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The adaptive responses of the greening process of plants to temperature stress were studied in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Poinsette) seedlings grown at ambient (25 °C), low (7 °C) and high (42 °C) temperatures. Plastids isolated from these seedlings were incubated at different temperatures and the net syntheses of various tetrapyrroles were monitored. In plastids isolated from control seedlings grown at 25 °C, the optimum temperature for synthesis of Mg-protoporphyrin IX monoester or protochlorophyllide was 35 °C. Temperature maxima for Mg-protoporphyrin IX monoester and protochlorophyllide syntheses were shifted to 30 °C in chill-stressed seedlings. The net synthesis of total tetrapyrroles was severely reduced in heat-stressed seedlings and the optimum temperature for Mg-protoporphyrin IX monoester or protochlorophyllide synthesis shifted slightly towards higher temperatures, i.e. a broader peak was observed. To further study the temperature acclimation of seedlings with respect to the greening process, tetrapyrrole biosynthesis was monitored at 25 °C after pre-heating the plastids (28–70 °C) isolated from control, chill- and heat-stressed seedlings. In comparison to 28 °C-pre-heated plastids the percent inhibition of protochlorophyllide synthesis in 40 °C-pre-heated plastids was higher than for the control (25 °C-grown) in chill-stressed seedlings and lower than for the control in heat-stressed seedlings. Maximum synthesis of total tetrapyrroles and protoporphyrin IX was observed when chloroplasts were heated at 50 °C, which was probably due to heat-induced activation of the enzymes involved in protoporphyrin IX synthesis. Prominent shoulders towards lower or higher temperatures were seen in chill-stressed or heat-stressed seedlings, respectively. The shift in optimum temperature for tetrapyrrole biosynthesis in chill- and heat-stressed seedlings was probably due to acclimation of membranes possibly undergoing desaturation or saturation of membrane lipids. Proteins synthesized in response to temperature-stress may also play an important role in conferring stress-tolerance in plants. Received: 8 October 1998 / Accepted: 19 November 1998  相似文献   

Among the various amines administered to excisedCucumis sativus cotyledons in short-term organ culture, agmatine (AGM) inhibited arginine decarboxylase (ADC) activity to around 50%, and putrescine was the most potent entity in this regard. Homoarginine (HARG) dramatically stimulated (3- to 4-fold) the enzyme activity. Both AGM inhibition and HARG stimulation of ADC were transient, the maximum response being elicited at 12 h of culture. Mixing experiments ruled out involvement of a macromolecular effector in the observed modulation of ADC. HARG-stimulated ADC activity was completely abolished by cycloheximide, whereas AGM-mediated inhibition was unaffected. Half-life of the enzyme did not alter on treatment with either HARG or AGM. The observed alterations in ADC activity are accompanied by change in Km of the enzyme. HARG-stimulated ADC activity is additive to that induced by benzyladenine (BA) whereas in presence of KCl, HARG failed to enhance ADC activity, thus demonstrating the overriding influence of K+ on amine metabolism.  相似文献   

Ethylene production, level of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and activity of the ethylene forming enzyme (EFE) were higher in apices of gynoecious cucumber (Cucumis sativus cv. Alma) as compared to monoecious cucumber (C. sativus cv. Elem). Application of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) enhanced ethylene and ACC production in both cultivars. The stimulatory effect of IAA was more pronounced in gynoecious apices. Induction of ethylene production and accumulation of ACC resulting from treatment with IAA were effectively blocked by aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG). Content of endogenous IAA, measured by an enzyme immunoassay, was lower in gynoecious cucumber as compared to monoecious one. Treatment of gynoecious plants with the antiauxins -(p-chlorophenoxy)isobutyric acid (PCIB) and -naphthaleneacetic acid (-NAA) did not inhibit female sex expression.It appears that although exogenous IAA enhances ACC and ethylene production, endogenous IAA might not have a major role in the control of sex expression in cucumber of the Beit-Alfa type.Prof. Rudich passed away in May 1986.  相似文献   

Glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase had been reported to be present exclusively in the peroxisomes of plant leaves and to participate in the glycollate pathway in leaf photorespiration (Tolbert (1971) Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 22, 45-74]. Glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase activity was already present in the etiolated cotyledons of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings, and increased during greening. The enzyme was present only in the cytosol of the etiolated cotyledons and appeared in the peroxisomes during greening. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity from the cytosol of the etiolated cotyledons and from the peroxisomes of the green cotyledons of cucumber seedlings. The two enzyme preparations had nearly identical enzymic and physical properties. On the basis of these findings, roles of glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase in the glycollate pathway in photorespiration, and the mechanism of its appearance in the peroxisomes during greening, are discussed.  相似文献   

Treatment of diphenyl ether herbicide acifluorfen-Na (AF-Na) to intact cucumber (Cucumis sativus L cv Poinsette) seedlings induced overaccumulation of protoporphyrin IX in light (75 mumole m-2 s-1). The extra-plastidic protoporphyrin IX accumulated during the light exposure disappeared within two hours of transfer of acifluorofen-treated seedlings to darkness. The dark disappearance was due to re-entry of migrated protoporphyrin IX into the plastid and its subsequent conversion to protochlorophyllide. In light, protoporphyrin IX acted as a photosensitizer and caused generation of active oxygen species. The latter caused damage to the cellular membranes by peroxidation of membrane lipids that resulted in production of malondialdehyde. Damage to the plastidic membranes resulted in damage to photosystem I and photosystem II reactions. Dark-incubation of herbicide-sprayed plants before their exposure to light enhanced photodynamic damage due to diffusion of the herbicide to the site of action. Compared to control, in treated samples the cation-induced increases in variable fluorescence/maximum fluorescence ratio and increase in photosystem II activity was lower due to reduced grana stacking in herbicide-treated and light-exposed plants.  相似文献   

Oxygen-mediated cold-acclimation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cold acclimation of etiolated cucumber seedlings, consisting of cooling at 12°C for 48 h followed by a warming period at 25°C, led to tolerance to subsequent chilling at 2°C. Tolerance, as evidenced by freedom from chilling injury and continued growth, developed during the warming period in a time-course manner for 12 h but decreased with prolonged warming. A similar increase and subsequent decrease was also observed in the content of palmitic, linoleic and linolenic acids in total lipid fraction from cucumber hypocotyl tissue. During the warming period supra-ambient oxygen stimulated, whereas subambient oxygen inhibited, the increase in fatty acid content as well as development of chilling tolerance. A strong correlation between oxygen-mediated changes in fatty acid content and associated development of cold tolerance suggests that both these processes are interrelated. Cold acclimation, but not cold stress, led to an increase followed by a decrease in CO2 evolution suggesting that a respiratory upsurge is yet another feature of cold acclimation in cucumbers.  相似文献   

授粉对黄瓜果实发育和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以 津绿 3号 黄瓜为试材 ,研究了授粉对黄瓜果实发育、营养成分变化及采后果形变化的影响 .结果表明 ,授粉可减少化瓜、刺激果实发育、提高果实商品性 ,并提高产量 ,其坐瓜率、商品瓜率、单瓜重及产量分别较单性结实提高 6 3.0 %、6 8.7%、2 2 .6 %和 12 7.6 % .授粉瓜和单性结实瓜均表现为随着果实发育 ,可溶性蛋白质和维生素 C含量呈减少的趋势 ,可溶性糖含量呈逐渐增长的趋势 ,游离氨基酸含量呈波动变化 ,但授粉瓜的 4种营养成分均高于单性结实瓜 .在采后 1~ 5 d,授粉瓜头部易膨大形成大头瓜 ,而单性结实瓜果形变化不大  相似文献   

Differential chilling sensitivity in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Poinsett 76) seeds were chilled at 2.5°C in a study of the chilling sensitivity and recovery of radicle tissue. The effect of chilling on radicle growth and the production of carbon dioxide and ethylene was measured. Chilling sensitivity of radicles increased as they grew from 1 to 7 mm in length. The length, not the age of the radicles, determined the level of chilling sensitivity. Apical tissue was most sensitive to chilling and slowest to recover from chilling, followed by subapical and basal tissue. Our data demonstrate that the chilling sensitivity of young seedling radicles differs along their length and that the rapid chilling-induced inhibition of elongation is probably due to an inability of meristematic cells to remain viable and active when chilled.  相似文献   

To assess the role of antioxidant defense system on exposure to ultra-violet-B (UV-B) radiation, the activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbic acid peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR) and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), as well as the level of antioxidants ascorbic acid (AA) and alpha-tocopherol were monitored in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var long green) cotyledons. UV-B enhanced the activity of antioxidant enzymes as well as AA content, but decreased the level of alpha-tocopherol. Significant increase was observed in the activities of SOD and GPX. Analysis of isoforms of antioxidant enzymes by native-PAGE and activity staining revealed three isoforms of GPX in unexposed dark-grown cotyledons (control), and their intensity was enhanced by UV-B exposure. In addition, four new isoforms of GPX were observed in cotyledons after UV-B exposure. Although no new isoforms were observed for the other antioxidant enzymes, the activities of their existing isoforms were enhanced by UV-B.  相似文献   

Four-day-old etiolated cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L.) were transferred to cool-white-fluorescent light (15 mumol m-2 s-1) for 1 h and 24 hours and etiochloroplasts and chloroplasts were isolated from developing cotyledons. Plastids were fractionated to stroma, envelope and thylakoid or inner membranes and the pigment contents of all these different fractions were analysed. In intact cucumber chloroplast protochlorophylide was present in significant amounts whereas protoporphyrin IX and Mg-protoporphyrin plus its monoester were present only in very small quantities. Out of the total chloroplastic protochlorophylide pool 1.0% was partitioned to envelope membranes and 99.0% was partitioned to thylakoids. Stroma had only trace amounts of protochlorophylide. In contrast to chloroplasts, etiochloroplasts had, besides protochlorophylide, significant amounts of other chlorophyll biosynthetic intermediates. In etiochloroplasts, protoporphyrin IX primarily partitioned to inner membranes (59.1%) followed by stroma (37.7%) and envelope (3.21%). The content of Mg-protoporphyrin IX plus its monoester in different subplastidic fractions was 74.4% for inner membranes, 22.58% for stroma and 3.02% for envelope. Protochlorophyllide primarily partitioned to inner membranes (95.79%), followed by envelope (4.15%) and, to a negligible extent (0.06%), into stroma. The sub-plastidic distribution of chlorophyll biosynthetic intermediates in etiochloroplasts was, therefore, different than that of chloroplasts. The significance of differential distribution of chlorophyll biosynthetic intermediates among thylakoids, envelope and stroma in developing and mature plastids is discussed in relation to chloroplast biogenesis.  相似文献   

Cytokinin-induced chlorophyll formation in cucumber cotyledons   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Summary Cotyledons of cucumber plants grown in the dark for 7 days were treated with various concentrations of cytokinins for 14 h and then moved into light. After 3 h the treated cotyledons had up to 450% more chlorophyll than the water controls. This suggests that cytokinins have an important role in the formation of chlorophyll. The increase in chlorophyll level was proportional to cytokinin concentration and was apparent at concentrations as low as 0.001 mg/l. Sensitivity to cytokinins depended on the age of the cotyledons and the time of exposure to light. Gibberellic acid, indoleacetic acid, adenine and sucrose did not cause a similar increase in chlorophyll levels. This effect of cytokinins on chlorophyll formation is valuable as a simple, rapid bioassay for cytokinins.This study was supported by the National Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Leaves and chloroplast suspensions of severely and slightly iron deficient cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) plants were characterized by low-temperature fluorescence emission spectroscopy and Deriphat polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The emission spectra of the chloroplast suspensions were resolved into Gaussian components and those changes induced by iron deficiency were related to the variations in the chlorophyll-protein pattern. The symptoms described with these methods were also correlated with the iron content of the leaves. It was concluded that the lack of physiologically active iron caused a relative decrease of photosystem I (PSI) and light harvesting complex I (LHCI), together with the long wavelength fluorescence, especially the 740 nm Gaussian component, and. to a much lesser extent, of the photosystem II (PSII) core complexes (relative increase of 685, 695 nm components). However, the relative decrease in the amount of light harvesting complex II (LHCII) was followed by a relative increase in its fluorescence band at 680 nm, showing that energy transfer from LHCII to core complex II (CCII) was partly disturbed. Thus iron deficiency affected the photosynthetic apparatus in a complex way: it decreased the synthesis of chlorophylls (Chls) and influenced the expression and assembly of Chl-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Two calcium- and light-dependent protein kinases have been reported in etiolated Cucumis sativus cotyledons (Vidal et al. 2007). In the present work, we studied casein kinase (CK) activity in etiolated cucumber cotyledons of in-gel and in vitro kinase assays, using specific CK inhibitors, and ATP and GTP as phosphate donors. Two proteins with CK activity were detected in both casein gels and autophosphorylation assays. One of them, with a molecular mass of approximately 36 kDa, showed biochemical CK1 characteristics: it was inhibited by specific CK1 inhibitors and only used ATP as phosphate donor. The second, with a molecular mass of approximately 38 kDa, had CK2 characteristics; it used both ATP and GTP as phosphate donors, was inhibited by all specific CK2 inhibitors, and was recognized by a polyclonal antibody directed against the α catalytic subunit of a CK2 from tobacco. The kinase activity of the CK2 detected in etiolated cucumber cotyledons showed circadian rhythmicity in both in vitro and in-gel casein phosphorylation and in autophosphorylation assays. Thus, our results suggest that the CK2 of approximately 38 kDa could be related to the circadian oscillator of C. sativus cotyledons.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatases (E.C. are a group of enzymes widely distributed in nature, which nonspecifically catalyze the hydrolysis of a variety of phosphate esters in pH ranges from 4 to 6 and play a major role in the supply and metabolism of phosphate in plants. The objective of the present study was to investigate the in vitro effects of some metals on the activity of acid phosphatase in cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L.) and to determine their kinetic parameters. The enzyme was assayed with Hg, Cd, Mn, Pb, Zn, K and Na at the 0.001–1 mM range using ATP, PPi and β-glycerol phosphate as substrates. Mn, Na and Cd did not significantly alter the enzyme activity. K caused a broad activation at low concentrations and an inhibition at high concentrations (10 mM) and lead caused no inhibition. Acid phosphatase was inhibited by Hg and Zn and the inhibition type and IC50 values were determined for these metals. Hg presented a mixed inhibition type with PPi and ATP as substrates and uncompetitive inhibition with β-glycerol phosphate as substrate. Zn presented competitive inhibition for ATP as substrate, and a mixed inhibition type with PPi and β-glycerol phosphate as substrate. IC50 values were 0.02, 0.3 and 0.15 mM for Hg, and 0.056, 0.035 and 0.24 mM for Zn with ATP, PPi and β-glycerol phosphate as substrates, respectively. Analysis of these results indicates that Zn is a more potent inhibitor of acid phosphatase from cucumbers than Hg.  相似文献   

Summary The nuclear 18 S, 5.8 S and 25 S ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) of Cucumis sativus (cucumber) occur in at least four different repeat types of 10.2, 10.5, 11.5, and 12.5 kb in length. The intergenic spacer of these repeats has been cloned and characterized with respect to sequence organization. The spacer structure is very unusual compared to those of other eukaryotes. Duplicated regions of 197 bp and 311 bp containing part of the 3 end of the 25 S rRNA coding region and approximately 470 bp of 25 S rRNA flanking sequences occur in the intergenic spacer. The data from sequence analysis suggest that these duplications originate from recombination events in which DNA sequences of the original rDNA spacer were paired with sequences of the 25 S rRNA coding region. The duplicated 3ends of the 25 S rRNA are separated from each other mostly by a tandemly repeated 30 bp element showing a high GC-content of 87.5%. In addition, another tandemly repeated sequence of 90 bp was found downstream of the 3flanking sequences of the 25 S rRNA coding region. These results suggest that rRNA coding sequences can be involved in the generation of rDNA spacer sequences by unequal crossing over.  相似文献   

Inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis by kinetin in Cucumis cotyledons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kinetin is shown to inhibit the synthesis of chlorophyll inlight while causing expansion of isolated cotyledons of Cucumis.The inhibitory effect is more marked at higher concentrationsof kinetin. It has been suggested that specific kinins may beinvolved in different tissues for stimulating chlorophyll synthesis. (Received August 14, 1969; )  相似文献   

A simple, reproducible and rapid protocol for the purification of arginine decarboxylase fromCucumis sativus seedlings has been standardised. The purification steps involved ion-exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl-cellulose followed by gel filtration on Sephadex G-l 50. The purified enzyme preparation migrated as a single stainable band on Polyacrylamide gels at both basic and acidic pH, but under denaturing and reducing conditions on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gels resolved into polypeptides of molecular weight 48,000,44,000 and 15,000. However, in the absence of 2-mercaptoethanol on electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gels, the enzyme moved as single band with a molecular weight of 150,000. Evidence was obtained to indicate that these three polypeptides were probably derived from a single larger molecular weight enzyme. On storage of the purified protein, the 48,000 species was preferentially degraded to smaller polypeptides. The preliminary data suggested that the 48,000 and 44,000 species shared many common tryptic peptides as revealed by finger printing of the [125I ]-labelled protein. The purified enzyme was a glycoprotein and had aK m of 0.5 mM for arginine. Its activity was stimulated by dithiothrietol and pyridoxal phosphate. EDTA did not inhibit the enzyme activity. Mn2+ at 1 mM stimulated arginine decarboxylase activity but was inhibitory at higher concentration  相似文献   

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