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Many embryonic lethal engrailed (enlethal) mutations are known to partially complement the cuticular defects of the original engrailed mutation, en1. To explore the nature of this complementation, the adult phenotypes of several different en1/enlethal transheterozygotes were compared with the corresponding patterns of engrailed protein expression in third larval instar imaginal discs (determined by immunofluorescence). Transheterozygotes of en1 and deletions of the locus (enDf) typically show slight complementation in the adult cuticle. The pattern of engrailed protein expression in some en1/enDf wing discs is indistinguishable from en1 homozygotes, but in others the pattern is nearly normal. en1/enDf leg discs appear to express engrailed protein normally. Transheterozygotes of en1 and EMS-induced, cytologically normal enlethal alleles have almost normal adult cuticle phenotypes and also exhibit normal patterns of engrailed protein expression in all of the thoracic imaginal discs. Surprisingly, the intensity of anti-engrailed staining in these discs is elevated relative to that in wild type. en2 is an unusual lethal allele in that it does not complement either the en1 adult cuticle phenotype or the protein expression pattern in imaginal discs. Moreover, the cytologically normal enlethal alleles also complement en2, at least partially. Both wing and leg imaginal discs from en2/enlethal transheterozygotes show abnormal patterns of engrailed protein expression. These results are discussed in the context of an autoregulatory model for engrailed regulation.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the final larval (fifth) instar of Manduca sexta, imaginal precursors including wing discs and eye primordia initiate metamorphic changes, such as pupal commitment, patterning and cell proliferation. Juvenile hormone (JH) prevents these changes in earlier instars and in starved final instar larvae, but nutrient intake overcomes this effect of JH in the latter. In this study, we show that a molecular marker of pupal commitment, broad, is up-regulated in the wing discs by feeding on sucrose or by bovine insulin or Manduca bombyxin in starved final instar larvae. This effect of insulin could not be prevented by JH. In vitro insulin had no effect on broad expression but relieved the suppression of broad expression by JH. This effect of insulin was directly on the disc as shown by its reduction in the presence of insulin receptor dsRNA. In starved penultimate fourth instar larvae, broad expression in the wing disc was not up-regulated by insulin. The discs became responsive to this action of insulin during the molt to the fifth instar together with the ability to become pupally committed in response to 20-hydroxyecdysone. Thus, the Manduca bombyxin acts as a metamorphosis-initiating factor in the imaginal precursors.  相似文献   

When final (5th) instar larvae of Precis coenia were treated with the juvenile hormone analog (JHA) methoprene, they underwent a supernumerary larval molt, except for certain regions of their imaginal disks, which deposited a normal pupal cuticle. Evidently those regions had already become irreversibly committed to pupal development at the time JHA was applied. By applying JHA at successively later times in the instar, the progression of pupal commitment could be studied. Pupal commitment in the proboscis, antenna, eye, leg and wing imaginal disks occurred in disk-specific patterns. In each imaginal disk there were distinct initiation sites where pupal commitment began during the first few hours of the final larval instar, and from which commitment spread across the remainder of the disk over a 2- to 3-day period. The initiation sites were not always located in homologous regions of the various disks. As a rule, pupal commitment also spread from imaginal disk tissue to surrounding epidermal tissue. The regions of pupal commitment in all disks except those of the wings, coincided with the regions of growth of the disk. Only portions of the disk that had undergone cell division and growth underwent pupal commitment. Shortening the growth period did not prevent pupal commitment in the wing imaginal disk, indicating that, in this disk at least, a normal number of cell divisions was not crucial in reprogramming of disk cells for pupal cuticle synthesis. The apparent growth spurt of imaginal disks that occurs during the last part of the final larval instar is merely the final stage of normal and constant exponential growth. Juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroids appeared to play little role in the regulation of normal imaginal disk growth. Instead, growth of the disks may be under intrinsic control. Interestingly, even though endogenous fluctuation in JH titers do not affect imaginal disk growth, exogenous JHA proved able to inhibit both pupal commitment, cell movement, and growth of the disks during the last larval instar. This function of JH could be important under certain adverse conditions, such as when metamorphosis is delayed in favor of a supernumerary larval molt.  相似文献   

The timing of pupal commitment of the forewing imaginal discs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, was determined by a transplantation assay using fourth instar larvae. The wing discs were not pupally committed at the time of ecdysis to the fifth instar. Pupal commitment began shortly after the ecdysis and was completed in 14 h. When the discs of newly molted larvae (0-h discs) were cultured in medium containing no hormone, they were pupally committed in 26 h. In vitro exposure of 0-h discs to 20-hydroxyecdysone accelerated the progression of pupal commitment. Methoprene, a juvenile hormone analog (JHA), did not suppress the change in commitment in vitro at physiological concentrations. Thus the wing discs at the time of the molt have lost their sensitivity to JH, and 20E is not a prerequisite for completion of pupal commitment. These results suggest that the change in commitment in the forewing discs may begin before the last larval molt.  相似文献   

The abnormal wing discs gene of Drosophila encodes a soluble protein with nucleosidediphosphate kinase activity. This enzymic activity is necessary for the biological function ofthe abnormal wing discs gene product. Complete loss of function, i.e., null, mutations causelethality after the larval stage. Most larval organs in such null mutant larvae appear to benormal, but the imaginal discs are small and incapable of normal differentiation.Killer-of-prune is a neomorphic mutation in the abnormal wing discs gene. It causes dominant lethalityin larvae that lack prune gene activity. The Killer-of-prune mutant protein may have alteredsubstrate specificity. Null mutant larvae have a low level of nucleoside diphosphate kinaseactivity. This suggests that there may be additional Drosophila genes that encode proteinswith nucleoside dipthosphate kinase activity. Candidate genes have been found in theDrosophila genome.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation in Drosophila imaginal discs appears to be regulated by a disc-intrinsic mechanism involving local cell interactions that also control the formation of patterns of differentiation. This growth-control mechanism breaks down in animals homozygous for the mutation lethal (2) giant discs (l(2)gd) which remain as larvae for up to 9 days longer than normal. During this time cell proliferation continues in the imaginal discs as well as in the imaginal rings for the salivary glands, foregut, and hindgut, so that these tissues become greatly overgrown. When wild-type wing discs from mid-third instar larvae were removed and cultured for up to 28 days in wild-type female adult hosts, they grew and terminated growth at a cell number close to that which would be attained in situ by the time of pupariation. On the other hand, wing discs from l(2)gd homozygotes grew rapidly and continuously when cultivated in wild-type hosts, reached an enormous size, and acquired abnormal folding patterns. Overgrowth of mutant imaginal rings also continued during culture of these tissues in wild-type hosts. We conclude that overgrowth in this mutant is due to an autonomous defect in the imaginal primordia, which requires an extended larval period for its expression in situ.  相似文献   

With the exception of the wing imaginal discs, the imaginal discs of Manduca sexta are not formed until early in the final larval instar. An early step in the development of these late-forming imaginal discs from the imaginal primordia appears to be an irreversible commitment to form pupal cuticle at the next molt. Similar to pupal commitment in other tissues at later stages, activation of broad expression is correlated with pupal commitment in the adult eye primordia. Feeding is required during the final larval instar for activation of broad expression in the eye primordia, and dietary sugar is the specific nutritional cue required. Dietary protein is also necessary during this time to initiate the proliferative program and growth of the eye imaginal disc. Although the hemolymph titer of juvenile hormone normally decreases to low levels early in the final larval instar, eye disc development begins even if the juvenile hormone titer is artificially maintained at high levels. Instead, creation of the late-forming imaginal discs in Manduca appears to be controlled by unidentified endocrine factors whose activation is regulated by the nutritional state of the animal.  相似文献   

Summary Leg and wing imaginal discs of mature larvae ofDrosophila melanogaster when treated with 0.1% trypsin for 5–10 min underwent a change in shape that closely resembled normal pupal morphogenesis. Simultaneously, the cells of the disc epithelium changed in shape from tall columnar to cuboidal. Colcemid eliminated microtubules but was without effect on the shape of the imaginal discs or their cells. Tryptic digestion reduced non-junctional intercellular adhesivity but septate desmosomes and gap junctions remained intact.It is proposed that the structure of imaginal discs permits the packaging of the anlagen of the adult integument so that they can change shape and replace the larval structures in a brief period. Apparently most of the definitive form of the pupal leg is built into the disc and becomes visible within a few minutes as intercellular adhesivity is changed.  相似文献   

High-resolution two dimensional gel electrophoresis has been used to study the patterns of protein synthesis in imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. In this paper we first compare the patterns of protein synthesis in wing, haltere, leg 1, leg 2, leg 3 and eye antenna imaginal discs of late third instar larvae. We have detected only quantitative changes: differences in 17 proteins among the different imaginal discs. In addition, we have analysed the variations in pattern of proteins in the wing disc of the last larval stage and early pupae as well as in wing discs cultured in vivo for 6 days. Variations in these patterns affect more than 20% of the proteins and involve both qualitative and quantitative changes. Some of the changes may correspond to protein phosphorylation. Correlations of these changes between discs and through development are also discussed. Correspondence to: F. Santaren  相似文献   

Last instar larvae of S. mauritia treated topically on day 0, day 1, day 2 and day 3 with a daily (dose of 25 microg juvenile hormone analogue (JHA) moulted into supernumerary larvae. The imaginal discs of the supernumerary larvae especially those of mouthparts and thoracic appendages showed pupal characteristics. However the wing discs, which showed only partial differentiation, were uneverted and highly tanned. In an effort to provide an explanation to this anomaly the RNA, DNA and protein profile in the wing discs of supernumerary larvae were studied. Quantitative analysis of DNA, RNA and protein showed a considerable increase in the amount of DNA and protein and a decline in RNA level. SDS-PAGE analysis of wing disc proteins of JHA treated larvae showed a reduction in the expression of many major proteins that were predominant in the wing discs of control larvae. The results suggest that JHA induced inactivation of genes involved in the synthesis of proteins needed for evagination process may be responsible for the formation of uneverted, partially differentiated pupal wing discs in supernumerary larvae.  相似文献   

The Drosophila RhoA (Rho1) GTPase is essential for postembryonic morphogenesis of leg and wing imaginal discs. Mutations in RhoA enhance leg and wing defects associated with mutations in zipper, the gene encoding the heavy chain of nonmuscle myosin II. We demonstrate here that mutations affecting the RhoA signaling pathway also interact genetically with mutations in the Stubble-stubbloid (Sb-sbd) locus that encodes an unusual type II transmembrane serine protease required for normal leg and wing morphogenesis. In addition, a leg malformation phenotype associated with overexpression of Sb-sbd in prepupal leg discs is suppressed when RhoA gene dose is reduced, suggesting that RhoA and Sb-sbd act in a common pathway during leg morphogenesis. We also characterized six mutations identified as enhancers of zipper mutant leg defects. Three of these genes encode known members of the RhoA signaling pathway (RhoA, DRhoGEF2, and zipper). The remaining three enhancer of zipper mutations interact genetically with both RhoA and Sb-sbd mutations, suggesting that they encode additional components of the RhoA signaling pathway in imaginal discs. Our results provide evidence that the type II transmembrane serine proteases, a class of proteins linked to human developmental abnormalities and pathology, may be associated with intracellular signaling required for normal development.  相似文献   

The heat-sensitive, lethal mutation l(3)c43hs1 (3–49.0) produces wide variety of defects in the imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. At permissive temperatures (20°C or lower), homozygotes are viable, but sterile. At 22°C, lethality occurs during the late pupal stage, and at 25°C or higher, lethality occurs during the third larval instar. The imaginal-disc abnormalities observed after exposure to restrictive temperatures include: deficiencies of head structures, duplications and deficiencies of the antenna, a homeotic transformation of the arista to tarsus, duplications and deficiencies of wing and haltere structures, differentiation of amorphous cuticular material in the wing blade, an increase in the number of sex-comb teeth, and disruption of the normal segmentation of the tarsus. Exposure to 27°C for 24 hr at different times in the life cycle revealed that each of these defects has a characteristic temperature-sensitive period (TSP) during the larval stages. Injection of wing discs before and after their TSP showed that the mutation is expressed autonomously. These results are discussed in relation to the role that the l(3)c43+ gene plays in the development of imaginal discs.  相似文献   

The Antp locus is involved in the development of the thorax of the larval and adult Drosophila. The absence of Antp+ function during embryogenesis results in the larval mesothorax exhibiting characteristics of the prothorax and an ensuing lethality; the loss of Antp+ function in the development of the adult thorax causes specific portions of the leg, wing and humeral imaginal discs to develop abnormally. Every Antp mutation, however, does not cause all of these developmental defects. Certain mutant alleles disrupt humeral and wing disc development without affecting leg development, and they are not deficient for the wild-type function required during embryogenesis. Other Antp mutations result in abnormal legs, but do not alter dorsal thoracic development. Mutations of each type can complement to produce a normal adult fly, which suggests that there are at least two discrete functional units within the locus. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that each of the developmental defects arises from the alteration of a different physical region within the Antp DNA. These observations indicate that the complete developmental role of the Antp locus is defined by the spatial and temporal regulation of the expression of several individual functional units.  相似文献   

Patterns of protein synthesis in imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M E Rodgers  A Shearn 《Cell》1977,12(4):915-921
Patterns of polypeptide synthesis in wing, leg and eye-antenna imaginal discs and in whole larvae of wild-type and and mutant Drosophila melanogaster have been examined using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. After 2 hr of labeling with 35S during the third larval instar, the synthesis of more than 318 polypeptides has been detected in imaginal discs. Of these, 268 are present in similar amounts in all three disc types. The remaining polypeptides detected in the three imaginal disc types fall into two categories: those unique to a particular disc type, and those specific for a particular pair of disc types. These results are discussed in relation to the spectrum of gene expression in imaginal discs.  相似文献   

The lethal(3)discs overgrown (dco) locus of Drosophila melanogaster, located on the third chromosome at cytogenetic position 100A5,6-100B1,2, is necessary for normal development and growth control in the imaginal discs of the larva. Three recessive lethal alleles (dco2, dco3, and dco18) in heteroallelic combinations and one allele (dco3) when homozygous cause the imaginal discs to continue to grow beyond the normal disc-intrinsic limit during an extended larval period. Some degeneration also occurs in the overgrowing discs. The discs overgrow even when transplanted early in their development into wild-type hosts, whereas normal discs stop growth at about the normal final size under such conditions, indicating that the overgrowth is a disc-autonomous effect of the mutations. During overgrowth the imaginal discs retain their single-layered epithelial structure except near regions of degeneration, and they differentiate into disc-appropriate but abnormal adult structures when transplanted into wild-type larval hosts. When the mutant larvae are reared under certain conditions a small percentage develop to the pharate adult stage, and these animals show a characteristic syndrome of abnormalities including swollen leg segments with many extra bristles, small or missing eyes, duplicated antennae and palpi, and separated vesicles of cuticle. A fourth recessive lethal allele (dcole88), when homozygous or in heteroallelic combination with the overgrowth alleles, causes the imaginal discs to degenerate, producing a "discless" phenotype. Gap junction-mediated communication was assayed by observing the intercellular transfer of injected fluorescein complexon (dye coupling). Dye coupling in the imaginal discs of the dco genotypes that cause overgrowth was dramatically reduced at 4 days after egg laying (AEL) compared with wild-type controls. Coupling was more normal although still significantly reduced at 7-8 and 12-14 days AEL. In c43hs1, another disc overgrowth mutant, the imaginal disc cells also showed very reduced dye coupling at 4 days and incomplete coupling at 9 days. In contrast, discs from wild-type larvae, two other imaginal disc overgrowth mutants, and a cell death mutant showed extensive dye coupling at all stages tested. Electron microscopic morphometry revealed a reduction in gap-junction length per unit lateral plasma membrane length in dco3/dco18 and c43hs1 wing discs, although not in dco2/dco3, compared with wild-type wing discs. The results suggest that gap-junctional cell communication may be involved in the cell interactions that limit cell proliferation in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary A method of isolating temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations blocking clone development, based on the analysis of twin spots produced by X-ray induced somatic recombination is reported. From this screen 10 ts mutations were recovered which caused an absence of the lethal-bearing clone at the restrictive temperature. Eight of these mutations were analyzed. Seven proved to be autonomous ts cell lethals and one was an autonomous ts mutation which reversibly affected cell division and growth of imaginal disc cells and growth of larval cells. The effects on development of one of the cell lethal mutations,l(1)ts-504, are described. Heat pulses (29°C) 24–72 hrs long caused a high frequency (up to 90%) of morphologically abnormal animals. The abnormalities observed were of two major kinds: deficiencies and duplications of imaginal disc derivatives. In addition, alterations of tarsal segmentations occurred. Heat pulses to larvae also delayed pupariation and eclosion by as much as four days. In general, longer pulses led to a greater delay in pupariation and eclosion and a higher frequency of deficiencies and duplications than shorter pulses. Exposure to restrictive temperature early in larval development delayed pupariation and resulted in mostly normal animals; exposure during the second and early third larval instar also delayed pupariation and led to a high frequency of duplications; exposure later in larval life, i.e. mid and late third larval instar, caused no delay in pupariation but led to a high frequency of deficiencies. These results can be explained by the occurrence of areas of cell death, which can be seen in the imaginal discs of larvae exposed to restrictive temperature by staining with trypan blue. This conclusion is further supported by the observation in gynandromorphs of duplications of female nonmutant tissue. These results are discussed in relation to current theories of pattern formation.  相似文献   

M. D. Phillips  A. Shearn 《Genetics》1990,125(1):91-101
The polycomb-group genes, a set of genes characterized by mutations that cause similar phenotypes and dosage-dependent interactions, are required for the normal expression of segment-specific homeotic loci. Here we report that polycombeotic (formerly 1(3)1902), originally identified by a lethal mutation that causes a small-disc phenotype, is also a member of this group of essential genes. Adults homozygous for temperature-sensitive pco alleles that were exposed to the restrictive temperature during larval life display the second and third leg to first leg transformation characteristic of polycomb-group mutants. Adult females homozygous for temperature-sensitive alleles exposed to the restrictive temperature during oogenesis produce embryos that show anterior segments with structures normally unique to the eighth abdominal segment, another transformation characteristic of polycomb-group mutants. Mutations in the polycombeotic gene also cause defects not reported for mutations in other polycomb-group genes. Females homozygous for the most extreme temperature-sensitive allele are sterile, and larvae homozygous for null alleles have small imaginal discs and reduced frequencies of mitotic figures in the brain. Dominant mutations originally identified as enhancers or suppressors of zeste are gain-of-function alleles of polycombeotic. The type and variety of defects displayed by different mutations in this gene indicate that the product might be involved in chromosome structure and/or function.  相似文献   

The distributions of mRNAs for two cuticular proteins of Hyalophora cecropia were examined with RT-PCR and in situ hybridization. For major regions of larval and pupal cuticle, there was a strong correspondence between the type of cuticle and the predominant cuticular protein message found. Epidermal cells underlying soft cuticle had mRNA for HCCP12, with a RR-1 consensus attributed to soft cuticle, while the epidermal cells associated with hard cuticle had predominantly mRNA for HCCP66, a protein with the RR-2 consensus attributed to hard cuticle. Both messages were found in all areas of the pupal fore- and hind-wings, with modest area-specific difference in concentration being much less than differences in the relative abundance of these cuticular proteins.

mRNA for HCCP12 was present in imaginal discs of feeding larvae of H cecropia. Data from Bombyx mori available at SilkBase (http://www.ab.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/silkbase/) revealed that imaginal discs from feeding larvae had abundant mRNA for RR-1 cuticular proteins, representing six distinct gene products. Only discs from spinning larvae had mRNAs that coded for RR-2 proteins arising from 10 distinct genes. Thus, lepidopteran wing imaginal discs can no longer be regarded as inactive in larval cuticle production.  相似文献   

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