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Summary A biochemical approach was used to study the evolution of ratite birds, i.e., the ostriches, rheas, cassowaries, emus, and kiwis. Quantitative immunological comparison of transferrin from ratites, tinamous, and other flying birds indicates that all the ratites and tinamous are allied phylogenetically and that they are of monophyletic origin relative to other birds. To explain the current geographic distribution of ratites and the magnitude of the transferrin distances, it is supposed that the ancestors of these flightless birds walked across land bridges between the southern continents during Cretaceous times.Supported in part by grants GB-42028X from NSF and GM-21509 from NIH to ACW and by grants HD-00122 from NIH and GA-12607 from NSF to REF The following abbreviation is used in this work MCF micro-complement fixation  相似文献   

Summary The amino acid sequence of lysozyme c from chachalaca egg white was determined. Like other bird lysozymes c, that of the chachalaca has 129 amino acid residues. It differs from other avian lysozymes c by 27 to 31 amino acid substitutions as well as by being devoid of phenylalanine. It contains substitutions at 9 positions which are invariant in the other 7 bird lysozymes of known sequence. Although the chachalaca is classified zoologically in the order Galliformes, which includes chickens and other pheasant-like birds, its lysozyme differs more from those of pheasant-like birds than do the lysozymes c of ducks. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence comparisons confirms that the lineage leading to chachalaca lysozyme c separated from that leading to other galliform lysozymes c before the duck lysozyme c lineage did. This indicates a contrast between protein evolution and evolution at the organismal level. Immunological comparison of chachalacalysozyme c with other lysozymes of known sequence provides further support for the proposal that immunological cross-reactivity is strongly dependent on degree of sequence resemblance among bird lysozymes.103rd communication on lysozymes from the Laboratory of P. Jollès. Supported in part by grants from C.N.R.S. (ER 102), I.N.S.E.R.M. (Groupe de recherche U-116), N.S.F. (GB-42028X), and N.I.H. (GM-21509).  相似文献   

Summary The evolutionary relationships of six sharks were investigated by comparing their transferrins using the micro-complement fixation method. The immunological distances observed were used to build a tree that confirms that the squaloid and galeoid species examined belong to two separate groups and thatHeterodontus, a genus of hitherto uncertain position, belongs with the galeoids. The divergence time estimated from the transferrin comparisons is roughly 240±65 million years betweenHeterodontus and galeoids.  相似文献   

The complexation of VO2+ ion with the high molecular mass components of the blood serum, human serum transferrin (hTf) and albumin (HSA), has been re-examined using EPR spectroscopy. In the case of transferrin, the results confirm those previously obtained, showing that VO2+ ion occupies three different binding sites, A, B1 and B2, distinguishable in the X-band anisotropic spectrum recorded in D2O. With albumin the results show that a dinuclear complex (VO)2dHSA is formed in equimolar aqueous solutions or with an excess of protein; in the presence of an excess of VO2+, the multinuclear complex (VO)xmHSA is the prevalent species, where x = 5-6 indicates the equivalents of metal ion coordinated by HSA. The structure of the dinuclear species is discussed and the donor atoms involved in the metal coordination are proposed on the basis of the measured EPR parameters. Two different binding modes of albumin can be distinguished varying the pH, with only one species being present at the physiological value. The results show that the previously named “strong” site is not the N-terminal copper binding site, and some hypothesis on the metal coordination is discussed, with the 51V Az values for the proposed donor sets obtained by DFT (density functional theory) calculations. Finally, preliminary results obtained in the ternary system VO2+/hTf/HSA are shown in order to determine the different binding strength of the two proteins. Due to the low VO2+ concentration used, the recording of the EPR spectra through the repeated acquisition of the weak signals is essential to obtain a good signal to noise ratio in these systems.  相似文献   

To study the liver functions of chicken, we examined the primary culture of chicken hepatocytes, and found an easy method of long-term culture with free atmosphere exchange. Chicken hepatocytes were obtained by collagenase perfusion and cultured at 37°C as a monolayer without substratum in serum-free L-15 medium (pH 7.8) with free atmosphere exchange. The amounts of albumin and transferrin in medium were assayed by ELISA. The culture of chicken hepatocytes was maintained in the serum-free L-15 medium (pH 7.8) at 37°C with free atmosphere exchange for 20 days. The amount of albumin secreted in the medium decreased to low levels early in culture; however, this was followed by marked increase from day 9 to day 17 of culture. The amount of transferrin was constant until day 6, then it too increased considerably with further culture. We reported an easy method for the simple monolayer culture of chicken hepatocytes in serum-free L-15 medium (pH 7.8) with free atmosphere exchange over an extended period. Expression of liver-specific functions, viz. albumin and transferrin synthesis, was observed after 1 week of culture.  相似文献   

In this study, it was investigated by autoradiography with radioactive cadmium after Western blotting of two-dimensional electrophoresis gels, to which proteins cadmium is mainly bound in plasma of common carp Cyprinus carpio. The obtained results demonstrate that in carp plasma, cadmium is primarily bound to two high molecular weight proteins. Relative small amounts are bound to a protein with M(r) approximately 60000. The other metal-binding protein, with M(r) approximately 70000 and pI approximately 6.7 was identified as transferrin. The conditional equilibrium constants for the binding of cadmium ions to the two metal-binding sites of this protein were calculated as logK(1)=5.40+/-0.12 and logK(2)=4.66+/-0.21, which are comparable to those of human transferrin under the same experimental conditions. Transport of cadmium in plasma of carp was found to be different from that of brown trout Salmo trutta and man, where cadmium is mainly bound to albumin and transferrin. The prominent binding of cadmium to transferrin can be explained by the absence or at least the very low concentrations in which albumin is present in carp plasma.  相似文献   

The localization of albumin and transferrin was examined immunohistochemically in germ cells and Sertoli cells during rat gonadal morphogenesis and postnatal development of the testis. These proteins appeared as early as the 13th day of gestation in migrating primordial germ cells before Sertoli cell differentiation. In the fetal testis, strong immunoreactivity was only detected in the gonocytes. In the prepubertal testis, spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, and some Sertoli cells accumulate albumin and transferrin. At puberty, different patterns of immunostaining of the germ cells were observed at the various stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Diplotene spermatocytes at stage XIII, spermatocytes in division at stage XIV, and round spermatids at stages IV–VIII showed maximal staining. Labeling was evident in the cytoplasm of adult Sertoli cells. Albumin and transferrin staining patterns paralleled each other during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Owls possess stereopsis (i.e., the ability to perceive depth from retinal disparity cues), but its distribution amongst other birds has remained largely unexplored. Here, we present data on species variation in brain and telencephalon size and features of the Wulst, the neuroanatomical substrate that subserves stereopsis, in a putative sister-group to owls, the order Caprimulgiformes. The caprimulgiforms we examined included nightjars (Caprimulgidae), owlet-nightjars (Aegothelidae), potoos (Nyctibiidae), frogmouths (Podargidae) and the Oilbird (Steatornithidae). The owlet-nightjars and frogmouths shared almost identical relative brain, telencephalic and Wulst volumes as well as overall brain morphology and Wulst morphology with owls. Specifically, the owls, frogmouths and owlet-nightjars possess relatively large brains and telencephalic and Wulst volumes, had a characteristic brain shape and displayed prominent laminae in the Wulst. In contrast, potoos and nightjars both had relatively small brains and telencephala, and Wulst volumes that are typical for similarly sized birds from other orders. The Oilbird had a large brain, telencephalon and Wulst, although these measures were not quite as large as those of the owls. This gradation of owl-like versus nightjar-like brains within caprimulgiforms has significant implications for understanding the evolution of stereopsis and the Wulst both within the order and birds in general.  相似文献   

Synopsis The interrelationships of 31 actinistian species (including Latimeria chalumnae) are analyzed based on a cladistic analysis of 75 osteological characters. Inference of evolutionary trends (e.g., modification of body shape and skull morphology) from the phylogenetic patterns demonstrates that the morphology of actinistians is less conservative than has been proposed previously. This empirical cladistic approach supports two distinct tempos of evolution during an evolutionary history of 380 million years. Along a phylogenetic pathway originating with a Devonian stem-species and ending with the living Latimeria chalumnae (including 101 morphological changes and 18 cladogenetic events), the first tempo occurred during the Devonian — Permian periods as a decreasing rate of morphological changes, which was followed by a stabilizing tempo during the Permian — Recent periods. The decreasing tempo is characterized by a sequence of gradual versus quantum temporal changes and low versus faster rates, whereas the stabilizing tempo primarily is gradual and low. In contrast to a common assumption, no significant correlation was found between the rates of morphological evolution and the temporal diversity of species.  相似文献   

Basal rates of metabolism, minimal thermal conductances, and body temperatures are reported for 13 species of birds of paradise that belong to nine genera. Body mass alone accounts for 91.7% of the variation in their basal rates. Basal rate in this family also correlates with food habits and the altitudinal limits to distribution. Species that feed almost exclusively on fruit have basal rates that average 79.4% of species in which >10% of the diet is insects, and species restricted to altitudes <1,000 m have basal rates that are 90.6% of those found at higher altitudes. The combination of body mass, food habits, and altitudinal distribution accounts for 99.0% of the variation in basal rate in the species studied. The application of food habits to a cladogram of the studied Paradisaeidae implies that frugivory and low basal rate were plesiomorphic in this family. The evolution of omnivory, defined as including >10% of the diet as insects, appears to have occurred at least twice, and in each case was associated with an increase in basal rate of metabolism. Basal rate increased at least thrice with a movement into the highlands. Basal rate, however, does not correlate with plumage dimorphism or with reproductive behavior. The basal rates of metabolism in manakins and birds of paradise, i.e., passerine frugivores, are greater than those found in nonpasserine frugivores. Thermal conductance correlates with body mass, which accounts for 85.8% of its variation in this family. Body temperature in paradisaeids, the mean of which was 40.2°C, may correlate with basal rate of metabolism.  相似文献   

Structured meaning-signal mappings, i.e., mappings that preserve neighborhood relationships by associating similar signals with similar meanings, are advantageous in an environment where signals are corrupted by noise and sub-optimal meaning inferences are rewarded as well. The evolution of these mappings, however, cannot be explained within a traditional language evolutionary game scenario in which individuals meet randomly because the evolutionary dynamics is trapped in local maxima that do not reflect the structure of the meaning and signal spaces. Here we use a simple game theoretical model to show analytically that when individuals adopting the same communication code meet more frequently than individuals using different codes—a result of the spatial organization of the population—then advantageous linguistic innovations can spread and take over the population. In addition, we report results of simulations in which an individual can communicate only with its K nearest neighbors and show that the probability that the lineage of a mutant that uses a more efficient communication code becomes fixed decreases exponentially with increasing K. These findings support the mother tongue hypothesis that human language evolved as a communication system used among kin, especially between mothers and offspring.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the vitreous contains several intrinsic glycoproteins whose origin remains to be clarified. Isolated ciliary epithelium (CE) was assayed to verify its role in the synthesis and secretion of transferrin for the vitreous body. It was cultured in the presence of [35S]methionine and the incubation medium was processed for immunoprecipitation. Total RNA from CE was processed for RT-PCR and the amplification products were sequenced. Also, whole preparations of isolated CE were processed for immunolocalization of transferrin. From the incubation assays, a labeled peptide of about 80 kDa was immunopurified that is the expected size of transferrin. The RT-PCR and sequencing experiments detected the presence of transferrin mRNA. Both layers of the CE exhibited transferrin reactivity, following immunohistochemical processing. Taken altogether, these results indicate the CE as one of the possible sources of vitreous intrinsic transferrin.  相似文献   

Summary The methods of Fitch and Margoliash and of Farris for the construction of phylogenetic trees were compared. A phenetic clustering technique - the UPGMA method — was also considered.The three methods were applied to difference matrices obtained from comparison of macromolecules by immunological, DNA hybridization, electrophoretic, and amino acid sequencing techniques. To evaluate the results, we used the goodness-of-fit criterion. In some instances, the F-M and Farris methods gave a comparably good fit of the output to the input data, though in most cases the F-M procedure gave a much better fit. By the fit criterion, the UPGMA procedure was on the average better than the Farris method but not as good as the F-M procedure.On the basis of the results given in this report and the goodness-of-fit criterion, it is suggested that where input data are likely to include overestimates as well as true estimates and underestimates of the actual distances between taxonomic units, the F-M method is the most reasonable to use for constructing phylogenies from distance matrices. Immunological, DNA hybridization, and electrophoretic data fall into this category. By contrast, where it is known that each input datum is indeed either a true estimate or an underestimate of the actual distance between 2 taxonomic units, the Farris procedure appears, on theoretical grounds, to be the matrix method of choice. Amino acid and nucleotide sequence data are in this category.The following abbreviations are used in this work F-M Fitch-Margoliash - UPGMA unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages - SD percent standard deviation  相似文献   

Abstract.— We analyzed the rate at which postzygotic incompatibilities accumulate in birds. Our purposes were to assess the role of intrinsic F1 hybrid infertility and inviability in the speciation process, and to compare rates of loss of fertility and viability between the sexes. Among our sample more than half the crosses between species in the same genus produce fertile hybrids. Complete loss of F1 hybrid fertility takes on the order of millions of years. Loss of F1 hybrid viability occurs over longer timescales than fertility: some viable hybrids have been produced between taxa that appear to have been separated for more than 55 my. There is strong support for Haldane's rule, with very few examples where the male has lower fitness than the female. However, in contrast to Drosophila , fertility of the homogametic sex in the F1 appears to be lost before viability of the heterogametic sex in the F1. We conclude that the time span of loss of intrinsic hybrid fertility and viability is often, but not always, longer than the time to speciation. Premating isolation is an important mechanism maintaining reproductive isolation in birds. In addition, other factors causing postzygotic reproductive isolation such as ecological causes of hybrid unfitness, reduced mating success of hybrids, and genetic incompatibilities in the F2s and backcrosses may often be involved in the speciation process.  相似文献   

The structure of cytochromec and the rates of molecular evolution   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
Summary The x-ray structure analysis of ferricytochromec shows the reasons for the evolutionary conservatism of hydrophobic and aromatic side chains, lysines, and glycines, which had been observed from comparisons of amino acid sequences from over 30 species. It also shows that the negative character of one portion of the molecular surface is conserved, even though individual acidic side chains are not, and that positive charges are localized around two hydrophobic channels leading from the interior to the surface.The reason for the unusual evolutionary conservation of surface features in cytochromesc is probably the interaction of the molecule with two other large macromolecular complexes, its reductase and oxidase. This conservation of surface structure also explains the relatively slow rate of change of cytochromec sequences in comparison with the globins and enzymes of similar size.The rate of evolution of a protein is the rate of occurrence of mutations in the genome modified by the probability that a random change in amino acid sequence will be tolerable in a functioning protein. The observed rates of change in fibrinopeptides, the globins, cytochromec, and several enzymes are interpreted in terms of the proteins' biological roles.Contribution No. 4114 from the Norman W. Church Laboratory of Chemical Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109.  相似文献   

Although serum albumin has an established function as a transport protein, evidence is emerging that serum albumin may also have a role as a molecular chaperone. Using established techniques to characterize chaperone interactions, this study demonstrates that bovine serum albumin: 1) preferentially binds stressed over unstressed client proteins; 2) forms stable, soluble, high molecular weight complexes with stressed client proteins; 3) reduces the aggregation of client proteins when it is present at physiological levels; and 4) inhibits amyloid formation by both WT and L55P transthyretin. Although the antiaggregatory effect of serum albumin is maintained in the presence of physiological levels of Ca(2+) and Cu(2+), the presence of free fatty acids significantly alters this activity: stabilizing serum albumin at normal levels but diminishing chaperone-like activity at high concentrations. Moreover, here it is shown that depletion of albumin from human plasma leads to a significant increase in aggregation under physiologically relevant heat and shear stresses. This study demonstrates that serum albumin possesses chaperone-like properties and that this activity is maintained under a number of physiologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   

为了研究家蝇转铁蛋白基因功能,获得全长cDNA序列并对其蛋白序列进行生物信息学分析,利用在线分析程序和相关工具软件分析转铁蛋白基因的开放读码框,分析编码蛋白的理化性质、结构域、并预测其空间结构和功能。结果表明家蝇转铁蛋白基因编码蛋白由622个氨基酸组成,分子量为70.58kDa,理论等电点为5.33,为稳定蛋白,有跨膜区,含有信号肽,该蛋白属于TR-FER保守结构域家族,亚细胞定位于细胞核,二级结构以无规则卷曲为主,功能预测该蛋白具有酶活性。  相似文献   

HSA has been shown to react with many organic toxicants to form adducts that are useful biomarkers for exposure. Albumin isolation is an important first step for the analysis of these protein-toxicant adducts. We tested several approaches to isolate albumin from serum treated with an electrophilic organic toxicant known to form adducts with albumin, i.e., sulfur mustard agent (HD) (2,2'-dichloroethyl sulfide), in order to evaluate these techniques as purification methods. To select the most efficient isolation strategy, methods were evaluated using gel electrophoresis, total protein quantitation, and peptide-adduct identification by MS. Results suggest that the albumin-rich fractions obtained can be used to identify exposure by quantitating the albumin adducts to electrophilic organic toxicants such as HD. The HiTrap Blue HP albumin isolation system appears to display the most promising results for purifying albumin to detect HD-adducts, exhibiting high purification efficiency, satisfactory albumin recovery, promising specificity, and a higher loading capacity for serum.  相似文献   

Pregnant rabbit mammary gland explants cultured with insulin, prolactin and cortisol, synthesise and secrete transferrin radiolabelled with [3H]leucine or [3H]mannose. Omission of prolactin from the culture medium inhibited the incorporation of [3H]leucine into casein but not transferrin. Total transferrin secreted under these conditions was approx. 75% of the control (+ prolactin) value measured by rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Little incorporation of [3H]mannose into transferrin was seen in the absence of prolactin suggesting a lack of glycosylation of the protein. Dual label experiments with [3H]mannose and [14C]leucine confirmed this. The decreased incorporation of [3H]mannose into dolichol linked intermediates suggests a general effect on protein N-glycosylation in the absence of prolactin. Thus, while the synthesis of the polypeptide backbone of transferrin does not require prolactin its glycosylation does.  相似文献   

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