respectively. The importance of using the mixed culture as an inoculum in the biofilter was established and also the relationship between contaminated vapour flow rate and percentage removal efficiency.  相似文献   

Anaerobic biodegradation of BTEX and gasoline in various aquatic sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the extent of biodegradation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and the three isomers of xylene (BTEX) as a mixture and from gasoline in four different sediments: the New York/New Jersey Harbor estuary (polluted); Tuckerton, N.J. (pristine); Onondaga Lake, N.Y. (polluted) and Blue Mtn. Lake, N.Y. (pristine). Enrichment cultures were established with each sediment using denitrifying, sulfidogenic, methanogenic and iron reducing media, as well as site water. BTEX loss, as measured by GC-FID, was extensive in the sediments which had a long history of pollution, with all compounds being utilized within 21–91 days in the most active cultures, and was very slight or non-existent in the pristine sediments. Also, the pattern of loss was different under the various reducing conditions within each sediment and between sediments. For example benzene loss was only observed in sulfidogenic cultures from the NY/NJ Harbor sediments while toluene was degraded under all redox conditions. The loss of BTEX was correlated to the reduction of the various electron acceptors. In cultures amended with gasoline the degradation was much slower and incomplete. These results show that the fate of the different BTEX components in anoxic sediments is dependent on the prevailing redox conditions as well as on the characteristics and pollution history of the sediment.  相似文献   

Due to the toxicity and prevalence of BTEX contaminants (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) at hazardous waste sites, approaches for their remediation are of interest, especially those that particularly address benzene, which is often the limiting factor for achieving regulatory cleanup at these contaminated sites. In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) is a viable technology for BTEX destruction, and hydrogen peroxide and sodium persulfate are two oxidants of interest for BTEX treatment.

Laboratory studies were conducted to compare BTEX contaminant destruction and oxidant persistence for these two oxidants and for varied methods of oxidant activation/propagation. Additionally, studies were performed to compare contaminant destruction and oxidant persistence in laboratory contaminant spike systems vs. field site contaminant systems. Finally, contaminant destruction and oxidant persistence in field porous media with varied characteristics were evaluated. Contaminant and oxidant concentrations were measured at multiple time points over a three-week reaction period in each oxidant and oxidant activation/propagation system.

Under the comparable conditions evaluated here, sodium persulfate systems demonstrated greater BTEX contaminant destruction and greater oxidant persistence than hydrogen peroxide systems. FeSO4 and citric acid activation of sodium persulfate resulted in greater BTEX destruction and greater oxidant persistence than pH adjustment or hydrogen peroxide activation in both laboratory contaminant spike systems and field gas condensate systems. Additionally, results indicate that the response of the contaminant(s) and oxidant (extent and rate of depletion) are both contaminant-and porous media type-dependent.  相似文献   

The biotreatment of complex mixtures of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers (BTEX) has been investigated by many workers. However, the majority of the work has dealt with the treatment of aqueous or soil phase contamination. The biological treatment of gas and vapor phase sources of VOC wastes has recently received attention with increased usage of biofilters and bioscrubbers. Although these systems are relatively inexpensive, performance problems associated with biomass plugging, gas channeling, and support media acidification have limited their adoption. In this report we describe the development and evaluation of an alternative biotreatment system that allows rapid diffusion of both BTEX and oxygen through a silicone membrane to an active biofilm. The bioreactor system has a rapid liquid recycle, which facilitates nutrient medium mixing over the biofilm and allows for removal of sloughing cell mass. The system removed BTEX at rates up to 30 μg h−1 cm−2 of membrane area. BTEX removal efficiencies ranged from 75% to 99% depending on the BTEX concentration and vapor flowrate. Consequently, the system can be used for continuous removal and destruction of BTEX and other potential target VOCs in vapor phase streams. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 316–325. Received 14 August 2000/ Accepted in revised form 28 February 2001  相似文献   

This investigation characterizes a novel 11 L airlift two‐phase partitioning bioreactor (TPPB) for the treatment of gases contaminated with a mixture of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o‐xylene (BTEX). The application of the TPPB technology in an airlift bioreactor configuration provides a novel technology that reduces energy intensity relative to traditional stirred tank TPPB configurations. The addition of a solid second phase of silicone rubber beads (10%, v/v) or of a liquid second phase of silicone oil (10%, v/v) resulted in enhanced performance of the airlift bioreactor relative to the single phase case, with 20% more BTEX being removed from the gas phase during an imposed transient loading. During a 4 h loading step change of three times the nominal loading (60 g m?3 h?1), overall removal efficiencies for the airlift TPPBs containing a liquid or solid phase remained above 75%, whereas the single phase airlift had an overall removal efficiency of 47.1%. The airlift TPPB containing a silicone rubber second phase was further characterized by testing performance during steady‐state operation over a range of loadings and inlet gas flow rates in the form of a 32 factorial experimental design. Optimal operating conditions that avoid oxygen limitations and that still have a slow enough gas flow rate for sufficient BTEX transfer from the gas phase to the working volume are identified. The novel solid–liquid airlift TPPB reduces energy inputs relative to stirred tank designs while being able to eliminate large amounts of BTEX during both steady‐state and fluctuating loading conditions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 1077–1086. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Increased regulatory constraints on industrial releases of atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have resulted in an interest in using biofilters, bioscrubbers and air/liquid membranes for treatment of vapor phase waste streams. In this report, we describe the comparison of the use of two fundamentally different types of membrane module systems that allow the rapid diffusion of vapor phase aromatics and oxygen to an active biofilm for subsequent biodegradation. One system used a commercial membrane module containing microporous polypropylene fibers while the other used a nonporous silicone tubing membrane module for the delivery of substrate (a mixture of benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes [BTEX]) and electron acceptor (O2). Tests of the systems under similar conditions with BTEX in the vapor feed stream showed significant performance advantages for the silicone membrane system. The average surface-area-based BTEX removal rate for the microporous membrane system over 500 h of operation was 7.88 μg h−1 cm−2 while the rate for the silicone membrane system was 23.87 μg h−1 cm−2. The percentages of BTEX removal were also consistently better in the silicone membrane system versus the microporous system. Part of the performance problem associated with the microporous membrane system appeared to be internal water condensation and possible plugging of the pores with biomass over time that could not be resolved with vapor phase backflushing. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 245–251 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000235 Received 17 August 2001/ Accepted in revised form 03 December 2001  相似文献   

Bacterial communities that cooperatively degrade atrazine commonly consist of diverse species in which the genes for atrazine dechlorination and dealkylation are variously distributed among different species. Normally, the first step in degradation of atrazine involves dechlorination mediated by atzA, followed by stepwise dealkylation to yield either N-ethylammelide or N-isopropylammelide. As the liberated alkylamine moieties are constituents of many organic molecules other than atrazine, it is possible that a large number of alkylamine-degrading bacteria other than those previously described might contribute to this key step in atrazine degradation. To examine this hypothesis, we isolated 82 bacterial strains from soil by plating soil water extracts on agar media with ethylamine as a sole carbon source. Among the relatively large number of isolates, only 3 were able to degrade N-ethylammelide, and in each case were shown to carry the atzB gene and atzC genes. The isolates, identified as Rhizobium leguminosarum, Flavobacterium sp., and Arthrobacter sp., were all readily substituted into an atrazine-degrading consortium to carry out N-ethylammelide degradation. The distribution of these genes among many different species in the soil microbial population suggests that these genes are highly mobile and over time may lead to generation of various atrazine-degrading consortia.  相似文献   

The ever-increasing diversity of industrial activity is responsible for the discharge of compounds that are toxic or difficult to degrade into the environment. Some of the compounds found in surface and ground waters, usually deriving from the contamination of oil-based products, are benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX). To remove these compounds from contaminated water, a bench-scale horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass reactor, containing anaerobic biomass from various sources immobilized in polyurethane foam matrices, was employed to treat a synthetic substrate composed of protein, carbohydrates and BTEX solution in ethanol, as well as a BTEX solution in ethanol as the sole carbon source. The reactor removed up to 15.0 mg/l of each BTEX compound over a hydraulic detention time of 11.4 h. A first-order kinetic model fitted the experimental data well, showing correlation coefficients higher than 0.994. The apparent first-order coefficient values, , ranged from 8.4±1.5 day−1 for benzene to 10.7±1.4 day−1 for o-xylene in the presence of ethanol, protein and carbohydrates, and from 10.0±2.0 day−1 for benzene to 13.0±1.7 day−1 for o-xylene in the presence of ethanol. The BTEX degradation rates estimated here were 10- to 94-fold higher than those found in reports on microcosm studies.  相似文献   

tmoA and related genes encode the alpha-subunit of the hydroxylase component of the major group (subgroup 1 of subfamily 2) of bacterial multicomponent mono-oxygenase enzyme complexes involved in aerobic benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) degradation. A PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method was developed to assess the diversity of tmoA-like gene sequences in environmental samples using a newly designed moderately degenerate primer set suitable for that purpose. In 35 BTEX-degrading bacterial strains isolated from a hydrocarbon polluted aquifer, tmoA-like genes were only detected in two o-xylene degraders and were identical to the touA gene of Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1. The diversity of tmoA-like genes was examined in DNA extracts from contaminated and non-contaminated subsurface samples at a site containing a BTEX-contaminated groundwater plume. Differences in DGGE patterns were observed between strongly contaminated, less contaminated and non-contaminated samples and between different depths, suggesting that the diversity of tmoA-like genes was determined by environmental conditions including the contamination level. Phylogenetic analysis of the protein sequences deduced from the amplified amplicons showed that the diversity of TmoA-analogues in the environment is larger than suggested from described TmoA-analogues from cultured isolates, which was translated in the DGGE patterns. Although different positions on the DGGE gel can correspond to closely related TmoA-proteins, relationships could be noticed between the position of tmoA-like amplicons in the DGGE profile and the phylogenetic position of the deduced protein sequence.  相似文献   

The O2 requirements for biomass production and supplying maintenance energy demands during the degradation of both benzene and ethylbenzene by Achromobacter xylosoxidans Y234 were measured using a newly proposed technique involving a bioscrubber. Using this approach, relevant microbial parameter estimates were directly and simultaneously obtained via linear regression of pseudo steady-state data. For benzene and ethylbenzene, the biomass yield on O2, , was estimated on a cell dry weight (CDW) basis as 1.96 ±.25 mg CDW mgO2 and 0.98 ±.17 mg CDW mgO2, while the specific rate of O2 consumption for maintenance, , was estimated as 0.041 ±.008 mgO2 mg CDWh and 0.053 ±.022 mgO2 mg CDWh, respectively.  相似文献   

The aromatic hydrocarbon biphenyl is a widely distributed environmental pollutant. Whereas the aerobic degradation of biphenyl has been extensively studied, knowledge of the anaerobic biphenyl-oxidizing bacteria and their biochemical degradation pathway is scarce. Here, we report on an enrichment culture that oxidized biphenyl completely to carbon dioxide under sulfate-reducing conditions. The biphenyl-degrading culture was dominated by two distinct bacterial species distantly affiliated with the Gram-positive genus Desulfotomaculum . Moreover, the enrichment culture has the ability to grow with benzene and a mixture of anthracene and phenanthrene as the sole source of carbon, but here the microbial community composition differed substantially from the biphenyl-grown culture. Biphenyl-4-carboxylic acid was identified as an intermediate in the biphenyl-degrading culture. Moreover, 4-fluorobiphenyl was converted cometabolically with biphenyl because in addition to the biphenyl-4-carboxylic acid, a compound identified as its fluorinated analog was observed. These findings are consistent with the general pattern in the anaerobic catabolism of many aromatic hydrocarbons where carboxylic acids are found to be central metabolites.  相似文献   

Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene are collectively known as BTEX which contributes to volatile environmental contaminants. This present study investigates the microbial degradation of BTEX in batch and continuous soil column experiments and its effects on soil matric potential. Batch degradation experiments were performed with different initial concentrations of BTEX using the BTEX tolerant culture isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil. In batch study, the degradation pattern for single substrate showed that xylene was degraded much faster than other compounds followed by ethylbenzene, toluene, and benzene with the highest μmax = 0.140 h?1 during initial substrate concentration of 100 mg L?1. Continuous degradation experiments were performed in a soil column with an inlet concentration of BTEX of about 2000 mg L?1 under unsaturated flow in anaerobic condition. BTEX degradation pattern was studied with time and the matric potential of the soil at different parts along the length of the column were determined at the end of the experiment. In continuous degradation study, BTEX compounds were degraded with different degradation pattern and an increase in soil matric potential was observed with an increase in depth from top to bottom in the column with applied suction head. It was found that column biodegradation contributed to 69.5% of BTEX reduction and the bacterial growth increased the soil matric potential of about 34% on an average along the column height. Therefore, this study proves that it is significant to consider soil matric potential in modeling fate and transport of BTEX in unsaturated soils.  相似文献   

本文介绍了光纤生物传感器的原理,对光纤传感器制作中的工程学和生物学问题进行了探讨并概述了它的应用情况。  相似文献   

The lack of specific, low-cost, rapid, sensitive, and easy detection of biomolecules has resulted in the development of biosensor technology. Innovations in biosensor technology have enabled many biosensors to be commercialized and have enabled biomolecules to be detected onsite. Moreover, the emerging technologies of lab-on-a-chip microdevices and nanosensors offer opportunities for the development of new biosensors with much better performance. Biosensors were first introduced into the laboratory by Clark and Lyons. They developed the first glucose biosensor for laboratory conditions. Then in 1973, a glucose biosensor was commercialized by Yellow Springs Instruments. The commercial biosensors have small size and simple construction and they are ideal for point-of-care biosensing. In addition to glucose, a wide variety of metabolites such as lactate, cholesterol, and creatinine can be detected by using commercial biosensors. Like the glucose biosensors (tests) other commercial tests such as for pregnancy (hCG), Escherichia coli O157, influenza A and B viruses, Helicobacter pylori, human immunodeficiency virus, tuberculosis, and malaria have achieved success. Apart from their use in clinical analysis, commercial tests are also used in environmental (such as biochemical oxygen demand, nitrate, pesticide), food (such as glutamate, glutamine, sucrose, lactose, alcohol, ascorbic acid), and biothreat/biowarfare (Bacillus anthracis, Salmonella, Botulinum toxin) analysis. In this review, commercial biosensors in clinical, environmental, food, and biowarfare analysis are summarized and the commercial biosensors are compared in terms of their important characteristics. This is the first review in which all the commercially available tests are compiled together.  相似文献   

Biodegradation is an effective technique to remediate polluted soil and groundwater. In the present experimental study, a mixed microbial culture obtained from the wastewater treatment sludge of a chemical industry was used to degrade liquid phase benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX), at individual initial concentrations varying between 15 and 75 mg/l. Experiments were conducted according to 2 k−1 fractional factorial design at the low (15 mg/l) and high (75 mg/l) levels of BTEX concentrations, to identify the main and interaction effects of parameters and their influence on biodegradation of individual BTEX compounds in mixtures. The individual removals varied between 16% and 75% when the concentrations of B, T, E, and X were sufficiently low in the mixture. However, both synergistic (removal of ethyl benzene) and antagonistic (removal of benzene) behavior were noticed when the concentrations of toluene and xylene was increased to higher levels. The individual removals were greater than 67% at their center point levels. The total BTEX removal values were later statistically analyzed and based on the Fischer’s variance ratio (F) and Probability values (P) it was observed that the main effects for total BTEX removal were significant than the squared and interaction effects.  相似文献   

Degradation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m-, p- and o-xylenes (BTEX) and microbial community shifts in soil slurries contaminated with ethanol–gasoline blends (E-blends), containing 10, 50 or 90% (v/v) ethanol (E10, E50 and E90) were studied in soil slurries previously uncontaminated, contaminated by E-blends or ethanol. BTEX originating from E50 degraded fastest whereas from E10 slowest. Among the individual compounds, ethylbenzene degraded fastest (max 30% d−1), and o-xylene slowest (min 1% d−1) during aerobic conditions in previously not contaminated soils. Previous contamination by E-blends increased BTEX degradation significantly (3–19 times) compared with previously uncontaminated soils, whereas previous contamination with ethanol did not show significant difference in BTEX degradation. At least one type of the E-blends during aerobic conditions had a positive effect on total PLFAs (phospholipid fatty acids) and specific PLFAs, i.e. 10Me18:0, 16:1ω6 and cy17:0, but had a negative effect on cy19:0 and 18:2ω6,9c. The effects on total PLFAs, as well as the individual PLFAs, were particularly strong after repeated contamination. The single most affected PLFA was 16:1ω6, which increased 23 times during E10 treatment in soil slurries previously contaminated by E-blends. Altogether, the various E-blends had significantly different effects on BTEX degradation and also on individual PLFAs under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

The feasibility of soil vapor extraction and bioventing technologies was examined for a petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated site. The test site was highly contaminated with toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene, due to leakage from petroleum storage tanks. Three respiration tests demonstrated that the test site conditions were appropriate for application of air-based remediation technologies. The oxygen consumption rates ranged from 4.32 to 7.68 %-O2/day and biodegradation rates ranged from 2.72 to 4.84?mg/kg-day in respiration tests. In a 120-day soil vapor extraction pilot test, high initial mass removals (with tailing effects) were observed. As expected for the soil vapor extraction, the volatilization rate was much higher than the biodegradation rate. In a bioventing trial, the biodegradation effect was predominant, but a tailing effect was not observed. From this study, the suggested sequence of remediation is to construct an integrated system of soil vapor extraction and bioventing and initially operate the soil vapor extraction system until the volatilization rate becomes smaller than the biodegradation rate. After that, the system needs to be changed over to a bioventing mode. Field demonstration supports the feasibility of the proposed integrated system.  相似文献   

The integrated study addressing biodegradation of microbial linear polyesters of hydroxyalkanoic acids (polyhydroxyalkanoates, PHAs) in tropical conditions by microbial communities of Vietnamese soils was performed in locations close to Hanoi and Nha Trang, which differed in their weather conditions and microbial communities. It shows that PHA degradation in tropical soils is influenced by polymer chemical composition, specimen shape, and microbial characteristics. The homopolymer of 3-hydroxybutyric acid is degraded at higher rates than the copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyric and 3-hydroxyvaleric acids. The average rates of mass loss were 0.04–0.33% per day for films and 0.02–0.18% for compact pellets. PHA degradation was accompanied by a decrease in the polymer molecular mass and, usually, an increase in the degree of crystallinity, suggesting preferential degradation of the amorphous phase. Under the study conditions, representatives of the bacterial genera Burkholderia, Bacillus, Cupriavidus, Mycobacterium, and Nocardiopsis and such micromycetes as Acremonium, Gongronella, Paecilomyces, and Penicillium, Trichoderma have been identified as major PHA degraders.  相似文献   

Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), twelve polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and seven polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), were selected as pollutants to evaluate the contamination of soils in the urban and industrial areas of Tangier (Morocco). PAHs and PCBs were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after a microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) clean-up. BTEX were directly determined by head-space GC-MS. Results obtained in this study show the presence of high levels of BTEX and PAHs in the soil near the urban waste deposit. However, the analysis of pollutants in the other sampling sites provided comprehensive evidence that soils of Tangier city are not contaminated.  相似文献   

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