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We studied human nonverbal transitive inference in two paradigms: with choice stimuli orderable along a physical dimension and with non-orderable choice stimuli. We taught 96 participants to discriminate four overlapping pairs of choice stimuli: A+ B−, B+ C−, C+ D−, and D+ E−. Half of the participants were provided with post-choice visual feedback stimuli which were orderable by size; the other half were not provided with orderable feedback stimuli. In later testing, we presented novel choice pairs: BD, AC, AD, AE, BE, and CE. We found that transitive responding depended on task awareness for all participants. Additionally, participants given ordered feedback showed clearer task awareness and stronger transitive responding than did participants not given ordered feedback. Associative models ( [Wynne, 1995] and [Siemann and Delius, 1998]) failed to predict the increase in transitive responding with increasing awareness. These results suggest that ordered and non-ordered transitive inference tasks support different patterns of performance.  相似文献   

A behavior-analytic model of transitive inference (TI) as relational reasoning with derived comparative relations is outlined. Following nonarbitrary relational training and testing to establish contextual functions of “more than” (>) and “less than” (<) for two abstract stimuli, two groups of participants learned a series of contextually controlled more than or less than relations (All-More: E > D > C > B > A; All-Less: A < B < C < D < E). On meeting the training criterion, inferential tests were presented to both groups involving mutually entailed relations (All-More: A < B, B < C, C < D and D < E; All-Less: B > A, C > B, D > C and E > D) and one-step (A < C, B < D, C < E, C > A, D > B and E > C) and two-step (A < D, B < E, D > A and E > B) combinatorially entailed relations. Performance accuracy on the trained and inferential tasks was uniformly high across both groups, with no significant differences observed. In both groups, however, performance accuracy differed significantly on one-step and two-step combinatorially entailed tasks involving the same or different relation to that trained. The present findings demonstrate complex relational reasoning with derived comparative relations, replicate several key effects from the literature on TI and have potential implications for the development of a contemporary behavior-analytic account of TI.  相似文献   

Several reinforcement-based models have been proposed to explain transitive-like behavior in nonverbal transitive inference tasks. These models assume that the initial training required for memorizing the premises produces an ordered series of associative values (A>B>C>D>E); these values can then be used to select the "transitively correct" stimulus in a novel pair (e.g., BD). Our study experimentally tested this assumption by using resistance-to-extinction and resistance-to-reinforcement techniques to obtain empirical measures of associative strength for Stimuli B and D. We first measured the associative strengths of these stimuli after completion of initial training with overlapping pairs of colored squares (A+B-, B+C-, C+D-, and D+E-) using resistance-to-extinction and resistance-to-reinforcement procedures. Next, we used massed presentations of Pair D+E- (termed bias reversal) that ought to increase the associative value of Stimulus D, and again measured the associative strengths of the stimuli. None of our experimental measures of associative strength correlated with pigeons' behavior in the BD test or with BD performance predicted by associative models either before or after bias reversal (Wynne, 1995; Siemann and Delius, 1998). These results question validity of reinforcement-based models for explaining animals' behavior in nonverbal TI tasks.  相似文献   

During operant transitive inference experiments, subjects are trained on adjacent stimulus pairs in an implicit linear hierarchy in which responses to higher ranked stimuli are rewarded. Two contrasting forms of cognitive representation are often used to explain resulting choice behavior. Associative representation is based on memory for the reward history of each stimulus. Relational representation depends on memory for the context in which stimuli have been presented. Natural history characteristics that require accurate configural memory, such as social complexity or reliance on cached food, should tend to promote greater use of relational representation. To test this hypothesis, four corvid species with contrasting natural histories were trained on the transitive inference task: pinyon jays, Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus; Clark's nutcrackers, Nucifraga columbiana; azure-winged magpies, Cyanopica cyanus; and western scrub jays, Aphelocoma californica. A simplified computer model of associative representation displayed a characteristic pattern of accuracy as a function of position in the hierarchy. Analysis of the deviation of each subject's performance from this predicted pattern yielded an index of reliance on relational representation. Regression of index scores against rankings of social complexity and caching reliance indicated that both traits were significantly and independently associated with greater use of relational representation.  相似文献   

Transitive inference has long been considered one of the hallmarks of human deductive reasoning. Recent reports of transitive-like behaviors in non-human animals have prompted a flourishing empirical and theoretical search for the mechanism(s) that may mediate this ability in non-humans. In this paper, I begin by describing the transitive inference tasks customarily used with non-human animals and then review the empirical findings. Transitive inference has been demonstrated in a wide variety of species, and the signature effects that usually accompany transitive inference in humans (the serial position effect and the symbolic distance effect) have also been found in non-humans. I then critically analyze the most prominent models of this ability in non-human animals. Some models are cognitive, proposing for instance that animals use the rules of formal logic or form mental representations of the premises to solve the task, others are based on associative mechanisms such as value transfer and reinforcement and non-reinforcement. Overall, I argue that the reinforcement-based models are in a much better empirical and theoretical position. Hence, transitive inference in non-human animals should be considered a property of reinforcement history rather than of inferential processes. I finalize by shedding some light on some promising lines of research.  相似文献   

Surgical or pharmacological suppression of ovarian hormones leads to declines in verbal memory, and estrogen treatment reverses these deficits. In the current study, we investigated the effects of menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptives on verbal memory, as measured by the California Verbal Learning Test, in two groups of premenopausal women — 16 naturally cycling women and 20 current users of estrogen-based oral contraceptives (OCs). Naturally cycling women were assessed twice — once during the early follicular phase (Days 2-4) and once during the midluteal phase (Days 20-22) of the menstrual cycle. OC users were tested on the same cycle days, corresponding to inactive and active pill phases, respectively. We predicted that naturally cycling women would show improved verbal memory during the midluteal phase, when estradiol levels are high, compared with the follicular phase, when estradiol levels are low. We also predicted that OC users, who show no change in endogenous estradiol across the cycle, would show no change in verbal memory. Contrary to predictions, naturally cycling women showed no changes in verbal memory across the cycle, whereas OC users showed enhanced memory during the active pill phase (p < .05). None of the secondary cognitive outcome measures varied with cycle phase or OC use including measures of visuospatial memory, verbal fluency, visuospatial abilities, and attention. Overall, these results suggest that verbal memory performance in premenopausal women varies across the cycle with OC use, but does not vary systematically with changes in endogenous estradiol.  相似文献   

The neurobiological substrate of learning process and persistent memory storage involves multiple brain areas. The neocortex and hippocampal formation are known as processing and storage sites for explicit memory, whereas the striatum, amygdala, neocortex and cerebellum support implicit memory. Synaptic plasticity, long-term changes in synaptic transmission efficacy and transient recruitment of intracellular signaling pathways in these brain areas have been proposed as possible mechanisms underlying short- and long-term memory retention. In addition to the classical neurotransmitters (glutamate, GABA), experimental evidence supports a role for neuropeptides in modulating memory processes. This review focuses on the role of the Melanin-Concentrating Hormone (MCH) and receptors on memory formation in animal studies. Possible mechanisms may involve direct MCH modulation of neural circuit activity that support memory storage and cognitive functions, as well as indirect effect on arousal.  相似文献   

Behavioral pharmacological studies have implicated a role for the neurophysin arginine-vasopressin in learning and memory. Vasopressin, and its analogues, can produce either improvements or impairments in mnemonic functions, effects that depend upon the agent administered, the memory process measured and the task employed. As recent data have implicated vasopressin in regulating the cognitive functions of the prefrontal cortex, we sought to determine whether changes in vasopressinergic tone would affect a form of memory that is dependent upon this brain region. To that end, we used a genetic approach to examine how haploinsufficiency of the vasopressin gene affects working memory performance. Specifically, we tested a naturally occurring null-mutant rat on an operant delayed-non-match-to-position task. Male and female heterozygous and wild-type rats were trained to perform this working memory task, and the effects of varying the delay across which they had to maintain task information were systematically varied. Although vasopressin-deficient rats omitted fewer trials and completed trials more quickly, they exhibited delay-dependent deficits of choice accuracy. The genotype effects were not modified by sex. Collectively, these data indicate that even partial vasopressin deficiency can trigger deficits of spatial working memory performance and add to the growing body of results supporting a regulatory control of neocortical-dependent cognitive functions by this neurohormone.  相似文献   

The memory impairment is a core deficit in the first-episode schizophrenia patients. Arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the brain can improve learning and memory. We performed multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical trial to study the cognitive functioning in Han Chinese first-episode schizophrenic patients in a 12-week treatment regime with the intranasal administration of AVP (128 cases) or placebo (131 cases) in addition to the conventional treatment. The methods of positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS), Wechsler memory scale-4th edition (WMS-IV) and event-related potential (ERP) were used to study the effects of AVP on the cognitive function. The results showed that (1) AVP concentration decreased in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the right-handed Han Chinese first-episode schizophrenic patients comparing with that of the health volunteers (7.1 ± 1.5 pg/ml vs 13.3 ± 1.9 pg/ml, p < 0.01), and did not change in plasma; (2) AVP significantly improved PANSS scores including total scores, positive symptoms, negative symptoms and general psychopathology comparing with those of the placebo group; (3) AVP elevated WMS-IV scores including the long-term memory (accumulation), short-term memory (recognition, comprehension), immediate memory (number recitation) and memory quotient 4, 8 and 12 weeks after treatment; and (4) AVP did not influence the latency and wave amplitude of target stimulus of P300 of right-handed Han Chinese first-episode schizophrenic patients. The data suggested that AVP might improve cognitive process, such as memorizing and extraction of the information although there were many changes of cognitive functions in the right-handed Han Chinese first-episode schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

The rapid aging of the world's population has led to a need to increase our understanding of the pathophysiology of the factors leading to frailty and cognitive decline. Peptides have been shown to be involved in the pathophysiology of frailty and cognitive decline. Weight loss is a major component of frailty. In this review, we demonstrate a central role for both peripheral peptides (e.g., cholecystokinin and ghrelin) and neuropeptides (e.g., dynorphin and alpha-MSH) in the pathophysiology of the anorexia of aging. Similarly, peripheral peptides (e.g., ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide 1, and cholecystokinin) are modulators of memory. A number of centrally acting neuropeptides have also been shown to modulate cognitive processes. Amyloid-beta peptide in physiological levels is a memory enhancer, while in high (pathological) levels, it plays a key role in the development of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Gonadal hormones have been shown to modulate memory retention in female rats. The current experiments examine the role of testicular hormones in modulating the performance of male rats on two spatial water maze tasks. In the first study, castrated and intact rats were trained on the visible platform and hidden platform versions of the Morris water maze task. Castration did not affect performance on either version of this reference memory task with castrated and intact rats demonstrating similar performance both during acquisition and on post-training probe trials. In the second experiment, castrated and intact rats were tested on a delayed-matching-to-place version of the water maze. Rats received a series of trial pairs in the maze with a hidden platform located in the same pool location on the exposure and retention trials of each pair; between pairs of trials, however, the platform was repositioned to a novel pool location. The interval between trials was either 10- or 60-min and memory retention, taken as the difference between the pathlengths on the exposure and retention trials, declined as the interval increased. Relative to intact males, castrated males demonstrated impaired working memory retention at 60-min but not at 10-min retention intervals. This interval-dependent impairment in working memory retention was reversed by physiologic levels of testosterone replacement. These findings indicate that castration does not significantly affect acquisition or probe trial performance on a classic reference memory task but does impair spatial working memory retention, an effect that is reversed by exogenous testosterone.  相似文献   

The architecture of the auditory memory is investigated. The auditory information is assumed to be represented by ft patterns. With the help of a psycho-physical experiment it is demonstrated that the storage of these patterns is highly folded in the sense that a long signal is broken into many short stretches before being stored in the memory. Recognition takes place by correlating newly heard input in the short term memory to information previously stored in the long term memory. We show that this correlation is performed after the input is accumulated and held statically in the short term memory.  相似文献   

Melcher D  Piazza M 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29296
Many common tasks require us to individuate in parallel two or more objects out of a complex scene. Although the mechanisms underlying our abilities to count the number of items, remember the visual properties of objects and to make saccadic eye movements towards targets have been studied separately, each of these tasks require selection of individual objects and shows a capacity limit. Here we show that a common factor--salience--determines the capacity limit in the various tasks. We manipulated bottom-up salience (visual contrast) and top-down salience (task relevance) in enumeration and visual memory tasks. As one item became increasingly salient, the subitizing range was reduced and memory performance for all other less-salient items was decreased. Overall, the pattern of results suggests that our abilities to enumerate and remember small groups of stimuli are grounded in an attentional priority or salience map which represents the location of important items.  相似文献   

Theories of animal timing have had to account for findings that the memory for the duration of a timed interval appears to be dramatically shorted within a short time of its termination. This finding has led to the subjective shortening hypothesis and it has been proposed to account for the poor memory that animals appear to have for the initial portion of a timed interval when a gap is inserted in the to-be-timed signal. It has also been proposed to account for the poor memory for a relatively long interval that has been discriminated from a shorter interval. I suggest here a simpler account in which ambiguity between the gap or retention interval and the intertrial interval results in resetting the clock, rather than forgetting the interval. The ambiguity hypothesis, together with a signal salience mechanism that determines how quickly the clock is reset at the start of the intertrial interval can account for the results of the reported timing experiments that have used the peak procedure. Furthermore, instructional ambiguity rather than memory loss may account for the results of many animal memory experiments that do not involve memory for time.  相似文献   

One specific analog of arginine vasopression, 1-desamine-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP), has been shown to improve learning and memory in humans. Healthy young male adult subjects treated with DDAVP demonstrated better memory for implicational sentences than did control subjects. The same treatment had no influence on women given the same memory task. These results suggest that DDAVP may have a sexually dimorphic effect on learning and memory.  相似文献   

Morphological changes, including changes in size, shape, and number of synapses, in neurons have been observed in many species and are thought to be critical for long-term memory storage. Actin filaments are intimately involved in neuronal morphology and regulation of their dynamics can influence memory. Rho GTPase plays a prominent role in this process and has been implicated in both pre- and post-synaptic morphological changes. Therefore, we examined the effect of hippocampal manipulation of Rho and ROCK activity on performance in a spatial memory task. Post-training intrahippocampal infusion of an inhibitor of the downstream effector kinase p160ROCK impaired long-term memory. Furthermore, post-training activation of Rho using lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) enhanced long-term spatial memory. This memory enhancing effect of LPA was not mediated via the Erk cascade, as no change in Erk phosphorylation was observed as a result of its administration. Our results demonstrate a role for the Rho-ROCK pathway in hippocampus-dependent spatial memory.  相似文献   

Alcino J. Silva   《Journal of Physiology》2007,101(4-6):203-213
Studies of cognitive function include a wide spectrum of disciplines, with very diverse theoretical and practical frameworks. For example, in Behavioral Neuroscience cognitive mechanisms are mostly inferred from loss of function (lesion) experiments while in Cognitive Neuroscience these mechanisms are commonly deduced from brain activation patterns. Although neuroscientists acknowledge the limitations of deriving conclusions using a limited scope of approaches, there are no systematically studied, objective and explicit criteria for what is required to test a given hypothesis of cognitive function. This problem plagues every discipline in science: scientific research lacks objective, systematic studies that validate the principles underlying even its most elemental practices. For example, scientists decide what experiments are best suited to test key ideas in their field, which hypotheses have sufficient supporting evidence and which require further investigation, which studies are important and which are not, based on intuitions derived from experience, implicit principles learned from mentors and colleagues, traditions in their fields, etc. Philosophers have made numerous attempts to articulate and frame the principles that guide research and innovation, but these speculative ideas have remained untested and have had a minimal impact on the work of scientists. Here, I propose the development of methods for systematically and objectively studying and improving the modus operandi of research and development. This effort (the science of scientific research or S2) will benefit all aspects of science, from education of young scientists to research, publishing and funding, since it will provide explicit and systematically tested frameworks for practices in science. To illustrate its goals, I will introduce a hypothesis (the Convergent Four) derived from experimental practices common in molecular and cellular biology. This S2 hypothesis proposes that there are at least four fundamentally distinct strategies that scientists can use to test the connection between two phenomena of interest (A and B), and that to establish a compelling connection between A and B it is crucial to develop independently confirmed lines of convergent evidence in each of these four categories. The four categories include negative alteration (decrease probability of A or p(A) and determine p(B)), positive alteration (increase p(A) and determine p(B)), non-intervention (examine whether A precedes B) and integration (develop ideas about how to get from A to B and integrate those ideas with other available information about A and B). I will discuss both strategies to test this hypothesis and its implications for studies of cognitive function.  相似文献   

Working memory enables us to hold in our ''mind''s eye'' the contents of our conscious awareness, even in the absence of sensory input, by maintaining an active representation of information for a brief period of time. In this review we consider the functional organization of the prefrontal cortex and its role in this cognitive process. First, we present evidence from brain-imaging studies that prefrontal cortex shows sustained activity during the delay period of visual working memory tasks, indicating that this cortex maintains on-line representations of stimuli after they are removed from view. We then present evidence for domain specificity within frontal cortex based on the type of information, with object working memory mediated by more ventral frontal regions and spatial working memory mediated by more dorsal frontal regions. We also propose that a second dimension for domain specificity within prefrontal cortex might exist for object working memory on the basis of the type of representation, with analytic representations maintained preferentially in the left hemisphere and image-based representations maintained preferentially in the right hemisphere. Furthermore, we discuss the possibility that there are prefrontal areas brought into play during the monitoring and manipulation of information in working memory in addition to those engaged during the maintenance of this information. Finally, we consider the relationship of prefrontal areas important for working memory, both to posterior visual processing areas and to prefrontal areas associated with long-term memory.  相似文献   

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