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Summary An immunotoxin consisting of ricin A chain linked to the monoclonal antibody M-T151, recognising the CD4 antigen, was weakly toxic to the human T-lymphoblastoid cell line CEM in tissue culture. The incorporation of [3H]leucine by CEM cells was inhibited by 50% at an M-T151-ricin-A-chain concentration (IC50) of 4.6 nM compared with an IC50 of 1.0 pM for ricin. In contrast, immunotoxins made by linking intact ricin to M-T151 in such a way that the galactose-binding sites of the B chain subunit were either blocked sterically by the antibody component or were left unblocked, were both powerfully cytotoxic with IC50 values of 20–30 pM. The addition of ricin B chain to CEM cells treated with M-T151—ricin-A-chain enhanced cytotoxicity by only eight-fold indicating that isolated B chain potentiated the action of the A chain less effectively than it did as an integral component of an intact ricin immunotoxin. Ricin B chain linked to goat anti-(mouse immunoglobulin) also potentiated weakly.Lactose completely inhibited the ability of isolated ricin B chain to potentiate the cytotoxicity of M-T151—ricin-A-chain and partially (3- to 4-fold) inhibited the cytotoxicity of the blocked and non-blocked ricin immunotoxins. Thus, in this system, the galactose-binding sites of the B chain contributed to cell killing regardless of whether isolated B chain was associated with the A chain immunotoxin or was present in blocked or non-blocked form as part of an intact ricin immunotoxin. The findings suggest that the blocked ricin immunotoxin may become unblocked after binding to the target antigen to re-expose the cryptic galactose-binding sites. However, the unblocking cannot be complete because the maximal inhibition of [3H]leucine incorporation by the blocked immunotoxin was only 80% compared with greater than 99% inhibition by the non-blocked immunotoxin.  相似文献   

Evaluation of ricin A-chain immunotoxins directed against human T cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have synthesized four immunotoxins (ITs) by covalently coupling the A chain of ricin to murine monoclonal antibodies that recognize surface antigens on human T cells. Treatment of human peripheral blood lymphocytes with either 10.2-A, directed against the CD5 (Tp67) antigen, or 64.1-A, directed against the CD3 (Tp19) antigen, abolished protein synthesis in cells subsequently cultured with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). In contrast, two other ITs (9.6-A and 35.1-A), both directed against the CD2 (Tp50) antigen, had minimal effects on protein synthesis in PHA-stimulated cells. The binding of each IT to T cells was shown by immunofluorescence with fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin (FITC-GAMIg) and fluorescein-conjugated rabbit anti-ricin A-chain (FITC-RAR) antibodies. Activity of the ricin A chain in each IT was demonstrated by its ability to inhibit protein synthesis in a cell-free reticulocyte lysate assay. Ultrastructural immunoperoxidase analysis of IT internalization showed that ineffective and effective ITs were endocytosed at the same rate (50% of cells had labeled endosomes after 15 min). However, ineffective IT 35.1-A was more rapidly delivered to lysosomes (15-30 min) than effective ITs (10.2-A and 64.1-A) (greater than or equal to 30 min). The data support the hypothesis that there are several distinct pathways for internalization of ITs and that the ability of ricin A chain to reach and inactivate ribosomes may depend upon the specific membrane receptor involved in binding a given IT, its route of internalization, and the rate of entry of the IT into lysosomes.  相似文献   

After binding, the protein toxins ricin, abrin, and modeccin are endocytosed and processed through the cell's vesicular system in a poorly understood fashion, prior to translocation to the cytosol. The role of the Golgi apparatus in toxin processing was studied using brefeldin-A (BFA), a fungal metabolite which blocks Golgi function. At concentrations that inhibit secretion of interleukin-2 (IL-2), BFA blocks ricin, modeccin, and abrin intoxication of a lymphocyte derived cell line (Jurkat). Paradoxically, BFA enhances the toxicity of two ricin A-chain immunotoxins targeted against distinct cell surface determinants. BFA concentrations which are optimal for immunotoxin enhancement are below those needed to affect ricin intoxication or IL-2 secretion. BFA blockade of ricin does not involve effects on ricin endocytosis, toxin translocation to the cytosol, or the enzymatic activity of toxin A-chain. In contrast, BFA has no effect on immunotoxin processing but does enhance the immunotoxin translocation step. It is concluded that: 1) intact Golgi function is required for holotoxin processing. 2) Intact Golgi function is not required for holotoxin translocation. 3) Golgi function is tightly linked to immunotoxin translocation. 4) BFA has effects on vesicular routing in addition to the block of Golgi function in secretion which has been reported.  相似文献   

Ricin B chain incubated at 37 degrees C in the absence of lactose loses its ability to bind the galactose-containing protein, asialofetuin. Circular dichroism analysis of the B chain during thermal denaturation indicates that the loss of galactose-binding ability by the B chain correlates with limited unfolding of the molecule. As a result of this conformational change, disulfide bonds that are shielded from the solvent by the compact folded structure of the B chain become exposed and the chitobiosyl cores of both N-linked oligomannose chains become susceptible to cleavage by endoglycosidases. The heat-denatured B chain does not enhance the toxicity of a ricin A chain-containing rabbit anti-human immunoglobulin (RAHIg-A) to Daudi cells. However, when heat-denatured B chain is coupled to goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin (GARIg), the resulting immunotoxin, GARIg-hdB, potentiates the killing of RAHIg-A-treated Daudi cells to an extent similar to that of an immunotoxin prepared with GARIg and native B chain. These results indicate that the native, galactose-binding structure of the B chain is not necessary to enhance the cytotoxicity of the cell-reactive A chain immunotoxin (IT-A) and suggests that regions of the B chain exposed by unfolding the molecule may mediate potentiation of cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of A chain immunotoxins containing IgG or Fab fragments specific for the surface immunoglobulin of the Daudi cell line was assessed in the presence of B chain immunotoxins (IgG or Fab) or lysosomotropic amines, or both. The concentration required for 50% inhibition of protein synthesis (IC50) in Daudi cells was 1.3 X 10(-8) M for IgG-A and 5 X 10(-8) M for Fab-A. The toxicity of both A chain immunotoxins was enhanced twofold by ammonium chloride. In the presence of A chain immunotoxins and ammonium chloride, a maximum of 99 and 90% reduction of clonal precursors was obtained with IgG and Fab-A chain immunotoxins respectively. Immunotoxins containing ricin B chain and IgG or Fab fragments specific for the antibody portion of A chain immunotoxins were used as secondary "piggyback" immunotoxins to treat cells that were pretreated with A chain immunotoxins. Both B chain immunotoxins were nontoxic at 1 X 10(-6) M. When added to target cells pretreated with specific A chain immunotoxins, the IC50 of the A chain immunotoxins was decreased up to 16-fold in the absence of ammonium chloride. In contrast to the results obtained with A chain immunotoxins alone, ammonium chloride significantly increased the toxicity of the complete piggyback system, resulting in the killing of 99.999% or five logs of target cells in the clonal assay. This decreased the IC50 of A chain immunotoxins up to 116-fold when compared with A chain immunotoxin alone. This enhanced toxicity was independent of the valency of either immunotoxin.  相似文献   

The mAb anti-CD5 was linked to purified ricin A chain (RTA) or intact ricin (Rc) containing B chain to determine the role of ricin B chain in the intracellular trafficking of anti-CD5 immunotoxins (IT). IT were radiolabeled with iodine-125 and then studied for their subcellular compartmentalization in an acute lymphoblastic leukemia T cell line, CEM. Ricin A chain IT was not as toxic to CEM cells as Rc-IT in protein synthesis inhibition assays. This difference was not attributed to differential binding or modulation of the CD5 determinant from the cell surface as measured by FACS analysis. However, we found a relationship between the toxicity of anti-CD5-Rc and anti-CD5-RTA and their ability to traffic to CEM lysosomes. Kinetic analysis of the transfer of radioimmunotoxin to the lysosomes showed that anti-CD5-Rc was trafficked significantly more slowly than anti-CD5-RTA, perhaps due to an extended period of time in the Golgi compartment. The possibility of a Golgi interaction was tested by adding monensin, a carboxylic ionophore that interrupts trafficking through the Golgi, to cells treated with anti-CD5-RTA. The addition of monensin caused anti-CD5-RTA to traffic in a manner identical to anti-CD5-Rc. We conclude that 1) B chain slows trafficking of anti-CD5-Rc to the lysosomes; 2) the rate-limiting step in the toxicity difference between anti-CD5-Rc and anti-CD5-RTA is the rate of transfer to the lysosomes; and 3) trafficking through the Golgi may be important for anti-CD5-IT toxicity.  相似文献   

The therapeutic efficacy of whole ricin, or recombinant ricin A chain, coupled to a monoclonal antibody that reacts with the idiotype of the surface IgM expressed on guinea pig L2C lymphoblasts, was assessed. In vitro studies were done to characterize the immunotoxins (IT) and to demonstrate their specificity before use in vivo. The concentration of whole ricin IT (M6-Ricin) that inhibited protein synthesis by 50% (IC50) in L2C cells was 1.4 X 10(-9) M, in a 5-hr assay, in the presence of lactose to block non-antibody-directed toxicity. M6-Ricin did not inhibit protein synthesis in two control guinea pig cell lines that did not express the idiotype, nor did a whole ricin IT prepared with an isotype-matched monoclonal antibody of irrelevant specificity inhibit protein synthesis in L2C cells. Two recombinant ricin A chain IT, which differed from one another by a factor of 2 to 3 in the number of A chains conjugated per antibody molecule, were less effective in vitro than M6-Ricin (IC50 of greater than 5 X 10(-8) M). For in vivo experiments, the IT were given by the i.p. route 24 hr after the i.p. inoculation of 1 X 10(5) L2C cells. The highest doses of M6-Ricin and M6-Ricin A chain IT tested, 30 micrograms/kg and 3000 micrograms/kg, respectively, were within fourfold to fivefold of their maximum tolerated doses; no deaths or ill effects due to ricin toxicity were noted. These doses increased the median survival time of L2C-bearing guinea pigs to 31 to 34 days, compared with 15 days for untreated animals. This magnitude of increase in survival indicates that 99.999% (5 logs) of injected tumor cells were eliminated, thus accounting for the 12% long-term survival rate obtained. Median survival times for guinea pigs treated with 30 micrograms/kg of the A chain IT were 18 and 21 days for the two conjugates tested, and the median survival for guinea pigs treated with 3000 micrograms/kg of unconjugated antibody was 18 days. Our data demonstrate that recombinant A chain IT are active in vivo and that the B chain of ricin can potentiate IT activity in vivo. Although the potency differs by 100-fold, the therapeutic index of the intact ricin IT is similar to that of the ricin A chain IT.  相似文献   

Summary The biological properties of an immunotoxin composed of an anti-CD6 monoclonal antibody conjugated to whole ricin, which had been modified so that the galactose-binding sites of the B chain were blocked (blocked ricin), were examined. Treatment of peripheral blood lymphocytes with anti-CD6-blocked ricin for a 24-h period prevented T cell proliferation induced by phytohemagglutinin in a dose-dependent manner with concentrations causing 50% inhibition (IC50) ranging from 5 pM to 30 pM. In contrast, treatment with either blocked ricin alone or with a control immunotoxin prepared with a B-cell-lineage-restricted monoclonal antibody gave IC50 values of approximately 2 nM. Although shortening the duration of the anti-CD6-blocked ricin treatment to as little as 3 h had little significant effect on the observed inhibition, T cell viability experiments demonstrated that the magnitude of immunotoxin-induced killing after a given time period is significantly higher when the target cells become activated. Thus, from the initial concentration of cells treated with anti-CD6-blocked ricin placed in culture, 40%–45% viable cells remained after 2 days yet only 3%–9% remained if phorbol ester and Ca2+ ionophore were added; activation of T cells after mock treatment using blocked ricin plus nonconjugated anti-CD6 demonstrated that this effect was not the result of activation alone. The toxicity of anti-CD6-blocked ricin was also measured by inhibition of PHA-induced clonogenic growth of normal T cells. Continuous treatment of the cells using anti-CD6-blocked ricin at 0.1 nM resulted in a surviving fraction of about 3.5 × 10–3; when immunotoxin treatment was for 24 h or less, the surviving fraction was only about 10–1. As an indication of the unique specificity of anti-CD6-blocked ricin, immunotoxin pretreatment of potential responder cells prevented the generation of allogeneic cytolytic T lymphocytes in mixed lymphocyte cultures yet had little effect on the generation of interleukin-2-induced lymphokine-activated killer cell activity. We conclude that anti-CD6-blocked ricin demonstrates a cellular specificity and potency that make it a highly promising anti-T cell reagent.  相似文献   

We have recently identified and validated the prostate cancer antigen Tomoregulin as a target for the radioimmunotherapy for prostate cancer. Here, we provide evidence that Tomoregulin is an internalizing antigen and a potential target for immunotoxins. First, the cell surface localization of Tomoregulin was confirmed by flow cytometry, and its expression levels were determined by whole-cell binding assays. Second, laser scanning confocal microscopy revealed Tomoregulin internalization into the cytoplasm on antibody binding at 37 degrees C. The internalized Tomoregulin was found to colocalize with acidic vesicles. Third, internalization kinetics assays using (125)I-labeled anti-Tomoregulin mouse monoclonal antibody 2H8 demonstrated that the amount of internalized antigen-antibody complexes increased with time and reached approximately 25% of the total surface antigen after 60 to 90 minutes. Because 2H8 is capable of binding to Tomoregulin on the cell surface and can be internalized, we finally evaluated 2H8 as a means of targeting toxic payloads to prostate cancer cells. 2H8 was coupled to the cytotoxin saporin through a secondary antibody (Mab-ZAP) in indirect immunotoxin assays. Cell killing occurred on Tomoregulin-positive cells (Clone69) at the immunotoxin concentrations not affecting the Tomoregulin-negative cells (PC-3). In contrast to 2H8, the control antibody (mouse anti-c-Myc antibody 9E10) had no effect on cells in the presence of Mab-ZAP. Thus, Tomoregulin internalization confers selective cytotoxicity of immunotoxins on prostate cancer cells, and Tomoregulin-mediated delivery of immunotoxin has potential as a prostate cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Summary The antitumoral efficacy of various anti-CD5 immunotoxins, prepared with whole monoclonal antibody (mAb), F(ab)2 or Fab fragment linked to native ricin A-chain (RTA) or partially deglycosylated ricin A-chain (dRTA), was examined in vivo in ascitic nude mice bearing a large burden of Ichikawa human tumour cells. We first demonstrated that after systemic administration of IgG-RTA or F(ab)2-dRTA, the cytotoxic activity of immunotoxin molecules specifically bound to tumour cells was preserved. Secondly we showed, by using different immunotoxins with various targeting capacities, that their cytotoxic effect in vivo was related to the number of immunotoxin molecules bound per cell. However, even when antigen saturation was achieved after i.p. injection, the cytotoxic effect did not exceed 53% of the tumour burden. By contrast, when the immunotoxin was administered i.p. or i.v. with the enhancer monensin conjugated to human serum albumin and injected i.p., 90% of the tumour cells were killed. This potentiating effect was demonstrated even when the tumour localisation was as low as 5% of the saturation level. Such an effect could be completely prevented by addition of unconjugated monoclonal antibody, demonstrating the specificity of the immunotoxin-induced cytotoxicity in the presence of the enhancer. However this enhancement was demonstrated whatever the route of immunotoxin administration, i.p. or i.v., but was only observed when the enhancer was injected i.p. and not i.v.. These results emphasize the importance of optimizing the therapeutic course to improve the antitumoral efficacy of immunotoxins.  相似文献   

We describe a method for separating antibody from immunotoxins by affinity chromatography on Cibacron blue F3GA coupled to Sepharose (Blue Sepharose). The antibody did not bind to the gel. The immunotoxins were bound by their ricin A-chain or abrin A-chain moiety and could be recovered in high yield and purity using mild elution conditions. The method is suitable for the large-scale purification of immunotoxins.  相似文献   

The A-chain of a plant toxin ricin has been coupled to poly- and monoclonal antibodies specific to the L-chains of human IgG. The inhibitory effect of the conjugates has been compared with the ability of the antibodies to bind to target cells. Cytotoxicity of the conjugates has been monitored following incorporation of 14C-leucine radioactivity into Burkitt lymphoma cells with surface Ig. The 50% inhibition of protein synthesis is observed 18 h after treatment of cells with immunotoxins, when the concentration of the conjugates with poly- and monoclonal antibodies is 1.2.10(-9) M and 0.7.10(-9) M, respectively. The data take into account that only part of the polyclonal antibodies molecules is able to react with target cells. The control conjugates containing either monoclonal antibodies that do not react with the lymphoma cells surface L-chains or nonimmune serum IgG proved to have no effect on target cells even at the level of 10(-7) M. The immunotoxins with poly- and monoclonal antibodies produce almost the same kinetics of protein synthesis inhibition, when incubated with lymphoma cells for 60 min. However, a 30 min treatment reveals a considerably higher cytotoxicity of the conjugate with monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

A conjugate was developed between ricin A-chain and monoclonal antiallotypic antibody specific for L-chains of the rat Ig. Incubation of spleen cells with the conjugate (10(-7) M) resulted in a strong decrease of 1a-positive B-lymphocyte growth. At the same time spleen cells that lacked this antigen were not affected by immunotoxin (IT). Both the isolated antibodies and ricin A-chain did not inhibit cell growth in the same concentrations. IT injection to 10-day-old heterozygous rats (1a/1b) resulted in a partial suppression of Ig production with 1a-allotype. The conjugate was 4.5 times more effective than the isolated antibodies used to form it. The in vivo and in vitro differences in IT cytotoxicity were probably connected with insufficient efficacy of conjugate targeting in vivo.  相似文献   

The intersubunit disulfide bridge of ricin is essential for cytotoxicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alkylation of the cysteine residues which link the A and B chains of ricin through a disulfide bridge produces a molecule which still binds to HeLa cells and is toxic toward in vitro ribosome-directed translation, but which has little or no cytotoxicity toward cells in culture. This and similar observations on diphtheria toxin implicate the intersubunit disulfide bridge in the transport of the toxic subunits of these toxins into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Identification of the ricin lipase site and implication in cytotoxicity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ricin is a heterodimeric plant toxin and the prototype of type II ribosome-inactivating proteins. Its B-chain is a lectin that enables cell binding. After endocytosis, the A-chain translocates through the membrane of intracellular compartments to reach the cytosol where its N-glycosidase activity inactivates ribosomes, thereby arresting protein synthesis. We here show that ricin possesses a functional lipase active site at the interface between the two subunits. It involves residues from both chains. Mutation to alanine of catalytic serine 221 on the A-chain abolished ricin lipase activity. Moreover, this mutation slowed down the A-chain translocation rate and inhibited toxicity by 35%. Lipase activity is therefore required for efficient ricin A-chain translocation and cytotoxicity. This conclusion was further supported by structural examination of type II ribosome-inactivating proteins that showed that this lipase site is present in toxic (ricin and abrin) but is altered in nontoxic (ebulin 1 and mistletoe lectin I) members of this family.  相似文献   

Cofilin is an actin-binding protein of low molecular weight which is widely distributed in eukaryotes and is deeply involved in the dynamics of actin assembly in the cytoplasm. The actin-binding ability of cofilin is inhibited by inositol phosphates (PIP2), and the PIP2- and actin-binding site(s) has been localized in residues W104 - M115 of the cofilin primary sequence (Yonezawa et al. 1991). In the present study, in order to further clarify the functional domains in cofilin molecule, we constructed expression vectors containing cDNAs of different size with deletion at the 3-region of the open reading frame. The truncated cofilin molecules produced in E. coli were purified and examined for their actin-binding and PIP2-binding ability. We found that the truncated cofilin molecule without C-terminal residues #100-#166 including the previously-described actin-binding site could be cross-linked with actin by EDC, a zero-length cross-linker. In addition, these truncated peptides as well as synthetic peptides corresponding to the N-terminal sequence of cofilin suppressed the inhibitory action of PIP2 on actin-cofilin interaction. These results strongly suggest that additional actin- and PIP2-binding sites exist in the N-terminal region of cofilin.  相似文献   

Immunotoxins--toxins covalently conjugated to specific antibodies--have been studied as possible agents in the treatment of cancer. The avid binding of IgE antibodies to FcR on mast cells and basophils suggested the possible use of an IgE-immunotoxin in the treatment of malignant mastocytosis or as a method to generate mast cell-depleted animals for study. To this end, the effect of a covalent conjugate of rat myeloma IgE and ricin A chain on rat cutaneous mast cells was examined in vivo. IgE-ricin A chain was capable of binding to and sensitizing cutaneous mast cells in vivo as indicated by a bluing response to intracutaneous anti-ricin A chain. IgE-ricin A chain, given either as a single dose or, even more effectively, as two split doses, significantly reduced cutaneous histamine content for 6 to 8 days. Neither a mixture of IgE and ricin A chain that were not conjugated nor the induction of cutaneous mast cell degranulation with anti-IgE affected cutaneous histamine levels. Therefore, IgE-ricin A chain produces a prolonged depletion of cutaneous histamine levels.  相似文献   

Proteins that fail to fold in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or cannot find a pattern for assembly are often disposed of by a process named ER-associated degradation (ERAD), which involves transport of the substrate protein across the ER membrane (dislocation) followed by rapid proteasome-mediated proteolysis. Different ERAD substrates have been shown to be ubiquitinated during or soon after dislocation, and an active ubiquitination machinery has been found to be required for the dislocation of certain defective proteins. We have previously shown that, when expressed in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) protoplasts, the A chain of the heterodimeric toxin ricin is degraded by a pathway that closely resembles ERAD but is characterized by an unusual uncoupling between the dislocation and the degradation steps. Since lysine (Lys) residues are a major target for ubiquitination, we have investigated the effects of changing the Lys content on the retrotranslocation and degradation of ricin A chain in tobacco protoplasts. Here we show that modulating the number of Lys residues does not affect recognition events within the ER lumen nor the transport of the protein from this compartment to the cytosol. Rather, the introduced modifications have a clear impact on the degradation of the dislocated protein. While the substitution of the two Lys residues present in ricin A chain with arginine slowed down degradation, the introduction of four extra lysyl residues had an opposite effect and converted the ricin A chain to a standard ERAD substrate that is disposed via a process in which dislocation and degradation steps are tightly coupled.  相似文献   

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