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The DNA sequence specificity of the cancer chemotherapeutic agent, bleomycin, was determined with high precision in purified plasmid DNA using an improved technique. This improved technique involved the labelling of the 5′- and 3′-ends of DNA with different fluorescent tags, followed by simultaneous cleavage by bleomycin and capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence. This permitted the determination of bleomycin cleavage specificity with high accuracy since end-label bias was greatly reduced. Bleomycin produces single- and double-strand breaks, abasic sites and other base damage in DNA. This high-precision method was utilised to elucidate, for the first time, the DNA sequence specificity of bleomycin-induced DNA damage at abasic sites. This was accomplished using endonuclease IV that cleaves DNA at abasic sites after bleomycin damage. It was found that bleomycin-induced abasic sites formed at 5′-GC and 5′-GT sites while bleomycin-induced phosphodiester strand breaks formed mainly at 5′-GT dinucleotides. Since bleomycin-induced abasic sites are produced in the absence of molecular oxygen, this difference in DNA sequence specificity could be important in hypoxic tumour cells.  相似文献   

The sequence specificity of DNA damage of n-bromoalkylphenanthridinium bromides, with linker chain lengths (n) of 4,6,8 and 10 methylene groups, was investigated in the plasmid pUC8 and in intact human cells. A linear amplification assay was used to elucidate the DNA sequence specificity of the alkylating agents. In this assay Taq DNA polymerase extends from an oligonucleotide primer up to the damage site and the products run on a DNA sequencing gel to reveal the precise sites of DNA damage. For both the plasmid and cellular experiments, the compound that caused the most damage to DNA was the n = 6 compound, followed by (in decreasing order) the n = 4, n = 8, and n = 10 compounds. There were significant differences in the sequence specificity of DNA damage between n-bromoalkylphenanthridinium bromides of different linker chain length: (1) the main sites of damage were at guanines for the n = 4,6 and 8 compounds but at guanines and adenines for the n = 10 compound; (2) a consensus sequence of 5′-c(a/t)Ggg-3′ was obtained for the n = 4,6 and 8 compounds but 5′-c(a/c)(G/A)(g/a)-3′ for the n = 10 compound; (3) runs of consecutive Gs were the major site of damage for the n = 4,6 and 8 compounds, but consecutive Gs or consecutive As for the n = 10 compound; (4) for damage at single isolated guanines, the most damaged sequences were at 5′-Ga-3′ for the n = 4 compound but at 5′-Gt-3′ for the n = 6,8 and 10 compounds. The tandemly repeated alpha RI DNA sequence was the DNA target in intact human K562 cells. In intact human cells, the compounds produced damage with similar DNA sequence selectivity to that found in plasmid DNA. The n = 4 and 6 compounds possess marginal anti-tumour activity and these compounds produced the most damage in intact human cells. The n = 8 and 10 compounds do not demonstrate significant anti-tumour activity and these compounds resulted in the least damage in cells.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence specificity of cyanomorpholinoadriamycin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C Cullinane  D R Phillips 《FEBS letters》1991,293(1-2):195-198

Bleomycin is an antibiotic drug that is widely used in cancer chemotherapy. Telomeres are located at the ends of chromosomes and comprise the tandemly repeated DNA sequence (GGGTTA) n in humans. Since bleomycin cleaves DNA at 5??-GT dinucleotide sequences, telomeres are expected to be a major target for bleomycin cleavage. In this work, we determined the DNA sequence specificity of bleomycin cleavage in telomeric sequences in human cells. This was accomplished using a linear amplification procedure, a fluorescently labelled oligonucleotide primer and capillary gel electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection. This represents the first occasion that the DNA sequence specificity of bleomycin cleavage in telomeric DNA sequences in human cells has been reported. The bleomycin DNA sequence selectivity was mainly at 5??-GT dinucleotides, with lesser amounts at 5??-GG dinucleotides. The cellular bleomycin telomeric DNA damage was also compared with bleomycin telomeric damage in purified human genomic DNA and was found to be very similar. The implications of these results for the understanding of bleomycin??s mechanism of action in human cells are discussed.  相似文献   

When electrophoresed on an agarose gel, the DNA isolated from neocarzinostatin- (NCS-) treated HeLa cells migrates in a ladder of discrete bands indicative of preferential breakage in the linker region of the nucleosomes. The 5'-termini of the drug-induced DNA strand breaks were characterized by reduction of the nucleoside 5'-aldehyde ends to 5'-hydroxyls followed by incorporation of 32P from [gamma-32P]ATP by polynucleotide kinase and treatment of the DNA with hot alkali and alkaline phosphatase prior to the kinase assay to give the total 5'-termini. In DNA isolated from NCS-treated cells, nucleoside aldehyde accounts for 30-45% of the drug-generated 5' ends; the remainder have PO4 termini. By contrast, 5'-terminal nucleoside aldehyde in DNA cut with the drug in vitro exceeds 80% of the total 5' ends. Of the 32P representing nucleoside aldehyde in DNA from NCS-exposed cells, 77% is in TMP; the rest is in AMP much greater than CMP greater than GMP, a distribution in excellent agreement with that obtained for in vitro drug-treated DNA. DNA sequencing experiments, using the 340 base pair alphoid DNA fragment isolated from drug-treated cells, show that the pattern of breakage produced by NCS within a defined sequence of DNA in intact cells is similar to that in the in vitro reaction, with a preferential attack at thymidylate residues, but a much higher concentration of the drug was required to cause comparable breakage in intact cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cancer chemotherapeutic agent, bleomycin, cleaves DNA at specific sites. For the first time, the genome-wide DNA sequence specificity of bleomycin breakage was determined in human cells. Utilising Illumina next-generation DNA sequencing techniques, over 200 million bleomycin cleavage sites were examined to elucidate the bleomycin genome-wide DNA selectivity. The genome-wide bleomycin cleavage data were analysed by four different methods to determine the cellular DNA sequence specificity of bleomycin strand breakage. For the most highly cleaved DNA sequences, the preferred site of bleomycin breakage was at 5′-GT* dinucleotide sequences (where the asterisk indicates the bleomycin cleavage site), with lesser cleavage at 5′-GC* dinucleotides. This investigation also determined longer bleomycin cleavage sequences, with preferred cleavage at 5′-GT*A and 5′- TGT* trinucleotide sequences, and 5′-TGT*A tetranucleotides. For cellular DNA, the hexanucleotide DNA sequence 5′-RTGT*AY (where R is a purine and Y is a pyrimidine) was the most highly cleaved DNA sequence. It was striking that alternating purine–pyrimidine sequences were highly cleaved by bleomycin. The highest intensity cleavage sites in cellular and purified DNA were very similar although there were some minor differences. Statistical nucleotide frequency analysis indicated a G nucleotide was present at the ?3 position (relative to the cleavage site) in cellular DNA but was absent in purified DNA.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (BLM) is a cancer chemotherapeutic agent that cleaves cellular DNA at specific sequences. Using next-generation Illumina sequencing, the genome-wide sequence specificity of DNA cleavage by two BLM analogues, 6′-deoxy-BLM Z and zorbamycin (ZBM), was determined in human HeLa cells and compared with BLM. Over 200 million double-strand breaks were examined for each sample, and the 50,000 highest intensity cleavage sites were analysed. It was found that the DNA sequence specificity of the BLM analogues in human cells was different to BLM, especially at the cleavage site (position “0”) and the “+1” position. In human cells, the 6′-deoxy-BLM Z had a preference for 5′-GTGY*MC (where * is the cleavage site, Y is C or T, M is A or C); it was 5′-GTGY*MCA for ZBM; and 5′-GTGT*AC for BLM. With cellular DNA, the highest ranked tetranucleotides were 5′-TGC*C and 5′-TGT*A for 6′-deoxy-BLM Z; 5′-TGC*C, 5′-TGT*A and 5′-TGC*A for ZBM; and 5′-TGT*A for BLM. In purified human genomic DNA, the DNA sequence preference was 5′-TGT*A for 6′-deoxy-BLM, 5′-RTGY*AYR (where R is G or A) for ZBM, and 5′-TGT*A for BLM. Thus, the sequence specificity of the BLM analogue, 6′-deoxy-BLM Z, was similar to BLM in purified human DNA, while ZBM was different.  相似文献   

Cisplatin analogues with an attached DNA binding moiety have a higher affinity for DNA, but often suffer from poor aqueous solubility. In this study we examined the DNA sequence specificity of more soluble cisplatin analogues containing the maltolato leaving group in both purified DNA and in intact human cells. In both environments the DNA sequence specificity of these analogues was very similar to cisplatin. However, in purified DNA a higher concentration of the two maltolato-containing analogues was needed to achieve a similar level of DNA damage as cisplatin. This difference in reactivity was not observed in intact cells as the two maltolato-containing complexes were capable of producing a similar level of damage as cisplatin at comparable concentrations. This was consistent with the IC50 values obtained for both cisplatin and the maltolato compounds which were also similar. This study indicated that maltolato can be utilised as the leaving group to increase the aqueous solubility of cisplatin analogues without reducing their biological activity.  相似文献   

Exposure to solar UV radiation is the origin of most skin cancers, including deadly melanomas. Melanomas are quite different from keratinocyte-derived tumours and exhibit a different mutation spectrum in the activated oncogenes, possibly arising from a different class of DNA damage. In addition, some data suggest a role for UVA radiation in melanomagenesis. To get further insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying induction of melanoma, we quantified a series of UV-induced DNA damage in primary cultures of normal human melanocytes. The results were compared with those obtained in keratinocytes from the same donors. In the UVB range, the frequency and the distribution of pyrimidine dimers was the same in melanocytes and keratinocytes. UVA was also found to produce thymine cyclobutane dimer as the major DNA lesion with an equal efficiency in both cell types. In contrast, following UVA-irradiation a large difference was found for the yield of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine; the level of this product was 2.2-fold higher in melanocytes than in keratinocytes. The comet assay showed that the induction of strand breaks was equally efficient in both cell types but that the yield of Fpg-sensitive sites was larger in melanocytes. Our data show that, upon UVA irradiation, oxidative lesions contribute to a larger extent to DNA damage in melanocytes than in keratinocytes. We also observed that the basal level of oxidative lesions was higher in the melanocytes, in agreement with a higher oxidative stress that may be due to the production of melanin. The bulk of these results, combined with qPCR and cell survival data, may explain some of the differences in mutation spectrum and target genes between melanomas and carcinomas arising from keratinocytes.  相似文献   

The sequence specificity of vertebrate DNA methylation.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The relative quantity of 5-methyl cytosine in vertebrate nuclear DNA shows species and tissue variation. To determine whether this is due to the action of species or cell specific DNA methylases the sequence specificity of the 5-methyl cytosine distribution in the DNA of a range of cells has been partially characterised. The pattern of methylation was found to be remarkably constant and indicates stringent evolutionary conservation of the characteristics of vertebrate DNA methylation.  相似文献   

DNA sequence specificity of mitoxantrone.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

DNA sequence specificity of mitomycin cross-linking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a gel electrophoresis assay, we show that the target DNA sequence cross-linked by N-methylmitomycin A, its aziridinomitosene, and mitomycin C is CpG, in strong preference over GpC. The yield per CpG site increases as the number of successive CpG sequences increases. Molecular modeling reveals no systematic difference between the energies of mitomycin cross-links at CpG in comparison with GpC. However, the distance between guanine amino groups in CpG sequences is nearly the same as the distance in the cross-linked adduct, whereas the amino group separation at GpC sites is substantially larger in the starting DNA than in the adduct. We suggest that the favorable placement of the second reaction center in CpG greatly accelerates the second step in the cross-linking reaction. As shown by a competition assay, mitomycins bind A-T and G-C sequences noncovalently equally well, even though the only sequence that yields appreciable cross-linking is CpG. N-Methylmitomycin A and its aziridinomitosene are found to be better cross-linking agents than is mitomycin C.  相似文献   

The sequence specificity of a mammalian DNA methylase.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The sequence specificity of an extensively purified DNA methylase preparation from Krebs II mouse ascites cells has been examined. The enzyme appears to be highly sequence dependent. Moreover the sequence distribution of cytosine residues that are methylated, bears a very close resemblance to the sequence distribution of 5'-methyl cytosine found in vivo in a wide range of vertebrate cells and is consistent with methylation of cytosines in the sequence R-Yn-C-R.  相似文献   

The field of DNA repair has been expanded enormously in the last 20 years. In this paper, work on gene and sequence specificity of DNA damage induction and repair is summarized in the light of the large and broad contribution of Phil Hanawalt to this field of research. Furthermore, the consequences of DNA damage and repair for mutation induction is discussed, and the contribution of Paul Lohman to the development of assays employing transgenic mice for the detection of gene mutations is highlighted.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence specificity of stimulation of DNA polymerases by factor D   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanism of enhancement of DNA polymerase activity by the murine DNA-binding protein factor D was investigated. Extension by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I and calf thymus DNA polymerase-alpha of 5'-32P-labeled oligodeoxynucleotide primers that are complementary to poly(dT) or to bacteriophage M13 DNA was measured in the absence or presence of factor D. With 5'-[32P](dA)9.poly(dT), factor D enables E. coli polymerase I to fill approximately 15-nucleotide gaps between adjacent primers; whereas in the absence of the stimulatory protein, poly(dT) is not copied significantly. In order to study the nucleotide specificity of synthesis enhancement, we used M13mp10 DNA containing 4 consecutive thymidine residues downstream from the 3-hydroxyl terminus of an oligonucleotide primer. Upon addition of factor D, both polymerase I and polymerase-alpha can traverse this sequence more efficiently and thus generate longer DNA products. Densitometric analysis of nonextended and elongated 5'-32P-labeled M13 primer indicates that, without changing the frequency of primer utilization, factor D enhances the activity of these DNA polymerases by increasing their apparent processivity. By positioning oligonucleotide primers 4, 8, and 12 bases upstream from the (dT)4 template sequence, we show that the enhancement of synthesis by factor D is independent of the position of the oligothymidine cluster. We hypothesize that factor D interacts with oligo(dT).oligo(dA) domains in DNA to alter their conformation, which may normally obstruct the progression of DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Base sequence damage in DNA from X-irradiated monkey CV-1 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two kinds of 3'-ends were detected in DNA scission fragments of highly repetitive primate component alpha DNA which were isolated from irradiated monkey CV-1 cells. The fragments' 3'-ends were characterized by 5'-32P-end labelling the DNA, followed by examination in high-resolution polyacrylamide gels under denaturing conditions. Hydrolysis of the labelled fragments' termini with exonuclease III of E. coli or by the 3'-phosphatase activity of T4 polynucleotide kinase generated a third, slowest migrating species in each mobility size class. Reference to mobility size class standards makes it highly probable that the fragment ends generated by X-rays in cells are 3'-phosphoryl and 3'-phosphoglycolate, and that they are converted to slower migrating fragments with 3'-OH ends, similar to results obtained with DNA irradiated in water (Henner et al. 1982, 1983 a, b). Densitometer measurements of gel autoradiograms showed that X-ray induction of DNA fragments with 3'-phosphoryl and 3'-phosphoglycolate ends was dose-dependent over a range 100-900 Gy. In CV-1 cells the frequency of single-strand breaks in alpha DNA was 8.6 x 10(-7) breaks/nt/Gy. The two kinds of ends disappeared in post-radiation incubation with a half-time of 1.6 h. These results provide a new means to study X-ray damage and repair of specific sequences in animal cells.  相似文献   

Bleomycins are small glycopeptide cancer chemotherapeutics that give rise to 3'-modified DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, DSBs are predominantly repaired by RAD52-dependent homologous recombination (HR) with some support by Yku70/Yku80 (KU)-dependent pathways. The main DSB repair function of KU is believed to be as part of the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway, but KU also functions in a "chromosome healing" pathway that seals DSBs by de novo telomere addition. We report here that rad52Deltayku70Delta double mutants are considerably more bleomycin hypersensitive than rad52Deltalig4Delta cells that lack the NHEJ-specific DNA ligase 4. Moreover, the telomere-specific KU mutation yku80-135i also dramatically increases rad52Delta bleomycin hypersensitivity, almost to the level of rad52Deltayku80Delta. The results indicate that telomere-specific functions of KU play a more prominent role in the repair of bleomycin-induced damage than its NHEJ functions, which could have important clinical implications for bleomycin-based combination chemotherapies.  相似文献   

The mechanism of DNA damage by a metabolite of the carcinogen o-anisidine in the presence of metals was investigated by the DNA sequencing technique using 32P-labeled human DNA fragments. The o-anisidine metabolite, o-aminophenol, caused DNA damage in the presence of Cu(II). The DNA damage was inhibited by catalase and bathocuproine, suggesting the involvement of H2O2 and Cu(I). The formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine by o-aminophenol increased in the presence of Cu(II). We conclude that Cu(II)-mediated oxidative DNA damage by this o-anisidine metabolite seems to be relevant for the expression of the carcinogenicity of o-anisidine. o-Aminophenol plus Cu(II) caused preferential DNA damage at the 5'-site guanine of GG and GGG sequences. When CuZn-SOD or Mn-SOD was added, the DNA damage was enhanced and its predominant cleavage sites were changed into thymine and cytosine residues. We consider that SOD may increase the frequency of mutations due to DNA damage induced by o-aminophenol and thus increase its carcinogenic potential.  相似文献   

We have examined the ability of naphthylquinoline, a 2,7-disubstituted anthraquinone and BePI, a benzo[e]pyridoindole derivative, to stabilize parallel DNA triplexes of different base composition. Fluorescence melting studies, with both inter- and intramolecular triplexes, show that all three ligands stabilize triplexes that contain blocks of TAT triplets. Naphthylquinoline has no effect on triplexes formed with third strands composed of (TC)n or (CCT)n, but stabilizes triplexes that contain (TTC)n. In contrast, BePI slightly destabilizes the triplexes that are formed at (TC)n (CCT)n and (TTC)n. 2,7-Anthraquinone stabilizes (TC)n (CCT)n and (TTC)n, although it has the greatest effect on the latter. DNase I footprinting studies confirm that triplexes formed with (CCT)n are stabilized by the 2,7-disubstituted amidoanthraquinone but not by naphthylquinoline. Both ligands stabilize the triplex formed with (CCTT)n and neither affects the complex with (CT)n. We suggest that BePI and naphthylquinoline can only bind between adjacent TAT triplets, while the anthraquinone has a broader sequence of selectivity. These differences may be attributed to the presence (naphthylquinoline and BePI) or absence (anthraquinone) of a positive charge on the aromatic portion of the ligand, which prevents intercalation adjacent to C+GC triplets. The most stable structures are formed when the stacked rings (bases or ligand) alternate between charged and uncharged species. Triplexes containing alternating C+GC and TAT triplets are not stabilized by ligands as they would interrupt the alternating pattern of charged and uncharged residues.  相似文献   

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