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A fluorescent dye sensitive to membrane potential was used to follow the plasma-membrane potential in the unicellular halo-tolerant alga Dunaliella salina. The signal observed during dissipation of the plasma membrane potential by the addition of excess K+ and valinomycin, or a protonophore, was taken as a measure of the preexisting potential. A resting potential of −85 to −100 millivolts (negative inside) was calculated. Following a hypertonic shock, the plasma membrane was rapidly hyperpolarized. This hyperpolarization was transient, and the algae resumed their resting potential about 30 minutes after the shock. The resting plasma membrane potential was decreased by vanadate and is concluded to be generated mostly by the plasma membrane ATPase of Dunaliella. The transient hyperpolarization following a hypertonic shock indicates, therefore, a transient activation of the ATPase. This is further corroborated by a rapid transient decrease in the intracellular ATP following a hypertonic shock and its inhibition by vanadate. It is suggested that activation of the plasma membrane ATPase may be the trigger for osmoregulation in Dunaliella.  相似文献   

The association between host-plant mineral nutrients and insect herbivory is complex, idiosyncratic, and dynamic. Because of this we employed an unusual statistical method to evaluate the relationship between tenthredinid sawfly herbivory and concentrations of foliar nutrients in arroyo willow,Salix lasiolepis. We discovered that among 20 willow clones and between two years arroyo willow varied in the size (absolute concentrations) and shape (relative concentrations) of five mineral nutrients (Ca, Mg, N, P, and K). Similarly, the densities of five sawfly species varied in size and shape among clones and between years. In 1984, relative densities, or shape, of the sawfly community was associated with relative concentrations, or shape, of foliar nutrients in 20 willow clones. In contrast, in 1985 absolute densities, or size, was associated with absolute concentrations, or size, of foliar nutrients. This shift from a shape to a size association between herbivory and foliar mineral nutrients may reflect the large difference in winter precipitation and sawfly densities between years: precipitation and sawfly densities were much greater in 1985 than in 1984.  相似文献   

Summary The diurnal course of the xylem water flow in a solitary Salix fragilis L. tree in a wet grassland was measured using the tissue heat-balance method. There was considerable variation due to meteorological factors. Maximum flow rate was 0.4 kg h-1 m-2 of crown projection area, or 5.9 kg h-1 kg-1 leaf dry weight. The daily total was 2.4 kg m-2 day-1 or 36 kg kg-1 day-1. Water flow decreased immediately at the tree base and at the branches after start of rain, and in a branch, after cutting it off: the time constant of the system was 600–700 s in both cases. The part of the crown oriented to the sun transpired up to ten times as much as the shaded part. Over 70% of the total cross-sectional area of the conductive xylem vessels of the trunk was used by the transpiration flow. The water content of the trunk tracked the diurnal changes of the xylem water flow rate with a short time-lag. During the day, 1% of the trunk volume was temporarily exploited as water reserve, an amount equalling 3% of daily water loss. The stereometric configuration of the crown significantly influenced its water loss. During the summer period, about 33 mature (polycormic) trees per ha may drain 100% of water consumed by the present-day sedge-grass marsh.  相似文献   

Compounds 1-5, structurally related to combretastatin A-4 showed excellent cytotoxic activities against a panel of human cancer cell lines including multi-drug resistant cell lines. The X-ray three-dimensional structural analysis shows that proton donor in B ring may be required for cytotoxic activity, with intermolecular hydrogen bonding playing an important role.  相似文献   

城市环境中树木年轮的变异及其与工业发展的关系   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对污染敏感树种油松年轮宽度和元素含量的变异与沈阳工业发展的相关分析。追溯和重建沈阳地区的生态环境变迁史,揭示城市环境质量与树木年轮变异之间的相关规律。结果表明,在城市污染条件下,树木年轮宽度和微量元素含量均发生了明显的变异,而且这些变异与沈阳工业发展显著相关.  相似文献   

The water potential of wheat and barley leaves considerably decreased with the decrease of the soil moisture percentage, with the increase of the eleotrical conductivity of the soil solution and with the increase in the exchangeable sodium percentage level. Also the leaf insertion level affected the values of water potential and the most negative values were found in the top leaves.  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is still the most common anti-fungal agent used to treat systemic fungal infections. It is known that this antibiotic acts by forming pores with the ergosterol contained in the membranes of fungi, but it also interacts with the cholesterol contained in the membranes of eukaryotic cells, hence its toxicity. AmB may also interact with the most common oxidation products of cholesterol found in vivo, together with interacting with biosynthetic precursors of cholesterol, namely, lanosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC). The purpose of the present work was to study the interactions in solution between AmB and these various sterols, the techniques used being UV-Vis spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. The results are globally interpreted in terms of the structural differences between the sterols. We show that AmB selectively interacts with 7-DHC which, according to a recent hypothesis proposed in the literature, has been identified in connexion with a therapeutic strategy against hepatocellular carcinomas. We find that the affinity of AmB towards 7-DHC is even greater than the affinity of the antibiotic towards ergosterol. We also find that AmB selectively interacts with the principal oxidation product of cholesterol, 7-ketocholesterol, a situation that has to be taken into account when AmB is administered.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, panels of human cancer cell lines have made a significant contribution to the discovery and development of anticancer drugs. The National Cancer Institute 60 (NCI60), which consists of 60 cell lines from various human cancer types, remains the most powerful human cancer cell line panel for high throughput screening of anticancer drugs. The development of JFCR39, comprising a panel of 39 human cancer cell lines coupled with a drug-activity database, was based on NCI60. Like NCI60, JFCR39 not only provides disease-oriented information but can also predict the action mechanism or molecular target of a given antitumor agent by utilizing the COMPARE algorithm. The molecular targets of ZSTK474 as well as several other antitumor agents have been identified by using JFCR39 and some of these compounds have since entered clinical trials. In this review, we will describe human cancer cell line panels particularly JFCR39 and its application in the discovery and/or development of anticancer drug candidates.  相似文献   

Lv H  Ren J  Ma S  Xu S  Qu J  Liu Z  Zhou Q  Chen X  Yu S 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30342
Previous studies indicated that (+)-13a-(S)-deoxytylophorinine (1) showed profound anti-cancer activities both in vitro and in vivo and could penetrate the blood brain barrier to distribute well in brain tissues. CNS toxicity, one of the main factors to hinder the development of phenanthroindolizidines, was not obviously found in 1. Based on its fascinating activities, thirty-four derivatives were designed, synthesized; their cytotoxic activities in vitro were tested to discover more excellent anticancer agents. Considering the distinctive mechanism of 1 and interesting SAR of deoxytylophorinine and its derivatives, the specific impacts of these compounds on cellular progress as cell signaling transduction pathways and cell cycle were proceeded with seven representative compounds. 1 as well as three most potent compounds, 9, 32, 33, and three less active compounds, 12, 16, 35, were selected to proform this study to have a relatively deep view of cancer cell growth-inhibitory characteristics. It was found that the expressions of phospho-Akt, Akt, phospho-ERK, and ERK in A549 cells were greater down-regulated by the potent compounds than by the less active compounds in the Western blot analysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing phenanthroindolizidines alkaloids display influence on the crucial cell signaling proteins, ERK. Moreover, the expressions of cyclin A, cyclin D1 and CDK2 proteins depressed more dramatically when the cells were treated with 1, 9, 32, and 33. Then, these four excellent compounds were subjected to flow cytometric analysis, and an increase in S-phase was observed in A549 cells. Since the molecular level assay results of Western blot for phospho-Akt, Akt, phospho-ERK, ERK, and cyclins were relevant to the potency of compounds in cellular level, we speculated that this series of compounds exhibit anticancer activities through blocking PI3K and MAPK signaling transduction pathways and interfering with the cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans converts low levels of sucrose to lactic acid, but at high levels favours synthesis of glucans for plaque accumulation. Thus, the continued exposure to sucrose fluxes would select microorganisms in the oral cavity (S. mutans being a prototype) with highly specialized adaptation and potential dental caries activity. The bacteria that have evolved physiological systems to function efficiently under these conditions are the lactic acid bacteria. These organisms survive in environments where carbohydrate availability is constantly changing. High tolerances to acidic environments may be an important determinant in establishing the ecology of the carious lesion. Also, the intercellular polysaccharide storgae (glycogenamylopectin) and extracellular polymer reserves (levan and soluble glucan) are important during carbohydrate depletion. Further, the formation of insoluble glucans is a prerequisite for the caries process on smooth surfaces of teeth through plaque development. These conditions could result in an increase in S. mutans and cariogenic microorganisms. As a result, this process may be best understood as a manifestation of an amphibiotic shift.  相似文献   

Aim Woody vegetation patterns in African savannas north of the equator are closely connected to human presence, but the distinctions between natural and anthropogenic landscapes have not been clear to many observers. Criteria for identifying savanna landscapes on a continuum of intensity of anthropic impact are explored. Methods A key savanna tree species, Vitellaria paradoxa (Sapotaceae), was used as model for evaluating anthropic impact. Fruits harvested from tree populations across the species range were analysed for variation in traits valued by indigenous peoples. A simple selection index was used to scale tree populations from a hypothetical wild state to a hypothetical domesticated state. Index values were compared with trait values along climate zone gradients and evaluated in the context of indigenous savanna management practices and historical species distribution reports. Results Trait values such as fruit size and shape, pulp sweetness, and kernel fat content show a significant influence of temperature and rainfall. At the same time, the mean values of groups of traits vary perpendicular to the general climatic zone gradient. Selection index values between Vitellaria populations vary up to sixfold, with highest values in central Burkina Faso. Comparison of present day Vitellaria distribution with historical range limits show range expansion by human migration. Main conclusions The prevalence of major economic tree species in the savannas of Africa north of the equator is a strong indicator of human involvement in tree dispersal. This conclusion is supported by paleobotanical evidence and by recent Vitellaria range expansion as a result of human migration. The presence of high mean values of several Vitellaria fruit traits in central Burkina Faso suggests that selection for desired characteristics has occurred. The impact of indigenous savanna peoples on woody species composition and spatial distribution is probably much greater than usually thought and is the result of a deliberate strategy of altering the landscape to provide needed human resources.  相似文献   

An approximate analytical solution to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for a cylindrical particle was used to calculate the relationship between the charge on the filaments and the average electrostatic potential. Both thick and then filaments were considered in the muscle lattice with a filament charge ratio of 4 to 1. Comparing this with a similar relationship obtained using simple Donnan theory showed a discrepancy at high charge where the Poisson-Boltzmann equation leads to saturation of the average potential. However, using two separate experiments from the literature, we have shown that at pH 7.0 muscle must not be close to saturation and thus is in a region of the curve where the two approaches agree.  相似文献   

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