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The Dictyostelium gene ampA, initially identified by the D11 cDNA, encodes a novel anti-adhesive-like protein. The ampA gene product inhibits premature cell agglutination during growth and modulates cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion during development. Analysis of the promoter indicates that cap site-proximal sequence directs ampA expression during both growth and early development. Expression following tip formation is controlled by more distal sequence, which contains TTGA repeats known to regulate prestalk cell gene expression in other promoters. Comparison of reporter gene expression and endogenous mRNA accumulation indicates that during growth the ampA gene is expressed in an increasing number of cells as a function of density. The number of cells expressing the ampA gene drops as development initiates, but the cells that continue to express the gene do so at high levels. These cells are initially scattered throughout the entire aggregate. By the tip formation stage, however, the majority of ampA-expressing cells are localized to the mound periphery, with only a few cells remaining scattered in the upper portion of the mound. In the final culminant, ampA is expressed only in the upper cup, lower cup, and basal disc. Although reporter expression is observed in cells that migrate anteriorly to a banded region just posterior to the tip, expression is rarely observed in the extreme tip. AmpA protein however, is localized to the tip as well as to ALCs during late development. The results presented here suggest that ampA gene expression is shut off in ALCs that continue along the prestalk differentiation pathway before they are added to the primordial stalk.  相似文献   

Rapid patterning has been observed in confined 2-D cultures of Dictyostelium discoideum Ax-2 cells as an outer dark zone and a inner light zone. The width of outer zone was usually approximately100 microm, irrespective of the size of cell masses under atmospheric conditions. The width of the outer zone, however, changed depending on external O2 concentrations and reached up to 250 microm at 100% O2. A clear regional difference in tetramethyl rhodamine methyl ester (TMRM) staining was noticed between the outer zone and the inner zone: the inner zone was more strongly stained with TMRM than the outer zone, which faced the air. Using inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation (dinitrophenol (DNP) or NaN3) and a specific inhibitor of CN-resistant respiration (benzohydroxamic acid (BHAM)), it has been demonstrated that the outer zone is basically formed by the O2 threshold for oxidative phosphorylation, while the inner cells mainly perform cyanide-resistant respiration. When cells around the early mound stage (just before prestalk and prespore differentiation) were cultured as 2-D cell masses, ecmA-expressing cells (pstA cells), ecmB-expressing cells (pstB cells) and D19-expressing cells (prespore; psp cells), arose in a position-dependent manner in the outer zone. In the inner zone, cell motility seemed to be markedly impaired and neither prestalk nor prespore differentiation occurred. In addition, once-differentiated prespore cells were found to dedifferentiate rapidly in the inner zone. The reason for dedifferentiation as well as for failure of cells to differentiate in the inner zone is discussed with reference to O2 radicals.  相似文献   

Summary The prestalk region of the Dictyostelium slug has recently been shown by Williams and his collaborators to consist of two distinct cell types, pstA and pstB cells. Here the movement of these cells in both the slug and culmination stages has been examined with the use of vital dyes. In the slug some of the pstB cells are continually lost from the prestalk region as small clusters of cells. These cells move through the prespore region and temporarily lie in the rearguard region at the posterior end of the slug. They are finally left in the slug's slime track as single cells or groups of a few cells. When culmination is initiated the pstB cells move as a whole from the prestalk region to the base where they join the rearguard cells to form the basal disc of the fruiting body. Transplantation experiments reveal that the rearguard cells form an outer ring portion of the basal disc and the pstB cells form an inner portion to which the stalk attaches. The continuous loss of one cell type during the slug stage without any change in cell type proportions suggests that cell types are redifferentiating. Grafting and transplantation experiments reveal that there is a unidirectional flow of cells through successive steps of cell type conversion. Prespore cells redifferentiate as anterior-like cells which migrate to the prestalk region and become pstA cells. The pstA cells then replace the pstB cells that are lost from the slug.  相似文献   

Abstract The novel gene dia2 (differentiation-associated gene 2) was originally isolated as a gene expressed specifically in response to initial differentiation of Dictyostelium discoideum Ax-2 cells. Using dia2AS cells in which the dia2 expression was inactivated by the antisense RNA method, DIA2 protein was found to be required for cAMP signaling during cell aggregation. During late development, the DIA2 protein changed its location from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to prespore-specific vacuoles (PSVs) that are specifically present in prespore cells of the slug. In differentiating prestalk cells, however, DIA2 was found to be nearly lost from the cells. Importantly, exocytosis of PSVs from prespore cells and the subsequent spore differentiation were almost completely impaired in dia2AS cells. In addition, spore induction by externally applied 8-bromo cAMP was significantly suppressed in dia2AS cells. Taken together, these results strongly suggested that DIA2 might be closely involved in cAMP signaling and spore differentiation as well as in the initiation of differentiation during Dictyostelium development.  相似文献   

The matricellular protein SPARC (also known as osteonectin and BM-40) is expressed abundantly in lens epithelium. That SPARC-null mice exhibit early cataractogenesis, indicates a role for SPARC in the maintenance of lens transparency. Comparison of cultured wild-type and SPARC-null lens epithelial cells revealed significant changes in adhesion to different substrates. SPARC-null lens cells displayed enhanced attachment and spreading, focal adhesion formation, and resistance to trypsin detachment in comparison to wild-type cells. In the absence of SPARC, there was increased deposition of the ECM protein laminin-1 (LN-1). Proteins associated with focal adhesions were increased in SPARC-null versus wild-type lens cells: levels of alpha6-integrin heterodimers, talin, and paxillin phosphorylated on tyrosine were enhanced significantly, as was the association of beta1-integrin with talin and paxillin. Restoration of the wild-type phenotype in SPARC-null cultures was accomplished through genetic rescue by stable transfection of SPARC cDNA. Our findings indicate that SPARC is counter-adhesive for murine lens epithelial cells and demonstrate that multiple factors contribute to this activity. We also identify SPARC as a modulator of LN-1 secretion and deposition by these cells, an activity important in epithelial cell-ECM interactions in the ocular lens.  相似文献   

The changes in the expression of glycoconjugates and adhesion molecules were studied by selective lectin binding and immunocytochemical reactions in a human embryonic epithelial cell line (EUE cells), synchronized in the cell cycle phases. The results can be summarized as follows: most of the tested lectins display a more diffuse binding for the cytoplasm in G1 than S and G2 phases; in the S and particularly in G2 phases the cytoplasm glycoconjugates are rearranged around the nucleus; cells in mitosis always show a strong binding towards all tested lectins. Cellular fibronectin and its receptor β1 integrin are well expressed in G1, but the strongest reaction is observed in the S phase. The immunoreactions for laminin and uvomorulin (L-CAM) are poorly positive in all cell cycle phases. The immunocytochemical reaction for heparan sulfate is positive, with a stronger reaction in S and G2 than in G1; on the contrary a diffuse staining with the anti-dermatan sulfate proteoglycan antibody appears unchanged during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

In this study, a quantitative comparative proteomics approach has been used to analyze the Dictyostelium discoideum mitochondrial proteome variations during vegetative growth, starvation and the early stages of development. Application of 2‐D DIGE technology allowed the detection of around 2000 protein spots on each 2‐D gel with 180 proteins exhibiting significant changes in their expression level. In total, 96 proteins (51 unique and 45 redundant) were unambiguously identified. We show that the D. discoideum mitochondrial proteome adaptations mainly affect energy metabolism enzymes (the Krebs cycle, anaplerotic pathways, the oxidative phosphorylation system and energy dissipation), proteins involved in developmental and signaling processes as well as in protein biosynthesis and fate. The most striking observations were the opposite regulation of expression of citrate synthase and aconitase and the very large variation in the expression of the alternative oxidase that highlighted the importance of citrate and alternative oxidase in the physiology of the development of D. discoideum. Mitochondrial energy states measured in vivo with MitoTracker Orange CM?Ros showed an increase in mitochondrial membrane polarization during D. discoideum starvation and starvation‐induced development.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the cell-cycle phase at the onset of starvation is a naturally occurring variable that is closely involved in the subsequent sorting and differentiation of cells during Dictyostelium development. Here the cell-cycle progression during the development of D. discoideum Ax-2 cells and its relation to the subsequent cell-sorting were analyzed in detail using synchronized cells and their pulse-labeling by 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Measurements of cell number and nuclearity provided evidence that about 80% of cells progressed their cell-cycle after formation of multicellular structures (mounds). Many cells (T7 cells) starved at mid–late G2-phase (just before the PS-point from which cells initiate development when starved) progressed to the cell-cycle after mound formation. In contrast, a less amount of cells (T1 cells) starved at late G2-phase (just after the PS-point) progressed through the cell-cycle after mound formation. The significance of cell-cycle progression presented here is discussed, with reference to cell differentiation and pattern formation.  相似文献   

Cells of Dictyostelium discoideum become sexually mature when submerged and in darkness, and fuse with opposite mating-type cells as gametes. The gene for a Rho GTPase, RacF2, is one of the extremely gamete-enriched genes (>100-fold) identified by us previously. Here, we isolated knockout, overexpression, constitutively active and dominant negative mutants of RacF2, and analyzed their phenotypes. These mutants showed anomalies in the extent of sexual cell fusion and asexual development as well as in EDTA-sensitive cell-cell adhesion. It is suggested that RacF2 controls the process of sexual and asexual development through the regulation of cellular adhesiveness. An analysis of the expression of all 18 rac family genes by real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed that four additional genes, rac1b, rac1c, racF1 and racG, were induced during maturation, suggesting their possible involvement in sexual cell interactions.  相似文献   

The ILK, PINCH, Parvin (IPP) complex regulates adhesion and migration via binding of ILK to β1 integrin and α−parvin thus linking focal adhesions to actin cytoskeleton. ILK also binds the adaptor protein PINCH which connects signaling proteins including Rsu1 to the complex. A recent study of Rsu1 and PINCH1 in non-transformed MCF10A human mammary epithelial cells revealed that the siRNA-mediated depletion of either Rsu1 or PINCH1 decreased the number of focal adhesions (FAs) and altered the distribution and localization of FA proteins. This correlated with reduced adhesion, failure to spread or migrate in response to EGF and a loss of actin stress fibers and caveolae. The depletion of Rsu1 caused significant reduction in PINCH1 implying that Rsu1 may function in part by regulating levels of PINCH1. However, Rsu1, but not PINCH1, was required for EGF-induced activation of p38 Map kinase and ATF2 phosphorylation, suggesting a Rsu1 function independent from the IPP complex. Reconstitution of Rsu1-depleted cells with a Rsu1 mutant (N92D) that does not bind to PINCH1 failed to restore FAs or migration but did promote IPP-independent spreading and constitutive as well as EGF-induced p38 activation. In this commentary we discuss p38 activity in adhesion and how Rsu1 expression may be linked to Map kinase kinase (MKK) activation and detachment-induced stress kinase signaling.  相似文献   

The ILK, PINCH, Parvin (IPP) complex regulates adhesion and migration via binding of ILK to β1 integrin and α?parvin thus linking focal adhesions to actin cytoskeleton. ILK also binds the adaptor protein PINCH which connects signaling proteins including Rsu1 to the complex. A recent study of Rsu1 and PINCH1 in non-transformed MCF10A human mammary epithelial cells revealed that the siRNA-mediated depletion of either Rsu1 or PINCH1 decreased the number of focal adhesions (FAs) and altered the distribution and localization of FA proteins. This correlated with reduced adhesion, failure to spread or migrate in response to EGF and a loss of actin stress fibers and caveolae. The depletion of Rsu1 caused significant reduction in PINCH1 implying that Rsu1 may function in part by regulating levels of PINCH1. However, Rsu1, but not PINCH1, was required for EGF-induced activation of p38 Map kinase and ATF2 phosphorylation, suggesting a Rsu1 function independent from the IPP complex. Reconstitution of Rsu1-depleted cells with a Rsu1 mutant (N92D) that does not bind to PINCH1 failed to restore FAs or migration but did promote IPP-independent spreading and constitutive as well as EGF-induced p38 activation. In this commentary we discuss p38 activity in adhesion and how Rsu1 expression may be linked to Map kinase kinase (MKK) activation and detachment-induced stress kinase signaling.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that DIF-1, a differentiation-inducing factor of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, possesses antitumor activities in mammalian tumor cells and that neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells can be induced with furanodictines (FDs), aminosugar analogs found in D. discoideum, or dictyoglucosamines (DGs), N-acetyl glucosamine derivatives (DG-A from D. purpureum and DG-B from D. discoideum). Thus, cellular slime molds are attractive natural resources that may provide valuable lead compounds to be utilized in the field of pharmacology and medicine. In this study, we have isolated a novel aromatic compound, 4-methyl-5-n-pentylbenzene-1,3-diol (MPBD), from fruiting bodies of the cellular slime mold D. mucoroides and assessed the in vitro antiproliferative activities of MPBD, FDs, and DGs in human leukemia K562 and HL-60 cells. MPBD at 20-80 microM dose-dependently suppressed cell growth in both K562 and HL-60 cells. While FDs at 10-80 microM did not affect cell growth, DGs at 10-40 microM dose-dependently suppressed cell growth in the cells. Although we failed to find the roles of FDs and DGs in the original organisms, MPBD at 5-20 microM was found to promote stalk cell formation in D. discoideum. The present results indicate that MPBD, DGs or their derivatives may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of cancer and confirm our expectations regarding cellular slime molds as drug resources.  相似文献   

Metastasis, a multistep process by which cancer disseminates through the body, mainly by intravascular routes, constitutes a major problem in cancer. When cancer cells are injected directly into the veins of animals, they are apparently arrested in the vascular bed of the first organ encountered and gradually released over the next 24 h. These interactions with the microvasculature are often associated in some manner with the death of many cancer cells, and are thought to contribute to the inefficiency of the metastatic process. We have made a theoretical analysis of cancer cells deformed into capillaries with respect to their intravascular velocity, adhesion to the vascular endothelium and intravascular destruction, in terms of the dynamics of the thin liquid film separating the surfaces of the blood vessels and cancer cells. Our calculations, which are based on previously reported experimental observations, indicate that the transit of cancer cells through the microvasculature is discontinuous, being interrupted by adhesions between the two. In addition, in some cases cell membrane rupture (and cell death) will occur when the critical membrane tension of the cancer cells is exceeded by the sum of their initial equilibrium membrane tension and the increased tension in the cancer cell membranes caused by friction generated as they move over the intraluminal surfaces of the capillaries. Our calculations on membrane rupture are consistent with previously unexplained observations by Sato and Suzuki relating cancer cell deformability to death on transpulmonary passage, and constitute a novel mechanism for “metastatic inefficiency” in terms of intravascular cancer cell death.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules play a critical role in cell contacts, whether cell-cell or cell-matrix, and are regulated by multiple signaling pathways. In this report, we identify a novel ring zinc finger-leucine-rich repeat containing protein (RIFLE) and show that RIFLE, expressed in PC12 cells, enhances the Serine (Ser)21/9 phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3alpha/beta (GSK-3alpha/beta) resulting in the inhibition of GSK-3 kinase activity and increase of beta-catenin levels. RIFLE expression also is associated with elevated E-cadherin protein levels but not N-cadherin. The regulation of these cell adhesion-associated molecules by RIFLE is accompanied by a significant increase in cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion. Moreover, increase in cell-cell adhesion but not cell-matrix adhesion by RIFLE can be mimicked by selective inhibition of GSK-3. Our results suggest that RIFLE represents a novel signaling protein that mediates components of the Wnt/wingless signaling pathway and cell adhesion in PC12 cells.  相似文献   

The protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor safingol increased rounding and detachment of human oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells in monolayer cultures. When dissociated cells were incubated in the presence of safingol, cell adhesion was prevented and cell viability was lost gradually, while most cells survived in the absence of safingol even if their attachment was blocked by coating the culture plates with polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate. Flow cytometric analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis of cellular DNA revealed an increase in the proportion of sub-G1 cells and DNA fragmentation, indicating that safingol induced apoptosis of dissociated cells. During the induction of apoptosis in cell suspensions by safingol, there was an increase of the pro-apoptotic BH-3 only protein Bim and decrease of pro-survival Bcl-2 family proteins Bcl-xL and mitochondrial pro-apoptogenic factor endonuclease G translocated to the nucleus. The level of phosphorylated focal adhesion kinase (FAK) required for cell survival also rapidly decreased, followed by a decrease in the protein level. The introduction of siRNA against PKCα into SAS cells resulted in an increase of Bim, a decrease of Bcl-xL, the translocation of endonuclease G, and a decrease in the phosphorylation of FAK. These results suggest that Bim, Bcl-xL, FAK and endonuclease G are involved in safingol-induced apoptosis of detached oral SCC cells. Safingol can be used to induce apoptosis with cell detachment, anoikis, of oral SCC cells.  相似文献   

In response to inflammation stimuli, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) induces expression of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) in endothelial cells (ECs). Studies have suggested that the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) and the p38 MAP kinase (p38) signaling pathways play central roles in this process, but conflicting results have been reported. The objective of this study is to determine the relative contributions of the two pathways to the effect of TNF-alpha. Our initial data indicated that blockade of p38 activity by chemical inhibitor SB203580 (SB) at 10 microM moderately inhibited TNF-alpha-induced expression of three types of CAMs; ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin, indicating that p38 may be involved in the process. However, subsequent analysis revealed that neither 1 microM SB that could completely inhibit p38 nor specific knockdown of p38alpha and p38beta with small interference RNA (siRNA) had an apparent effect, indicating that p38 activity is not essential for TNF-alpha-induced CAMs. The most definitive evidence to support this conclusion was from the experiments using cells differentiated from p38alpha knockout embryonic stem cells. We could show that deletion of p38alpha gene did not affect TNF-alpha-induced ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression when compared with wild-type cells. We further demonstrated that inhibition of NF-kappaB completely blocked TNF-alpha-induced expression of ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin. Taken together, our results clearly demonstrate that NF-kappaB, but not p38, is critical for TNF-alpha-induced CAM expression. The inhibition of SB at 10 microM on TNF-alpha-induced ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin is likely due to the nonspecific effect of SB.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) may play roles at intracellular and extracellular sites of the heart in ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Caveolins (Cav-1, -2 and -3) are lipid raft proteins which play roles in cell sig-nalling. This study examined, using immunohistochemistry and two photon confocal microscopy, if MMP-2 and caveolins co-localize at the plasma membrane of cardiac cells: cardiomyocytes (CM), fibroblasts (FB) and capillary endothelial cells (CEC) in the left ventricle (LV) of the Cav-1(+/+) and Cav-1(-/-) mouse heart. In Cav-1(+/+) mouse LV MMP-2 and Cav-1 co-localized at CM plasma membranes, and at multiple locations in FB and CEC. MMP-2 co-localized with Cav-2 only at CEC. MMP-2 co-localized with Cav-3 at CM plasma membranes and Z-lines, and partially at FB and CEC. In Cav-1(-/-) LV Cav-1 and MMP-2 were absent or reduced everywhere. Cav-2 appeared at CEC despite the absence of Cav-1. Cav-3 appeared at CM plasma membranes and Z-lines, FB and CEC. Also, FAK in FB and c-Kit in interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC) were completely absent. By transmission electron microscopy in Cav-1(+/+), regular size caveolae (Cav) were at CEC, irregular size Cav were at CM and a few were at FB. In Cav-1(-/-) there were few Cav at CM and FB and some at CEC. To conclude, MMP-2 is closely associated with caveolins at FB and CEC as well as at CM. Also, MMP-2 is closely associated with FAK at FB and c-Kit at ICLC. Thus, Cav-1 expression is not necessary for Cav-2 expression. Cav-3 or Cav-3 with Cav-2 has the capability to make Cav.  相似文献   

The relations between the structure of cell surface N-glycans to cell behaviors were studied in H7721 human hepatocarcinoma cell line, which predominantly expressed complex-type N-glycans on the surface. 1-Deoxymannojirimycin (DMJ) and swaisonine (SW), the specific inhibitor of Golgi -mannosidase II or I, were selected to block the processing of N-glycans at the steps of high mannose and hybrid type respectively. All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and antisense cDNA of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-V (GnT-V) were used to suppress the expression of GnT-V and decreased the GlcNAc1,6-branching or tri-/tetra-antennary structure of surface N-glycans. The structural alterations of N-glycans were verified by sequential lectin affinity chromatography of [3H] mannose-labeled glycans isolated from the cell surface. The cell adhesions to fibronectin (Fn) and human umbilical vein epithelial cell (HUVEC), as well as cell migration (including chemotaxis and invasion) were selected as the parameters of cell behaviors. It was found that cell adhesion and migration were significantly decreased in SW and DMJ treated cells, suggesting that complex type N-glycan is critical for the above cell behaviors. ATRA and antisense GnTV enhanced cell adhesion to Fn but reduce cell adhesion to HUVEC and cell migration. These results reveal that cell surface complex-type N-glycans with GlcNAc1,6 branch are more effective than those without this branch in the cell adhesion to HUVEC and cell migration, but N-glycan without GlcNAc1,6-branch is the better one in mediating the cell adhesion to Fn. The integrin 51 (receptor of Fn) on cell surface was unchanged by DMJ and SW. In contrast, ATRA up regulated 5, but not 1, and antisense GnT-V decreased both 5 and 1. This findings suggest that both the structure of N-glycan and the expression of integrin on cell surface are two of the important factors in the determination of cell adhesion to Fn, a complex biological process.  相似文献   

Gicerin is a novel cell adhesion molecule in the immunoglobulin superfamily and has both homophilic adhesion and heterophilic adhesive activity to neurite outgrowth factor (NOF), an extracellular matrix protein in the laminin family. We investigated the possible involvement of gicerin in oviductal development, regeneration, and metastasis of oviductal adenocarcinomas of the chicken. In the oviductal epithelium, gicerin was expressed strongly during development, disappeared after maturation, and reappeared during regeneration. NOF was constitutively expressed in the basement membrane of the epithelium. These molecules were expressed strongly in oviductal adenocarcinomas in both primary and metastatic lesions in the mesentery. An anti-gicerin antibody inhibited the attachment of adenocarcinoma cells to the mesentery in vitro. Many cells migrated from adenocarcinoma tissues on NOF, which were inhibited by an anti-gicerin antibody. These results suggest that gicerin might play a role in oviductal development and regeneration and also in the metastasis of adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   

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