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A method for isolating mitochondria from the rat liver is described. In this method the homogenization step is replaced by vibration with the frequency of 50 Hz realized by a simple device. Mitochondria isolated by vibration demonstrate higher indices of the oxidative phosphorylation with succinate and glutamate + malate used as substrates than those isolated by homogenization do. The method described permits decreasing considerably the isolation medium expenditure remaining the mitochondria yield per gram of the liver unchanged.  相似文献   

A procedure was described for preparing intact mitochondria from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves. These mitochondria oxidized succinate, malate, pyruvate, α-ketoglutarate, and NADH with good respiratory control and ADP/O ratios comparable to those observed with mitochondria from other plant tissues. Glycine was oxidized by the preparations. This oxidation linked to the mitochondrial electron transport chain, was coupled to three phosphorylation sites and was sensitive to electron transport and phosphorylation inhibitors.  相似文献   

A method for obtaining high-molecular-weight chromosomal DNA from Bacteroides intermedius and Bacteroides gingivalis is described. This technique is a modification of the guanidine isothiocyanate isolation procedure for RNA and should be useful for isolating intact DNA from organisms with high endogenous nuclease activity.  相似文献   

A method for obtaining high-molecular-weight chromosomal DNA from Bacteroides intermedius and Bacteroides gingivalis is described. This technique is a modification of the guanidine isothiocyanate isolation procedure for RNA and should be useful for isolating intact DNA from organisms with high endogenous nuclease activity.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of deoxyguanosine in intact and fractured mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The phosphorylation of deoxyguanosine was measured in fractured and intact mitochondria and an apparent Km of 16 M for deoxyguanosine was calculated using fractured mitochondria. The effects of various deoxynucleotides on the phosphorylating activity in fractured organelles was tested at both a high and low ratio of NXP/ATP and at two pH values, 7.0 and 5.5. Exogenous dGTP, dGDP or dITP were inhibitory under all conditions tested. With a NXP/ATP ratio of 0.08 at pH 7.0, TTP, TDP, dADP, ADP, UTP and UDP were stimulatory, but at pH 5.5 only TTP elicited that response. When the NXP/ATP ratio was 10 at pH 5.5, TTP and UTP increased the activity more than 10-fold, whereas, at pH 7.0 TTP, TDP, dADP, ADP, UTP, UDP caused stimulation, but to a much lesser extent. When exogenous Mg2+, Mn2+ or Ca2+ were added to intact mitochondria, the rates of phosphorylation were lowered. In fractured mitochondria in the absence of exogenous ATP, little phosphorylation occurs, hence these metal ions caused little change. ATP-Mg, ATP-Mn and ATP-Ca, each at 0.05 mM caused a small inhibition with intact mitochondria, whereas, these compounds supported phosphorylation with fractured organelles. ATP-Mn (10 mM) or ATP-Ca (10 mM) stimulated phosphorylation in both intact and fractured mitochondria. Intact mitochondria synthesized dGMP, dGDP and dGTP when metal ion or ATP-Me concentrations were low (0.05 mM) or when Mg2+ concentration was high (10 mM). Additions of ATP-Ca, ATP-Mn, ATP-Mg, Mn2+ or Ca2+ at 10 mM cause the loss of dGDP and dGTP formation and, in most cases, an increase in the synthesis of dGMP. Fractured mitochondria make only dGMP and the levels of its synthesis are greater than that observed for intact mitochondria. These data suggest that intact mitochondria are required for the synthesis of dGTP and that its synthesis is regulated by mitochondria nucleotides.  相似文献   

There are many data both in favor and against the use of lucigenin as a probe for superoxide anion (SA) in mitochondria, cells, and simple enzymatic systems. In the present work high concentrations (50-400 M) of lucigenin were used for continuous recording of rapid and reversible changes in the SA level in intact isolated mitochondria. The SA level in the presence of lucigenin rapidly and reversibly changed during the transition of the mitochondria from one functional state to another: under conditions of ATP synthesis from ADP and Pi, of Ca2+ accumulation, and of reverse electron transfer. Induction of a Ca2+,cyclosporin A-sensitive pore in mitochondria completely suppressed the lucigenin-derived chemiluminescence (LDC). The electron transfer in the Q-cycle of the respiratory chain complex III and high electric potential difference across the inner membrane of mitochondria were obligatory conditions for generation of a SA-dependent chemiluminescent signal. Based on our own and literature data, a scheme of LDC generation is suggested. The origin of superoxide anion detected in intact mitochondria with lucigenin is discussed.  相似文献   

Ketogenesis from extracellular substrates was quantified using intact rat hepatocytes. Rates of ketogenesis from octanoylcarnitine and palmitoylcarnitine were 20 and 30%, respectively, of the rates observed from the corresponding free acids. In contrast, the free acids and the acylcarnitines were converted to ketone bodies at similar rates in a liver homogenate system. These results suggest that medium- and long-chain acylcarnitines may be relatively poor substrates for metabolism by intact liver cells.  相似文献   

We have developed procedures that combine differential centrifugation and discontinuous Percoll density gradient centrifugation to isolate mitochondria from rat forebrains and brain subregions. The use of Percoll density gradient centrifugation is central to obtaining preparations that contain little contamination with synaptosomes and myelin. Protocols are presented for three variations of this procedure that differ in their suitability for dealing with large or small samples, in the proportion of total mitochondria isolated and in the total preparation time. One variation uses digitonin to disrupt synaptosomes before mitochondrial isolation. This method is well suited for preparing mitochondria from small tissue samples, but the isolated organelles are not appropriate for all studies. Each of the procedures produces mitochondria that are well coupled and exhibit high rates of respiratory activity. The procedures require an initial setup time of 45-75 min and between 1 and 3 h for the mitochondrial isolation.  相似文献   

Redox-dependent modulation of aconitase activity in intact mitochondria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bulteau AL  Ikeda-Saito M  Szweda LI 《Biochemistry》2003,42(50):14846-14855
It has previously been reported that exposure of purified mitochondrial or cytoplasmic aconitase to superoxide (O(2)(-)(*) or hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) leads to release of the Fe-alpha from the enzyme's [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster and to inactivation. Nevertheless, little is known regarding the response of aconitase to pro-oxidants within intact mitochondria. In the present study, we provide evidence that aconitase is rapidly inactivated and subsequently reactivated when isolated cardiac mitochondria are treated with H(2)O(2). Reactivation of the enzyme is dependent on the presence of the enzyme's substrate, citrate. EPR spectroscopic analysis indicates that enzyme inactivation precedes release of the labile Fe-alpha from the enzyme's [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster. In addition, as judged by isoelectric focusing gel electrophoresis, the relative level of Fe-alpha release and cluster disassembly does not reflect the magnitude of enzyme inactivation. These observations suggest that some form of posttranslational modification of aconitase other than release of iron is responsible for enzyme inactivation. In support of this conclusion, H(2)O(2) does not exert its inhibitory effects by acting directly on the enzyme, rather inactivation appears to result from interaction(s) between aconitase and a mitochondrial membrane component responsive to H(2)O(2). Nevertheless, prolonged exposure of mitochondria to steady-state levels of H(2)O(2) or O(2)(-)(*) results in disassembly of the [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster, carbonylation, and protein degradation. Thus, depending on the pro-oxidant species, the level and duration of the oxidative stress, and the metabolic state of the mitochondria, aconitase may undergo reversible modulation in activity or progress to [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster disassembly and proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   

A simple and fast method of lipid analysis of isolated intact mitochondria by means of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is described. Mitochondria isolated from bovine heart and yeast have been employed to set up and validate the new method of lipid analysis. The mitochondrial suspension is directly applied over the target and, after drying, covered by a thin layer of the 9-aminoacridine matrix solution. The lipid profiles acquired with this procedure contain all peaks previously obtained by analyzing the lipid extracts of isolated mitochondria by TLC and/or mass spectrometry. The novel procedure allows the quick, simple, precise, and accurate analysis of membrane lipids, utilizing only a tiny amount of isolated organelle; it has also been tested with intact membranes of the bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans for its evolutionary link to present-day mitochondria. The method is of general validity for the lipid analysis of other cell fractions and isolated organelles.  相似文献   

We have developed an optical system based on visible light spectroscopy for the continuous study of changes in the redox states of mitochondrial cytochromes in intact mammalian cells. Cells are suspended in a closed incubation chamber in which oxygen and nitric oxide (NO) concentrations can be monitored during respiration. Simultaneously the cells are illuminated with a broad-band tungsten-halogen light source. Emergent light in the visible region (from 490-650 nm) is detected using a spectrophotometer and charge-coupled device camera system. Intensity spectra are then converted into changes in optical attenuation from a 'steady-state' baseline. The oxidised-minus-reduced absorption spectra of the mitochondrial cytochromes are fitted to the attenuation spectra using a multi-wavelength least-squares algorithm. Thus, the system can measure changes in the redox states of the cytochromes during cellular respiration. Here we describe this novel methodology and demonstrate its validity by monitoring the action of known respiratory chain inhibitors, including the endogenous signalling molecule NO, on cytochrome redox states in human leukocytes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial morphological defects are a common feature of diseased cardiac myocytes. However, quantitative assessment of mitochondrial morphology is limited by the time-consuming manual segmentation of electron micrograph (EM) images. To advance understanding of the relation between morphological defects and dysfunction, an efficient morphological reconstruction method is desired to enable isolation and reconstruction of mitochondria from EM images. We propose a new method for isolating and reconstructing single mitochondria from serial block-face scanning EM (SBEM) images. CDeep3M, a cloud-based deep learning network for EM images, was used to segment mitochondrial interior volumes and boundaries. Post-processing was performed using both the predicted interior volume and exterior boundary to isolate and reconstruct individual mitochondria. Series of SBEM images from two separate cardiac myocytes were processed. The highest F1-score was 95% using 50 training datasets, greater than that for previously reported automated methods and comparable to manual segmentations. Accuracy of separation of individual mitochondria was 80% on a pixel basis. A total of 2315 mitochondria in the two series of SBEM images were evaluated with a mean volume of 0.78 µm3. The volume distribution was very broad and skewed; the most frequent mitochondria were 0.04–0.06 µm3, but mitochondria larger than 2.0 µm3 accounted for more than 10% of the total number. The average short-axis length was 0.47 µm. Primarily longitudinal mitochondria (0–30 degrees) were dominant (54%). This new automated segmentation and separation method can help quantitate mitochondrial morphology and improve understanding of myocyte structure–function relationships.  相似文献   

正Mitochondria carry out many essential metabolic processes, the dynamic of which impacts most aspects of cellular physiology(Balk and Leaver, 2001; Rose and Sheahan, 2012). Therefore, characterizing the real-time metabolism of mitochondria is of great biological significance. The major challenge for reliable and authentic measurement of mitochondrial metabolites is the pure and rapid isolation of mitochondria, which can avoid the contamination  相似文献   

The transport of 2-oxoisocaproate into isolated hepatocytes and liver mitochondria of rat was studied using [U-14C]2-oxoisocaproate and the silicone oil filtration procedure. 2-Oxoisocaproate uptake by hepatocytes was composed of: rapid adsorption, unmediated diffusion and carrier-mediated transport. The carrier-mediated transport was strongly inhibited by 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbenedisulphonic acid and p-chloromercuribenzoate, was less sensitive to alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate and insensitive to p-chloromercuriphenylsulphonate. Other 2-oxo acids: pyruvate, 2-oxoisovalerate and 2-oxo-3-methylvalerate, were also inhibitory. The kinetic parameters of the carrier-mediated transport were Km 30.6 mM and Vmax 23.4 nmol/min per mg wet wt, at 37 degrees C. It is concluded that at its low, physiological, concentration, 2-oxoisocaproate penetrates the hepatocyte membrane mainly by unmediated diffusion. The uptake of 2-oxoisocaproate by isolated liver mitochondria was partly inhibited by alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate, the inhibitor of mitochondrial monocarboxylate carrier. The remaining uptake was linearly dependent on 2-oxoisocaproate concentration and represented unmediated diffusion. The carrier-mediated transport exhibited the following kinetic parameters: Km 0.47 mM, Vmax 1.0 nmol/min per mg protein at 6 degrees C; and Km 0.075 mM and Vmax about 8 nmol/min per mg protein at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

Single giant mitochondria isolated from mice fed cuprizone were assayed for their metabolic viability. Two tests were devised. One test optically detected the accumulation of calcium phosphate within the mitochondria under massive loading conditions (including the presence of succinate and ATP). The accumulation corresponds to a test of energy coupling from either electron transport or the hydrolysis of ATP since it is blocked by either antimycin A or oligomycin. The other assay tested for the production of ATP from ADP and Pi, using myofibrils. Myofibrils prepared from glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle contract only in the presence of ATP and not in the presence of ADP. Myofibrillar contraction is unaffected by the presence of antimycin A or oligomycin. However, myofibrils in the presence of mitochondria that are phosphorylating ADP to ATP do contract. This contraction is blocked by antimycin A and/or oligomycin. Hence, the ATP which causes myofibrillar contraction is produced by oxidative phosphorylation. At low mitochondrial concentration, only the myofibrils in close proximity with mitochondria contract in the presence of ADP. Therefore the assay can be used to test the viability of individual mitochondria. Individual giant mitochondria were found to be viable, using both of these assays. Comparable results were obtained in mitochondria impaled with microelectrodes. The potentials and resistances were unaffected by concomitant calcium phosphate accumulation or oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Summary Biopsy tissue of adult human liver was gently dissociated with collagenase followed by Dispase. By repeated low g centrifugation, a large number of almost pure, viable hepatocytes was obtained. This is the first report of a successful procedure for obtaining adult human hepatocytes for study in tissue culture. The isolated cells have the typical morphology of liver parenchyma, and these characteristics persist throughout the period of culturing. Evidence of their function is indicated by albumin synthesis. This procedure is now being used to study human hepatocyte functions in vitro and the effects of a variety of agents including carcinogens and viruses.  相似文献   

Liver microsomal preparations are routinely used to predict drug interactions that can occur in vivo as a result of inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated metabolism. However, the concentration of free drug (substrate and inhibitor) at its intrahepatic site of action, a variable that cannot be directly measured, may be significantly different from that in microsomal incubation systems. Intact cells more closely reflect the environment to which CYP substrates and inhibitors are exposed in the liver, and it may therefore be desirable to assess the potential of a drug to cause CYP inhibition in isolated hepatocytes. The objective of this study was to compare the inhibitory potencies of a series of CYP2D inhibitors in rat liver microsomes and hepatocytes. For this, we developed an assay suitable for rapid analysis of CYP-mediated drug interactions in both systems, using radiolabelled dextromethorphan, a well-characterized probe substrate for enzymes of the CYP2D family. Dextromethorphan demethylation exhibited saturable kinetics in rat microsomes and hepatocytes, with apparent Km and Vmax values of 2.1 vs. 2.8 microM and 0.74 nM x min(-1) per mg microsomal protein vs. 0.11 nM x min(-1) per mg cellular protein, respectively. Quinine, quinidine, pyrilamine, propafenone, verapamil, ketoconazole and terfenadine inhibited dextromethorphan O-demethylation in rat liver microsomes and hepatocytes with IC50 values in the low micromolar range. Some of these compounds exhibited biphasic inhibition kinetics, indicative of interaction with more than one CYP2D isoform. Even though no important differences in inhibitory potencies were observed between the two systems, most inhibitors, including quinine and quinidine, displayed 2-3-fold lower IC50 in hepatocytes than in microsomes. The cell-associated concentrations of quinine and quinidine were found to be significantly higher than those in the extracellular medium, suggesting that intracellular accumulation may potentiate the effect of these compounds. Studies of CYP inhibition in intact hepatocytes may be warranted for compounds that concentrate in the liver as the result of cellular transport.  相似文献   

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